. 12 Capital Journal. Salem. Ornjnn, Friday, May 27. 1949, i f i I UrdQUdlC dl Jefferson High Bridges Voted 'Track Captain; Rock for Grid J Tom Bridies hu been nam- ed captain of the Salem high J achool track squad (or 1950 and Jim Rock will lead the J Vikinf football team neat ! fall, according to action taken ' by fellow itudrnta. ! Bridges has been a member of the track team aa a aprlnter ! and relay performer for two year and Coach Vern Gll ) more predicts be will be the No. 1 Viking aprlnter next I season. He ha taken part In . the last two state meeta. Rock played end last sea ! son but Coach I.oren .Mort tx ' pects to move him to the back ! field for the fall campign. Wolves Feature : Intra-Squad Game : On Friday Night Oregon College of Education, I Monmouth, Ore., May 27 Wlnd- i ing up a string practice pro J gram of three afternoon sessions a week during April and a num ber under the lights in May, . two squads of OSC Wolves will ' test each other in a full length ! game at 7 o'clock Friday night. The Red squad: Ends, Decker, ,' Shorack, Hay: tackles. Turner, ' Thayer, Shroeder; guards, Mul ! kins. Davis, Marsh; centers, Sparks, Ferguson; backs. Da sen ' Powell. Lee. Michaels, VanLoo. White squad: Ends. Hiebert, ' Hamilton. Redlin, Hagerup; '. tackles. Estes. Smeed, McKee- J ver; guards, Ruecker, Lusk, D. ' Davis, Barnholt; center, Wade; ; hacks, Palmer, Redder, Funk, t Yano, Jones, Ramey, Hoeroff, ' Graham. J Frisco Players : Get Priority for j Japan Ball Tour ! Tokyo, May 27 Maj. Gen. William F Marquat said today ! the San Francisco Seals of the Pacific Coast league under Man , aaer Lefty O'Doul would have 1 No. 1 priority on an exhibition baseball series in Japan this fall. The general said the Seals - would have to find their own sponsor to guarantee their ex ! penses, if they need a guarantee. He said he was encouraged on , the prospect that the Seals ' would play a series against oc 1 cupation and Japanese teams. Duckpin Bowling ' WKUT MI.FM MAO-HI Bin outhtr 1 took individual honori with SM mi-Im nd ft JflS fmt white th Oimmlnta ' crew aror'd 3111 mtim and 143 fm. I TwMdli OH tliw potted ft 141 wna. Cm nine (4 Ofttithltr 103. BUnton Ot Klfln 40S Rohlnon 453. PftwlfT 437. Writ ttld Badv lorlHl four imi. pamllllc Bltwfc Vmi Ml. Rmtiloff 341. Willprrm 33. Rrrnpts. 411. Ummw ! lorfrllrd four m" Pel ! I'srt (ft) H .Birnwrlt 1M Hatl- tr-n 440. P. fUrnwtll 104. t,nnlbur M4. . Bftrnwtll MO. Twwdlt Oil 141- Frml I4lt Flood 394, Dtliney . Smith 44, Rtckard 403. roMMrari4i. i.hoiib lot fowir topped inrtlr id ml honors with MM famt and ft HI mtIm whllt 'h Abium-mr-nl leant icortd ft 3106 icrtea and an 1 134 ama. Blu I.akt ill Rrandle 4 OH Dlarki Ml. W. MHlr-r 433. I.. Miller HBO. Bchaefar 13 MorUrleit Klerk S Waldlna 3M. t-Rfhaiiner Mb, atanton 413. Meeka 373. bye .ID 4. Marlon Ilerlrl (4t Piwler 433. Htiort ISA. Wr-mrr 4011, RrtiwariF 17. OatUhler I3A. I?r Iniuranre 10) Hve 3S7. HU'k 304, hve IMA. Dyer 3SI. Phillip 3(17. Amutrntrnt t'ompanv (SI Appleiata Ml, Roblnnon 4(17. Wilier ! Powler SUB. ftva 40". H elder Badla (D-Sttll 407. flmllh ill, Unruh 3U. Pftttar 44S, Kavt 401. Wmt nw.r.M i.rtnrit F1i.il Reaaill of lha ftttnnt. Half TTAM BTANUINC18 Won Lol rummlni t 14 Twvedle Fuel Oil II 33 Pirtnlltie Rlork A Supply ....M 3D Pele a lUfd rara J? .H WmI Stde Body Shop II 41 I, ion riuh II 43 HKIH TIVAM BFRIK" Runtime Block Supply 3341 rtimtnlnf 3313 Peie INrrt ran 3117 HIOH TFAM O AMR Pele i Used Can 710 Married Jacob Henry "Buddy" Baer waves as he boards a plane at National Air port, Washington, with hii bride, the former Miss May Mann of Hollywood. Baer, from Sacramento, Calif., for mer heavyweight boxer, and Misa Mann were married at nearby Arlington. Va. Mrs. Baer was Miss Utah of 1938. They flew to New York where Baer said he had to put on a benefit show at Madison Square Garden. (AP Wire-photo) Twenty-four members of the senior class at Jefferson were given diplomas Thursday night at the high school with Clifford Robinson, state department of education, giving the commence ment address. The program Included invoca