Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRT FISCHER 'fi Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday. May 24, 1949 :Panhellenic SeXs Meeting On Friday ntv Panhellenic announce i meeting for Friday of this week at the Alpha Chi omega ioror ity. 299 North Winter, at 2 p.m Mrs. Charles Marshall will nreside at the meeting. Mr. C. R. Nelson. Panhellenic ad viser at Willamette, is to report on the recent Panhellenic work chop. The education committee is 'meeting at 1:18 p.m. On this group are Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. .George Hill, Mrs. Louis Gerlin ger, Mrs. William E. Healy, Mrs. C. R. Nelson. Wedding Set For June 11 ,- A June bride will be Miss Artie Mae Phillips, daughter of , Major and Mrs. Robert N. Phil . lips, who has announced Satur day, June 11, as date for her . marriage to Second Lt. Paul Cortland Rodgers, USA, son of ' Mr. and Mrs. Cecil P. Rodgers of Salem, The wedding Is planned for 4 . o'clock In the afternoon that ' date in the chapel of St. Paul's , Episcopal church, the Rev. ' George H. Swift officiating. Mrs. Robert N. Phillips, Jr. (Mary Phelps) is to attend Miss Phillips and Mr. Phillips will be best man. Robert G. Coates of : Salem and Robert Gohrke of ' Dallas will be ushers. The reception following will be at the Phillips home on Co- , lumbia street, after which the couple will go to Fort Sill, Okla.. where Lt. Rogers is to be ' stationed, i ! Secreto-Stahl Wedding May 15 Mt. Angel The wedding of Miss Patricia Stahl, daughter of , Mr. and Mrs. John Stahl of Mt ' Angel, and Richard E. Secrcto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Sec reto of Portland, took place Sun day morning, May 13, at St. Michael's Catholic church In Portland, with Rev. Father Bal- estra officiating at the double ring ceremony. The bride was given in mar riage by her father. Her wedding gown of white satin was fashion ed with a fitted bodice with a marquisette yoke, long sleeves pointed at the wrist and floor length skirt extending Into a court train. A headdress of or ange blossoms held her finger tip veil of illusion. She wore a cross and chain, gift from the bridegroof, and carried lillies of the valley centered with a purple orchid. Mrs. Roy Snyder stood as matron of honor for her sis ter and Mrs. Mary Morales, at tended her sister as bridesmaid Both are of Portland. They were dressed identically in floor length gowns of lavender mar. quisette., styled with fitted bcdlce and drape sleeves. They carried bouquets of white car nations with lavender stream ers and each wore a headdress of white baby carnations. Valentine Secreto served as best man for his brother, and ushers were Roy Snyder, Johnny Scarlno and Roger Paola. Mrs. Stahl, mother of the bride, was dressed in a navy blue suit and blue accessories, enhanced with an orchid cor sage. The bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Secreto, wore an aqua blue afternoon dress and rust acces sories. She also wore an orchid corsage. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the Mal lory hotel in Portland. Among those attending from Mt. Angel was Mayor Jacob Berchtold; from Silverton were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stahl; and from Ta coma were Mr. and Mrs. Matt Merckle, Mr. and Mrs. Jos Mer cH, Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Eg I " of Salem and Miss Lois E -M-ii of Brooks. lh couple left on the same day on a wedding trip to the Oregon and California beaches. For going away the bride chose a gray tweed suit to which she pinned an orchid corsage. Her accessories were of navy blue. They will make their residence In Portland. 