AUTOMOBILES 1141 Null Ambassador Sedan, ovtrdrivt. radio, heater 160 Ford Tudor, Columbia overdrive, radio, heater 1947 atudebaker Champion Sedan latf Plymouth Sedan, radio, heattr ,.'" 1141 Studebaksr Landcruiser Sedan, overdmr ' radio &' heater 164V atudebaker Tudor Rval, overdrive, radio it heater 131 Bulck Sedan 11 Studebaker I pas. Coupe, radio heater .'...". 184: Studebaker Sedan ,"!,'.".'." 1140 Studebaker Commander Sedan, radio at hf iter ".'.'.'....'.!!" BONESTEELE SALES-SERVICE, INC. 170 M. Ph. I-H71 AUTOMOBILES 1M PLYMOUTH 4-dr. Excellent trani portatlon. 1115. MB N. Liberty. Ph. 25531 ; oiafl S7 PONTIAC Coupe. Excel, cond. R&H. 1350 Private owner Ph. 37903 eve. qll4 19S7 CHEV. coupe. Black. Clean. Car re cently overhauled. One, owner. 1130 N. 14th. Ph. 3-6981. q 137 1946 CHEV. 4 door sedan. R.&H, and spot Hint. Cheap. Ph. 3-1587 after 6 30 p.m. Q134- Eisner Motors to Buy '41 BUICK apec. 4 door if dan. Just over hauled tt painted. Oood tlrei. R&H, New chrome ipot tt fog lliht. Alto new eat coven. Mutt aell. Ph. 3-3614. ql24 1940 PLYMOUTH 4 door or 1949 Ford club coupe. 2245 Center St. ql24 19M MODEL A overhauled motor. S B llihu. Oood tlrea. 1135. 669 N. Liberty. Phone 2-5539. q!38 MX'ST SELL NOW: 1941 Custom DeSoto. New Rubber. Ft&H. Best bdt takes It. 645 N. 33rd after 9. 0.133 1946 MERCURY 4-dr. Sedan, radio, heat er Exc, condition. 11395. 3460 South ConVl. 0.126' 1987 PLYMOUTH COACH. R tt H. good tires, 9276. Hennesiy, 65 Hiway Ave. J1123 1940 FORD V-S Deluxe l-dr. Sterr Col. ahlft. 8. B. lights. Hyd. brakes, excel, paint and tires. 9796. 1394 Saginaw. Ph. 35761. ql!3 1949 PACKARD Super Deluxe 4-dr. Sedan. By original owner, 14.000 miles. 93,600. J. M. Tillman, Rt. 2, Box 313A. Inde pendence. Ore. ql36 1941 DODGE Luxury Liner, 12.000 miles on 47 motor. 9000. Bee between 4 and 7 p.m. at 1140 N. Capitol. ql24 19S7 CHEVROLET Truck with new 7x12 trailer house, built on bed. Lowell Bar low, Welt Maple and 8th Sts., Dallas. ql33 1943-45 H. D. Motorcycle. Very good shape. 1200. 1946 Ford 5 passeniter coupe, top condition. Reasonably priced. 891 King wood Ave., West Balem. ql26 1947 FORD plCKUP-Vi-ton. inquire at house trailer at rear of Central Howell Store on Silverton Road, eves, or Sun. ql26 1947 CHEV, Aero Sedan, orlg!, owner Save 9200. Ph. 2-7363. ql24 1946 PLY De Luxe 4 dr. tdn. Radio, excel, tires, beautiful gray finish. Original owner, 91105. Ph. 2-6319 or 2-769JK qf NEW MOTOR, INSTALLATION Why overhaul your motor when you can Install new motor at this reasonable price: 35.,48 Plymouth $250 Includea all necessary gaskets, oil and etc. CAN ARRANGE FOR TERMS SEIFER & MOLL CHRYSLER & PLYMOUTH 907 N. Water St. Ph. 191 SILVERTON, OAEOON ql23 1947 OLD8MOBILE station waEOn. Excel lent cond. 1 1050 ca.ih or trade equity for good motorcycle. Ph. 3-7338. ql23 t9S9 FORD Coupe mechanically perfect, rood pa!nt, new tires, life auard tubes new motor, extras. Ph. 34217. ql23' Eisner Motors Fin Cars WANTED clean uaed can. Bob Man 2160 6. Com'l q This Time It's HUDSON 1 Service Sales - Parle Home- of Good Usee Cara SHROCK MOTOR CO. Church A Chemeketa Sti. Ph. 1-9101 PONTIACS 47 Sdn. cpe $1595 '41 Spt. cpe 995 '47 Ford D.L. apt. cpe. 1445 Herrall-Owens Co. MO N. Llbartr . 14113 nu riw ir mroaom ferric . M Pftrt. Ben, 01 Oood Dud cm HROCK MOTOR OO. Otanreb Ono.kt, ftu n I-I1Q1 ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT SELL TRADE TERMS SIS Palrtrounda Road Phone 2-6464 Eisner Motors to Sell Pick Out Good Going A GOOD.BUY 1947 Pontlae Sedan ""5 Someone will buy an old Jalople need ing a week of repair to make it aafe to drive, while this grand car aits on our lot waiting for a amart buyer. Here are miles of pleasure and comfort, trou ble fret, In spotless luxury. 1946 Pontlae Convert for the fresh air family, or the rovins Romeo. Pun for the summer and snui as a closed ear In the winter. 1946 Bulek Rdmstr Sedan "'M ThitrKcar has been tskini advantage of our hospitality. It is dean and ha food habits, but we have other iueau com ing and mult make room. It had I 9ood home btfora and deserves a lood home atain. 1949 Bulck Rdmstr Sedanet ..13496 Drnaflow equipped. A thrlllint ear to drive. Truly a master Of the road. Low mileage. Axtec areen. A cat of highest quality lor someone who wants the best. Three lower price specials, not at rouni as they were, but stUl ready for a rug fad week-end: 1141 Plymouth Sedan 114ft Packard Sedan "a 1911 Dodge Sedan Others to Choose Proa Otto J. Wilson Co. Oooimtrcul it Ctnwr 1141 DODOK pickup. Mll'ltt II. 0M. n. rue-Mr. ,ik n. 11.100. lalM' looi act, ph. :sm. To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 lAUTOMOBILIS mi IMS .. ..inn ....nm tun . ...I1KI 1411 170! 