Local Paragraphs Mtsa Your Paper? If the Capital Journal carrier faili to leave your copy please phone 22406 BEFORE S P. M. and a copy will be delivered to you. Picking Wirt Announced When the active cherry picking season start! about June 10 a Picking wage of 2 4 cents a pound will prevail all over the state, according to an agreement announced Thursday by W. E. Kimsey, state labor commission er. The crop is estimated to be 23 percent above average and 40 percent above last year's erop. Dakc Rite Saturday Funeral services for Mrs. Fenn M. Dake daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Turner, Salem, will be held lr Portland at 10:30 o'clock Satur day morning with burial in Riverview cemetery. She died Portland Thursday. Besideslspeaker for the alumni dinner to her parents and husband, Al fred L. Dake, she is survived by a son, daughter and sister. Lions Will Gather Seven Lions club in this district will be represented at a district zone meeting to be held in Stayton next Tuesday. The meeting is set for 6:30 o'clock. Standard Time, at the Bon Ton. Junior Eckley, West Salem, -is zone chairman. Clubs to be repre sented at West Salem, Salem. Hollywood, Silverton, Aurora, Mill City and Stayton. Geologists at Coast The Geological Society of the Ore gon Country will hold a field trip in the Newport area Sun day and Monday with Parks Snavely, of the U. S. geologi cal survey, leading the group He recently mapped and assisted in the preparation of papers on the geology of the Newport area. The visitors will meet at Weav er's agate shop near Neotsu at 11 o'clock Sunday and then pro ceed to Newport for the two day meeting. Dinner Date Changed Be cause of the illness of Dr. Gates. conference superintendent, the covered dish dinner and quar terly conference scheduled at the Labish Center church this Sunday has been postponed, ac cording to Rev. V. A. Zornes, pastor. Dayton Sets Buckeroo The third annual Buckeroo sponsor ed by the Dayton Pioneers as sociation will be held July 23 and 24 and will feature a rodeo and parade both days. Officers of the association are Les Leath, president; S. J. vice president and H. W. Imlah, Frink, secretary-treasurer. Diplomas Given Class Gra duation exercises were held at the Hayesville school with Rev. C. E. Brickwedel, pastor of the Halburt Memorial Baptist church, speaking and diplomas presented by Everett Brown. The class was one of the small est in recent years. Mrs. C. Cooper played the processional with welcome by, Janice Sid dall; class history by Allen Reit- eenstein; class will by Shirley File; class poem by Ethel Bisbi- cos; class prophecy by Betty Za hara; vocal duet, Wilma Karsten and Joanne Zielinski; presenta tion of speaker by Jerry Toresdal and prayer by Joe Benner. Baccalaureate Slated Rev Gilbert Carey, pastor of the Tur ner Christian church, will give the baccalaureate sermon to members of the high school sen lor class at the Assembly of God church Sunday night at 8 o'clock. Rev. Ethel Gutkunst will give the benediction. Tur ner high school is graduating 18 students this spring. Police Picnic An announce ment from Police Chief Clyde A. Warren Friday set Sunday, June 12, as the date for a fam ily picnic for members of the Salem force. The picnic for of ficers, wives and members of their family, will be held at Ol inger park at 14th and A streets trom 6 to 10 p.m. on the June " date. Mr. Chipp Champion Cham pion Willett's Mr. Chips, black American cocker, won the ward of the "best in the show' luring the recent Canadian In ternational Kennel club dog ihow held at Vancouver, B.C jn Queen's day. This makes 'Mr. Chips" a Canadian cham aion as well as in his own right his side of the boarder. Owners re Mr. and Mrs. Harry Willett f Salem. Youngster Injured Curiosity lot the best of Eddie Withrow. ige five, when he turned on an lectric mixer Thursday and aught his fingers in the ma chinery, damaging three of the ligits. