IS Capital Journal, Salem, CIASSIFUD ADVERTISING! M Una . . 1M Per Udi I time For LID f lima ,, M - Per Lin 1 month MM Ootslda of Sal 1ft M lis pr y. Ml, loet times bib time mm IU0 No Refund llAOEt-ll Ucti New Cat Oalri Pa uu To Place an Ad Phone t-I40 FOR SALE HOUSES td&M. OVER 300 ft. o' hlwav front. Neat, clean J rm. house. Oood water . Mre fir trM. 4'4 acre. Good value. Fh. S66M. ED. LUKINBEAL. REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. 133 HOLLYWOOD-DISTRICT 97M FOR tht new. well cont. homo. Has I nice bdrm.. liv. rm. with fplare, dmttlt. beautiful oak floor i. Dandy Mllty rm. with ht. and t"t wait till you ae the kitchen! Ph. 2660 ED. LUKINBEAL RIAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. al33 A REAL OPPORTUNITY New all pintle 3 bdrm. bum with apart tn attic lor extra rm. attached garage. Large lot In fine location. Unfinished hut a handy nan could complete for a . email out-lay of money. Price 95500 Call Boo Cleary. '-Walter Musgrave Realtor ' 1111 Edge water. Ph. 35109. eve. 3M3t ROOM modern house, 3 block from , Beach. Near good hunting and fish ...Ing. AUo 3 rm. cottage I' blok from beech, at Terrla Del Mar. Write to L. O. Baker. Rt. 3. Box 14. Cloverdale. Ore. or Ph. Salem 39619. a 124 A BAROAIN .For Bale. I room new house, floored et . lie. electric heat, oak floon. Venetian blind, Iniulated throughout, 'i A. 8600 J down, th reit FHA. 97000 full price. ' Set owner 4 miles South on Prlnale '"road. R. 4. Bi. 616. Dan H. Wlebe. a 124 TbwNEIt 6 rm. modern house. Holly wood dltrlct.39O00. Ph.3-0689. a 1 33 'COURT KITE and 3 bdrm. home on new - Broadway citanalon. 14975. Ph. 3-4617 133 BY OWNER: View home Ce.ndi.lar, a hat. ..New. 3 bdrm.. lae. LR. DR. kitchen and nook. Dble. garage. Auto, oil furnace. "La, lot. 34ft Alice Ave. Out S. Comm'l, tarn weal at Dairy Queen. Ph. 3-4401 a 113 BY OWNER: New 3 BR home, wall to wall carpet. Every modern convenience. Lot - 380x230. Will accept car a part or v eouity. Bal. F.H.A. Ph. 3-5607. a!33 CuVtRY LIVING In town. 1 BR insulated home, fireplace. U lot. Garden apace "'Fruit and nut tree, grape. 1 doren 'laying hen. 16.000. 170 Weat Bush SI. ' " Ph. 2-6034 BY "O WNER, nearly new S room house. . City water, aewer. elec. beat. 65.500. .Oood terms. Ph. 3-3713. 123 8 BLOCKS from city renter, best resi dential section. 3 bdrm. plus lame fin- tshed attic. 1'4 bath. 10600. 606 S. Liberty. al26' 6NMILl77:REEk. to"lease2-bdrm. mod ern home; fireplace: hdwd. floors down lairs; double plumbing: full basement, wood furnace, elert. water htr., staiy tubi: srparate garage and furn. sleep ing porch; specious land-sraped around, lawn furniture -IDS month. 3491 Trade St. JOE HUTCH IRON, Realtor. 4.SS Court Bt. Ph. 2-3620. al23 - bON'T"MISSTHIS " By Builder: At Const. Cost I bdrm. dble. lot, lawn In, fireplace, hdwd. flra. thruout. Lae. util.. elec. ht F H A. built and financed at 4. 12,400 dn. S55 mo. Inc. tax and ins. Shown eveji. by appointment. Pli. 3-7626. a 1 24 TAKE BEST ofrer over 13496 for equity In 964 n. ft. of nearly new 2-bdrm. iise., bal. FHA. 3350 Wlnola Ave., off Salem - Hah La. Ave. al37 i"r EC I A l7 R I T 'ET II I 8W V. E kTn' ew4BR on 1 floor. Fireplace. Hdwd. floor. Util ity, YouriKstown kitchen, 1410 q. ft. Attached garage. Lawn ft garden tn. 2116 JeMen St. 1 blk. East or Lansing. Off Sunnyvlew. New School close, rily bun 1 blk. Owner 35 Lansing Ave. al27 BY OWNErTs AcreToiTwellareRd76 rm" older house, Variety of fruit. Beautiful view. 96760. 93000 down. Ph. 2-6260. a!24' BY OWNER: Mnke me an offer for my , l'i yr. old F.H.A. appraised 3 bdrm. home. 1374 3rd St., West Salem. a!27 0TEBDRMHOHErleajiant "hillside" Jo- cation. 