'StasmmimKWkm Help Symphony The local campaign to assist the Portland Symphony orches tra maintenance fund for the coming season is in its last week, June 1 being the deadline. To date, the local committee has raised about $300 and hopes to secure $400 before the dead line. Persons interested and who may not have been contacted as yet may mail in their contribu tions to Miss Alice Crary Brown. Communities outside Portland have been assisting with the campaign, the orchestra each year making appearances throughout the valley. Last sea son, the orchestra played three concerts in Salem. Installation For Club Annual installation of offi cers was held at the meeting of the Junior Woman's club last evening. Mrs. Sam C. Campbell heads the new officers as president. Mrs. Donald S. Parker, retiring adviser for the group, conduct ed the installation. Mrs. Glenn S. Paxson was an nounced as the new adviser for the club. Mothers of members were guests for the meeting. At the tea hour, Mrs. W. W. Chadwick, mother of the retir ing president, Mrs. Cedric T. Reaney, and Mrs. Paxson, new adviser, poured. The meeting was the final one until fall except for a picnic in June. Miss Coffel Bride-Elect Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Coffel announce ihe engagement of their daughter, Miss Marion Coffel, to Jerry Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Taylor, all of Salem. The news was told to friends Friday evening at a Tri-Y dance at the Coffel home. No date is set for the wedding. Mr. Taylor is attending Willam ette university and Miss Coffel is a student at Salem high school. FIVE piano pupils of Mrs. Ronald Craven received honors in the recent junior competitive music clubs' festival in Portland. Carol Stettler received rating of superior and a cup. Wanda Lee Noel was rated excellent and given a cup. Three receiving very good ratings were Jerry Hunsaker, Carol Ann Hudson and Marlys Clark. VISITORS here for the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Loren Heuer of St. Paul, Minn., who were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Lindgren. Mrs. Lindgren is a niece of Mr. Heu er. The visitors were on their way to California. 4 Arrange for Poppy Sale Among members of Capital Unit No. 9, American Legion auxiliary, making plans for the annual poppy sale to be conducted Friday and Saturday of this week are these three above: Left to right, Mrs. Michael Panek, Mrs. Ethel Lewis, who is the general chairman from the auxiliary unit, and Mrs. Harry M. Lucas. They are holding some of the poppies arranged in a wreath. Proceeds from the sale of the poppies go to aid families of disabled veterans making the poppies in the veterans hospitals. Mem bers of Unit No. 136 of Salem also are sponsoring the same poppy sale that date. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) Brewer-Li bner Wedding Solemnized in Silverton Silverton Miss Betty Ruth Libner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs James A. Libner, and Vernon L. Brewer, son of Mr. and Mrs Georee Brewer of 1149 South Water street, all of Silverton, ex changed their marriage vows in a double ring ceremony read by the Rev. M. J. Fuhr at Trinity Lutneran cnurcn Saturday evening Mav 21. at 8 o'clock, before the altar banked with lavendar and yellow irises, snowballs and ro ses amid liehted tapers held in cathedral candelabrums. Miss Beverlv Zimmerman and Miss Marilvn Kolbensvik. both of Portland, wearing sheer white formats and corsages of garden ias and roses, lighted the tapers. Mrs. Don Burch sang with her mother, Mrs. Alf O. Nelson, as accompanist. Mrs. Nelson also played the wedding marches. Accompanied to the altar ana presented in marriage by her father the bride wore a white nylon sheer dress, fashioned with a ruffle shoulder line, high neck, fitted bodice, very full skirt with lace panels from the waist to the hem skirt line extending into a short train in ruffle deep trim. The finger tip length veil, lace edged, fell from a high coronet of seed pearls. The bride's flowers were a nosegay of