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Vic Withrow, 4090 Beck ivenue. BORN The Capital Journal Wrlrnmes thr F"H"wtng Nw nttrfnv KOOK Tn Mr. and Mn Krivmnnri too. 3630 c.nl.r, .1 the Sal.in Otntril itopltil. bor. May 17. MASON To Mr. and Mr Dar'l Ma. inn. 3330 Map!., at lti Salem Otneri: loaplltl, o bor. Mar 37. abcy To Mr, and Mr Clorea Ao.r. (arton, at th. Saltta O.iwrai boapitol, I bor. Mar il. njCHS To Mr aUrts, at th. i and Mra .tarob Fitrha al.m O.nara r)oapl'L I bor Mar 17. 9 fairs- -To Mr Ind Mra Clair, r-tr., ' Mn'm ar 1 Hi o-A. a tn. Sal.ts on iral aoapitftl, or. Mar at. Dak Rites Saturday Funer al services are to be held in Portland Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock at the Miller and Tacey Funeral home for Mrs. A L. Dake, former Salem resident who died at a Portland hospital Thursday following a short ill ness. Mrs. Dake, who had been a Salem resident all her life un til moving to Portland 10 years ago, is survived by her husband Alfred Dake, a daughter, Ruth Dake, and a son, Glen Dake, all; of Portland. Baccalaureate Sermon Rev. Charles B. Harrison, a Willam ette university graduate, and now a re s i d e n t of Columbus, Ohio, will preach the baccalau reate sermon for members of the graduating class of the uni versity, Sunday, June 5 at 3 p.m. at the First Methodist church. Rev. Harrison will be featured be held at Lausanne hall for members of the graduating class and returning alumni Trip to Coast About 30 girls in the Ann Guthrie chap ter of Tri-Y will go to the coast Saturday for an all-day excur sion at Oceanlake. Mrs. Gus Po lales is chaperon for the group. Bill Kikahiko is to be the water safety guard with the group. Road Worker Hurt H. D. King, Vancouver, was hospital ized here with severe bruises and a cut hand after he fell nearly 40 feet while working on the highway near Detroit. The tumble was caused by a cave in of a bank. It was found that he had escaped serious internal injuries. Leave Salem Memorial Dis missed from the Salem Memor ial hospital with recently born infants are Mrs. Thad Looney and daughter, Jefferson, Rt 1. Mrs. Cecil Young and daughter, 2395 Cherry; Mrs. Henry Clude Morehead and son, Lafayette, and Mrs. Ray Langford and son. Aurora Rt. 1. SAR Elects Oregonian Wal ler s. Bear o Portland was elected a vice president general of the National society. Sons of the American Revolution, in the national convention at Jackson ville, Fla., last week. John W. Finger of New York City was elected president-general, suc ceeding Judge Ben H. Powell III of Austin, Texas. Club Plans Tour A tour of the immediate vicinity was planned for June 27 when the Middle Grove 4-H Progressive Swine club met this week at the home of Eddie Page. Rebuilt Ford, Chev. & Ply mouth motors. Reasonable prices. Reimann Motor Co., 3250 Portland Rd. Ph. 37110. 126 Joe West at the SALEM SUP PER CLUB wants to be sure that everyone knows that he has a famous, new Italian chef, Nick Marino, from New York. Don't miss his pizza pies, veal scalap pine, and other specialty Italian dishes. 126 Card of Thanks The family of Charles E. Brown deeply appreciate the floral offerings and kindness shown to them by their many friends and neighbors. Mrs. Stanley Klimczak Mr. Charles W. Brown 127 . Best shatterproof auto glass installed. Floor Sanders for rent. R. D. Woodrow's, 450 Center St. 126 . Special on dry plainer ends and block wood. Highway Fuel. 130 Dr. L. B. Warnicker Dentist is now associated with the Dr Painless Parker office. 