10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 26, 1949 Peddler of Dreams By PEGGY DERN Chanter M a... ai in h&DDv tears and li hit arm, trying to laugh througt Her tears, wnen ua urnn mm Jason came In from the kitchen .Over her head he looted uraign 4ni .Tnjuin'. startled eves. -Do you mind, old man?1 askec Darrett. Jason Hushed, looked ewlftly at FeUclty'i faoe and then put his hand in the one Oarrett extended "If It had to be anybody, I'd rather it was you.' answered Ja arm "Well, now, this Is what I call . a Hal Christmas." said Ma Oreen frankly wiping her eyes, frankly arvlns a little, vet laughing too. Christmas morning dawned "hrlirht. and warm. mild. The chil dren were awake with the dawn -and streaked across the space be tween the trailer and the cottage and stood, wide-eyed and Incred ulous, before the magnificence of . that totally unexpected tree. The .bulging stockings were thrilling enough in themselves to be all they had hoped for. ' Dinner was served at one o'clock ln the afternoon, because of the .children and because of the party .at the Fleming place tonight. It was an extremely merry feast and the afternoon was equally as joyous. The party at the Fleming I place was to begin at ten and the .children had been allowed, since fc was Christmas, to stay up and 'tee Oarrett and Felicity in cos tume before they left. : "I didn't want to interrupt any .thing." Cornelia said brightly "but there's been somebody knock ing at the door for ages." I Ma Green swung open the door. ' A man stood there, blinking a little in the flood of yellow light that rushed out upon him. He was not tau, out very aapper-iooking, though the cuffs of hit light over coat were worn and his shoes, though neatly polished, were brok en. He bared a handsome, silvery head and said to Ma Oreen, "I am looking for a trailer that houses the Horne family" ; Felicity had whirled at the first sound of nis voice, "ratneri" the aaoed. - The man's face lit up and he Tied," Why, Fllss, my dear how lovely you look I How much like your mouier." She was in his arms before he had finished and he held her very ewae. Jason was behind her, hold ing out his hand, saying eagerly, "fill It great, Father I How are you. tlr?" , The newcomer stared at Jason, even while he gripped that out atretched hand. "But good Heav ens, you can't be Jason 1 Why, you ve grown upi" "Ma Oreen, this to my father,1 Mid Felicity with almost a ring or aenance inner voice, as enough arte read Ma Green's thoughts. !"And Father. Ma Oreen is our friend who has given us a mar Telout Christmas. ,T i "I have heard to much about you from my daughter, Mrs. Oreen, that I have tome vague Idea of how deeply I am in your debt,'' he eaid handsomely, ex tending a well-kept hand. ) Ma Oreen wat on the verge of making a caustic remark and Fe lfcrttT knew it. So she eut in heat er by Introducing her father to oarrett. "Ah. yetMr. Forbes," aald Bur ,toti, and studied Oarrett