16 Capital Jiitbh!. Salem, CIJtaSlrlLD ADVERTISING! . Per Lint - .15 Per Uni I I me 40c Per Lin time COe ' per Lin I month 13 00 " Outside of Salem Iftg per Un pet day ' at in toe; lime mm 86 " iimn mm H 30 No Refund READERS lo Local New Col Onlvt Per tin - . 0 To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES Rf!W. New modern 3 bdtm. home South fut. Close to school. Bis at door. Im- "mediate pouess.on. 11000 doan. Bal nce HA. Call Stanley Bron mlt JSTATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS -"151 8. Hint) St. - Phone 3-4131. 137- ToilNTRY LIVING In town. 1 BR Insulated horn, fireplace. Le. ioi. uaruen 'Fruit and nut trees, grapes. 1 dozen ' laying hen. 16.000. 170 West Bush 81 Ph. 2-6924 131 4M0t"Arr with clean 3-bdrm. home --close In All on one floor. Lota ol fruit. a- -Garden, etc. Csli Stanley Broan with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 142 8. Huh St. aKE BEST Oiler over 12495 ior equity In 944 q. It. of nearly new z-oorm. ti.se. hal FKA 3350 Winol Av.. off Salen Hghts. Ave. al27 SPECIAL PRICE THIS WliK: New 4 BR on 1 floor. Fireplace, iwwa. noor. util ity. Youngslown kitchen. 14)0 iq. ft. ' Attached garage. Lawn A garden In. 11 IS Jrlden St. 1 blk. East ol Lansing. Off fiunnvvirw. New School close, Itv "-bus 1 blk. Owner 35 Lansing Ave. am &V OWNER: Make me an offer for ,l'b yr. old FHA. appraised 1 bdrm. .. Jiome. 1374 3rd Bt., west aicm. aisi 8tV!l. Clean plastered 3-bdrm. home bp prox. 1 yra. old. North. 11 70x150 --Paved street, full trees, lawn, flowen - -and garden. Call Stanley Brown with "STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 148 fl High St. Ph. 1-4131. Eves. 2-5561 a!27 ONE BOKM. HOME, pleasant hi lb Ida lo cation. 4 fruit ire, furnished, bus at "door. 13900. 670 Ratrllff Dr. al27 ENOLEWOOD ADDITION J bedroom, living- room, dining; room, . .kitchen, basement, fireplace, no wo. .floors, aawdust furnace, garage. 111. JOfi . McKillop Real Estate Center and With Sta, Phone 3-BH2Q Evening 37162-27541 -.14917 a 126" -BLOCKS from rlty renter, beat resi dential section. 2 bdrm. pin lane fin ished attic l'j bath. 89500. iu b liberty. I26 WEST YaLEM . Vtre 2-bedroom home, done to atorei and raiinery, 11 mm down will handle. McKillop Real Estate Center and Hlrh 8ta. . ,( Phone 3-8620 Evening 37183-2754 1-39(7 a 126 ferna. New unfinished hou.se East. At tached taraRe. Iot 100x180. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS , E NO LE WOOD ADDITION J bedroom, living room, dining room, large kitchen, fireplace, hardwood floor i, " auto, oil furnace. UnflnlMied upoiairs. McKillop Real Estate : Crntrr and Hitrh Sti, 11 Phone 3-R62A Evening ;m63-2154M4.H a126 IR400. New modern 3-bdrm. home South , Oil furnwre. I. urge lot. S1900 down. Bal , . ante FllA Innn. Call Stnlev Brown lth STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS m 8. High St. Ph. 1-4131, Ivea. -S"Sl a 127 FOR SALE OR TRA HE : I bedroom PlaJtt red home (or miburban 1-bedroom home or will accept reasonable of fr. 1030 Wilber. allfl OPEN HOUSE Bvenlnga 4 to I till "Old b owner. New P H A. built 2 brii m. ranch Ivpe home. With all tha finest feature; like hatd .jt'nod floor, (treplnre, picture windu, etc., pliu the finr.t rnnjl rucl Ion. Buy thla now for about 13000 below today' -market price. Come aouth on 99E to the ., K Cafe, turn riaht up Ewald av to lat . aireel left. tWelty Af to eeond , houae on rltht. a128 BUBUHBAN I3TO0 DOWN 'Modern. 7 bedrooms. Ihmg room, kit chen, nook, garage. Nlre location, rloae ' to arhool. One-half acre. Drilled well. McKillop Real Estate Center and Htsh Sti. Phone 3-B6:'n Evening :I7162-37MI-I4m? al26 tt!Ui. 1-bedriKim home In W. ftalenv Kna basement a-diu-t heat, an ached ga rage. 11000 down. 7.a. New ft-room home on view lot Basement, electric heat, fireplace, liooo down. Call O V Hume w:th STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS TM 8. Huh St. V OWNER S ttdrm . plastered 1-torj whome. paved At. Unlet dIM. Ph. 11541 "13n (MR KAI.E: Half acre with 1-3 rm . wired "for ranee. 1 1 rm A bath all electric 1 block to tan. All for 17.M100. Pnonr ?-RH61. 4H3 Fercreen. Call eve. a!3fi aV OWNER 3 rm. hmw. Cement floor Shower Bull! -in. Attic Utility houe ' acre Pr.ce IJBO0 Rmnll mnridae Immefllitte povtvinn 4 biocka eat of Slate hrnpl'nl .10 Notman Ae 10- 4(W Kelrer Dl.M. 1-rm me on bn. line. Ha bath EVctric aaier hearer, ,lann1ry tra.i, drilled well, eataie. Lot STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS IMS Hlah St - Ph. 1-4131. Kvea. 3-A30f a 1 J t fon RALE: Bi room hou.r. nritly dec orated in.'ltl and out Lane corner lot. Taved ITret and i1ealU. 4 kind fruit tree. See n net at 114 Walnut ftt . Independence Ore a'.JR llT OWNER, nt t. Bl Colleee Hetgrnj. J M rm . '.m Ine rm . rt.n na -tm A? h tchrn noog. Utility Ai gur- ae. wn all CITV-l.nMV- BAHOA1N tient, 3 exua loti lion near arhool McKillop Real Estate Centrr and Huh Bt. I'hnue .l-ati.'O Even ire J71J-i7Jl-34H7 aI3 1 r u y mime 1 n o 1 n 1 i', ria t .Vi REALTORS 111 8 Hiah St . Ph. 3-4121. lies 2Mb a .37 HOLLYWOOD - $ 1 0.500 PR home, full be' "' mer, t doors gout. ' Rank. 1J0 h S met la Vallev TOP BUY - t87.6 - An attrarthe I B R piasteted hn ' Excellent .txsllon Ideal lor cmidien 19 Ideal fair Walter Musgrave, Realtors Phone I-51M till Ediewaier 81 alii Filler Rrmi tli on smiU home Some term. 181ft H. Liberty. g, Oregon, Friday. May 27, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT On.r one like tt. Hardwood fir., lie. ki'rlien and nook, eatra Ue. Itv. rm. and