10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, May 25, 1949 Service Stressed in Talks At Red Cross Annual Session By MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER Service to the people in general to fellow men, to the com munity at a whole, to the slate, to the nation and to people the world around was itressed in both talks and reports at the annual meeting of Marion county chapter, American Red Cross j last evening at Nohlgren's restaurant. More than 100 attended the gathering. "People" was the general iop' lo for the talk uiven Dy ine guest speaker, Judge Donald E. Long of the court of domestic relations, Portland. "As social legislation pro gresses we will find the trend is to an intelligent rather than a legalistic way in handling the problems of people," Judge Long said. Reciting experiences during his service on the bench, and through contact with thousands of young people, Judge Long reminded the group "the family Is too important, we can not neglect it." Prepare, Speaker's Plea He made a plea for better preparation for marriage in com munities and schools, and point ed out that because many are not equipped to guide and teach the young there is a greater re sponsibility on the part of the school, the church and the com munity. The speaker empha sized, too, there is too much em phasis on the term delinquency. He urged that "we seek the mo tivating cause for crime and broken homes and the like and look toward rehabilitation." "There Is always a satisfaction In giving service to others and In helping other people," Judge1 Long commented, "and so long as we strive to give helpful service to our boys and girls, to our community and our country and to the people of the world, no one can undermine our coun try and its democracy." The speaker did remind the group, however, that "we can not be asleep to the fact that forces are at work to Indoctrin ate communism and other prin ciples that would tear down our government." Grieder Reports The Red Cross Is a community insurance with its varied pro gram of service and help, said Carlton Greider in presenting the condensed report of Red Cross activities and achieve ments for the past year. Mr Greider is a member of the chapter's home service com mittee. He briefly highlighted the work of the home service department for veterans and servicemen and their depend ents, the disaster program set up to act the minute a catas trophe strikes, the humanitar ian blood donor program and varied other serviees first aid courses, home nursing training, learn to swim campaigns, etc. "Through a strong Red Cross program you build a strong com- mumty and a strong nation,' Mr. Grieder commented. Jerald Slattum of Parrish junior high school told of the work of the Junior Red Cross and its general program of health, service and friendship. Through its ideals of useful ness and service to others the Junior Red Cross helps to build good citizens, and because it is an educational program is ap propriately carried on through the schools, Jerald told the group. He told of the many gift boxes sent to children over seas, of the correspondence with children of other lands and of the many community services carried on at home. All Re-elected At the short business session, L. O. Arens, Guy N. Hickok, Charles H. Hugglns and Milton L. Meyers were all re-elected to the board of directors. Hold over members are Mrs. Ronald E. Jones, Miss Elizabeth Put nam, Linn C. Smith, Carl An derson, Wesley E. Stewart, Jr. Coburn Grabenhorst, William Hamilton. The elections are for three-year terms. Soloist for the program was Bernard Smith of Monitor, who sang two numbers. The Rev. L. S. Almlie of Silverton gave the invocation. W. H. Baillie gave the nominating committee's report. Miss Kletzing Chosen Independence Barbara Klet zing, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kletzing has been elected president of senior Orchesis, women's modern dance honor ary, on the University of Ore gon campus. Miss Kletzing is a junior major in sociology. Dayton Voters Turn Down Road Proposal Dayton, Ore., May 25 The proposed $1989 beyond the 6 per cent limitation on the city budget was defeated here 44 to 40. The budget committee is preparing a new proposal. The increased budget would have provided $5000 for repair to streets damaged during the win ter and a $500 appropriation for preparing a new city charter, Prizes Are Offered For Best Berries Lebanon, May 25 The berry exhibit during strawberry fair, June 3-4, will be seen in the Odd Fellows hall, It was announced this week by Art Wilson, chair man of the Kiwanis committee, sponsors of the event. Prizes will be awarded In four classifications, Marshalls, Narcis sus, Corvallis and all other va rieties. Berries must be In place by 9:30 Friday morning to be in cluded In the judging. Winners will be announced at noon, im mediately following the grand parade. Other members of the exhibit committee are Glenn Gillenwa ter and Gordon Scherer. LEGAL NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE MARION STREET FROM EAST CURB LINE OF CAPITOL STREET TO WEST CURB LINE OF TWELFTH STREET. Notice hereby Is given that the com mon council of the city of Balem. Oregon deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares Hi purpose and Inten tion to Improve Marlon street from the eait curb line ol Capitol street to the weat curb line of Twelfth street, In the city of Salem, Marlon county, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, by removing he existing curbs, and constructing new cement concrete curbi, widening the existing pavement from 3D feet to 40 feet. 6 feet of such additional width to be on each side of the existing pavement and such addition al width to be paved with a Inch Port land cement concrete pavement, and the existing pavement to be resurfaced with a i-t men aspnamc concrete pavemeni, alt In accordance with the plana and spe cifications therefor which were adopted by the common council May 8. 1S49. which are now on file in the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto arc made a part here of. The common council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to make the above described improvement by and ftp, com HAlttSi fliesh. tarisWnq through tha itrtet tmproramtnt depart mem. By order of the Common Council May 1949. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder Date of first nubllcatlon hereof la Mav 13. 1049. capital Journal. May 13. 