Armory Bids for 3 Cities Opened The itate board of control opened bidi today on construe tion of three building! In Oregon City, Lebanon and Bend for use by the Oregon national guard. The buildings contain office and storage space, with other national guard facilities to be constructed later by the federal government. Bids on similiar structures in Corvallis and Ontario will be opened tomorrow. The low bids opened today: Oregon City $34,437, sub mitted by Carroll Construction Co., Tacoma, Wash. Lebanon $35,963, by Smith & Nelson, Salem, Bend $37,823, by A. Wilson Benold, Bend. Installation Soon Completed at Center Installation of all equipment authorized for the present for the Salem Naval and Marine Corpi Reserve Training center will be completed shortly. Last of the equipment to ar rive was the electronic! equip ment, which was installed last week by the United Electronics company. In Salem now to fin ish the installation and make 'f J New Ambassador David K. E. Bruce (above), former ECA head in Paris, appoint ed ambassador to France. adjustments arid calibrations is a Philco engineer working for the navy and sent here from the Bremerton navy yard. Contract for planting of the lawn was let recently to a Salem firm, the Aladdin Landscape Maintenance Service, and work on the planting is to start this week or the first of next week. School Plan Picnic Lincoln Lincoln will hold the annual last day of school picnic at the school house. Sat urday. A brief business session and sports will be events of the day, with a basket luncheon at noon. Rita Gets Boss In My Khan Cannes, France, May 28 (ff) When Rita Hayworth marries Prince Aly Khan she won't be asked if she agrees to obey him. She'll be told flatly he's the boss. The French civil wedding ceremony, which the couple will have, says "the husband is the head of the family." The marriage of the American movie actress and the ' heir to the spiritual leadership of the Ismaili religious sect is set for Friday. It will be in the newly-whitewashed marriage room of the tiny City hall in Vallauris a tiny hillside village about two miles from the Mediterranean. The couple, to avoid crowds, had wanted the ceremony in the prince's sumptuous Chaeau de L'Horison. The French govern ment, however, refused .to grant the necessary special permission. Under French Jaw all marriages must be in City hall except in cases of grave emergency. The ceremony will be read by communist Mayor Paul Deri gon. He says he is happy to be honored by officiating at the ceremony. The Library of Congress is now the largest library In the world occupying two buildings providing 414 miles of book shelves and covering almost 36 acres of floor space. MtMOS for THE STORES Of BITTER VALUES I t 111 emona 5 A vmss Memos on Money-Saving Items for That Outing at the Beach, Mountain or Lake This Week-end ' MEN'S DRESS STRAW HATS Light and Cool Many colors and styles All sizes $H69 LADIES PEDAL PUSHERS AND SANDWICH BAGS SLACKS Keeps food fresh and tasty for picnic Good assortment of styles, colors and lunches, sizes. '2.98 COLD DRINK CUPS DOZ. 15c I GIRLS' SPORT DENIM SLACKS Sizes 6 to 14. 3 10' st. 10' $2.49 PAPER PLATES . GARDEN SET 9" size, the popular size plate. For kiddies. 3 colorful pieces. 15 ' oi. Hoe, Rake, Shovel 89' KIDDIES SAND TOYS EMBOSSED PAPER NAPKINS Just the thing for the beach or sand box. Large White Type A tk Buy Now for Summertime III 35 80 ShM, ,0 fk9- Dot- ' V VANILLA & CHOCOLATE PLASTIC GRILL PLATES COOKIES Complete with Cup Fresh Cream Centen f Beautiful Durable Plastic PA lb. "tC B,'9h'' Soy Colors 3 if" Perfect for Picnics DmJJ into Half, Quarters FRESH FIG BARS VACUUM BOTTLE Fresh end Wholeseme V Handy Pint Size OAs Always Welcome en jC Keeps Liquids Ice Cold 2WC an Outing Mm 10 f Keeps Liquids Piping Hot w THI 8TORII OF BITTER VALUIS er. