Local Paragraphs Miss Your Paper? If the Capital Journal carrier (alii to leave your copy please phone 22406 BEFORE S P. M. and a copy will be delivered to you. Cub Pack Plcnlci Cub Pack Mo. 10, sponsored by the Rich mond P.T.A. engaged la a pic nic Sunday at the Dallas park. Forty-seven parents and 31 boys were present lor the din ner and the program of races that followed. Forty - seven awards were made including even to "Weblos", cubs who are graduating from cubbing to scouting. Robert Ashby is the cubmaster. Baseball Picture Portion of the 1947 world series baseball pictures will be shown during Wednesday noon's Rotary club luncheon. It is possible Bill Bev ens may be a guest during the luncheon and the picture show ing. Bevens was on the mound for the Yankees against Brook lyn the day the Dodgers got but a single hit yet won the contest. Baby Taken Home Mrs. John Turrentine, 239 S. Cot tage, and her infant son have been dismissed from the Salem General hospital and are now at home. Mills Admitted Wallace G Mills, Olympia, Wash., attorney, was admitted to the Oregon bar today by the state supreme court This will enable him to become an assistant attorney general. Mills expects to be as signed as attorney for the public utilities commissioner. He prac ticed law in Olympia for 1214 years. Released to Texas Stella Mae Yarbough and William Howard Franks, who were pick ed up in Salem last week on a warrant from Brownsville, Tex as, were turned over to the sheriff from Brownsville Tues day morning. The pair is want ed in Texas for aiding the es cape of a Jail inmate at Browns ville. Project Approved The Mar ion county court, in its meeting Tuesday morning, offered its approval of the sewer ditch be tween the Salem city limits and the Fairvlew home, dug by Bressler brother contractors of Portland. With the court's ap proval, the state of Oregon will pay the contractors for the job There had been some dispute over the matter in the last few days because of dirt piled along side the ditch. The contractors have since omitted the dirt pile. Parts Stolen from School Bus Salem police were advised Tuesday that vandalism and theft of parts from a school bus, being transported by rail from Indiana to the Chemawa Indian school, totaled $173. The report was made by railway officials who found that horns, carbure tor parts, coil, mirror, and volt age regulator had been removed while four windows were mashed and wiring cut. Police Avert Trouble The aoundlng of an alarm at the Pea cock Cleaners in the 400 block on Center street was heard by a Salem patrolman who sum moned Charles Sawyer, one of the operators of the establish ment. Sawyer discovered that a boiler was running dry and the alarm was sounded as a warn ing signal. Hit-Run Reported A hit and run accident was listed in Sa lem police reports Tuesday and identified Norman Reiling, 160 Union, as the victim. His motor cycle was struck by a car be lieved registered to Walter Jesse of Albany. Coordinating Gifts Carlton Greider, program director of the YMCA has been named coordi nator of gifts being received for the Ardo Tarem family which will arrive in Salem from Eston la early in June. The Tarems are among the thousands of dis placed persons of Europe. Tarem, a well education YMCA worker, will divide his time between the Salem YMCA and Willamette university. Through the efforts of the Salem Board of Realtors a house has been secured for the Tarems. However, furnishing must be secured. Members of the Christian church have agreed to furnish one room while the HI Y Mothers club recently con ducted a linen shower for the ex pected arrivals from Estonia. BORN The , Capital Journal Welcomes the Followinf New Clttiena.; ROUBOUOH To Dr. 0n4 Hri. J. A. Kombobfch. o bar, born Tu.adair it ln AUji- hoap'ta Tbi bibr w-uhrd 1 oounda. IS wuaoM. MrCOLLT A fan. Mar 11. to Mr. arws lira, atebtrd afeCoUr it SUrtrton boapu Ul. REIMNO A ion to Mr. and Mri. Fun! RMIlnf of Ocrrtu. Mir SI Ot SUrtrtOD hoapltal. TERRY A ion. Mtr . to MM. TBOImo Ttrrr ot auvtrton noapltaj. BUHR A dtathtor Mor St. to Mr. tnd Mrr. Ror Suhr ot Mt. Aofol ot Sumton hMPlUl. ROOERS Mr. ond Mri. I Jay MeCtn of Sllvrrton oro tnnounelni tlw birth of tbelr ircol trandaon. Bruct J. Ror. trclcht pound ind 3 euncaa. Mar II. ot Stout roll, a. Dak., to Mr. ond Mri. Rub- orll Room (Jtinl Do Rui. mtttrml ttindparrnu. Mr. tnd Mrs. Comlal Dt Rto iFarn MeCall) of Ptpcatono. Minn. BOON To Mr. ind Mri. Vara Boon. 110 N. MM, ot tlx Bolim O.a.ral boa- Pltal. o llrl, Mir 14. BOBBTTT To Mr. ond Mri. Lord Bob bin. 1114 R. Front. It tbo Boltm Oooarl! boapltal. ilrl. Mar 34. p- JACKSON To Mr. ind Un Phillip i Jarkjon. 