14 Capita Journal Salem, Ore., Wednesday. May 25, 1949 Four Corners Greets New Business Firm This Week Four Cornen, May 23 A new business for Four Corners will be the "Rustic Lunch" opening May 26, at the corner of Macleay road and S. Lancaster drive, in the Mobilegas Service station. It will be owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nottingham who came to Four Comers a few months ago from McAllen, Texas. The Nottinghams have" redecorated and made extensivel... ,i Improvements about the station I W OPKlTICn UnCSnll The new ell shaped counter is! finished in natural wood color TV J rafl.0 while the stools are cleverly 1ldlllUIIU lOUIC fashioned from nail kegs. A neon sign announces the "Rustic Lunch" to the passers-by. The Oregon State Mothers club had as their guests on Mon day evening the Oregon State Dads, at a covered dish dinner in the Four Corners Community hall. Covers were laid for 90. Guest speakers were Dr. D. T. Ordeman of Oregon State col lege and G. Frederick Chambers of the state board of higher ed ucation. Following the dinner there was a business meeting and installation of officers. Pres ldent Mrs. Arthur Wilson: vice president, Mrs. E. E. Walker: secretary Mrs. M. A. Pekar; treasurer, Mrs. Carl Miller. The next meeting will be in October Week-end guests in the L. W Pruett home 4140 Macleay road were Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lowell and Sydell Lowell of Edmonds, Wash. Sydell and her grand mother, Mrs. E. T. Lowell had a double birthday celebration while here. Sydell had her sec ond anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Fullerton and small daughter Betty Louise of Pendleton, Ore., were week end guests in the C. C. Morris home at 3735 Mahrt avenue. This was the first visit of Betty Louise to her grandmother's. Attending- a family reunion In the home of Mrs. Martin Cum mings in Corvallis over the week-end were Mr. and Mrs Nick Schweigert, Diane and Kenneth 3028 La Branche ave nue. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Binegar, 160 S. Lancaster drive, drove to Milton - Freewater and The Dalles over the week-end where they visited in the Sam Lefore and Mrs. J. Slucarenko homes. Attending a graduation In The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bell, Ma-! hrt avenue, visited for several weeks at Fort Lawton, Wash., with their daughter and son-in-law, MSgt. and Mrs. W. R. McKay. Portland, Ore., May 25 (U.PJ Workmen excavating for instal lation of service pumps in down town Portland today dug up a cache of diamonds valued at more than $4000. Dwight C. Thorsen, owner of the parking lot where the pumps are to be placed, was watching the digging when he spotted a flashing object in the earth. It proved to be a diamond ring. Workman Milton Holand dug further and uncovered a rotted chamois skin in which three other rings and a diamond la valiere were wrapped. Detective Dudley Nelson said there were 71 diamonds in the five pieces of Jewelry. He esti mated their value at more than J4000. Picnic for Zena Zena Mrs. L. R. Allen in structor at Zena school an nounces the annual last day of school picnic for Friday, May 27. Sports of various kinds will Bo For Pacific Pact Prime Minister Joseph Chiefley of Australia announces plans for Pacific pact are under way. be played and will be served. a basket lunch Cold Rubber Given Boost Baton Rouge, La., May 25 "Cold rubber" was feted here by its sponsors who claim it will: Make tires wear 30 per cent longer. Permanently outclass natural rubber. Make the United States inde pendent of any outside rubber source. Be made as cheaply as the natural rubber. The occasion for the celebra tion was the complete conver sion of the Copolymer corpora tion plant here to produce the new rubber. Officials said all cold rubber cold because it is coagulated at 41 degress instead of the former 122 degrees in the United States Is now pro duced here. C. H. Hulings, operating vice president, said in a prepared, speech that production was esti mated at 30,000 tons a year by 350 employes. An equal natural output would require 1,000,000 trees and 130,000 natives as laborers. Doughnut Girl Retires New York, May 25 MV-The Salvation Army woman credit ed with making the first dough nuts served to American troops in France in 1917 will retire this week. An officer of the Salvation Army since 1908, Lt. Col. Helen Purviance has been serving In this area as assistant field sec retary. After a vacation she plans to take some lighter duty with the army. Clara Barton founded the first chapter of the Red Cross in America on Aug. 22, 1881. I School Band Hears Calls Announcement was made Tuesday night that the Salem high school band will play in the Memorial day parade here next Monday and at the Portland Rose festival