Campus Sets Alumni Day Univerity of Oregon, Eugene, (Special) Alumni Day on the University ot Oregon campus has been designated as Satur day, June is. j.o De neia in con junction with the university.'s seventy-second annual com mencement, the activities of the day will be centered around the reunion meetings of five classes. The fiftieth reunion of the class of 1899i will be celebrated. This will be the honored class at the 1849 commencement. Ar rangements for the reunion cele bration are being made by Dr. Charles Templeton of Marys ville, Wash., assisted by Miss Maude Kerns of Eugene. Chairman of the forty-fifth reunion of the class of 1904 is James O. Russell of Turner, permanent class secretary. The fortieth reunion of the class of 1909 will be under the chairmanship of Mrs. William Barker of Eugene. Miss Dorothy Flegel and Miss Essie McGuire of Portland will make arrangements of the thir tieth reunion on members of the class of 1919. Chairmanship of the twenty fifth reunion of the class of 1924 will be held by the class presi dent, Paul Sayre of Portland. Assisting htm will be Randall Jones and W. Lyle Palmer, both of Portland, and Mrs. Paul Pat terson, Hillsboro. Alumni Day activities include the annual breakfast and meet ing of the State Association of University of Oregon Women at 8:30 a. m. in the Eugene hotel, Mrs. Robert M. Fischer, Jr., Sa lem, state president, presiding; a general Alumni association meeting at 11 a. m.; the Univer sity luncheon at John Straub hall at noon; the president's re ception in Alumni hall, Ger linger, in the afternoon; and class dinners at 6 o'clock at specified places. Birthday Event A birthday party was held on Saturday in honor of the third birthday of Ernest (Butch) Dill, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil L. Dill, at their home. Refreshments, including a circus decorated . cake with threee animals holding candles, were served to Neil and Mrs. Curtis Dornhecker of West Sa lem, Chuck and Mrs. Fenton Bilyeu of Dallas, Lee and Mrs. Allan Foster of Silverton, Ran dy, Mikie and Mrs. Howard Mills, Paul and Mrs. Darleen Buckingham, Janice and Mrs. James Smith, Kathy, Millie and Mrs. Melvin Haines, Cathy, Cyndy and Mrs. Earl Shultz Jerry and Mrs. Howard Men- denhall, Roy Jones and Mrs. Dill I all of Salem. AURORA Mr. and Mrs. Louis Racette of Aurora were honored on their 39th wedding anniversary when friends and relatives gathered to surprise them at a buffet luncheon Shrubs and plants were present ed to the honored couple for their yard. Cards were the eve ning'! diversion with high cores going to Mrs. Jack Bush and Mrs. John Rowe, Walter Pacette and Allois Hillner. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Shaver, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Racette, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bents. Mr. and Mrs. John Rowe and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Allois Hillner, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Racette and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gilles and Beverly, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pierson, Miss Eileen Pierson. Miss Diane Pierson, Mr. and Mrs. J. B Betters, Mr. and Mrs. Jaek Bush, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brosseare, Mr. and Mrs. Emlle Racette, George Rosick and the hosts. MACLEAT Mr. and Mrs. Milton F. Kephart were hosts at their home near Silverton to members of the 4M club and their husbands for the May meeting. The business meeting was receded by a no host supper After the business meeting 500 w was in play with high score go ing to Mrs. Harry Martin Jr., and Onle L. Martin. This was the last meeting of the season. Present were Mr and Mrs. Raymond Werner, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin br., Mr and Mrs. Harry Martin Jr., Mr and Mrs. Onie Martin and Mr and Mrs. Kephart. '(2320 To Graduate Miss Darln PnrirtieUw j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. j! roarasky of Salem, will receive the degree of bachelor of music from Marvlhurst coUese An June 3. Commencement exer cises will