1471 Donald War. Bal.m. o loo. Mar 14, ot aolaai Mfmorlai boapaaL Portland Firm Files The Rose City Realty company, with offices in Portland, has record ed its assumed business name in Marion county, a certificate filed in the county clerk's office showed Tuesday morning. Ed Covell it listed as proprietor. Youths on Probation Two youths were under a year's pro bation Tuesday from district court after entering pleas of guilty to charges of larceny re sulting from the theft of a wheel, tire and tube. The court sus pended a 30-day Jill term upon payment of $50 fines, put Ronald H Rentz and J. C. Phillips on probation for a year and order ed them to restore the property Learn to Swim The YMCA will conduct its annual learn-to-swlm week beginning June 8. A program is being worked out for the benefit of boys and girls of the community similar to previous endeavors of this na ture. Camp Movies Shown Motion pictures showing scenes at Sil ver Creek camp are being shown in a number of Willamette val ley schools by Roth Holtz, boys work secretary of the YMCA. The pictures were shown Tues day at Keiier. They will go on the screen at Cook school in McMinnville Wednesday; Union Hill Grange and Silverton Fri day and at Salem Heights, June Cherry Growers Meet A state wide meeting ot cherry growers has been called for 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon by W. Z. Kimsey, state labor commission er. It is expected picking prices for 1949 will be established at that time. The meeting will be held in the conference room of the state library. Aquatici School Jess Juarez member of the YMCA staff and Bob Hamblin, Salem high school senior have returned from Blue Lake, near Portland, where they participated in an aquatics school sponsored by the Y. The school attracted swimmers from Ore gon, western Canada and Wash ington. Juarez had his certifi cate as a life saver while Hamb line was awarded an aquatic leader's certificate. He will be water front councillor during the summer season at the Silver Creek Falls camp. The Blue Lake sessions were devoted to instruction in up-to-date meth ods of swimming, life saving techniques, boating and canoe ing. Eola Bonds Sold Sale of 110.- 000 of Eola school bonds was made to the state Monday night Dy tne rural grade school board Bids ranged up to five percent with the state bid 34 per cent plus a premium of $1.10. The money will be used to purchase land adjacent to the school for use as a playground and also future expansion. Snyder Named Walter E. Snyder, of the state department of education, Tuesday was nam ed chairman of the Oregon com mission on teacher education and professional standards. The Oregon Education association said purpose of the commission are to establish standards for training teachers, promote re- cruitment of prospective teach ers and raise certification Stan' dards to acceptable levels. Meeting Thursday Salem Camelia and Rhododendron so ciety will meet at-the YMCA Thursday night at 8 o'clock with visitors Invited to attend. During the evening there will be a demonstration of flower arrangements by Mrs. H. E. Mc- Wain and Mrs. Charles Cole, and plans will be made for the outdoor meetings of the society In June and July. " Cut 37124. flowers, peonies. Phone 127 $50 trade-in allowance for your old ice box or refrigera tor on a Zenith DeLuxe Refrig erator at Wallace Hardware, 2056 N. Capitol or West Salem Hardware, 1111 Edgewater St. 123 3 drawer knotty pine chests, $9.98; 4 drawer knotty pine chests, $11.98; 9 drawer knotty pine chests, $13.98. (Big dis count from regular price). Woodroe'f, 450 Center. 