shrewdly mm ne extended nit nand witn a feotal smile and a cordial frlendll nese that the younger man didn't Mem too disposed to accept. . "But, Father why art you bare? Did your show close?" de manded Jason, speaking the thought that wee In the minds of all the 'or a simple home dinner?" "Garry and I were going to a jarty at tne neming place,'' an iwered Felicity. "You're going there to dinner, jf course?" "Why. no. Father, we've had din ner here." aald Felicity. "Have you had your dinner, Father?" "At a matter of fact I'm afraid I haven't," Burton laid awkward ly. "Then 111 get you something" said Felicity. "You'll go on to the party and I'll fix your father some dinner," Interrupted Ma Oreen, her glance at Burton still hostile. "There's plenty left." Felicity was heartily glad when they reached Casa del Mar and she could put the thought of her father in the back of her mind and give herself up to the glamour and ex citement all about her. susan herself was exquisite as maid of old China in a long tunlce of wisteria-colored satin, em broidered with huge pink chrysan themums, over trousers of pale rold. "Felicity, you're lovelyl" she exclaimed. "I promised Tippy you would come up and eay hello to her." "Oh. may I?" Susan nodded, and together the two girls mounted the stairs to the nursery. Felicity held Tippy close. "Are you happy, darling?" she asked un steadily. "Well, gosh yes. Fllss," answered Tippy instantly. "Susan is swell to me and the baby's darling, and well, I'm having a grand time." uutside in the hall Felicity said, My father Is here. I haven't had time to talk to him about your taking her; but of ccurse he will have to give his consent." (To Be continued) I 2817 SUES II 41 MUmlf for (hit question and Mid sBBOothty, "No, it didn't close. It wee mush too fine a play. We Were doing excellently, but unfor 'tenetely the theater had been pre viously leased to another attrac tion. When we were ready to move, .we found no place to move to, M the show to temporarily er cacpended." .He looked at Felicity and Mid. fTtut, my dear, why the costume? Tow look charming in it, of course. iBut lent It rather er dressed up Teem aai Oeaatry Nothing could dc more rename wiao wis two- pleeer perfect for town or coun try I The thawl-coUared Jacket flu the figure ana eomoiimenu tne euv kick-pleated tklrt. Short or long- tlMVM. No. MIT to cut In clies li, It, 16, 1, 10. M, It, 40. 43, 44, t and 41. Slie U, 4H yds. M-ln. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK la Just off the prcM. presenting the oett in summer xaaniona, au ne signed with the simplicity that speut good style ana cut tewing and with epeclal attention to the um or cottons, over 160 pattern designs for all agM and occasions. Send now for your copy, price Just 20 cents. Address pattern Depart ment, Capital Journal, 662 Mission Street, Ssn Francisco 6, Calif. FATTKRNNe. U!4 Beers' Affairs These adorable little bears are so much fun to I