be held at a n m Judge Hall S. Lusk, chief Jus- nee of the state supreme court, Will be SDeaker fnr th rtfainn Miss Podrasky is a member of me campus music society and of tne two choral groups, Treble Triad and the Choralists. Wedding Saturday Sublimity St. Boniface Cath olic church in Sublimity was the scene of a wedding Saturday morning at 9:30 when Miss Mary Louise Kasten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Kasten, was wed to Herman Breiten stein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brientenstein. ihe double ring ceremony was performed by the bride groom's brother, Father Stephen Breitenstein of St. Stephen's par ish in Portland. The altar was beautifully decorated in pink and white. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white slipper satin with a French lace bodice. Her elbow length veil was held in place with a coronet of seed pearls. The bride carried a bouquet1 of pink rosebuds and white stephenotis. Miss Frances Kas ten, sister of the bride, was maid of honor wearing a gown of pink taffeta with a skirt of net, and carrying a nosegay of pink rose buds and white carnations. Miss Rosemary Breitenstein, sister of the bridegroom, was bridesmaid and wore a gown of pink taffeta and also carried a nosegay of pink rosebuds and white carnations. Walter Breitenstein, brother of the bridegroom, was best man and Gerald Heuberger was ush er. The wedding dinner was pre pared and served to the families by Mrs. Cecelia Ditter, Mrs. Ida Hartman and Misses Patricia Ditter, Jeanne Ruef, Rosella Heuberger, Marita Zuber and Claudia Bentz. A reception fol lowed from 2 to 4. For going away the bride chose a pink gown with white accessories. After a wedding trip east the couple plan on making their home in Salem. LYONS Mrs. Russell Wil son honored her mother, Mrs Floyd Boyington of Salem with a party at her home. The Boy' ingtons recently returned from a winter's vacation at Peters burg, Ha., and plan to move there in the fall. Honoring Mrs. Boy 1 n g t o n were Mesdames Will Carter, Lu ther Stout, Chet Blum and Miss Lois Blum of Stayton, Mrs. Alex Bodeker of Lyons, Mesdames John Allen, Bob Draper, Charlie Crook, Raymond Branch, Jack Teeters, . Jack Ryland, Vern Goodell, Ercille Wilson, Roy Philippi, Larry Kimsey, Charlie Boucne, Harry Monroe, Barney Kirsch, Elmer Taylor, Giles Wagner, Keith Phillips, Earl Wolfkeil, Mrs. Pearl Dake Mrs. Elizabeth Hughes, Mrs. Eva Crook and Mrs. Jennie Moe. by completely electrifying your treadle ma chine head and placing it in a smart, new SINGER console cabinet of distinctive design. COMPLETE CONVERSION Includes.' New SINGER walnut finish cabinet New SINGIR Long-llfo motor Now SINGER Non-glar ,,,. rkt Spotlight Jtfa tompUh liutolfa. Now SINGER tpood control Hon, pickup J iMyry. Motor, Light and Foot Control only, installed oo your SINGER Tret die Macbiot $25.00 . a. ft. pm. nr. m i. Pbont of tiiil lodty jour . , , SINGER SEWING CENTER 130 N. Comtmrcol Solom, Ort. Ph. 3-3512 Miss Highberger Feted at Shower Aumsville Mrs. Roy Tulllns and Mrs. Ed Farmen were host' esses for a surprise bridal show, er for Miss Verjeanne Highber ger at the Omar Roberts, sr. home. Miss Highberger is to be married May 30 to Joe Dough erty of Salem. After games re freshments were served, the cake, decorated In green and white having the names Jeanie and Joe on each piece. The serving table was centered with two large wedding bands with a wedding bell and bridal couple in the center. Those honoring Miss Highber ger were Mesdames Don Blades, Lester Perry, Lester Browning, Irving Palmer, Tony Weissen- fels, Lester Ellis, Luther Wright, Charles Wright, Melvin Glldon, Bill Roberts, Lee Highberger Joe Watson, Virgie Bradley, Dewey Briles, Clarence Zuber, Phillip Albus, Fred Albus, Omer Roberts, Jr., Ralph Fough, Omer Roberts, sr., Bland Speer, John Mertz, Bill Hermans, John Al bus, Connie Roberts, Sam Wright, J. E. Towle, Ed Zwick N. P. Kremer, Ivan Putnam, J M. Fisher, Wesley Schrunk, N J. Heuberger, John Heuberger, Mary Hein, Ethel Wright, Mae Lamb, Miss Rosemary Dough' erty and Miss Grace Richards. Piano