125 N Liberty St., Salem. Ph. 38825 SPECIAL; We have a good supply of young hen turkeys, 35c lb. C. S. Orwig Co., 4375 Silverton road. Ph. 26128. 127 Closing out bedding plants. Zinnias, asters, salvia, mari golds, petunias, 35c doz. Gerani ums 15c each. A. Plant at Line merry Mkt., 155 N. Com'l. 126 $30 trade-in allowance for your old ice box or refrigerator on a Zenith Deluxe Refrigerator at Wallace Hardware, 2056 N. Capitol, or West Salem Hard ware, 1111 Edgpwater St. 128 . Brownie's open till 1 a m. Sat and Sundava to 8:30 p.m. Capi tol & Market 127 Let us put your house on a good foundation. Special rates for June. We have 26 yrs. exp in building, painting, concrete work. Phone 33292. Free esti mates. 134 Gilmnrr's Upstairs Dress Shop. Suits, coals and dresses. Regular and half sizes. 439 Court St. 126 Rummage Sale Cut flowers: peonies, Fri., Sat. 988 S. Liber ty. First Cong, project group 127 Phone 22406 before 6 p.m. It you miss your Capital Journal. Federally Insured Savings Current dividend 14 Sre FIRST Federal Savings FIRST 142 S. Liberty. PL 1-4944. Lf. Col. Knapp Here lor Visit On duty in the Pacific with the army for the past 28 months, Lt. Col. Ernest C. Knapp, with his wife and daughter, Carol, last week returned to Salem for a short stay before leaving for his new post of duty with the harbor defense at Boston, with his station Fort Banks, Mass. The colonel, who has been the headquarters of Marianas- Bonins command during the time that he was in the Pacific, was stationed in Manila, the Philippines and Guam. He left Manila for Guam July 1, 1947. On the return trip to the states, which took them to Manila, Oki nawa and finally Yokohama, he again got to see Manila. That city, the colonel noted had made a definite change since he left there and had been built up considerably. In Yokohama the Knapps had about a week's stop, changing ships there. Dur ing that time they had an oppor tunity to visit that part of Ja pan. The ship bringing the trio back to the United States dock ed in San Francisco. Formerly connected with the Oregon state printing depart ment here, Col. Knapp left Sa lem in September, 1940, with the Oregon National Guard as a member of the 249th coast artil lery when it was called to fed eral service. He now is with the regular army. The Knapps, now staying at their home on the Wallace road where they have an orchard, plan to leave here for Massachusetts July 10. WU Seniors Give Books to Libraries Willamette university seniors have decided to leave a "living memorial" as their class gift at the conclusion of their four years on the campus. John Christen- sen, project chairman, reports that 1h place will tnnni nil tovt honks that cannot hp nlH In th!" book store because they will not be in use at Willamette next fall. The volumes will be trans ported to San Francisco free of charge by the Bekins' company and from that port will be dis tributed to many parts of the world. The seniors will pay the shipping expenses out of San Francisco. The drive is a part of a plan to restock the libraries of those countries that were overrun dur ing the war years. It is under stood UNESCO is interested in the project. Mrs. Norton Home Mrs. Har old Norton, Rt. 6, Box 342-G and infant daughter have been dismissed from the Salem Gen eral hospital. Eola Acres Florist. Ph. 3-5730. 126 Furniture Refinishing Plant of Lee Bros. Phone No. is now 27001. We repair and remodel. 126 Launderette, 1255 Ferry. 