MARKET QUOTATIONS Capital Journal, Salem, Ore eon, Thursday Mar 26, 1949 2t STOCKS kM LtVMtMt Mtrt) B? valiti PMkiai Cwpur Sprint Unbi. M I 00 to M7.00 ftharad lamb, top .100 to 110 00 mrlinu Ufbt 11 00 to iisoo Mil 1100 t II 00 Cutwr oowc Iio.oo to lu.w rt eowg bum to iia.oo nil ... 110.00 to til 00 :iv tood (300-m tba.) M oo to moo Vl a-MM Iba.) food ..WOO to 135.00 tog prle pM itbln IS of Port 4 prlc to ooeh ivp. Top, 170-JJa ib fortUM Tt0ow jaliartal Tan.atlv, mjfrt W Ibbbo gltto tfauff PrtBQlua quality islauaa It j (t I porooBl Mldtty 4Uvrl to PortUDd fll-U lb., flMt ojuftlltr BB-lle lb. Mcood puatltr IT-we. Vailav rout pad Mttatrf poteta So tow ttau flral BMr WboitttJo fOB bulk pub to bolHOl prodo AA, tt aeors, 01-Mc: A. M 00-01 V; B, to icort. Mo lb.; O. W koto, Ho lb. Abov prle pro trlct- f BOtalBOl CfcooM Bollrat prloo to Portlwio whol tl OrttoB atDtltt, JIH-4Hje. Oral on I ft, l&t 41-MVb. tolpwU Vso I tbu ptBfllOi. Kill IT VbttMtUri A pTbdo tart M-MVt; A vodliUB, ll-llttoi prpdo B, lino. Ttt-Me. rtlui Dairy If orb at PiMor -Prla to rUUrr Ortd A A print Mei AA jtoru lie; A prlaU, 6: A oprtonj. Mei B print. Me. I na Prlot to rotoilorii AA itrgo, Pa; oprtinod A Una, Met A Uria, 4.l0i AA Piodlaia, Mei cartlflad A. vadium, Moi A nodlon, Mot wrtoni le ddltlontJ Cbootp Mop to rtuotrot Portlppd Ofopop atoplaa 40tHtto; Oraton loaf, p 4ittlltti IrlplaU ltt law than Bin glao. Uto CbJokoM Ho. I quill. FOB plaaU, Hp. 1 brotlori iwdtr IVb IbB. 11-lflc 10.1 1ITHV SITtj way iui.i H-SVW sv.i TOPJttM 4 iba. pad pvr, 1011 lb.: fowl, Lahoma undtr 4 Iba, la-lSci ovar 4 lbf. M-ltal eolorod fowl, all welihta, 10 lie; rooatara, pit waltbta, ll-20e. BBlts avptpb to trow lor Uv white frytr. white, 4-8 lb 36-286 lb: . 1-1 lb. aioe w.J eoiorao b cenu iowr; old or heavy doe, II-lie: dreaaad frrera to knthaM. 7-Me: eld nain one. 88IBe Torkoyp (Frleo puoted pro tot to the Brodueer ot) p areaaoo waipn nun- grade A young tenia. It-13a lb.: Mo I young nana, nominally to Dreeaed Iprktye I reiallerot Otodt A. young bant. TO-11 New Tori atyle. dree od A grade youn toma MAp Partland Mtecatlanaeoa Caeaara Barb Dry Mo grees Ta Bj WooWVeJUy pppra and madlun gradoe lb Mehalr- Wo B. tl-mooth growth. BlIAe Calves 38c lb., aocordlnp to watpht, kip IK lb.. bef 14-1 'e lb., bulla -c lb . country puyen pay m was. pTat QaotolloBO frplapte Fraoquattep drat gualtt pirn k 11 la: Ium 33.1a: madlUDL 37 3e: see- pnd gnallty Joaabop, )0.3o; targe. lgSe; Medium. M-lo: baby t3.3e: eoft abrl flrat paallty large, Pf.le; mediant 38.3a; Me ant) flflellty large. flJo: medium t4.1a: baby 33.3a. ntborta Jumbo, tO P t wrgo. lea gpadttim. lie; email, 13 Cfaotattoap above auppiled P Borth- ertlaai Orara Portland, Ore4 May M UPh-Wheat: Ko garara puoteo. Caah wheat (bid): Soft whit 131: aoft white (no res) 3 33; white elub 3.31; western red 3 38. Hard red winter: Ordinary 3 31: 10 per pent 3 H; 11 per aent 3.37; 13 per cent .. Bard whit baart: Ordinary 1.33: 10 per ent 1.31. Today' oar receipts: Wheat 38: barley I; flour ; corn : eat I: mUlfaed 11. orllend Livestock Portland, Ore., May 34 (urn Livestock: Cattle salable 110; calves 3ft; slow; very little dor: early sale confined cows, bulls; steady; eutter and common cows 11.04 to 17. M: eanners downward to 13.00; pood sausage bulls 31.78 to 32.80: mediums 18.80 to 31M: no early action vealen; puotaole steady; good and choice veil en salable 30.00 to 38.00. Hops