Wesleyans Are Scene of Meet The West Coast Area Quad rennial Woman's Missionary Convention of the Wesleyan Methodist church will convene it the local Salem church be ginning Tuesday evening and continuing through Thursday evening, May 31-June 2. The sessions will open at 9:30 a.m.; 1:30 p.m.; 8:30 p.m. Delegates will attend from Washington, Oregon, California and Arizona. Guest speakers will include the General President, Mrs. Ruby Relsdorph, of Houghton, N.Y.; Rev. E. F. and Mrs. Margaret McCarty of Seattle, lately re turned from Africa; Rev. War ren Pamp-To-Pee of the Sioux Tribe of Rapid City, S.D.; Mrs. Marjorie Spencer of California from South America and Miss Esther Gulley of Springbrook, Oregon, missionary from China. Rev. Warren Pamp - To - Pee will be guest speaker at the local Wesleyan Methodist church, Sunday, May 29 at 11 a.m.; 2:30 p.m.; 7:30 p.m. Rev. Pamp-To-Pee Is a converted Indian of the Sioux Tribe. His unique man ner of presenting the gospel has called him to travel extensively over the United States. Every one is cordially invited to all of these services. Rev. Campbell Gives Last Sermon Woodburn Rev. Glen Camp bell, pastor of the Woodburn Bible Baptist church for the past past two years, has re signed his pastorate and will preach his final sermon Sun day. Rev. Earl L. Baker of the First Baptist church of Salem, will serve as supply pastor and will lead the prayer meeting and business meeting of the local church Wednesday, June 1, at the Grange hall. His first regu lar sermon will be Sunday June 5. There will be no eve ning service next Sunday on ac count of baccalaureate services at the high school. Thomas Hannah will offici ate at the morning service at St Mary's Episcopal church Sun day. Rev. W. S. Van Meter will be at Gearhart to conduct rotreat of the Canterbury club of Oregon State college. Safem i (Church Central Lutheran Oklnc and Worth Capitol. O. B. Rundstrom. pastor. Sun- Cay school. 45. Mornlnt worship. Junior Luther Ltagua. T:M. lilFM Hrlthls Catataaall Liberty Koirt at Madron avanut. nav. i t. Brown, paator. Sunday school. 10. Fttacn- log at 11. Non denominational. It. John's Lathrraat 4M. Stated North 16th and A streets. Rev. H. W. Oroaa, pastor. Mnrntnc services at I and 11. Sunday school at 10. reart It reel Christian 11th and Court streets. W. H. Lvmau. minister. Bible school trmblr, At. Mornlnt worship and communion. 10 50. Sermon subject, Follow Me." Christian Endeavor hour. . Ivenlni worship. I. Msssaia by Parrell. . Mark Er. Lutheran 343 North Church street. Rev. M. A. Omsndaner, DD, Rev. J. L. Batllen. pastors. Sunday school. 9 At. Morning worsnip service, Luther League, 7. Leslie Methodist South Commercial at Myers. O. Wesley Turner, pastor. Sunday school. 9 At a.m. Morning service. 11. Ser- lon sublect: "Our source oi Birengin. Youth Fellowship. T. Evening service, t. Sermon subject, "Bead Tim and Harvest." Christian Missionary Alllanee North th at Oalnea. Herman J. Boh!, pastor. Sunday school. 45. Morning aervlce. ll. sermon auojeci: MrmorMii to " Purchased Our Esteemed Inheritance." Evening aervlce. 1:10. Quest speaker, D. D. Handle. Orchestra practice, 30. Young people's, I ;30. . Sunday Woodburn Churches Christian I. Lincoln and Doud Bt. Dan Frtsst, pastor. . . 