23 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 26, 1949 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING PT L1M Per Lin I tlmu 40 Per Udi tlDlM . Per Line 1 month 82 00 Outstd of Salem 15 PI line P' day. Mln I Oct t lime mm 00 I times mm 11.30. No Refund READERS la Local New Cel Onlyi Pti una 0 To PJbcb an Ad Phone 1-2406 FOR SALE ROUSES S BDRM. 17000. tit Benat. W. j"jm .8M. New modern 3 bdrm. horn South out. Cta to school. Bus at door. Im , mediate possession. 11000 down. Bal ance FHA. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 151 S. HUh J Phone 3-4131. at27' COUNTRY LIVING in town. 1 BR Insulated -home, fireplaee. Lit, lot. Garden space 'Fruit and nut tree, grapes. 1 down i.in hen. IB. 000. 170 West Bush St -Ph. 3-662 137 F NO LEW GOD ADDITION bedroom, livina room, dlninl room, Vrehen basement, fireplare. hdwd '( 'floors. awdut furnace, garage. Ill,- oo. JT - MrKII.LOP REAL ESTATE Center and High Sta. i - Phone J-8fi30 , Evening 37163 77541-34037 S136 "BLOCKS-fronwlty center, best resl dentlal section. 3 bdrm. plua larite fm- Ished attic. l"t bath. 005O0. 868 8 Liberty. a 126 ppthTj Acre with clean 3-bdrm. home .glose In. All on on floor. LoU of fruit. -...Garden, etc. Ctll Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS TAKE BEST offer over 13493 for equity tn 964 ao. ft. of nearly new 3-bdrm. h., bal. EH A. 3350 Wlnola Ave., off Salem - -HchU. Avt. 137 fpECIAL PRKE THIS WEEK: Naw 4 BR on 1 floor. Plreplare. Hdwd. floor. Util ity. Youngstown sttcnen, ifio q. n. , Attached garage. Lawn larden In. 21 la Jelden Bt. 1 blk. East of Lanalng. Off Runnvvlew. Nrw School clone, rily bua 1 blk. Owner 35 Lamm Ave. al37 BV OWNER: Mnke me an offer for my l'i yr. old E H A. appraised i norm home. 1374 3rd Bt.. Went Salem. a!37' Vt?An. Clean plastered 3-bdrm. home bp- arnx. 1 vr. Old. North. Lot 70x150 .Paved street, full treaa, lawn, flower ind garden. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., . REALTORS Vk'K BDRM. HOME, pleasant hillside lo cation, 4 fruit lrrs, furnished, bua at door. 13000. 070 Ratcllff Dr. al27 WRRT AAI.FM 'jf lce 3-bfdroom home, clow to atorea Ana cannery, now aown win nmaii. MrKII.LOP REAL ESTATE " ' Center and High Sta. Phone 3-flfiJ0 Evening 37103-2754 IO4037 al30 Utant-AtrrioN srllino your house Buyer waiting. LUt your property. Call 3-7B42. L. E. Klumpp Real Estate Horth of Greyhound But Depot am UttM. New unfinished house Baat. At - lached Baraae. Lot 100x180. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., : REALTORS IM S. Hia-b St. - Ph. t-4131, Bvej. 1-S501 137 I ENOIJCWOOD ADDITION I I1 bed room i. living rooiii, dining room.1 rat kitchen, fireplace, hardwood floora, ' ftuto. oil furnace. Unfinished uptairi. MrKII.LOP REAL ESTATE Center and Hltih St. Phone 3-B60 Evening 37102-27541-34B37 al30 )o400,- Nrw modern 2-bdrm. home South ' .v.OH furnaca. I .urge lot. 11900 down. Bal . anca EHA loan , rati Si mi ley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 111 . Hirh St. - Ph. 3-4131, Evej. 1-SSil BUT IfEARJ.T NEW t bedroom horr.t on good -at reel, larso lot, hardwood floora. larae - rooma, beautiful kitchen and bath, at tached Baraae. Price rrajionBble at - I7M. Can arranie good financing. Pour ' Corner dulrict. OLE AN, comTo' ahl 3 bedroom hot me. lo- gated north, piped wood (urnare and fireplare plua basement. Onlv I70O0. Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS Fh. t-4707 4114 Court Eve, 1-73S 3-4771 a US' ForTkAIJ: or" TRADE rTbedroom"plBt" red home for suburban 3-bedroom onnia or will accept re avion able offer. 1030 Wilbtr. all OrEN HOUSE Vvenlnga 4 to 0 till aotd by owner. Npw -PHA. built 3 bdrm. ranrh typ home -With all th finest feature; like hard wood floora. fireplace, picture windo. ic, plua iha finetit cnnjitructlon. Bu thi now for about 13000 fc i v. today's market price. Com aouth on 09h to the to Cafe, turn rieht op Eald av. to lai atreet left. tWelty A t to aecond -fcouao on right. i 13 - SUBURBAN - 030O0 DOWN Hfndarn, 3 bedrooms, living room, kit Vtten. nook, garaite. Nice lore 1 ton, rlose to achool. One-half a re. Drilled well. MrKII.LOP REAL ESTATE Center and lllch Sta. k Phone 3-8BJ0 . . Evening 7l3-a7ft4l-34iH7 0130 VfiUf la truly join t hint different in In ' la r lor daaign for endnrlna delliht. A pleaaant blendlna of old-faahloned home atpprat wlUi tha modern Idea of broad -' or. batter Mvtnc. Thla home u truly Veil bui;t (pre-war). There ta a homey ' atvtng room with larva view window over tooting city, valley and mountain. torapany aiae dining room, muter brd- room wKh built -In and l bath, wm- tern atylo den with bultt-m book aheltes gompltt bath and one of t hoe kuchena that you aee advertised tn th maaa k n nf. completely Younaaiowa) and a ut Dutch door to a large patto. On n M waU with new Ufa tim panalva aarpoU. In iha baaemant there 6 a largt knoHf Pin recreation room, undry room with automatic air-conditioned oal hat, hobby ahop. Th lot 3mm atvataj larw troaa, ahruba and flow a aad aontatna awlnkler ayaiam, two me gaeaat. PHA. will loan 114.000 on hnnkB. tt la all you re for 113 MO tewatrtnt only M,M0 ah. Dial 1-4010 I -Mil alia i-bedwom home fn W Salem. Hbj Mnt. tawduat Beat, attached ga rage. UNO Own. trtaa. ww 0-ronai homo on www VM Mnwi. lMft( ftraplar. 10M CU 0 Y. Mum w th STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS IM then St. . Ph. A-41J1, Eva. I-I3M ain If AWNr.R 0 Bdrm,"piaUrd l-tory ome, paved St. Quiet dUt. Ph. 17541. a 1I fn 0AU: Halt arr nri 1-0 rm . wired (rr rame. l ira fcl,th- ,u tlaetric 0 hlnrk to bu All lot 17500 00. Phone -0041. 