din. rm , firep'.ace, 2 bdrnna . Ue. cloAeu. eitra lie. oath, with lota of built-in. To i home U t yr. old. Be ment aith party rm. and oil furnace. All iiuulaird and eathertrippel. Very nice yard with patio. Attached garage. Will take late model car In trade. Im med. POM. Call 2-3481 0136 SPECIALS SPECIALS t b-grea. taeane witn unflnlahed title. large LR, DR. Modern K. batn. Full baemeni aaadiutt furnace. All nely re-decorated Very good local ion In Hollywood dLstrict. Price It 000. only 10, don. Balance like rent. I adr. borne, I.R. DR. K. bath. Cooking ee. Large corner lot 75x130. Some fruit tree and hade treej, lot of all rub. 3 blka to bu. I blK to grocery atore. Why rent when yon can buy a homt hue thia it make it your own Price l'riO, tiOO down, balance 14150 per monin Including inieret 1 nflnltbeg bo ate, lot 56x150. Good aotl, go(d location. CI we to bua tt atore Price only ttSOO. 1350 down, 130 per month including mt Iering phone: 2-0161, S-IISJ. 3-7723 Geo. V. Hubbs Co. John Zeeb, Manager 1651 N. Capitol Ph. 1-3031 a!37 s'b d7rm7vi EWH OM e KINf;OOD HEK.HTS, large living rm with picture window. Full dining rm Breakfgt nook, 2 ballui. Lane porm overlooking city. 2 car garage. Largr lot. Imm'd. poArlon. WEST SALEM ALL MODERN 3 bd rm. Buna. 34x24 ft Oaraae. framed but not finished C low to achool and bua A good value for Ii500 00 Call Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtor COZY AND CUTE Nice I bdrm home In elty north, 13950 'i ACRE with 1 bdrm. home In Keiier Dim. 16250 i ACRE Modern I bdrm. home, north ....16750 NEW MODERN 1 bdrm. LR. DR. hdwd flra. fireplace 16950 REMEMBER WE ARE OPEN EVENINOS TILL t 30 COLBATH LAND CO. 'Member Multiple Luting Bureau 1683 Center I. Phono 24SS2 a!26 OWNER SAYS We are ready to move get an offer on our house. There U a baMment with furnace, living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen with tile drain, nook, bath, one bedroom on main Iloor: two extra room upstair. Very nice yard with tuh pond and outdoor fireplace: yeathere u a garage. You can make good deal on ihU one ak about It. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N Hlah St. Phone 37660 Eve. Phone 2660S - J459I al3- A REAL VALUE Three cheerful bedroom, large living room with fireplace, full basement, fur nace, elec. water heater, HW floor. A good Hiibstanllallr built pre-war house on 50x204 lot varaiil owner away. See It and make your offer. Norlh Salem. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N High St Phone S7660 Eve Phone 34591 - 3660S a!36' THIS G l7WIFE Would like to Join her husband who 1 bark In the Service must cell her home firm. It l i very attractive ranch type of two bedroom, utility room, tra vs. electric heat, wired for range, electric water heater, hardwood floor, plastered Interior, paved atreet, sidewalk. The lot t 60xl. so. Leslie district. 4. loan of I7S00 may be assumed Total price I98.i0. Will lane good car tor part of equity. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 H. High St. Phone 37660 Eve. ptione 34591 38605 a 126 BY OWNER: View home. Candalarla Hgt. New 2 HH, Ige. LR. DK, Kllrh. nook Dhle. gar., auto, oil turn.. Ue. lot. 345 Alice Ave. Out 8. Coni'U turn Weal at Dairy Queen. Ph. 3-4401 . a 1 27 Sacrificing for Quick Sale1 Brand new 3 bdrm. home, in Holly wood Dlftt. Owner ft builder ha Just reduced price over 6800. Now selling be low appraised value. Thla la a quatliy constructed home The la I est modern' feature. Only 1 1100 down pavment re qulrert for PHA loan on thla outhiand tng offering. Don't delay. Pb. 26474 or 27743 (or appointment. a 137 OWNER'S-Rl Dl'( TION 3 SV home, l.atae LR. DR., hardwood floor, kit. full bath. elec. heal. ven. blinds in LR A P R. In , and weather stripped Full cement bttsement, attached aaraae 1 yr old. F H A. appraUed. Just refln tehed 1nlde. Close In. Priced for quick sale. IR9.S0. Phone 3-7400. all" BY OWNER, turn, or unfiirn. mod. 4 B R. hse . fine Inc., corner lot . dhle. plumb., 1 blk lo aroc. to Cft . 1 blk. to grade, 3 to Jr HI ft to Ben. HI Sell Bua I blk Ph. 20467. alio Leo N. Childs, Inc. Realtors NUT t BIIIRM. HOME. Large rooms C!ve to biu Price 1600. DON'T MIH Till.. 2 bedrm home on B Hull SI 6 rins and break last nook Fireplace; full eemenl baoement ; aulo nil furnace, lame closet. Trees and shrubs. Desirable district. Close to sclinnl and bin price I13,D0 I .'.'ft At 'REM. Borne (nut and nuts. On Croioin crerk. Price J'OOO ( ACREM. 4 bedrm lioue. Bam chick en hoiiAe. lot (ru;l. Year around creek Clne in Pnre HOfloo i:so down LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 Stale St a 1 1t' HRIND NEW l.tMing. Well built 3 BR limiie nn unlinlAhed upstair, f.re p.ace. liardwiHtd Coors. lull basement Hu1iiM heal Cluve ;n aojlti Onlv Cioodwin i(- McMillin REALTOR Ph 3-4707 484 Court Eve J-JJ8.I - 2-477) alJl KINGWOOD HEUUITS 111 000 -Ue. Liv Rm Din Rm . 1 bdrm and den. basement, oil furnace, hwd. fir V bi nds. FAIR MOUNT HILL I'.i C0- Lnvelv new 1 bri rm A den or 1 bd rm lee 1 v rm d n room Flench door to paiio fireplace, hwd flr rteo heal. Call Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Bea'.lor 4I Chemeketa St Ph. 39371 Eve. 3 ana FOR A few dava onh mi bed-r modern home Patement laan shrub, siore b 1 school church Whal else do you ant, 18750 00 1HS N 17th 81 alJ7 FOR SIE BY OWMR 7 rm 7 house MT Court Ph. 1-61AJ all! RY OHNFR 6 rm mod. 1-RR rue ioo liooo don. 165 per mo Oien !ue S:mda from 1 to 1 P an. 1165 N 4th St Owner a: 40 N 3li alJl 7100 SPFCIAt, 1 BR new home. . A lor, on t.ving sion Aie. IVep Well Oood soil lnl , elect hi. Bend ix owner will cons, of fer for onii k deal. Ph 366P0 ED LL'KINRp' Al REAL KB I ATE 440 N t!h St alll BY OWMR On H ghwav 101 One large 1 btlim hou.e 1 3-btitm rottaars ft 1 room cottage' 5 te' ngerai 01 9 oil ranges. . nntpiriel mortem tulle furti lhed. oesi .v decor aleri 115 70 Will take Ban trade. Ben Setiell. lln.otn Bea. h m2; RV OT4NIR: 1 rm gar house Fl heat A water heater 'i acre With garden tiVtt ra.ti or 93950 trims. 