1711 ....till Church SI. ftalm. Oreion MOTORCYCLE. SCOOTERS INDIAN World', moat modern motortfel. CUSHMAN SCOOTERS WH1& 2EK BIKES Oeoum, p.m. kii. Shrock's Motorcycle Sales OtMn avaew .it.i.. throui) Friday' 9007 Portland Road - Ph. 11411 4" FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Garden cultivator. Ph. 3854. qbl25 WISCONSIN 9'i HP. motor with clutch. 1135.00. 185 H P. Buda Diesel motor lUe new 14,500. Portable saw mill, 15.000 ft., complete. 19.000. HO. 60 cat with Uaacson hydraulic blade with 11.200 overhaul, 13.500. Susan Mills, 1008 Fsir vlew Ave. Ph. 3M16, . qbl31 BOATS ONE 15-ft. Century Boat. Goed condition. o. not s. actn. Phone 3-7238. qqlH' TRAILERS FOR SALE .New Sportsman Teardrop trailer, aquippeo. Jn, 36S7 Dallas, Ore. Inquire L. J. Layton, Rt. 1. tl33 UTILITY TRAILER, steel body and cov ered top. call at 1105 Leslie. U23' .10 FOOT HPARTAN Mansion trailer 9 montns old, eiec. water heater. ft. Prialdatre. South Wind Fir. furn. Cost 84494. Will sell for 93499. Inquire at nr (.rest trailer court. J9io tt. River Rd- U23- NEW KARRIALL TRAILERS S-WHEEL DTILm! TRAILERS reduced from 9330 to 9190 BONESTEELE BALES & BERV1CB 370 N. CHURCH tlS6 FINANCIAL F. H. A. LOANS 4y2 Talk over your real estate loan problem with us. Reimann for Real Estate 301 South High Phone 3-9203 rl23 $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS DP TO 1300 Car loans up to 1600 Come in or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1S91 Fairgrounds Road Across street from bank No Parking problems Phone 27032 Lie N M369-8291 Floyd Kenyon. Mgr. r GENERAL FIN A MCI CORP. LOANS Lie i-138 and U-ISI ' and ROT R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 8 Commercla St. Tel. 3-9161 f PRIVATE MONET Special rates and terms on larger loans long and short time payments ROT H BIMMONB 116 Sor-h Commercial St Phone 9-0161 4V REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8. Hie1 St. Lie 8-316 U-373 r SEE D8 FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR INTEREST 8 to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS '' 344 State St Phone 3-3663 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 8. Church ' ' Parking a Plenty Ph. 9-3437 Lie No M-159 8-134 f FARM AND CITY LOANS 4'f. and 6 rOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contract and Second Mortgaire. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 901 Pioneer Trust Bldg Ph. 3-7183 r DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machines sold, rented repaired Roan 498 Court Phone 1-6779 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service Free estimates Trade-Ins accepted on new appliances Vlnce'x Electric Phone 3-B239 157 8. LlPCTtl Bt AT-UR DOOR GSINDINO riawnmower sharpening and repairing Deiter's. Ph 96933 0 Al'TO RADIOS Authorised Warranty Repair Station for all makes ol Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co.. 1S3 8. Liberty Ph 1-6953 o MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phone 1-9166 Klgnt 1-1804, 331 Center o BI'ILDISO CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now. Terms. No down payment. Phone 2-49S0. o!44' Vlke Panek. 375 8. Com"l. Ph, 3-5181 Brake it Wheel aligning apeelaiuts ol30 BVLIDOZINO Dean Robinson Ph. 39837. Q139 "ItutMoring ievellng, road bldg.. clear ins teeth for brush. Virgil Hiukey, 1010 Fsirvlew Ave. Ph. a-3146. Salem. Q134 CASH REOISTERS In tart i delivery of new RCA cash reiUtei Al makes sold rented, re ps: ed Roen 416 Court Ph 3-6773 ' CEMENT WORKS Let us do your cement work NOW. Driveways, sidewalks, patios, etc. Ph. i-4413. For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or ' repair of foundations, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, walL etc. Call 3-4830. O'4' rjHIMNEf SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned Enlr. 771 8 31M Ph 3-7176. 0130 ELtCTRRAL CONTRACTING tn riitrii fnt electrical WIrlnB coatractlna repalrlai 197 S Liberty Ph 3-9339 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach Moth, Exterminator Service Pn, I.1Q39 Let Cross. 