4 fruit trr. furnished, bus at door, 13900. 670 Ratcllff Dr. 127 lookTncTfor a home?- 1 bdrm. home 6350ft 3 bdrm. home, cor. lot 14200 2 bdrm. home, furnished 14300 '. PurnlAhed Home SOLD I VI so . 4 bdrm. home 16500 ' New 3 bdrm. home t:m New 3 bdrm. Norlh IflH.iO 8 bdrm. home SOLD ..Iflltoo i 3 bdrm. home S77.SO 4 bdrm. home 177, So 3 bdrm. Englewood 16900 - I bdrm. En ile wood lll.soo 4 Mrm. Englewood - SOLD - 112. 5O0 L. E. Klumpp Real Estate North of Orevhound Bus Depot .' Ph. 3-7643 Res. 3-0126. at24 WANT ACTION SELLING YOUR HOUBr Buyer waiting. Lut your property. Call 3-743. L. E. Klumpp Real Estate North of Oreyhound Bua Depot 125 Why Pay Rent I66MI New Suburban ft rm. with ut ti ll r rm. Hdwd. Flra. Attached ear. Large lot. Beat of garden aoil. Small down par menl. mhq C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 8. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4500. Eve. 3-9516 al24 A GOOD BUY 14150 3 bdrm. tue. Plastered Aulo. fir fur. Oar Pmed at New gaj rente. Cor er lot. Immed pom. C. W. Reeve Realtor CHEAP Bmall dowa ament New unfinished I rm. ha. Plumbing wiring rouaJied fta Full Prke 12050. 4 acre North. C. W. Reeve Realtor 94ft 8. Comm'l. Ph. 9-4SM Eve. 9-M , ai24 KBARI.Y NfW 9 bedrnnni ho:. M good tireet, Jarse lnl. harrtood floors, large '"roflma, beautiful kitchen and bath, at tached taraae. Price reasonable at lM. Can arrange good financing. Four Corner district. 1 , ecNTirnriabl 3 bedroom house, lo gated north, piped wood furnace and - flrwplae a Ilia basement Ont IT000. Goodwin & McMillin REALTORS 91. 9-9T6T 44 Court Evw. I-IJM 3-4773 125 ' flo,wZ9?oodn. F R AforthUlovel ! new I bd. rm. home ow N Winter. Ln rm . din rm , nook. hd. flra . fireplace tww New 3 bd rm and den Hwd flra, fireplace, Elec. heat. Ca.l Harve Huff Real Estate Co. Keiltora Ph. 39)71 941 Chemeketa Bt Ivea. 1441 !3V le'onTch ILDS." INC. REALTORS WAT PI RMRH90 HI BI 'BRAS home I bedrm. l'i acre Price fur nu lied tut KXT. IN l BI RBN home 4 9 acre 3 bedrm. house, cement basement, fu rtsre Oarage; erne i en houae. Price oolr ' isnno ATTHCTI R ROOM modern home H W florna. fireplace, full cement base ment: auto oil furnace Close to Mr Kinlf school Price 111 000 84 Af RE I ADM. Mcvit all in cultivation Pari can be irritated Price 135 000 Would consider eorre liarte LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS Ph J 3681 344 ate R Frenitus 1-1007 9 (M0 alJi" PnMHrr HnrE,"aorui,'lMnT IM aw. Pn. isau, ain Oregon, Tuesday, May 24, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES tie.vA Three bed rooms on one floor attached garage unlHr, large It. rm D rm . fireplace, hwd. floor, es houat, an excellent bur. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 69 8. Commercial Ph. 91649 Ev. Ph. 3S360 g)25 A BARGAIN - $750 DOW N and 160 per month buy almost 9 aere A eubstanlial older 2 bedroom home located runt on tne Sllverton hlghwa Total price onir 97,500. It tacant, o eaove in tomorrow. A FINE LOT BUY 60x14. oo N. 17th juat past Roosevelt. Sidewalk in Excellent neighborhood. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Phone 3-5636 311 North Huh Et. Ph. 3-7534. 3-7422:3-1734 a 124 FOR SALE by owner. 9 rm. modern house. Some out-buildinet. 2 lot. Pn. 3011, Sil ver ton. 235 Fairtlew. a 125 FOR RALE: Six room houae. newly dee orated. Inside and out. Large corner lot. Paed street and aidewal. 