10 Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Friday, May 27. 1949 East Salem Cooking Classes Entertained at Leader's East Salem, May 27 The Middle Grove 4-H cooking classes members were hostesses tor an evening party as the closing meeting or this past term's work in the home of their leader, Mrs. John Cage. Miss Joyce Kuenzi, who has been Mrs. Cage's assistant this year was general chairman; Jo-- anne Tabry was program chair man; Shirley Cage received the guests; pouring at the serving table was Donna Lou Klcen; cut ting the cake, Yvonne Goode; preparing the sandwiches were Deanna Dickey, Rosemary Sll mack. and Doris Reynolds; look ing after the table, Marie Ham mer and waiting on guests, Lora Lue Holman, Sue Anglin, Yvonne Miller and Sharon Chamberlain. Numbers on the program were an accordion solo, Joanne Fab ry; a reading, Shirley Page; a vocal duet by Dona Lou Kleen and Sharon Chamberlain; a pi ano solo, Yvonne Goode; piano solo, Lora Lue Holman; an ac cordion solo, Sue Anglin; violin solo, Yvonne Miller; clarinet solo, Deanna Dickey; reading, Rosemary Slimak; piano solo, Doris Reynolds; reading, Marie Hammer. Guests were Middle Grove teachers, Clarence Irving, Mrs. Mabel Drorbaugh, Mrs. Ethel Sundlie and Mrs. Peggy Elwood, Mr. and Mrs. Ancil Riney and two sons. Miss Anna Bergholtz, Miss Eleanor Trindle, Mrs. Al bert Fabry, Mrs. Harvey Page, Mrs. V. D. Dickey and Sandra, Mrs. Frank Slimak, Mrs. Horace Miller, Mrs. L. C. Chamberlain, Mrs. Mildred Hammer, Mrs. Wil liam Kleen, Mrs. C. L. Reynolds, Mrs. Emory Goode, Mrs. John Anglin, Mrs. Ted Kuenzi, and Mr. and Mrs. Cage. Members of the classes pre sented Mrs. Cage with a gift. She will work with Joanne Fabry and Shirley Page and Joyce Kuenzi with some practice work this summer in preparation for their State Fair demonstrations. Joanne Fabry and Shirley Page plan on attending summer school at Corvallis as they have for sev eral summers. Several members of the inter mediate Sunday school class of Middle Grove Sunday school held a picnic supper at the home of the teacher, Mrs. Harvey Page, Saturday evening. After supper they went into Salem to see the pictures at the Youth Center. Attending were Margar et Chamberlain, Weldon Cham berlain, Robert Mudd, Jesse Wyatt, Dale Van Cleave, Edwin Stahl, Shirley Werner, William Werner, Barbara Remington, Donald Blankenship and Eddie Page. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Norton of Seattle have sold their small home on Lancaster Drive to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Specht of Silver-ton. Tartar Wins Scholarship Amity Royal Tartar, prsei dent of the 1949 graduating class of Amity high school, and sal utatorian for commencement Wednesday is one of the 186 high school students of Oregon to win a year's tuition to attend Oregon State College. McKay Supports Poppy Drive Gov. McKay threw his whole hearted support back of the pop py sale which opened in Salem Friday and will be continued through Saturday. The drive, sponsored by vet eran organizations, is held to raise funds for rehabilitation work among ex-service men and women. "A dime, or any larger amount you wish to contribute," said the governor, "buys an emblem for the coat lapel and that em blem will show your interest in and loyalty to our veterans. All the money raised from the pop py sale goes to the rehabilita tion fund and I know the people will generously respond to this worthwhile cause.. "This is a case where so little individually can do so much collectively, he said. Students Hear Dickey Hubbard Baccalaureate serv ices for North Marion Union high school will be held at the Con gregational church at 8 o'clock Sunday night, May 29. Rev. John G. Dickey will deliver the address. Thouundt now chew ttcak, corn, applet without fear of tupping plateit They uea STAZE, amasing new cream in a bandy tubel STAZB acale edcea TIGHT 1 Helpa keep out annoying food particletl Money-back guarantee. Oct 3&t STAZB I TAXI gout rum TiCMTtt. lorna BEGONIAS Star red Tubers now Ready Greenwood Begonia Gardens 7 ml. West of Salem Dallas Rd. at Greenwood Four Corners Boys Pirepare For Meeting of Cub Packs Four Corners, May 27 Cub Scouts Den 3 are seen playing ball after school these warm days in