14 Capital Journal. alm, Orefnn. Thurari'a.y, May 26. 1949 Boy Trainer Michael Fay, 13-ycar-old Granada. Calif., high ichool student and a horse trainer, has his Palomino, Jimmy Hix, demonstrate how he releases his master from ropes. Jail Faces Cabinet Officer If Evidence Not Produced Washington, May 26 U.m Sen. Pit McCarran, (D., Nev.), today circulated a memorandum sayinj that the senate could jail At torney General Tom Clark and Assistant secretary oi aiaie uonn S. Puerifoy if they refused to produce files dealing with commu nist activities. f ; -7 - The memorandum was pre-ne oe nepi Dy ine .-.,-...i Youths Held After Stolen Car Wrecked Portland? Ore., May 26 (Ut Two teen-aged boys and a girl were taken Into custody by state police last night after they wrecked a stolen car on the Sunset highway near North Plains. The car had been stolen from a Portland U-Drive lot. State Patrolman James Bau- a dog crossing the highway. It kidded Into a ditch and rolled over three times. The girl and one boy are from Salem. The other boys lives in Portland. All IT years old. One of the boys will be taken Into! a piano recital of students ol Juvenile court here and the oth ertwo to Salem Mrs. Ralph Storey of McMlnn vllle at the Baptist church therisf Appear In Recital (Their parents ana orotners Mr Grand Island Dclores and.and Mrs. Frank Finnicum, Ron. Lavonna Finnicum appeared in'ald and Norman attended. Ask Probe of Plane Buying Washington. May 26 W Rep. Van Zandt (R-Pa) proposed to day a congressional investiga tion of "the nature and circum stances" of military airplane purchases. He introduced a resolution to create a special five-man house committee which, among other thinffs. would inauire into "Dri- or or present" connections of;r incr aircraii companies, any military officials with anyl Nebraska fcnds Kent Controls Lincoln, Neb., May 26 () Nebraska today became the first state to authorize rent decon trols under recent federal legis lation giving states and com munities the power to do so. The decontrol action, effec tive November 1, came when the Nebraska legislature over rode Gov. Val Peterson's veto of the bill. pared by the federal law section arms In close confinement in the of the library oi congresa av mu ..- request of McCarran, who is; chairman of the senate Judiciary' Turkey, -with an area of 286, committee. S03 square miles, has only some! man said the car was traveling on.. t.ri ,i nf which 2.uu ono miles oi roaas or1 aoout : mues an nour wnen tne were sent by McCarran to each j every committee member, deals wnn the committee's powers to act if Clark and Puerifoy should re fine to answer subpenas for them to appear with the records. Clark and Puerifoy have been subpenaed to produce 168 files which an immigration subcom mittee claims are needed in an investigation aimed at tighten ing laws to prevent entry of and permit deportation of communist soies and saboteurs. The two have made it plain they will produce the files only if directed by President Truman to do so. The memorandum held that the committee has power to sub- pena the records. It said that if the records are refused by rea son of a presidential direction, the senate could, "in the absence of definitive Judicial decisions," take these steps: Direct its presiding officer to issue a warrant directing . the sergeant at arms to bring the official before the bar of the senate. "Upon further refusal before the bar of the senate," the brief! said, "the senate could order (1) that the person be continued in the close custody of the sergeant at arms, or (2) that he be corn- has come to my attention within recent weeks regarding the un usually large purchases of air craft from Consolidated Vultee Aircraft corporation, controlled by Floyd Odium, a heavy contri butor to the democratic cam paign, and a company of which Louis Johnson was, until three days after his nomination as secretary of defense by the pre sident, a director and Washing ton counsel. "I am also informed that to milled to the common Jail of the obtain funds for these unusually j District of Columbia, or (3) that large contracts, the air force has ruthlessly cancelled orders from Quality Meats Peerless Market Courteous Servict Morkat Hour 9 A. M. to 6 P.M. 170 N. COMMERCIAL PHONE J-3704 company which has received aircraft contracts. Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson was a director of Con solidated Vultee Aircraft cor poration. Consolidated Vultee makes the B36, giant bomber on which the air force has been concentrating. Van Zandt said In a state ment: "A great deal of information In 2'i years tec irc aved over $100,000,0()0.00 for our clients Oeorge d. Aiav Company OFFICII IN MINCIFAl CITIfl REMEMBER YOU SAVE MORE MONEY AT 4200 NORTH RIVER ROAD - SALEM NEAR BEAUTIFUL MANBRIN GARDEN DISTRICT FOR THIS WEEK-END GIANT RINSO 53c RIPE OLIVES --a. 21c TUNA FISH 'war.'?;;,,.., 23c PIGS FEET snay, 55c ORANGE JUKE gr. 11c OL ICE (REAM 33c NEW FRESH PEAS 2 , 23c GRADE A VEAL u 59c BOILING BEEF , 32c Plf NIC HAMS ,, . 39c CHICKENS & RABBITS ,TIW,M description. irfrivpr iwrvra to avoid hitting - i ii i ! h am BSS I I B B PU V Hl.f.U 111 SB i . .. ant nnm sur i . WT I I 4 ,or " w u . w-mm m jsr wnole LB. tm M W 111 I I I ffflf Hhaa. ALaL i I I (tAtOMIMfi BONELESS BSt A I "WailUfir JJTPH f 111- I 1 i4Jl UcnlHa - a . I "--w" Iff IV WW I WUUCS Lb. aa? M ls I VVI 1 SQUARES Lb. IWV Cut from Steer Beef for Boiling or Bra.i.g I l I 1 Morrall'l Pride Sliced or Sugor Cured Mora or That Gooo, Puro I jt- v I nifAii rn. GROUND nAc $4 I i rati- -v i iKitiiin ur C U i I II T-JaV-J I IJ I II AX 1 I A tttZP lllirY CHERRY LANE I i C7r rUJ r vZZwdi riDTc cottage -I V jihrlriVZ)Q BOLOGNA AND U CHEESE Lb. IJt V XP n Sage Lb 4a3C J2ffirw v" tw i i U A I GRADE U.S. GOOD STEER BEEF UitAUiu..uUuuittRBWf . 1 InAACTC rrA RIB CO I i ir 1 1 uiii in. ctcaic .. j'wi. i r i c, urn t ci Kicn'oanE vty I 1213 " S3" - 1 !g ' f;'' " The tHousands of families who have made FRANZ Oregon's most popular bread enjoy its fresh goodness day after day, giving little thought that Aere...in one single food. ..is nourishment vitally important in a healthful, balanced diet for youngsters arid adults alike. Not for one moment, though, do FRANZ bakers forget their responsibility to' customers who expect... and rightly so. ..that FRANZ will always be the best bread that money can uy...ALL WAYS. YOU'LL NEVER BUY A BETTER BREAD THAN fRANZ !