embroider you'll complete the Mt In I no time at all. Always an appreci ated gift at kitchen showers, and a stu-out at oaaear times, tne de signs are all worked in simple HiKAH and gav colors. Pattern Envelope No. RM34 eon-1 tains hot-Iron transfer for 7 designs! illustrated, material requirements.! embroidery stitch Illustrations, ma terial requiremenle and finishing directions. Io ootaln lha pattern tend 30c I in coins, giving pattern number rour name, address ami tone n um bel to Peggy Roberta Capital Jour nal (31 MlMton Street San Fran cisco 1, Calif ' ! "" O fern nmr "aw WH00F! WOW ! T WHAr HPOEfo'' 1 If oww-wl that tea -those t " ST! I fl". I t V I MTVUH? J I TEAIT ISRJCtTiJL I fS1!'" Aw.EAjvooousuniT bet xi rxNOTUEar I set outa were A nrsn , MA fcvrfnlfe "Wiy'M OOTEU.VOUAN ROSETTAS VOUTWO-TItir7 ') U!Z . cn u, MrcvcUSe TUAT -1 TMOLKSUT VOU 4p TM0TO THE ONUEST . LUMMOX BEFORE 1 KOCS H IttastI 3 M" .ISJ2.M?5'D''kf 1?n 'r U I 2fSHWJ J t.'?? BUI-SOMETHIN'ALLUS SAVES W NOTHIN'S VBOKKiF I MApDCCf"CAINT HAPPENED V OOPi t BY. . LIKE DAISY MAE TURNlW OUT V fit 'T HOPELESSLY t rWlin IWtA truev muuxolao) somebop CLSEIR ME lyjC WRIH UP iHriyMim; Vvoo meam T ,D notice) T rlo.TriE square ones she Krisht'now TsouaREonI I U SHAPE L KNOW? . EARRINGS TriEV RE WEAM ON r- SHA?uEcOF ) ca fTH6W0RLois T D?hC &JM'- 4&?M.y WORD? R0Ur?D IN A TERRIBLE ) T h- IJSSkVrWer. rl 'aA iSSlSV-A Sundays ?.;- E"8 I ywf wwiya, l I 1eRS the mot. Y w b-lu ' , . ON-IWANTTO 6CODTOSES W.TEX. BJTI'MVSOMEBOCVTONKS m uwv,u,f.- irc vrj SEERJPANl? wwwiw imwyKOMI IN IHfcl SAW THAT STOOK A J v ' THINK HE OU6HT TC7 ; TEX AW? BILL MUST L THE COLT MIPPIE OFA PECK CTROUBLE. A. A4AIN a S erfy HAVE A LOOK AT THEM U BE HERE.' ITS THAT OLP LE6CNO ABOUT L 7 l&MMWM PEAP CWTTEBS, PBONTO. -s- . 'jr JaTS 'HAUNTBJ CANYON LEMMB ) y LET'S BE SURE WHAT ' ' ' :7 11 V? 1 UJ 'a scientific V" '..is supeEST.' ) n P Cfcj 1 i. V,. f HEVVVHAT'S , EXPERIMENT Tiflii'r . iirC7' S JSrfTS C?53Pg?3 fm ku.vs., il BECAUSE I'M A 6000 Am .1 I EVIN A HAlf -BLOCK AWAV, I 1 uu.t iu I n ka I I YOU'RE TO Bt COMPANION ANDCHAPtRONl ) II . m I IpifK Mr PrtDTMrtl JUDGE OF CHARACTER 1:' IC0UIDTEILWU WERE ONE OF 7"FI ACCEPT J AYOUNa IA0V WM0ACC0RWNa TO IA 1 I I S..i5uatsJ?? MRVWORTH.'-.TELLl!! THAT 5PECIE5 WWKH IS FAST l" rui kmitmm? Q I MY SON AND THREE BUG-DRAINED J . . A V SON I'M IN THE I J DISAPPEARIN6, AND WHICH ISN7 S JUDGES IS A 0ASH- , ' " If 1 I WA"imMll li! &VDC C0Mt.NJUN.0M) ! W "- I RADIO PROGRAMS THURSDAY P.AA. 'KSLM 'KGW SIK0C0 "7 'KQIN 51M FalUa Uvli, Jr., Wmii'i Iccrtt Htlr Jm Herb Bbrlntr ilt FrBBk Hoolarwar Saaar HU Eavtbai ftaaak Llttl Shaw :M raulBf rraa Nawi BIbi CrMy Clab IS, CIS lit Ntw Gun Maafitl law Fata . Mai-raw 6:M giraitht Arrow Strlar Icrtnatta Candlt Llfbt an4 Knoi Maaalai" ilk Straight Arraw Btrlar 8trn Sllrtr tValab :M Caat. HltJalihl Mailcal CaaklaUt Nawa Chat fltallai :4ft Ton Hit Haw Fattnaa Eyai aa Chtvmti Ntwi 71M Oabrtal Baattar '"" Al Jalaaa Show Qaait Itar Basaaaaa lift Narihwart Nawa Al Jalaaa Sbaw BtMla UMar Saaaanaa :M Llltla Sbaw Daratbi Laaiaar Tap Ban 4 Criaia Fhatat. lift I-Ullt Shaw Darathy Laiaar Tap Ban 4 Criaia Fbatag. 