18 Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 2d. 1949 (a Ladies in the Ring Fatme Dakir, of Turkey, tosses Madeleine Duval, of France, over her shoulder In one of the International women's wrestling how matches In Milan, Italy. Unbeaten Teams Meet on Thursday Handle Oil and the Paper- makers, undefeated in league tompetition go to the post at 8 'clock Thursday night in the first game of the City softball league twin performance. The lecond contest at 9 o'clock sends Rock Wool against Golden Pheasant, Friday night's schedule: 12th Street vs. K. of C, and Mootry's vs. Marine Reserves. No games are slated for Sat urday night. The Antactic continent is uni quely isolated in that those who visit it must cross at least 800 miles of open water while pass age to any of the other con tinents can be attained by cross ing 60 miles or less of open water. Wirt Sold, New Player Is Added To Solon Roster Jim Wert has been sold "down the river" (to Vicksburg, Miss, of the Southeastern lea gue) and Bob Heddington has been added to the Salem Sena tor club roster. Glenn Miller, left handed pitcher played first for the Solons Wednesday night, and turned in a fairly good game. Heddington has been on the Portland bench for a number of weeks, seeing virtually no ser vice. He played first base for Tacoma in 1946, having a bat ting average of .314. The next season he was on third for the Tigers, where he boosted his av erage to .339. Last season with Spokane in the outfield Hed dington slumped to .290. The new first sacker is ex pected to join the club at Yaki ma in time for Thursday night's contest with the Bears. Tourney Director Leads Qualifiers For PGA Champs Richmond, Va., May 28 u.PJ George Schneiter, the PGA tour nament director, was taking his title seriously today a little too seriously, as far as his consti tuents were concerned. For the bespectacled rancher from Utah was not only manag ing the behind-the-scene busi ness for the nation's pitch and putt pros, but also was running the show on the links as the second of two qualifying rounds was launched in the PGA cham pionships. The 37-year-old Schneiter set a dizzy pace for the others yes terday when he fired a five-under-par 66 on the Hermitage Country Club course. He collected six birdies and one bogie in that impressive round. All of the strokes he shaved off par 71 came on the first nine. He was dead even on the back nine. Ends Leon Hart and Jim Martin of the Notre Dame squad are' the first co-captains for the Irish since 1926. Cherry Fruit j Flies Emerge The official spray or dust no tice for cherry fruit fly control j was phoned to mid-Willamette valley county agents Thursday morning, May 26, by Associate Entomologist S. C. Jones and Entomology Specialist Robert W. Every of Oregon State Col lege. Fruit flies were found late Wednesday afternoon in the two emergence cages in the Lam berts orchard east of Salem. The first spraying or dusting must be done within the 10-day period following the emergence date in accordance with the cherry fruit fly control area or der of the Oregon state depart ment of agriculture. The local control area order is in effect in Polk, Linn, and Marion coun ties. Applying the first spray or dust within the next few days is suggested by County Exten sion Agent D. L. Rasmussen. "This will prevent delays from heavy rains, high winds, or other conditions that always seem to hinder those growers that wait until the last minute to spray or dust," he says. Either lead arsenate or ro- tenone is recommended for cherry fruit fly control. These are the only insecticides in the four formulas recommended by the Oregon- experiment station and approved by the state de partment of agriculture for use in complying with the provisions of the cherry fruit fly control area order. Jack Turnbull, deputy horti cultural inspector, represents the state department of agricul ture in Marion county, Turnbull has temporary office space in the Marion county agent's office and may be reached by calling Salem 2-4145. Names of spray and dust contrsctors may also be obtained by calling the same number. Initiatory Degree Offered by Chapter Mill City Marilyn Chapter, No. 14S, Order of Eastern Star, Mill City, met in special ses sion to present the initiatory degree for Mrs. Betty Von Tin ney. Worthy Matron, Fern Shuey and Worthy Patron, Wilson Stevens, were in charge. Acting as courtesy candidate was Mrs. Tinney's mother, Mrs. Celine Taylor. Following the meeting refreshments were served with iftmlinhilrtl ilmi ! STRAWBERRIES U-PICK 10c Out Silverion Rd. m Ml. to? Middle Grove School turn right H ml. HERR & RIENSCHE " TT can stop on a dime," the salesman promised q Xjjjp g J. you, "and leave nine centi change 1" VwJiVif.l