15S3 Pearl. olfl FLOrflSl Sreithaupt'l for flowsrs Dial 1-9179 ' HOI HOLD PSODLCTS j R Watkins Co produeu Free ot .ivery 1717 CenUf Ph 3-6399 e' INt LAT1QN A B C Insulation Co. Ph. 3-3749. ol30' LANPCAFr NtMERT n...r. k lui nrilrllMtltt ISO K ij.m Dr Cor Pa. l UH h.rwBlm. ,u.r.w.rt mma. ow,r n run. i.r. GUI i.l ha Cam'! il elH IT6rHIIPriNI'IO l,n mohfh nmtvrw - ir..ri ..rt r. ROUS, ul ll. l" Eugene to Remain On Standard Time Eugene, May 24 P Thi city remained on Standard Time to day after Mayor V. Edwin Johnson cast the deciding vote following a split tally by six city councilmert last night. Two councllmen were absent. Earlier, Springfield and Rose- burg city officials had indicated they would follow Eugene on whether to shift to daylight sav ing time with northwest Oregon and lower Willamette valley cities and counties. Mayor Johnson said he didn't want the time switch while school was still in session. That raised the possibility Eugene still might change next month. Jewish Refugees Emplane Tokyo, May 24 () Sixty-one European Jewish refugees from China emplaned today for Van couver, B. C, after five days In Japan. DIRECTORY At you: door lawnmower sharpening Dexter the lawnmawer man Ph 30833 o Fireplaces, chimneys ds block laying Ph. 35968. ol34 MATTRESKRft Capital Beddloa Phone 3-4069. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Ouitar. Mando lin. BsnJo. etc. 1&23 Court bt. Ph. 3-7360. 0136 NURSES' REGISTRY OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk ohalrs, files ,and filing supplies, safes, duplicators 'and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brier eases Pierce Wire Recorders. Roen. 456 Court OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE CaU Cy Younger. Ph. 3-6073. PA PER HANGING Expert Paperhanglne and painting. H. J. Woodworth. Ph. 2-5868. Free est. 0148 Jerry Johnson. Ph. 3-3722. Expert Paperhanains and painting. H. J. Woodworth. Ph. 2-5868. Free tst. ol48 Kit Strom's are equipped to do rout painting Phone 3-3493 o PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING Call 23608 for your Painting; & Paper -hanging. Attractive rates. o!45 Painting and paperhanglng. Free esti mate. Ph. 3-9513. 837 Shipping. 0132 PICTURE FRAMINO Picture framing Huteheoa Paint Store Phoie 1-6(381 ' 0 PLASTERING Patching, Repairing. Ph 2-1101. Fisher 344 6 Com'l Ph. 3-3019. 0128 PRUNING, SPRAYING L. W. Caudle. Ph. 3-7900. Philip W Belike. Ph. 3-1208. RADIO REPAIR Ray Moore 3270 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-9433. RADIATOR REPAIR Cleaned, repaired. J. C. Balr St Sons. Ph. 21193. By Drive-In Theatre. Since 1917. 0149 Cleaned, repaired. J C. Balr At Sons Ph 31193 By Drive-Id Theatre Since 1917 0123 Ray Moore 3379 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-9433. REFRIGERATION APPLIANCE REPAIR Kelvlnator freeiers. Lehman At Matthews. 331 N. High Bt. Ph. 37941. 0144 SAND A GRAVtL Garden Boll, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating Walling Band A ravel Co. Phone 9-9249 0 Valley Sand A Gravel Co Slit, aand A f'.ll dirt Excavatloa 10B shovel A cats Tractor scoop A trucks for dirt moving Ph. Office 24002, res. 31146 c SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Electrle Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Rator Jharp Steel Cuttlna Blades Clean Pewera oi Drama Septie Tank Cleaned Res Ph 9-5331 or I-94&6 SEPTIC TANKS SEE MIKE'S SEPTIC SERVICE about In stalling the new approved 500 gallon concrete septic tank. We lay drain lines also. Ph. 3-9468. ol49' K. F. Hamel. Beetle tanks cleaned, Electric machine service on sewer and drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1143 -8th Bt., Wast Salem Ph. 3-7404. 0145 U.ka'a Septie Service Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1019 Elm St., W. Salem. Pb. 9-9469, 1-5337 OlSO TRANSFER A STORAGE .ocal A Distance Transfer, atoraae Burner oils, coal A briquets Trucks to Portland dally Agent for Be kins House hold goods moved to anywhere In 1)8 o. Canada Larmer Transfer A Storage Ph 3-3131 ' TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal. Under wood portables All makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen, 456 Court. 0 VENETIAN RLINDI Uade In Salem Free est ' Phone 31338 Elmer the Blind man o Salem Venetian Blind.' made to order u refinUhed. Relnholdt A Lewis. 