41 Itrirn C:i Oil f on! j rm. nouwrrmeniovro '" Siill-in Attie. Utility hou. H acre P,, tnm Bm mtmt TmmMiate pnws ,tn 4 liocka east of Sist hopiil IJ) Nrwu kvf, allO 13500. Xnier Dwi. 1-rw," hOfng"5ru line. Has btn Fftr:c itrr heater. laundry lra. dtu.ed wen, larag. Lo STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS IM B.ir St . Pn 1-0131, tt i.KSM a!37 PtlR 41.1: hv oaner I rm rtirtde rnWuat Some nui-bijtid ni I ,ou. fn. 1U f;l t mtoa. til Pairvlew. 'lt FOR SALE HOUSES FOR IALI: Six room house, newly dec orated, Inside and cut. Largo corner lot. Paved street and aid walk. 4 kind fruit tree. See owner at 114 Walnut St., Independence, Ore. al2l FOR SALE BYOWNER: I bdrm. ranch style horn, view iot, excel, oistnct. rn 1-7534. Bl35' Br OWNER: Rl- I, Box Ml Co If ft Helsnts. 1 Bd. rm. living rm, dining rn. kitchen noon, utility gar aa. IliOO. )3I CITY $3700 BAROAIN 3 room, baacmenl, 3 extra lota. Prult Excellent location near srhool. M' KILLOP REAL ESTATE Center and Hlih Sta. Phone 3-1630 Evening 37103-17M1-34037 al3l' 110,40 13700 do. PH A. for UiU lovely new 2 bd rm. home on n. winter. Liv. rm . din. rm., nook, hwd. fir., fireplace lli.ooo New 3 bd rm. and den. Hwd fir., fireplace, Elec. aat. Call Harvey Huff Real Estate Co. Realtora 141 Ohemeketa St Ph. 3B2U Evea. 1941 aiai' 070M. LaU built B-room home. HE on bua line. Attached garage, utility room Lot 07x187. 11500 down will handle. Call O V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 111 8. High St. LOOKING EOR A HOME? JUST THINK! 13500 buy 3-bdrm. FUR NISHED nouM with garage. Close In Pated at. Term. HERE'S ONE. new 3-bdrm. home. HW floon, garage. IB00 down, full price I7BU0. NEW 2-bdrm. with unfinished up. Base ment, aarait. O. I. Loan, full price (10.00. L, E. Klumpp Real Estate North of Oreyhound Bua Depot Ph. 2-7642 Re. 2-0128 WANT ACTION SELLING YOUR HOME? Buyrra Waiting. Listings Wanted L. E. Klumpp Real Estate HOLLYWOOD - $10,500 I B R. home, full basemen). 1030 N Sum mer. 3 door sou in Wlliamettg Valley Bank. TOP BUY - 10750 An attractive 2-B R. plastered home Excellent location. Ideal for children. 10500 Ideal auburban family home. 3 bed room. 4t.i Bedroom can be finished cheaply. Thlx 1 a amarl, nearly new home on large lot cloa In. Walter Musgrave, Realtors Phona 1-5100. 13tj Edgewater St. Bill Ill.tW-: Threw bed rooma on one floor, attached garaae at utility, Ian Iv. rm M D rm, fireplace, hwd. floora, a new house, an excellent buy. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 000 S. Commercial Ph. 23140 Eve. Ph. 35300 al35' BY OWNER, ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT Oniy on Ilka It. Hardwood fir., lie. kitchen and nook, extra lge. liv. rm. and din. rm., fireplace. 3 bdrm. lge. closets, extra lie. bath, with lots of bulll-lns. This home U I yrs. old. Base ment with party rm. and oil furnace. All insulated and weathersirtpped. Very nice yard with patio. Attached garaae. Will take late model ear In trade. Im med. poss. Call 3-S4M a 120 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS NEAT PIRNIRHER M'BI'RRAN home. 2 bedrnu. 0 't acraa. Price furnished 17500. CLONE IN KI BI RRAN home. 4 1 acres. 2 bedrm. nouse; cement basement; fur nare. Oarage; chicken house. Price only 18000. ATTRACTIVE I ROOM modern home H.W. floors; fireplace, full cement base ment: auto, oil furnace. Cloaa to Mc Klnler school. Price 111 000. 104 AI RE PA R M. Most all In cultivation. Part can be Irriaaled. Price 135.000 Would sider fume trade. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS I-NPINIHHED HOI'KE. north. 150 down 10 mo. Ph. 25211. a )3 SPECIALS SPECIALS 1 bdrm. home with unfinished attic. larae LR, UK, Modern K, bath. Full basemeni. sawdust furnace. All newly re-derorated. Very i nod location in Hollywood district. Price IS.tKlQ, only' 10. down. Balance like rent. bdr. home, I.R, DR. K. bath. Cooking elec. Large coiner lot 75x130. Some fvult trees and shade trees, lots of shrub 3 blks lo bus. 1 blka to grocery store Why rent when you can buy a homt like thi Or. make It your own Price 15500. 1500 .down, balance 141.50 per montn including Interest. I'nrtnivhed boat, lot 50x150. Good aoll. good location. Close to bus A store Price only IJ5O0, 1350 down. 130 per month including Int. Evening phone: 3-g03. 3-1103. 3-773J Geo. W. Hubbs Co. Jolin 2eb, Manager 1053 N. Capitol Ph. 3-30)1 HOMESEKKERS AGENCY SPECIALS I ROOM and bath, includes electric range wtT heater and oil circulator 12300 00 7 ROOM and bath. 3 lola. some rurntah tnas, )ut outside ell v. I IJOO 00. 1500 00 down 150 00 per month. 1 ROOM and bath, about 3 rear old wired for rente, electric water heater cement found at Ion, cloe In. l."J0O 00 t At RIM, nearly all cultivated. 1 room modern house, full set bulldina. close in on highway To trade for cliy home or small acreage, give or lake difference GARAdE and station, equipped Real es tale goes Larae garaae bulldina and good sued lot, everything In good share. If AO0 00. 10 At Res. 7 rm. balh. full basement, furuare. good barn and chicken house. Irrla a Hon aet up. about lo nes cul tivated, a real buy at 00 100 00 00 At UK, gioaw m. nearly all cultivated 4 bedrm. mod. home, equipped poultn aet-up, 7 100 eapcllv. will sell all farm equip, with Place, must ba sold account Illness, look It over and make ua an offer. Writ for Nir gal list. Before you sell rent, ar uy, aunt act tht Homeseekers Agency Sllvtr'ton. Oregon a 111 3 BD. RM. VIEW HOME RINOWOOD HFIC1HTW. lar living rm wiirt picture windows. Pull dining ran Breakfast nook. I balh. Irw porch overlooking eltv. t cat garaae. Large km. immea possession WEST SALEM All. MODERN 3 bd rm Bung 14x14 ft Oaraae. Pramed but ao. finished Close to achool and bua A good value far 15500 00 Celt Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave Realtor llll Bdaewaier Ph. Ill 00. S. sovia COZY AND CUTE ' Nico 3 bdrm home in clly north, 11050 'i ACRE With I bdrm. Home in Keiicr Dial. 10110 a Al'R Modern t bdrm. hume. north) ... .10110 NEW MODERN I bdrm l.R. OR, hdwd lira, ftreplar .. .1000 RRMKMRKR WI ARE OPEN EVENlNttS TILL I 10 Colbath Land Co. 