84ft Madlalna DraaiiT Saraaa Oallal Tlaa Tana Bhap The Plarhaaaa :1ft Maala Haaaa Scraaa Oalll Tlma Tana Bhap Tha Plarhaaaa . :.10 Marfan Mannar Frai Warlnr Tlma Tana Bhap Flral Nlfhtar :ft Martan Mannar Fra Waring Tlaa Tana Shop Flral NUbter 9i0 Maslaal lebaaa Bappar Clab Bandatan4 UwaU Thaajaa ' :16 Maalaal Bahaaa Nawa af WarM Nawa Jaak SnlU Bhav :M Maala Aliriah Faaallr JDataal Da pa Mr. Kara M Maala AUrtah Faailly Baaaball Mr. Eaaa JA H Nawa Nawa BaMball Hva BUr Final I fl :1ft BHtet Laaal Nawa Bparla Paaa Pinal Baaaball FBI, Paaa.War 1II:M Nawa Ban4a t Laai Baaaball FBI, Paaaa Waft I M Maale Band Wagaa Baaaball Lafa Paqca nOO Faltan Law It, Jr. Baal Baraa Traab 149 SaraaaAa :1ft Bab Faala Shaw Martea Dawaar Track UM Taa lb WtrM :M Bab Paala Bhaw Narval Kalaht Traah I4N Orahaatra M Maala Nartal Knltht Traah HH Orahaatra lt:W sign Qfl sign off Blga OH sllaat M FRIDAY 6 AM. TO 4:43 P.M. m Ht P4ft Nlwi I, lain Tn KOIN atlMh fr'l:H NWI KOCO KlMk KOIN KlMk " ' H.S. r.Si. KOCO Klc KQ1W Kl.tt 7:00 Ntws Tlm, T.I ailUt KOIN Kltek ' lis N,' Firm Tin. Nm 4 iHrti N. ISO M.. TIm Tka 0M an i , HaraH Nt, ; S9W Nowo Wtwi Trti aocfc 8 its ? Tnm W.rt.i Wntara H.lodl.i CoDima.r Nt, 15 B,'"k'a Otmt m w.rl.. Wnl.n. M.loll.i An B.k.r so Mu Elttfi al Isis tlltrt B.b.rt Uwk " '"mm S.M nrn Ch.rek In win a.t.rt Uwls 9: Jf to. .c"""' C.p H... ( (tit V...I rsrlotlN ' :l yiclu Llatlshf S....4 Cap Bnn af Ntea M Jan. al riaaaan Utk Batak ..la Wllkaef Grant Slaal L4 ""' Nawa "artl Haaaa. rr 1 sW ?! St? '" "? C" Wantr Warm 'IV 5 7 Baolaaa Baaaa Narlkwaal koarli Asm ja.ai WjU Wllaa Wall. Taaimr Daraar Oar O.I .m II m SSttl T,' D""' 2!" Bit Sl.l.r ; 1 I'll SIS? cSl"" Tar Daraar ' M. Parkla. 3B X n.l7. S,... Tatar'. Chlltraa O" a. r.... Dr. H.I... 1 4f " ti! II"! Dappla al Nalklai '"nWl'i Itasa Na I I 'li Sill? "oaMa ar N.lhln, '""P Maaoa Caa A Sal It I itt Qaaap far p D Niw. Naw. Naiak Dr.k. " " ' P.r Ll.hl .1 Worn Tat P.I. rra.apl. M.kaa Itat Tlak 1!!1 I'.l. T'"" B...I1I.I K"la Iran tpt Mn. B.rl.p '!! 7, ft . . M rerklna Bollywaod p.rrr M.aep n L; n. oS,v."tk.w ! ak gbarl. sb.w Hn, All-llai. t.t.tlu. Q.n.i 7:" V'" B.ak.l... Wil. Jit Ih. Shalt Naw.p.p.r .1 Alr M T.U .., 11 21' 'I "h,'." "Par- at Al, H 1. VSL. Japa. '"' O" Wlppar Taka All !" ,"" Will. Br... "-a Sh.lf rr... rr Bptalpt X 'IJ JlltS pill '"" l" a,u" T...f.ll, Taara J) :!I slI.T.i.. i. . " "aala Maal lha Mlaaaa """" rr.nl r.i. r.rr.ll D.r Dra.j Mpal. Maal Ika MH.aa m fa... ml SL i"'. i" rkll...,ka, lMh.r O.tfra, " Wa Lara a u.rp tp.1111. a. Mail. Anb.i O.Slrw DIAL LISTINGS i EEX, UM; KOAO. IM Y FX TRhraaar F.M. B:ftft, Saalml T. L.X Cni ft:M, 8kr Knit i :. Kaap Ing Up With Sportit ft: 18, Haai Edltfaat l:Sft, Green Baraeti I'M, Edwin C. Hilli 1:IS, Elmer Davlai 7:, Ja Btaffardi 8:M, Caantarapr: 8:, Blng Craabyi 1:00, Mil tan Berlat ft:M. Damaa Rnaran Theatre i I0:M, Rkbflelal Rparteri 10:48, Intar- naiiai ia:so. Can cert Hear, U:M, Manae ta Tomarrawi lt:00, Xtra Hear; 1:04, Sign Off. 1CV Friday A.M.