14 Capital Journal, Salem, Peddler By PEGGY DERN , , . Chapter tl - "But of course he'll have to give hk consent, she said sharply. "Alt- tr all. what can he offer her to compare with what shell have as my daughter?" Felicity looked at her curiously. "But Susan. you'U marry again" "Never," said Susan grimly. "Be cause the only man I want, I can't Jiave." "la It Mr. Thorpe?" she asked - "Yea, darn him," Susan answered hotly. Garrett and Chalmers Thorpe were standing at the foot of the stairs waiting lor mem. Felicity caught the light that sprang Into Thorpe's eyes as he saw Susan, and aw the caressing gesture with which he took her hand and drew it through his arm aa they turned towards the drawing room. "How's Tippy?" asked Garrett as he took Felicity In his arms and they began to dance. "All right, I suppose," answered Felicity almost reluctantly. "Though It semed to me she was a little well, over-excited and flushed. Her face felt hot." "Look, Oran'ma, how'd It be If you got rid of that furrowed brow and remembered that you are a mere twenty-three years old?" Felicity smiled up at him. "I think It would be pretty wonder ful!" His aims tightened about her and his voice was a little husky when he whispered, 'So do 1 darling so do I." Dawn was breaking in the east when Garrett and Felicity drove back across the bridge to the trail' er camp. At the sound of their car Ma Green's cottage door opened and she beckoned to them. "You two might just as well have some breakfast with me," she greeted them hospitably. "I'm not ashamed to admit I've been watch ing for you. What was the party like? Did you have a good time?" Felicity helped her set the table while Garrett straddled a chair. and gave the delighted and appre ciative Ma Green an amusing ac count of the festivities. . Felicity lingered to help clear the , table. But Ma Green pushed her Into a chair and said sternly, "You alt down there. Felicity. I want to talk to you. Have you thought any about what you're going to do, now that your father is here?" Felicity shook her head. "No I haven't. I don't know how long he plans to stay." "From what he said after vou and Garry left, it looks to me like he plans to stay on quite a spell, said Ma Green a trifle tartly. Felicity stiffened In quick defense oi ner lamer. "There's no room for him in that trailer of yours," said the woman Irmly. Felicity had been thinking of the ame thing, "Now. I've been thinking," Ma Oreen went on after a moment Tve got plenty of room here. I could rent him a room " "But we couldn't pay you any thing much." "And he could earn the rent of the room bv doing odd Jobs about the place," Ma Green finished, as though Felicity hadn't spoken. Odd Jobs! Felicity caught her breath. She opened her mouth to otier a proiest, put oerore she could peak a voice spoke from the open doorway. "That's a most kind and gener ous offer, Madame," said Father a trifle grandly, "and I shall be very happy to accept It." Ma Green studied him coolly, heri gTaying head a little on one side her eyes shrewd and not unkind1 ' behind her steel-rimmed spectacle "Maybe you ain't as bad as I've , been thinking, after all." she said And my name ain't Madsme It's - fcfa Oreen. same as everybody else always calls me." And so It was settled between Burton Home and Ma Oreen, while Felicity looked on, not quite sure ' lust what action she should tke. ny. Then he said briskly. "You get Em sleep, you abandoned voting Ing out all night I Cornelia nd T will look after the others n there's not a thing for you to -Merry