1100 She. it lane Ph 157I1 a)j7 8 84, house, 3 yeati old. "auto, oil hi arm m conii pull haement. Ill 800 Pb. 1-8604. til Warn Urivtv. alls FOR SALE HOUSES 5 .- . '1'' ft". ENGLEWOOD, BY OWNER One of the nicest prewar quality built home in Salem. Built when material was still available, ft large rooms, central hallway, full basement, unfinished upstairs, hardwood floors, fireplace. Excellent condition. House will carry large loan. Price 111.350 OPEN AFTERNOONS and EVENINGS 1504 Norway St., Corner of 15th. Ph. 3-8:193 GRABENHORST SPECIALS ATTENTION BUILDERS! Cand.l.rll 1U:rIiu 1. Hikm'i ftn,t r..ldrntia! dutnet -xr.llpnt M.w property, inid. city hmlts. biut .rv:ce. unlill.l, l.nt KfDic lou. juit Souto and Wut of American Ltllon Hall. LATE-BUILT APT. HOUSE I umis plus large utility rm Best of construction, excellent equipment, automatic heat. Income 1150 per mo. Price 131.000. Call Coburn L. Oraben horst. MEMORIAL DAY SPECIAL! Drive to 3370 S 11th Street to iee this fine 2 bdrm. bungalow home, built In 1941 by owners. Liv. rm., din, rm , rm. to eat in kitchen, hall. baih. Ige. Inside utllliy. Ige, lot with creek, garden In. Firat time listed. Price $7,850.00. Call Roy Ferris. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8. Liberty Evenings and Sundays call Peter Oeuter 3-9968 Roy Perrl 2-8010 Earl West 2.1232 FOR SALE HOUSES BYOWNER: New 2 bdrm. home. Hard wood floors. Attached garage. Aulo heal. Fireplace. F.H.A. Terms. 1970 N 23rd. al"" SEE THIS Price cut 1 1000. 2 bdrm. home. FHA appr. Call 3-618. al28' NEW "lbdrrn. house. Large living rm dtnlng rm., kitchen A: nook, hardwood floors. Oil furnace. V. blinds. 530 1111' nol Off Cenler St. al28J m VAY FRONT AOS 4' A. Oier 300 It. front., neat, clean 3 rm. house. Nice fir trees. Oood court or trailer park loc. 16500. pn. 2bwo. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATK 440 N. 14th St. al31 COME IN! SAYS MRS. PARSONS and see her For Sale Home al 2605 HuUey Off Ratcliff Dr.) Don't Just drive by. The design and ap pointments of this home will please you -definitely. Ill .850. FHA. financed E. A. McUlauMtn Edvv. A. Dyck Realtor 326 N. Commercial St Phone 2-5211 - 2-3201 - 2-6056 - 2-3240 al27- CHEAP Small down pavment. New unfinished ft rm tise. Plumbing St wiring roughed In. Pull price J2B50. ,j acre North. C. W. Reeve Realtor 94ft 8. Comml. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9.i-16 ai28 A GOOD BUY I42.M) 2 bdrm. hse. Pla.Mered A ito. fir fur. Oar. Paved at. New gas rente. Cor ner lot. Inimed. pass. C. V. Reeve Realtor 94ft 8. Comm l. Ph. 2-4590. Be. 3-9..J6 a!28 Why Pay Rent I6B.S0, New Suburban ft rm. with til li lt v rm. Hdwd. firs. Attarhed gar. Large lot . Best of garden soil. Small down pay- "(I W. Reeve Realtor 94ft 8. Comm l. Ph. 3-4590. Eve. 3-9S36 ai26 LE A V I N G ST AT E Could be aub-divutton 5. acre. Close lo cliy bus to school. 7 rm older home Oood view. All In fruit 3 wells barn ft chicken house. Full price 17.000, (3000 down. General Real Estate Co. 255 Center Ph, 1-3289. gl36' HERE'S A HOME 6 YRS. OLD 2 bdrm . hdwd floor, unfinished up. Oaiage. lot 100 ft. front, ' block to bus. I5W.V Terms. HOME CLOSE TO PEN 4 COR 't acre, nice 1 bdrm. house, chicken hou.ie. garage. 8.H9.i0. OWNER SAYS SELL THIS WEEK 2 bdrm . full basement, garage. 663 N 3ih Bt look it over and make olfer, OWNER LEAVING. MAKE OFFER 1 vr old 3 bdrm. ultra modern unfin ished up, full basemrnl. Oarme. large loi Auto oil heat. L. E. Klunipp Real Estate READ THEN CALL Bv oaner. lovely two bedroom stream liner, la i ge In rm it ti fireplace. Ue p;cl. ftimlow d:n rm . kit and nook Also p:cl indo tn maMer bedroom Lie. ha: h all pecan flour le mil rm Attached t.im.f tiatden all m Will ao mill a1e bus siop ai door. t.o-e to stores, school and rhurcli A real home in a real neighborhood at a real price Call 38286 for appointment al27 FOR SALE LOTS CHOICE Bl lUHMi lot. Englewood Dint Inquire 1970 N 23rd. Ph. .14554 aalia SlIYfRTON .lniTIO 2 frontaee lots 50x100 Ruildma 101s. 70x100 On Sil verton Rd. near new arhool, Ph. 37176 aal37 LA ROE CORNFR lot 100x130 In a No 3 one, fine location for a court or apart ment house Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 90 8. Commercial Phone 389 te 3:0 al.'8' $10 DOWN lift per month ill bu you g lot with water, elec . tree. bu aervice. close tn school You can park tour trailer Hurry' Over ' of them are ecne1 Reimann Eor Real Estate 701 South High Ph 1 9301 Sun to lie. 1-2718. 1-IJ41. J-.saov aaliO ONE OR lo suburban lots trade for car. aardrn cultivator, etc. Term Ph 2 368 aal27 VIEW LOTC I0O blk Yit At WOOD ru 101s 600 blk . Ratcliff Dr Re irf'ed citf water Pi 1 .' as for sale farms trade' Barn. Fenced C. W. Reeve Realtor 441 8. Comm l. Ph. 1-I594. Rv. I -J K)R SALE HOUSES Office Phone 2-2471 FOR SALE FARMS WILLAMETTE SILT 120 acres. Fair buildings. Year creek. On paved road. 812.500. FOR DAIRYMAN 17 acre dairy farm with nvlk route, 35 head cos. OOOD BUILDINGS. 