'Member Multiple Listing Bureau) 1001 Center I. Phong 34IM A134- T OWNER, fum or anfurn mod l 18 ha , ftn lor, ornr !. ooi piuma . 1 blk to oror Ch . t blk te grade I t Jr. Ht 0 lo Sen HI Sch Bua 1 Mk Ph. 1087 aim PRICE BEftCCtD on small homo. Rome lata n. FOR SAII HOUSES GRABENH0RST SPECIALS . APT. HOUSE SPECIAL This rloe-in 7 unit apt la aalf-op ratine and grosses 14 300 per year. Interior very clean, operating expenses approx. 150 per mo. This will show an exceptionally high return on 137.050. Owner will lake low-cost home in trad. Call Peter Geir. VIEW HOME 1 bdrm . Hv. rm , din. rm , kitchen, hall, bath, hdwd firs, Iireptac. Pull basin i , overlook Salem. This must b sold it and make an offer. Call Roy PerrU. 2 STORY BUSINESS BLDG. Excellent location on main arterial. Income I4M per mo. Consuu f t apt . grocery siorg of fie apac. A REAL VALUE. Call Coburn L. Ora benhorat. NICE HOME GOOD LOCATION I bdrm. home, lge. lir. rm , din. rm., hdwd. firs., fireplace. Pull basmt. Kitch en with nook, la re yard, back yard fenced. Oarage off alley. This horn Is very cloa to both Jr. High and grade school, and on bus line. Very Una residential district. 111,500 00. Loan of 17,000 can ba assumed. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 S, Liberty Evening and Sunday call Peter Oener 3-0061 Roy PerrU 3-8010 Earl West 3-1332 REAL ESTATE OWNER MUST LEAVE . . . PRICE REDUCED Very nlc 3 BR. home. 13x11 LR 10HI DR., Ig. kitchen witb built-in and nook. Pircplac, furnac heat, fuL finished basement. Lovely corner lot 75x130 with lawn, flower, shrubs, fish pond, grap arbor, family fruit. Drive by 251S Harel Ave. and aee If you don'l think It's really worth 00750 00. with good terms. Call Len Orton. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO., Realtors 141 Chm,ku St., Ph. IM71 FOR SALE HOUSES OWNER SAYS We are ready to mor get an offer on our house. There Is a basement with furnace, living room with fireplace. dining room, kitchen with tile drains, nook. bath, on bedroom on main floor: two exira rooms upstair. Very nice yard with fish pond and outdoor fireplare; ye there Is a garage. You can make a good deal on this one ask about It. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS A REAL VALUE Three cheerful bedroom, large living room with fireplace, full basement, fur nace, elec. water heater, HW floora. A good substantially built pre-war house on 50x204 lot vacant owner away. See ll and mak your offer. Horth Salem. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 140 H Hlali St. Phone 37000 Eva. Phone 2450! - 2080S 13fl THIS G.I. WIFE Would like to loin her husband who Is back In tha Service must sell her home first. It La a very attractive ranch type of two bedrooms, utility room, trays, electric heat, wirrd for range, electric water healer, hardwood floor, plastered Interior, paved atreet. sidewalk. The loi Is 00x150. Leslie district. 4 loan or 17500 may be assumed. Total price ISA50. Will lake good car Tor part of equity. Salem Realty Co. realtor's 140 N. High St. Phone STSAO Ee. phones 24501 - 20005 al30 BDRM. modern hue . large lot. city bus. reas. dn. pymt. JOlO Monroe. autr BY OWNER: View home. Candalaria Hgta New 2 BR, lge. LR. DR. Kttrh. nook Dble. gar., auto, oil turn., lge. lot. 245 Alice Ave. Out 8. Com'L. turn Weat at Dairy Queen. Ph. 3-4408. a!27 Sacrificing for Quick Sale Brand new 3 bdrm. home, in Holly wood DUt. Owner A- builder ha Just reduced prlre over IBOO. Now gelling be low appraised value. Thi Is a quality rnnntructcri home. The latest modern features. Only 11100 down payment re quired for FIlA loan on thi outstand ing otOrlng. Don't delay. Ph. 20474 or 37741 for appointment. a 127 FOR SALE LOTS $10 DOWN IIS per month will buy you a lot wlih water, elec.. trees, bus sen ice. close to school. You can park your trailer Hurry! Over ' of them are aone! Reimann For Real Estate 301 South Hlflh Ph. 3-0203 Sun A Evea. 2-9738. t-8341, 3-51105 a 130 ONE OR two auburban lotstrade for car. garden cultivator, etc. Terms. Ph. 2-38AI. "127 RESIDENTIAL LOT near Ratrllff drive City water. 00x133. 150 down and 115 per month. 2-8O.S0. aal35 VIEW LOTS. 500 blk.. Vista Ave WOOD ED LOT S. 000 blk.. Ratcllff Dr Re - trict ed. cttv water Ph S-43K4 a a FOR SALE FARMS "wTLLAM ETTITSILT- 130 acres Pair buildings. Year crek. On pa ted rod. 812.500. FOR DAIRYMAN IT acre dalrv farm wlih nv.lk route. 35 head co OOOl) BUILDINGS. 127 500. COLBATH LAND CO. OPEN EVES TILL 8 10 1883 Center St. Phone 24553 bl30 10 ACRES N E All tillable Willamette soli, mod. new 3 BR ran. h stvl home. lge. rm . fire plare. basement, furnace, built-in. 3 rm. tenant he . nearlv new. Outbuild ings ln lude 38x13 burn. 3 car gar. 18x34 poultry hue 30x50 marh hed e brooder hue 0 A strawberries. 8 A corn 3 A. clover. Creek watered pastur. 125.000 STROUT REALTY 050 S 13th St. Ph. 2-5.133 b!35 170 ACRE well Improved farm I miles from ftelem. Larae horn. Utail A dairv barn. Water rights for 40 acre. Thi STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS igh St. Ph. 34131. 1 FARM SPECIALS SM ALL DAIRY P ARM - 18 A of good Willamett soil. M A cultivated, balanc m brush pasture, all can b Irrigated, new 1 bedroom home barn with II atanchinn. aprina and all year streama good value at 111.000 NO Rltll-DINOA GOOD BUYS 10 arre sf brush and timber land, all Willamett Sill anil aw good road close I Ba em onlv 4000-)uat H0OO down. it APRBS NORTH, all in crop. Will. otl a real deal for 14000 MIDDLE OROVE D1ST 30 acraa. all In crop, aider stl 4 bed room house, good barn 119 000. See Henry Tor end Ohmart & Calaba Realtors FOR SALE ACREAGE 100 A. of bottom land 13 mile South f Halem. On highway 00 It tan b Irri gated. Terms. See owner, 3510 Cherry At. bhlfi; READ THIS! Ovner leaving must sell I A Hot to Wallace Rd. Variety of fruit 0 rm h Oarage A chirk en house Good water Prk 007M. 87000 do, n General Real Estate Co. 300 Center Ph SU0 RT OWMR, 10 A in Dallas rlty limits rm modern home Double garaae barn, thicken house A al prune and 1 oo. Ph- IM1 Dalian, Mill FOR SALE HOUSE! Offlc Phone 1-2471 i REAL ESTATE DO YOU WANT A BUSINESS? 