4 kind fruit trees. See owner at 114 Walnut St.. Independence, Ore. a 12 FOR HALE BY OWNER: 9 bdrm. ranch style home. View lot. excel, district. Pn 3-7534. al3i openHhouse Even In t 4 to 9 till aold by oanrr. New FHA. built 2 bdrm. rancn type home. WlUi ail the finot features: lie hard wood floors, fireplace, picture window, etc., plus the finest construction. Bu this now for about IJOOo below today market price. Come south on 90E (o the 99 Cafe, turn right up Ewald axe. to lsi street left. iWelty Ave i to second house on right. all Hr:KE la truly aomethlns different in In terior design for rndurin delight. A pleasant blending of old-faslnoned home appeal with the modern Idea of broad er, better living. Tnis home U truly well bui;t (pre-war. There is g homey living room with large view window overlooking city, valley and mountain, company sue dining room, master bed room with bu.ll-ina and ti bath, wes tern style den with built-in book ahelvea. complete bath and one of those kitchens that yoi see advertised In the maga xmes. completely Youngstown and a cut Dulch door to a large patio. One real large bedroom and a am a 11 one up stairs. The oak floors are covered from wall to wall with new life time ex pensive carpets In the basement there 1 a large knotty pine recreation room, laundry room with automatic alr-con-di Honed oil heat, hobby ahop. The lot has several I arte trees, shrubs and flow ers and contains sprinkler system, two car garage. FHA. will loan 114,000 on this home. It la all yours for 132.500 requiring only 16,500 cash. Dial 3-401I. eve 3-8213 alJ.S FOR SALE LOTS RESIDENTIAL LOT near Ratcllff drive City water. 60x133. 150 down and 115 per month. 2-60.i6. as 125 CHOICE lot with fruit trees north. Small down payment. Terms balance. Take car or apply lot on modern house. Phone 28385 eve, and Bun. aal23 rNDUSTRIALLOT. Oood location on"a 17th. St. 1750, Phone 2-0736. aal22 VIEW LOTS, 600 blk., Yuta Ave WOOD- l LOTS. 600 blk., Ratcllff Dr Re- trieted. ater. rn 3-42B4 as FOR SALE FARMS 10 Acres with New Home Highway acreage, edge small town. Mod ern 2 bdrm. home. Level land. 99000 Strout Realty 959 S. 12th St. Ph. 3-5323 b!23 Equipped 307 Acre Ranch 4 ml. Sllverton. Large dairy barn with 24 steel stanchions and water cup. New 20x130 noultry house, equipped. Mod ern 9 yr. old 2 bdrm. home with base ment. 150 acres tillable. 150 arret open pasture with 3 crerks. 194) Cletrac and full machinery incl'ided. 130,000, terms Strout Realty TRADE 39 acre farm, will take In small hse in town. Irritation ditch, ft rm. hse. Barn. Fenced. C. W. Reeve Realtor 94ft B. Comm'l. Ph. 3-4500. Eve. 3-9538 ' bl34' FOR SALE ACREAGE S;,ftoo su ACREH near Swede school. No bin:ainiv good soil 16 AIM KM, close to Har.el Oreen school. No buiidlnss. OMEH8 RKAL ESTATE 460 N. 13th Ph. 25091 bbl25 It ACREH About 3 miles cltyiitnitj NE Od soil, nice bids, spot 16(100. Ph. 3-8835. Walt Socolofsky, Real Estate. bb!23 IW.V. 9 ACRES with attractive aet bldg. 5 rm. home. Oarage, bam, poultry hse. 3 acres berries, 3 ac. pasture, garden Owner must sell Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS 151 8. High St. Ph. 34131. Eve. 2-5206 bbllJ ft At 'REM, beautiful View, unfinished nouse. good well. Phone 37823 alter P m- bbl24 BY OWNER. 10 A In Dallas city limits 6 rm modern home Double estate barn, chicken houe, 5A of prunes and 1 cow Ph 1507 I)alla. hbUlf REAL ESTATE NELSONNEWS HOME PLI'K INCOME. 1 1 MM PdWN 4 -Mrm home, I.H . DR. kit, bath. ga ranse. plus cottage rented for 125 g mo Pavmt . sideaalk garden lawn At fruit Immed. ptwi. IViOO- 11000 don BR AND NEW 4'ROISAN ( ANYON A beautiful home located on an elevaten bench oierlo-klna Croisan Rd At rreek 5 rm. house a ith large pa Ho hich could be used as den or recreational rm. Attractive f place, larse pirlure urn doA m LR. A kiiclien. Hwd firs, piped oil air conditioned furnace, alt ar Larte lot lll.soo WAS IT YOC?