Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 2fi, 1049 IS Wilt SAVE AT THESE LOW PRICES -Tmnii"irMifcj I ia irfftl Protective Cutody Soviet zone police (left, wearing caps) lined up on the platform of the Charlottenburg station in the British sector of Berlin, face strikers, sympathizers and west ern zone police (in helmets) after they had been taken into "protective custody" and were awaiting transportation back into the Russian zone. Invasion of the western sectors by the Soviet zone police resulted in bitter street fighting in the rail road strike. (Acme Wirephoto.) Prune Crop in Polk Promising Dallas, May 26 The best Italian prune crop in years is anticipated in Polk county, and an enormous yield is expected around Dallas, where dryer ca pacity will be taxed unless con ditions are such in the harvest season to slow the picking. The cherry crop will be only fair, according to growers. Blos som periods gave rise to opti mistic outlooks,, but in the face of this, the crop is light in some sections and spotted in distribu tion around the county. -Some blame the heavy frosts which came after the blossom period. Simon Grindheim, represen tative of a packing concern, states that the prune prospects are the best in this district in the past five seasons. He anti cipates a 75 percent crop in Dal las area as compared with a half crop in 1947 and a smaller crop last year. In the Sheridan-Red Prairie district, a 70 percent crop is expected and in the West Salem district, 60 percent. Frank Neufeld, who operates extensive orchards, states that valley orchards promise bumper crops, but hill orchards are somewhat poorer. Total yield from Polk coun ty, however, will not top peak years of the past because of the fact that many orchards have been grubbed out in the past four or five years. Price outlook looks encourag ing because of the fact that light crops in recent years were 10 Down Pat Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shades Wi all. watb. nlaa. .atat mlat r..f al Vraclia. allafe. ELMER, The Blind Mon CaD anytime for Cm btlmalea fhon. 1-7JU 145 Rare St West Salem Wa give S&B Green Stamps cleaned up and the 1949 crop will go on the market without compe 1 1 1 i o n from holdover stock. The Willamette Cherry Grow ers association has indicated that overall prospects for sweet cherries in the mid-valley dis trict are for a much heavier crop than last year, although the crop appears spotty In Polk county. Emergence of the cherry fruit fly has been noted and spray notices were sent out to growers at mid-week telling them to spray within the next ten days. Scholarships are Won Woodburn Three students of Woodburn high school are among the 60 girls and 47 boys winning scholarship t u i ti o n awards at Oregon State college for the 1949-50 college year. Those from Woodburn are Joe H. Collins, Maurice L. Jern stedt and Jack Krieger. New York state has a popula tion of 14,000,000. it m FARMERS INSURANCE.GR9UP AUTO TRUCK FIRE FOR SAVINGS SERVICE SATISFACTION with your Insurance see us. Wt write (5105.000 Liability for only $12.70 aach six months. A $5.00 sales sost the first time only. BILLOSKO Phene 3-5661 466 Court Si. BILL OSRO DUt Mjt. 0a our 80th anniversary we're offering you... Grape Juice pel' 0 nrice Buy Now If a pure, natural fruit jute packed full of energy-giving dextrose. If so rich on bottle actually make two. Jwtt mix half -and-half with water odd Ice a full glass cost ls than J 1 ,riGAnd mum 02! DEVILED HAM Tim savtr (or making sanoWhu! 