3-3639 WELL DRILLING J. A. Bneed A Bona, well-drilling 3509 Brooks St., Balem. Ph. 1609. ol33 Fred Wrmore Rt 1 Box 911 PU 351)5 WEATHERSTRIPPING WINDOW SHADES Washable Roller Made to order 1 Da Del Relnholdt A Lewis Ph 33639 0 WINDOW CLEANIWQ Acme indow Cleaners windows, wails A woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned, waied and polished Ph 8-3137 347 Court Langdoo. Culbertaon and slather WOOD A SAWDUST West Salet Fuel Co. Ph 3-4031. WOODS AW IN O Atkins A cross. Ph. 38674 or 38176. el34 LODGE j3v I-O.O.P. meet every Wed nesday night. Visitors wel come. A Sslem Lodgt No. 4, A.F. At A.M. Wed.t May 23th, MM. degree, 7:00.m 29 A Ainsworth Lodge No. 201, A.F AJrf.. Tuediy. May 24th F.C. Degree, 7:30 pm, 123' hoc Da Mo I ay Comandery 'A 4ft KT Ruler con- ocatlon, CVnfr ot Ine hurRdAV. May 26, lMfl yu i :av p.m. i- Silk Flags Were Presented to' Richmond grade school's nine classrooms recently by the Marion auxiliary of the Vet erans of Foregin Wars during a school assembly. A student representative from each room was present to accept the flag. These included Dianne Amundson, Ann Mohler, Larry Merk, Keith Burres, Linda Seburn, Betty Ann Johnson, Elaine Johnson, Roberta Amundson and Arthur Krueger. Auxiliary members were Mrs. Russell Mudd, Mrs. Dave Fur lough, Mrs. William Noyce, Mrs. Agnes Hensen, Mrs. Kathryn Schmidt, Mrs. Charles Hagan, Mrs. Clarice Mason, Mrs. Mel Clemens and the chairman, Mrs. Clarence Forbis. Stocks Decline To 1949 Lows New York, May 24 W Steel and motor stocks dropped to new 1949 lows today in a gen erally declining market. Losses ranged to around a point although most were in minor fractions. A fair num ber of stocks hit against the trend for modest gains and many shares remained at Mon day's closing levels. A little resistance to the milk selling pressure developed around noon but didn't amount to much. Trading volume expanded slightly on the way down, with turnover at the rate of around 800,000 shares for the full ses sion. This would compare with 720,000 yesterday. The current downward move ment got under way last week and Monday forced the general run of prices to a low since Feb ruary 28. STOCKS QUOTATIONS iBj tne Asoeiaied Prs American CaL Km Pow A Lt Am rel A Tal Anaconda Bendit Aviation Beth Steel Boeing Airplane Calif Paekina Canadian Paetfle Case J 1 . Caterpillar Chrysler Comwlth Sou Cons Vultee . ...... Continental Can Crown If roach Curt I as Writ til Douglas Aircraft Dupont de Nem General tree trie General rnxl General Motors loodyear T:re (nt Harvester (nt Paper Konnecott .. Uber MfN A t Lobs Bell 'A" Montgomery Ward Flash Kelvlnator net Dairy NT Central northern Pacific Pee Am Fish Fee Oas A Flee Pae Tel A Tel Penney J O fteeie Corp Naveaier R renter Pfd Reraelds Uelall Risk field afswav mores Beers Rneburk feelkern Pari fie ttkedard Oil Cav Itiaeweker Co't 6aah1ate Mining rrauaeriea Uatiea Oil Cai (Tele Paeifie Catted irine . 90S , 9i ,140'i , 37 S , 30' , 36- , IT , BOH , So1, . 9', . 11 , 37S O Seei ere Pie New Call Letters For Police Radio The Salem police radio, which serve, several Marion and Polk county cities as well as the Sa lem police and fire departments, will use new call letters on June 1. A report from Chief Operator Donald J. Poujade Tuesday stat ed that KGZR would begin us ing the call letters KOA 388 at 8 a.m. on the June date. The change has been ordered by the federal communication commission In a move to stan dardize naming of similar sta tions throughout the country. Sclo Fat Lamb Show Lunch at the annual Linn! county fat lamb show to be held at Scio Saturday will be served by the Chamber of Commerce of that city,' according to Minnie Shelton, chairman of the commit tee on arrangements. The Cham ber of Commerce is also enter ing a float In the parade at 10:30 o'clock with Howard Jorden pa rade chairman. Activities of the day will conclude with an after noon baseball game between Sclo and Jefferson and the sheep dog trials which start at 4 o'clock. III ll II ill! I til iMl-M " Salem Markets Cempleled (rets reports t Salem deal ers for the gnldanre ei Capital Joernal Readers. (Revised daily! Retail Feed Prices Ess Math 96.15. Rabbit Pellets 14.35. Dalrr Feed 84.00 Fault rv i b-mni once Grade A color ed hens 30c; grade A Lee horn hens, 26 cents. Grade A colored fryers, three pounds ana up, 30c. Grade A old roosters 16 'ents Sir Buying Prlrea Extra large AA, 49c, large AA 46c: large A, 46c; medium AA', 45c: medium A, 43-44c; pullets, 2S-30C Wholesale Prleea Bgg wholesale prices te 1 cents above these prices above Grade A generally Quoted at 53c; me d im 49c, wHerfal Premium. 