Capital Women Edited br MARIAN LOWRY FISCHEB ((Capital Journal, Salems Ore., Wednesday, May 25, 1949 Entertaining Planned for Brides-Elect Approach June linds more nd more entertaining for brides-elect and tne June cal endar ii profusely dotted 'with wedding dates, and many are marked for July and Augusi. For Miss Cooley Miss Margaret Jane Cooley, who is to be married August 6 to John Philip Maulding of Til lamook, will be honored at a tea for which Mrs. Eugene I Foster will be hostess next Wed nesday. For Miss McKay Miss Mary Lou McKay, youn ger daughter of Governor and Mrs. Douglas McKay, who is to be married July 23 to Lester a. Green of Eugene, will be hon ored at a luncheon and miscel laneous shower for which Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers, Miss Dorothea Steusloff and Mrs. E. M. Page will entertain Thurs day, June 2, at the Chambers residence. Fete Miss Hughlett Honoring Miss Ruth Hughlett, who is to be married June 11 to Bob Lee Smith of Portland, Mrs. L. K. Lawrence and her daugh ter, Mrs. Dale Pence, are to en tertain Thursday evening at a miscellaneous shower and late supper at the Lawrence home. Invited for the affair are Miss Hughlett, her mother, Mrs. H W. Hughlett, and her sister, Mrs. X. A. Peterson: Miss Charlotte Reeves, Mrs. William E. Hill Miss Beverly Nelson, Miss Lor- aJne Poindexter, Miss Barbara Halvarson, Miss Marianne Bone steele, Mrs. Herbert Applington, Miss Sharon Hoxie, Mrs. R Brooks Beckford, Mrs. W. A. Reeves, Mrs. Grant Fallin, Mrs. Reed Carter and the two host esses. Honor Miss Nelson Mrs. E. H. Kennedy is to be hostess Friday evening at a party and shower for Miss Eliz abeth Nelson, who is to be mar ried in late June to Scott Adams. A crystal and china shower will be given for Miss Nelson and a late supper will be serv ed. Twenty of the honoree's friends have been invted. The Adams-Nelson wedding is to be June 25. For Bride-Elect Woodburn Mrs. Paul Addle was hostess at a pre-nuptial shower Sunday at her home honoring Miss Elfreda Davis, whose marriage to Arthur Shane will be an event of June 8. Guests invited for the pleas ure of Miss Davis were Misses Yvonne, Doris and Ann Addie, Mrs. Lena Davis, Miss Carolyn Davis, Miss Hazel Smolnisky, Mrs. Donnlee Hansen and son, Mrs. James Glass and daughter, Mrs. Irene Nelson and daughter, Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. Marie Cho quette, Mrs. Ila Ziebart, Mrs. Elfreda Shaffer of Texas, Mrs Lena Timpte of South Dakota, Miss Arvis Applegale, Mrs. Har ry Kestell, Mrs. Fred Miller, Miss Effie Sargent, Mrs. Alice Sargent and daughter; Mrs. L. M. Johnson, Miss Greta John son, Mrs. Fairy DeRoshe of Brooks, Mrs. J. H. Fisher, Mrs. Clarence Plank. Mrs. William Addie of Port Townsend, Wash. RILVERTON The Junior Woman's elub invitations are in the mail for guests to attend the Thursday evening program, at the First Christian church, at 8 'clock. The ceremonial of ttie rnsr will be featured. New members are to be initiated and new offi cers installed. A social hour fol lows the program in the church parlors. Mrs. Allan Foster, retiring president, is official hostess. LOST smiiiiii rfd e- sabot. w Ham sod wo aMm 0-0di ttto.Ut Wop . k ru m k owrs-aMkM lining 4m tow, htwy fciulli y. FiM OTMerpiM cannot mmt toon or tcratctl furniture Pad h easily wuil nr wauV ing. Gat en O-Odac Mop MxW,v. 4&T eaar at Jwwawwwf w)lp wJ kWwAw)0 Honor Seniors High school graduates who belong to the First Evangelical United Brethren church will be guests Saturday evening at a 6 o'clock dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nick LeRud in the Keizer district. The graduates are Miss Lorna Riggs, Miss Lois Stevens, Miss Inez Hovey, Miss Leota Nut brock, Miss Darlene Gortmakcr Miss Lolita Taylor, Deryl Pet- ers, Ronald Barnick, Norvill Hilfiker, Lome LeRud, Jack Sills. Rev. and Mrs. Wilmer Brown also are bidden to the dinner, also Miss Phyllis and Glen Le Rud. Engagement Announced Of Interest to Salem friends is announcement of the engage ment of Miss Ella Lee Carlson of Portland to George Webster Ross, Jr. of Bend, formerly of Salem. The news was revealed re cently on the Oregon State col lege campus where both are students. Miss Carlson is a mem ber of Alpha Chi Omega sor- ority on the campus. Mr. Ross is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W Ross, formerly of Salem, and is a member of Phi Delta Theta at the college. No plans are announced for the wedding, but it is expected to be an event of next spring. DUV Event The Sons of Union Veterans and auxiliary were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrett for dinner and a social evening. Special guests were the Commander in Chief of the Grand Army of the Re public Theodore Penland of Portland; the national president of the auxiliary, to the Sons of Union Veterans, Mrs. Lena Bar rett, and Dr. Barrett of Hunt ington Park, Calif. Other guests were Mrs. Alta Chlarson, president of the Port land auxiliary; Mrs. Lois Huddleston, department patri otic instructor who presented the traveling flag: Mrs. Ida Mc Kee, Mrs. Rosetta Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. Baugh, all of Port land; Mrs. Hester Cook and Mrs. Cliff Kern of Vancouver and Mrs. Zellah Lindgrin of Seattle, Wash. Members of Salem Camp and auxiliary present were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hoevet, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Reilly, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hagedorn, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Prescott, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Bennett and guest, Mrs. Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Birch, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bigger staff, Mrs. Agnes Coenenberg and daughter Helen, Mr. John Robins, Mrs. Lura Tandy. Mrs. Blanche Stuart, Mrs. Alma Mc Whorter, Mrs. Margaret Fessen den, Mrs. Lulu Boring, Mrs Tyler, Mrs. Edna Waterman, and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Garrett. TRI-Y Mothers club is meet ing for a no-host luncheon Thursday noon in the YWCA. There will be election of officers. Tea Honors Miss Reimann Honoring Miss Mary Rei mann, who is to be married June 1 1 to Oscar C. Christensen, Jr., Mrs. Oscar C. Christensen is to entertain this coming Sat urday at a tea at her home. More than 100 guests have been invited between the hours of 2 and S o'clock, guests being from Monmouth and other ci ties, as well as from Salem. Receiving with the hostess and honoree will be Miss Rei mann's mother, Mrs. Leo Rei mann. Pouring will be Mrs. J. B. Lawrence, Mrs. H. W. Morlan, Miss Katherine Arbuthnot, Miss Maude MacPherson, Mrs. Pearl Heath and Mrs. Florence Hutch ison, all of Monmouth. Assisting at the tea will be Mrs. Jack Stump and her daugh ter, Miss Margaret Stump, of Monmouth, Mrs. V. V. Caldwell of Portland, Miss Shirlee Rei mann, sister of the honoree, and the two daughters of the hostess, Misses Ardis Ann and Marne Christensen. Invitations Out Invitations for the wedding of Miss Reimann and Mr. Chris tensen were received in the mail Tuesday. The ceremony is to be at 8 p.m. June 11 in the First Baptist church, the reception following also to be in the church. VFW Auxiliary District Meeting Marion auxiliary. Veterans of Foreign Wars, was host for a district meeting Monday eve ning with the district president, Mrs. Clara Tokstad of Silverton, presiding. Department officers present were Mrs. Stanley Tripp .de partment senior vice president; Mrs. Arwin Strayer, department junior vice president; Mrs. Rus sell Mudd, past department pre sident; Mrs. Virgil Bolton, as sistant musician. Auxiliaries represented were Silverton, Fennimore of Mt. An gel, Meadowlark and Marion of Salem. Semi-annual reports were given by the presidents of each auxiliary. Mrs. Eva Tucker, past presi dent of Beaver Navy auxiliary, was presented her past presi dent's pin by Mrs. Irwin Bryan, also a past president of that auxiliary. Mrs. Tripp gave a report on the visit of the national presi dent to Portland, also asked that all membership chairmen work on membership. A large part of the work is hospital and reha bilitation. To carry on with this work, all members are urged to assist in the buddy poppy sale Friday and Saturday, May 27 and 28 with headquarters in the basement of Elfstrom's store. All proceeds received from these sales are used for hospital work and rehabilitation begin ning with the disabled veteran who makes these little red flow ers in the Veteran hospital and are paid for their work. A sub stantial sum of the money de rived from these sales is kept by the local post and auxiliary for work in this community Anyone who can assist with this sale Is asked to phone Mrs. Mar vin Miller, 2609S. All members are asked to at tend services at the First Pres byterian church, May 29, at 10:45 and to participate in the parade May 30, and to meet at Marion Square at 10:30. Following the meeting the auxiliaries joined the posts for a no-host lunch served by Mrs. Maude Olson. Mrs. Walter Beck, How a mother 0Swl m can be good at figures " 4U r sW 3 ,r'7I71lStt C J 77 a fs i w vjsF f Recent Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Holzman