Queen Crowning Opens Festival Lebanon The 37th straw berry festival, June 3-4, opens with the coronation of Queen Charlotte Pease at an out-door ceremony on the high school campus. Accompanied by her six princesses. Queen Charlotte will receive the crown from Mayor Gorge W. Peavy of Corvallis Coronation time is set for 10 a.m. The grand parade will follow at 11 o'clock and at noon tne queen and her court will cut the world's largest shortcake on Main street. Preparation Is being made to serve 15.000 visitors. Lebanon's high school band will open the afternoon pro gram and at 2:15 Governor Mc Kay will be .escorted to the pro gram platform. He will be in troduced by Rep. Warren Gill. Barbership quartets will be a feature of the afternoon. A massed band concert will be heard In the evening at New port field. Boxing bouts on the Main street platform will also be seen Friday evening. The children's parade will be seen at 10:30 Saturday formng Occupying the program during the afternoon will be the Young Oregonian's vaudeville troop from Portland, the Hoosier Hot Shots from Indiana, and the Ok lahoma Night Riders. Evening events . include i horse show, folk dancing in the street, fireworks and athletic events. Berry exhibits, a flower show, industrial and big equipment ex hibits will be seen both days, with Browning Brothers Carni val of Salem adding to the fes tive spirit. Top attraction of the period will be three days of horse rac ing at Lebanon Meadows, open ing on June 2. Eight races each day are scheduled with quarter horses and throughbreds rac ing each afternoon. . ,.,.... ,vfV I Stayton to Go On Fast Time Flax Festival Adds Industrial Display Ifnr the Timber Carnival talent money which will total almost i show, July 3 and 4, are released I by members of the talent show committee. . Chairman Joe Hrdina reportedjtn' inn Mt. Angel An Industrial dis-,that those wishing to enter theirs . play covering a full city block'amateur acts in the show should al,'lu"' - rnnitinfl of new aUtomODlies. Will i ;i $200," the chairman said. The two-day show is sched uled tentatively to be held county court Capital Journal. Salem, Oiecon. Friday, May 27, 1949 3 Beginning Monday of this ter Smith, quality control man week the cannery began process-fat the cannery. The berries are house bemc- freezing them in re-jof good size and quality this I tail size packages. Although not year. Smith said. I operating at full capacity yet, it c. . f . was oeueved tne plant would be l ne Argentine government prayron V0-Operonve hy ,np Ias, 0f the week or thciwill operate wine-bottling ...;n A nn 4avlioht Mvinff time'1-"1'3 . nil oui me DianKS ina mail ori ' . , . . Sunday May 29 at 3nighi,l'arm machinery ind 0,her equ'P',l'i-liver it to him at 228 West ReCdveS Strawberries first of next, according to Wal-1 plants. i, ,f.,.inn hH ri?ned!m:,u' uc "'iThird street. The deadline lor since Portland Salem and other ithe flax Witival here July 29 to a plication,, he continued. ciUe, Jton th. fJSm..th.t '""Thoe ,to June 10' Stayton's city council found it :meM'' , f i r "Anv amaleur with talent of should conform in order to keep f.ac" 01 ,n ""'.J:""".-J: high entertainment value is elisi- in step, according to Mayor Cliff w' feive a olatlw"" """"! ble to compete for the priz. snip. Ail OIUll RUl "' costumes used during the festi val will be provided by the com mittee. H. L. Brendon, chairman of the festival committee, is now receiving enteries for the con test. Gene Barrett is manager of the festival this year. Snappy Skater Ronald Given, is, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Given of Tur ner, won a trip to Los Ange les, the Oregon junior men's speed championship and a tro phy in addition to a plane trip to Washington, D. C, in com petition with 150 others at a state roller skating speed eon test in Portland. He