127.500. COLBATH LAND CO. OPEN EVES TILL I 30 1663 Cenler St. Phone 24552 bl26 178 ACRE well Improved farm I miles from Salem. Large home. Orade A dairy barn. Water rights for 40 acres. This la a good garm. Price $47,500. Call O. V. Hume With STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 163 8. High St. Ph. 34131, Eves. 25206 bl27 FARM SPECIALS SMALL DAIRY FARM 38 A. or good Willamette aoll. 29 A cultivated, balance in brush pasture, all can be irrigated, new 2 bedroom home, barn w:th 12 stanchions, spring and all year stream a good value at 112.000. NO BUILD1NOS OOOD BUYS 19 acres of brash and timber land, all Willamette Silt soil on good road close to Salem only 14000 Just 11000 down. il ACRES NORTH, all tn crop, Will, aoll a regl deal for 14000 MIDDLE GROVE DISI . -30 acres, all in crop, older atle 4 bed room hou.te. good barn. 112 000. See Henry Ton end Ohmart & Calaba Realtors 477 Court St. Eve 33612 Phon 3-4115 bl FOR SALE ACREAGE READ THIS Owner leading, must sell 3 A. close to Wallace Rd. Variety of fruit. 6 rm. he. Oarage to chicken house. Oood water Price 16750. J2000 down. General Real Estate Co. 255 Center Ph. J-1368. bbl25 35 ACRES 17 acre under cult. Oood home built In 1944, Several out bid. Located 3'i ml from Bend. Oregon. Want to trade for Salem property. What have you Total price 86950. Call for Mr. Leavens. 18 ACRES All soil under cultivation. Very good home. Out bldg. in aood condition. Small family orchard. Only 6 mile from Aalem. Total price 114. 7i0. Terms. Will trade for nailer acreage Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Member of Multiple testing Bureau 3025 Portland Rd Ph. 3-7830. 2-4.96 Eves. 3-9403. 3-3.VM bbl28 !'i ACRES, beautiful ylew.unf1nthed hse. good well Phone 3-7823 afer 4 p m. Price 13.300. bbl31 ACRES 1', miles downtown Salem, Ab 10 A. bear, cherries. 3 A open land. 8 A. anoded area. Fir. Oak to Maple Irees Over 1900 ft. road frontage. Some VIEW spot. Onlr 15500. Walter Socolofsky Real Estate Ph. 3-883.S S'i ACRES with highway frontage on 8 " a oorm. nome. Out build ngs. Fruit and naoe trees. Ph 28110. Kb 128" j llta A. of bottom land. 13 mlle South of Satem. On highway 9P It can be Irr:- gsiro. irrms. eee owner. 2510 ("lierrt Ave bbl27 BY OW vi R. 10 A in Dallas-city-! mit H rm mod": n home Double en rate barn, chicnn ho i.-e 54, of prun- anr 1 row T!i ?t7 Datla hhpjg REAL ESTATE HOLLYWOOD D18T. 813 500 Over 1100 mo. Inc. from 2 aptj Plus liv . din rm . fplc . 3 BH. kit., for owner 1 pvt bath 3 ep ent.. knsl.. oil ht . burnt Ph. 26680 ED LLKINBEAI REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th 8' till OOOn SOI ND INYrsTMFNT Valuable hi-wav properly w- h Ion term lease at 1400 00 per month. tlflOooOO don Balance 1175 00 per month Include. principal Interest. See owner at 1872 State Strret C139 BEST BUYS 3 bdrm home. Close In with extra Ige. loi Attached garage. Cloe to bin. store A school Well worth I6O00. Terms. NEW KH.SOO An extra well bu'lt home with full banement Fieri nc heat whether strip ped and Insulated. Attached garage. Imrned. poss. FHA. Finance. A choice listlna. RESTAURANTS Here a real buy. Owner forced to aell at once Excel monev maker New equipment Long !eae yerv reasonable tent. Terms Total price only 84700. If you are interested in the food business, here ts a deal you have been waiting for. Al Isaak & Co.. Realtor 1 Member of Multiple listing Bureau j J035 Portland Rd j Ph. 37830. 3456 Eve 30473. 335M SILVERTON SPECIAL j to I. FINE soil, and b.de sites joining cii 'tm.t. Price 11S0O 00 1 K 4 RM res. Elec water astem barn 1 A ta cult . on river, bal. timber t oastjre. Price n l M law 4 , RM. REV, barn 6 seeded, bal i umber pa' .ire Price i:Jflw J C MORLEY. BROKER 8ft N. Waier 1 pn. 1-.14 1 Orwa, 8ub4wF all REAL ESTATE READ THIS $1500 ACRE. 20x20 unfin house. Cherr trees, paving, water al 82 month. Eire. 8600 down, 930 month. AND 13850 buys 3 Brirms. liv . dm. kit. Cut bua. garage. 815O0 down 3 APARTMr.NTS 85000 Income SI 10 month Good town. Good location. I-' 000 down or consider late car as down pavment 3 HLlKMR 15500 Located on Broadav. Plantered. Oa rage I rs. built. 81500 down. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 8. Com 1. Ph. 2484925497 cl27 Its DOW N 110 Monthly. Lou and acre ages. California. Oiegon and Wash ington. Easy Term. FREE INFORMA TION. PO. Box 3150-PJ. Hollywood 28. Calif. C126 Seeing Is Believing A very fine homey place for a couple vlth one of tso youngster. 3 bdrm . full bment witn good automatic o.i f'irnace and air conditioning unii, lots of shrubs, fruit, good garden ground, yard U all fenced in. There - a nice large garage where friend husband can do some tinkering. Thia place has won derful possibilities and what's btvt of all the price is only 15500 Seeing Is believing. Com see Mac. Eve. Ptione SMALL APT. HOUSE Tnree apt. Two of lite epts. rent for 9110 per month, owner live in third apt. To rentals nicely furnished Includ.ng range and refrigerator. Here Is a aood buy for only 18500. See Mr. Wamberi. Ee. Ph. 185)8. SMALL ACREAGE 4'i acre of good land on Lancaster Ave r.as a two bedroom home w 1th larxe garage, barn with plenty of room for cows and horses, two chicken house. Here li the place for the smart working man or for Die semi-retired man, In case of hard times. The place can be made to pay for Itself with a little man agement and common sense, here U the place to raise 2 acres of berries, have pasture for the cows, raise chickens, raise your own garden, fruit, etc. This location is within 3 blocks of a rapidly developing business district. Here again Is a piece of property that will tend to hold its value or Increase In value as Salem grows. Full price only 19.000 with liberal terms and 150 00 per month pay ments to reliable party. See Mr. Bourne on this one. Eve. Ph. 37217, Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 36216 EAST FRONT, aide by aide duplex. Ex cellent condition, on corner lot with bus at door. Double garage. Room on lot for another duplex and mav have third apartment upstairs. Has lawn, lota of flower, picket fence. Good Income. This place will pay lor Itself. See from 3 to 9 p.m. 795 8. 