salable 180: butchers strong to 38 pent higher; no early action sowa; feeder plea steady; early bulk good and choice 10-3)0 w butchers 33.3S to 33.80: small lot good and choice 88-80 lb feeders 33.80. Sheep salable 100; early sales sprint lambs steady to strong: small lot choice Vhle Llvoeteek Ohleago. Hay 38 Livestock: Rope 7,000 salable: active, 38-80C higher an all weight butohera; sows steady to tH higher, closing steady; top 30.88 for a short load' practical top 30.18 for several loub nf ceinlee 180-330 lbs.: lood and ChPlCP 170-170 ba. 30.35-30.75: 380-300 lb, lf.18'10.38: 138-171 lbs. 1I.7S-19.S0: butebers weighing up to 438 lb, down to 1T.1I; good and eholce sows under 400 1W. IT-17.11. few 11; 418-800 lbs. la-lfl.TS; heavier weights down to around 18.00; good clear a no. Oattl 4.000 salable: ealvas 800; active. Slaughter cattle steady to Iftc hither; eneral market stroni at the week's full advance: vealers 80c hliher; top 38.00 for a load of choke 1181-lb. steers; low ta averaae choice steera up to 1437 Iba. 17-31.71: low good to low hole steers. Tearllnc and belters 3.3B-i.7; meamm steer 14-15: good beef clow 11-31; com mon and medium cows 11.39-30.80: ean ners and euttars 14-18: medium and pood sausase bulla 31.M-33.38; common to choice vealers 33-3P. Bheep 1,000 salable: spring lambs crce. atretic at 33-34: eld cron shorn lamb, steady to 38 lower at 11-ll.1ft; load of choice ts Iba. at ouutlde price: slauphter we 13.80 down, steady with Wednesday's ff decline. Salem Markets n fM th, nMim . iHtiil Ke.J.rt. (E.tIwJ J.IIt). B.I Huh U.ll. .,MI r.lMK.11. D.lrr r 4M. P..llrfi li'iyui, .new Orid, A eolte 4 h.n, 90c: irkd, A Lcrhorn beiu. t (u. Or4 A colored (rrerc three MunU ,d4 ap, IOC Orod, A old roMlcr, 11 -,nU tn Bortec PrieM Vxtr, Urn AA. 4k. I.ri, AA 4le: liri, A. 4e: medium AA. medium A. lc; pullru. U-IOe. WImmjmi, PrleM lot vnoleeel, prleej Ml mu Dm. price, oboe, 0,d, 4 f,s,ru, ,uoted it ; me- Premlum. He. No. I, llei M. I, ie Ikuflal prleeel. rur WbolweJ. rreo A, lie UU llo. r- The American Antiquarian Soeeity, Worcester, Mass., has on of the country's largest ref erence libraries of American history and printing covering 11 miles of shelving. j ?jy a GENERAL 1 I I STATE TIRE SERVICE at CoHaga Solem, Ortaen Bf tne Aseaiatep prea American op Am Pow U Am Tel rl Anaconda Bendu Afflatlop . om . lew .11 . US pain Steel Boelna Airplane Oallf Packing Canadian Paeifl Oase J 1 .. , Oaterptlar , , . 114 . 40S . 1'i . u . II . 11 1 . is . K .101 . M Ohrralei Oeaawlth Bop , Cobs Tulle , Continental Can , Orowa Aetlerbach , Oartla IT riant , atlas Aircraft Ouponl d Nam Oeaaral BMCiria Oeaeral Pouda , Oeaaral atoaorp , Cleod rear Tire , , lat Barvester , . IIS . IVt . 4S . 114 . 11 . II '4 . 11 'i . x . 11 , I4tt '. I1H . tot 1st Paper KCBBMOtt Ubi licit L , LMI PeU "A" Hoauomerr Ward Hash Kalvlnator Nat Dairy NT Oeatrat , Nor than Padfl , Pa An Pish Pa Oaa Pie Pap Tel 11 Peaaay J O Badl Corp Ba rosier Beatr Pfd Braid Ualats Btokileld ami way Stoves Beat Boeeack PoaWiara Parirk pydard OU CaJ HaAikakar Oerp . 41 . IIS . II 4 .' II . IIS . 11U . IIS . 40S . IIS tee Mining . IS . 11 . 