-4kimeone. who should have thta property, apparently didn t think we meant binlne lasl veeg We d.d We repeal that ou van aet a nt.e lutle home A a l.txlO bullltns suitable for a gaiage, a uto-budy -repairing ps nttm man other usea for on:v .soo. and to cap in bargain the oner will throw in a ac. la-e car or trailer house a pan ravine Ittt-ACRKft, NOME IRRKi .TI'D Irrtg a tton system for 10 arte extra aell good for 30 lo 3ft arres. good lae mod home. bath. elec. wir . hir . wired for elec. range, lae. barn F oronard Includes 34 ro-a I registered sire. Farm all irartor A other machinery. 142 Son -' cash If neither of the aboe meets your needs tell us what you want, and we will tell nu where it u NELSON & NELSON Specialising Realtor TW n. High Ph. I Mil clU CltMFLETM.Y furnished 9bdri.home on N Church Si Lning rtn . 13 ft dm rm , kit, neoa, bath, full base men!, on furn Nice lawn and ah r use Cat! Huahes 37049 OWNER anxious to aell 9 acres. 3 house ea(h has on aster system, barn and oni.-ken house Nice trees Price ItlftO or sill aell aire 1 bdrm tor imo lo don mnmMv payment ssme a.i rent Few minutes dilie from Salem. Call SederM-om for more Information 1 RhRM.. LR DR. kit. comb bath at: comp, furnbtied La under mat rrftn elec ranee, aiiarued aarage. fenced back srd in South Salem. 9663ft. Call HuthfUi V?04t NEW IlfTMNO A MONEY MKfM Een nMiu turn ned Oood inrom ahout to mo Could be ,mproed Showing about 15. on :netmen: Illness force owner to aell. Price onh 133 000 Reasonable terms Or will tasr a hotse or term as dean payment 15 ml from Salem adtomine bus depot For more Inf rs'l Sederstroai or Hua'ies NI4R A LIVBIK 1 bdrm home. tu plum bin (larse ri rushed Pn.-e 4 19. Terms. Call S-deriMe-nt 3 :J eves Severn Realty Co. Ml N. M. to. I-Mll. till FOR SALE HOUSES 895 TERRACE DRIVE Beautiful 3 bdrm home, dble. aerate full basal., overlook Stat Bides. Drive to this view home up Olen Creek Road lo Cascade Drive Ihea to Terrace Drive. 11 000 00. Call Roy Perm. 753 N. CAPITAL STREET Beautiful home plua 1 apt. Ideal location for doctor's clinic. lg. floor plan, excellent plumbing ana netting system, sprinkling system in yard, creek frontage. Home finished in excellent taste. Call Peter Oeuer. 140 ACRES Large barn A other bldg Older house, new well pump, year round cieek. Over 109 acre clear. Only 111. 600. Call Ewrl West. GRABENH0RST BROS., REALTORS 194 South Liberty St. Office Phone 3-3471 S'indaya and Evenings Call Roy Ferri-3-6O10 Peter H Oeuer 3-9989 Earl Weat 3-1233 FOR SALE ACREAGE 800 ACRE STOCK RANCH Eleten mile 8 of Salem, oartir aeeded to puiure grass, lot of nle meadows and plenty of year around water. This look like the best deal we have had In a Ion time for a atock ranch. Total price 125.000. Some terms. 16 ACRES N. HOWELL 11 aerea fin Willamette tilt soil Ac none better for berries. Three acre good pasture, some timber, small stream, two house, large chicken house. Just A good buy at 19.000 a 13.009 Dn. 50 ACRES EAST Most all in cult. Very nice new to B R. with lare unfinished attic and full bsmt Auto oil neat. New ohlrken houar. nice stream with fish pond A real set up for turkeys or stock raUmt. The ful price 1 119.000. Term. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 936 Portland Rd. REAL ESTATE OWNER MUST LEAVE . . . PRICE REDUCED Very nice 3 B R. home. 13x1ft L R. 10x19 DR., lae. kitchen with built-in and nook. Fireplace, furnace heat, full finished basement. Lovely corner lot 75x130 with lawn, flower, shrubs, ftsh pond, grape arbor, family fruit. Drive by 251ft Hazel Ave. and see If you don't think It really worth 18750.00. with good term. Call Len Orton. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO., Realtors 941 Chemeketa St., Ph, 39271 REAL ESTATE TREES ENGLEWOOD CORNER LA ROE RAMB1.INO HOME 87.500 H. P GRANT, REALTOR 457 Court St reet c 123 POR VOIR SAVINGS Investment buy a first mortgage on real estate, saiem vicinity. Examine security yourself Amount! 1500 to aeveral thousand dou lers. net investor 5-, We mae all col lections for you If desired TATE FINANCE CO., 153 8. High. HOLLYWOOD DI8T, 3109 MO. Income frot.t 2 furn. Apt. Plus Liv., Din, Rm., Fplare. 2 nR, Kit.. nooK for owner. 3 pvt. baths. Thla Is not an old shack made over but a good home 912 500. Ph. 26680. ED. LUKINBKAL, REAL ESTATE 440 N. Mlh St cm WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE In need oi good hOuse to aell in or near Salem If rou wish to your property for tale see GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTOR! 134 8 Liberty St. Phone 2-2471 ca NOTICE) If your property is for tale. rent or eiehange, list it witn it we have all kinds of cub buyer. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S Hltb Bt ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE .NEW five room modern home and 1 ' acre, Berries, fruit trees. Water ytem. large garage. Outside city north. Will trade for city home near school. 1540 Sliadv Lsne. Cbl37 RESORT PROPERTY SELL OR TRADE For City or Suburban property. Love ly, well-built home at Tidewater on A Ufa river. Restful), fishing, hunt Ins Ideal for retired couple. Living room. D room, kitchen. 3 bdrms. ft bath. Elec. refrlg. Hot water heater and rniue. Large asrate and hobby ahop. Cnvereo dork. Small inboard cruiser can br boutht if de.lred. The cottage Is well and completely turnLMied. A real bar gain at 19.000. Call 3-4016; eve. 3-8213 crl2' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OROCERY LOCKER RENTAItS Sell or trade -- ilOOO approximate monthly net income includes building. Grocery stock, equipment, ft furnished apis. Rentals from Shoe Store. 300 food lockers, meal 9t Ice business, addi tional space for Rentals. Price S32.000 or would consider trade for farm or small business. ORVNOE HALL tt ACRE Bid. 34x77, two stories. Ideal for dance hall, restaurant or to convert to apts. Price 12500. SPE Allen Jones or Mabel Need ha in. Realtors $3,800 Datid neighborhood grocery. Ion labiuheo. brisk irade. In good district. Rent only 13 mo Grocery & Service Station Foe location, community centef. near school. Nice 3 brtrni tiv Ins quarters Larse lot. oood stock A equip. 910.0DP Plus tnv ('has. Hudkins & Son 350 N H:h St Ph. 2-4129 RITI RT for ssle N .e larse place No competition Brats 4S 5 rttonift lu lus a nailers On htah ay 97 18 000 14000 down. Bend Oregon. Henry Cafe 100 NE First si reel rdl28 Sj t'NIT ant. bid. Very modern, all elec. insulated room for more units. This Is a tood b.iv for 131 nnn 1411 M 4 IIOHTT rr. BI IHi 9 atorv sul id bttrk conet . 16 rentals furnished Priiate baths, elec Ties retries, laun dry room, central nesting plant 13 tile i grates on paved a) let. The loc and in feme figures will aell you. CALL t'S i TODAY I Larsen Home Loan Co. Exclusive Listtnes Personal Service 194 8. Com 1 St . Ph. 9-9 J, Eve. 3-744 Cdl25 APARTMENT COURT If unite onW 3 years old Cros 1456 per vear Wnere can vou gel better in terest on your money. C. W. Reeve Realtor APT. OR IMPtrX IT9. Od location 9 blk. Slate Ride Walt Boroloftkv. Real rtate. Ph 3-98I9 cdl!4 Rl ftlNE' LOT 75xlften Portland Rd. aultabte for aed car lot OMER 8 REAL ESTATE 4M N 11th Ph. 3Vwl edi25 9QITTY in good restaurant and fountain enod location Oood equipment. 4J1 Front St, Wood burn Phone Main 174 cdlJl I FURNITURE FOR SALE MtTTRtaS VM.lE. 931 Coll Inner- sprint 'ih neatv damek cover. 