31st. Ph. 3-6312. C 130 FORYOI R SVISOSin vestment buy a first mortgage on real estate, Salem A vicinity. Examine security yourself Amounts liOO to several thousand dou lars. net investors 5a We maka all col lections for you If dejlred. FTAIE FINANCE CO., 151 8. High. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BI'Y: 2 houses for rental purposes. Charle O'Brien, 859 H. Flrt St. Ph. 3-6315. cal28 WE ARE In need ot good houses to eel) In or near Salem If you wish to iti your property for sale see ftRABf.NHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 a Liberty St. Phon 2-2471 ca NOTICE! If your property 1 for sate, rent or eichanie, list It witn us Wr have all kinds ot cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO. RULTORS 153 8 High St ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE CONSIDER TRADE If reasonable on lower home, farm or ot her. Illness forces change. Money making apt. house. Income, 4 units and office. 1255. Also, larae 2 bdrm. own ers apt. Rentals wen furnished. E. L. Carter, owner. 959 8. 13th St. Ph. 2-5121 cbl28' NEw"flv room modern home and ' acre. Berries, fruit tree. Water sygtem. large garage. Outside rlty north. Wilt trade for city horn near school, litfi flhadv Isne. rbl28 s6rtVrop SELL OR TRADE For City or Suburban property. Love ly, well-built home at Tidewater on Alsea river. Rest lull, f whins, hunting. Ideal for retired couple. Livina room. D room, kitchen. 2 bdrm. to bath. Elec. refrig. Hot water heater and range Lara garage and hobby shop. Covered dock. Small inboard cruiser can be bought If desired. The cottage is well and completely furnished A real bar gain at 19,000. Call 3-4016; eve. 3-8213. rr126' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Apts. Walking Distance 4 unlta up. 1 In basement Furn, with elec. rante At refrla. Income 1275 per mo. Out of town owner said sell. 115.500. General Real Estate Co. 255 Center St - Ph. 3-3389 cdl26 CLEANING" ATPRESSTNa" 127 500. Every piece of equip. I first class. Business showing steady Increase. Ill health reason for selling. This Is reallv tops. Ph. 26680 ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. rdlll Investors Look! Beautiful new II unit apartment house In an excellent location with a monthly income of 1685. showing 11". on In vestment. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 60 8. Commercial Phone 23849 Eve. 35260 Cdl28 Beer Tavern Real good one. Groceries 3 to choose from. Call Len Orion Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St Ph. 39271 Ees. 53 Cdl28 ARE YOC Interested in trve service station bu.Mness? I have a service station busl- ns for ale ar inventory price in Dal las Ore. Con art Warren Doolntle. General Petroleum Dt.tr. Ph. 3461 cdllO CANDY SHOP located :n the heart of dots mown Sa lem. l)oina excellent prolit. Just r.eiii for man and wife. COLBATH LAND CO. Open Eves. Till 8 30 1681 Center St. Ph. 34552 cdU6 Looking Eor a Bargain? Owner mut tell good eomg business. Ion term lease, cheap rent. Stock w.!l imentory for 13 0OO W.u sacrifice for 47700. or trade for what have you. Call 36187 seven das a wk. from 8am till 8 p m edllT Business Location Ideal spot for that new business bldg Lot 46 x 135 1.100 blk . Broadwav. Will pav It's war until von are rradv to build. Ph. 3-4643. Fse 3-1647. rd12' FsTAI'R 4.NT for sale. Nc larep'.gre No competition Seats 4t 5 room Ur ine: O.UB' ler On httha a a7 18 000 1006 doan Bend. Ores on. Henry Cafe 100 NF First Mreei cdt?6 FURNITURE FOR SALE W4.sN.1Nfl machine 5 Brown friere rug 4x. lift. Daveno. ros mohair. 847 50 Chest of drawers, lined oalL. (15 Dress ing table with skirt A bench IIP Poker table, hdwd 120 Ch ppendale sola, sa tin tnpe 165. Mahogany commode ta bles I.t2 50 a. Period alabatrr lamps, 112 50 ea. Mahogany entire la hie, early American 810 Card table wood. II ' l.oe seat, friere bl'ie 65, Record rahinet. old. 82 50 Vacuum cleaner Hoover. 813. 4 m shoe an v Ivre bark cna r I'.O ea Ms'-fwan toii.o ta ble 10 t-av pcriable taflln 110 Read ing lartp meial 1 1 Wetting house range 89 Ige ant que mirror. 175 Marble top table. 15 Am ique hand carved chair .' 1 Oon Vs ; (1 t Wind lamp hari-pa n'ed 15 (Irandf ather s rliv k I1W WarC rose trunk, drapes lamp other miscellaneous grtiile 1778 Saina dl37 FOR S4I.E: Daveno and chair. 17s c- 1 castonal chair 111 Ss'em-Pslias H:av first hous east of Botg Acre Fori 41M FURNITURE FOR SALE HAVE BF.KT outlet for furniture, appli ances, household effects, pay top prices, spot cash or sell for U on commission. Olenn Woodrr, auctioneer. Pn. 35110 d 1 30 COLDPOT. 1947 deluie. Freer r Chest. Firestone Washing Machine 1947. Hard wood Breakfast Set. leather seats. Rose Bill well Davenport to Chair, Occasional Chair. 3 matching chests of drawer. Dreamland mattress to box springs, like new. Hollywood bed frame. 340 8. 30th. after 6pm d!26 VENTED FURNITURE Hlf.Hf ST PRICES paid Phon Client.