CI '4 0 if Jn A ti-i Tafe Stresses Conservation With the agricultural spot light ihifting to acreage allot ment!, marketing quotas, price supports and what to do with "surplus" iarrn commodities, the conservation of soil and wa ter becomes increasingly import ant in the opinion of W. M. Tate, chairman of the Marion county agricultural conservation com mittee. The chairman urges county! farmers to keep on with their! Army Man Visitor conservation plans. -Although! North Spring Vallev Stopper-acre yields have increased j ping over for 10 days as a house umipmuiov uunn me iasi n Kuest OI his parents, Mr. and years and surpluses are begin-; Mrs. G. H. Hammond when on this land back Into sod crops. "" j.Ha.ii., "The real wealth of Marion county is in the soil and as far mers we are the guardian of that wealth. Through the agri cultural conservation program the nation is provided assistance to help us do the conservation job but it still is up to us to do it. Now that we can take some of our land out of heavy produc tion or cash crops, we have an opportunity to do a better con servation job than ever. As far mers and as a nation we can not afford to pass up this oppor tunity." Capital Journal. Salem. Oregon. Thurndur, Mar 2ft, 1.4 S ning to pile up for a number of crops, we must not forget that population is Increasing and land is limited. We must take care of every acre of good crop land we have to assure contin Flying Elephant David Cansdale, son of the London loo head, has the first ride on a four-months-old elephant calf that arrived from Calcutta on t British Overseas plane. Bush to Give Talent Show A talent show, made up en tirely of Bush school pupils will be presented in the school audi torium at 7:30 Fndav night un der the sponsorship of the Bush Mothers club. An overture by the orchestra directed by Donald J ess op will open the evening's program. Then will follow a series of dances and songs. The dances and the participants include: "ChrrlM Are Rip." Clayton etfinkf: "F1y MinutM Mor." Rlckfy Wood: "Good OW Summer Time." Krn nd Kayr Meier: "Lavender Blue," flhiron Cuah ini; "Pinwy Ot Sont and Dance." Jullf Repine. Valeric Johtuon. Judy Sharp: -Me and My Shadow Suianne Loucka: "A Tanco." Kaye Tomlltuon and Nancy Payne; "A Study In Modern Dance." Ki th y Hettael Sua an Kerch. Judy Atwood, Hancy Mannlnt. Jean Haworth. A Strut Down the Side of the Street," Tracy Irolah: "You Call Everybody Dar lln," the three. aweethearU: "Button It Bow." Patricia Whelan: 'The Weatrrn ra," Pritzi Maneck. Lynne Enyeart. Charlene Oitihlnt, Charlea Chappelle, Bill Reamer, Max Reaney; "Naiaaakl." Linda Da via; "Hlody or Soft Shoe," Nancy rayne, Kaye Tomlinaon: "When My Babv Smile At Me." Karen Obriet; "The Old School Spit It." rmh trade rooter: "A Salute to the Color" Arm ja. Navy Lin da DavU, Tracy Imlah, P. tWhtl.n, Nan c Payne, Kiit Tomlltuon. Miulcal number Include: First Grade Serenades Danny Boy," Mkha! Pro man; Acecrdion Melodie. Joan Robert; 'San Anton Roae." LoU Jean Chavea. Church Selects Doctor As New Moderator The congregation of First Congregational church Wednes day night elected Dr. Horace Miller, psychiatrist at Oregon State hospital, as moderator for the Salem church. Other officers elected: clerk, Paul Harvey (re-elected); finan cial secretary, Mrs. P. L. Cal vert; treasurer, Mrs. E. E. Ow ens. All elections were for one year. The congregation voted to sponsor the bringing of a dis placed family from Europe to Oregon. Long-Distance Pigeon Race Slated Sundoy A Diffeon race. Walla Walla to Salem, will he a annrta vnt of next Sunday under the spon- sorsnip ox me unerry city Rac ing club. In a race last Sunday a bird entered by Cecil McNeil won the Pendleton to Salem race with an average nf 032 varHa minute for the 215 miles. A' Hnilff Ph.mhaH n! n o .......... . o figtrvil V CI M (- ed 931 yards, taking second.! miro. piace was won by an Al Brown entry. his way to his new station at Mather Field, Sacramento, was Master Sgt. William Hammond. who has just been transferred from Great Falls, Mont., where h. h.l lid II II nrrtnn1ml .th ued production of enough food ( cruitlng ,ctivitje, the p,,t two for growing country." .... He points out that it nowi seems certain that 20 to 30 mil lion acres will be taken out of the production of our principal cash crops. This provides a real opportunity to step up soil and water conservation work on the diverted land. Farmers and consumers will benefit from shifting this acre age into conservation uses, the chairman explains. Soil fertility will not be wasted in the pro duction of commodities for which there is no market. In stead, reserves will be stored in the soil for future needed pro ducUon. Heavy production of grain and other cash crops during and since the war have depleted the humus and broken down the soil structure on millions of acres in the nation and there is Use Organic Fertilizer The Right Way to Rebuild Soil ' Free of Weed Seeds Odorless SA KS $5.00 Bulk 1 ton $10 00 2 tons 17.50 Free delivery anywhere in Salem Area Phone 3-8127 After S P M Phone 24397 a growing need to get much of Journal Want Ads Pay A1v.rl!jFinpm How to Hold FALSE TEETH Mort Firmly in Place Do your falne teeth annoy and embar. when you eat laugh or talk? Juat aprlnkle a little FASTEETH on your plate. Thl alkaline (no-acid) powder hold fa lac " - ..M.i aiiiu uvrr cemiOTiaDiy No tummy, looey peaty taate or feellna "" nersa piate odor' (den ture breath). Get FASTEST H today ftt any drui at ore. 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