pink roses and sweetpeas centered with a white orchid. Her only ornament was a strand of pearls, gift of the bridegroom. The bride chose for her honor attendant, Miss Patricia Holm quist of Roseburg, wearing pale green organza gown, fashioned similar to the bride's gown with ruffles at the shoulder and hem lines. She wore a halo of sweet peas in her hair, and carried a nosegay of sweet peas and yel low roses. The bridesmaids, Mrs. Jim Bennett of Hagerman, Idaho, in yellow and Miss Doro thy Thompson of Portland, wearing lav e n d a r , fashioned identically of dotted swiss mate rial, with off-the-shoulder style. ruffled full skirts and matching mitts, bands of sweet peas in their hair and nosegays of sweet peas and roses. Miss Mary Libner, only sister of the bride, was junior attendant wearing a yellow dotted swiss formal, shoulder ruffled, matching mitts, a floral coronet, and car rying roses and sweet peas ar ranged in a small nosegay. Harold Beal, Silverton, was best man for the bridegroom. Groomsmen were Lloyd Stolten- berg of Portland, and Lloyd Naegeli of Silverton. Ushers were Paul Libner, brother of the bride, Jentoff Johansen of Klamath Falls and Gordon Ger rettson of Roseburg. Mrs. Libner, mother of the bride, wore an aqua two-piece print with white accessories, the mother of the bridegroom, Mrs. Brewer, wore a two-piece gray sheer print and black accesso ries. Each wore an orchid cor-sage. A reception for more than 200 guests was held in the church social rooms following the ce remony with Mrs. Dolph Heater cutting the brines cake. Pre siding at the coffee urns was the grandmother of the bride. Mrs. C. E. Anderson. Mrs. Carl Zimmerman poured the punch At the gift table were Mrs. Mar shall Satern, Miss June Elliott and Miss Sonya Johnson, with Miss Ruth Reierson of Portland, in charge of the guest book. The serving table was centered with the wedding cake decor ated in white and yellow on the paie green damask cover, flank ed with matching lighted tapers. serving were Mrs. Walter Mc Elhaney, Miss Marilyn Moe, Miss Maxine Werner, Miss Peg gy Usselman, Miss Arlene Gott schalk and Mrs. Daruld John son. For traveling the bride wore Spinsters Entertained Discussion on a project for the summer months featured the meeting of the Spinsters club last evening but no decision was made. The group met at the home of Mrs. Charles E. Wagner with Mrs. Vernon Drye, Mrs. John Steelhammer and Miss Pa tricia Vandeneynde as the host esses. Miss Patricia Larson was ap pointed historian for the new term. Mrs. Wayne Hadley was ap pointed as publicity chairman. Next meeting will be June 13. Shower for Miss Demy tt Miss Jeanne Demytt, who is to be wed in June to Harold Gardner, will be honored at a dessert supper and crystal show er for which Miss Corrine Wade is to be hostess Wednesday eve ning. Sixteen have been invited to the party. Miss Wade will be assisted by her mother, Mrs. Francis T. Wade. 'Auxiliary Election Monday Eve New officers for the auxiliary of the 39th engineers and 409th quartermasters were elect ed at the meeting last evening. Mrs. Carl Arnert is the new president; Mrs. Ingvald John son, vice president; Mrs. Keith Flory, secretary; Mrs. Richard Chase, treasurer; Mrs. Donald Gardner, historian; Mrs. George Spaur, liaison officer; Mrs. Frank Turner, ways and means chairman; Mrs. Homer G. Lyon, social chairman; Mrs. Victor Gibson, membership chairman; Mrs. John Cattrall, community service chairman. THE F I S S T Presbyterian church women's association is to meet at 2 nm wHndi. . the church. The executive board memoers wiu assemble at 1 .45 p.m. Mrs. C. E. niidge Is to talk to the. group on her recent trip to Venezuela. Miss Sharon Cur rier is to sing. Installation Due Wednesday Woodburn Open installation of the officers of Evergreen as sembly. No. 12, Order of Rain bow for Girls, will be