-! Woodrr Auction Market Pn 2-ftllO da 3-5511 AUCTIONS BIG AUCTION SAT. NITE Cara. trucks, machinery, etc. Consign ment appieciated. Ever von welcome. Auinsvllle Sales to Service. Aumsvllle, Oregon. ddl26 FURNITURE AUCTION Every Tuesday, Glen wood Ballroom, 800 p m. We gel) for V or pay spot caah. Estate bought outright. OLEN WOODRY, AUCTIONEER Phone 15! 10 dd116 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK ONE Gt'F.RfttlY cow come fresh around June lit, also heller 10 month! old. Ph. 20224. el26 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED to LICENSED livestock buyer E. C. McCandllsh. 1127 8. 2ft. Ph. 3-8147. eal27- RABBITS NEW ZEALAND Rabbits, whit buck and 2 doe, large litter. 83 80 each. Pb. 36928. ebl26- FUEL Special 12 In. clean Inside mill wood TRI-CITY FUEL. Ph. 2-7442 el2 GOOD 16 in. edging. 1S.50 a load. Double load 810. Oregon Fuel Co. Phone 3-5533. ee!46' WEST SALEM FUEL CO. B ock, planer to slab wood 81 dust. Ph. 24031. TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh eut sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph 27443. We give S to H Green Stamps. Oreen 16 In. mill wood ee CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends to Block Wood, Ph. 38444 ee FOR SALE POULTRY LIVE BED FRYERS for your locker or picnic. 33c a lb. N. on E to Hood view. 1U ml. E. Rt. 7. BOX 203. 1127 BABY CHICKS, May 30. Hampshire., Leghorns and Wyandotte. Ph. 22S61. Lees Hatchery. f" PRODUCE STRAWBERRIES U-pick, 10c. Bring eon tamer. Out Silverton Rd. 3'i ml. to Middle Orove School. Turn right ml. Hess to Riensehe If HELP WANTED BERRY PICKERS wanted on Cherry Ave. ml. north of aluminum plant. I. Hart man. 8136 HELP WANTED MALE" PIN SETTERS wanted. 1340 State. Uni versity Bowling Alley. gal28 LICENSED Journeyman Electrician, give age. experience, etc. Capital Journal Box 462. 131 W 4. NT ED Experienced electrical appli ance salesman. Floor and field. Phone 2-1565. gal 28 WANTED exper. automotive parts man for local parts wholesaler. Write Box 468. Capital Journal. ga!26 WANTED MAN with experience digging shafts to wells. Call Shaffer. 43171. ext. 4D2 from 8 to 9. gal28 HELP WANTED FEMALE STKNO-BKPR 'Out Of town 8215 SECRETARY 180 STINO-BKPR 170 STENOGRAPHER 160 TYPIST-CLERK 150 TYPIST 140 COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 360 State St. Phone 2-1488 gbl39 WANTED: Middle-aged woman to keep house and care for children. Room, board At ages. Ph. 1-631 or write J. L Durst, 648 K. Orant, Lebanon, Ore. gb!28 SEAMSTRESS wanted. Must have lndus tnal machine experience. Salem Tent to Awning Co. 729 N. Liberty St. gbl27 CARE OF ft yr. old child wanted between 8.00 to 5:00 week days only. Prefer mother of child approximately the same aae. Call 4-2171, ex. 443 between 8 00 Ar 5 00 gb!28 RELIABLE WOMAN for housework care of 2 children. Rm.. Bd. At a axe. Mrs J. R Fox, 14ft S. Lancaster. Pb. 14969 or 23041. tbllT' TYPISTOeneral office.Age "l5-40. Able to meet the public and handle respon sibility. Contact COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AOENCY 360 State St. Ph. 2-1488 gb!26 Capitol Variety gbllO waitress at Oold Ar 1590 Fairgrounds Rd. fbl36 WAITRESS. EXPERIENCED, night work. Brook nook restaurant. Brooks or Ph. 3-3776. gbl29 EXPF.RIiNcrn woman for cooking Ar wa;tre work. LeOarle Delicatessen. 1312 State gbl26 MIDDLE-AfiED woman for housekeeper and to care for elderly man. Wage, room, board. Ph Amity 789. or Apply Amity post oft ice, gbl26 WANTED: Middle-aiedw oman to work in summer home. Good aalary and ex penses. Modern convenience. Party must be reliable with first cls references Apply Hoag Bros. 210 State St. gb FxpERIENriD LADY bookkeeper to' work in office )f Willamette Valley'a leading Furniture and Appliance atore, good salary. Pleasant working eond. Apply Hoag Bros.. 360 Stale. ab GIRL experienced In payroll and segrega tion. Must be capable of taking full marge of payroll In local rannerv Wrile Box 458 Canttal Journal Id own handwrit ing atat.ng experience and qualifications. gb!36 6 FFIC E ( URL for local " cannery. Ex", perlenced In sales record and Invoic ing. Shorthand necessary. Write Capital Journal Box 461 atating experience and qualification gbl?6 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFF1C8 AND'CI rRicr"POS1T10N CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency lot ' St Ph 1-188 ef WANTED SALESMAN W 4NTFD ATNCE. men to supply con sumers w th everyday household aeces 'le under our factory to horn plan F-i;i tine Earnings based on s's Write Rawleiha. Dept. OR 1-155-728 Oakland Cal.f aalJ DIE TO ex pa net 00 of our eocnpan we need 4 .ve wire raan who la lot r rested in hlth eam.naa. with ooportuntty for advancement to management positions Applkations eon r den' .al Wrre Box 487, Capt'al Journal, giatinf xperlence geUT W4NTrrt: Salesman Mult hae experl ence in furn.iur At floor covering. Fer mniir,nt poit.on Good n ary and eomm.ssiB. Applf Uoaiaofaarr Ward WANTED POSITIONS MALE SECRETARY with good credit, payroll and thorough office tra. nine desires opening. Pb. Mr. Knox, at 3-8745. hl26" POWDER-WORK wanted, quarry, slump ing, ditching. Donald Thorn, II Lee St. PilOii 36341. hill ROTOTILLING M. I. Tliler. Ph. 375O0 hl30 ClilLD CARE or baby titling, jour home or mine any time. Ph. 2194ft, hl37 DO YOU want 4 good home with lots of play yard for your children. Would lov to take cart of them. Ph. 2-1850. hl27 GOOD care for babies under I1) years, eve., after I or week-end. Ph. 28883. h)M' LANDSCAPING Pruning Rototilhng. New lawni, tree work Richard Boyer. Ph. 2-8110. hl49 INTERIOR- FAINTIN07ExrPh. 