i And your Buick did when It was new and brake linings unworn and everything factory-tight and fresh. But brake linings wear lights grow dim with time tirei can lose their bite and traction. And with t whole summer's driving ahead, what better time than this to bring your Buick hack to new-car peak In all those details that mean so much to safety? Or W mmjm if Check your car Check accidents! TfcrM eroot i)rvk and iofty or qanU latter crow f country art alorrlrtf Mremni vtrywhor Mfcty-aWftinf Nttjir ean, THy M qvtHttMt Marin for yew Mr about How r your Irotsit UaMif Tiftt WM0 WhI artfMMAft DorWti oJotlf lP-tw wrrorl MvMwf Wft.M wttranf Horn 9 to twr yew fofnfty Hdoi In Mfery your Mdi orvko man to look avar Ihart thank aoinfi Ihia atanttiand Our men, trained in Buick ways, will give you brakes that stop you as Buicks should, with new brake linings that are right in size and brake drums turned to perfect round. They can replace sealed-beam headlights to give you new-bulb brilliance and while they're at it, check battery, voltage, wiring and headlamp aim to boot. They'll check tires, switch them as needed, look into w heel alignment for easy steering. In a word, they'll renew your Buick with the same care and interest they would lavish on their own and do it at no greater cost than for just ordinary service. So drop in. Get set for some summer fun that's up to lively Buick standard. FARM STORE Trade & High Sts. toe ESTIMATES-DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION Let our irrigation engineer design an econo mical, complete sprinkler system to fit your crop and your farm. Estimates made without obligation. Free delivery and installation. Call Mr. Asbill at 37948. the following eommittee in Rachel Olmstead, Mary Tuers charge of the dining rooms: land Nellie Ward. V2M0Lm)DijD HOUNDED WHISKEY Mtfldtf WWsk)P( M PlMf m as!,, m L. " fI Mh sjrale Nsetral Spkrits riflf f Special treats FOR THE holiday mete ena ...NOW BEING FEATURED BY LEADING FOOD DEALERS Look for tMt sign .iF? ' As: : to be sure you get the fresher flavor and -S?e? ji1 4"i)rtB5Wsi V m finer ingredients of America' favorite aFJ rt58 A WKjExgk "cold cut8" Swift'a Premium Table- J l&L.-' ' &tyyijg8Ki'Pl ' a Ready Meats! Insist on this brand. rTpl SL V A jMy V There's no cooking, no heating when " I fiLt?JMLjrl vou serve these quality slices. Try vNf V-,J I " 'yOS-fiSq V them with cottage cheese topped with l " Jr' J J pMentoathoM y Otto J. Wilson Company 388 No. Commercial Sr., Salem PARAMOUNT MARKET 260 N. Liberty BERG'S INC. 12th & Center CTRTIS MARKET Market St N. Capitol HOFFMAN'S MARKET ISO N, Commercial QUALITY FOOD MKT. 17th te Center CARTER'S MARKET 17th it Market ART'S PREMIUM MKT. 73.1 Edgewater "WALT WHITE'S MKT. Edgewater & Kingwood TOMMY'S MARKET 610 Breyi Ave. ARONSON'S MARKET S4 Highland Ave. "CARR'S" HIGHLAND MKT. 800 Highland Ave. "RUSSEL'S KE1ZER MKT. 4990 N. River Rd. BILL" ROSENTHAL!. MARKET J94 N. Commercial GILMER'-S GRAND CENTRAL 183 N. High St. LINERERRY'S MKT. 15S N. Commercial GAMMON'S MARKET P N. Commercial LEMMON'S MARKET S89 N. Commercial Bl'SICK S "COURT ST." MARKET 197 N. Commercial C. M. ROBERTS 720 D. Street DEAN JEWEL'S MARKET 3025 Garden Rd. TATMAN ft ANDERSON 810 Lancaster Drive JUDSONS HOLLYWOOD MARKET 2000 N. Capitol WALT DAV1ES MARKET 2290 Fairgrounds Rd. C. 8. ORWIG MARKET 4375 Sllverton Rd. ERICKRON'S SUPER MARKET 3080 Portland Rd. HUDSON'S GROCERY 12th ft Mission CITY MEAT MARKET Independence MONMOUTH MEAT MKT. Monmouth, Ore. DICKSON'S MARKET Hi-way 99 South PERLICH'S MARKET 1191 S. Commercial DAY'S MARKET Dallas, Ore. KM. B. YOUNG GROCERY Dallas. Ore. THE VISTA MARKET 3045 S. Commercial STATE 8TREET MKT. 1230 State St. FADE'S QUALITY MEAT 1244 State St. M. F. STORE Independence LONG'S MARKET Dallas, Ore. RANDALL'S FINE MEAT 1288 State St. ANDERSON'S DRIVE-IN MARKET 2470 State CLARK-MILLETT 2290 State St. HULL'S MARKET 2285 Mill St. PAGE'S GROCERY 2280 S. High St. BEHM'S FOOD MARKET 120 S. Lancaster Dr. FAUST RED ft WHITE Mill City. Ore. DITTER'S STORE Sublimity COLDSPOT MARKET Stayton, Ore. WOURM'S MARKET Stayton, Ore. HANSON'S MARKET Stayton, Ore. KEN GOLLIETS Mehama, Ore. HEIRECK'S MARKET Lyons, Ore. BRASSFIELD'S STORE Lyons, Ore, STEWART'S GROCERY Mill City, Ore. HILL TOP GEN. STORE Mill City, Ore. BURIAN'S MARKET Silverton, Ore. OTTO FRANK'S MARKET Silverton, Ore. C. N. FRANK'S STORE Silverton, Ore. TUCKER ft MORLEY Silverton, Ore. BEN ROHR'S MARKET Silverton, Ore. HANDY'S MARKET Woodburn, Ore. DeJARDIN'B MARKET Woodburn, Ore. SQUALL'S MARKET Woodburn, Ore. EBERLE'S STORE Mt. Angel, Ore. SCHMIDT'S MARKET ' Mt. Angel, Ore. WHITE FRONT GROCERY Mt. Angel, Ore. CUTSFORTH MARKET Gervais, Ore. DRl'BA GROCERY Gervais, Ore. RONNER'S GROCERY Gervais, Ore.