11', . IIS . us aria Oil Oa) VbMm urnaeo , a ami . ... ffMwe art, at. OBITUARY Bweet Home Graveside service for the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Weill were held Thursday by Rev. Heroic" Hamon. of the Holley Christian church, with burial In Ute Craw fords vllle Union cemetery. Besides his parents be Is sur vived by a brother and slater, Myron and Judith Well and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wells, Bweet Horn and O. B. Crane, Lebanon. Jaltai lee Hard Bweet Home Julius Lee Harold. St. In a kWBlni accident near Roaebun. May 34, Survived by wife, Gertrude 1, Harold of Sweet Home: tbree daughters, Judttb. Olenda and Susan Harold, aU of Bweel Home: parent. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Harold of Salem; two staters, Mrs. O. B. Loisdon of Sweet Home and Mrs. Has ton Groca of Cathlamet, Wash.; a brother, Herbert Harold of Balem; a step-sister and two step-brothers. Services will be reld at the Howell Funeral home Friday, May 37, at 10 a.m. with concluding serv ices at Belereat Memorial park la Balem Prlday afternoon. La era Crowley May Albany Mrs. Laura Crowley May, TT, died Wednesday at the home ef her daughter, Mrs. Roland Wall. 3138 Salem Rnad after an extended Ulnass. Funeral services will be announced later. She was a native of Bocnioro, ui.. norn iit 17 1811. but moved to Canby, Ore., 81 years aco and lived at Portland also before comlnt here sit year aco. She was married on November 30 1880, at Ore- son City to James r. May. wno survives. Aurvivlna alio are four children. Mrs, Wall. Albany; Ralph I. May, Bverett. Wsjih.; James A. May, Oresham; and Clarence I. May, canor. on was a ma- tAnar lolmhir nf th UethodlSt CbUKh Funeral arrangements are in charg of the Fisher funeral horn. nll M. tatharnan Wood burn Funeral services were held In Albany Tuesday for Mr, ueiia M Leatherman, 88, slater ef Hanry Layman of Woodburn and a former Woodbura res ident. Interment was In Belle Faasl cem etery here. Mrs. Leatherman was born at Lincoln. Illinois, Dec. 1, 1813, cam to Salem at the ase of 16 and later lived In Woodburn, Myrtle Point, Brownsville and Albany. She was married to the lat Charles F. Leatherman at Woodburn, Sep tember 39. 1886. Survivors Include two chlldrrn, Lloyd Leatherman of Cooullle and Mrs. Myrl Bather Mallow of Albany; two brothers, Henry Layman of Woodburn and Bruce Layman of Newport, and a alater. Mrs. Mettle Moore of Portland DEATHS Joseph T. Hart Joseph T Hart, lata resident pf Wood burn. Or., at a local hospital. May . Survived by hi wife, Mrs. Viola Ma Hart of Salem; a eon, Brnast LeRor Hart of woodburn: three daushters, Mrs. Thelme Goldade and Mrs. nana Lyie, oom oi a im and Mrs. ranees Hutchuon of Net arts. Ore.: a brother, James Hart of Sedro Wooley, Wash.; seven grandchildren and two crest crandchUdren. services be held t the Kowell-Bdward chapel Saturday. May 31, at 1:10 p.m. Interment in the City View cemetery. Chariev Meoney At the renldence at 180 Locust street May 33. Charles Mooner. at the at el 78 years. Announcement of services later by W. T. Rlidon company. Bay Kenneth CaanlachaM In this city May 24. Roy Kenneth Cun- nlncham, late resident of Portland, at thf at of 46 years. Survived ey wue, reari: mother, Mrs. D. O. Dunnlncham ef Bold, Okls.: and three brothers, James C. Cun ninaham of Grand Ronde. Elll Dal Cun- nlnsham of Salt Lake City, and Lynn Cunnlncham of Wichita. Kan. An nouncement ef services later by W. T. Rlsdon company. M CarallM La Dae Mr. Caroline LaDue, lat resident pf 246 South 20th street, at a local hospital, Wednesday. May 2ft. Survived by a daugh ter, Mrs. Mary HUborn ef Salem; two aons. victor LaDue and Arehl LaDu. both of Salem; a brother, Charles Floyd t Center Point. Iowa; 11 grandchildren and 16 treat irandchtldren. Services will be held at tne Clous n-BarncR cnapei ei urday. Mar 31. at 1:30 p.m. with Inter ment In tne city view cemetery. Stone implements were wide ly used in most areas during til of the bronze age and well Into the iron age. f PROMPTLY HELP REUEVEitch..1p.