Plan Formed ffor Cemetery The Salem Pioneer Cemetery association has been organized 1 to take over control of the Odd Fellows cemetery from the IOOF lodge. Elected as a board of trustees T were Lewis Judson, W. I. Need Sham, Helen Pearce, L. E. Hill, J and Fred Lamport. Edith Kyle I was elected clerk. Roy Ohmart lis temporary chairman. Mem Si bers of the association will be t persons owning lots In the ce- metery or their survivors. About 25 attended the meeting. J If adequate funds and cooper a atlon are available, improve- ment of the pioneer Salem cem etery, long criticized because of 'its appearance, will be made. t First burials in the hamlet that became Salem (called the J Mills in the early 1840s because the Methodist mission saw and J grist mill were located here) rwere made near the mission ' headquarters building, now I called the Jason Lee house and still standing at D60 Broadway. J Lewis Judson recalls that his grandmother, who was with the J missionaries, was buried here, though her remains and those of others have long since been i disinterred and placed In es tablished cemeteries. fc. Odd Fellows' cemetery, form erly called Rural cemetery, was 'started in 1853 when the organ ization purchased five acres of J land for $25 an acre. Then the r cemetery was located about a : mile and a quarter south of the 1 village that was Salem. By a 'conveyance dated January 18, '. 1856, David Leslie and wife 'deeded lands to E. M. Barnum, IE. A. Cooke and James Strang, Odd Fellows trustees, for a burying grounds. Lots are laid off in squares, being intersected by alleys run ning at right angles and with a broad avenue running through the entire cemetery. Interred on this avenue is Samuel R. Thurston, the first delegate to congress from terri torial Oregon. He died at sea off Acapulco, April D, 1851, and was buried temporarily in a Mexican cemetery within that city. Fol lowing an elaborate funeral his remains were interred in the Rural cemetery April 22, 1853. Captain Charles Bennett, whose epitaph declares he was the discoverer of gold in Cali fornia, was killed in Indian warfare near Walla Walla in December, 1855. About a month later he was buried in Rural ce metery. Grave of another dis tinguished Oregonian here is that of John P. Gaines, second governor of territorial Oregon. He died December 8, 1857. Farther up the hill and on the central avenue of Rural ceme tery Is the grave of William H. Willson, original proprietor of Salem. Willson was passing a pleasant hour in W. K. Smith's store near Commercial and Fer ry street when he suffered a heart attack and died suddenly in April of 1856. Besides these burials. Odd Fellows' cemetery contains graves of many Salem and Ore gon pioneers. In some Instances relatives and those who care, no longer live in this locality and the cemetery in recent years has suffered neglect. In 1870 it consisted of 18 acres but now contains 30. Meissner Dinner Host Lincoln Hosts at a dinner were the R. J. Meissnert of Lin coln whose guests included his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert H. Hixson and Chrlstene, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hassman all of Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Berg of Salem. Vy wh Hot or Iodized en it rains it pours m LaaaB. Amazing New KELM-IBM only e00K I LABELS 11S7X J Compare with other Dog Bowls tip lo $3.50 VALUEI Serves food and Water Separately at One Time Hakes Dog Feeding Easy Won't Tip or Slip! Heref the eisieit way to feed your dog you ever uw! It's th new Ken-L-Bar has two geparate bowls for food and water. Saves time, fuss and muss. Easy to clean. Tough, resilient heavy gauge plastic comes in beautiful blue. Avail able txcluuvtly through this special oStr. ..... , NOW for a limited time only tou can get this amazing value for Inst $1,001 This sensational bargain offer is made to Introduceyou to Keo-L-Ration the ONLY ONE of America's four leading dog foods made with lean, red meat U. S. Government Inspected horse meat. Yet costs no more than ordinary dog foods. Feeding Ken-L-Ration Is the money-saving way to feed your dog meat. Send today for your Ken-L-Bar and discover how easy it makes dog feed ing. Mail handy order blank and en enclose $1.00 along with 4 labels of Ken-L-Ration. Look tor tbta U.S. CoT't BaJ mt buVcctloa on .very eat of Stm-L-HaUon, Ken-L-Ratlon, Dept. 29, Bex 1721 Chicago 77, Illinois rieasc scan mc t.eai,-isrs. i enclose Vl.oo j idu ivciii.