10 a. m. Services li a. m. P. . . 1 p. m. Evening aarvlses AaaaaaMr at Oad Second and Lincoln Pu. Lester Olbaoo, pastor. 8. S. 9:4ft a, aj. Fraaahmg 11 a. m. and 1:4ft n. m. f. t. :4f p. m. Fran hMbedlsH Toung and Oatch Sts. awi- Beaatsa B. Douglas, pastor. 8. 6. f:t ft, am. FTwaahlng 11 a. m. and T:4ft p. m. Tsajraanars 11PT B. Lincoln St. Arthur CHMa, paator. f S. I 41 a. m. Worship ii:n n. m. ana i:a p. m. z. r. g:s p. m. fara rariarlaa Oarfleld and Third Wa. Bail . Fentoh. putor. B. B. 0:45 ft. as. Strlna worship 11 a. m. and T: P. m. T. F. t:J0 p. m. Chareh af Jeaas Christ af L.D.8. lo.or. nail. Sunday school, 10 a. Sacrament masting 11:30. The Rearranlied Church of Jesus Christ at Latter Day Saints Corner of Second and Oarrlera Oeorse Omens, pastor Church school 10 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. ziona Lagua i p. m. Mctura study p. m. Bethel Fretbrterlan 3 miles east or Union school road. Earl K. Fenton. pas tor. Worship 10 a. m. S. S. 10:49 a. m Charch af Oad Third and Orant Sts. Raymond W. Hood. pastor. Church school 10 a. m. Worship ll a .m. and ft p. in. i r. p. m. M. Mary's Mission fEalstaaat) . Lin coin St. at Cupid's Court William Van wpter. vicar, cnurcn scnool 10 a. Worship 11 a. m. Bible r.aptlsl-Clranfa Hall. Srttlemfer ana Harrison, oienn B. Campbell, pastor. e. b. : a. m. worsnip service n a. and 7:45 p. m. V. P. ft 4ft p. m. Tinman a el Latheran Harvln N. Chris, tensen. pastor. Doud and Oswald Sts Sunday school 19 a. m. Worship service ii a. m. ei Benedictine Sisters Plan Annual Retreats Mt. Angel The Benedictine Sisters are sponsoring two Lay- women's Retreats again this summer at the Mt. Angel Wo men's college. The dates are as follows: June 9-12 and August 11-14. Rev. Father Dennis Marx, C.S.B. of Mt. Angel Abbev, St. Benedict, will conduct both the retreats. The retreats open Thursday evening and will close Sunday noon. For further information write to the Benedictine Sisters retreat secretary, Mt. Angel, Stoyton Churches Baptist Ref. Wllllsrd Buekner. pastor Sunday chool 10 Uornni worship ll training hour 1 1ft i n Evaolng service Church ml Chrtsl Ciros Freeman, paa t BiOle school, 10 a n.; worahlp serv e. 11. Touih fellowship. 10 p m Eve ilng worship ft Church at Christ L M Beld mlnLner Bible study 10 Mornins worship 11. Kve nlni aorshlp ft Met had 1st John Moranss. pastor. Bible cnool 10 Worship service 11 Youth 11 loaahlp SO Evenlns worship MARKET QUOTATIONS Aisembly at Oa Rev Mftvln Stock well, pastor Sunday school 10 Morning serv ice U Young people's meetina ft 4ft Eva nlna avangf'Utte aervlce 1 44 Balnt Faul's Episcopal Church and Chemeketa streets. The Rev. George H. Swift, B.D.. rector. Holy Communion (In Chapel). 7:30. Junior enurcn ana classes, 0:30. Nursery school In parish house, 11, Prayer service and sermon, 11. Calvary Baptist South Liberty at East Miller streets. Rev. Charles Durden. D. ., pastor. Sunday school, 0:45. Morning service, 11. Observing Displaced Persons Sunday. Bermon subject: "Can There Bt a Sprltual Discovery Greater Than Atomic Energy" The Rev. Gilbert Christian, ax ecutlvc secretary of the Oregon Council of Churches will bt guest preacher. Eve ning service. 7:30. Sermon subject: "Hid den Treasure." Youth choir rehearsal. 