111 200 00 One of lb nicest cafej In town. Showing a net of 11000 per month. This on would mak a nice family setup. 18500 00-Combination Pi restore store. Gas Station garaae, fully equipped. A good mechanic can maka a mint out of thi on. Call Len Orton. FOR SALE ACREAGE t't ACRES with highway frontag on 8 00. 3 bdrm. home. Out building. Fruit and shade trees. 15750. Ph. 38110. bblS5 07.000 ao ACRES near Swede achool. No buiidlnar good soil. 08.000, 10 ACRES, close to Hare) Oreen chool. No birldine. OMER S REAL ESTATE 460 N. Uth t'U. 35091 bb!25 REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS 3 bdrm. home. Close In with extra lge lot. Attached garage. Clone to bu. store Ac school. Well worth 80000. Term NEW $8500 An extra well built home, with full basement. Electric heat, weather trlp- ned and Insulated. Attarhed garage. Immed. pou. FH A. Finance. A choice rating. RESTAURANTS Here's a real buv. Owner forced to sell at once. Excel, money maker. New equipment. Long lease, very reasonable rent, terms, total price omv n iw, n you are Interesled In the food business, here I a deal you have been waiting for. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor (Member of Mulliple Listing Bureau) 3035 Portland Fd Ph. 37820. 34590 Eve. 30473. 33558 C127' READ THIS $1500 ACRE. 20x20 unfln. houe. Cherry trees, paving, water at 02 month. Elec. 8600 aown, aw montn. AND 03850 buys 1 Bdrm., liv., din., kit. City bua, garage. 81500 down 3 APARTMENTS 15000 Inrome 8110 month. Good town. Good location. $2000 down or consider late car aa down pavment. 3 BDR MS 15500 Located on Broadway. Plastered. Ga rage. I yra. built. Si 500 down. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 BCom 1. Ph. 24049-25497Cl27 GOOD SOI'ND INVESTMENT Valuable hl-wav property with long term lease Bt 1400.00 per month. 1 10. 000. 00 down. Balance 1175 00 per month Includes principal Interest. See owner at 1872 Slate Street. C129 Seeing Is Believing A very fine homey place for a couple .lth one of two you natters. 2 bdrm. full basiment witn good automatic oil furnace aid air conditioning unit. lol. of shrub, fruit, good aarden around. I yard Is all fenced in. There is a nl.'c ! lane garaae where friend husband ran do some tinkering. This place liss won derful poestbilltles and what's ben of all the prlre la only 15500. Seeing if believing. Come aee Mac. Eve. Phone SMALL APT. HOUSE Three apt. Two of the apis, rent for 8110 per monih. owner live in third apt. Two rentals ntrelv furnished including ranees and refrtaerators. Here is a good buy for onlv tSMW. See Mr, Weinberg. Eve. Ph. "SMALL ACREAGE 4' acres of good land on Lancaster Ave r.as a two bedroom hom with large garaa. barn with plenty of room for cows and horses, two chicken houses Here la the place for the smart workln man or for the aemt-retired man. In cas of hard times The place can be made to pay for Itself with a lit II man agement and common sense, her U the place to raue 1 acres of berries, have pasture for th coas. ra! chickens, raise your own garden, fruit, etc. This lor anon Is within 3 blocks of a rapidly developing business district. Here aaatn Is a p.ece of property that will tend to hold lis value or increase In value as Salem grows. Pull price only 19.000 wliii liberal terms and 150 00 per month pay menis to reliable party. See Mr. Bourne on this one Eve. Ph. 17217 Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 38318 C138 SILVERtON"SPECIAL M A. FINK SOIL and blda. site Jolnina citv limits. Price 13500 O0 A 4 RM. re Elec. water avsiem. barn. 15 A. in cult., on river, bal. limber A pasture. Puce I5.MW 00. Ia A . 0 RM. REM., barn. 00 seeded, bal. timber At pa-Mure Price 113 000. J C MORLEY, BROKER 305 N. Water t Ph. 1134 Open Sunday c!38 NELSON NEWS LESLIE DIST. $6:100 Irge LR. DH. kit , 9 bdrm.. uttl. rm. on lit fir. Bdrm. with kitchenette up stair. Oaa fir. turn , wired for lee. rang, hwd. fir. V. btinda downstair, att. gar, paved at. lawn, ehrube. fruit trees on in lot 1300 down. Can be bad furnished for 80500. TRADE FOR POLK COUNTY ACREAGE O ner of bdrm hom wants tip lo 00 acres, preferably between Salem Or Dallas. Built 1040. full bsmt. with L, trays, elec. wtr. hir , etc. LR with fire place. DR. kit . 3 bdrm. bath on tat fir. t bdrm it bath on In fir. Wired for elec. range, hwd. firs.. Y. bhnd. garage, pa mi J sidewalk In. lot M X 100. Price 88500 APT. HOUSE LOT A ehotc location for Pullman apt. Un der special soning ordinance. On g ut with alley eecesa. pat ml. atdewalk tn. With a aultabl building land cost per lltlng unit will be very am, with this ais lot at only 84500. Check thi and you will agree that similar lota In leaa dealrable location are priced tilglw, DON'T GET SCARED U yu would lit te have a famllr elaed farm, cheek n thi 30 ar plar. M ac. in mlt . P orchard, gentle roll tng lo insure good drainage. 