127 All unfinished furniture 20 off (except those run at sale prices). Woodrows, 450 Center. 126 Clearance sale of batteries. Woodrow's. tires and 126 Don't be satisfied with any thing but the best in Venetian blinds. See them at Reinholdt & Lewis or ask their salesman to call and give you free estimates. Ph. 2-3639. 126 Drastically reduced spring coats $8.00. Lullaby Baby Shop. Open evenings. 126 Now is the time. Place your order for the coming season's canned fruits and vegetables. Ph. 38487. Aufranc's Custom Cannery. , 126 Air-steamship tickets, Kugcl 735 North -Capitol. Ph. 3-7694. 126 Men's suits, shoes, Winter, Friday. 141 S. 127 General Yard Work. Ph. 33447 126 Closing out all bedding plants, zinnias, asters, salvia, petunias, marigolds, 35c dozen. Gerani ums 15c each. Tomato plants by hundred or thousand. Arthur Plants Greenhouses, 1298 S 13th. 126 Cut 37124. flowers, peonies. Phone 127 "Top Hatters'' Dance Band. Cottonwoods, Cat. Dance 9 till 1. 127 Road oiling call 24151 or 35769. Tweed ie, 129 Week-end flower specials at Whitlaws. Bedding plans, 35c doz. Geraniums, 15c ea. Open Sundays, 10 to 4. 1635 S. 12th 127 Annual Kenwood Special Blanket Sale. Reg. $16 95 qual ity Blanket $13.95. Eight colors including white. Individually boxed. Sale enda Saturday, June 4 Delivery NOW, or on Lay Away Plan Oct. 1. Phone or mail orders will hold selection Better Bedding Store, 512 State St., Salem, Ore. Phone 3-4412. 127 Injured savings earn more than two percent at Salem Fed eral Savings Association, 660 Stat street. Eugene Blaze (Continued from Page 1 Power lines in the area were burned out and service was In terrupted briefly before the cur rent was re-routed. Southern Pacific's Cascade and Beaver trains moved by on slow bell. Entire Plant Leveled Official loss estimate will await arrival of company offi cials from Longview today, but $250,000 is regarded by lum bermen as a conservative figure. Fire Chief Ed Surfas said while his men were still battling the flames that it appeared to be a $500,000 loss. About the only thing not level ed was a wholesale office which had been insulated with glass fiber. At one time it was feared the fire would spread to other installations in the district but firemen played water on the ad jacent Twin Oaks Lumber yard and other buildings, putting out embers as rapidly as they fell. N G Opens Bids on Corvallis Project Bids on building additions to Oregon National Guard motor vehicles sheds and rifle ranges at Corvallis and Ontario were opened Friday with Ward and Green of Portland low bidder on both projects. Bid on the Corvallis job was $35,321 and on the Ontario ad dition, $43,567. Both of these additions are to be built by the state, the motor vehicle sheds and rifle ranges are to be con structed with federal funds. In Portland Friday Col. Wil liam H. Adams, U.S. property and dispersing officer said that bids for the construction of a vehicle shed and rifle range ad ditions to the LaGrande armo ry will be made next week. These bids were accepted in eight categories and there will be low bidders in each. STOCKS Amorleta Otu ....... Am Pow I Am Til rtl Anfteond ...... Bendia AtUMod Bath tctl Bwlni Airr!tn ..... MT4 , 7d . 32 114 Ctllf Ptcklni Can Mil in Paelflt Cm 3 I Catarpilar Ohryslsr ...... Com with jj Sou Com Yulte Oontlntntal Cm Crown nrbaeb ... Ourtlw Wrlrnt Doutlu Aircraft Dupont d Nfm Otneral Ereom Otnaral (ouda antral Uotora Ooodynar Tir Int H&rveaUr Int Paper K an incut t Uftbr MrN A I Lorn Ball A" Hontfomerr Ward Nuh Kelvlnator Nat Dairy fTT Cantral Nrthra Paelfl pm Am run Pa Oaa 11m Pm ti ri Naur J O ft4l Corp Harilr taraalar Pfd era ai 4 Itatalf ftUteflald tela war StorM aatra Roattuek aw m-b Pacin H r Oil CJ tHtt4lN 0r t mi Mlnlaa Tra awari Vaaaa OU 01 SiM PMifla VbM4 urtaas . 