5:30. Four youth fellowship groups, ft. 30. Patriotic Groups To Attend Church The Federated Patriotic So cieties of Marion County will Rather for worship at th First Presbyterian church for the morning worship Sunday morn ing at eleven o'clock. This way announced today by Don Madi son, president of the organization. In keeping with the Memo rial Day theme the partor. Dr. Chester W. Hamblin, will preach on the subject, "The Promise of America". The choir, direct ed by Virginia Ward Elliott, will sing "Thou God of All Na tions" by Lester and "Battle Hymn of the Republic" by Ring-wald. Talbat Camnunltv Rev. It. Rogers Ir In. pastor. Sunday school. 10. Divine worship. 11. Sermon title: "Cleaving Un to the Lord." Junior church also meets 11. Young people a hour. 1. Evening servlca, I. Sermon subject: "Salvation Made Plain." The ordinance of baptism be administered at the even lug ser vice. M albert Memorial Baptist Located one ille north of the city limits on Highway BE. Rev. C. E. Brlckwedel, pastor. Sun day school, 9:4ft. Morning worship. 11. Message by the pastor. Youth meetings, 6:30. Evening evangelistic aervlce. 1:30. First Baptist Marlon at Libert streets. Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Rev. C. Brlckwedel. assistant pastor. Sunday srhool, 9:45. Morning worship, 11. "After All This Is Past," Rev. Lloyd Anderson. Dedication of Infants and small children ring morning service. Youth meetings. 6:1B. Evening service, 7:30. Baccalaureate service of the Salem academy. Faith Gaspel Tebernaela 130ft North 5th. Rev. Max Wyatt, pastor. Sunday school. 10. Morning worship, 11. Special speaker. Booster band. 7:45. Evangelistic service, a. Kev. Hart ana pariv. services ail next week except Monday nignt, a. Church of Jesus Christ af Latter Day Saints VFW hall. Hood and Church. John E. Salisbury, bishop. Sunday school. Priesthood meeting and primary, 11:30. Evening service, 1:30. Immaculate t-aneeatlan Calholle Rev Math lonaa. pastor Sunday services mauas ft a m. 7:10 am and ftSO am St. Patrick's Catboll (Lvanst Fatnei Leander Hchun.tler, pator Winter ached' ule. 1st, nd and 6th Sundays. mas 10 30 a.m.t Ird and 4ih Sundara mass at ft. 30 Our Lad al Lourdes Jordan) Father Leander clutcidei pastor Winter sched ule, IM, 2nd and ftth Sundays tnajw 30 a m.; Ird nd 4th Sunday msjui 10:30 a m Silverton Churches Methodist Ben F. Browning, pastor. Sunday school 9:4ft a. m. Norman Naegelt. supt.. clauses for all ages, nursery for small children. Oeneral worship service. 11, sermon subject: "wnat is tne weaning of These Stones?" pastor speaking. Nurs ery maintained during the worship nour. Evening nour. Harraiaureaie service i high school auditorium. Isnmanael Lutheran S. L. Almlle. pas tor. Sunday srhool. 10 a. m. Divine wor ship, 11. subject: "Be Not Afraid." Luther League 7 p. m., discussion: 'Opportun tles. Unlimited." Baccalaureate service ft o'clock at high school. TRINITY LUTHERAN M. J. K. Fuhr. pastor. Sunday school and Bible classes 10 a. m, umne worsnip li. sermon suo- Ject: "Confessing Christ." Special music. Baccalaureate sermon Sunday evening ft o'clock at high school auditorium. Calvary Lutheran James A. Tofte. pas tor. Sunday school and Bible class 10 a. m.. Miss Olga Johnson, supt. Confirmation service with communion. 