123' Auction tonight and every Tuesday. Glenwood Ball Room 123 Good food, good music, beau tiful surroundings. The place to go if Shattuc'l Chateau. 124 Beat the heat with an air cool er from Judson's.' 123 Cut Lupins 1.00 doz. Plants 3 for $1.00. 4 mi. past Roberts Sch. Ph 31143. 115 Cannery local union 870 reg ular meeting Wed., May 25, 7:30 p.m., Hail l. Labor Temple. 124 Fire, Auto, Liability, Bur glary. Ken Potts Insurance Agency, 229 N. Liberty. 123 Phone 22406 before 8 p.m. If you mill your Capital Journal. Federally Insured Saving Current dividend m See MRST Federal Savtr . FIRS'! 1 42 S. Liberty PH. 1 4944. McKay Picking Budget Chief A new budget director, to succeed the late George K. Ai ken, will be named by Governor Douglas McKay within a few days, he announced Tuesday. A long list of applicants for the $7200 a year job are on th governor's desk, but he stated that he is encountering diffi culty in finding a man who possesses all the qualifications required by the job. In addition to supervising the budgetary affairs of the state, the budget director is also exe cutive secretary to the governor under the law creating the posi tion. Added responsibilities . were placed upon the budget direc tor's office by the last legisla ture. Under a new law, the bud get director must now check the expenditures of all state depart ments and be certain that no department is making expendi tures during any quarter that will result in a deficit at the end of the fiscal year, , This supervision covers not only departments depending upon legislative appropriations but also self-sustaining depart ments which heretofore have not been subject to budget con trol. The budget director, under this new law, must report to the state emergency board at Its semi-annual meetings the condi tion of state finances and call attention to any department that is endeavoring to spend in ex cess of the budget allowance. Gov. McKay has designated Vern Young, assistant budget director, as acting director pend ing the permanent appointment. $20,000 for Jap Balloon Survivors Washington, May 24 W) Con gress has sent to the White House a bill awarding $20,000 cash settlements to survivors of six Oregon persons killed by a Japanese balloon bomb near Bly. Ore., in May, 1943. The Oregoniana were killed when they found the bomb while on an outing. The senate approved the bill yesterday after previous house action. . Payments would give $6,000 to Frank J. Patske, Grand Forks, N. D., and Bertha Myrtle Patzke, Bly, Ore., for the death of their two minor children, Richard and Ethel: $5,000 to Archie Mitchell Bly, for the death of his wife Elsie; $3,0000 to J. L. Shoe maker, Bly, for the death of a minor son, Sherman; $3,000 to Elinar Engen, Bly, for the death of his minor son, Edward, and $3,000 to N. L. Gifford, Bly, for the death of his minor son, Ed ward, and $3,000 to N. L. Gif ford, Bly, for the death of bis minor son, Jay. Una Pair Licensed A mar riage has been issued at Van couver, Wash., to Eugene L. Boucher, Scio and Roxie L. De Forest, Albany. Club Registers Articles of incorporation for the North San tlam Recreation club were filed with the Marlon county clerk Monday. The club plans to build an elaborate clubhouse near Gates. Officers listed are H. C. Keller, president; Leo Hill vice president; Mrs. Frances T Keller, secretary-treasurer. New City Employe Miss Laura Eberhardt is now on the clerical force of City Recorder Alfred Mundt. She succeeds Delia Murray, who has resigned. Circle Will Meet The Fruit- land Women's Circle will meet in the church annex Thursday afternoon at 2 o clock. Double Green Stamp day Wed., May 25. Hudson's Groc ery, 12th St. and Mission. 123' One day only 1930 model A coupe. Recond. motor. Tires, body and paint excellent. Ph 27363. 123' Graduation Special! Radio- phonograph $59.95 now $29.95. Yeater Appliance Co. 125 Dance Wed. over Western Auto. Dick Johnson Orch. 123 Let Retnholdt & Lewis show you the many advantages of the nationally advertised, easy to clean, Flexalum Metal Slat used exclusively in Salem Venetian Blinds. Phone 2-3639. 