10 , 43 . as1. n , ' , CI 'a . 19 COURT NEWS Circuit Court .Joyce nowiiuii for divorca ohartini crual and Inhuman children, into pr itionin aupi. and amlement of property ruhU. Moll If A. Hunt and Robert MuUlctn JO Unie for defendant to flla appeal. Jennit Deh'it va Jamt Tount: Wain tiff Mia reply ol denial. ni...a t.... r nn ir f)hlr ml- lar and othan; Suit to quiet tltl. PROBATE COURT nfi- 7.i mm (arm an Mttatc: Final account hearing et for Julr 2. Carrie I. Pusher utat. Lata. a appraUed at 18,191. I-awrenca Kewl Minn l Keaael Plaintiff ate decree of annulmant of marrlaae, and that defendant former name- of Minnie coiiina oe rrn-nrro. Married October 7, 1941, at Vancouver, W a hln i ton. Henry O. Shield va Volene fthieldi.: Or or that time for Mini tranier.pt of evidence be extended to S m . June 30, 1849. O. W. Emmorm and C. 8. Km morn withdraw at attorney for defendant, Leonard and Ruth Orton va Victor and Clxabeth Knuth: Reply denlej truwer. rimer J. and Euaenle C. Fery y Gard ner Bennett and Willamette Valley Water romnin Order dUm'-aee ra wit prej udice and without coaU to any party. Chart R M:!m and othera .tihn C Veatch and other. Demurrer t com plaint. C S Hunt v Jo OU I: Mottei to atrikt complaint. W. I and Lnra K Orar t P. C. and Mart a rat X. McKenney; Demurrer to com pi a int. Probata Court John Raymond Colian aJtate- Order ap point Winifred Colian admlniA'ratrti; Carl Staatj, Charlej Hoyt and Leonard Rowan appointed appraiser. District Court Drunk dnvlnt: MMn L Clodftlter, Alhanr. fo'ind guilty bv Miry trial, en tenet to be rendered Monday. Folic Court Disorderly eond'icl : Floyd Cromwell, trnaslent, fined IIS, held, SeckleM driving Davtd L BeM'ia, M Beech, poated 171 bail, plead Inno cent. Morriag Lictnits Jonn R JnmniJ. 11. itlMmin, M Anael. and Elaine It eVharu, 3fl, of fice worker, 417 N. Collate. Donald W. Sandaii, 34. brlek lee. St. fsrju Maaaum and Mint ! Sprang ar. 33, Meratarr. Hi. ff. Sot 14. Exhibits Open At Parrish Jr. Interested public and parents are invited to view the large dis play of student projects in the Parrish junior high school gym nasium Friday evening. The ex hibition is calculated to show the effective -efforts of Parrish students in art, home economics' and shop work. From the art department un der the guidance of Miss Leona Golz and Robert Voigt, the craft displays will show wood carv ing, metal tooling, linoleum block prints, clay work, textile decorations and papier mache. Under graphic arts, water col ors, temnprn and rharrnal will he disnlnveH ' Home economics project of the 7th and 8th grades will show aprons, tea towels, waste bas kets, lamp shades, shoe bags, wool skirts made from men's slacks and other articles, all made by pupils of Mrs. Jensen and Mrs. Burch. Mrs. White's ninth grade classes will show dresses. Among the shop display of Roy I. Foster and his seventh graders will be cutting boards. knife holders, tie racks, serving trays, towel racks, shelves and lamps. From the 7th and 8th grade shops of Ralph DaMelz, mecha nical drawings, sheet metal pro jects, sterling silver rings, set with polished agates, copper trays will be seen. Leather belts and key cases will demonstrate student tooling. Permit Granted 'Continued from Pat?e V East proposes to operate his main line between Salem. Dallas and Tillamook county points through Valley Junction, and to operate a stub service between McMinnville and Valley Junc tion. The findings of the PUC state that the East application was supported by Pacific Greyhound lines for