anticipation of the Pack 101 meeting held Friday afternoon at the Presbyterian church and ball game at the Garfield school ball ground. The den has nine members and the leaders are Mrs. Willard Pederson and Mrs Clifford Pierpoint. " " erai nospuai. one nas an oiaer brother Tommy and the grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Judson of Salem. Robert Jeffries, St. Helens. Visitors in the Silas Keener home 4237 Durbin ave. this week are Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Findley, Betty, Hazel, Joe and Leonard Findley of Bakersfield, Calif. The Findleys are moving to Dayton, and are visiting here while awaiting the arrival their household goods. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Dunigan 7S0 S. Elma ave. And Patrick Lee, born May 18 at Salem Memorial hospital are recieving congratulations. The baby weighed two pounds and fif teen ounces and has a four year old sister Sandra Jean. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Henry Dunigan of Hazel Green, and F. H. Nehl. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Jeffries 407S E. State street are the par-1 ents of a daughter, Marilyn Sue born Mav 21 at the Salem Gen- Queen Anne of England origi nated the idea of racing horses for a cash award in 1714. Keep Cool! With our low-cost air-conditioners , nSOoors SOUND-VALUE DOORS! Here are the Doors you'll want in your build ing Doors that will serve you well, and long. Doors that are built well, will not warp or creak or stick, once they are proper ly hung. Doors for every opening, indoors or out. And Garage Doors that even a woman can open and shut with ease! SALEM WOODWORKING CO. 1225 Cross Ph.3-5953 L ' JtySW lM New Shipment ' r.rPJli V&TvtJ SWs. "'USt arr've' 'n Ni"?wIeTN J& lii Csjt !5v servica. The movement has 17 JEWELED KSkJy A dKjKO BEARINGS with .pedal alloy COLD- ftttJjS. J&!f I WA' RESISTANT HAIRSPRING and new S 'ITZTXJ V I OKrS OVER-SIZE BALANCE WHEEL Every- fir a'syV' V I Ac A d? ou could P"i,,'y Wlrrf fl" ' ml " Lf watch and all at ONE HALF the regular .' yJ e If" r) Ovl established price. Get yours nowl This rrr, i ,, ..r.-inT. Vj ' VCf I L jfr special price in effect only while our lim- 3smmK&w I rs J J swi ZZ3 mmmmt lSf sT.iJi. vI m&is&m&S & cteC" 0313 V- ytizr!S7& iTnt Y 4? tigvr . aSife MAIL I i I y( JIWtLIRS OPTICIANS ) X J M m 4 at. ( wmr If M M M m A M Char M an mnmm n MmT Mltii, I Come see this lovely creation. You'll adore it on your own wrist and you'll be proud to select it as a gift. ORDERS FILLED postpaid No extra charges Many other models in fine makes. Some in gold cases 17 jewel values to $60.00 Vl PRICE BNUnN'1 JKWKI.RV 'am ( mm fW I? laxwot ta Wafc I mm Misktiag mumimt W . II - Cmmtmm M my mmm Ci I Hmw t)ta)Mt QtwaiCO O. AT PENNEY'S Salem, Oregon SHOP SATURDAY AND SAVE YOURSELF PLENTY Shop Penney's Shop and Save With Confidence MEN'S SOLAR STRAWS SMART LIGHTWEIGHT STRAWS BRAIDS AND MESH WEAVES MADE FOR YOUR SUMMER COMFORT MAIN FIOOR 1.98 WOMEN'S SHORT COATS 100 ALL WOOL COVERT FABRIC BEAUTIFUL STYLES IN POPULAR 31" LENGTH IN SUMMER'S HIGHEST TONES SECOND FLOOR 9.88 V MEN'S POLO SHIRTS POPULAR TERRY CLOTH AND RIB KNITS PLAIN, FANCY AND BOLD PATTERNS STURDY COTTON KNITS MAIN FLOOR 1.9S TODDLERS' SUN DRESSES CLEVER ONE AND TWO PIECE STYLES TWO-PIECE WITH DIRNDL WAIST AND BRA ONE-PIECE WITH SHOULDER STRAPS SECOND FLOOR 98c AUTO ROBES 100 ALL WOOL COLORFUL PLAIDS FOR BALL GAMES, BEACHES, OUTINGS SLIGHTLY IMPERFECTS MEZZANINE 3.77 MEN'S SWIM SUITS EXCELLENT COMBED COTTON TRUNKS ELASTIC SHiRRED WAIST, DRAWSTRING BRIGHT PRINTS AND PLAIN COLORS ' MAIN FLOOR 2.98 GIRLS' SPORT SHORTS STURDY SANFORIZED SPORT DENIM BLUE, RED, NAVY, BEIGE AND AQUA GIRLS' SIZES, 7 TO 14 SECOND FLOOR 1.00 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS POPULAR COTTON GLEN PLAIDS BROWNS, BLUES, GRAYS AND GREENS FINE FOR WARM WEATHER WEAR 1 MAIN FLOOR 3.98 BOYS' SWIM SUITS COMBED COTTON POPLIN TRUNKS ELASTIC SHIRRED WAIST, DRAWSTRING BRIGHT SOUTH SEA PRINT MAIN FLOOR 1.98 week-end cases ALL EDGES LEATHER BOUND STURDY BRASS LOCKS, HINGES AND CORNERS 21" WEEK-END CASES IN NATURAL OR NAVY COLOR MAIN FLOOR 7.90 STORE HOURS 9:30 to 5:30 Monday Thru Saturday J I ii LLTTjT)!B3P jmS i ww, ..i.,. MM etMN lOt MW ACCOUNTS 4