123 Annual Kenwood Special Blanket Sale. Reg. $16.95 qual ity Blanket $13.95. Eight colors including white, individually boxed. Sale ends Saturday, June 4. Delivery NOW, or on Lay Away Plan Oct. 1. Phone or mall orders will hold selection. Better Bedding Store, 512 State St, Salem, Ore. Phone 3-4412. 127 Auction tonight and every Tuesday. Glenwood. Ball Room. 123 Dr. L. B. Wamicker Dentin It now usoclated with the Dr Painleu Parker office. 125 N Liberty St, Salem. Ph. 38829 Injured aavlnfi earn more than two oercent at Salem Fed re Si vino Association, 50U itate street. h i i um J . Li. ., 1 Captain Makes Salem Visit Capt. A. E. Buckley, com mander of the Naval Air Reserve training unit at Sand Point, (left) is pictured here with Lt. Comdr. Wally Hug (right), officer in charge of the Salem Naval Air Facility when the captain made a hurried visit to the Salem installation Saturday. Kelso Promoted AtVFWMeel Billy Kelso, commander of Meadowlark post No. 6102, VFW. of Salem, was elected to the po sition of Junior vice commander of District No. 20, at a district meeting held at the Salem VFW hall Monday evening. Kelso fills the vacancy left by George Reck, formerly of the Woodburn post, who recently moved to Sweet Home, which is in another district. Command er of district No. 20 is Doug Parkes of Salem. During the meeting reports on posts' activities were made and plans made for the annual pop py sale to be held May 27 and la Plans were also made for par ticipation in the Memorial Day parade Monday by members of the VFW with all members asR ed to participate. Posts having members in at tendance at the Monday night meeting were Stayton, Silverton, Mt. Angel, and from Salem, Mar ion post and Meadowlark post. Precautions on Polio Announced Pointing out that the epidemic danger period for infantile par alysis usually runs from May through October, the National Foundation for control of the disease has Issued a list of pre cautionary measures to be ob served by those In charge of children. These measures in elude: Avoid crowds and places where close contact with other persons is likely. Avoid over-fatigue caused by too active play or exercises, or irregular hours. Avoid swimming In polluted water. Use only beaches or pub lic pools declared safe by local health authorities. Avoid sudden chilling. Re move wet shoes and clothing at once and keep extra blankets and heavier clothing handy for sud den weather changes. Observe the Golden Rule of personal cleanliness. Keep food tightly covered and .safe from flies or other insects. Garbage should be tightly covered. North Santiam Club Organ ization of the North Santiam re creation club at Gates, Ore., east of Salem was on formal notice here today with the filing of articles of incorporation. Sign ing the articles were H. C. Kel ler, Leo Hill and Mrs. Frances T. Keller. Leave Salem Memorial Mrs. Noel Worley, 1135 Lewis street, was dismissed from Salem Me morial hospital Monday with her new-born son. SALEM COURT NEWS Circuit Court But Dwtrne Bethel, CliTton Rob rrU Hlehird Euten Strtwn. Robert Strt.wn nd Mflrln Lm Hot Bcthtl: Or der dirwU refM of defendant from cu iodr. lnc til hart pottd ball en other chartu. Peter Koch tj Ln tnd Remold C Herliatad: Order ippoinU Lari Herlintwl u tutirdlin wl litem of Reynold C. Herli flUd; defendinU file anawer and counter complaint, ee1iinf Jiidtment of 190 .US leneral damace for firat defendant and 1 1.000 central tnd 190 apeclal damaiea for latter for alleed damaiw and injur! tn defendant ! vehlcla and peraoni Id accident March t, 1949. T. I. Lundqulit vi Mlltoa Van Eanten and otheri Plaintiff file replf to an swer of defendant Van !Unto Mid Cor nellua Vaa Zj. Deloraa Poater ta Wilbur FotUr: der for default f defendant. Of Dorothy I. Holmea ri Wilbur Holme Order for default ot defendant. State n Mike PfeKer: Poltowlnt Plea of luiltr to eh arte of fonerr, defendant sentenced W two rears rn taw peniten tiary. Pet Anthony ft al r John C. Veatoh and Columbia River Plahermen'a Protec tive untoa et al: Order that petition for inwrrentlon filed by Columbia River Fiahermtn Protective Onion be allowed Robert S Hert va Prancla S. Aner deniaa complaint. Merlin Probate. Court Jonn Carl Sehefft t uardiaiuhlp- Ordar approve annual account at guardian. Janet LouUe cVhefft tuardlaiuhlP' Or der approves annual account of luardian. Derma Le Prantia tuardlaiwlvp- Order approve nnnuaj account of iktardiaa ! WalWWIawSWaBMPaaaa i.m ) .v'.