about." He went out and shut the door " PATTERN Na. KMM r"" Kltfh.il Arrairlf with Jurt I tfA f"V "rrt" xton, jroiir trtutv . B" VlJhXv t " TiS croch.t hook and a roupl of hour 1 mmrJri lXlf ' 'mir ,Jm'. you run turn out Uirar t T)UYr. rf', T a-tchn aorntaorlM. Diahrloth f ""I J (" curtain pull ana curtain or unfit jlaaVa' V pT Jj"1, ,r y ,n1 ln"tP'n"'v W I r Pattm Em-flop No R2A21 fon- VfJJ fA I 'ln" ecnp'ete crorhftlnn trutruc- yA J I MM ittotw. atltch tlhwtratlona and ma- jf' rij tenal rrqulrnnrntj. r' Pr To ootaln una patiam wna Xtc ' yH.i" A' III ,n 0O1N8 rvtm pattarn nuintwr Xf '? V'fA. Tout nam aclarru ana aont num- i, adw " Plftr RoDtru Capital Jour- iCIIlrit'. M' MiMkm Btrm 6an Fran , fe - rgvervfy-1 Vi Oregon, Friday, May 27, 1949 of Dreams behind him, and Felicity was guilty) of a small tear as she slid out oil the crumpled hoop-skirted frock I and tucked herself ud lor a nap. It was late afternoon when Fe licity heard Garrett's car. She stepped out Into the golden sunset and I lung up a nana in a gay salute. But even before she reached the side of Garrett's car there was something about the set of his Jaw that told her something unpleasant had happened. "Why. Garry, wnat " He indicated a soiled-looking package that lay on the seat be side him. "They didn't nice it. "Oh. Garry darling!" Felicity put her arms about him, her cheek I against his shoulder. "Don't feel so badly. There are other publish-, en. Just think, about twenty pub lishers turned down The Good Earth. Somebody will snap this) up." "Maybe, said Garrett, so deep in gloom that he wasn t ame yen to make the slightest effort to lift himself out of the pit. "But In the meantime, what about you and I me? I'd counted on the book being taken and then we were going to be married." "I know, dearest. I know" said Felicity. Garrett's arm went about her, holding her hard against html as he kissed her. "But something will turn up," she rcrsaured him. "It It lust has to!" They clung together there In the lading iigni. two young imngs aeep-, ly In love and knowing: there was I nothing they could do about getting! marneo. For a few days Oarrett moped I about, miserably unhappy, and Fe-I llcity worked doggedly to get his spirits up. At last sne naa man aged to persuade mm to send uiei cook on to a weu-icnown agent in New York. For Felicity had reas oned that the agent could cushion the shocks or disappointment thati repeated rejections ot the book i would mean. She wanted him to start a new book, but she knew the time wasn't ripe for that. And so she encour-l aged him to go nsning witn Jason, i which Isn't as frivolous as it sounds, for there was a steady demand fori such fish as thev could catch and I Jason was earning several dollars I a week above the necessary expense I of hiring a boat, his equipment and I bait, Oarrett became enthusiastic. his dark mood lifted, and Felicity I Dreamed a nine more ireeiy. uarreit was aim suDiect 10 mooas i of despondency and would not even consider starting another book. And when Oarrett made a trip to I the pos tor rice and came back look ing blacker than ever and with a package under his arm that Fe licity recognized, her heart sank Into her very boots. Felicity looked down at the letter from the agent. It was curt to the I point of insolence. According to the letter, the agent had leit that the story was clumsily written, that It lacked dramatic value, that the! characters did not "come to life." and that there was so little to I recommend It he didn't want It hanging around his office. Felicity let