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 28, 1949 I For This Sole Only SM 1.60 Regular 8.45 ROD and REEL sow b 'i 0Uy strong 1-D- lc Originally Low Priced at 139.95 SAVE 11.07 during this sale! ELGIN 6 H P. OUTBOARD MOTOR 1 V (O) (2) Here's something special! A powerful alternate firing Elgin 6 H.P. twin consistently engi neered for greater performance at Sears amazing savings! Runs at slow trolling speeds . . . revs quickly to 16 MPH! Amazingly flexible, it combines quiet operation with a light 37 Ibs.! Shurflo waterpump won't clog keeps engine , cool . . . Super-Mark Magneto gives quick starts, smoothness at any speed! 9-pint fuel capacity. OBC rated at 4000 RPM. FASTER STARTS New Super-Spark Mag neto provide apart that catches! ON-LEVEL FUEL FEED Synchro-Mix Carbure tor gives proper fuel feed In apita ot rock and roll! SPEED AND SMOOTHNESS New Elgin features give smooth performance at every speed. j49 Assorted Fishing Lures 3 fof J. C Higgins Quality Reg. 59e Her are real values In hires that ordinarily sell for 50c to 75c eacM Includes pike lures, small ond large wigglers, surface lures wHh spin ners. Come in and see these values today at Searsl Steel Tackle Box Deep Bottom Tray; 1 4x7VfccoH In. Leather Handle.... 5.89 Re.ntlrii tklt b.x h.l Un e.lor baked tnincl finish. lOTk; plan-trr nlas. A t.kl. box Bait Casting Rod Solid Steel 4U-ft. Blade A Sears Valuel . i 2.95 LloM, legible casting rod bo two steel guides wed Hp-topi plastic far grip cork roar grip; plastic hotel Braided Nylon Line 50 Yordi; 9-pound Test Sears low Price . , , 8 5 C J. C Mgaln Inn Made of wporb quality Dvpont nylon. Smooth, flexible and easy running. AW t otbor testa. Life Preserver Plastic Covered Cushion Seors Low Price .it. 3.65 Box edged, kapok filled cushion for pleasure boats wp to 40 ft. Coast Guard approved. Red cororj nautical design. Sturdy Camp Stove Compact fre-Wav 2-Burner For Only 7.44 iow Brlced.compoct... sturdy. ..hand some. Welded steel wire grate, wind shield., ItVAxlMn. cooking svrfoco Sleeping Bag SheKer Keeps Rain Off Head As low At. . 23.88 for slcplnf perfeeltnn en year templm trip see this HtiM-in. down filled bif. SS-ln. tipper, cot ten drill eerer. Linen. J. C. Higgins Tent Steel Center Pole ond Anns 5x9-. Floor ,,, , 42.95 Mao. of foTMt gi... driit 6 J A m. pr qar. yard. Swd-j. floori rw wto- tew. WW, Vacuum Bottle Dependable J. C Higgins Bran 8 'i-Pt. Capacity... 1.09 Perfect for lunches or pterin! Attracttve Won cased body has otvmlnum cup top) keeps Mqvids hot or cold 24 boor Duck Covered Cot SroooVAetoJ Leg Braces For Home or Camp 4,89 Hevr-wtlht white deck covered lint relnferred st ell points ef ctrstn. A relie at Beers lew MVlnf price! 3-Gallon Gas Can Flexible, Stationary Spouts Screw Caps. . 2.25 Practical, IneipentUel Usn lor ovt board motors, gorages, gas ttotlons. Oolvoftitod can has trips lock sootn. Picnic Cook Set Sturdy Polished Aluminum 14 Pieces 9.50 Cooped toc wl kidM 3 ond 7 ot. mux. bom, 9-in. fry (Wl, 4 plotM, eol fM ot, 4 eon 4 3 toflM. Lfc!OOJ ,' -. . ' -WW' ,rn Portable Ice Box Lightweight, Streamlined .91 x 10x12 In. . . k .5.98 Ideal for ramping trip or ptantcl offt Ctonf (ntuloHon watertight olvonlied WaMs. loowy ko contoinor. Complete Golf Set Good Quality Canvas Bog FowOub. 25,95 Sot hHvdei drhror-brossin, No. f Iron, No. 5 ken, pvtter. Iram ond woods have toel stop shafts. Leather grip. fumtfjiiwjwn H OfrUiaifXi oewopy, pot el and stokoia J. C. Higgins Low Priced Standard Model Bike with reinforced frame 12-inch Softball All Oilioal Speofacalions Rubber Coated .... 89c A t4 avolHr koKi a mlM ft I prtMl r mi In 3666 Streomlined end ipeedy li rhii modern Stan bicycle. Hei 19-in. reinforced steel frame, drop forged fork, iteel hook-type enameled rims. Allstate 26x2.123 bal loon tirei. J. C. Higgini "Gothic" fenders and coaster broke. Troxel spring saddle. See it today ot Seen. 484 State Street Phone 3-9191 SHOP UNTIL 9:00 P.M. FRIDAY 136 North Commercial Salem, Oregon 1