were married in early May, the bride being the former Mae Belle Burns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis T. Burns of Sil verton. Mr. Holzman is the son of Mr, and Mrs. George Holzman of Hubbard. The couple will live at Nashville, Ore. (McEwan studio picture) Miss Wade Tells Date A July wedding is planned by Miss Corinne Wade, who has announced Friday, July 15 as date for her marriage to Rich ard H. Kuhn of Portland. The ceremony will be sol emnized in the First Congrega tional church at 8:30 o'clock. Miss Wade is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis T. Wade, a member of the Salem Spin sters club and a former student at Oregon State college where she is a member of Chi Omega sorority. Mr. Kuhn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry V. Kuhn of Portland. He is a graduate of Oregon State and a member of Delta Tau Delta. The engagement of the couple was announced this past winter. IN THE DALLES last week end were Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Apple. They attended the grad uation of their granddaugnter, Miss Elizabeth Ann Apple, from high school and also witnessed her selection as a royal princess for "Miss The Dalles" in the coming Portland rose festival. Miss Apple attended Salem schools until last year. , HOSTESSES to their study club Tuesday were Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers and Miss Dorathea Steusloff. They en tertained the group at their beach home at Pacific City. Mrs. Chambers and Miss Steusloff returned last evening after spending a few days at their beach home. Mrs. Eleanor Carty, Mrs. Bobbie Beall, Mrs. Dal Brooks, Mrs. Joe Hornnefer and Mrs. Gene vieve Olson. Social Meeting The social meeting for the Meadowlark auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will be held Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Lyle Brown. Attending the recent district meeting for the VFW groups from Meadowlark auxiliary were Mrs. Bill Kelso, Mrs. Wil bur Wieprecht, Mrs. Joe Hop kins, Mrs. Robert Norris, Mrs. Gordon Bressler, Mrs. James Lucas, Nominations Listed Silverton Mrs. C. E. Hig inbotham was nominated for president of Delbert Reeves unit No. 7, American Legion auxil iary, at the Monday evening's meeting in the first report of the nominating committee which includes Mrs. John Demas. Mrs. Roscoe Reeves and Mrs. Frank Porter. Mrs. Higinbotham has made an all-time unit record as first vice president and membership chairman in exceeding the quo ta for 1949 membership by al most 60 members. She has been active in the work of the unit for many years. Other nominations are; For first vice president, Mrs. Wes ley Grogan; second vice presi dent, Mrs. Mayo Robison; for secretary, Mrs. Frank M. Por ter; for treasurer, Mrs. George Towe; for sergeant - at - arms, Mrs. Fred Evans, and members of the executive committee, Mrs. Reta Maulding, Mrs. Victor Howard and Mrs. Roy Brown. PYTHIAN Sisters club Is meeting this evening at the home of Mrs. Dora Stanton, 1764 Market street, at 8 o'clock. Miss Elsie Snook and Mrs. Richard S. Casteel are co-hostesses for the meeting. Graduation, Weddings Set Graduation and wedding dates are on the calendars for two Salem girls attending St. Vincent hospital college of nurs ing. Miss Dessa Lee Holmes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ever ett Holmes and Miss Jacqueline Torgerson, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Albert J. Torgerson, will receive their bachelor of science degrees as well as their regist ered nurse titles at graduation events for Portland university and the St. Vincent hospital college of nursing next Sunday, May 29. Miss Holmes has announced July 10 as the date for her mar riage to Don Scheelar, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Scheelar, Sa lem, the wedding to be in the St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran church here that date. Miss Torgerson has set June 26 as date for her marriage to Don Sommer, son of Mrs. Clara Sommer of Salem. Piano Recital The piano pupils of Miss Alice Arnold will appear in recital at 7:30 o'clock Friday at the Roberts studio. The interested public is invited to attend. The following students will participate: Mary Ann Oder- matt, Denis Derksen, Bobby Crowe, Ronnie Crenshaw, Sher- nl Anne Boyd, Macy Hadley, Dorothy Ann Nickel, Katherine Hutchengs, Darwin Blake, Don na Mae Haugen, Jerry Megert, Lynn Morey, Mildred Veer, Nancy Owens, Garth Miller, Em ily Crowe, Evelyn Drummond, Doris .Reynolds, Janet Reimer, Janice Hogue and Betty Lou