11 a. m., special singing, sermon theme; "Turn to the Lord." First Church af Christ. Scientist Lib erty and Chemeketa Sts. Sunday school at it. Morning service at li.- sermon suo Ject: "Ancient and Modern Nerromanry, Alias Mesmerism ana nypnoutm, re nounced." Nursery for children up to 3 years of age provided during the morn ing service. Evening service at ft. Sermon subject: "Ancient and Modern Necrom ancy, Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced." Christian and Missionary Alliance Gor don T. Bratvold. minister. Bundav school, classes for all as-es. Oscar Satrum. sunt. Divine worship 11, pastor In charge. Young People meet 7 p. m. Evening aervlce. spe cial music, 7:4ft p. m., pastor in charge, First Christ Ian Church Arthur Charles Bates, mtnlater. Bible srhool ;4S a. m.. M. B. Ford, supt., assisted by Lynn Neat. Communion and sermon, topic: "Keeping Faith." Rev. Bates speaker at the Bac calaureate service Sunday evening at high school auditorium. Portland Rastslde Market Strawberries sold lor 92 3ft to 12 50 a crate on the Portland Kasulde Farmer Wholesale produce market today. Green onions were 05 to 7ft cent a doi en bundles. Radlws aUo brouiht 1ft to 7ft cenU a dozrn bunch's. tcttuce sold for 12 00 to till a crate. Spinach ass 00 to 70 cents a 11 -lb box. AAparasus sold for 14 50 to 14.71 a, 90- pyramld. mostly M rents riteher: top 21 V for few loads orioles 190. 23n lb butcier built mod and choice 190-300 lb 21 00-21 110-390 lb. 30 50-31 00: 300-StO lb. IS 75 30.50. few lots 150-400 lb. 19 00-IB 7V (ood and choice aows under 400 lb 17. SO 10 50 : 415-500 lb. 1ft. 3517. 35; 535-600 lb. 15. 50-18.35. Salable cattle, 1,000; salable calves 300: active; slaughter steers and hellers atrona to 25 cenU rusher; closed at high point of week: other cattle, Inrludms stockrrs and feeders, fully steady: two loads choice 1,500 lb. steers 2S 00: scattered loads and lou good steers, heifers and- mlxd year- Capilal Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, May 27, 1949 15 lints 3 00-37 00: common and medium aow in as-21.00: c a nner a and cutters 14 00-11 00: medium and good sausaue bulls 22 00-33 25; common to choice veal rrs 31 00-20 00: top 39. U0. Sa.sble slieep 1 000: several small lot koikI to clioice spring lamb steady st 31' 00-34 Ort to small local killers: not m rm h old-crop lambs to make a market: undertone weak: ewe weak at 12 SO, most ly 12 00. don with heavies 9 00 don: deck cull bonln- ee with small medium erst1 end ft on. ta tmme Dedication of Memorial Windows A special Memorial Day serv ice will be conducted in the Firs Evangelical United Breth ren church, Marion and Sum mer, Sunday, May 29 at 8 00 p.m. The Ellen Aypinwall Me morial gift of the Illumination of the stained glass "Good Shep herd" window in the chapel, and the Ina LaFollette Memorial gift of a Wilcox-Gay tape rec order, will be dedicated in this service. The memorial message will be given by Rev. F .E. Fisher, long time friend of both Mrs. Aspinwall and Mrs. LaFol lette. Special tribute will be given by Mrs. L. L. Thornton and Mrs. G. L. Lovell. Both Mrs. Aspinwall and Mrs. LaFol lette were pioneer residents in the Willamette Valley. The Bible classes being con ducted by Mr. Norman Olson of Los Angeles, each Tuesday nicht at 8 o'clock, will continue throughout the month