tion and benediction by Rev. George Richardson, pastor of the Church of Christ and presenta tion of awards by H. M. Beal, su perintendent of schools and di plomas by Edwin Ricks, high school principal. Yvonne Rosenau gave the val edictory and Darlene Winn the salutatory Other members of the graduating class were Rob iers Higgins, Pat LaRowe, Tom Mitchell, Jean Farmen, Joan .Johnson, Fritz Lonsway, Alpha dine Howard, Ellis Hamby, Quentin Ricks, David Arnold' Jack Grimes, Alfred McCann, Richard Ribbs, Robert Brown, Imogene Burleson, Maxine Arm strong Leitfhtnn WpriHIe Mar. garet Swanzy, Eleanor Williams, Washington, May Shirlev Roniiov k i h . r i . Congressman Harris Specht and Janie Htuchings. Ambamador-Fisherman Javier Najera Torres, Mexican boy ambassador to the U.S., fishes with Karen Ince, his guide for a day at the Gypsy Trail club, Carmel, N. Y. Slur on Roseburg Brings Fast Reply 27 m Silverton Coach Moved to Newport Newport Jerry Gastineau, 36-year-old head conch and as sistant principal at Silverton New York Fights Cancelled Over Radio-Video Cash New York. May 27 w Big knocked out a proposed June 17 welterweight fight between Champion Ray (Sugar) Robin son and Kid Gavilan. It also has cancelled plans for Madison Square Garden shows on June 3 and June 10. It is possible even likely high, has been named principal; """ ' ice as tag aa uuAuig gutrs iur me enure summer. so wrong with Roseburg, Ore. It's his home town and he re sented remarks by Dr. Paul Magnuson, veterans' administra tion medical chief, before a house subcommittee. Magnuson mentioned that the time boxing in New York is at VA had difficulties staffing the a standstill while the managers Roseburg veterans hospital be and promoters haggle over tele jcau.se of its isolation, poor trans vision cash. portation facilities and distance The "war" already has from town. py about being assigned' to the Roseburg hospital. Then the medical chief said: "I apologize for my inaccura cies. I am going to learn to keep my mouth shut unless I know Ellsworthwhat 1 am talkin about." asked his audience in a senate appropriations subcommittee! In making a soft custard to hearing yesterday what is use wan iruit or as a sauce you'll save time in stirring you scald the milk first. The Oregon representative noted his home city's rail and bus facilities, the hospital's su burban site and added he "nev er heard of anyone being unhap- of Newport high school by ac- lion of the local advisory board and Acting Superintendent Mike Deller. Gastineau taught and coach ed for eight years at Ashland and was on the coaching staff of Southern Oregon College of Education before serving at Silverton. (riff I 1 ( at I Robinson and Gavilan were to have signed for their polo grounds championship bout at the offices of the New York jtate athletic commission yesterday The managers refused to sign. The New York managers ob ject to a clause in the official contracts giving control of ra dio and television rights to the promoter. This clause is incor porated in the contract only when a club regularly airs its shows. The managers want it eliminated. CASH TALKS and you save at Wood row's when you pay CASH for Willard Batteries Seiber ling tfres "with full road hazard guarantee Nason paints auto glass and tin painted furniture R. D. Woodrow Co. 4.10 Center St Phone 22476 Silverton Sox Open Campaign On McGinnis Lot Silverton The opening game In the state league campaign for the Silverton Red Sox, Bill Mc Ginnis, manager, will be Satur day evening, June 4, on McGin nis Field entertaining Albany Alcos. Local folk and surrounding community fans are welcoming the Red Sox back after an eight-year absence from the loop. McGinnis requested the names of his players to be withheld until later as it was not yet known who would make the team. Joe Louis' last eight defenses of his heavyweight title were made in New York City rings I NEW Bus Service DIRECT TO OREGON BEACHES OCEAN LAKE, TAFT, DEPOT BAY, NEWPORT Leavinr Salem Pally 9:15 A. M. 3:00 P. M. Leavinff Newport Dully 7:00 A.M. 3:00 P.M. I)a.vllt Time Pacific Coast