- of pile with aonthing. $tirmH4flh medteateS mi..miij.uii:..'m:h no!, (.Q S The CQimiJL cusnmrj toe QUICKIR, SAFER STOPS RAIN OR SHINI ',n I Goods LDeptJ Have fun in Wards THRIFT-PRICED Playwear PEDAL PUSHERS IN FADED DENIM FOR SPORT WEAR 198 With side l elMlni ., ,, Liahtweight, Sanforised 1 (shrink leu than 1) denim, in practical, comfortable, well-made pedal pushera that take plenty of wear and cost so little. Also cotton twills. 13-11. COTTON TWIlt BELTED SHORTS ARE A REAL BUY 189 aria doping Woihobla, wearable and so wonderful for Summer you'll want several pairs of these colorful ihortt. Styled with cuffs, belt, 2 pockets, and controlling stitching. Sizes 12 to 18. Cotton T-Shlrt 1.69 BOYS' COLORFUL PRINTED COTTON SPORT SHIRT 179 Cheese from Brifht rrlnte and Plalda All are fashioned from sturdy Sanforised cot ton! (Max. ahrinkeee 1) Convertible Collar in - or outer bottom. Asst'd. patterns, s to 1. a Washable Bare llacka rialda and Checks . CHILDREN KEEP HAPPY IN THESI COOL SANDALS 298 Ana vofooi ef W. eWger price' toll ol wide open ipocei in theie leother tondolil That means plenty ol freedom, plenty of freih air to cool their buiy feetl Mothers like the way they give proper support, tool 4i to X SHOP WAIUDS TIL 9 FKDDAY 1SS NO. -LIBERTY ASK ABOUT WARDS CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENT 0X'i JlrfVk ,rii 39e COTTON KNIT SHIRTS HX tripes, Solids 47c Sturdy washable cotton knita in colorful wilds or atrlpes for boys or (iris! Ribbed crew neck. MEN'S LONG SLEEVE SPORT SHIRT 4 IS Ref ular XAV. 4 Tailored for looks and wear of lustrous, mercerised poplin. Tan, blue, ireen. Reg. slses. NEW PEDAL PUSHERS FOR MISSES 79 Washable cottons, well made and cut full. Smart, thrifty, practical In len plaid. Sizes 12 to IS, MISSES' CREW NECK TEE SHIRTS TO Small, Medium, Large ' Washable red, blue, white, malae and tan. Neat ahort sleeves. Main floor WARDS "101" WOMEN'S JEANS ' 98 Regularly 1.4 I High Waisted Western Style dungarees. Zip-closing and cop per riveted. Slses '4 14. GIRLS' COMFORTABLE CAMP MOC 49 A fine value! a - Ideal for outdoor activities! In smooth, pliant whit leather with eturdy rubber sola. 4 to I. te To PHONE 3-1191 SPECIAL PURCHASE I ALL STYLES MADE TO SELL FOR 1.59! SIZES 3-6X Girls' New Cotton Crisp Sun Dresses Pasieh 1 rims I 3for3.97 Mom, look ot these sun eottonsl Don't you love, their brief little bodices cut for healthy sun tanning, cool breeze-baiting? The swishy ruffles and swingy skirts? lively plaid accents? Well, you can buy her all three for less than four dollarsl And they tub beautifully, come la grand colorsl 1L SPECIAL-SAVE UP TO 1.481 MEN'S FANCY KNIT SPORT SHIRTS! Mod fo for 1.79 Now save plenty ol Words on hondtome, colorful knili priced 10 low you'll wont. 2 or 3 lor every man In the fomilyl Slripei, jocquordi, meihei, interlocks, solids 14 itylei in all every one woihobte as a hand kerchief. Choose yours todoy for widest lelaction. PLAN vator Ser vice All ors I V Plaid I OV J bryletl 47 self this season and 2.95 NDTE J