Mrs. Walker 1 THeads Unit Of Auxiliary Mrs. Bert A. Walker is the new president 4or the American Legion auxiliary. Unit No. 138, elections having been held last evening. She will succeed Mrs. Harlan Judd In the office. Other officers named to serve with Mrs. Walker are Mrs. Sam Harbison, first vice president; Mrs. Carroll Robinson, second vice president; Mrs.' E. Jack Slmkins, recording secretary; Mrs. Ira L. Goff, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Edward Klip- pert, treasurer; Mrs. Abraham Friesen, chaplain; Mrs. Joseph DiFilippl, historian; Mrs. Wavne Perdue, sergeant at arms; Mrs Harlan Judd. Mrs. Frederick Rowe. Mrs. Elvln T. Thomas executive committee. Mrs. Carroll Robinson was elected deleffate to the state convention with Mrs. L. Leslie Beard. Mrs. Carletnn Roth and Mrs. E. Jack Simkins as alter nates. Miss Nancy Brown, student at Sacred Heart academy, was an nnunced as the unit's choice to snonsor at th annual Girls State. Mrs. Harold Streeter made announcement of the se lection of Miss Brown for the J honor. Mrs. Robinson as American ism chairman reported a small silk flag and standard had been presented to the Camp Fire Girls group sponsored by the unit. Also, she announced plans of the unit to participate in the Memorial Day parade and that members had offered flowers , for wreaths. The approaching poppy sale, Friday and Saturday of this week, was featured in the de corations for the evening, Mrs. Sam Harbison, the poppy com mittee chairman, in charge. Pop pies were distributed to mem bers and assignment of stations for the sale made. The tea table was centered with an arrangement of the pop pies. Mrs. Clifton Mudd and Mrs. Theodore Ullakko poured. , . . . Miss Spranger Is Honored at Party Bethel Mrs. Carl Raetz and Mrs. Edward Walker were hosts Friday night at Mrs. Raetz home on Center street for a miscellan eous shower honoring Miss Mfha Lee Spranger whose mar riage to Donald Sandau of St. Louis, Mo. will be an event of June 12 in the Bethany Evan gelical and Reformed Church in Salem. 1 Pink and white roses were . used as decorations and the same colors were used in the umbrella that sheltered the gifts. The evening was spent in formally and at the close Miss Jean Hain and Mrs. Donald Mader assisted with the serving. The invited guests were Miss Spranger, her mother Mrs. Arno Spranger, Mrs. Arthur Spel brink, Miss Dolores Spelbrink, Miss Hilda Bartels, Mrs. War ren Creech, Mrs. Anna Matten, Mrs. James Lauderback, Mrs. Nile Hilborn, Mrs. Clifford Chaffee, Mrs. Gus Schlicker, Mrs. John Hain, Mrs. George Hain, Mrs. Roy Marchand, Mrs. Ralph Wilson, Mrs. Bud Chap man, Miss Jessie Glazner, Mrs. Donald Mader, Miss Jean Hain. OSC Mothers onsor Meet Sp About 100 attended the May meeting of the Oregon State College Mothers club, Monday evening, the event being in the Four Corners Community club as a no-host dinner and pro gram. Fathers were guests for the meeting. Dr. D. T. Ordeman, new reg istrar at the college, was guest speaker, telling of the program and plana at the college. Also, informal talks were given by G. Frederick Chambers, mem ber of the state board of higher education, and Mrs. Oscar I. Paulson, new president for the state organization of OSC mothers. Mrs. Ordeman also was a guest at the meeting. New officers were installed headed by Mrs. Austin H. Wil son as president, Mrs. Ernest Walker as vice president; Mrs. M. A. Pekar, secretary; Mrs. Carl Miller, treasurer. A bouquet was presented by the OSC Dads to Mrs. L. O. Arens, who has served as presi dent ot the mothers this past year. The meeting was the last for the club until fall. INDEPENDENCE A special meeting of the American Le gion auxiliary unit No. 33, will be held Wednesday evening initiation of new members will be held. Mrs. Orley Brown is in charge of the ceremonies with Mrs, Anna Fisher hostesses chairman. On Saturday, May 28, the an nual poppy sale will be carried on with the Sunshine Girls assisting. Two Honored At Shower Miss Bette Staab, who is to be wed to James I. Bairey on June 11, and Miss Alice Vogl who is to be married on May 28 to George Watson, were honored at a bridal shower and party for which Mrs. Richard Vin cent entertained Monday evening Attending the party were Miss Vogl, Miss Staab, Miss Patricia Klrscher, Miss Leota Clare Vib- bert, Miss Alice Schmidt, Miss Mary Ellen Davey, Miss Angela Kropp, Miss Carol Wollesen. Miss Ramona Evans, Miss Shir ley Post, Miss Vonna McBride, Miss Connie Rogers. Miss Berna McDonald. Mrs. Bill Hud son and Mrs. Vincent. Officers Installed Independence The Woman's club closed its years activities with a luncheon Tuesday, at the club house. Mrs. D. A. Hoag, president, presided. The annual reports of officers and commit tee chairmen were presented. Mrs. E. A. Letteken of the Polk county health department was introduced and expressed appreciation for the support and help given by the organization in the interest of health and public welfare. Two