14. II. 11. It. 19. 30. 31. 33. 3. 36. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE MOUNTAIN VIEW DRIVE FROM CAN IMLARIA BOULEVARD TO HANSON AVENUE. Notice hereby ta given that the com moncouncU of the city of Salem. Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and herebr declares Its purpose and Intention to Improve Mountain View Drive from the soutn line oi canaaiana Boulevard to tnc north line of Hanson avenue. In the city of Salem, Marlon county, Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street Intersections the expense of which will be assumed by the city of Salem, by bringing said por tion of aald street to the established grade, constructing eement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a 3(4 Inch aaphaltlo concrete pavement 30 feet wide In accordance with the plana and specifications therefor which were adopted by the common coun cil May 9, 1949, which are now on file In the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The common council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to make the above described Improvement by and through the street Improvement department. ay uraer oi ine common council May 9. 1S49. ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof la May 13. 1949. Capital Journal, May 13, 14. II. IT, II. 19, 30. 31. U, 24, 3ft. Federal Worts Agency Public Building Administration, office of the Division En gineer 123 U. 8. Court House, Seattle 4. Washington, May 18, 1940. Sealed bids. In triplicate, will be received at thU of fice until 1 p.m., June I, 1949 and then publicly opened, for furnUhlng the mater lali, and performing the work for Roof and Masonry repairs, Painting, etc. at the U. 8. P. O.. Salem, Oregon, In strict accor dance with the specification dated PB Dlv.-I. April IS, 1949 and drawings (If any) mentioned thereto: and the general condi tions dated Sept. IS. 1943. And addendum thereto dated May IS, 1044. Specification and other data may be had at the office of the custodian of the building or the of fice of the 41vUloa engineer, or public nuuainu Aiministration, room No. 537, Lemon buildnlg, Washington, D. C. I w Prleberg. division engineer. 123 Pederal Work Agency Public Building Aominutration, Office of the Division En gineer. 123 U. 8. Court House. Seattle 4. Washington, May II 1049. Sealed bids, In triplicate, will be received at this office until I D.m June I. 1040 and then nub. Uclr opened, for furnUhlng the material and performing the work for Interior Painting, etc.. at the U. 8. P. O.. Tilla mook. Oregon, la strict accordance with the specifications dated PB Dlv.-I. Jan. 13, 1940, and drawing (If any) mentioned therein: and the general conditions dated Sept. IB. 1042. and Addendum thereto dated May 1ft, 1044. Specifications and Be sure it's PURE CANE Be sure with C H OO Combines added years off service with new beauty! Pittsburgh's Cementhlde Is modern type of coating specially designed for use on structures of stucco, concrete, cement, brick or stone. It produces a tough, du rable finish of low sheen which minimises surface irregularities and provides great Come In lot Ptm Copy, "COLOR DYNAMICS far Your Heme' resistance to dirt collection. Brushes eas ily and dries rapidly. Retains its gleam ing whiteness for an amaxingly long time. Also available in 8 colors. Gallon 704 Attractive WALLPAPERS for every room in the house! Our wide assortment of smart, new wallpapers features a large variety of colors and patterns in modern, traditional and period styles United Style Album end Salon selections -Dorothy Leibes Weaves and high-style budget papers. We also carry Varlar btainprool wall Coverings. Mr mh4 WallMMr Cimnlmw tr mMn ae ym Mm MMrattas erahUim. imiMtariiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiir i .-innm'Siimir 39c to $4.50 set tlagle red PLATE GLASS COMPANY 254 North Commercial Phone 3-3634 THIS IS OUR BEST... Serve this flavorful natural cheddar to the family and guests at lunches and dinners . . . and in-between times, too, when there's a craving for a bite or two of something really good. Pasteurized! Mellowed I Delicious Cheddar! NOW AVAILABLE After months of aging and mellowing Rost Valley Cheese is now ready for you. ASK YOUR GROCER or order Ub. bricks direct. me recipe 800Kier& New, appealing ways to serve cheese. Write for your copy now. Mt. Anul Cooperative Crtamiry, makers of Rosa Villi twist cream suttir mi MT. ANGIL CO-OP. CREAMERY, Mt. Angel, Oregon Pleas send recipe booklet f Noma I Address j City state other data mar a4 at thi office of the Custodian of the building or the office of the Division Engineer, or Public Bulldlnsa Administration, room No. 507, Lemon building, Washlncton, D. O. L. W Prlben. division enilneer. 138 NOTICE TO CREDITOR fUTICI HEREBY IB OIVXM that DJ an jrder at the Circuit Court of the state of Oreson for the County 01 Marlon, In Probate, duly made and entered on the ninth day of May, 194S, I have been duly 4PPO)nted as executor of the last will aJ testament and estate of BELLE OOLDCll ITETNTft. deceased, and that t ; have been duly Qualified as such nee- j utor. All persons having claims against said estate hereby are required to pre- j sent tnem, with proper vouchers, to me -. at 114 Pioneer Trust Building, Salem, 'Jregon. within tlx months after the date t the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published the eleventh day of May, 1940 r- DANIEL J. PRY. Executor aforesaid. IOHH B. CARBON, Attorney fox Executor. May 11. It. 1 and June t , FREE ESTIMATES Contracting jobs of all sizes Painting Dampproofing Sand Blasting Steam Cleaning F. O. REPINE CO. Now Distributor for A. C. Horn Products Vulcatex Caulking Compound, Etc. 4.95 Dutch Boy Paints No. 3688 Outside White Berkheimer Roofing - Nairn & Armstrong Linoleum I 6091 PUCE TO BIT fittl Mill F. 0. REPINE CO. i fL-JJ 1 Phone I 478J j on this famous WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC RANGE ! esBkassBSBSBsaeaa as- m m 10 DOWN. .24 MONTHS TO Not a Strip-Down, Solid-Base Model, but BRAND-NEW '49 MODEL WITH 3 FULL-SIZE STORAGE DRAWERS Another Great Range Value 1 THE cm $22995 with automatic oven timer and dtluxs platform Rght FEATURING: if Extra-large True-Temp Oven k 3 Corox Surface Units plus built-in Deep Well Cooker fa Simplified Cooking Controls Out of the Steam Zone AasJ ACT WD A Y! SEE YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DEALER you cam oe SURE. .if it's Wfestinflhouse x r: i