1-67118' h!48 SEWING and alteration. Ph. 2-4854. M4I NEW LAWNS prepared to seeded. Have lie. trac. on rubber with doier. plow. ei cPh -81 27. h 127 BOY WANTS lawns to mow. Ph. 3-78947 h!36 ROTOTILLER work. 114ft Hood St. 2-0594 hl44 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4850. hl44 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. Mc Allister. 840 Trade. Pn. 3-14D6. h 144 BABY SITTER. Ph. 3-0580. bus PAINTING INSIDE or out Pre est. Call Bill. 2-3979 M37 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK and chiDV ey building Ph. 2-4384 Ere estimates hl35 STACK your sewing then Phon 3-8693 hi 34 CARPENTER WK. New, repair Ph. 2-2093 hl35" LAWN Cl'TTING. Phon 3-8403. hl34 1ST CLASS CARPENTER, aew. remodel, repair. Large small. 8-1261 aft. I hl34 WILL PROVIDE excellent noma or day car for am all child. Ph. 3-8398. h!29 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN 34-hr. ser vice. Farmer phone op. Ph. I-S072. bl36 L4.VARS NURSERY for Infants. Orad reg. nurse In charge. Ph. 23291. hl27 AI'TO PAINT1NO fust a shad better by Ray Etter Call 8hreck Motor Co. 3-9101 CHILD CARE la sag bom Ph. 25103 hl36 FOE'S mimeographing, typing service, prompt service. Quality work, lower prices. 665 H. 16th. Ph. 3-3643. hl39 EDUCATION EDUCATION 1 Job Insurance. Writ or call for free cat alog on 400 I. C. 8. courses. Don McNeill. International Cor respondence School. 1953 Stat St.. Ph. 36130. O.I. approved hh'.ll- FOR RENT ROOMS WELL Ft'RN. sleeping rm. Close In. HAC water. Men only. 737 Center St. Jkl28 SLEEPING RM. Ae IlgMhomkMptnV 790 N. Church. Ph. 34335. Jkl28 pleasant leeptnK"Tor gentleman. 1050 Norway. Ph. 3454 7 Jk 1 30 DESIRABLE aleeplng rm. Ph. possible down town. Private bom. Pb. 24883. Jkl38 IN RCSINESS Dlst. Nlr Bleeping rm. with HAC water. 35ft Center. Jkl27 NICE SLEEPING rm., close In. Ph. 3047 Jkl36 NICE SLEEPING rm. Rot to cold water 1st floor. 461H.Hlgh. Jkl27 ATTRACTIVE rnu. 2039 McCoy. Ph. 36043 Ik 145 ROOMS TO RENT WEEK OR MONTH HOTEL SALEM Tel 3-3161 FOR RENT APARTMENTS S RM. furnished apt. Adult. Ph. 28373 193ft Center8t . 1pl36 LIGHT housekeeping room for employed lady. 1204 Court. Pb. 35928. Jpl26 CLOSE IN. Newly red. furn. 3 BR oprtalrs flat. Adults. Ph. 3637ft. Jpl3l I RM. Apt. 2nd floor. Lady "preferred Ph.31530: Jp128 t BR furn. Apt. Cl04 In. Ph. 2T422. IP127" 3 A 4 room furnished and unfurnished apartments. Phone 3-1565. Jpl38 8 to t RM. furn. apt. for rent. Private bath. Ph. 37034. Jpl38 2 RM. basmt. Apt. Private bath and en trance. No children or pets. Working couple desired. 732 N. Com , Pb. 39683. JP136" S RM. furn. Apt. PMv. bath to tntranre. Adult 70S ti. Liberty. Jpl27 CLOSE IN attractive apt. for employed girl. 435 N. Winter. Jpl26 IF TOU like something nice, see this new large one bdrm. unfurn. apt. Stove to rrfrfg. furn. Ph. 3355. Ipl27 I RM. AT"Pul 1 mTnKlt r hN lc7l"jT Fu rn . Women only. 1118 Oak St. Jpl37 LARGE I'NFCRN. 4 rm. apt. with sleep ing porch, hdwd. fir., het to water furn.l50 g month. Ph. 31391 Jpi37 CIAN, QCIET 1 rm. apiddl aged lady preferred. 143 Ferry. )bl37 SMALL S rm. furn. Apt. Private 'bath 255State. Jpl26" FOR RENT HOUSES S RM. furnished cottage. Ph. 2-6811. jmizs FOR RENT: New 3 bedroom house, auto" matic heat, fireplace, nice location. Out 8. Commercial to Ewald. west 2 blocks, then north to 1855 Scenic View Drive. Jml28 WHY PAY RENT whenyoucW buy7" this l' yr. old 2 Bdrm. home? From owner lor small down payment and 848 00 month. Immed. poet r talon. 1374 3rd St . Wet Salem. Jml27 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS Front St. Business Bldg. to Living quar ters. 6100 per mo. Hollywood Business Bldg. with apt. 1178. Mod. Office, no. Mod. Office, 140. Briar office including phon. 630. Lar sen Home & Loan Co. 164 8. Com'l St. Ph. 3-6384 Evt. 2-7440. J136 NFW t bedroom house, 1080 Donna Avr Inquire 1090 Donna Ave. )I36 I RAILE R""a. PACK. Cam p Joy Motel." 1134 U DRIVE trucks cara Pb 3-1109 TRUCKS and cars. Smltty'a Clipper Ser vice Pb 1-9600 Cor Center Church r GROUND FLOOR room, sultabl for of- Ik or stores STATE FINANCE CO. Ph. 24121 J POWER TOOL rental for bom 8s in dust rig' us Rewacr Broa Pb 1-1146 r BUSINESS RM for rent. H. L. Stiff. I TRAILERS. 1200 Per day Howacr Bros 608 Eds r water St. West Salem. J tioOD USED PIANOS H L. 8Uff. f FIOOR SANDER for rent Montgomery Ward I TO DO a good lob redt a good floor Sand er, w sell everything U cenpleto tbe lo flOWSFR BROS Pb 1-166 1 WANTED TO RENT OIL CO. representative to wife betnl transferred to Selena Jun lat. Urgent lv need unfurn. hse. or apt, Ixc. Reft. Wr:ie Box 471. Capital Journal. Jail VETFKsN.ANOwlf-WlfT'urwentlT-need two bedrm unfurnished house Write W. E. Turner, Oo 1 Del., Molalla, Or 1IJ1 cot put'tn-nedr aMor-am all "ho.i Furnished or partly. Pleas caU 3-540 ja',30 W4NTED TO RENT: House tn vicinity f 30th to Chemeketa. Phon 2-8488. Jatlg lNFI'RNSHrnlr 3bedrmhome"bv emp'overi coup! and two girl. Pref Reiser Dll. Ref. Writ Bog 471 Cap'Hl Journal. alll WANTED TO RENT WANTED: BY middle-aged couple Jun 1st. 3 rm. furn. apt. Walking dlstanro of PO No drinker. Reasonable rent. Bog 469 Capital Journal. Ial27 2 OR l bed rm. unfurnished home by young coupl with small child. Ph. 370S3 Jal2l CLEAN, pleasant furn. apt. by employed couple. Must be near city library. Larae enough for small p:ano. not mors than 155. Box No. 466 Capital Journal. Jal27 ROOM AND BOARD GENTLEMAN, young or old. My home In rounirv. Box 388. Capital Journal. 