readings. Knee-deep in June" and Breaking the Charm" were given by Mrs. Ray Fawk. Dr. H. M. Gunn, president of the Oregon College of Educa CASH TALKS and you save at Woodrow's when you pay CASH for WUlard Batteries Seiber llng tires "with full road hazard guarantee." Nason paints, auto glass and tin painted furnltur. R. D. Wood row Co. 450 Center St Phone 2247 tion, spoke on the school bond1 election. Miss Myra Montgomery in stalled the following incoming officers: Mrs. T. P. Sharp, presi dent; Mrs. Ivan Marble, first vice president: Mrs. Ralph Kletz ing, second vice president; Mrs. Ralph Evans, secretary and Mrs. A. L. Thomas, treasurer. Hostesses for the luncheon were, Mesdames Stella Cal breath, Charles Carrie Smiley, Martin Fratzke and Minnie Hil tibrand. School Party A "before school closes" par ty was given last evening for the 24 pupils in the sixth grade of Salem Heights school and their teacher, Mrs. Sam Fenimore. The affair was given between 7. and 9 o'clock at the Ratcliff drive home of Mrs. Floyd Mc Clcllan, who was assisted by Mrs. Paul W. Harvey, Jr., in serving the refreshments. MAX MORRIS played at Portland Saturday in the com petitive music clubs' festival, receiving a rating of very good. He is a student of Charles O. Hargrave. SALEM chapter. Order of Eastern Star, is meeting in reg ular session next Saturday eve ning at 8 o'clock in the Masonic temple. This will be a friend ship night with several guests to attend. Additional Society On Page 8 ThedtlMabk-fmraad uaunally Got ice cram a ihc more ducrimifMcing people in the Wat ttrvt AMm TlawtreaV what abey f mm VrJ ggqgD k)G CCDPG e o o iff to'o OJSTOJKllM! X 409.95 X WKTINOHOUSI It Concert hall performance in a masterpiece: of cabinet craftsmanship. Hepplewhitc-inspired bow front cabinet in beautifullr-panerned mahogany veneers. Features the Electronic Feather) the Automix changer which plays both conrentionil and long-play records for as long as 4 hours of continuous recordings . . exclusive Westinghouse Plenti.power, Rainbow Tone FM and standard AM bands ... 6 electric push buttons . dual tone control. Model 166, with manual tuning and single tone control, available at reduced coit LIBERAL . TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE EASY TERMS ADUGUtSHED cV tile SERVICE RECORD Capital Journal. Salem. Ore.. Wednesday, May 25, 1949 7 tut if Wir ovoEjvlJo Charge If Now -Pay in July! THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY TUESDAY STORE-WIDE SALE at MILLER'S 7 eta i Wren9 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS J98 White and colors in very fine broad cloth . . . regularly selling at $4.25, $3.95, $3.65! Also some stripes and small figured patterns. A special pur chase of E.O.M. days ... in fine quality shirts in all sleeve lengths and neckband sizes. Choose now for Dad's Day! MAIN FLOOR. MEN'S WESTERN STYLE BLUE JEANS Heavy duty heavy denim jeans in Western style! Sanforized etc. Regul arly $2.50! Stock up now for the sum mer! MEN'S DEPT. MEN'S TEE SHIRTS Special purchase men's tee-shirts (slight irregulars) but a big bargain! ' All sizes. White only. MEN'S DEPT. MAIN FLOOR fJ49 79c RAYON PANTIES F - in this special i-ii - ,. . . . ---., M iTLClun.. a;eain square to is. 16.7 3 ?".. IDownsi"" rnWnrdines, wui' i roots. GQDOr"' nnn- Colorful cottor .house - no C.1OUa tunmcn $3.Vo. 3 . . $0Ck tor wu...--" i Gaberdine twill end J, colors. Zip-1 ,-Sr;.ind. Downsta.... Oft Per ,aa" . wuc ,.aulor Lac. trim. $1.49 sizea flowerea p i orW $3 98. uow-" I ,MC.TAlRS SALE! ALUMINUM i m t as AVAKt yi Now is the time to select your alumin um for summer can ning and cooking use! 8 qt. sauce pans . . , fry pans . . , vegetable strainers . . . percolators . . . 6 qt. kettles ... covered sauce pans . ' . and many others in this special purchase sale. Downstairs housewares dept. ART-NEEDLE DEPT. SALE! BABY DRESSES too Stamped ready to embroidery . . . Regular $1.50 quality. Downstairs. Crochet Cotton 49c 700 yard skeins crochet cotton in K. O. M. sale this week 4 skeins for 9e Downstairs. BABY YARN 39' Pastel shades in lovely baby yarns. One ounca balls. Down- t stairs. SALE! "WEST-O-CRAn" PRODUCTS! km Just arrived! This special purchase of famous "WEST-O-CRAFT" products comes just in time for re-decoration ideas! Select individual pieces or in sets to suit your needs . . . 5 DRAWER CHESTS A perfect chest for your baby's layette! Five drawer chest in lovely floral design. Priced special at $2.08. NOTION DEPT. 2 DRAWER SEWING CHESTS Two drawer sewing chests in plain simulat ed leather. Plain colors. Reg. $1.50! Notion Dept. $1.00 4 PC. UTILITY SETS 4 piece utility sets . , . gloves . . . hosiery . . . hankies . . . jewelry etc. $1 AA Regular $1.50. Notion Dept. liUU 4 drawer piere In simulated leather In plain colors. Reg. $2.49. Notion Dept. HAT BOXES 2.98 Hat boxes In clear plastic with floral tops. Two slueV Reg. $5 00! Notion Department. Miller's, Salem, Ore. NOTION DEPT. MAIN FLOOR