-iviuiun ikqcis i or cam rtcn-L-rJar. NAME ADDRESS j CITY ZONE.... STATE.. (This off.c cloiti December 31, 1949) When tvtry brand claims H It tho bott, flow's a woman to toll whkh It right? t a (DiflyS While other brands claim better quality, your grocer will tell you only S tW dues to prwt it We invite t grocer to select other brands ny brands from his shelves. Then together we open etch can and compare its quality with S W, prod uct for product, by actual taste test. For more than 30 years, grocers who have made this actual store test have judged S arW best, every time. PROVI IT YOURIILP Try any SaW Fine Food fruits, vegetables, Juices, oven-baked beans and brown bread, or famous S W meUow'd coffee. We are confident you will agree that SaW binadusbritselC S quality is so much better- Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday. May 26, 194915 (.THWF-t.tP.- CHow to get the most our fit your food SOMjcirs is simple as A-B-CM All you hove to do is compart our prices with any others, and you'll find that the surest way lo s-t-r-e-t-c-h your food budget is to do All, your shopping at... PRICES EFFECTIVE FRI. SAT. SUN. DOG and CAT FOOD BUYS PLEASE 0 DOG FOOD 3 'I 25C PARD RED HEART, DR. ROSS, FUSS 'N' BOOTS ff DOG FOOD 3 SL 39c STRONGHEART AM DOG FOOD 3 33C KIT-KAT CAT FOOD 3 2L 33c GROPUP RIBBONS rpk"... 3k FRISKIES DOG FOOD M(Cubei X lb. pkg. 31c J lb. pkg. 67c COTTAGE CHEESE Fischers Pint carton 23c Kraft Pint carton 27c HALEY'S MEAT PRODUCTS Vegetable Stew with Beef Large No. 2'i can . . Meal Balls with Gravy or Tomato Sauce, tall 16 ox. Spaghetti with Meat Balls Tall 16 oz. can Chicken Sandwich Spread 3 oz. can Browned Beef Cubes with Gravy, tall 16 oz. can Corned Beef Derby, 12 oz. can . . . Beef Stew, Dinty Moore Large 24 ez. can .... Deviled Meat O Morrell's Va Size Deviled Ham, Hormel't Va can Corned Beef Hash Armour's No. 2 can . . CHILI CON CARNE with Dennlson's No. 1 tall can. Hormel's No. 1 tall can . . . Vienna Sausages No. Vi can . SHORTENING TOMATO JUICE Healthf MARGARINE BUTTER GIANT PACKAGE Kraft Cheese, American, C- C''VY ,7V' . A J itTHkC M I Pimiento, Valveeta, Vi lb. AmmtG mmimm IJJS lf t5" ft, J? o-i5"? in. Mmf A lh,mYJk, OQ- i-rtncn nettle, con.... bw. Ki. Fancy Spinach, Hunt's 1A. Sf 1ji.iS. YJZJa OQr No-211 IVC 71?yC J7C Shoestring Potatoes 1C. - jJMjV00 Blue Bell, No. Vi can IDC ft,,,n 22C Sunshine 25c 75TT r Graham Crackers B 4Ml5 uief Prem Mad. with Honey WW I Bean. STRINGLESS so vofa ... -J' 27c BEANS n. tf .JpC .2,27c triAA 18C JACK N' BEAN- OQ. nlV OftC "W STALK, No. 2 can A for ijC ilYA W-V . .t-C SWIFTNING 79C co KVAT '""I $0 3 lb. con ' C ..wl BMP... roJ' V lC rAoVJu,f.---- rase00 . JA. ' ' Armour s Mayflower Xm m 2 lbs I fnnninn Siimmw.. .. .. . .. i waaaaaiiw whiiui nonv Finest Quality , 25 lbs. 2.19 63c Mori peopli i Morion'i pkg. m.i - i iufvvc i in t mszssnm'm 85e 2 shaker. 17C tlZeSSSSSSSSSSSSSHBBIBVBSBBBeBIIBHBZaBlBIIBHBH Royal Ruby Tumblers, set of 4 for 29c with purchase of Swiftnlng Campbell's Large 46 oz. can . Healthful and refreshing Grade A Lb BORENE SOAP Large )7. Mm I W Thrift C"T- LOCKER SUPPLIES LOCKER CARTONS 2d0,23c BALL FREEZER JARS Pmt. 24c dos., 14 os. 1.29 NESTRITE ROUND CARTONS uZ?L. 98c Pkr. 15 Pints or 15 Quarts 1.09 VAPO CAN CARTONS .t.pkf 95c Plastic Re-Usable Lids, 20 to pkg 93 Ml NEW POTATOES TJ, 10 39 3 bun 14c Radishes or Green Onions Brlfht and fresh, larte bunches.' CtViAKJ'C 8UNKIST lie more lemons a UCfVIVnj Healthful and Refreshlnt DOZ. JJC FLORIDA ORANGES Mi '.Sot 49 iC CD V ORECN, larse bunches, C I freah, crisp and crunch? BUN. UE FRESH TOMATOES 'omit'1 .''.'tube 23c CUCUMBERS .Jr cr,,p . 2 for 15c HI HO BUTTER CRACKERS 0 unshine, 1 lb. box. X7C 100 Ibso 8.39 10 lbs. 87c Armour or Hormel Hockless PICNIC HAMS Average weight 4 to 8 lbs.. .LB. 39c (You'll want one of these for ever the week-end) These small tender hams are selected from only the top trade of train fed pork, then Sugar cured and slow smoked over hard wood flree, then are .elected again for taste and tenderness and are .old with a tuarante. of satisfaction or your money back. Swift's Genuine Spring Lamb Shoulder M C Shoulder A Q Lamb Roast, lb. ... HDC Chops, lb. . . ff7C Stew, lb. SWIFT'S GRAINFED VEAL Here's the ideal warm weather meat. Quick, easy to prepare and always tender. RUMP A ft LOIN CHOPS or ROAST, lb yCS!RL0IN STEAKS, lb. CUTLETS (center cuts of round), lb 19c 57c 69c Luncheon Meats 49c Wide Assortments, lb. . . We will also feature for the week end Armours Rwlfta Hormele snd Cascade Hams at Reduced Prices. FRESH HALIBUT 29c Half or whole, lb. Be sure to buy this If you like hali but. Ave. weight of fish to 8 lbs. BUY THAT FRYER EARLY THIS WEEK YOU GET THE BIGGEST AND NICEST AT ERICKSON'S Each ..1.49