93c, No. L 61ct No. 3, 65--9c (buvlng prices). Batter Wholesale grade A, 66o; re tell lie. CCC to Acquire Storage Facilities Washington, May 24 W) The house approved 158 to 28 today compromise legislation giving the commodity credit corpora tion power to acquire storage facilities for crops on which It makes loans to maintain farm price supports. Administration leaders voiced hope that quick senate action will send the measure to the White House. The bill permits the CCC, with resources of over $4,000, 000.000, to use a part of its funds to provide trackside and other central storage facilities. It also empowers the agency to make loans for farmers to build storage on their own land. However, the compromise says CCC cannot provide stor age anywhere unless It first de termines that private facilities in an area cannot meet farmers' needs. New Oregon Federal Judge Washington, May 24 WJr A house Judiciary subcommittee has approved legislation to pro vide an additional federal dis trict Judge for Oregon. W' Mrdalltnns White pas sementerie embroidery makes crisp acctnU on this coffee colored frock. fi J, :,Ut : , Ik' ; s . mmmt' ejwg-'W'iejwwsm i MARKET QUOTATIONS aleaa UTeetacI Marhal tBj Valley Packing Cotnpitnyi Sprint lambs top U4.0Q to 120.00 Sheared lambs, top. 118 00 to 120. SO Yearllnis. Usht 114.00 to 1 18.00 Ewes ...13.00 to 18.00 Cutter cows .110.00 to 114.00 Fat dairy cows 114.00 to 110.00 Dairy heifers 115.00 to 118.00 auiis us. oo to 121.00 -alves tooA (100-450)bs.) 120.00 to 123.00 Veal (150-300 Ibs.t iood . 134.00 to 128.00 Ijts prices paid within 35r ot Pori nd prices for each type. Top, 170-235 ,bs Portland Eaattlde Market Strawberries sold lor 13.50 to 13.75 a 12-hallock flat on the Podtland Easuide Farmers Wholesale Produce market today. Asparaius was 14.50 a SO -lb. pyramid lor best stock. Lettuce brouiht 11.00 to 12 00 a crate. Spinach sold for a top of 15 cents a 23 1b. orante box. Gooseberries moved at 14 cents i pound. RadLihes were 60 to 75 cents a dozen bunches dependlnt on quality. Green onions were aenerally 50" to 60 cents a dosen bunches with some up to 75 cents. Portland Predaea Butterfal Tt mat If a, ausject te Imme dlate chants Premium quality maximum to .35 to i percent aeidit aenverea id Portland 61-64c lb., first quality 5D-63c b. second quality 57-60c. Valley route nd country points So leif than first Butter Wholesale FOB bulk eubea to wholesalers trade AA. S3 s:ore. 61-62c; A, 92 score 60-61 le; B. SO score, 68c lb.: 0. St score, 57c lb. Above prices are strict ly nominal Cheeie eelllni pries to Portland whole, tale Oregon imgies. J8H 48c Oregon 6 lb loaf. 41-Wa: triplets Vie leer than tingles Cgga (To Wholeialarii A grade large 53-53 '.ic; A medium, 51-51 'Ac; grade B. large. 4m.0ic Portland Dairy Market Butter Price to retailers: Grade A A prints Cflci AA cartons 67c; A prlnu. 66c; A cartons, 67ei B prints, 63c. Em Prlt to retallara: AA larga 96c. certified A lane. 56c ; A large. 54-65;; AA medium, 54c; certified medium, 64c i A medium, ASei cartons 2c additional Cheese Price to retailers. Portlaan Jreton alnales 40Va-6(tVtc Oregon loaf, .b 41"-3ei triplets Hie iesi than sin gles Poultry Live Cbtekens - No 1 quality FOB plants, No. 1 broilers under Sit lbs 11360 Ib.i fryers 3Va to 1 lbs., 30-30a lb., toasters 4 lbs. and over, 30-3 lo lb.; fowl. Leghorn under 4 lbs., 34-35e; over lbs. 36-28c: colored fowl, all weights, 10 31c: roosters, all weights, 16-30c. Rabbit Average to growers tor live white fryers, white, 4-5 lbs 36-28C lb: 3-6 lbs. 24-26c lb.; colored 2 cents lower; old or heavy does, IS- 18c: dressed fryers to nuts hern 7 c old r.fsvi ones, 35-38P Turkey (Price quoted are not to tht producer on a dreaaed weight baaiei -U fi grade A youn tomi tl a3e ib ; Na young hens, nominally goe Oreaaed larkeya Is ratallerai Utade A young hens 70-1 lc New Vori st yle, drtit ed A grade ttuns torn 48 B Portland Mlorellaneoaa Cairara Bark Dry lie lb. green Ye Ib Wool Valley eoane and medium arartei 15c Ib Mohair Me Ib on 13-month growth Hides Calves 30b b , according tu wrignt kips IBc lb. beef 13-13o Ib , bull' S-flc Ib country buyers pay lo less Vul Quotations Walnut Kianquettea flrat quality Jum jo. 34 7c, large J3 7e medium 37 2e, see ond quality jumnot jo 2e aiga 28 3a. medium 36 ae baby 33 3c uift hi rtra quality targe, 3. 7a. medluti. 