-- , I Late Sports Lebanon, Ore., May 24 CU.B Lebanon Meadows, Oregon's newest horse racing plant, opens for a three-day meeting June 2, track officials said today. The new track is a half-mile oval with a quarter mile straightaway, it was built at cost of $250,000 on 97 acres Just west of here by the Santiam Wranglers, an organization of farmers, business- and profes sional men interested in better horse breeding in the Willam ette valley. The grandstand and bleachers will accommodate 3, 400 persons. The meet opening will be in conjunction with the 37th an nual Lebanon strawberry festi val. ' Sunday School to Visit Lee's Grave Children from the Sunday school of Jason Lee Methodist church will next Sunday make a pilgrimage about the city, vis iting the historic Jason Lee house, the Circuit Rider statute in the statehouse grounds, and the grave of Lee in Lee Mission cemetery. At the cemetery the children will place flowers on the Lee grave. The children are all of fourth, fifth and sixth grade school age and are about 30 in number, Thev will be in charfle of Mrs Lee Haskins And will also be accompanied by the pastor of the church, Rev. Louis Kirby They will leave the church at 10 a.m. and make the pilgrim age during the Sunday school hour. They have been making a spe cial study of Jason Lee for some time. Kiwanls Anniversary The lieutenant district governor Tommy Tomlinson spoke to members of the North Salem Kiwanls club Monday in observ ance of the first anniversary of the chapter. At the anniversary meeting, seven new members were Inducted. They were Clif ford Windsor, Phil R. Pitney, John Zeeb, Fred R. Montgom ery, Lowell W. Hann, Frank J. Willard and Flbyd E. Kenyon. The group will meet next week with the downtown chapter in view of the fact that the meet ing date falls on Memorial day. Columbia Due to Fall Portland, May 24 W) The lower Columbia river, station ary at 21.9 feet at Vancouver since Sunday night, is expected to start a slow fall today. The Snake and the main stem of the Columbia between Grand Cou lee and Celilo have been drop ping slowly, the weather bureau reported. More than 23 million young sters from five to 17 are enroll led in U.S. public schools. Wayne C. Qroff eMate: Hearlnf on final account act lor June w. fiat Sir Ann Lewli auardlanahlp: Ordar approve final account ana aucnariw auardlan. li. B Read etete: Semi-annual no count fllod. Lindley P. KdmundKon application: cret chani a name of . petitioner t Edmund on. Predrlka Prey aatate: Hearlnf nal account aet for Juno 21. Lucy Atnea Havre eat ate: Order ap points Paulina Lawks admlnlartatrii. Chester W, Maudlins estate: Pinal ac count u omitted by Rets M. Maudlins, admlnlatratrls. 1 Krrt utt: Order dirtett that ill OtvlMM. IhiKN and btlrs of dt cued b cltd t sppttr in court to how ciu, if tnr. wtir tn order dlroctlat ja) of certain real proptrtr ahould not M District Court aircrar: Ronald If Rrntf. J O. Phil lip, pleaded tui'17. H dar Jail Mntnot auapnded upon parwnt of ISO aeh. placed on probation for ont Mar and ordered to mako restitution. Police Court RectiaM dmint- A Hurt t. Bint, Mil N Itth. fined IJ0O, a 19 dar Jail Urn impended, driver i Itcenae ravoked 'or ona rear; KnnttH I. DeVoa, T acorn a. potted IM bail. Marriage themes Llord Willi Ahriner, M. woodworker. Beaverton. and Mabel OataariM Baum, 4S, .Mtnof rapl.tr, Portland. Briward W. v.hntr. lettl. aalaamaa. rVit'ie and B'lth Schvinmir, Ittai. oouMwlfa, Baa rraoctacw. if Independence Bridge Hits Snag Construction on the inter- county bridge at Independence has struck a snag, lt was re vealed to the Marion county court Tuesday morning. The Macco corporation of Clearwater, Calif., contractors building the span, report that an