Lines TRAII.WAY BUS DUPOT 520 No. High A Marlon Ph. 3-its IS Purr, tin- nt.K HIOH IKimilUIAt. BE RIM vkl P rv Rill (iMiiifr 714 W.lrlO Wil HIOH INHIvmUAI. CI AMR Wuhlo Wlllftni Ja.k Ahr IVif UmimHl ni!t (in'hifr HKiH INDIVIDUAL AVKHMIF til Tnl.il nil) O nut hit r it MM Tom Wiwtl 14 Mil Hermit Ai rivrs A hei nut from Ecuador, who calls him self Johnny Love Wisdom, and thinks he may some day he recoKnired ar a saint, steps from a plane in Los AnReles (May 24) to meet some of his "disciples." He told newsmen lie had $pent ei nbt years sit tinit on a 13.000-font moun tain top in Ecuador. (AP Wirephoto ) WEEK (6.00 a 16) Replace your tmooth, ibid ding tire with firtclcm, fully reconditioned Recapped Tire , , , long. lotting, lowcott tiret with deep, sharp traction treadt. We'll pay you for your eld one, give you eaiy termi en your new one. State Tire Service Stat at Cottaga Solam, Ortgon COMPOSITION ROLL ROOFING Extra high quality at a down to earth price & what's more, we actually have all weights on hand for immediate delivery. LOOK AT THESE PRICES 1.98 2.49 2.89 3.11 45 lb. Medium 55 lb. Heavy .... 65 lb. Extra Heavy . . 90 lb. Mineral Surfaced All rolls 108 sq. ft. and include nails and cement for application GEORGE E. Allen 336 H COMMWCIAl $T. SAliM, OMOON How Is Your Roof Assurance ?????? If You Have Any Doubts at all Don't Delay - Get Elfsrrom's Free Roof Inspection Is your roof protecting; your home and furnishings ade quately? Remember in i far less expensive to prevent root trouble than to repair dam age. Our trained men will carefully inspect your rool and report it's true condition . . . or find out how inexpen sively you can get a new roof with famous PIONEER FLINTCOTE ROOFING Take 3 Tears to Pay lit Year Written Guarantee 340 Court Dial 2-2491 Deny Politics In Atomic Issue Washington. May 27 W President Truman'a crack that the atomic energy commission has become a "pre-election cam paign" target met a republican denial today that politics is in volved in congress' AEC inquiry- The president said he deplor ed "the fact that trivial items have been blown up to the pro portions that threaten the inte grity of the (atomic) program. This was an apparent refer ence to (1) the disappearance of an ounce of uranium of which the AEC said all but one-seventh was recovered and (2) the revelation that at least one mCORHSSTZ rwn ii Tore kJL Xji communist was awarded inlstoration of traffic to Shanghai. f" Atu aiuay xeuowsmp. in lor- mal atatement read at yester day a news conierence, ine pre- w viivrj sident added: airwilN toe kLLL Tl "It is time the people stopped I x- .n, . getting hysterical when the kv. it corn. balm. u.p word atom is mentioned. The I " " plain fact is that the atomic en ergy program is in good shape "I hope the commission will soon be able to get back to work and that the atomic energy pro gram will cease to be used for pre-election campaigns." While Mr. Truman said he has "entire confidence" in AEC Chairman David E. Lilienthal, Senator Hickenlooper (R-Iowa) told reporters he differs on that point. Airlines Hopeful Tokyo, May 27 ' Officials of International Airlines here were hopeful today of early re- "VINCE'S ELECTRIC" Vacuum Cleaner SALES SERVICE REPAIRS RENTALS On All Types Household or Commercial Also Waxers ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Free Pick-up and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 Here's your light and lively refreshment in a new convenient package! Now you can enjoy Blitz Weinhard in cans as well as bottles... whichever you prefer. Buy it by the case for home, picnics and outings. tori 5. - - ' , . - I n. , I ( y mmu ami mm IITI WIINHASD COMPANY, POSTIANO. OIEGOM DISTRIBUTED BY GIDEON STOLZ COMPANY m&klM. POSITIVELY WE WANT TO 1 Mil yyu JUST AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE! SO HELP YOURSELF TO THESE TERRIFIC SAVINGS! E ivt vi m asm ON FURNITURE - APPLIANCES - HARDWARE - EVERYTHING IN THE STORE! HELP US CLOSE OUR DOORS! Building for Rent Fiituret for Sola Capital Hardware & Furniture 241 N. COMMERCIAL OPEN FRI. & SAT. TILL 9 P.M.