will make the trip east to compete in the national speed contest. When Portland went on day liffht cavtnff time, the Stavton! council held a daucus May 12. and decided to stay on standard time in line with state and coun ty offices. Commuters who take the bus to Salem each day were especially handicapped. It is un derstood the Hamman bus lines are planning to change over to daylight time, also. Sublimity will also abandon standard time for the summer, r T; I !., .1 rur imiuei umiivai Amateurs Are Wanted i ... Stayton. May 27 The first strawberries were brought into the Stayton Canning company. Cooperative, by J. Gilmnre of Jefferson, who brought in 40 crates. according to E. A. Ditter, and : is understood Mill City has de-i cided on the step. Albany Application blanks Auto or Personal CASH LOANS $100to$1000so.. C OA1A1E RC LAL CREDIT FLAJtV pINCONPORATKn Salem Asencjr: 4M N. Church St. Tel. S416S I hi T-Sir'-l I !00 iTl NEW ROTOTILLERS SPECIAL WHILE THEY LAST M48 SPECIAL TERMS IF WANTED TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 355 North Liberty Phone 2-4173 Strowberry Harvest Starts Full Blast Unionvale Strawberry pick ing in 80 acres of Marshalls at the U. S. Alderman farm in the Unionvale district started with a full crew. The Alderman processing plant in Unionvale started the season's run with 21 tons from the North Plains district near Hillsboro. The cafeteria at the farm is again operating for the benefit of laborers with Mrs. John Todd manager. IfAMTHORIZiO t?7 nriLfB -21 B I lOUTDOORJIj mvi) shops DOWNSTAIRS 145 No. Liberty IMAGINE! A SAVING OF $110 ON THIS MAONIHCINT TV&stinghouse IAf 0-PHONOR APH LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE SALt-PRKED AT ONLY 0 m XjfffiZ WMTINOHOUSI 1S6 Concert hall Derformanre in tnaare riere of cabinet craft mtn ship. Hepplewhiteinipired how front cabinet in beautifully-patterned mahogany veneera. Feature the Flectronic Feather, conventional and LONG-PLAY record player . . . exclusive Vctinfrhouia PlentiPower, Rainbow Tone FM and ttandard AM banda 1 1 . 6 electric push button! i dual tone con trot $4?oo9S Ioy Terms damWW ASK FOR A Df MONSTR ATION TODAY I, I 1-1 Sm. a a mw designed for sun, sea and shenanigans Iff north liberty for (frown-apt a. Jantzen "Coquette" swim suit makes a veritable ' mermaid of you. Two-way stretch lastex bra and trunks give firm support. Foyal, red. lemon, sires 32-38. . 8.95 b. Denim with fresh airs in a set that includes shorts, pedal pushers, plunging halter and midriff jacket, siies 10 to 18. All four pieces for the low, low price of 4.89 Sportswear, main Hoof t. Look cool as a pool in a casual dress of rayon sharkskin, guaranteed washable. Action back, button front, self belt; blue, aqua, pink, white, lilac, yellow. Sires 12 to 20; and B-tween sires 12-22. ..95 Fashion, second floor Sheer scarf for head or neck: brown, red, yellow, blue, green; with polka dots. eeesson'est main floor Follow the footprints to Roberts for sun-fun fashions making the biggest splash this season. We show here only the bare beginnings of a wide assortment designed for sea and shore. Swim and sun suits with lots of vitamin "D" exposure, erisp dresses that take Summer the cool and easy way! Roberts' minnow-size prices are sure to make the who!. Summer a lot more fun for everybody . . . especially papa. EaSfSi for rhlldrm t. Boys' sun suit has suspender seersucker shorts in red, green, blue stripes. White cotton shirts have collars and pockets pined with matching trim. Sires 1-3; 3-n. Two-piece sun dresses in grown-up design have full skirt with matching bra. Pastel colors with checked designs. 7-12. 2.98 Girls' sun suits in suspender style that ties in front Pique, broadcloth in delectable pastels plain or with print design. Some with braid or eyelet trim. Sims 1-3. 7-12. Prices 1.98,d '2.98 Children l, second Hoot v