Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, May 25, 1949 Wedding This Morning At simple service solemniz ed this morning in the First Christian church. Miss Joyce Daniel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Daniel of Attalia. Wash., was married to Robert Skewis, ion of Mr. and Mrs. A L. Skewis of Sequim, Wash., the Rev. Dudley Strain reading the rites at 9:45 o'clock in the pres ence of families of the couple. Attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Skewis. brother and sister-in-law of the bridegroom, and Mr. and Mrs Orwin Wedel, brother - in - law and sister of the bride. The bride wore a black suit with pink accessories and a cor sage. Following the service a breakfast was served after which the couple left on their trip. They will make their home near Sequim. The hride was honored at two pre-nuptial parties last week. Mrs. W. A. Skewis and Mrs William Pfau entertained at the home of the former at a shower for the bride. A late supper was served. Guests included: Miss Daniel, Mrs. Leo Ketcham, Mrs Emery Lebold, Mrs. Irwin We del, Miss Betty Holmes, Mrs. Pe ter Walt, Mrs. Donald Rasmus sen, Mrs. Ronald Rossner, Mrs. Ray Lafky, Mrs. Lenard Kep hart, Mrs. May Lamb and the hostesses. On Friday evening, Mrs. Ir win Wedel entertained a group of friends to honor her sister. OES Meeting at Woodburn Reported Woodbum The regular meeting of Evergreen chapter. No. 41, Order of the Eastern Star, was held Monday night at the Masonic temple with Mrs Ora Morris, worthy matron and Ora Morris, worthy patron pre siding. One candidate was elec ted to receive the degrees and one petition for affiliation was received. There will be no meeting of the chapter on June 13 on ac count of grand chapter which convenes In Portland on that date. The next regular and final meeting of the summer season will be held June 27, at which time degrees will be confirmed. An invitation was read and ac cepted to attend the 25th anni versary of Orchid chapter, No 150, at Molalla on May 31. The worthy matron appointed Mr. and Mrs. P. L. LeBarr, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shaner, Mrs. Ada Bettlemler and Frank Settle mler, as the refreshment com mittee for June 27. At this meeting the members having birthday anniversaries from January to June inclusive, will be honored. Under good of the order re ports of recent visits were given with Mrs. Dorothy Garren re porting on a visit to Canby, Mrs. Nettie Johnson on the gold en anniversary meeting of Ac acia chapter at Stayton and Mrs. Percy Seely on a trip to Victor ia, B. C. Mrs. Robert Treupel, mother adviser of Rainbow, an nounced the installation of of ficers to be held May, 25, and told of her visit to the Silver ton Rainbow installation and to a meeting of mother advisers in Salem. After the meeting the mem bers were entertained with old time orchestra music by Miss Jane Pearmine and her "Hill Billy" orchestra from the high school. Members of the orches tra are Judy McClure, Ruth Jeppson, Martin Krupicka, Rich ard, Delmar and Sammy Slover, Dwaine Rogers and Miss Pear mine. The program closed with colored movies of Oregon scen ery by Dr. George King. Refreshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Houseweart. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nelson. The tables were decorated with choice roses. i Miss Prince Is Honored Honoring Miss Zarelda Mae Prince, bride-elect of Lou La-I Marr Williams, a miscellaneous shower was given recently by Mrs. Floyd Cook, Miss Dorothy Cook, Miss Wanda Johnson and Mrs. Floyd McClellan at the Cook home. The wedding of Miss Prince and Mr. Williams is to be June 8 in the Reed college chapel, Portland. Guests for the party Included Miss Prince, her mother, Mrs. Kenneth Prince, Mrs. Tom Sims, Mrs. Floyd White, Misses Alta Hadley, Elizabeth Morley, Syl via McClellend, Jean Hunter, Virginia Strong, Esther Per kins, Joan Aiken, Shirley New berry, Catherine Person, Wan da Tanner, Mitzi Patrick, the four hostesses and young Miss Colleen Cook. Club Entertained North Spring Valley Mrs Lloyd Dickerson and Mrs, Ben McKinney were hostesses for the last meeting of the season for the Sunshine club, combined with a pink and blue shower for Mrs. Joe Nelke. at the Dick- Icrson home. The meeting was conducted by Mrs. Geo. Ham mond, president, who was re elected to office. Mrs. J. S. Mis chel was elected vice president and Mrs. Ben McKinney, sec retary treasurer. Games and contests were the diversion of the afternoon after Mrs. Joe Nelke opened her gifts. Refreshments were sereved by the hostesses. The guest list in cluded Mrs. Joe Nelke, Mrs. N J. Nelke, Mrs. I. E. Merrick, Mrs. George Hammond, Mrs. Les Childers, Mrs. E. Loop, Mrs. D. A. Beach, Mrs. Alice Updegraff, Mrs. Byron Purvine. Mrs. Ernest Soils. Mrs. Robert Yungen, Mrs. L. Bowers, Mrs Charles Nelke, Mrs. Will Trumm, Mrs. Maurice Bernard, Mrs. R. V. Carlson, Mrs. Harold Richardson, Mrs. L. E. Dicker son, Mrs. Leon Turner and Anne and Mary, Mrs. J. E. Smischel. DAYTON Miss Shirley Carey, daughter of Mrs. Roy Edwards, was married to Rob ert Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Smith of Lafayette, at Longview, Wash., on Saturday, May 21, with Judge Callahan officiating. Mrs. Edwards, Jim and Anita and a brother-in-law, Ray Bailey of Longview, accompan ied the couple. Later the couple were guests at dinner at the Bailey home. