Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 24, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Capita Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, May 24, 1949 f
ocene ol SUU-.mle Grind Hex Mays leads tile neia to tne
first turn in the 1948 Memorial Day 500-mile race at the
Indianapolis Speedway, won by Mauri Rose. The traditional
classic will be held for the 33rd time May 30, Memorial Day.
Shortage of
Berry Pickers
With the strawberry crop Just
Dcginnins to come off the vines,
i shortage of pickers was re
ported Tuesday morning by W.
H. Baillie, Salem manager for
!he state employment service.
Two hundred additional pickers
could have been used by the
growers had they been avall
ibie. A picking price of 3 '4 cents,
plus a half cent bonus for
those who remain on the job
throughout the season was
established Monday afternoon
luring a conference of growers
ind representatives of the state
abor office. The wage is vir
tually the same as was in effect
tast year.
Because the schools will con
tinue to operate through much
of next week, student help will
not be available for a number of
days. This situation, Baillie
points out, means adult labor
must shoulder the load if the
oerrics are to be picked as they
Growers call at the labor of
fice. Cottage and Ferry street,
each morning at t o'clock to
provide transportation for pick
ers. One grower, Ike Hartman,
reported he would endeavor to
organize a platoon of youngsters
to work after school hours, tak
ing advantage of the daylight
laving program.
A branch labor office will be
established In an oil station on
South Front street in Woodburn
this week. Similar offices are
being operated at Mt, Angel and
Doctor Marries
Wife Third Time
Belllngham, May 24 W) For
the third time. Dr. Kent W.
Berry will marry Mrs. Florence
Berry, 54, of Olympia.
The 61-year-old physician
was pardoned six months ago by
Governor Wallgren after serving
more than 10 years in the slate
penitentiary for a kidnap-as-sault
Dr. Berry and two brothers
were convicted in 1938 of kid
naping and mutilating Irving
Baker, former coast guard of
ficer, for asserted attentions to
Mrs. Elizabeth Kevin Berry, the
doctor's wife at the time.
The previous marriages of Dr.
Berry and Mrs. Florence Berry,
covering a period of 18 years,
both ended in divorce the sec
ond time In 1941, while he was
in prison. Her efforts in his be
half are regarded as instru
mental in gaining the physi
cian's release.
Gunman Kills Youth;
Rapes Girl Friend
Faribault, Minn., May 24 u.R
Bloodhounds trailing a gun
man who killed a youth and
raped his girl friend on a wood
land lover's lane, today lost the
scent in the heart of Faribault.
The dogs, brought here from
Wisconsin last night, had picked
up the spoor at the spot where
the girl said the gunman killed
her escort, Fred Morsching, 19.
She said the man raped her in
the back seat of Morsching's
car while the youth's body was:
slumped In the driver seat
Queen-Elect Tardy
Portland, Ore., May 24 M Joyce Sommerlade, 17, had a
big week-end. She was elected queen of the 1949 Portland
Rose Festival.
Monday morning she arrived at Grant high school an hour
and 40 minutes late for class and was ordered to stay after
school for discipline.
ii ' -, - '
Rain Follows Drought Prolonged drought in tne Turin
area of Italy was followed by rains and floods.
Bids Called for Bridge
The state highway commis
sion said today it would open
bids in Portland June 28 on
construction of the Ferry street
bridge over the Willamette
river on Coburg road In Eugene.
The bridge will have a total
length of 798 feet, containing
two continuous steel truss
spans and seven reinforced con
crete approach spans.
See us for reasonable Automobile and
Truck Insurance Premiums. Compare
our rates with what you are paying.
You will be surprised at the savings.
Phone 3-5661
466 Court St.
OUL Mir.
It was all my fault. Pearl. I admit
I was surly and grumpy. No wonder
that even the kids were scared of me.
But everything's better now. I've
found out that constipation caused
by lack of bulk in my diet can be
licked I Believe roe. I advise others
who suffer the same way to do
what I did: just eat ft bowlful of
and drink plenty of water. They aay
It's America's most famous laxative
cereal believe me, it sure gets my
vote. Or make it up into muffins
they taste grand too . . . Come home,
dear, and find a bran new man wait
ing for you. That's me your ever
lovin' husband, JOE,
A I 119 HKsT
L Fail, dependable). J
aWorld'i lirieita
11 NEW
So aaay for
child to take,
oranta fla
vored. Iiijp
to giv cor
rect doaat.
80 Ubltta. fee
XVr a few
if Sr9watetJ0M'1
McCall presents...
fSeeing is believing-and
after you've seen McCall's
stylist cut and assemble a dress for fitting before
your very eyes in just sixty minutes, you'll believe as we do
that dressmaking can be quick, sure, easy and even fun when
you use the McCall dressmaking method. And when, of course,
you use all-printed McCall patterns
with the double cutting line.
2 P.M.
177 North Liberty
East Salem Social Events
Offered in Wide Variety
East Salem, May 24 Birthday parties with luncheons were the
social highlights lor East Salem clubs this past week-end.
Mrs. Ben Braucht was hostess for a birthday party (or mem
bers of the Garden Road Neighborhood club at her Garden Road
home Friday with Mrs. Eugene Braught assistant hostess. The
guests for a luncheon were seat-t
ed at tables bright with roses
for the decorative note, and cov-
favors made by Mrs. Ben
Braucht who is an amateur artist.