Recital Thursday Evening A group of piano pupils of Mrs. James S. Smart will appear in recital this evening, the pro gram to be at the country home of Mrs. James W. Mott at Zena at 8 o'clock. J. P. Smart will sing a group of songs during the evening. The piano pupils taking part in the recital are Patty Lou Wor ral, Allan Meissner, Kennie Ruth Carlson, Ruth Carleson and Beverly Mott. Parents of the children have been invited. Refreshments will be served, Mrs. Kenneth Carlson to pour and Mrs. Julius Meissnar to serve the cake. At AAUW An interesting program has been arranged for the meeting of the Salem branch, Ameri can Association oi university Women, Friday evening In Bax ter hall, senior women of Willa mette university to be guests. Three foreign students in the political science department at the University of Oregon will te presented In a panel. They in clude Manucher Goodarzi from Iran, Miss Christian Beylier of Paris and Miss Pearl dent from Shanghai, China. A dance will be presentee, oy tne Neil brothers, Jerry and Gary. A social will follow. WOODBURN Miss Janet Hart, daughter ot Mrs. Sylvia Hart of Portland, formerly cf Salem, and Randall Kenneth Bargelt of Portland were mar ried Saturday, May 21 at the Grace Memorial Episcopal church. Both are graduates of University of Oregon where she is a member of Phi Beta Phi and he is affiliated with Phi Delta Theta. The bride is a niece of Mrs. Frank Wright ot Woodburn. At tending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Wright and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Enos of Woodburn. Mrs. Enos poured at the recep tion which followed the cere mony. The couple will make their home in Portland, $8250 Rebekah Meeting An all musical program was featured following the regular meeting of Salem Rebekah lodge, Monday evening, Includ ed were the Wlltsey Studio Melodets,". with their accord! ns, William C. Drakely with songs, and Arthur McEldowney, with the violin. Of interest to those who were unable to attend was the report by Mrs. Lloyd Wood on the 82nd annual grand lodge session which was held last week In North Bend. With Mrs. Wood's report came word that the Salem lodge placed first in the number of seals of perfection earned, and second in community service. Miss Hazel Price, Mrs. W. H. Gardner, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Gus- tav Erikson, Mrs. W. J. Beard, Mrs. Clarence Townsend, Mrs. W. A. Cladek, Mrs. Coral Mc Neill, Mrs. John Wiles, Mrs. Vic toria Stiffler, Mrs. Charley Neu- bauer, and Mrs. Clem Ohlson, who participated in the tribute to the past state presidents at the North Bend meetings gave a review of the drill as they had presented it. Activities of the week as an nounced include: The Ladies auxiliary to the Patriarchs Mill tant, Thursday, at 8 p.m. at the IOOF temple; the Three Links club, Friday, at 2 p.m. at the IOOF temple. Following Monday's meeting and program, refreshments were served. Your Prescription Store WHEN VOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER "It Pay- to Trade at Schaefer's" 7S99 Prescriptions Accurately Filled 1949 EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY We have o complete line of medical needs for babies. Let js fill your prescription. Graduation Gifts PEN AND PENCIL SETS PARKER SHAEFFER " , WATERMAN See Our Fine Selection of ELECTRIC RAZORS SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE The Original Ye.low Front Drug And Candy Special Store in Salem 13S N. Com'l. St. Phone 3-5 H 7 or 2-9123 Couple Wed 65 Years Saturday An informal open house Is planned for 6 p. m. Saturday at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lengele, 86S South 13th honoring them on the occasion of their 5th wedding anniver sary. The couple were married In Coverson, Neb. In 1884 and have lived in Salem for 60 years. Six of their 11 living children re side in Salem, including Mrs. Rosie Nichols, Mrs. Ella Wilcox, Bert Lengele, Mrs. Mae Scott, Teddy Lengele, and Mrs. Myrtie Crabtree. Their other five chil dren are Mrs. Sylvia Vert and Mrs. Gladys Welcome of Ta- coma; Arthur, Marvin