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will make their home near Pike. New Low Price Kenmore Tank Type Vacuum Cleaner Regular 52.75 J JT ftC "ow 40 A beauty! New Kenmore tank type cleaner with full set of attachments cleans rugs, draperies, upholstery, dusts woodwork. Powerful 4 H. P. motor quickly and easily does the job for you. t y out maiuy fact m 484 State Street Phone 3-9191 Garson-Raley Betrothal Told Announcement is made of the engagement of Miss Kathryn Raley to Dr. James A. Carson, both of Portland. Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Raley of Walla Walla. Wash., and Dr. Garson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jame A. Garson of Salem. Dr. Garson took his pre-dental work at Willamette university and graduated from North Pa cific Dental college. A mid-summer wedding is planned. LINCOLN Entertaining with a social altalr for a group of old friends were Mrs. Dot Walling and Mrs. Lester Walling at their country home on the Willamette at Lincoln. Attending the affair were Mrs. J. Stovall, Mrs. Clifford Walling and Sherrill, Mrs. R. J. Meissner, Mrs. Sarah Feller. Mrs. H. W. Ashford. Mrs. Joe Camillo, Mrs. Tracy Walling. Mrs. Sarah Hackett, Mrs. Eva Purvine, Mrs. Cora Walling, Mrs. Harry Walling, Mrs. Robert Yungen, Linda Dye, Jean Wall ing and the hostesses, Mrs. Dot Walling and Mrs. Lester Walling. MESSAGES of congratulation are going to Mr. and Mrs. Vern Shay (Bertha Babcock) upon the birth of a daughter, Nancy Rose, Tuesday afternoon at Sa lem General hospital. Grand parents are Mrs. Rose W. Bab cock of Salem and Floyd O. Shay of Hillsboro. LIBERTY The Liberty Wo man's club will hold its annual picnic Thursday at 12:00 with a no-host dinner at the home of Mrs. Harold Rosebaugh, R. t. Members are asked to bring their own service. Committees will be named and the program for the year will be planned. Soften Up Hard Stinging Callouses n..t wait uvt youraall from anothar day Bt.?7. toftu". "cat Ica-Mlnl NOll'l Join tha mlllloBi of happy. paopla who . madlratcd COOllDf at al ail VCVER PAY MORE? ACCEPT 1ESS7 Tim to repair or replace GUTTERS V DOWNSPOUTS j FLASHINGS J PLUMBING-HEATING FOR ALL THE FAMILY Leather or Composition HALF SOLES 1.29 OFFER GOOD THURS. - FRI. . SAT. FAST WHILE-U-WAIT OR SHOP SERVICE la il SH0E REPAIR WfWiliw A DOWNSTAIRS SIMPLY APPLY tffo- AS FACE POWDER Vjsp) RIDD works like W, mmmie . . . vour Kin r m. will start clearing up after few in. pie applications. RIDD is recommended for pimple fester inc. skin itch (eiternally gerra -caused); prickly heat, chafed and chapped skin; a soothing application on Poison Oak and Ivy. Complete satisfaction fua ran teed or your money refunded. Try RIDD you'll be glad you did. tIDO NO. 2 FOR ATHLETES FOOT It's quick acting relief starts in 6 to 30 minutes. RIDD NO. 2 also successfully attacks ringworm or other external fun cut infections. 98c at Fird Meyer T)rug Journal Want Ads Pay What irsm a a m alii! mmmmw mmmmm &:Mtmm iff i'ffr i, v ifjj ll wml wmisih m. i-mim Mm!''' ft.- A Picnic Cooler Everybody Likes tomso mom aemottrr e tut e-cou ompamt it COCA-COLA I0TTLIN8 COMPANY OF SALEM, SALEM, OREGON '. tka Caaaalaj (a. mean mm ttmmmmmm if': !i m KemmmMMMtMitimmMi ti r- J i iiwiiilMi 'Piiiii ii jii i i ' .&mmet La year when the Prudential announced the establishment of a Western Home Office in Lo Angelei to control all the company's operations in the eleven western states many families of the West wondered just what this move meant to them. Opening of the Western Home Office was the first step in placing the management and control o( the company's western business in the hands of men living in the West. The Prudential felt that such a policy of decentralization would have the effect of extending Prudential services to more people and of making more money available for the continued development and advancement of this great western area. Already we have tangible evidence that thcM expectation axe being rapidly fulfilled. IN OREGON The dollar amount of cut loins at (he (lose of 1948 was in excess of $12. 600,000. Eighty-four percent of these were to finance dwelling units while the remainder were for indus trial and commercial development. Let's look at housing, for example one of today's most sig nificant problems. During 1948 the Prudential helped residents of the eleven western states finance more homes than in any previous year. In fact, the total amount of money borrowed from the com pany for this purpose increased 73 during that period. Today, more than 55,000 families in this Western region have the security of a home through the help of a Prudential loan. The Prudential is a service organization designed to protect the individual, the family and the com munity through life insurance. For nearly seventy-five yeara it has served people who needed and wanted its services. There is a rep resentative of the new Western Home Office in your community. We suggest you discuss your insurance needs and program with him today. KfNNtTH L FOSTEK, IN tAGI DUTflCT OfHCI THE PRUDENTIAL INSStANCI COMPANY OF A M I I I C A A Mutual Lift Imurtna Cmpttny Western Homo Office Us Angolos, California svM. tasssBaV PssaU HaMO L Vote. Vmc Pm. j CaWmt of Wts FAMILY INCOME MOTICTION o SALARY EXTENSION MORTGAGE REDEMPTION EDUCATIONAL PLANS RETIREMENT INCOME ANNUITIES JUVIMIU PROTECTION IUSINISS INSURANCI COVERAGI