19 year guarantee 9 ig ft. Cotton mattress Pull er twin site. 914 M. Salem Heme Finn Co. 117 8 Com 1. dl31 t I WOOL Chenitt RtigRveribI 9 color xl) 1199 8l. 917 tft. A No rot order service Oreen stampa. Slm Room Purs. Co-, 121 8. Cog L 813J IFOR SALt HOUSES F0R SALE ACREAGE . REAL ESTATE DO YOU WANT A BUSINESS? 111.200.00 One of the nicest cafe IB town. Showing a net of 11000 per month. This one would make nice family setup. 19500 00 Combination Pirestor atore, Oa Station A garage, fully equipped. A good mechanic can make a mint out of thi on. Cell Len Orton. Eves, and Sunday Ph. 33913 FURNITURE FOR SALE BrDROOMSIT complete; like new. Roll away bed. Electric atove. Gibson refrig erator. Laundry tubs. Yale door stop. Sewing machine. Camera. Men's wrist watch. Roll top desk. National cah renal er 594 N. Liberty. dl23 MAPLE FINISH dining rm. table, 9 chairs it buffet. 165. Bed. Simmon mattress it sprint, good cond. MO. Daveno & chair set 6 mo. old. 175. Call before Sat. Tel. 26025. dl25 r I REPLACE SET 110. 16 mm projector Ar films 115. Wardrobe trunk 920. vacuum cleaner 114, love seat, turquoise kidney style 165. Chippendale sola, maroon striped S65, rugs, beige it sand 135 it 165. Kelvlnator Refrlt., MOO, Daveno, rose mohair, 147.50. lllh Century Com ode. mahog., 132.50 each, console din ette St chairs, mahog., 165 sewing ma chine, console like new 1100. radio. 110 Ac 1150. many other miscellaneous Item, reasonably priced. 1775 Saginaw. dl34 t PC. LIVINGROOM get. Rose homespun. 9 year guarantee. Sturdy deep coil springs. Close out price 399.88. We give green stampa. Salem Home Furn. Co.. 137 S. Com'l. dl33 HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market. Ph 3-5110. da FI'RN, Household Ph. 3-5511. da AUCTIONS AUCTION SALE Sunday, May 29, at BROCKWAY BEACH. In the heart of Lincoln Beaches, be tween Taft it Depoe Bay. Coffee Si lunch gt noon. Buy a choice cabin at your price. Home office B. O. BROCK WAY CO.. Portland. Oregon, 411 SW 4th Ave., BE 5444. BE 1048 ddl35' Furniture and Live Stock AUCTION WED., MAY 25. 10 a.m. & 7 p.m. 2 special consignments lo be sold at 7 p.m. sharp. No rexervec. 2 complete 5 room household of nearly new and used furniture. LOT NO. 1 Nearly new 1949 deluxe Ad miral rante. five pc. Virtue chrome breakfast set, six ft. Frlaldalre refrig erator. Rose mohair davenport and etittr. 7 pc. lime oak bdrm. suite with Beauty rest mattress and box spring. 9x12 wool rug used 2 mo End table, floor lamps and miscellaneous. LOT NO. t G. E refrigerator, elec. ranee Cabinet radio. Antique bed. 8 pc. walnut dining rm. set. Upholstered chairs. Washing machine aintle beds, mattress and springs, ft pc. maple din ette set. Wire recorder. Linoleum. O. E Ironer and mnay misc. articles. Don't miM this sale for hlth grade furntiure la A. M. Misc. furniture, produce and machinery. I:M P.M. Chickens, rabbits, calves, veals and hogs. SPECIAL consignment of eleven head oi grade A dairy cokb. This it, a com plete herd of very good rows. Seteral fresh springers, and several fall fresh ener. A BIO SALE. COME LANE SUDTELL'S SALES YARD 1 miles East of Sakm on Sllverton Road TO BUY OR SELL CALL 3-6098 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK ONE YOrNO. C W male'hoa. OnebuT clier hoe. Sell or trade for garden trac tor or buti saw. Rte. 9. box 900. Out Sunnyslde rd to Rosedaie rd. e!25 ONE GCFRsrY cow come fresh around June lit, also heifer 19 months old. Ph. "324. el29" (OR RAl.F: Efficiency tested two year old Hereford bultv Animal Husuanory De pan ment. Oregon B'ate College, t or- LIVESTOCK WANTED RONnro St MCFN'rn livestock buver E. C. MrCandllsh. 