the reason that it was the opinion of Greyhound that this extension would assist in the development of business in con nection with its present service. Oregon Motor Stages did not op pose it. Concerning the question of conflict between the East and the Pacific Coast Lines, operat ed by John Ratzlaff, the order says: 1 'Pacific Coast Lines opposed the granting of the East applica tion upon the grounds that there is not sufficient traffic to war rant the operation of two serv ices between Salem and Valley Junction, in other words, Pacific Coast Lines direct service as compared to the East proposal between Salem, Valley Junction, and Pacific Greyhound beyond to Lincoln county beach points ''It is well established that the traveling public will use a di rect through service by one car rier in preference to a combi nation of services involving a change of vehicles. The com missioner is of the opinion and finds that the service proposed by Roy M. East will not adverse ly affect the service authorized under PUC Order No. 22001 of Pacific Coast Lines. . . As in the case of Pacific Coast Lines the order does not permit East to carry passengers between Salem and Dallas, or between either of those places and points between. This is because it would conflict with Oregon Motor Stag es operations. The order permits the carrying of baggage, x press, mail and newspaper as well as passengers. Under East's proposed sched ule his arriving and leaving time at various places will be: Leave Tillamook, 8 a.m. Ar rive Valley Junction, 10:20 a.m. Leave Valley Junction, 10:25 a. m. Arrive Salem, 11:30 a.m. Leave Tillamook, 6:30 p.m. Arrive Valley Junction, 8:30 p. m. Leave Valley Junction, 8:42 p.m. Arrive Salem, 0:47 p.m. Leave Salem, 9 a.m. Arrive Valley Junction, 10:05 a.m. Leave Valley Junction, 10:15 a. m. Arrive Tillamook, 11:55 a.m. Leave Salem, 7:30 p.m. Ar rive Valley Junction, 8:35 p.m. Leave Valley Junction, 8:50 p.m. Arrive Tillamook, 10:50 p.m. Milton Publisher Gets New State Job Charles D. Wheeler, publisher, of the weekly Eagle at Milton. j was appointed today to investi gate automobile dealers. The appointment to the new job was made by Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry. Wheeler will police sellers of new and used cars, making sure they are licensed and that they conform with the law. Why Suffer Any Longer Then o Hera fail ant eif Chinese retried) A ma Una tuceese for 6000 rear n China No matter ih :-, ellmentj you are af flic ted disorder 'intuitu heart lunge, liver, kidneya cm. iftfutlpatlon. ulcers dlah'lea rueumatum gall and bladder, fevtr taio. i-maie com pi at Die. CHARLIE CHAN CHTNFSr RriR CO. Offlae Reora to t Taea. a 41 Hal. Only t4 N Cm Me ratal Ptiano Wm MI.KM. nKK. Toastmistress Meet With Toastmasters Salem Toastmistress, with Miss Amanda Anderson presid ing, held a Joint meeting with Salem Toastmnsters at Nohl gren's last night. Mrs. Roy Lockenour acted as toastmistress for the evening. Frd Pickard was in charge of table topics. Those participating were; Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Arens. Dr. Henry Morris. Miss Loraine Mousey, Mr. Frederick. George Moorehead, Ralph Nohlgrrn.j Miss Marguerite Gleeson, Mrs. George Beane and Miss Mabel Hayles. Of the main speakers for the evening. Mrs. Mary Roley won the "oscar" for her speech on socialized medicine and govern ment control. Fdward Boies won "oscars companion" for the best toastmaster speech with his "Helpful Hints." Other speakers were: Joseph A. H. Dodd on "Too Little Too Late" and Mrs. Helen Simpson, who explained what to do about earthquakes. Ted McCuen was general appraiser for the eve