200 Valley Beef Cattlemen Today View Many Ranches Bjr ILAIUI STtUSLUrr Western Oregon beef cattle enthusiast! are passing through the Willamette valley today on a five-day tour which started at Weed, Calif., Sunday and ends next Thursday at Port Angeles, Wash. Jim Burrell, Salem Hereford cattle breeder who with Mrs. Burrell hat been on the tour, says 200 cattlemen are in the group. They are travelling by private cars to visit the 19 herds of Herefords, Angus and Short horns on the itinerary. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Martin Walter P. Hubbard Hereford Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon. Tuesday. May 24. 19499 rancn, junction city; war a roi-i Where Tourists Live in Cask Visitors to "Cask Villa," outside Vermilion, O., live in cabins made from 6,000-gallon casks sold 25 years ago by a Cleveland winery. the best costumes were awarded to Mrs. Kenneth 'Thompson as a Negro mammy and Mrs. L. Steel hammer in an old fashioned costume. Hostesses for the luncheon hour were Mrs. Burton Wille ford and Mrs. Clair Nibler. For next week the committee will be Mrs. Carl Hande and Mrs. Norman Eastman of Silverton. LEGAL Council Orders Sifting of McHart Sewer Form Terms Whether a purported contract or agreement between the city and the McHart company, bearing on Salem's major sewer project, was valid, and if so, just what the city's obligation amounts to, is being sifted by order of the city council. Lawrence Brown, attorney for McHart company, demanded that under the agreement the city" should agree to arDiirauon. un motion of Alderman Dan Fry, City Attorney Chris J. Kowitz and City Manager J. L. Franzen were directed to confer with Brown and A. J. McMillan, who represents the McHarts, 'to see if settlement can be made with out arbitration. When the city launched its in terceptor sewer project it was found impossible to get satisfac tory bids for making the pipe. Last November the council au thorized the city manager to proceed without calling for bids and it was decided that the city itself do the work by force ac count. Then trouble was found in getting the forms necessary for making pipe. McMillan came into the picture with a proposal to furnish the forms, and a con tract was signed by Franzen and McMillan last February 1, the latter representing McHart com pany. Under the agreement the com pany was to furnish forms for the 72 and the 66-inch pipe at $2 a foot royalty and for the 60 inch pipe at $1.50. It claims to have lived up to its contract and has been paid $2500 by the city. Brown told the council Mon day night that when the McHart company attempted to make de livery on the 60-inch forms they were refused by the city. This, it appears, is because the Seattle Concrete Pipe company had come in with a satisfactory of fer to take over from the city the job of making the pipe. A contract was signed with the Seattle company and it is now on the ground. When delivery of the McHart forms was refused City Attor ney Kowitz is said to have writ ten McMillan that the agreement between him and Franzen was not legal, and that Franzen did not have authority to enter into it. Kowitz pressed McMillan Monday night to explain who the McHart company is. Ad mittedly it was not in existence until a day or two before the contract was signed, and not during the time negotiations were under way between Fran Zen and McMillan. At present, McMillan indicat ed, the company is solely his son, Donald McMillan, but he said his son-in-law had the papers and would be a partner Attorney Brown contends the city is obligated to permit the McHart company to go ahead with furnishing 60-inch forms for 7850 feet of pipe at $1.50 a foot. Woodburn Golf Women Hold Costume Play Woodburn "Dress Up Day" was featured by the women of the Woodburn Golf club with 26 women attending in costumes weird and striking. Prizes for Brooks Garden Club Guest for Luncheon Consolidation Approved Lebanon Consolidation of school districts 132, Stolz Hill, and 16, Lebanon, was approved in light voting Monday at the two school houses. While Leba non has been serving several districts on a tuition basis, this marks the first rural elementary district consolidation. The state flower of Kansas is the sunflower. Brooks The Brooks Garden club met at the home of Mrs. Marguerite Lowery for lunch eon, with Mrs. Emma wadley co-hostess. Mrs. Gertrude Zenger and Mrs. Opal Rasmus sen were reported ill. Mrs Elizabeth McNeff read an ar ticle on "Pest Control in the Vegetable Garden." Members present were Mrs. Mary McClure, Mrs. Nora West- ling, Mrs. Marie Bosch. Mrs. Dollie Ramp, Mrs. Gertrude Reed, Mrs. Ora Gregg, Mrs Elizabeth McNeff, Mrs. Golda Hadley, Mrs. Nettie Wright, Mrs. Eva Edwards, Mrs. Hazel Bartlett, Mrs. Eva Conn, Miss Janet Bartlett, Mrs. Willa Vin yard, Mrs. Nona Sidebottom, Mrs. Anna Dunlavy and the hos tesses, Mrs. Wadley and Mrs Lowery. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Elva Aspin wall, May 26. Hereford breeders of McCoy, have also been accompanying the tour. Walter Holt, general manager of the Pacific Interna tional Livestock Exposition, Portland, is another follower. Start was made from A. B. Hoy & Son ranch. Weed, Calif. Other Sunday ranch visits were to Mountcrest Hereford ranch, Hilt, Calif.; Cook Polled Here ford ranch, Medford, and Flounce Rock Hereford ranch, Prospect. Yesterday the group moved into the southern part of the Willamette valley to inspect Mc Kinzie Hereford ranch, Coburg; led Hereford ranch, Halsey and Butte Stock farm, Brownsville. The Oregon State college herds of Angus and Herefords at Cor- vallis were looked over on the last stop of the day. Thii morning at the Ken Hall farm, Oswego, both Angus cat tle and Arabian horses will be on display. After lunch the schedule lists two Columbia county establishments: Sherman Stock farm and Joe Fisher Here ford ranch, both of Scappoose. Western Washington beef breeding farms will take up the reminder of the itinerary. The tour is being directed by the Western Livestock Journal with field representatives Teale in charge. Bob Thouaandl now chew iteak, corn, applee without fear of slipping plateal They un BTAZE, marine new cream in a handy tube! STAZE teale edgee TIOHTI Helpe keep out annoying food particleel Money-back guarantee. Oct 3St STAZB I STA.ZI HOLDS PUTES TIBHTEt, UMEI Use Organic Fertilizer The Right Way to Rebuild Soil Free of Weed Seeds Odorless 6 SA"KS $5.00 Bulk 1 ton $10.00 2 tons 17.50 Free delivery anywhere In Salem Area Phone 3-8127 After 5PM Phone 24397 THANK YOU People of Salem and Surrounding Communities For the grand style in which you responded to our request for funds, we wish it were possible to thonk each of you personally. Your contributions enabled the High School ' Bond and Orchestra to enter the state competition at Klamath Falls on May 13th and 14th. May the high ratings received by the various musical groups convey our appreciation of your loyal support. SHS BAND and ORCHESTRA Band and Orchestra Parent's Assn. NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE Oral auction bkU will be received rr me rorwt Supervisor. New Post Office Bulldlnr. Eucene, Oreion, betlnnint it 2:00 p.m.. Pacific Standard Time. June 1948, for all the live timber marked v desitnattd for cut tin and all mer chantable dead timber located on an area embracing about 12 acre within flection 38. T. I R. ft E., Section 1. T. 10 S.. R. S S. and Section 20, T. 9 S.. R. 6 E.. W.U.. Breitenbiuh Rtrer Watershed. Wil lamette National Forest, Oreion. estimat ed to be 850.000 feet B.M.. more or leu, of Dotulu-fir. 20.000 feet B.M.. more or leu. of western redcedar. and 50,000 feet B.M.. more or leas, of western hem lock and other specie of uvtlmbr Sealed bids accompanied by the required Payment received by the Forest Super ior prior to 2:00 p.m.. Pacific Standard rime, June 10. 1049. will be considered the equivalent of an oral bid and posted foi the Information of all bidder. No hid will be considered which is less than 15.00 per H feet for Douilas-f r. ll.M for west ern redcedar, and 10.50 for western hem lock ana other species. 12.000.00 to be applied on the purchase price, refunded, or retained In part as liquidated dam aaes, accord! nc to the conditions of sale, must accompany each sealed bid and must be shown to be In the possession of oral bidders as a qualification for auction bid ding. If an oral bid is declared to be high at the clo.lni of the auction, the bidder must immediately make the re quired payment and confirm the bid by submitting It In wrltlnt on a Forest service bid form. The rliht to reject any md all bids la reserved. Before bids are submitted, lull information concerning the timber, the conditions of sale and the submission of bids should be obtained from the Forest Supervisor, Eutene, Ore ion, or the District Ranier. Detroit, Ore- ron. May 10-34. (Advertisement) Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your skin if Irritated with pimplei, red blotches and other akin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crazy with itching torture, try Sanltone Ointment. Itching itopi prompt ly. Smarting disappear! imme diately. Sanitone Ointment is also wonderful for itching feet cracks between toea and Ath lete's foot For Sale at Willett's Capital Drug Store State at Liberty Phone S-3111 KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS Help