of June. Butler fat i em stive, tuejert aiate change .rtmlum quality maalmum to .39 to 1 percent acidity aauvareo m Portland ftl-64c lb., first quality 59-I2C b rrond quality 57-60c. Valley routes and country points te less thap first Butter Wholesale FOB bulk eubee to r.holesalr:s grade AA. 93 score. tl93c. A. 92 score 60-SPic: B, 90 score, 51c lb., C. S9 score, 67c lb. Above prices are strict iv nom:nsI Cheese Helling price to Portland whole ale Oregon singles, 38-480 Oregon 9 lb loaf. 4)V501n; triplets We last than singles Kits (Te Wholesalers) a grade lara M-53'iic. A medium, ftl-ftl'ic; grade B arre. 4?V0r Portland Dairy Market Rullcr Price to retailers- Grade Aa pr.nt.i 89c; AA cartons flic; A prlnu o; A cartons. t'.C. B prints. ftJc. Figs Price to retailers: AA targe trtc. certified A large. 58c : A large 4-55;; A A medium. Me; certified A. medium 34c: A medium. 53c: cartons c iddltmnal Cheese Price to retailors: Portiaon oreou stnttes 40i Su'ic Oregon loal .b 43.-52'sc; triplet l"a tea than eie gles Poultry Live Chickens - No 1 quality POM plants. No. 1 broilers under 3l lbs 37 -31c lb., frvers 2'j to 2 lbs.. 29-30c 'b oa.iers 4 ins nd mer. 30-Jlc lb. fowl Leghorn under 4 lbs. 24-25C. o.cr lb. 2J-;Br colored lo-vl. all wetrhu, 30 31c; roosters, al) weights, 18-20C Rabbits -Aerse u srowers lot llv while fryers, white, 4-5 lbs 2fl-28c lb; 5-8 lbs. 24-26c lb.; colored 2 ceni lower: old or heavy doe, 13-18c; dressed fryers to outchers ii Mir old ssr. ones 35 ir Turkeis t Price quoted are not to the producer on a dressed wlht oaslsi -(J ft grade A young toms M Me lb : No i young hens, nominally 60e Dressed turkeys ta retailer: Uiade A oung hen i 70-71c New Yore style, dress (.1 A grade uuni toms ftl-ftfta Portland MUce Ma neons Casrara Rts Dry 2ie lb. green Te lb Hool Valley coarse and medium grades tc lb Mohair 28c lb on 12-month growth. Hidrs C;iHr.- 38. lb., according to wenht. kips 18c lb., beef S'i-9'ie lb . bulls 5-c ID country buyers pay 2a leas 'ot Quotations Vtalnuts Franquettes first qual1t lorn do, 4 7c, large. 32 7c: medium. 27 2a; sec ond quality Jumbos. 30 2c arge 2ft 2c; medium. 26 2c baby 13 2c. nft shel first quality laree, 29 "c. medium 2a 2e. sec ond quality large 27. 2p; medium It 7i- sabv T3 2c. Filberts - Jumno. 20a lb ; large, lie nerllum. 18c; small, 13c Quotations above supplied t North United Pentecostal 44S Perry street. Rev. Nathaniel Wilson, pastor. Sunday school, 9:46. Horning aervlce, 11. Bermon sublect: "Death sleets Her Conqueror." Evening service, 7:30. Sermon subject: "Why Soma People Do Not Believe to Hell' Haranaas Melhdlat Andrew T.aneen- dorf, pastor. Sunday school. 10, Worship, xoung people meet, 1:4ft. the Latter Halt. Oak 0. Evening Charch af Jeiaia rhrlst Day ftalnts (Mermen) K. I and Mill. Sunday school, service, T. Janneen Memorial Seventh Day Advea tie Summer and Hood. A. J. Oordon. pastor. A. D. Chllson, assistant. Sabbath school, 1:30. Morning service. 11. Servlca, 3:30 p.m. Toung Peoples Missionary Volunteers. Jeaas Name Peateeeelal 117ft Lewis street. R. V. Slttser, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morning worship at 11, Xv nlng evangelistic servlca, 7:4ft. Train Center 282 N. Cottage. Sunday school, 9:45. Evening service, I o'clock, Tuesday, May 29. Subject: "Prophecy," Library, IS noon to 3 p.m. West Bales Methodist Third and Oerth streets. O. Leonard Jones, minister. Church school, 9:4ft. Worship, 11. Youth Fellowship, 6:30. Young Adult Fellowship, Instltate of Xellileae Science Salem Woman's club, 480 North Cottage street. Rev. William Byron Charles. May 29. 