approach to the bridge will have to be built immediately in order to bring heavy equipment and supplies on the bridge under construction. It is up to Marion county to build the bridge on the east side of the river, but the work was not contemplated until the bridge was completed. But since the emergency has existed, some arrangements for the immediate building of an approach will have to be made, The matter will be brought up in county court again in a few days, after a survey of the issue has been made. 9 Albany Princesses Salem' Jaycees Guests Nine princesses from the Al bany Timber Carnival to be held in July were presented to the Salem Junior Chamber of Commerce Tuesday at a meeting in the Senator hotel. The delegation came to Salem under the sponsorship of the Albany Jaycees who organize the annual carnival event. At the meeting, the Rev. John Gutenberger, assistant pastor of tne Presbyterian church, re ceived a rabbit, awarded weekly to tne leader of one of the vari ous membership teams which fail to turn in a candidate for membership. New Market Files Harold G. and Madelyn B. Woods have fil ed with the Marion county clerk a certificate of assumed business name for Woods' Market, 525 Pacific highway. New Ambassador Madame Vijaya Lakshmt Pandit leaves the White House after pre senting to President Truman her credentials at new am bassador from India to the U. S. THEY'RE STILL SWITCHING! Every day folks switch to Calvert Reserve because It really is smoother! CAI.VEBT RKSKRVl Bl'nded WMlkOT -.t Proof .S. Oroln N.utrol BplriU Clrt DiHUro Corp . N.w Yor O'y .... , 4- i iF if? Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Oregon Demos Employ Paid Secretary Portland. May 24 Wl Oregon and have a paid secretary to direct them. ' That is the plan approved last tral committee, the Multnomah national committee members. Multnomah Chairman Nick' Granet said the secretary would' handle a unified bank account. I would have an office and would be paid $5200 a year. Granet said the job was al ready committed to Jim Good- sell, an air force veteran and former Astoria-Seaside newspa perman. He said Goodsell would direct publicity, fund raising campaigns and handle party ex penditures. Goodscll handled details of the party's recent Jackson-Jefferson celebration. The plan would leave Mikei De Cicco, Portland tire merch ant and recently elected state treasurer, the state finance offi cer in name only. De Cicco, who was involved in a recent ouster move, raised his hand in opposi tion to the plan at the meeting last night. He did not partici pate in the discussion, nor did speakers mention the De Cicco controversy directly. The party's county treasurer job also would be virtually elim inated. State Central Committee Chariman W. L. Josslin said the coalition supporting the plan would help party harmony. "If we are going to win in this state in 1950, we've got to have one party and not a bunch of fac tions," he said. De Cicco, with few duties un der the merger plan, will con tinue in office. His attorney. Thomas R. Mahoney, said to day he had received an opin ion from Attorney General George Neuner which said there was no way the officers of the party could oust De Cicco. A mail vote of the executive committee, seeking to remove him, is now in proRress. Mahoney said the attorney general's opinion said he found no provision of law under which the elected treasurer could be removed other than by "death resignation or removal from the state." Big 4 Control (Continued from Page 1) U.S. Secretary of State Dean Acheson rose as Vlshinsky sat down. Acheson strongly criti cized what he called Russia's "back to Potsdam" policy. He compared it with the idea of a patient who had the use of three limbs restored after being stricken with paralysis, and be ing induced to return to the par alyzed condition. The American secretary stressed the determination of the west not to undo what had been done in western Germany up to now. Foreign Minister Robert Schu man of France asserted that if four-power unity in Germany was to be re-established, it should not be done by reverting to the starting point and repeat ing old mistakes. That, Schuman said, would be "to sterilize" what the west already has achieved In Ger many. Bevln said that to go back to Potsdam would take both Ger man and the four powers back to a stage where they were even before Potsdam. Ho back ed up the American and French positions. Salem Firm Low The R. L Elfstrom company had a low bid of $21,457 for roofing id- proximately 50 buildings at the army air force base at Mountain Home, Ida., when bids were opened Monday. No contract will be awarded until after a review at strategic air force headquarters at Omaha. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Tuesday, May 24 Marion county chapter. Reserve uuueera' amoc latum. Military law cJaM for regular army and army reserve peronne at the Willamette university law school. Ins true tors Capt. Robey iwirvu.i uu ran), umujn iuiueid. Thursday. May 26 Military law clana at Willamette University law school for remilar thousands have called in . , . written in . . . demanding a repeat of this tale . , . So . ., lor a limited number of dars ... Its "t for ex actly the price of 1." NOW! pj- Sale at Tuesday, May 24, 19495- to Unite; democrats are going to unite night by tne Oregon naie cen county central committee and Training at Pendleton Ma- . rie Major Cecil A. Gardner, Salem volunteer marine re-; serve and civil engineer with the Oregon state highway de partment, who now Is taking two-week active duty training at Camp Pendleton, Ocean side, Calif. (U. S. Marine photo) Shanghai Noose (Continued from Page I) Some Nationalist troops were moving back. Most of them were supply units which move to and fro constantly. From these forward areas few combat units were leaving. In some sports riflemen moved up along with armored vehicles. Lunghwa was a no-man s land. Buildings were empty, the air strip vacant. But nobody shell ed the place. If the Reds were near they were not advancing. ; 3 Tankers Sunk Three small tankers In t h e Whangpoo, just off the Bund, were sunk by Nationalists to block off part of the channel and, a section of the docks. One ot- two old riverboats was sunk pur posely In the same area. Sea-, valves were opened on all at t- lected spots. The Nationalists also destroyed three tugs and two cargo barges, all former UNRRA craft, by burning them. The only appar-' ent reason for this was to keep them from falling into Commu nist hands. Foreign ship owners earlier were promised their ships would not be subjected to the scorched earth policy But seven hours later a detail of soldiers threat-' ened to destroy four American craft near the Texas company- tank farm. The soldiers said they had orders to sink three lighters, and a launch, valued by J. S. Marshall, head of the shipping department, at $1,000,000. army and rtrmy reserve personnel. Subject Military Justice and the Articles of War and Disciplinary Punishment under AW 104. Instruc tors, Capt. Robcy Ratclifl and Mai, Clifton Enfield. Ortranized naval reserve surface unit at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve Training center. Meadowlark post No. 6102, VFW, at VPVV hall. Tuesday, May 24 Marion county chapter. Reserve Officers' Association, at American Lesion hall. Discussion of business session of state ROA convention. Salem Men at School Panama City, Flu. Three Salem, Oregon, men, First Lt. R. S. Gentz kow. First Lt. C. E. Crecellus and .Second Lt. M. S. Hewitt, are among the members of the current class of fhe Air Tactical School at Tyndall Air Force bn.se here. The school la the basic school of the Air University and here of ficers learn fundamentals required of all Air Force officers. Classroom instruction la supplemented for fly ing offirers bv training flights in tactical aircraft. On completion of the four months' course student officers return to their home baaes from which, after a period of service, miny will at tend other advanced schools in the Air University system. LEON'S nuj the first pair at the regular prire . . . (et the second pair FREE! . . . m jki i tf 41 , ' " if V ' i .' ,i, : '" Mr '' , . A t 's jH v. t ,