36 3c. e ond quality large 17 3e medium 34 1 nab 32 3c Filberts - Jumbo. XOe Ib large lift medium I6e; mall, 13c Quotations above supplied ,oj North Tortland Mveotoek Portland, Ore., May 24 UP)-Livestock: Cattle salable 150: ealvrs 35; alow; early sales conflnrd heifers, cowa; steady; me dium and good hellers 32.00 to 34.00; cut ter and common cowa 15,00 to 17.00; can nera 13 50 to 14 50; no early action bulls, vealern: medium to good stock heifers 20 00 to 31 00. , Hog x salable 300: generally steadvi odd head ISO to 215 lb, Butrhers 23 00, (op; good and f hoice sows 18.50 to 17.00; good and choice 69 lb feeders 33.00. ahfep sslabla 150; early sales about steady; medium and good spring lambs 26.00 to 37 00. cholre quotable to 28.50: medium 107 lo. clipped lambs 30 00: me dium and good 80 Ib mixed wooled and Ahorn leering Iambi mostly IB. 00; no early action ewes Cblearo Livestock Chicago. May 24 fU ft Llvestork market: Hois salable (,000: fairly acuve, steady to strong market both butrhers and sow; Instances 35 cents hiener on but her wetihini 350-101 lb top 30 2. rd fairis freely: bulk good choke 170-260 lb 10 75 to 20 25: 270-300 lbs 19 35 to 19 If. 325-375 lbs 18 35 to IS 00: small lou heavier butchers and mixed soa and buicherr 17.73 to 1100; good and so under 400 lbs 16.75 to 17 .50: 435-500 lbs 15 75 tn 16 50: heavier weiihts down to around 14.76 tor 600 lb averages. Sheep salable 1,000: fully tteady on choice shorn lambs: aorlntrrs and wool sains absent: top 10 35 for choir lbs number one skin Iamb: load number one to number threes, 30 00; sheep about si-aov at li oo aown. Came salable 8.000; calves 500: steen and neirers active, strong tn 50 ctnu hlaher: cows tdr: bulla iion vealers fully steady. Choice steri 26 7.1 tn 28 00. top 36 00 for three loads of choice medium weight steers; and to low r:i c terra 35 00 to 38 50; medium to low good kind 3150 to 14 76; mixed and choice 475 lb steer and heifer res r lint la 50; load of choice heifen. 17 00: medium and xnod neirers is is to in OO; few aood h-er row 10 50 to II M: tenners and cutter 14 00 tn 17.74: medium and good saueaee hull 31 00 ta 13 50; common l ehoke vealers Si. 00 19 36 00. Pert I an 4 fir In Portland. Ore, May 14 (4V-Wliel : No futiir quoted, Cash grain' Oats No M-lb while 16 00. barley no. I 45-1h ftW 50 50 Cash wneat ibldr ftoft white 131; snft white (no ren I II, white elub 3 31. weatern red 1 31 Hard red winter: Ordinary 111: 10 per rent 131, 11 per cent 114; II per cnt 3 36 Herd white baart: Ordinary 131; 10 per cent I 1. Today's fir reeeirt' What M; barll It Hour i cora 4. NU li gnlllfeed. I Capital Journal. Salem. Oregon. Grain Prices Move Upward Chicago, May 24 Grain pricea moved upward at today's board of trade session, but to ward the close profit cashing reduced the advance. The upswing was steady and professional buying accounted for the advance at the start. Un wanted rains in the winter wheat sections, combined with reports that France was in the market for flour were factors influenc ing buying. Some short cover ing was noted. Toward the close corn reacted to heavy to-arrive bookings placed at around 195,000 bush els, and oats dipped below the previous close. At the finish wheat was to 1 higher than yesterday's close, July $1.98 Corn was V4 to higher, July $1.33H-. Oats were Mi higher to V4 lower, July 62. Rye was 1H higher, July $1.42 . Soybeans were 1 higher, July $2.268-a;,, and lard was unchanged to 5 cents a hundredweight higher, July $11.67. Wheat Surplus In Northwest 1 Seattle, May 24 UP) Washing ton and Oregon got together yes terday to solve the problems fac ing tne szuu.uuu.uuu a year northwest wheat industry. "The region facet i severe crisis," said Jens Terjeson, chair man of the Oregon wheat com- miFsion, "unless new markets and new uses are found for the northwest wheat surplus." At an inter-state meeting here experts from Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho looked to onen tal markets as possible putlets for surplus wheat. "The Oregon wheat commis sion recognizes the Importance of oriental markets," Terjeson declared! "Japan alone has a po tential market capable of con suming the surplus." He explained that the north west produces about 100,000.000 bushels a year but that only 35, 000,000 bushels are consumed in the region. Faced with this huge surplus in the area, the wheat men laid the ground work for cooperat ive studies to analyze how much wheat is involved in const-wise and foreign shipments, rail movements and in various flour and feed mills. The group alto plans to promote the use of wheat products and explore new market possibilities. Taff Blasts at Health Plan Washington, May 24 (U.R) Senator Robert A. Taft, R., O., today led off the opposition to the administration's health In surance program, saying lt will lake the country "down the so cialist party line on a national bans." Taft. who is sponsoring a health plan of his own, blasted the administration proposal soon after Senate Democratic Leader Scott W. Lucas conceded that this session of congress will not act on the president's health pro gram. Lucas said after a White House talk that he does not sec how the (ten ate can