V 5 m w ai la tt le L r gl is PI L hi th of re te ni Pi Pi m ec ne th P ic m is pt Hi ti bi lo in In U at nc tr. f nc to at cil gc Gl In gr Cl th Ci nv Oi eh mi th de e: tn up tn lai va CO lei 12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.. Wednesday. May 25. 1949 East Salem Mothers Clubs Elect and Complete Season East Salem, May 25 The last Mothers club meeting for this school year were held over the week-end with teas honoring mothers who will have children in school next term, mothers club officers and teachers with school help also remembered The teachers at Auburn school, Mrs. Marjorie Thompson, Mrs Rebccca Burnham, Mrs. Velma (Laverty, and Miss Sadie Roth were hostesses for a tea at Au- i burn school Friday afternoon with mothers who will have children in school next year the 1 honored guests, and mothers who have worked in the club this year assisting. The attendance was the largest of the year. A business meeting was con ducted by this year's president, Mrs Loran Richey and officers elected for next term. Serving will be Mrs. Charles Gillming, president; Mrs. Floyd Seamster, vice president, and Mrs. Sidney Hoffman, secretary-treasurer. A sum of $7. 35 was turned over from the home work project in which each member invested 25 cents in some material for an article which they made and sold. The school board will buy and install the new sink in the kitchen and the club is sending In $150 to help with the cost. Plans were made for the school picnic, June 1, with each mother to be notified by card. Serving on the picnic committee will be Mrs. Gillming. Mrs. Orval Prunk and Mrs. E. C. Sunderlin. Gifts were presented to Mrs Richey by the teachers and members of the club. Mrs. Burnham's room again received the room award Joy Follow Teari Expres sion of ecstasy covers (aco of 12-year-old Carlos Ortiz as he hugs his new puppy in his home at New York. The pup py, looking Just like the one killed by a truck, was given to him by Frank Williams, a bar tender, who saw a photo of Carlos crying bitterly as he knelt beside his dead dog. (AP Wirephoto) for the largest number of moth ers present at the meeting. The award will now stay in her room as they have received it the most months this year. Middle Grove Mothers club honored their teachers with a tea Sunday afternoon in the May flower hall in Salem with the families of the parents of the community incited. There were 57 present Corsages were giv en to the teachers, the cafeteria cook, the officers of the club, and those who have assisted in any way with the meetings. Gifts were given the teachers and Mrs. Herbert Zobcl. the cook and the retiring president, Mrs Mclvin Van Cleave. Plant were made for the school picnic June 1. Several meetings scheduled for th lifr hau. hun nn.l.. ....... pwt)jmim as. members are picking strawbcr-l ries in the first general picking of this year. The Woman's So ciety for Christian Service of Middle Grove community will not meet this month, but on the scheduled date, the fourth Tucs- Berry Harvest is Under Way Silverton Strawberry grow ers near Silverton starting pick ing today are the Charles Meyers In their 19-acre yards; the How ard Meyers at the 30-acre tract known as thj Hunt-Meyer yards with preliminary plans com oleted Tuesday: and the Roy Skaifes opening their 7-acre yard with sufficient pickers re porting for an unusually fine yield, no damage In any of the three acreages from the six week cold weather In early spring and late winter. Because of the slump in prices to the growers, none reported day in June The 4H pig club of Middle Grove meeting was also postponed for a week, and the over week-end trip planned by the Boy Scouts was not taken. the price to be paid for picking. Reports from higher altitudes In the Silverton Hills areat are hat harvesting the crop Is to begin in about ten days or two weeks, depending on the wea ther. All growers in the Silverton sections report excellent pros pects for bumper crops. Alsu that the winter freeze did no damage, and that only a very few blossoms were out to the state of being injured when the lvter frost came. More pickers in the larger sections could be used. Shower Held at Church Falls City A shower was given at the Falls City Metho dist church honoring Mrs. Grant Frink. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Tally and the WSC society ladies. Davis Airport Is Busy Place Gates The Davis airport is a busy place these days. There is considerable development going on at the field. The Jungwirth Gravel company has started a new fill at the east end of the strip to lengthen the approach. A lunch counter is being built, which will be operated on week ends by Al Haun of Mill City. The new repair shop has been completed and is now ready. Ted Galbraith, flying Instruc tor, is now devoting full time here and is conducting lessons daily. His first student to solo was Wayne (Bud) Thomas of Mill City, who soloed last week. As a special attraction Galbraith will do low stunt flying at the field every Sunday afternoon. President