11 a.m.. "How to Overcome Pear." ft p.m., "Practicing the Presence.' First Presbyterian Chemeketa at Win ter. Chester W. Hamblin, pastor. John L. Ooodenberger. assistant pastor. Church srhool. 9:4ft. Morning worship. lft:ftft. "The Promise of America." Sermon by the pastor. Evening worship. 7:30. "The Hall of Heroes." Sermon by Mr. Ooodenberger. West .leaa Methewlrt Third and Oerth. O. Leonard Jones, paator. Sunday school, 9:4ft. Morning service, 11. Youth Fellowship. :30. Young Adult Fellowship, Knight Memorial Cafiffvegatlanal Louis White, minister. Nineteenth and Perry streets. Sunday school, 9:4ft. Morning worship, li. Sermon, "Last We Forget " Chureh-tlme nursery. Pilgrim Fellowship ages 30 Junior high Oervsls Preabyterlan pastor. 8. S. 10 a. m. C. E. 7:30 p. m. Ernest Tremblay, Worship 11 a. m.. Math eilst High achool auditorium. Bar- rp. Pamberton. pastor. Church achool U m. Worship 11 a. m. ft. Lake's Cathatle Y. L. MoffenbeW, pastor. Harrison between 3rd and 4th. Sunday aarvtces 7 a. m , I 30 a. m. and 19:30 a, an. Afternoon devotions 4 o'clock. Amity Churches a allit lraee Wakama 4taw satsowl Win Morning a. . Towth Petlowshlp 1 b. m Mac aarvtae. mi- ovihtp 11 no eve- Cftnatoa af Cftrtat Wm. T. Morae. mtn BlbM oohool 10 a. an. Morning or- Junior meat ina 7 p m. iple's gneertna; 1 p. m. Bvenlng aceeiaaraeie. tgaev. Bl l 11 t ewsaff ft rfi. tLklt 11 iOIm 9J I Cftswrak rreeaeail Fail, paa a. gVapitiy aahoe4 19 a. Morn In t i ii a. ta. Junior pwiiewanrp p. m. Penowstotp if a. ft 7 ft4 Wllllara H. Beaehy. iday school 9 49 a. ta. Morn- ii a. as. cnuaretra meeting Bvantng aervlce ft p. m. Flrat fThHetlnnit a. ... ley Strain, minister. Walter Naff, asao rlaU minister. Church school, 9:4ft Morn ing worship and eommnnton. 10 50. Ser . . u" "or" nememDertng." Dud ley Stra p. Anthem. "Battle Hymn of the "f"e - t'-Rlngwald. Offertory B,thor,n. KTnln youth mrftln.,. ,15. tV.-rS, t, '..' '" ". "A r.Hb IMh.ar (.,.,,.1 t r.ra. R,, HuiMII U.T.r. pMtor. ftinO.r .chol. in Mornlnt or.mp, ii. Er.nint wonhlp, . Tkj HM BIM north Cott.,, t D tr.rt. R.v. Rudalnh WA.b. ...... .... a.jr irhool at III Mornliii ori(ilo ! 1 ,!V ..PV ' P"'hlni on "A Ll.ln, or topic: 'Tho VI. Ion or th Lord!" WHtena lf.thi in. ..j .,,, ... unrt.j Mhool. it. Uornln, Mrrlr, ll rTlc. 7:30 Warr.n rtmn...... mi Ing tn oil Conor lIM Chor.k, Jalla, I Hrr. Mlnliur. Church hlblo oebool. 4. Cli.i for .11 in wnnhlp oorvtoo, II a. m. uooior, All." aoclal aiuilc. .rrlf. and noaaafa onlRlol Want Ood." CHURCH HOTM oblact Bvontna "Do Wa Seniors Will Be Honored Sunday The following graduating sen ior. will be honored at the 11 o'clock worship service at First Baptist church Sunday morn ing:Misses Mildred Coe, Dorothy Cook, Darlene Engdahl. Alta Hadley, Donna Hussey, Wanda Johnson, Velma Marcum, Dor othy Pearce, Billy Jean Pierce. Shirley Pearsall, Zarelda Prnce Florence Schaefer, Sylvia Spill man and Barbara Brilling. Mes- sers. Walter Bradley, Dean Paul us, Calvin Pearsall, Richard