get around to health legislation before sum mer adjournment. Testifying before a senate la bor and welfare subcommittee, Taft tangled sharply with Sen. Claude Pepper, D.t Fla who said Taft's proposal is really "socialized medicine." Pepper is a sponsor of the administration bill. The administration bill calls for compulsory health insurance, with the cost shared by employ ers, employes and the govern ment. LEGAL NOTICE OF BONrt SAL NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that sealed bide will oe received bv the underlined ut,M the hour of 00 P M. Pacific Standard time on the 3IM dav of Mny. 104B, and Im mediately thereafter publicly opened by the union hlih school bnard or Union Hurt School District no. 6, Marlon county. Oretnn, at the Hubbard Hlih School, Marlon Count) Oreion. at a mretlnt of the union hlih choo! boa-d fir an Uue of bonl of said school district In the amount of TWO HUNDRED AND EIOHTY-SIX THOUSAND U JUS 000) DOLLARS, said bonds to be dated June 1, 1B49 and te mature aeriallyis numerical order as follows: 11000 11000 liooo 11000 I looo 11000 liooo 1 1000 Nos. Nos. Noi Nf. Nw., Nos. No Noe. No. Non. for for for for to l0 inc. for 1 100(1 16ft inc. for lionn 180 Ine. for 11000 HI Inc. for I10OO 110 Inc. for 11000 JJI inc. for liooo 340 Inc. (or II 000 1S Inc. for 11000 270 inc. (or HOOT 3 inc. for 11000 No4 Nfl.1. Nos. Nos Nos. Nos. No. bonds lo bear Interest at the rata of r.nm payable i emi-annuelly, principal and Interest payable at the offlre of the County T:e;urer of Marion County, Oreaon. or at the fiscal atener of tha State of Oreion :n Nw York City at the option of the purchaser. The bonds sf said Issue maluflni on end after June 1. tS will be subject to rail ind redemption In numerical order at the oilon of -aid district at par value and accrued interest on said date nr upon any IntereM-pavInt date thereaf'er Rids muM be accompanied by a certified check In the amount of ONE THOUSAND, fl) 000, DOI I.AHH 7e approilni leial opinion of Winfree, McCullouih, Shuler flare wi'J be fur nlsr.ed the surre.ssful bidder. The bonds will be told tn the hltheat bidder for not less than par value and ac crued interest, with the un.on huh school board reservini the risht to reject any and all bids 'a' ROBERT oorra Robert gokit. Clerk of union Hih sVhnol nutricl No, I, Marion County,, Ores on. Address Rome 1, Boa H, fVoodburtt, Ottion. Capital Journal. Hay It, 11 and It, lit. Tuesday, May 24, 1949 19 OBITUARY Daniel Z. Jack. on Woodbutn Danitl z. Jackson. U, Mon day mornint. May 14, at Lha horns ol a da us titer 1038 Second street. Woodsura, Born Juna 11, I860, at Allendale. Missouri, snd esm to Ores on from Montana l years sto. Member ol th foursquare church. Aurrivors include t tires sons. Wit- lard C. Jackson oi ureal rails. Montana, Charles E. Jackson of Woodland, Call! ornia. Oeorse H. Jackson of Chelan rails, Wasiilnsion; four daughters. Odessa Jonu of Oladstona, Oreson, Mabel I. Bacon of Woodburn. Hatl Arlln of Molslls, and Mauds Cronln of Butts, Montana. Ha also leaves 34 grandchildren and a number of reat crandchlldren and treat treat trandchlldren. Funeral services will n Wednesday May 3V it 1 p.m. at tht Rln so chapel with Interment In Belle Paaal cemetery beside hu wife, Susan Jackson, who died tn 144. Carl I. Wallner, Jr. Dallas Funeral services for Carl Joh Waltner. Jr., 17. killed In an airplane crash at the Monmouth airport Sunday alternoon. win be held from the Or ace Mennonite church at 3 o'clock Wednesday. Ha is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl John Waltner, 703 Birch and sisters. Mrs. Fern Russell. Turn. Wash., and Jean Waltner, at home. Jetie Farlow Albany Jews Farlow, 36, was taken to the Albany General hospital Bandar Bight emergency treatment alter navlag been stride en suddenly at the home of his mother. Mrs. Maude Farlow, on the Marlon road east of Jefferson, but waa found to have died In the ambulance. PrW ate services will be held from the Fisher uneral home here at a time to be an nounced. Joaiab Batllneer ftntlth Albany Joslah Balltnier Smith. IS. Newport, died at the Emanuel hospital, Portland. Sunday. Funeral services, In funersl home, will be announced. He was a native of Linn county, havlns been born Aueuat SI, 1807. and had eniaaed In (arm Ins In the Tangent and Lebanon comrnun- . until solni to Newport ten year aio. A brother, Caasiua Maxwell Smith, 80. died here Saturday. Service will held from the Fortmiller-Frederckaen chapel Tuesday, May 24, at 3 p.m. Delia M. Lealherman A Albany Mrs. Delia M. Leatherman. RS. died at the home of her da winter, Mrs. Huih Mallow, Sunday. Funeral services were from the Fisher funeral home Tues day with burial In the Belle Paul ceme tery at Woodburn. Mrs. Leatherman wru born, December 1, 1863. at Lincoln, 111, ni cams to Oregon, locatlni In Salem. at the aae of 16. She had lived In Wood burn, Myrtle Point, Brownsvilla be for comlni to Albany six years sio. She mar ried Charles F. Leatherman, September 2B, 1886 at Woodburn. Mr. Leatherman died January 4. 