Beckman. TURNER Mrs. Brutus Ash croft (Emma Keene), was guest of honor at a party at the Man. uel Keene home when her sis. ter, Mrs. Elsie Miller, entertain, ed. Guests were Mesdames Har ris, Mickenham, Mellis, Brown Mitchell, Bones, Stewart, Scha- fer, Grim, Miller, Keene, Misses Mary Harris, Hazel Mickenham. During the evening, Master Gary Keene was host to Ellwood Mellis, Delbert Harris and Emma Jean Ashcroff. Business Women Meet Tuesday The future of American me dicine was discussed for the Business and Professional Wom en's club last evening by Dr. W. W. Baum. He outlined pros and cons on federal control of medi cine and discussed what such control would mean to the Ame rican people and their way of life. At the business meeting re ports were given from the re cent state convention held in Salem. Also a sum of $15 was voted to the YWCA for a sum mer campship. Plans were announced for presentation of the emblem ce remony at the June 14 meeting and for installation at the June dinner meeting. WOMEN WANTED For beauty training, ex cellent opportunities are al ways open to the skilled beautician. Classes are now forming at Salem's oldest and most advanced beauty school. Call or write for our new low rates. Oregon School of Beauty Culture 230 N Liberty Ph. 31800 I fori tw I ) as Important tfttr the nt as before. It's a problem of anatomr-and an anatomically faithful Cawip postnatal support is a wonderful help in retting yourself back to normal, h land aid and comfort to weary muscles -helps to ease your physiral burden during this period of adjustment Aak your doetor-than eoamlt our tapert fitter. CAPITAL DRUG STORE Stat ana Liberty "On the Corner" You Can Be "SUITED" at KAILES COAT and SUIT SALE NOW AT DRASTIC REDUCTIONS! During our COAT and SUIT SALE see these mar velous SUIT Values. Try one on You'll be convinced! Values to 49.50 Women's SUITS New 34 95 Oet on of these til wool tweed or lovely wool crepe Sulti tn the ieiiinn'i newest colon tnd styles now at Urn low price.. Other Suit Values to 69.50 195 Now 44' Or If you're hard to fit In aim or coat KAILES will mi lorn tailor to vour In dividual measurement at H truly hither coots you'll be amaaed at the low price. Values to 69.50 Women's Coats 44 95 TTie lovelv Por-tmanm Tweed, Oaoarfllne and 01"nn Pit, id i all expertly tailored bow rduced Othtr Volutt to 49.30 Special Valut Woman's Whita Wool Shortia Coots now 34 29 95 95 I MiY HMI1 tumsaenMssj wt UBII$ APMMl 320 Court St Phone 2-0512 See the Demonstration THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY You'll Be Simply Amazed! VC0 ajeam REMOVES MACHINE-MADE STITCHES RIGHT ON YOUR SEWING MACHINE Saves Time - Material - Effort Insert in place of sewing machine needle and proceed to operate machine in usual manner. titches ore whizzed off without injury to fab ric in no time at all. NOW . . . When Extra Savings Count Most SewYourOwnona 7(Mufg iiip y Just Arrived Other Models Also Available Sewing your own can be pleasurable as well as profitable when you sew on a White Rotary. Its advanced design gives you every sewing feature to help you turn out o more profes sional looking project, Call us for o home dem onstration if you eon'f arrange to come in. WHITE SEWING MACHINES APPLIANCI DIPT. Downstairs millet A 4A Ooooooh, What You'll SAY! when you see the delicious denim "Denimates" . . . they're in red, yellow, faded blue, copper, green & irrides cent. Jackets are 6.95; pedal pushers, 3.95 (and Johnson's has skirts & shorts to match). n WHEN YOU TAKE THE PLUNGE . . .-you'll want to be caught, very much olive, in your Rose Marie Reid Sculptured Swimsuit! Diving demands a sturdy suit, streamlined for fancy nipups . . . this Satin Lastex does all that and more , . . it's bra & shirred front faggoted panels are mighty flatter ing! In powder blue, tur quoise, pineapple, lido blue & white . . . here's glamour t h o t wears wonderfully! 14.95 (The beoch bag, Koro-seal-lined is 4.98). To make a SHORTS story . . these are in Cotton Twill and you'll wear them in red, aquaorwhite. Sizes 10-16, just 2.50 ... the titillating T-shirt is a Bermuda and Johnson's show it in pastels & stripes. Little-Middle Sized-Bigger . . . 1.98. UNDERNEATH IT ALL . . these are really nice! The Bra by Perma-Lift, strapless & snowy white, 2.98. You're nestled in nylon by Luxite . . in Lux-eez Garter Briefs, 2.50. And when you've pulled on your heavenly Holeproof Hosiery (51-15, 1.60), fashionwise, you've a firm foundation . . . And Everything's at ft Store tfpf?UxB tohn Urn, t.rrM RWM m4 K m, DmnVi Smls AIM IN OtTlANDAlSANrIUOINI