Sim, Loren Spence, Gary Stark, Roger Williams and Elvis Dunn. Immediately following the morning service, there will be a dedication service for Infants and small children. The pastor, Rev. Lloyd Anderson, will con duct the complete service. THIS WEEK-END ONLY FRIDAY and SATURDAY ANY PAIR OF SLAX In Stock, Regardless of Price OFF This includes co'tuns $3.98 t $5.98. and our better slax in gabs, s'trutrei und Rivercools from $6.95 to $9.95; Sizes 10 44. GOLDIE'S DRESS SHOP 4954 North River Road Phone 2-3049 Open 10-7 IIOLLA.DERIZLG give$ furs new LIFE Yi 4 You've heard of Hollanderiiina; ...how lliia fur (-.ranting and rejuvrnalion by Hollander whirls away dirt, rntores furs to lua- Iroua Jovclincia, from prlt to .mint;. Ask us lo Hollan drrise your furs hrn yoo hring llirin in for aturage. Journal Want Ads Pay Portland Grain Portland. May 27 rjp Wheat future and cajih train unquoted. Ca.th whrai bl-dt: Soft white 114; soft white (excludlna rfx 2.34; white club 2.24: wejttrrn red 2.34. tlnrd rrd winter: Ordinary 2.24: 10 prr crnt 3.24; 11 per cent 2,2ft; 12 per cent 2.27. Hard white Mart: Ordinary 3.24; 10 Per cnt 2 24; other unquotrd. Todav'a car receipts: Wheat 7; barley 2; flour 9; corn 4: oata 4; tnlllfetsl 7. Portland l.lvlatk Portland, Ore., Way 27 AIR Weekly live- Atock: Cattle: Friday aalable 100: calvea 3S: ateady llaht aupply: top medium and low aood 1360-1280 Iba 2.S 00 to 25.50: heifer b--fni;- sood cow 20.00: medluma 17.50 lo 18 50; cutter-common 15.00 to 17.00. Hoax: Friday xalable 25: choice but chert ab.ent; no aoi early: medium-good iao 310 lb. butchers 32.50; 20-Sl iba. 20.00 to 20 50. Sheep: Friday salable none: sood 95 b. ahorn No. 2 pelt lamba 32.50; no other oftrrlna. North Portland livestock market will ba cloaed Monday. I. Paal'i Cathalle Father John J Walsh, pastor. Sunday masaes, I and 10. week day. I. Asaenblv mt at Berrel W mt . tor. Sunday school, :4ft. Dlrln worahlp. Youns Peonla'a aoclat. S-4R Kr. Ilt-tle, a. Cbarek W 0d- Sunday achool, 1 Evenlnf aervlcs, I Rsv. E. C Nls. pastor. 1. Worahlp hour, 11. Fllrrlm nsllneaa Carl tor. Sunday school, 10. renins; service, t. Mansfield, paa Worship hour. lerenth Day Adventlit Klder A. n Chllson. Salem, and Harold Johnson, local elder In charge. Sabbath achool, Saturday, 0:30. Uornlnt worahlp. II, Saturday. Bunday evening evanaelMtle service. Mill Ciry Churches Preeayterlan Dr. David Perauaon. min ister. Sunday srhool 10 s. m. Mornlnt; aervicas 11 o'clock. Cfaarch at Christ Thomas Courtney. Jr.. paetor. Sunday srhool 0:45 a. m. Mornlnt: aervlres 11 orlock. Christian Endeavor : p. m. Evenlnf worahlp 1:20 o'clock. Caihelle Hev. Mai, pastor, servlcea t o'clock. Mornlnr Prea Methodist Rev. Donald Ttlnkla pastor. Sunday school. 10 a. m. Mornlnt services 11 o'clock. Evenlnf worship 7:30 o'clock. Catamanlly Rev. Wayne Watklns. pas tor Sunday srhool. 10 a. m, Mornlnt worship 11 o'clock. Evenlnf services 7:46 o'clock. THIRD GREAT WEEK REVIVAL CONTINUES with 51 1 Hort Evongeliitic Party Ever? Nffht 7:45 (Except Mon day) Divine Hrsllnf Service Friday Night All Musical Pro gram Raturda Nlfht. Revival 9pnsred by Rev. Cleada Bell f C'alvry Chapel and Ecv. Mai Wyatt AT Faith Tabernacle Mh and Gatnra Chlraia Mvesteck Chicaso. May 27 m U8DA-Salable noas 4.500; active. 