him talk. Let him put Into words all the bitter dis appointment he had felt on find ing the book once more on his hands He had been so cocky, sol sure that the book was good; that I me iirst publisher to whom it was submitted would Jump at II! And that flat, brutallv brief letter from the agent seemed to slam the door in his face. Felicity said after a moment. "You'll write other books swell ones. Put this one very carefully sway somewhere. Then when you net all famous and everything you I ran iaxe mis one out and sell It I lor a whopping prire! Other fa mous writers die no their retertal and sell eml The man I'm In 'love with is going to start right to work tomorrow on a book. I bet you iwrmv cents ne is. "I'll take that bet!" said Oarrett. and uisseti her. (To be continued) British coal production In IP 4 8 totaled 208 million tons il million tons more than 1 047 1 production, but still below the prewar level. f THE DRIVERS 105T COTTBOl !KTIr ALL RIGHT COME OUT OF TH bit WWl H WELL, HOW 00 YA "T mmmmmt i 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 - r-. r r- r i . M JL .13 i i-rH i i r.(r I i ' n I KW$ XC-r-T-f n 1 """J if HERS YBRE. T' 3 BlCiUjS! . T I PflDtH-flrcc I TM' I Birr those two woterI wbter! thrt M msv BEaE-WArru. who wcnts fe' B GLuG ! uzaros! I whole 1 R I STRftNGERSVOU TSA I MEANT FOR THgM ! I GET A GLASS OR CUP A GLASS? jg g GLuG 1 SHE IS I BUCKET I EroHflTg rtA&nwp rMMETHiNG WRSTY-f lLVjafa??----'7. 'fkm.mJ MmfMk 1 ' - VST I THEWUOLETOWNS'J "SI 1uEV MAV I I IP YOO KE ( AJNT GOIM' I I IT AlMT LKE VCXJ I m I T rTTi am v? s JilK!!r!I ROSETTE'S A. hJO MORE. . EA.SY-LKE,EMMA SOBTA' ' ? .7.5 .. Lf 1 av-'x YOU KIN 5IVESUE-S ALL MAy.WMATsCONVtNCED ME ? L DSrSM keg sKsssrj mmi ii . i s rrss v v v.; v w v- Wmrnl Cm mi I LgCt: , , '. j&&L S Vta! EU. f!) ( VO "T OEST VLK OFT. AN" VI -AN' SOMETMIN' ALWAYS Y VaTM'. .f EvEBVTMING WEWtI L((J fVvA LEAVE ME IN THI CONDlSHLlN.'r I SAVED ME.r-WMtin.L YO IS MYONO )( OFF MRFICKLV. A 7 , -1 SAVE ME TWIS TIME Jl HELP.'.' ' V.HOSBIN, DEAR.'.' Tl 1 jM&&&smm- smwmm s b 1 MlMrY D P ."4? laV-- OTmT- I B s s. 1 UiruJ'PmHAT Y T TJoiir.UT'f Qn I aiJU?l 1 U.t r.V " I i.4t- 1 WHATRE YOU 1 S Nj , l" FOR? 1 HEARD I WriO'S BILL r V TMEr4 WKV ON l OONT 1 1 psKJ MMBmm wtUMmm p600O! tSO VOU 5AV TtS IS TMIS BVEkE VOU "kl R 4MT 0v-l? TuE,E tiW TEX.I THINK TUE5E AMIV1ALS I CAMT(SO OUT TDTV-E CAWCNH. fE4" CATTLE Af?e JUSTOtF ALL SAW THE PHNTOyfcS;CR05S ThE ""ybfll WAVE BEEN PEl'BE?ATEC PC:SC1NE0.' b WTIH yOU, TEX. I'M M'AITIN' FOB WE TffAlL? COME ( OF THE C0VECE0-af5--il7 J tOOKS L6 STKHN;NE BUT I 5H0U.Cp THE 9ETIFF. BUT RliSTV WNOMS Wv WW.IWJjfeSlS!' 9' VIErJ HAVE A LABOSATDRV TEST TO SS sg2 U 7J' '"-L 6ET VOU SOAS hxr jffl ""L'JT I JUNIOR! IVtJOUNDHtR! A Jl I lUNlOlt MAY NOT LOOK L iKf A I I I ..,. u ,r, I . l r.ikrri ruru'.. ialj I I Win MRV MARY WORTHy.lw'rJo Wu Sb, CAPTAIN OF INDUSTRY, WJT HE1 .. l ' K VtW V.b WMt HtTO iii r .1 .lf 11111- . PRESIDENT OF GREENWOOD CHEWING BUT ITU TAKE MAJOR aKWH 0UT A t f I Mk L 6"MI!-IM0NLYCKAiRAN0f URGERY TO REMOVE jjl aVwiiNTOF 1 WJITION-IJ lsy trWT--- THE fOARD-. RETIRED FROM ACTIVE. J THE STEERING WHEEL RV RMPFCT I ) KMEMBEH? ,fu i A Cl I If 1 tr WNTROL Of THE 8lINE FROM DA4 HANW! Fj S7p , jl 1 I I -1 I l.. I RADIO PROGRAMS rHIDAi KSLM ,m 'KGW ;,'oiK0C0 ".7'KOIN c'.". 