- 7; au, LBwaan MeCalli larlr Blr; 7:1ft. Bab Jahnaaat l:Sft, Bahert'a Almanac, 7:4ft. Farm Newt! -M, MtM and Marge; ft: I ft, Martin Agranthri :M. Zeha Manner. 11:48. Bear Aeaai t:ft, Braabfaat Clabi 1ft, Newa; 10: IS, Stare af Tod an 10:M, Kar Kyaara Kellegei 11, Ted Malanat 11:15, Ga len Drake. 11:), Trne Saern lC:ft0, Bel tr Craehen 1S:1S, Newat 1C:M, Baahbagai ii:4b, Mara oat ar Lirai i:oo, Nartnweet ernersi 1:110, Kay Weati 1:00, Breakfaat la (Lined Faelfla Standard Tina) YCiLC n,ri ' . Vakaaii l WMV it: so B parte Oli M Nawai f:lft, Data With Oregaa Btatai :, Kaand the Cam afire ( 1:1ft, Etaalag Faraj Heart S. Farcbology W tha Family, ;, Great Bangat S:4ft, Nawai t:ft, Maala T-al End area t ft: 45, Brmlng MHHallaaa. (Uiled Paelfla Standard Tlma) rfLC fTl4' TatMVa 1ft :M, The H.Wtl 11 1 ft, R. paelally far Wameai 11:00, Tha Caaeart Hall; 11:0ft, Newai 11:11, Nean Faraa Uean 1:M, Bide 'ran Cawbari 1:1ft, Variety! 1:, Melady Lane, 1:00, Clab wemen'i Half Heart S:M, Memery Beak C Mailci 1:00, Newa. Hallywaadi t:Sfl, Talk Tear Way Oat af III 1:00, Sirpriae Farkagei S:M, Bride aa Graamt 4:00, Weleama Trareleni iM, Art Llnkletter. Students Hear Sermon Pedee High school baccalau reate service was held Sunday following the Sunday School hour and was in charge of Rev. Durdle who brought the mes sage. Two special numbers were given. Patsy Hilburn and Mary Dunn sang, accompanied by Mrs. Caroline Cox. Rev. Durdle and Mrs. Cox sang accompanied by Mrs. Durdle. A large crowd attended. ACROSS L Headpiece 4. Ueaauro at length T. Oilleaa cocoa It. Anger It. Mythical legal character 14. Let down 16. Gvdbv 16. Humiliation It. Public lodging houaa 14. Sound In Waahlngton It. Daap rererenca It. Saerad Imago II. riannel 41. Commune la Portugal 41. Oriental Turkish money 43. TranaformH Finished 21. Pro par 22. Tear 33. Dairy animal 26. Horaeman 38. Harden 30. Diminished S3. Breathed loudly whlln leaping 47. Linden tree s. ho King a loud nolia 41. Age 10. Feminine name 11. Poorly It. Edge It. Middle Atlantla a tat a: abbr. WA In wm T1S cj ' aIhaPm vG3 WBalvPllCHA nIe e oils t ya e a Solution of Ytstarday's Puule DOWN 4. Biblical tower osrSp1 Mtln Thrw ,wiy t.' Moderate Rainwater Pip f. Mixing I. Italian capital I. Have debta 10. Orowa boya 1U Skill 17. Deaoendant 11. Eagleatoo 12. Color 23. Shortened 24. Seaweed 35. Espouae 37. Way of pltchlnf a ball II. Chrlstmag carola 10. Sunken fenoa 11. Ornamental knot II. Fixed star 14. Pullman car attendant IT, Elevator car rlage II. Artleaa 40. Hlitorlcal record v .UlptleaJ 4S. Flr.t man 41. Publlo eon. T.yane. 44. Barlr En,lla mon 41. Orow drowsr l. Kind mt silk d. ROOM AND BOARD ..... By Gen Ahem I S if Sf' evenins our : telescope of ; WITH PINKY I OTMEK f HOT DOGsTSBSOf T