0 stanch ion barn, chlrken he . all yr. creek, en paved rd Mod. 4 bdrm hom w ih tpiai-e. elec. wtr. Mr., garage Be thta. If you don t Ihmk 110 500 i a fair price. iel) us what ou think it ought to be Don I let the price are you. at least not until you hat aeen the mar. See new picture twtc a week in our Window If you can t find what yu want through cmr of tie tt probably la not en the market. NELSON & NELSON Mutupie T 't ng Realtors PERSONAL SERVICE BV MEN WHO SPECIALIZE tot U. Hujh PB. l-40tt iu REAL ESTATE - OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS ALL THIS FOR ONLY $6950 Well built t bedroom auburban home with nearly acre land, room for additional bedrooms upstairs, built about 4 year ago, located past Swegl School A good buy. 5 ACRES NICE HOME Clean and comfortable 2 bedroom horn set In an oak grove, ha mU barn and chicken house 3 acres brna A good place of property for ml-retired pron 19500. DRIVE BY 82 ABRAMS AVE. And have a look it a good 3 bedroom hom with an extra large lot and small chic n hou.e, lot of flower and shrubs PHA commitment of $5 000 payable 135.00 a month. Mak an oftcr, owner ha left town. EAST ON BREYMAN AVE. Very clean and attractive 3 bedroom home, fine wall ta wall carpeting, )art attached garage, part basement with new auto piped oil lurnac. Mow only 19750. WAY BETTER THAN RENTING We have some good modern 3 and I bedroom home that can b bought with only 1800 down with in balance payable at 1 1 J. 00 a month. CHOICE BUILDING SITES Wa havg iomi good one priced rliht See them before you buy. ' LES HUD OHMART & CALABA Prion 3-4115: Eve. Ph. 1-8051 3-3779 - 2-3539 REAL ESTATE EAST FRONT, side by :d duplex. Ex ceiieni conanion. on corner 101 tnn bus at door. Double garage. Room on lot for another duplex and may have third apartment upstair. Haa lawn, lot of flowers, picket fence. Oood Income. This place will pay for Itself. See from 3 to 0 p.m. 795 S. 21t. Ph. 3-6312. C130 OWNER'S REDl'CTION 2 BR. home, Large LR., D.R., hardwood floors, kit., full bath. elec. heat. ven. bltflds In Lit Jr D R. Ins.. and weather stripped. Full cement basement, attached garage. 3 yrs. old. FH A. appraised. Just refln lshed inside. Close In. Priced for quick sale. 18950. Phone 37400. C127 FOR YOUR SAVINGS Investment buy a first mortgage on real estate, Salem ii vicinity. Examine security yourself Amountj 1500 to several thousand dou lar. net investors 5. We maka all col lection for you If desired. STATE FINANCE CO.. 151 B. High. WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE in need ot good nouses to ael) In or near Salem If rou wish to Ut your property for eale aee GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Prion 2-2471 ca' NOTICE! If your property 1 tor sale, rent or exchange, list It with ua. We have all kinds of cash buyer. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 8. High St. ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE ' NEW five room modern home and acre. Berries, fruit trees. Water system, larae garage. Outside city north. Will trade for city home near acnool. 1540 Shady Lane. rbl.8 RESORT PROPERTY BELL OR TRADE For City or Suburban property. Love ly, weli-bullt home at Tidewater on A is a river. ReMfull. fishing, hunting . Ideal for retired couple. Living room. D. room, kitchen. 3 bdrm. b bath. Elec. refrlg. Hot water heatrr and range Larue garsEe and hobby shop. Coveren dock. Small Inboard cruiser can br bouaht If desired. The cottage is well and completely furnished. A real bar gain at 19.000. Call 3-4010; eve. 3-8213. ccl2 BUSINESS OrlPORTUNITIEtT ARE YOt' Interested in the service station business? I have a service station busi ness for sale at inventory price In D t las. Ore. Contact Warren Doollttle, General Petroleum Dutr. Ph. J 46 19. cd!30- CANDY SHOP Located In the heart of downtown Sa lem, hoalng excellent profit. Just right for miD and wire. . Colbath Land Co. (Open Eves. Till 8:30) 1083 Center St. Ph. 24552 cdl28 Looking For a Bargain? Owner mu.M sell good going business, Ions term lease, cheap rent. Stock will inventory for 13.000. Will sacrifice for I3T00. or trade for what have you. Call 25367 seven days a wk. from 0 a m till 8 p.m. cdl27 MOTEL. TAPART ME NTS.-BUSINESS We have some exceptional buv In In come and business properties. For de tails call or drop in at office. STROUT REALTY 050 S. 12th St. Ph. 2-3123 cd!2S Business Location Ideal spot for that new business bldg. Lot 06 x 125. 1100 blk.. Broadwav. Will pav it way until you are ready to build. Ph. 3-4642. Eve. 3-1647. cd!29 $3,800 Dnndy neighborhood grocery, long es tabllshea. brisk trade. In good district. Rent only t? mo. Grocery & Service Station p:ne location, community center, near achool. Nice 2 bdrm. living quarters Larae lot. Oood stock A; equip. 816.000 plus Inv Chas. Hudkins & Son 350 N. High St. Ph. 3-4129 RESTAURANT for sale. Nlc large place. No competition. Seats 45. I rooms llv tne quarter On highway 07. 18 000. 14000 down. Bend. Oreaon. Henry Cafe. 1800 NF P'.T.M atreet. cdl38 5 UNIT ant. bldg. Very modern, alt elec. Insulated, room for more un'ta. This Is a good buv for 831.000. SAl.FM'fl CHOICEST APT, Bl DO. 9 story solid brick const., 16 rentals furnished. Private baths, elec. rges.. refrU., laun dry room, central heating plant, 13 tile garaie on paved alley. The Inc. and inrome figure will sell you, CALL UB TODAY. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Lianas - Personal Service 104 S. Com I St , Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 rdI35 USINESSLOTS 75x105 on Portland Rd. aultable to- u"d car lo! OMER B RT.KL ESTATE fSO H. 13th Ph. 35091 Cdl35 gmTURiTi n'RNlTURgTlor alalo bargain. Call 3-2932. dl27 HAVE BEST outlet for furniture, appli ances, household effects, pay tup uric-, spot rash or sell for U on commission. Glenn Woodry, auctioneer. P.i. 3.M10 dl30 OOLDSPOT,-1047 deluxe. Freefer Chet. Pi rest on Washing Machine 1947, Hard wood Breakfast Bet. leather seats. Rose B it well Davenport ft Chair, Occasional Chair 3 matrhlns chests of drawers. Dream'and ensures ft box sprints, like new. Hollvwood bed fram. 940 B. 30ih. afier 0 p m dl36 BEDROOM SET complete; Ilk new. Roll awav bed. Electric aiov. Gibson refrig erator. Laundry tubs Yale door stop Sewing machine. Camera Men wrist watch. Roll top dek. National ca.Ji reaieter 594 N. Llberty; dl35 MPt.E FINISH dining "rm. table. 