In June. E. Donald Jessup, director of the band, made the announce ment at a meeting of the School Band and Orchestra Parents' as sociation at the high school. He also said the band and or chestra would participate in summer practice sessions, in cluding the Junior orchestra and beginning musicians. The B band played four numbers last night. In an lwtinn rtff officers Moody Benner was elected pres-' ident of the association, succeed ing Roy Todd; Earl Riggs, vice president, and Mrs. Harold Gil lespie, treasurer. Mrs. W. S.i Bartlett was re-elected secretary. "VINCE'S ELECTRIC" Vacuum Cleaner SALES SERVICE REPAIRS RENTALS On All Types Household or Commercial Also Waxers ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Free Pick-up and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 Si Save up to 20 on your FIRE INSURANCE It's easy when you insure with Oregon Mutual ... a long -established Oregon company which is famous for fair deal ing and quick payment of claims. See liars, Foley & Rising, Inc. INSURANCE COUNSELORS 143 South Liberty Street Phone 2-4143 I Hn wK'J There's a big holiday week end ahead, so make it a point to stop in now and get two or three rolls of Ko dak Verichrome Film in or der that you can take all the snapshots you'll want to have. All popular sizes in stock. Be sure to see us for expert photofinishing, too! CAPITAL DRUG STORE State and Liberty "On the Corner" In tune with this great occasion we wish to thank you, our customers, for your continued patronage. And, in appreciation we are slashing prices for you to give you an even greater opportunity to save on fine suits and sport coats! Come today and help us celebrate our birthday! Bargain party for 10 days only! Birthday Special! . SPORT (OATS FAMOUS WORSTED-TEX SUBTS Now! At" prices you have been waiting for! What all Salem will be talking about! . . . Famous Worsted-Tex Suits at unbeliev able low prices! Hard finish worsteds, gabs, unfinished wor steds . . , available la all sites. Single and double breasted Wide selection of colors. Hurry . . . to S N today! Rtgula- $75.00 Value Chtkiert mvcr M 10 Day Ontyl REMEMBER! DOORS OPEN 9:30 A.M. THURS., MAY 26, FOR THIS SALE! 4S6 State Street, Salem See many ether fine buy en "Wing" Shirts, Esquire Socks, Wembley Ties end ether famous label aecetsariet! NOW is the Time to PAINT Call Elfstrom's for FREE ESTIMATE Take Up from Mother Nature and brighten up with sparklini new colors this spring . . Have those drab interiors re designed in smartly coordinated colors by our expert eolorisU . . Your whole house will fairly ting and you will, too when ELFSTROM'S crews take oyer. TAKE t YEARS TO PAT IF YOU LIKE Our Prices Are Competltlre 340 Court Dial z-2493 , HISTORIC MEDICAL HIGHTLIGHTS No. 35 CHEMISTRY OF HEALTH JOHN JACOB ABEL was a chemist with an idea. He thought that knowledge of the chemistry of body fluids, tissues and organs would help define their functions ... point the way to better health. That's how the im portant science of Endocrinology was born. Through study of the ductless glands, Abel was the first to extract a pure secretion. He succeeded in obtaining adrenalin from the adrenal glands on May 6, 1897 ... a drug very important today in tha treatment of certain heart and shock cases. THl OUJSfNfftr CORNER jfiWASlFFlMAJAJ COun COMMIICUl nmm mim Ai i - Hum Y2I3J MfDICAt CENTf 1440 OMAI STIIII wit , i,,atii.i ll iy w am & mmm i Want a lawn and garden that is the pride of the neighborhood? We have everything you need., including free advice! RE0 ROYAL POWER MOWER The greatest mower value on today's market 4 cycle engine MOW Cuts 21" swath 1 Vi horsepower Fully enclosed drive Guaranteed 100 '12200 Terms BAMBOO LAWN RAKES LAWN SHEARS ff Sturdy bolted construe- Esy cutting flat pattern that doesn't tion-large, strong, eosy load up in heavy grass. to grip handles. Worth $1.35 ' I T Jk SPECIAL ONLY 4H 49c 89c I RUBBER GARDEN HOSE famous "Shower" hose by Gates three ply construction Inside diameter allows extra capacity built to stand many times city pressure coupled with brass couplings. Regular Special 25 ft. length... . $3.75 $2.79 50 ft. length. . . .$6.25 $4.98 (fully guaranteed) MOWER-CATCHER COMBINATION Great State 18" easy to push mower. 5 special alloy steel cutting blades tempered bed knife large 10" rubber tired wheels easy adjustments hardwood handle and roller. heavy duty grass catcher. REGULARLY Mower 18.95 Catcher 2.19 TOTAL VALUE 21.14 THREE-DAY SPECIAL $1599 (you save $5.15) l J C 0u,,r, '"' mod" of n"y golvoniied nana dprayerS metal, ideal far weed killer or insecticides. A 95c Value 49c ff GEORGE eT Allen 236 R COMMERCIAL ST. SALEM. OREGON NOTICE Prepare for canning now. Let us test your pressure cooker gouge free of charge. No obligation. Housewares Deportment