ning. Salem Markets Completed from re porta t alrm deal era rar Ilia fvldanre t I apltal Inurnil Remtera. tHfyUett dally). Keiall Peed Prleea Ric Maih U.I.V Rabbit Pellet U 33 Dlry Feed 14 00 reultrrt b-ivine nrices Orade A eolor M hrn 30c: trade A Leu horn hens. 3 cent Orade A colored fryers, three pound., and up, 30c. Grade A old router 1ft -enW tre Riiyln PHrei Fxtra la rare AA. 40c. arte AA 4Bc; large A, flc: medium AA. br: medium A. 43-44c; pulleta, 38-30c. Whaleaala Prleea Eei wholesale prlcei I ta 1 cent above the prlcrjt above Grade A generally quoted at 53c; mi- d,,im. 4se. vtlaefal Premium, Me, No. L llei No. 2. 9e tbuymtr price. Ratter Wboleale irade A, Me; re call lie. aleai llyeitoet Harhet IBy Valley Packlna Cnmnanvt Sprint lambK. top $25 00 to $37.00 oneprea IMiDI, top 118.00 to 120.00 "earunis. tuni 114.00 to 11 00 Ewe 12.00 to 18.00 Cutter eowfl S10.00 to 114 00 rat dairy cowa $14 00 to HB.oo fiullji ... iirion tn t;i nn CalTea cnod 1100-450 lbs.) $20 00 to $32 00 ;ai II30-3DO loa. tood -.123 00 to 135 00 fota price paid within He of Port and prices tor each type. Top. 170-339 iba MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Friday. May 27 orRanized Seabee unit at Salem Naval and Marine Coras Reserve Training center. Monday, May .10 Four hundred ninth emarterma- ters and 3G9th engineers regular meeting cancelled Decause ol Me morial day. National Guard unit reaulflr drill cancelled for this date and unit participating in morning pa rade. Meeting of Oraanlwd Marine Corps Reserve unit postponed until mgm oi weanesaay. June l. On Alaska Cruise Arthur W. Amstutz. MEW 3 TJ. 8 Naval Reserves, and a member of ine feftlem Sea bee unit b to be one of those men taking the cruise to ihe top or the world this summer. Th cruiser "Operation Barex" i the annual resupply expedition to roim Borrow. Alaska, with 11 naval vessel DarticiDaUne. The ships will go through the ice-choked Arctic sea to supply naval and civilian Installation at the far north outpost. Flag ship of the group Is the USS George Clymer (APA-27) and commander of the expedition Is Capt. R. M. ScroKgiiwJ Amstutz. who will be gone SO , days la to report to Seattle prior to June 1 and Is to be in Ran Diego to board his ship bv June 6. The ship's will leave Seattle, their last slop In the states, soon after July 4 Their exact date ol departure depends on the Ice con ditions in the Bering sea and Arc tic ocean. They are slated to re turn the later part of August. Enlit Seven Men Seven men from the Snlem vicin ity were recently enlisted in the army or the air force through the local recruiting office. All of the seven with the exception of Don nid H. Burt, son of Mr. and Mrs M" O Rurf -vf (fie. Mn-.u t-, street were unaligned. Burt en- uniru nn an avimion caoei. KIimiImm tnt- onn..ln. . J..1.. nrnra HirnU rt Cnl.n ann e - and Mrs. James H. So'hn, S10 Lan- ctmier anve: wova J. Nelson, son of Jack J. NeLson. route 6; Bobble L. Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. A Hail, 01 Abrams avenue: and Lam- wrt .j , res Kins, son or Mr. and Mrs Lambert Peskins, Jr. Enlisted in the airborne nnm. signed, was Richard O. Frv. son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Pry fi7.i Piedmont, and signing for air forre duly, unassigned, was Burris w Rose, non of Mr. and Mrs. Burris .m. nose or Nortn iHth street. Southbound? LGo Greyhound Mt Alr-C.WIH... eMCkn SAN FRANCISCO $075 SOUND TIM HT. II LOS ANGELES $1090 SOUND TSir 111.01 Tstr Art M taw.f First I DIPOT 410 N. Ckwak ft. Ptan 1-M2S 1 . t"-:" i 1 Journal Want Ads Pay Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, May 27, 19t9 S i'iSawr" w