and Theodore Lengele of Bend. There are 35 grandchildren, 21 great grandchildren and two great great grandchildren. BETHEL Donald Sandau of St. Louis, Mo., who will be mar ried to Miss Minalee Spranger on Sunday, June 12, arrived in Salem on Sunday. His father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sandau, and his sister and her family, Mr. and Mrs. O. M Frentzel and Donald Frentzel, all of St. Louis, drove west with him. Mrs. Sandau (Anna Bartels) lived on the Bartels old home farm near Macleay as a girl where the visitors are now the guests of her brother, Herman Bartels. They plan to spend the summer among their relatives the Irvin Bartels family. Mrs. Arthur Spelbrink and family and Miss Hilda Bartels. sale! 0,000 59 Aid With Sale I Several organizations are as sisting the American Legion auxiliaries with their annual poppy sale this Friday and Sat urday. Groups assisting include American War Mothers, Gold Star Mothers, Eagles auxiliary. Catholic Daughters of America, Disabled American Veterans auxiliary. Woman's Relief corps, Salem Letter Carriers' auxiliary. Capital Unit No. 9, American Legion auxiliary, is serving a luncheon Friday at 11 a. m. in the First Methodist church for all volunteers assisting with the sale, reports Mrs. Ethel Lewis, sale chairman. Mrs. Edward Voigt, Mrs. John E. Wood, Mrs. Earl Andresen, Mrs. George Gabriel, Mrs. Klony Smith and Mrs. Clark M. Craig are the com mittee In charge of the luncheon UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, cugene, (special) A new pledge of Theta Sigma Phi, na tional women i Journalism fra ternity, is Miss Margaret Scand ling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs W. E. Scandling. 584 N. Twen- iv-iirsi st., saiem. She was pledged last week on the Uni versity of Oregon campus at the annual formal Matrix Table of Theta Sigma Phi. Miss Scand ling is a sophomore journalism major. THIS WEEK-END ONLY FRIDAY and SATURDAY ANY PAIR OF SLAX In Stock, Regardless of Price This includes cottons, $3.98 to $5.98, and our better slax in gobs, strutter and Rivercooli from $6.95 to $9.95- Sizes 10-44. GOLDIE'S DRESS SHOP 4954 North River Road Phono 2-3049 Open 10-7 fashion's pet from oh ot America' Values from $1 to $1.75 yard. A vast array of sample bolts from one of the foremost rayon mills in the country. There are gabardines, shantungs, failles, crepes, worsted-types, tec ates,. Panama, weaves, poplins,, spun rayons, sheers. You can turn out blouses, dresses, summer suits, slacks, lingerie, slips, formals. Take your pick from a whole spectrum of lus cious pastels as well as vivid tropical colors. 39 to 44 inches wide. Hurry in Thursday and Friday for your share of the savings. Yard Goods, Meiianina Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 26, 19497 Plan Guest Day Aumsville The Aumsville Woman's club met at the home of Mrs. Ivan Putnam. Plans were made for a guest day on June 10 at the Aumsville school gymnasium. Mrs. Hugh Craig appointed the following com mittees for the affair: entertain- mer Klein and Mrs. Ed. Holm- quist; decorations, Mrs. Bland Spear, Mrs. Chas. Wright, Mrs. Ivan Putnam and Miss Minnie Peterson; refreshments, Mrs Roy Hough, Mrs. Guy Shields Mrs. George White and Mrs. James Miller; hospitality, Mrs. Mary Hein and Mrs. J. E. Towle. Following an Informal social hour refreshments were served by the hostess to Mesdames Bland Speer, Mae Lamb, Ed. WOMEN WANTED Foi Deauty training Ex cellent opportunities are al ways open to the skilled beautician CI five are now forming at Salem's oldest and most advanced beauty school. Call or write for our new low rates Oregon School ot Beauty Culture 230 N Liberty Ph. 36800 177 GFF yardi rayon fabrics biggest manufacturers Holmquist, E. Towle, Mary Hein, Hugh Craig, Elmer Klein, Miss Minnie Peterson and guests Mrs. Bob Adams, Ethel Wright and Mrs. Forgy a former mem ber now residing in Los Angeles. HALO $2.98 Braided strawcloth . . . a spring and summer charmer! T. i f MAGIC $3.98 A gay little calot of felt audacious with shoot ing feathers. MILLINERY DEPT. SECOND FLOOR north liberty