1137 8. 39. Pb. 3-9147 PETS ONE LIGHT red mile Cocker Soan!el pup. Purebred, without paper, juo No er rtean erll FUEL Special 1J in clean inside wood -7442 TRl-CITY FUEL. Ph. eel39 GOOD II in. edalniift fl"r.oadDojble load 919. Oregon Fuel Co. Phone 355U eeU' TEST SAI.EM FUEL CO B.ock. Planer 4s alab wood aaw. dust. Ph. 24031 ee THI -CITY FUEL Fresh fit sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph 17443. We give 8 j H Greea stamp Oreen II In. mill wood ee CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR ntasei and Stote Oils FRESH CIT 84.WDU8T Diy Slab wood Phone 9-1444 ee FOR SALE POULTRY Colored Fryers, Ph. 31298 f 13)5 BABY CHICKS. May 33 39. Hamp. shires Leghorns. Parmtoters. Lew born orgerel and fieavr assort ed. pn 9-IKS1 lf i Hs'flerT f PRODUCE STRaWBf RRIFS MarthaTlt t 4 19 eat of Kelier School on read to Chemava R4 J. C. Mousi. Rt. I. Baa WK. 11133 REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS ALL THIS FOR ONLY $6950 Well built 9 bedroom suburban home with nearly acre land, room for additional bedrooms upstair, built about 4 year ggo, located past Sweglg School A good buy. 5 ACRES NICE HOME Clean and comfortable 3 bedroom home aet In an oak grove, ha am0 barn and chicken houe 2 acr berries A ood piece of property for geml-retired person 19500. DRIVE BY 92 ABRAMS AVE. And have a lcok tt a good 2 bedroom home with an eitra large lot and am a II chicken houe, lots of f lowers and shrubs FHA commit ment of 95 000 payable 13. M a won in. Make an ofier. owner has left town. EAST ON BREYMAN AVE. Very clean and attractive 3 bedroom home, fine wall to wall carpeting, large attached t a rate, pari basement with new auto piped oil furnace. Now only 19750. WAY BETTER THAN RENTING We have some tood modern 3 and 3 bedroom homes that can be bought with only I6O0 down wah the balance payable at 12.09 a month. CHOICE BUILDING SITES 4 We have soma good one priced rliht See them before you buy. LEE OHMART T1 Court St. rnon. -I71 HELP WANTED BERRY PICKER wanted on Cherry Ave. ' ml. north of aluminum plant. I. Han man. I STRAWBERRY PICKERS wanted. Start Wed H. U. Pearcy, rt. 2. box 190. Pn. 3-135. II?5' OPERATOR for yard shovel with back hoe attachment. On experience and last employer tn reply. Write Capitol Journal. Box 464. 125' EXP. TIME payment clerk. Sec Mrs. We- ger, Montgomery Ward. JJ WANTED: Strawberry pickers. Oood field. Clarence Bundet. 4 mi. t. oi n roots on Brooks-Mt. Angel road. Brooks Rt. 1 Box 178. gl24 STRAWBERRY Pickers wanted, will start Monday. 23. A. M. Zahare. Rt. 1, Box 333. l1 miles east u;iemawa a tor., ana ' mile south. (124 STRAWBERRY pickers register now. R P. Barnwell. Moved to 4930 N. River Rd Keizer. gl2J WANTED gooseberry pickers. Start Mon. 33rd. Ph. 31020 Out Sllverton Rd.. 1 mi. 8. Central. Howell school. John D Stelner. 1124 STRAWBERRY pickers starting Mon.. 23rd. Good picking. P. E. Sanders. Rt. 7, Bx. 352. 1 mi. east. U mL aoutb Totem pole, g 124 EXPERIENCED waitress Leslie, no phone calls. 1304. 123 STRAWBERRY pickers register now. Hcrr ana Kienscne, 2'i mi. out rjnverion ttn., ' ml. south Middle Grove School. Ph. 27167. gl23-STRAWBERRY-Picker. KennethBoyne, Rt. 7. Box 201, 1 ml. east on Hoodview Rd. Ph. 31913. gl33 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED MAN with experience digging shafts it wells. Call Shaffer, 42171. ext. 492 from 9 to 5. gal28 WANTED Journeyman form carpenter. J. O. Watta Construction Co., 610 S. 20th Corvallis. Ore. gaus fl'RKEY PICKERS WANTED. Experience not necessary. North West Poultry. 