held Wed nesday evening, May 25, at the Masonic temple when Miss Bet ty Jo DeHaan will be installed as worthy adviser. Other elective officers to be installed are: Miss Patricia Houseweart, associate worthy adviser; Miss Patricia Withers, charity; Miss Carleen Helsel, hope; and Miss Mildred Guthrie, faith. Appointive officers to be In stalled are: Miss Carol Taylor, chaplain; Miss June Polly, drill leader; Miss 'Eva Rheinholdt, as sistant drill leader; Miss Shirley Anderson, love; Miss Nancy Schuler, religion; Miss Lorelei Lantz, nature; Miss Arlyss Nel son, immortality; Miss Kathryn Miller, fidelity; Miss Eileen Rogers, patriotism; Miss Loris Merriott, service; Miss Vera Pantle, confidential observer; Miss Shirley Knor, outer observ er; Miss Joanne Mattson and Miss Joanne Williamson, pages; Miss Loris Larson, musician; Miss Patty Luffman, choir di rector; Miss Phyllis Roberts, col or bearer; Misses Gwen Kay, Dollie Cummings, Sharon Comp. ton, Janice Painter, Roberta Jones, Irene Layne, Janet Blan chard and Jeanette Bauman, choir members. Miss Lois Thompson, the re tiring worthy adviser, will be the installing officer, assisted by Miss Phyllis Engle, installing marshal; Miss Jackie Berkey, installing recorder; Miss Merry McGrath, Installing chaplain; Miss Edythe Ticknor, installing musician, and Miss Susan Lantz, gift bearer. The crowning cere mony will be put on by Wood burn chapter of DeMolay. All Masons, members of tha Eastern Star, parents and friends of the girls and members of De Molay are invited to attend. PAST PRESIDENTS' club of the American Legion auxiliary, TTnit Nn fl will meet Thursday evening for dessert at 7:30 o clock at tne nome oi mrs. Onas Olson, who lives one fourth mile west'ot the Keizer school. Public libraries in 94 large United States cities house more than 44 million volumes. an aqua bolero suit with pink accessories, and white orchid from her wedding bouquet as a corsage. Following a week spent at the Oregon beaches Mr. and Mrs. Brewer will make their residence in Silverton at the Kolln apartments. Before Too Store, See Our STORAGE! CLEANING! RESTYLING! BUSINESS WOMEN LOANS T Sunnfraph- m, ftrerfUHl niuhtfr, Book' Mpttj, tte., to ftomin aWadlly mi'lortfl. Par- ton al of ran SwiaJ ferric a larr no out- f no ni pr mo tpirt I1M in 10 month Sptclt) :unh flour wrvie for loiu la Tirrr fhnnt ftnt for fftJUr t'Tlif let tin. Mcri Bulowi Wouu WW. Personol Finance Co. Lie 132 M IBS Ph. t-!44 ( Vl a- if FREE PHOTOGRAPH Sis 5x7 Inches OF YOUR CHILD Age 2 Months to 5 Years CONTINUED BY POPULAR DEMAND 3 MORE DAYS, TUESDAY THRU THURS. Thursday, May 26 Positively Last Day . , " , ' . '- a '"''-II ll CHILDREN 1 MONTHS TO S YEARS MUST BE ACCOMPAN'ED BY PARENTS SELECTION OF PROOFS NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY NO OBL.tlATlON TO BUY To All Mothers of Salem and Vicinity To make new friends and In appreciation of past patronage, we have arranged ith a specialist In child photography to make a FREE PHOTOGRAPH of your child In our store, Monday, May 2:ird thru Thursday. May 26th. No cost, obligation, notlnr.i to buy . . . It s FREE' STORE HOVRS :Jt A.M. TO l:0( P.M. Toy and Hobby Shop 163 North Commtrclal St. Salem, Oreaon m OFTHEYEAR of a price you like to hear I TVfestinghouse A BIG NEW 6 CU. FT, Westinghouse Refrigerator For Only 18975 At LirHe At 38.75 Down 21 Months to Pay 7 cu. ft. 229.95 9 cu. ft. 289.95 11 cu. ft. 329.95 With .xcluiiv. Wtstinghous. COLDER COLD. Mod postibl. with Hit HOLD-COLD CONTROL. Salems Oldest Exclusively Appliance Store Yeater Appliance Co. 2SS N. Liberty StrMt Phont 3-4311 Schlesinger & Co. CLEARANCE From America's Finest Makers Rorhmoor- Printzess - Roseblum - Leeds Sovoral Groups Slightly Higher From America's Finest Makers Rorhmoor - Printzess - Roseblum - Leeds Gaynes i SEVERAL GROUPS SLIGHTLY HIGHER cMeciger & Co, 409 COURT STREET