60-75 cents hither on all wels his butcherx; sows unevenly 36 to here you go gathering COMPLIMENTS IN MAY in your RIGHT, BRIGHT, WHITE ajsjeA A popular song in price. A symphony in style . . . This is the TONI, In white calf. It looks bright, it foels right. It has a symmetric strap, and it comes in sizes from 4 to 9, S. N, M. It's yours for only 8.95 WE'LL GLADLY CHARGE IT TO YOUR ACCOUNT. streets. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Divine worship at 11 a. m. Sermon theme: "Art Wa Worth the sacrifice." Christ Latheraa Chareh. State street at 10th. C. R. Srhulta, pastor. Divine wor ship at I 4ft and 11 o'clock. Sunday achool at I M a. m. K.arwad Bible Chareh, 1121 Elm street. Rev. A. A. Loeaen pastor. A. H. Pad en -rerht. assistant. Sunday: f 41 a m. Bible school. 10 5 a. m. mornlnt worship. 0 4ft p. m. Youth froupa meet, 7 41 p. m. eve nlnf fospal service. Jasan La Memorial Melhadlat charch. North Winter at Jefferson. Louis C. Klr by, D. D.. pastor. Sunday school t 40 a. m. Mornlnt service 11 a. m. Sermon sub lect. Pillars m the Temple of Ood." Anthem: "Iad Me O Pather. Sole: "I Shall Hot Paaa Atain This Wav." by Mrs. Jewell Brlnkley Evenlnf servlca 7 JO p m. Bermon tubjtrt, "The Scarlet Cord of Palth." Otsre Lvtheeas) Chareh It LO Luther t. Borten. pastor. Worahtpptnt la Enfle wood Schoop North Itth and Nebraska YOUTH RALLY! THE FOURSQUARE CHURCH m N. 19th Street, between Center t Chemeketa HEAR Donna Glidden and Her Gospel Harmoneers. Four young women with musical Instruments and song. Do not miss this treat ONE NIGHT ONLY II A. M. REV. JAMES TAYLOR "Glvt fi Water" Flrrt plrllaallil. Ill u. Cnmmarrlal arrlta, al H and 1 JO. Rar. Mar. Mann, ipaakar. HIM In lha ar.nlni by Un. Edith Srotl. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Invites You Two Worship Services Every Sunday 8:4!) a. m. 11am Sunday School 9 50 a m I C R f h Schult ' Pastor Another METRO MARVEL MEMORIAL DAY SPECIAL HEAD SCARF Specially Priced Saturday Only S) Famous Brico All-Weother Scarf Water Repellent Washable 4) Gay Summer Colors Ixtro Large 3 1 "x 3 1 " Site It Always Pays to Shop THE STORES Of BETTER VALUES 136 North Commercial St. Salem, Oregon ; fitedC&at Don't Delay! TABU LAMPS i FLOOR LAMPS LAMP SHADES SAVE up t. 50! at OLoasouT rawest TABLE LAMPS ro. IS OS 4S.sn 4t.se Chfneae Modem Lamps.. Pheaaant Ceramic Tall Cranberry tilaai . . . Tall Sattn Braaa Stem with handmade ahada Salid Braaa t-I.I(ht Lamp Iflamcane Lamp with iranberrj Glaaa Ihade 14. Ill olr Table Lamp. with Crystal . . loir Table Lamp with Crrtal Settd Copper Lamp, Chimney flaMIe Modern . . . PhllMeln ftllvrr and Crystal Lamp 45.11 It 5 11.00 1S.SS . 4.10 I 15 1JS5 FLOOR LAMPS (Way Braaa with Oayi Baa 1-Way Solid Braaa with Omatn Onyx ( Way Doabla Nattd wh uenalna Onyx Ctrelene Floor Lamp with I Way IF.S Bowl Swtair Brldfe. double-plated Torahlera Bowl Lamp, l-way PIN-UP LAMPS fln-t'p Lamps, refular T.05 value, special 4iio a ii MM 14.TI 11 S IS.tS 4(10 as.ts 141 10.4S HS 11.00 1.9S I AJutD CUAHCC AdOL s-iCCI hand madk silk e plastic ' i-iva -r w CV W I s O PA PARI HMFNT SPECIAL!! First 10 customers who moke purchase of a lamp on Friday end Saturdoy will receive FREE one beautiful plastic lampshade! SALE STARTS FRIDAY,. MAY 27 SALEM LIGHTING & APPLIANCE CO. m. high