0 chairs ft buffet l.v Bed. S.mmona mattress ft spring, good cond 140. Dateno ft chair set I mo, eld, 171. Call before fat Tel 30035 d175 WANTED FURNITURE Hit;nrT PRICES paid Phone OJenn at Woodry Auction Market Pa 3-5110 da FT R N House hoi djTPh TlS 1 1 . d a AUCTIONS AUCTION AM E Bunder. Ma 20. al BROCK WAY BEACH. In the heart of Lincoln Brat he, be tween Tail ft Depoe Bav Code ft lunch at noon. Bu a choice rab.n at vour price. Home office B G. BROCK WAY CO Portland. Or -ton, 411 BW 4th Ave.. BE 1444. BE 1048 ddl2S BIG AUCTION SAT. NITE Car tni. k, mar hlnerv tc Cnnntgn men's appienaied Even-one welcome Aimvilla Seles ft Service. Aunn II. Or hob. OdllO (REAL ESTATE 3-5991 - I -3433 . AUCTIONS FURNITURE AUCTION Etery Tuesday, O len wood Ballroom. 800 p.m. We sell for U or pay spot cash. Estates bought outright. OLEN WOODRY, AUCTIONEER PJione 35110 dd138- FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FRESH COW, Guernsey-Milking Short horn cros. Ph. 22931. el27 ONE YOUNG C. W. male hog. One but cher hoc. Sell or trade for garden trac tor or busa saw. Rte. 0. box 600. Out 5unnylde rd to Rosedale rd. el25 ONE GI'ERftEY cow come-freih-around June lit, also heifer 10 month eld. Ph. 3(1224. 13 LIVESTOCK WANTED BON n ED LICENSED livestock buyer E. C. McCandllsb, 1127 S. 28. Pb. 3-6147. eal27 RABBITS NEW ZEALAND Rabbit, white buck and 3 does, large litters. 83.00 each. Ph. 20929. ebl26 FUEL Special 12 In. clean Inside mill wood TRI-CITY FUEL. Ph. 3-7442 eel39 GOOD 16 In. edging. 15.30 a load. Double load 810. Oregon Fuel Co. Phone 3-5333. ee!46 WEST SALEM FUEL CO. B.ock, planer St slab wood dust. Ph. 24031. Al aaw TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh cut aawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph 27443. W give 8 H Oreen Stamps Green 16 In. mill wood ee '"ALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. a FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 9-6444 FOR SALE POULTRY Colored Fryers, Ph. 31298 fl25 BABY CHICKS, May 23 ft 26. Hamp shire Leghorns, Par misters, Leghorns cockerels and neavy assorted. Ph 3-2861. Le"s Hatchery. f PRODUCE STRAWBERRIES U-pick. 10c. Out 811 verton Rd. 2l ml. to Middle Orove School. Turn tight mi. Hess A R:en- HELP WANTED STRAWBERRY picker. Four Corner Dl.strict. f icKing now. just 3 nines out MrCleay Road on left. R. M. Lives- ley, Rt. I. Box 476. 126 BERRY PICKERS wanted on Cherry Ave. ml. north of aluminum plant, I, Hart man. B138 STRAWBERRY PICKERS wanted. Start Wed H. I Pea rev, rt. 2. box 100. Pit. 3-1355. gl25- OPERATOR for yard shovel with back hoe attachment. Give experience and last employer In reply. Wrlta Capitol Journal. Box 464. a!25 EXP. TIME payment clerk. Bee Mr. We ger. Montgomery Ward. gl35 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED exper. automotive part man for local parts wholesaler. Write Box 468. Capital Journal. gal26 WANTED MAN with experience digging Mfl ft wells. Call Shaffer. 43171, ext. 492 from 8 lo 5. "l8 WANTED Journeyman form carpenter. J. O. Watt Construction Co., 610 8 20th Corvalli. Ore. gal35 TYPIST General office. Aee 35-40. Able to meet the public and handle responsibility-. Contact COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 360 State St. Ph. 2-148 gbl26 EXPERIENCED GIRL. Capitol Variety Store. 1262 S'ate. gbl30 WANTEDPcook" & waltreaiTBt Gold Ar row Restaurant, 1500 Fairgrounds Rd. gbl26 WAITRESS. EXPERIENCED, night work. Bronknook reRtaurant, Brooks or rn. 3-3776. gbl30' EXPERIENCED woman for cooking ft wa:tresft work. Leuarie Delicatessen, 1312 Stat. BbI2? COOKS HELPER for summer season at Silver Fall Lodge. Apply Nohlgretu Frl., May 37 only. abl25 MIDDLE-AGED woman for housekeeper and to care for elderly man. Wages room, board. Ph. Amity 789. or Apply Amity past office. gbl26 WANTED: Middle-aged woman to work tn aiimmer home. Good salary gnd ex penses. Modern convenience. Party must be reliable with first class references. Apply Hog Broa.. 210 State St. gb CHBir-TlON LADY to ear for two small ohlidren whl mother work. Day only Ph. 33530. gbl35 RELIABLE WOMAN for housework ft car of 2 children. Rm.. Bd. ft wage. Mrs. J. B Fox, 141 B. Lancatur. Fh. 34969 or 33041 goiaa EXPERIENCED LADY bookkeeper to work In office of Willamette Valley' leading Furniture and Appliance at or, good salary, pleasant working conn. Apply Hogg Bros.. 200 State. gb GIRL experienced In payroll and segreca tion. Must be capable of taking full cnarg of payroll tn local cannery. Write Box 451 Capital Journal In own handwriting stating experience and qualifications. eb!24 OFFICE GIRL for local cannery. Ex perienced In sales records and Invoic ing. Shorthand necessary. Write Capital Journal Box 461 stating experience and qnal.f'rattons bl26 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSmONfT" CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency JM Stat Rt Ph 2-1481 ff WANTED SALESMAN DUE TO expansion or our company we ned a Jv ir man who is Interested tn high earnmas, with opportunity for advancement t manatement positions Application confidential Write Box 487. Capl'al Journal, gteilno experience W4VTED: Salesman Mutt have experi ence in turn. lure ft floor covering, per- management position. Oood salary and Apply Montgomery warn Salem gg1 To place classified ads Phone 2-2406 WANTED POSITIONS CHILD CARE or baby sitting, jour home or mine any time. rn. xi. nm YOt'NQ MAN would Ilk delivery route ork. Ph. 3-0002; nut DO YOU want a good hom with lota of play yard for your children, wouic lot to tak car of them. Pn. 3-1150. hl27 GOOD care for babies under 14 year. eve., after 0 or week-end. Pb. iism. hl20 LANDSCAPING Pruning Rototilling. New lawn, ire work. Richard Boyer. Ph. 3-8110. h!49 SEWING and alterations. Ph. 3-4834. hi 48 NEW LAWNS prepared ft seeded. Hare iga. irac. on ruooer wnn ooar. piow, etc. Ph. 3-8127. h!37 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 2-4050. h!44 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing, in, op. wore guar. w. n. Mc Allister, 840 Trade. Ph. 3-1400. h!44' BABY SITTER. Ph. 3-0580. hl38 PAINTING INSIDE or out Frag est. Call BUI 3-2079. M37 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK and China y building Pb. 3-4380. Pre estimates h!3 LAWN CUTTING. Phon 3-8403. h!34 1ST CLASS CARPENTER, new, remodel, repair. Large small. 