1)131 LOST AND FOUND MISCELLANEOUS ES SPRINGER, men a batter 484 Court. tnlSO DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bid. Stat to Commercial Bis. SALEM Phone 3-3311 m HAVE TOl' 8 SINGFR Sewing m Benin repaired by a qualified Singer represen ta" Ph 3-3513 for free pick up and delivery service on al makes of ma chines. Pre- estimate given before work la atarted Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N Com l m BUILDING MATERIAL SHEETROCK, new shipment, V ft V. See u for new low cash pricei. Keiin Brown. Front to Court. ma USED SHIPLAP 125 per M. 2x4's 130 pet M. Larmer Trfr.. 8R9 N. Liberty. mal26 Aoo NEW WINDOW sash. Your choir vf six and siyle. Car load of new ' in. Firtex.. Special price ftc sq. ft. C. G. Long. Ph. 3-5831, on mil north Kelrer. maI29 Builder-Contractors W have a complete stock of framing lumber, timbers to shlplap. all grades, at rock bottom prices. West Salem saw mill. 1060 Wallace Rd. Ph. 39593. Free Delivery. mal43 TILLAMObK cedar shingles del. NoTT, 19; No. 2. 15. Cedar wall 18 in. painted shakes, H2.80 per sq. Under course free. Also baled cedar tow. Ted Muller, for merly Eola yard. Ph. Salem 1-1196. Salem Independence road. ma" DOORS, INTERIOR 2 panel doors, at th great special purchase bottom price, bargain of only 16 60 each. Keith Brosjn, Pornt to Court SU., Salem. ma CLOSE-O IT. Plywood cut-offa. 48"gll"i ' tor celling panel, wall panel, sid ing and many other uses. Only 5Ve per aq. ft. Keith Brown. Front to Court Si , Sa.em matf Tl-irMA . LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK 5HINOLE. Th modern permanent roof ing See our dealer or dlst. Call 2-601. mal26 NEW SHIPMENT piast board. V ft1 e: V 60 ei ft. Rock latha tt . ft, II 7ft MONTGOMERY WARD SALEM ma USED FIR FLOORING. Pb. 34703 or 2-4S8I. mails RE-ROOF NOW On, two or three years to pay. Fog free estimates phon 3-7177. WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. mal39 CLOSE-OUT SPECIAL. Hardwood Floor Ing, pecan and gum In a variety of eisej 4t only 112ft M. Keith Brown, Front to court St.. Salem. matf RED rEDARshtnglei No. 1. 89.So! No. 3. 18.90. No. 3. 83.60. W del. Phil 1 pi Bros, Rt. L, Bog 118. Pb. 4SP32. ma SAVE ON ROOFING Let Wards glv you complete 174 STALLED prlc on your roofing needs. WW rang of colors. Call our eutsid aalpsmaa for free estimate. Phono 1-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD 81 CO. SALEM, OREGON ma HARDWOOD FLOORING, now only 19SM. Mixed Pecan to Oak, fcxl" at Keith Brown. Front to Court , Salem, matf ALUMINUM ROOFING S ft width in th following lena-thai r si.74 r 2.32 10- 3 90 12" 14 Ask about Installation aervlco MONTGOMERY WARD to CO. SALEM, OREGON NURSERY STOCK HALF PRICE SALE. Petunias and other bedding plant. Vista Feed Seed. 3105 S. Comm. mbl36 DAHLIA BULBS I for II. Bedding plant 3 dog. for 81. Geraniums 82 per dog. Bouquets to cut flowers for Memorial Day. Merrill's Oreenhouse, Brooks. mbl27 FUCHSIAS FOR SALE. 180 VARIETIES. MRS. P. I. WARD. 4380 CHERRY AVE. mhl3t FOR SALE M ISCELLANEOUS 6 CI. FT. COLisPOT refrig. Excel, contf 195. One set child's metal dble. swings, 113. One used kitchen sink. 13. On drum type trash burner and water heat er, colled with 30 ft. copper coil, 17.50. Ph. 3-4422. nl27- GOOD ELECTRIC trollng motor 140. 33 0 Neef Ave. nlliS OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT. Special 13 35 Oal. House and Farm quality. No'rb Walker Paint Co.. 350 Court. nl38 MAYTAO Washing Machine, baby car riage, draasa w, nearly new. 729 N. Lib erty St nl28 BE RRY i CAltRlFRSa few left. Hound ha ndles.Ph. 27274 or 27331 eve. nl28 BALDWIN-BI N C. ALOWs7yIe pTano." Mov forces sale. 670 Ratcliff Dr. nlll EXCEPTIONAL Buy In 11-cu. ft. Frigid- ir irirn. n less man a mos. use. 307N.Jamea Ave.. Silverton. nl26 CHINESE COAT, all" lfk hand ' made. beautifully embroidered, aew. Ph. 20016. nl26 1 CUSHION Davenport with floral alipT cover. US. Ideal for play room. Shallow well turbin pump and tank. 150. Ph. 25797. nl28 MS RIDING Outfit for 1150. 1858 Garden Road1 ' nl27 GRASS and Clover hay. .yours for cut ting,3855 Garden Road. nl27 GIRL'S ALL wool ault. Ilk new. skse 3. h. 2-3090. ni27 IS FT. mahoganv plank boat. Ph. 27114. UN tranoiewood. n!3S WE DEFY anrone. any place, to offer g mapresg bargain awh as thj. extremely hian grade matching bog spring to inner spring mattress by famous manufac turer, aorgeou covers, superior con struction, guaranteed, lot set Your today for only 159. and your spring At mattress. OLENN FURNITURE 1608 N. Bummer Ph. 25118 TERMS - TRADES - WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR FURNITURE nl37 CHINA CLOSET 111 High grade bungalow modern walnut piano 1250. club ehair lift, aot-d leather wing back rocker 118. old washer in working eond, ill, used colled springs 14 54 Used bed 4 M used mattress 84 50. daveno 110. davenport need recovering II. 9 piece dinette set 116. hundreds of comparable bargains. OLENN 8 FURNITURE MARKET Terms, Trades. We Pay Cub for Your Furniture nll7 DRAFTTNO TABLE, professional model, ad) ust able top with drawer at book Shelf. 117 50. 1580 Laurl Ave. ail7 ARE YOC interested In the Service Station business I hav g service station busi ness for sale at Inventory priee la Dallas. Ore Contact Warren Doolittjg, Oeneral Petroleum Duttr. Ph. 14619 nils POUR DRAWER Nan Cash Register, with recording tape. Hag been tn steady wse. and oon aneccianieai oondltinn. nilO" Ph I-246S C-Piefc. Ph. t-43!" a 124 I (Continued on Pag 17)