19c CHOPPED HAM I feS So assy on the I gf mea budget ! I IGA Store features brands you know and like labels you can trust no guess work at IGA take any Item you want you can rely on the quality, camffire ore Marshmallows lZ; OJ BETTY CROCKER tWr CAKE MIX?or..0Drk"evi,',Food OD TASTY PAK twte CREAM CORN 2 27 F.LSINORE FANCY DIMPLE PEAS F.LSINORE PEAS and CARR.OTS N. 3.3 ... No. 303 can FRUIT COCKTAIL No. 1 can. IGA IGA RED SALMON No. Vx CO can J FRUIT COCKTAIL, 0,buffet F.LSINORE FANCY GRAPE JUICE Quart bottle 18c 19' 23c 16' 37c DtU,.W PAK 11 WA SELECT PORK or 1 IV-rVlE FREEST ur 1. n 53 cui sauci 4V a5" U iwiirap riklr r rr rr - r-r Ho 2V ) tc H TOGETHER con I J 11 . iti-il5 11 'elreestoneU r Selrrt your Holiday foods at IGA Stores Large stocks of America's best known brands for your table or Picnic Basket, SILVALASKA PINK SALMON n. , aB LINDSAY LARGE RIPE OLIVES No. 1 can WHITE STAR SOLID PACK TUNAno ,c. SWANSON'S WHOLE CHICKEN a,... A whole tender chicken in gravy made from chicken broth and butter. STEINFELD'S WHOLE DILL PICKLES 15c IGA . 65c 29c 45c 7.19 Cane and Maple Syrup 24 01. jug Quick or Regular QUAKER OATS L"rPp,k' Fa. 35 FRUITS anJ VEGETABLES ROYAL GUEST ...e "COFFEE I of CHARACTER Alwaysfreshsnd I rich-flavored I Lge. 48' IGA GRATED TUNA No. ' con 39c Sunshine HI-HO vrrn CIACKIRS CI Win a FABuIobs NEW LIFE! Enter the FAD I t J.- l 1 , -Jingle 'IrC I f FIRST PRIZE Hf ;' ' 'V All IHESEI 1 855 X $18,000 1 CASH PRIZESC H"" 0T vHvIl pfut 500 INCOME ' " ' M igp 1 mM ' - J- f awry year for llf sfte7" 'rSl tiit i $2S0 Vacation I 'W M m pw 3,000 M CASH t5 WHov. l2 priCe Sale for Tou! 2 pki. 43 BOSCO kmplific wH flav 23 Milk Amplifier Chef lose malt flaverael 1 1 ,01. jar FRESH STRAWBERRIES PINEAPPLE JUICE 19 43s No. X can 46 en. can Gold Seal GLASS WAX Maks car window gUatn . . Way no film or sttaatu. Pint 59' Local Berries, consistent top quality. LOW MARKET PRICE Sunkist LEMONS I'se Sunkist lemon Juice with your salads doi. Sunkist ORANGES 0 California Valencia. Thin ikln dozen best for juice. FRESH PEAS Garden Fresh; 10 food with new potatoes. Shaffer Potatoes U. S. No. 1 trade A size. Priced to save you money. 45c 49c 2, .25c ML 39c Strawberry Shortcake IS MADE EASY WITH BISQUICK S 47" 65' SWANSON'S BONED CHICKEN ,.,. Selected piece of tender chicken, ready cooked in real butter grrvy. Delicioua served with rice over mashed pota toes, with dumpllnga, noodlei or toast. 59s SWANSON'S CHICKEN FRICASSEE Here is chicken at it's best . . . large meaty pieces of both white and dark meat . . . perfectly cooked flavor-sealed and ready to eat. No bones, no waste! For a quick treat It can't be beat. NOTICE! IGA Stores will be CLOSED MEMORIAL DAY KELLOGG'S CEREALS the utmost in quality and flavor. Insist on these Kello(gs Items. 10 ex. pk9. Raisin Bran 17 Bran Flakes "h.? 19 Corn Flakes 13 ex. lnc k,. iy Corn Soya 16' 7 ex. Pk0. c IGA FAMILY FLOUR 1.89 CRACKER JACK The children's favorite confection and for frown ups too. pkg. 5c IGA FAMILY FLOUR 10 Ih. sack 83 1 1 r.m" 1 1 .1 rjfjr-i 1 jii j am 1 hij . . . . - . ... . . It V- -XiJIt Pearson's Food Mkr. 194 No. Commercial Model Food Market 175 North Hi(h SL Orcutt's Market 420t North River Road Central Cash Market Monmouth, Oregon Independence Food Market Independenre. Orefon Scio Food Market Scio, Oregon Highland Market IPs Hlfhlsnd Ave. Ken Golliet Mehama, Ore. Open Honda? Broadway Grocery Brdwy. ft Mkt.-Open Sunday Krueger Kash & Karry I. Center at 40th Open Sun. Ronner's Grocery Gervais, Orexon Equall's Grocery Woodburn, Oregon Lemmon's Market 591 N. Commercial St. Quality Food Mkt. 17th and Canter Carter's Market nth and Marhet St. State Street Market 1Z34 Stat St. COLGATE PALMOLIVE PEET Timely Soap Values Buy at IGA and Savs n all your needs, PALMOLIVE SOAP Keep that school lrl complexion. Both Sixt PEETS GRANULATED SOAP Lerge QCc Pkg. 03 SUPER SUDS Large 0C Pkg. ZO VEL 264 For Marvelous Suds Large Pkg. If