5:M rulla Uvli, Jr. ' Brrt B1m I Hrk abrlnr l , rraah laiwaT Hmmmt lmm Bkrtba Baacb Th. LIUU She M ra(M hi-B N.pi Btm Cft Ciab II .it Cirwt CTUr OimiMHril Bfrt p" Edwr Mirnw :M Al ObvI o7ch. Cn4l Llibt Kbm MqbU 1 rllMrv" Al C.li Orrta. R.Ur Rrol.h C. MiIllht PIIU ! ) Ntwi Chrl HlBllf Tom Mil Blur TtfrM riihcttr !il.Ml K m Wfbilf -Tt . Pr..dlr mil Thf.tr. f lb. Air :M SV.,. B.b.U Thtr. f lb. Air :U B ablf B.d-.n TheU f lh Air " :M OI4 Barlwr Bk Tim T"" ,,h PUjhaiiM Tbla It MU Bl" RIrB timm Tnnt tihor PtarhauM M ciac Kltt Bhrlba Tlait Ttmt Tuna Khoe Favarlla HaabH .4$ (ji,., !liwf Clnb Cemb. Cmrnn ra.Tltt Hitban 9:t giraltbt Arraw " "rwi l WarM Nawa Lwell Tbaaaa I Htralfbt Arratr in an la DranU Dnaaut Daaa Jark Smllh Hba ;W Varlalr Tlaaa Jnmoiia Daranta Baabatl Jark Carta Bhew ' VarUtr Tima Nawa Baifball Jatk Caraan Bhaw jm :M "siwt Rrta Paa Final Baarball Blr Pinal Ifl II aalaet 1mI NtWB Blf Tawn Rate ball rta SBatllfhl III M Nawa ft am Har Baarball Hanca ":U Mtw Cnrrawt Chalet Bandttand Lrl'a Panca n:MiPnltaB) LiwU, Jr. Orthaalra Track MM Reran da II Bab Paala Bhtw Orehaalr Trark I4M Vaa ii th Wrl4 Hi Bob Paola 8bt Program PrtTlBW Track MM i)rcbratra i Muale Him Olf. Track MM Orchratra Sim Off gTta Off 1:00 A.M., 'sin Silent SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. . 6:01 Hadia Podia Ncwa II Hadaa Ptdit KOIN Klack M Nawa KOCO Klack KOIN Klock U Hodit Padaa KOCO Klack KOIN Klack 7: Nawa Saw Hrar Tbla TaiTaitlar Kola Klack II Nawi Naw Haar Tbti Newt Ncwa Ml March tlaa Ttaa Old Bonn I arm Mkl. Bcp. Newt .44 Ncwa Nrwa Eilcnalon Harrlca Contumar Newt 4 :00 New Arebla Andrcwa Kelenot Cicuralon Mntlo for Toa i M II Breahfaat flanr Archla Andrew Popular Varietlea Mutle far Tea , Q M Breakfaal Can jerry Harlawa Hama Slncera Yoa Aro Thar I w l Taa fradet gam Ha yet Wcitcra Meladlea Yoa Aro Thera 9 M Bartala Coaatar Frank Merrlwell Raven af Bea Ncwa II Newt Frank Merrlwell Haven of Beat Let's Pretend :M fla a Plaaaara Ed McDonnell Ma tie Wilbeat Junior Mlta I Matla Ed McConnell Horde Junior Mlaa J :M Northwett Newt Nrwa Crclo of Boni Theatre af Today 111 14 Ouebln Public Affairs Cjela af Sang Theatre af Tadar 111 M p,,,of' c" Vincent Lopes Bhapiodr la Grand Central m w.-45 T B A Vincent Lapei Bhythm Station n:M Nawa Farm-Home Hoar Saturday Serenade Stars Over :1 Clardea Galdo ParM-Homo Hour Satordat Serenade Hollywood : Proudly We Hall Mary Lee Taylor Saturday Serenade Glvt and Taka Preudly Wo Hall Mary Let Taylor Saturday Serenade Glvt and Taka m f ! Plattar Jock Youai Oreionlant Everybodr'a Ideas News 1 I M I "M' Platter Jack Youns Orecanlans Salon Concert Driver's Plarhouta M Doe. Platter Jock New v Soflrlj Meet th Mlasas mAm U Dae, Platter Joek Be port an Eurapr fed Data Presents Meet the Mtsaas 1:00 Top Trades MaslePloneers Review la Mother Knows I Ncwa Muilc Pioneers Rhythm Best :M Northwett News Muale Pioneers Kiddles Matinee Free for Al! Bo Eberly Show Mail. Fteneera Kiddle Matinee Free for All 2:M Bill Ha rr In (taa Ye Health Sat. Mating Newapaper af Air 1 H-allh la Orer.i. Sat. Matinee Newapaper al Air " Contrast. Sat. Hatlne Jtllllor ,,.. , I4 Cantra.la Sat. Matinee Junior Stand la 3:t0 Gaeal Star Lassie Chln-l'p Corner ' m " t V! VU W'Md Poreal !.! Corner Treas. Bandalaad M March Time Orchetlra Chln-l'p Corner for yih J" March Time Orcheatra fbln-t'p Corner Way f9, y0ulh 4:00 Bb Paala N,wi Little Bit af Jais Griffin Barerofl ft Bob Poole Goat gUf Little Bit af J. Lai, a.ccee. M Sonts af Times NBC Symphenr Spetllte an Masle Garden Gate wews NBC Symphony flpotlfle on Msile Larry LaSurur DIAL LISTINGS: KEX. 1190; KOAC. 550 If CY Prlday P.M. :. 8e air ret Catei rVt l:. Jack Armttrensi t:M, Keep Inr V9 With Sport I :ll. Home Edition; :M, Yah on Cballentet 1:00, Edwin C. Hlllt 7:14, Elmer Darltt 1:10, The Sher iff) R:M. Cavalcade of Spertai 1:41, Sport Show; 1:00, Fat Mam :S0. 