3-8281 aft. 6. hl34 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN 34-hr. ser vice. Former phon OP. Ph. 1-5073. hl26 L4VARS NURSERY for Infanta. Orad. reg. nurs in charge. Ph 23291. h!27 AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better by Ray Etter. Cell fthrock Motor Oo. 3-6101 FOE'S mimeographing, typing aervlce. prompt service, quality work, lower price. M5 N. 16th. Ph. 3-3649. hl39 FOR RENT ROOMS PLEASANT sleeping for gentleman. 1050 norway. rn. 3b7. jkijo DES IRABU sleeping rm. Ph. possible down town. Private hom. Ph. 24863. JktSO IN BUSINESS DUt. Nlc sleeping rm. with nu water, aaa icmer. jaizi" NICE SLEEFINGrma.. do In. Ph. 20467'. Jkl30 S BEDROOMS. On bus line. Close In. Ph. 3-7990 before I or after 0 or call 745 Hood st. )kl26 NICE SLEEPING rm. Hot ft eold water. . . 81 Hlgb- if1 27 ATTRACTIVE rm. 2035 McCoy. Fh. 1-6009 Ik 145 SMALL CLEAN furnished Apt. close In II. 1. BC1II. JK12B' ROOMS TO RENT WEEK OR MONTH HOTEL SALEM Tel. 9-3161 FOR RENT APARTMENTS S RM. baamt. Apt. Private bath and en trance. No children or pet. Working couple desired. 732 H. Com'L Ph. 39083. 1P136 3 RM. lurn. Apt. Prlv. bath ft entrance. Adult. 705 N. Liberty. Jpl37 CLOSE IN attractive apt. lor employed gin. ja w. winter. JpiSO" IF YOU like something nice, see thi new isrge one norm, uniurn. apt. Btove ft refrlg. furn. Ph. 35355. Ipl27 I RM. APT. Pullman Kltch. Nicely Furn. vwumcn oniy. iiiiuiiBl. JpiZl LARGE UN FURN. 4 rm. apt. with aleejT- Ina porch, hdwd. fir., heat ft water furn. 150 a month. Ph. 21301 Jpl27 CLEAN, QUIET 1 rm. apt. Middle aged lady preferred. 646 Ferry. ibl27 SMALL rm. furn. Apt. Private bath. diaa oiaie. JP130" NEW BSMT. Apt. 3 rm. and bath. Private ent. new range and refng. furn. Elec. heat. 055 jno. Ph. 3-5196. Jpl25 S-R.M. APT. UPJtalr. 127. Ph. 1-4864 "or 2-2820 etc. JP125' FOR RENT: Three room apt. Elec. tove gas refrlg., furn. No children or pet. Inquire at 494 S. Winter St. Jpl25 NICE COMPLETELY furnished t room apt. June. July Ac Aug. Private bath. Phone, garage. Close In. Phone 2-1077 after 0 jpl25 FOR RENT HOUSES WHY PAY RENT when you can buy thi t' yr. oia z norm. nome7 From owner for small down payment and 848 00 a month. Immed. poiscasion. 1374 3rd St.. West Salem. Iml27 TWO BDRM.. clrc. oil heat, range, eleel water ayatem. 2 A. Vess Hommel. Turn-r-f .fffm)jj J125 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS Front St. Business Bldg. ft Living quar- Hollywood Business Bldg. with apt. $171. Mod. Olfice, no. Mod. Office. 840 "' oinrr inciuaing pnone. 939. Larsen Home & Loan Co. 164 8. Com 'I Fh. 3-0380 Ev. 3-7440. J1301 NEW bedroom house, 1080 Donna Ave inquire iuhu uonna Ave. jl26 BRAND NEW 3 bdrm. house. Electric heat hardwood floors, Available ta raaoonsi. ble party 70 mo. Positively no cat or dots. 4-505 E. Btate St. J135 TRAILER SPACE. Camp Joy Motel. 1134 u drive trucks cara Pb 2-1103 TRUCKS and car. Smltty's Clipper Ser vice Ph 9-9600. Cor Center ft Church GROUND FLOOR rooma, aultable for of- lie or stores BTATE FINANCE CO. Pb. 34121 J POWER TOOL rentals tor bom ft in dustriaj as Bowser Broa Pb 9-3648 BUSINESS out for rent. H. L. Stiff. ) TRAILERS. 1200 Per day. Hawser Broa 001 Ed water St., West flalam. ) GOOD USED PIANOS H L. Stiff. FLOOR SANDER for rent Montgomery warq y TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand r. W veil everything te complete the loo. HOWSFR BROS Ph 1-3040 )' WANTED TO RENT UNFURNISHED I tr I bedrm. hom. by employed couple gnd two glrla. Pref Keiaer Dial. Rf. Writ Boi 470 Capital journal. jaiZT WANTED: BY middle-aged eoupl Jane it. j rm. turn. apt. waning distant or r o. no 0 ringer. Reasonable rent. Boi400 Capital Journal. Jal27" 3 OR bed rm. unfurnished rrous by yojng couple with small ohlld. Ph 27053 ; 1134 CLEAN, pleasant fum. apt. by employed couple. Must be near city library. Large enough for small piano, not mor than 155. Bog No. 466 Capital Journal. Jal37 house ial30 2 BD. RM. furn. er unfura. nous ar du plex. Telephone employee. No children. Lease preferred. Bos 467. Capital Jour nal JB1I5 LARGE BOUSE, 18 or abort roocu, 1500 Portland d..Aptl. Jai20 EMPLOYED COUPLE and baby want one or two bedroom unfurnihd apt. or h. Ph. 3-7019 after 9 m. Jal25 cbupLB.tehiTd grgcntly need I bdrm" house. Ph 9-0130. Jal25 TRAcVtER, MOTHER, daughter urgently need partly furn. 2 bedrm hom. Reas. Ph, 30430 between 14. Suburban pre! JB1I5 WORKING WOMAN ant 9 rn apt . I .os m. Boa He, 405, Capital Journal JlU LOST AND FOUND LOST Ami. Whit dog with brown spo". i reward, rn. wtn. LORT-U.n "Nleff" wrlt watch. reward. Ph. J-06S1 or a-4ii3 MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY 8 EM LER DENTIST Adoipb Blda. Stat ft Commercial St. SALEM Phon 8-3311 BD HAVE YOUR SIMiER Sewing machin repaired by a quaiinea dinger represen ts" Ph 1-3513 for free pick up and delivery arvtc on aJ. make of ma chines. Fr; estimate given before work la started Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 