Barnum of the Ore gon. Sportsmen's association has announced that a breakfast hop will be held here July 17 which will bring scores of planes to the Davis airport. The breakfast hop is a get-together of fliers from over the state and usually attracts from 75 to 150 planes. The day of this event Davis has arranged for a big air show, the first of its kind for the canyon. The air show will bring here the leading stunt fliers of' the northwest. Victor Point School Club Plans Social Victor Point The Commun ity school club will meet at the Union Hill Grange hall on Fri- ROOFING Now is the rime to order that new roof before the busy summe season Expert workmanship with the highest quality matenal Free estimates without obligation;. McGilchrist & Sons ' Sale 25S No. Commercial Street Phone 38478 Made for new higher compression motors and for finer performance In all cars SmOOTH POWERFUL vv (j AT HELPFUL ASSOCIATED DEALERS TIDI WATIR ASSOCIATID Oil COMPANY smooth to look at slick to swim in! new metallic Swim suits in new glamour fabrics that gleam in the sun, glisten in the water. One ond two piece. At in lateK And jerey In the newest luscious shades. So smooth to look at, so sleek for swim ming. One and two piece classic styles. 8.95 to 16.95 ft .V4DMDEHINE MAUDES 315 court treet day evening. May 27, at 8 a.m. There will be an election of of- tinnrm iirith Mica Atirj .TjamtrS. president, presiding. Mrs. Noah" Hunt, program cnairman, is pre paring the evening's social hour. Plans will be made for the opening day reception for the new school, and reports received concerning tne serving or not lunches for the school. The Grand Canyon 217 miles long is one of the scenic wonders of the world. Moving Service ACROSS TOWN Oft 1 ACROSS THI NATION A Whether you're moving in town ' or to a distant city, we offer tha finest in worry-free moving serv ice. Our local storage and mov ing facilities are unexcelled. And as representatives for Allied Van Lines we can place at your disposal the know-bow of tha world's largest long-distanco moving organization. Allied 'a expert packers, handlers and drivers safeguard your posses sions every step of the way. Call us for estimates. Red Star Transfer Liberty & Belmont Ph. 1-1111 ASINT POt For Greater Value America Buys More than, any other make No Other Line Competes When You Compare I Features 4-5peed Synchro-Meth Troniminlon Splfned rear aula hub connection Fool operated parking brake Steering column gtar thfft The Cab that "breathe." The FlexL Mounted cob Unlweld, all-iteel cab comtructlon Purl -floating hypold rear axle All-round viWblNty wdh rartomor window. Specially d tianed brakes Hydrovac pawer brofcei Doubte-orticulofed brake-ihee linkage Wide bote wheeli Multiple color epliont. Quality Hake betr to build a Chevrolet truckl the flneit moterlali and craftimomhlpl Thot'i why fhare'i super strength and durability In every feature f body, cob, engine and chatiit. Performance Chevrolet trucki ore ttor performer! wtth prima power ph economy! You get lowceet operation, 1ow-ott upkeep with Chev rolet's famous Vahra-ln-Nead enginet, the world's fnotf economical fee lelr si sol Prices pcxkvd iMovyuty nodeh Ovrolt bulldi Hwm aid And Chevrolet! oR-itar line of trucki tll at th 10 VVHt UST MICK IN THI IN1IU MUCK FlftOI You can put plenty of confidence in Chevrolet Advance. Design truck,. It's a fact that they deliver the good,. It's a fact, too, that Chevrolet truck, have an exclusive combination of feature, . , . that they're built big and rugged to take the tough going. And if, fact, too, that Chevrolet truck, have 3-WAY THRIFT . . . that they have triplt economy in low-coat opera, tion, low-coat upkeep and fow.st list price! And when you add up these advantage, you can see why mora paopa uaa Chevroef truck than any other mke! The fact is, they'ra great American value! THERE'S A CHEVROLET TRUCK FOR EVERY JOB WITH CAPACITIES FROM 4,000 ftftj jifffif4 LBS. TO 16,000 LBS. G. V. W. DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. . Ayr -WW Si dowt fte drain " e- fin AUTOMATIC WASHER with the AMAZING "SUDS-MISER" Rc-usti th Sam Sudsy Water for 2 or Mor Loads. Saves Up to 'A on Soap Vi on Water-Heating Costs. Wtshci dainty fabrics or dirtiest overalls completely clean with gentle, thorough agitator action proved best through use in 30,000, 000 American homes. Rinses nvm times four sprsy rinses, one deep agitated rinse, two more sprsy rinses. Every trace of. soap is rinsed away your clothes dry soft and flurry. Select your own wishing time snd' water temperature. Start it, stop it, or open door at any point. Repeat or omit any part of cycle. Completely flexible completely automatic. ' lllll iiiiilil REQUIRES NO BOLTING DOWN INSTALL IT ANY PLACE $22995 Completely Installed "Suda-Miser" )2t Extra WHIRLPOOL World's finest for SO yeart ASK FOR YOUR PERSONAL DEMONSTRATION TODAY Rfl. II i Fniture 1425 Edgewater St. in West Salem Open 9:30 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. MO NORTH COMMERCIAL ST. Phone 2-5456 SALEM, OREGON Phone 2-4413