'Neath Weat ern Kkleai 10:00, Richfield Reperlerj 11:15, Intermeatei 10:30. Concert Hour, 11:30, Memo to Tomorrow i 11:00. Xtra Hears 1:0. Slra Off. It FY Satarday A.M.-4:M, Dawn Dowa t beat: d:45. Eddie Arnaldt 7:M, Roand-ap Bayst 7:15, Time Tern pea i 7:45, Adventure la Reaearchi S:ov). Deep River Boyai 1:15. Martin Asrentkri S:M, Berne Damenatratlea Aaenti R:4S, Frankle Carl; 0:00. Johnny Olaen Get Torethrn 0:30, Teyland Tunaei 10:00, Stars ef Tomer rawi 11:00, Girl. Corpai 11:30, American Parmeri lt:O0, Treaaarr Show; It: SO. Paeelaalln Rhythm i 1:M. Ballad) Ban 1:30, Bead Best 3:00, ABC Brmpboayi l:M, t Ranch Boyai l:M. Meet the Training Day Held For Amity Society Amity The WSCS held an officers training day at the church recently. A covered dish dinner was served at noon. Mrs. Fremont Faul conducted the training school for the new of ACROSS t. Coagulate I. Biblical character S. Dull yellowish browi 1 Perforation 13. Male child 14. Speed contest 15. Prena II. Pilled In the aides In making baskets 14. Still SS. And not 17. Correct 15. Set fres 40. Tablelands 43. River In Poland 47. Superintends 49. Persia 10. Fresh water cod 11. Csit India a cymhsla it. Cavern 6.. Belored 64. Malt btvtragw I.ath IS. Keatherllka Water bottles Pitchers Poft exrhanea 18. 10. , mathematical ratios 2. T'jrf rusa Bualnea com bfnattona f3 '4 '' s , ST ir 33 j I2 27 by ' ' 'y "''",, M f ' y y3 If 53 W"pl" zzz jlitw yy ''M.- 1 1 1 i in n I I jm I I I ROOM AND I0ARD LET ME GIVE NOU A Tif " IF THE JUDGE PERSUADES VOU TO TAKE UNCLE NrVOLPGANG f7 OUT FOR AN SVfcNINQ JUST PACK $2 FOR THE FROUC ME HAS MIS RUDDER. SET PO NKSHT CLUBS BUT TREAT Um TO A MCME AND J A CANDY BAR. I P.M. (KOAC Standard Time) LfAAp P". rJI-J: ita the Cpkeott IWM S;60 540 Sperta Clabi I M, Nawa i 0:15. Eddy Dachlai :30, Ma tte of Caechnalovaklai 7:13, Evening Para Houri S:oo, Research Report! S:I5, Hare's ta Velti S:30, Great Kon( 1:45, Newsi 0:00, Muale i 0:14, Evening Medltatlonsl 10:00, BIgn Off. (KOAC Standard Time) fnAr atardav A.M. 10:00, Newai vftw ia:ft, Especially for Women i 11:00, The Concert Haiti 11:00. Newa; 13:11, Noon Farm Houri 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy i 1:30, Voice ef the Army, 1:45, Melody Lane i t:00, Muale of the Matters t 3:80, Science Ncwa ef the Week; 3:45. Spirit or the Viklngst 4: no. Driver's Plerhonaei 4:15, Soma af the West, 4:43, Children! Theater. Band: 4:00, Inaeorlng Parent i 4:18, JUytb atlket 4:30, Jats Concert. ficers which were Installed at the morning worship service by Rev. Faul. The W. S. C. S. emblem was exemplified by Mrs. James L. Payne. Phyllis Meeker sang the dedication solo. Her mother Mrs. p. E. Meeker is the new president. e:dBTsi U5i0lNBu OI VI AiR v;eTrTti6CIl mm Solution of Yesterday's Puz2l DOWN Stylish Feminine name I. Genus of th swan 4. Broken runs st cards ft. Poplar . Kal!"-s T. Hotel . Deltneated 9. Chame 10. Th iTinpteg 11. Bottoms of streams 17. Unnecessary 1. Strnnarhom 22. Gorr1eii of rlavrrt SS. Plcpen 21. Angr 26. Crazy person! lint; 27. Reverent wonder 28. Animal's haunt 2f. I'neven 21. Note of th scale IS. First M in pel Boning 2. Dlnclons 3. Scarcer U. Paaaacsway to. Form 41. Wild cry 42. Bristle 44. River In - Ruaf 41. Volcanic matter 4. Dill 44. Greek It t tar S.27 By Gn Ahem HES TGirrEllTHAN A WET KNOT'" I'M TAKING HIAATO A RADIO STORS WUSR6 WSCAN WATCH A 2-HOUB. $MOwrMTUC TSUEVISON JITJ' 1 1 3 otw k g RIO MyATBjATs IE MEN?1 M'sTetTMyTgW I a i B;aItIc : db si nIo'p! niol aj a p e fcaatST aba t IhTo Tie