Married 65 Years Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lengele, 86R South 13th street, were married in Cloverson. Nebraska, In 1884, and will celrbrate their 65th wedding anniversary at home on Saturday, May 28. Mr. LenRele is 92, Mrs. LenRele, near 82. They have lived in Salem almost 60 years and are the parents of 1 1 children. Berlin Blockade (Continued from Pae 1 This raised the fear of a re-j vival of the riotous battles which raced between strikers and com munist strikebreakers early in the week, taking two lives. The strikers have not hesitated t o wield clubs, hurl rocks and swing fists in the face of pistol fire from east sector German police. Now the strikers are populating areas where the tracks are ripped up. the switch es are locked and the signals disconnected. An American official said this was a matter for the West Ger man police now. The west sec tor police have taken over, on the orders of the allied com mandants, after sending away the Russian-controlled east Ger man police who had guarded the stations and installations. Tech nically, under four-power agree ment, the Russians control rail installations in all Berlin. If any one, allied or German, was making a move to settle the dispute, it was not immediately apparent. Oregon City Visitor Mrs, Myrtle Taylor Patterson, of Sa lem, is visiting in Oregon Cily at the home of a sister, Mrs. Nettie Walsh. Her son, Dr. O. A. Welsh and Mrs. Welsh, of Med ford, will also be visitors. Mrs. Patterson formerly taught in the Oregon City schools. ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE FREE- WESTINGHOUSE (Made hT rrre Klrrlrifird by Westinghouse with Built-in ewing lamp, automatic check spring control, lock proof "floating gib hook," plastic spiral gears. Instant con trol for backward or forward sewing. As Little as $143.50 5.42 Per Mo. Yeater Appliance Co. 255 N. Liberty FREE ESTIMATES RE-ROOFING! Now is tht tint to have an expert give you an es timate on rep'ocing that wornout, leaking roof. Don't moke the mistake your neighbor did and wait for the Fall rains to cause needless damage. NOTHING DOWN Up to Three Years to Pay Plus a 10 Year Guarantee YOUR JOHNS-MANS VILLE DEALER Mathis Bros. 164 SOUTH COMMERCIAL IE mm '1 Memorial Slated For Jason Lee Memorial services at Jason Lee cemetery will be held at 2:30 Sunday afternoon under the auspices of the Sons of Vet erans of the Civil war. Glenn Wade will give the address. Prayer will be offered by Rev.' G. Wesley Turner, pastor of Leslie Memorial Methodist church. Patriotic organizations are asked to bring flowers with which to decorate the graves. LEGAL NOTICE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL ELECTION' Notice Is hereby given that in election will be held In School District No. 3C-I. of Marlon County, State of Orrtcon. on Monday. June 20, 1949. from 2:00 o'- lock P.M. lo 7:W o'clock P.M. t the fol low. nc pollim place: , North Silem Precinct; School AdmlnU- tration Office. 4(10 North Huh Street. South Salem Precinct: Lm11 Junior Hlih School. South Collate & Howard. Streeli. KaM Salem Precinct: O St K Lumber . Company Office. Center Lancaster StreetJi. Wert Salem Precinct: Center School, Builldtni. Wert Salem, in said school dial net. for the pur www of submitting to the Wal voter of eaid dwu 5rtct the question of the consolidation nf School Districts No. 34CJ (Salem t, Marlon and Pol It Counties, Oregon, and No, 4 (Eola, Polk County. Oreaon. Daied at Salem, Oregon, thU 35th dar, of May, 1949. DONALD A YOUNO Chairman. Board of Director, I Attest: O. C. WARD, District Clerk May 37, June 3, 10 139 ACCEPf IESS7 - Ph.3-4311 ON PHONE 3-4642 t