N. Com' I m BUILDING MATERIAL USED SHIPLAP 123 per M. 3x4'a 130 pel M. Larmer Trrr.. 089 noerty. roaifo- 000 NEW WINDOW aatb. Your cholro of aua and yle. Car load of new 'a in. Fir tel. Special pric ftc sq. ft. C. G. Long. Ph. 3-5831, one mil north Keirrr. ma!39 NEW 44 IN. aheet rock plaster board 4 ler tq. It. 0 lite wtnaow earn, aura, arge aupply. Perfect for garage, barn ft ehlcken house. $2 36 each. C. O. Long. Ph. 2-6831. On mil north ot Keixer. mal25 WHITE ASBESTOS siding 110 a id. At tractive, fireproof, inexpensive aiding. No painting required. C. G. Long. Ph. 3-5821. Ona mil north ot Keller. ma 135 Builder-Contractors We have a complete atock of framing lumber, tlmbera ft ahlplap. all gradca, at rock bottom price. West Balem saw mill, 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 39593. Free Delivery. mal43 TILLAMOOK cedar shingle del. No. 1, 9i no. 3, in. ceaar wah ig in. painted shake, 113.80 per q. Under course free. Also baled cedar tow. Ted Muller, for merly Eola yard. Ph. Salem 3-1196. Balem Independence road. ma DOORS, INTERIOR 3 panel doors, at tha great special purchase bottom price. bargain of only 16 60 each. Keltb Brown. rorni ac uouri bis., oaiem. ma A sir's x CLOSE-OUT, Plywood cut-off, 46' tor ceiung panel, wall panel, sid ing and many other uses. Only OWc per aq. ft. Keith Brown, Front ft Court St.. Salem maif CLOSE-OUT. Plywood Celling Til . rrom c per q. It. in sue from 0"xl8" to 7"x32". Bevel edie. cut to give panel eflect. Keith Brown, Front ft Court BU., Balem mail ALUMA - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINQLE. The modern permanent roof ing. Sea vour dealer or dlat. Call 8-6401. mal26 NEW SHIPMENT plast board V I'e.et W, 0 aq. ft. Rock lathe 44 aq. It, 81.75 MONTOOMERT WARD BALEM ma Pb. 39703 of m a 1 SO RE-ROOF NOW One, two or three year to pay. Fog free estimate phona 3-7177. WESTERN AUTO SUPPLT CO. mal39 CLOSE-OUT SPECIAL, Hardwood Floor ing, pecan and gum In a variety of sues at only 1125 M. Keltb Brown, Front ft Court St.. Balem. matt RED CEDAR shingle No. 1, (9 80. No. a, 80.50. NO. 3, 13.50. We del. Philip Bros, Rt, 1, Bos 116. Ph. 0BF22. SAVE ON ROOFINO Let Ward glv you complete IN STALLED price oo yout roofing needs. Wide range of colors. Call our outside salesman for free estimate. Phono 3-3191 MONTOOMERT WARD ft CO. BALEM, ORBOON ma HARDWOOD FLOORING, now only I95M Mixed Pecan ft Oak, Wx3' at Keith Brown. Front ft Court, Salem, matf ALUMINUM ROOFINO S ft width la the following length! V 11.74 3 2 32 10" 2 .90 13" 3.48 Ask about Installation service MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO. BALEM, OREGON BARGAIN In Latch Beta, 98c up. Keltb Brown. Frontft Court streets, Balem. ma tI NURSERY STOCK '","JJ'JJJ DAHLIA BULBS 0 for 81. Bedding planta u" "or i. urraniums S3 per dog. Bouqueta ft cut flowers for Mr mortal Day. Merrill's Greenhouse, Brook. mbi37" FUCHSIAS FOR SALE. 180 VARIETTES. atito. r. at. WARD, 4380 CHERRY AVE. tnbl.it FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ARMLESS bed daveno 838. 705 N. Capitol. ni27 BABY BED ft mattre. Very good. Befl uui o. Lom i. u Maorona, turn left to 28B0 Peck Ave. ni25 OIRL'S ALL wool ault, like new. site 3. 10 FT. mahogany plank boat. Ph. 27119. 1300 Candle wood. WE DEFY anyone, any place, to offer a mattress bargain such a this, extremely high grsde matching box spring ft Inner spring mgttress by famous manufac turer, gorgeous covera, superior con struction, guaranteed, 199 act. Yours today for only 159, and your spring ft mattress. GLENN FURNITURE 1605 N. Bummer ph 3S 10 TERMS - TRADES - WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR FURNITURE n!27 CHINA CLOSET 118. High grade bongalo modern walnut piano 1350, club chair 115, solid leather wing back rocker 115, old washer In working cond., 113, used colled springs 14.50. Used beds 4 50. used mattress 14 50, daveno 110, davenport need recovering 18. 5 piece dinette set 118, hundreds of comparable bare aim, GLENN'S FURNITURE MARKET Term. Trade. We Pay Cash for Your Furniture nl27 8 USED terl clothesline posts" 17 50? Oood lawn mower lio. Ph. 2-1844. n!25 DRAFTING TABLE, professional model, adjustable top with drawers ft book ahelf. lj750.2560Laurel Ave. n!27 ARE YOU interested In the Service Stating 1 business I have a service station busi neas for sale at Inventory price In Da'ila. Ore. Contact Warren Doo little, General Petroleum Dlatr, Fh. S4019. niso FOUR DRAWER Nat l Cash Register, with recording tape, Has been In steady use, and Is In good mechanical condition. Ph. 3-348V ni30 VERTICAL FEE D TTe ad lSew iHf M a china 138. 3150 Cooke St. Ph. 3-0190 nl36 STRAWBERRIES, U-Plck. Ph. 1-4310 nl36 STRAWBERRIES, tj-Plck 12c lb Rt t Bos 221. 1 mi. North 00 RiterRd. nllO FOR 8AI.F Natural muskrat coat lei excel, cond.. 1100 A 'so skunk Jacket, worn very little, ISO. Both alio 13. Call tlt2y Bl3- VICTOR RADIO. Speed Quern Wa Mach.. Ht. Pt. refnaerator, OE Sweep er, tank Up, ph, 3-8343. 1585 Ferrv. ni30 AND GARDEN gultlvator. 21 In. wheel. 4 tilling blade, regular 10 50, now 14 OS while they last. Boric man Lumbar and Hardware Co. 2460 Stat Bt. n!27 WHEEL CHAIR In Al cond. Fully d- juatable. 130. Martin Behm. Rt. 1, Ml. An el. 0r. 3 tni. of Monitor, niai FOR SALE: NatlonaTcash RegUter. Excel! cond. 444 N. Church. nl 38 WELSH baby buggy . 3150 S. Com'L nl 30 TURKEY FERTILIEER II sack, 10 ct f or 'Lh- 33 5JS nl s l ts ' . Beabe outboard motor Ilk new III. 7 ft. trailer, aid rack, excel. cond 150 764 S Com'L nl2f. FARMERS ATTENTION Fence controll er, ac lis pasteuriser, at clo-out price. Tester Appliance Co. nl4l NO WAXINO RFQUIREB when you use Plwtl-Kote. the rellophane-lik finish for your tlmr or linoleum. Yeater A" Pl anre Co n14 (Continued on Page 23) 6 "T