IS Miles of Kidney Tube Flush Out Poisonous WasU When disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remain in jour blood, it may cause nactrinf backache, rheumatic pains, leg pains, loss of pep and enenry, get tins; up nights, swellinf , pufflneaa under the cyea, headaches and diiziness. Frequent or Scanty passages with amaxtinir and burning sometimes show there is aonurthins wrong Witn your moneys or oiaaaer. Don't wait I Ask your dru drift for Doan'a Pills, a stimulant diuretic, used successfully by millions for over B0 years. Doan's give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from your mooo, use uosns I'm. Crown flour 1 ;,.. gives you 6-way nouris luncnt em cMo- (faf, Sim-scotctal Lustre Creme Shampoo For lustrous dream-girl hair New aheen, softness, and beauty with Lustre Creme's magic, secret-blend lather containing Lanolin. I Halo Shampoo jpun To glorify your hair Its Jlj fragrant aoapless lather Jg7' .'.'""la ' II rinse away in any water fesssssSl jflj leaving your hair soft, easy ja n M I 1254979 llllf iJ 8 CrOZ DtpfotsriM Scented creams or thoss mirac ulous "glovsa" that rub hair off in seconds. 10awd25 Smart um Glasiss Protect your sight in style with our tumor ous sun glasses. Many hapos, many colors. ZSim Mvlsa Hair Nets-All colors, (Deluding grey snd white, in these long-wearing, fins mean nylon nets. Q lobby PiM-Strong- grip, sasy-to-open bobby pins in black or far Fstft-Always keep a supply of these genuine velours puffs on hand. Cello phane wrapped. . lOi Csssistlc lags Colorful, summery plastic or faille sip pared bags tor make up or purses. 2StuS0 Wavt $st-Quick-drying, dslicstely scanted lotion to keep those curls in longer. 10 m 25 FsrCye Lovallaasi We have mascara that lasts snd lasts snd eye brow pencils in your color. 104 254 !,r'4 lLtdA n n f"V bronze satin finis Beauty 3 ! pi- C&V Colgate Dental Cream Cleans your breath whila it 1 0 cleans your taath Colgate's 25 penetrating foam helps clean out decaying food particles 434 the causa of much bad breath. 594 Colgate Tooth Powder Cats both tooth and braath "romance clean" This safe polishing agent quickly removes dulling film... leaves breath fresh. if VI ... IM J l&laS W Rayve Home Permanent R Select your correct curl tune H hj with Dial-a-wave for soft, nat- H a ural-looking curls. Complete M H kit with 60 easy-wind plastic tj R 2 RaflH lpfcuku 3 v fSsfTrr- Nestle Colorinse L L IwZJ SS) Givai your hair natural- Qd yr t IfsfOlMlZ H fcoltirif oolor and high- jh ItgLriZU WlaaUT,aafely.Not 254 4a5jjj parmanant dy, or piM jji Cashmere Bouquet Face Powder For a "velvet" com- j$f -: , . j plexion-A fine, light. Jr as-air powder in 6 flower-fresh shades for a lasting finish to your makeup. Scented with Cashmere Bouquet's famous fragrance. plus tag Cashmere Bouquet Lipstick Color radiance for your lips A creamy, long-lasting lipstick in 7 glowing colors to harmonize with your costume and your coloring. Keeps your lips fresh and lustrous for 10. 25 j.. I Cashmere Bouquet Talcum that lingering fra grance men love So fine, so smooth, so delightfully scented, it is favorite of dainty women everywhere. 10 2539 pluM tax VBBS. A i3 1021f39t Pepsodent Toothpaste New Sim-removing Pep- 1Q4 eodent foame wonderfully fm to work faetar to 254 rout breath-tainting food .... particles. 434 mtmi watt - -"If; : Lady Esther four-p impose Crtamand Faca Powder - Cleanses, softens, helps refine pore, acta as s make-up baas for complex ion perfection. Try Lady Esther faca powder in shades to make and keep you pretty. Cream and Powder , . 2i49ptw I Holon NaushaafarriSM The only nail polieh at any price conteininf 'Plaateen" makee your nail polieh "ahock proof," chip leeielanU 10-.25(uf Veto Deodorant Says "No" to offending- (iives you Double Protection from perspiration and perspi ration odor. Doubly safe, too, for normal skin and clothes. 10 25 39 59 plus tax Ma wauAOf serrfs Whita Clsy Pack Helpe loeeea Mack keada end cleanaa poree. Gives your complaiion new fraihneea and radiance. Pacquins MAMO CRIAM Msasafs sun-dried hands with snowy Pscqums rlaily for hand lovalin Two typas for rsfular and estra dry skin. 102547 Listerint The first step la your fond-groom inf routins. lassvss your mouth tin glint cisB...your brcsth sweet. 104 254 43 VM r liurain M 1 Heather Rouge A pure, lasting rouge in shfldos to flatter your color ing, mikfl you ever so P"- 10 pluMlax &vce&& CtnnLnC 0 ..because - r? ;WnTi((OjXiC(ig)f'S VISIT YOUR NEAREST WOOLWORTM STORE-NOW! 0 Modest It's soft. BMHirrs ymir comfort . . , gives mmpleto prntection. Hoi of i. t : r ejunnrr, iwmn-i . Snd Su pot JJ Go Medt...gomerriert : zT "r 'ester frondom. itt-guisr snd super. Roiof 3l0 Boiof 10 35