Special guests were Mrs. Al
fred Peterson. Mrs. Miles Hen
derson and Mrs. Willard Shel
ton. Members attending were
Mrs. Glenn Larkins. Mrs. Paul
Lynch, Mrs. A. R. Tartar, Mrs
Charles E. Siegmund, Mrs, Ralph
Werner, Mrs. Floyd De Lapp.
Mrs. R. B. Lapp, Mrs. W. E
Richardson, Mrs. A. A. Geer
Mrs. Martin Starr, Mrs. Edward
Brambec, Mrs. A. C. .Schaffer,
Mrs. Earl Wood, Mrs. Jesse
Hatch, Mrs. Richard T. Wick
lander and the hostesses. The
afternoon was spent informaHy
with the exchange of gifts and
social games.
Mrs. S. Rehfeld was hostess
for the Merry-go-round club at
her Hollywood drive home
Thursday night. Attending
were Mrs. Walter Fisher, Mrs
R. M. Proudfit, Mrs. Paul Bar
ham, Mrs. Edward Curtis, Mrs
Harold Holler, Mrs. Melvin La
Due, Mrs. Jolly, Mrs. Oscar For
gard, Miss Florence Kleemar
and the hostess.
Mrs. Theron Kent entertained
Friday afternoon at her Brown
road home members of her
neighborhood club with the
birthday! of Mrs. Raymond Ben
son and Mrs. -Edward Wilson
honored. Guest were Mrs. John
Swanson, Mrs. Henry Preim
Mrs E. J. Fordyce, Mrs. Henry
Mehlig and son, Mike; Mrs. Wil
liam Henderson, Mrs. Ray Ber
nardy and Sharon, Mrs. Smith
Wilson, Mrs. George Brown,
Mrs. Benson and the hostess.
Officers of the Middle Grove
Associated clubs report a suc
cessful evening financially for
Friday's entertainment. There
were more in attendance to see
the Salem Civic players in
M'Uss than for the last play,
but not quite as many for the
jitney supper as last month.
Directors of the Capital City
Rabbit Breeders association met
Lowitt and Mr. Walrod from
Portland. It was necessary to
postpone the meeting one week
to have the use of the hall.
Indiana's state motto is
Crossroads of America".
Asthma Mucus
Don't Ut soushlDf, aMMlM. ihtag.
turrtu .tMck. 9t Bronchi! Althm. Rllm
in the home of Mrs. Alfred iqkdaoo. .1' rL S!!
, o I- .. irl work, tare th. Mood. Um.mN
Paul! in Swegle community. Fi
nal plans were made for the
monthly meeting Thursday night
of this week in the May Flower
hall. Speakers will be J. C
mar. ntn9h
tUcky muoiu. thus Uvtotlns .
. L f ... r tt.ABthtnS and
F . 1-.. unn , rv, from U4l V.
Sulci ittmictuw wauw tack tunmti
fCan .
I miss nothing
at church or
the movie.
I never aik
people to re
"A new life
, aJ-B(asu IUI OTK
wbeo a marrellotu free book told me
ail about correcting hearing loii."
You too. should learn the full facta.
Come in for free demonstration today.
James N. Taft &
218 Oregon Bldg., Salem
Y2ftntl MONO-MC
New color... a light dancing red . . . red . . . red
Lastron Nail Enamel, Lipstick, Fashion Plate Face Make-Up, Face Powder
um MM k
For Spring! The fresh new red that adds a lilt to fashion's muted colors
Now Revlon gives you a lively vivid red to set yon tip-toe... a red that lends
a special magic to everything you wear. A dancing red with Revlon's charmed1
life wear... you must have it today on matching lips, fingertips and face.
Lastron ail Enamel .60; Lip Fashion 1.00; All Plus Lipstick 1.00;
face Powder 1.00; Fashion Plate Face Make-Up 1.00, ISO. to.
mm mm m a si
7; p 7 mrw
e:,ir t JIM f I I f f II X
m . m m. m m m. m m m m mm mm m
1 Hilil
;; -.....,f
f m m mm mm I end
Hr's yeur opportunity to get
Frfgldolr.'t famous wathsr f.a
tur at a N.w low Price. Ex
clusive live-Water action
produce rolling, penetrating
currants of hot, sudsy water
mot wash dome cU an, through
through no pulling or
yanking. Oothet or In water
off rh. rlm, not half-ln, ho tr
out. And tho soma lh-Wetr
action that wath.s clothes
deattor, rinses thant fwce, oadi
tfm. ht trash, clean water. Sm
a demonstration of Live-Water't nothing else IHt. Itl
Tot AoVonrooo of Htk Nw lew Pric WfirT Yev Cm(
Friendly Terms
Free Delivery
I wiinxtrrt ?utniuiit pniiictnniroHisBtH I
All ...rt.lahi In.Ma and et CI9-Mf Var Pm
UhIumMc ImU
Undaa wots. Sud. DtttribuH. a U.. fulfler
Put R nywtte. n WMfM
4mn AiMilitf
UmW M As.imH 1wsratr
UvHt taMke (w IMI C.nM.1
Bum Mm Afm.4t.llT
9:00 P.M.