1931. Survlvlni are two children, Lloyd Leatherman, Coqultle and Mrs. Nyn sauier Mallow, Albany, two brothers, Henry Layman, Woodburn and uruce Layman. Newport, and a sister. Mrs. Mattie Moore. Portland. She was a llfelont member of the Methodist church. DEATHS Jotlah Blxler Josiah Blxler, late resident of tail North JSrd street, May 22, at a local hospital at the ate of 72 years. Survived by wife, Mrs. Dora Bixler of Salem; two sisters, Mrs. Alice Maiiory or Free. port. 111., and Mrs. Lillian White of Elsln. III.; and a brother, Charles Blxler of Elmhurat. III. Services) will be held at the Clouah-Barrlck chapal Thursday, May 26, at 1:30 p.m., with Rev. Wllmer N. Brown offlclatlm. Private con cludlni services at Mt. Crest Abbey Mauso leum. Joseph O. Palmer Joseph O. Palmer, at the residence sit 100 Lana avenue, May 23. Survived by wire, Carrie palmer or Balem; four dauihters, Berdle, Edith, Catherine and Lola May; and four sons, Robert, James. percivai ana oienn, services win be held at tha Clouah-Barrkck chapel Wednesday, May 36, at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. Dudley Strain officiating. Interment in the City View cemetery. Clyde L. Leedy Clyde L. Leedy, at the residence at route 1, Brooks, O ret on. May 23. Survived by wife, Mrs. Maude Leedy of Brooks: a da ui titer Mrs. Phyllis Akrr of Brooks; thre sisters, Mrs. W. J. Edwards and Mrs, Charles Younc, both of Sherwood, Oreaon, and Mrs. William Wilbur of Seattle: and two brothers. Harry Leedy of Portland and Jay Leedy of Sacra mento. Calif. Services will be held at tha Clouah-Barrlck chapel Wednesday, May 2ft at 10: JO a.m. Interment will be at TKard, Oregon. Charier, Mooney At the residence at (1.10 Locust street. May 23, Charles Mooney, at the age of 7S years. Announcement of services later by W. T. Rlidon company. Ansell Hauien Ansell Hauaen. late resident of 044 North Commercial street, at a local hospital, at the ae of 64 years. Survived by mother. Mrs. Christine Hauaen of Wild Rue. N. D.; a son, Lloyd Hauaen In the V. S. four brothers, Julian Hauien of West Salem. Hjalmer Hansen of Salem, Olaf Hauaen of wild Rose, N.D.. and Paul Ha u en of S).v,'ton, fl D : and a later. .Mr. Walter Johnson of Wild Rose. N.D. Member of the Lutheran church. An nouncement of services Ister by Howell Edwards ehapel. , Fred t. Seolt Fred L. Scot, la's resident of 3210 Ar yJe drive. Salem, at a local hospital. May 23. Survived by wife, Surah E. Srott of Snlem; a dr. Ui titer. Mrs. Pearl King of a son, Lrland Scott of Powell Butte, Oreion: a sister, Mra. Hattle Lit is of Torsnto. Canada; a brother, Bert Scott of Interpol I, Ontario, Canada: four srandr hlldren and srveral niece and r.ephrw. Services will he lirld at the Clouth-Ba-rick chapel Wrdnurlay. May V at 1 p.m. with Interment In Be, lc rest orlal park. (reiver I,eRov ha vidian O rover LeHoy Davidson. In Portland. May 23, at the iei of 111 vr;ir.. Survived hy wife. Mrs. Mildred Davldnon of Port land; to rinuHitrr. Mra, Delbert Par- end Mr,. (Jlenn Mat! '-on, both of i: two son, P.iul Davidson of De- poe Bay. Oreion, and R, chard Davidson of MmiiioiiUi; two brotii'rs Carl David- on In Iilinorn and Miner Dvui.on of Willamette. Qreion: and 10 f rsndciilldren. Services will b held at the Clnuih-Bar- rlrk chapel thurAdey. Mar IB. at 3 p m, lth Interment In Re'rreat Memorial park, floor area of more than six mil- llnn fnM Ihrrn llmn that nt me empire aiaic uuuain. I LEGAL each 'lis ooot each (I l,ooo t eacn 'lis. ooo i earh 'll&.OOOl each (iis.iool ach (113. OOO) each (in, ooo earn H 5,000 1 maturing maturinl matunna maiurina maturing maturlna maturlne maturina 19M h:. 19M 19.4 19:, S 19. A 1357 19-1 J una June June June June each itlA.OlKI) ech (115.0001 eath ff lf,0O0l each 115,000 r earn Ml.V0n0 each itlS.oooi each '115 000 1 each 1 15,000) each :1V0(.Qi earn tiiVnn0 June June J, me June June June June June IDAO 191 19 A 1 1BH1 19A4 m 19fl 19(17 laol matimna maturina maturliif maturina maturina mMunni inns irlna not to exceed all !', ent per an 4 t