1505 N. FronU Ibl24 WANTED: Middle-aged woman to work In summer home. Good salary and ex penses. Modern conveniences. Party must - be reliable with clwxs references. Apply Hogg Bros.. 210 Slate St. Bb CHRISTION LADY to care for two amall children while mother works. Days only. Ph. 225J8. gbl25 RELIABLE WOMAN for housework it care of 2 children. Rm., Bd. ie wages. Ph. 349B9 ot 23041. gbl35' SECRETARY for Dean of Women at Wil lamette university. Call Dean Ealt at Eaton hall. Pn. 3-9L'66. gbl;M' RELIABLE WOMAN to stay day with 2l.i yr old girl. Reply Capital Journal Box 463. gbl23 EXPERIENCED LADY bookkeeper to work In office 9f Willamette Valley's leading Furniture and Appliance store, good salary, pleasant working cond. Apply Hogg Bros.. 360 State. gr GIRL experienced in payroll and segrega tion. Must be capable of taking full ens rte of payroll in local cannery. Write Box 458 Capital Journal in own handwriting stating experience and qualification. gbl36 OFFU'E GIRL for local cannery. Ex perienced in sales records and Invoic ing. Shorthand necessary. Write Capital Journal Box 461 stating experience and qualification. gbl26 AT ONCE: A housekeeper for two elderly people. In country home, kverytmng modern. Work easy. No phone calls. Write or call in Pen-on to the Wm. Hot ter Farm. Between Mt. Angel it Moni tor on Rt. 1 Bx 93. Mt. Angel. Ore. gbJ24 Call at gbl23 WANTED1 Elderly lady for housekeeping Room, board, good wages. Out of town Box 461. Capital Journal. Rbl23 employm7tTtagencies OFFICE AND CI.ERH'AI POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 360 State St pn -8 tr. WANTED SALESMAN WANTED: Salesman. Must have experi ence in furniture it floor coverine. rer management position. Good salary inti cnmmissun. Apply Montgomery Ward. WANTED POSITIONS inter For pai nting. ExpTPtt. SEWING and alteration.. Ph. 2-48.M. M4!i NFW LAWNS prepared A seeded. Have Ige. trac. on rubber with doier. plow, etc. Ph. 3-8127. h!27 BOY WANTS lawns to mow. Ph. 3-7894 W4ATFD: FALLING or burking timber with power saw. Phone Dallas 3240. hiat C EM FAT WORK wanted Ph. 2-450. h!44 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ing. op Work guar. W. H Mc Allister. 84 Trade. Pn. J-1496 hl44 GEN EJtALY A R D WO R K7h3-344lTh 1 2 3 BABY SlfTER.Ph. 3-090. "hI38 PAINTING INSIDE or out Free est. Call Bill. 3-2979 M37 r.ASTIRINO. PATCHWORK and chim ney building Ph. 2-43 Free estimate hl33 LAWICI'TTING. Piione 2-3403 h!34 1ST Cl qss CARPFNTFR. new. remodeT. repair. Large imiil. 9-931 aft. 5 hl34 Will PROVIDE "Xcellrn; nome or da rare for small child Ph 3-633 tiUS TELEPHONE. CALLS TAKEN 34-hr ser vice phone op Pn 3-5073. ht26 El'TO PalNTING just a shad better by Ray titer Call Shrock Motor Co 3-9161 NEW LAWNS Pruning Roiot.liins. Landaraplai, tree work Hienard Bover Ph 3-6111 M33 CHILD CARE U Pons mimeosrapbing. typing aervtce. ororna service, quality work, lower once lit N lth Ph 3-343 h!3l" LqnCAprsn Pin!ni RntotLi:ing New lawrt. tree work. Riohard Bora. Pb, 1-6116. Blil I REAL ESTATE HUDY & CALABA 1-tlli: I,.. Ph. l-IMJ .IH 1-J13 EDUCATION DIESEL POWER Mechanically inclined men get free facta about opportunities and training pihn covering bit new field of DIESEL ENGINES for truck, tractor, locomo tives, power plants, ships, etc. We train you in your spare time. Writ for de tail giving ate and present occupa tion. Utilities Diesel Training. Registrar. 2521 Sheffield. Cliicago 14. hhl23 FOR RENT ROOMS t RM. furnished apt. Ph. 2-8434. 3 BEDROOMS. On bua line. Cloae In. Ph 3-7990 before 9 or after 9 or call 745 Hood at. jkl25 NICE SLEEPING rm .Hot": cold water lstfloor.461 J-H8h. Ikl27 NEW BSMT. Apt. 3 rm. and bath. Private ent. New range and refrif. furn. Elec. heat. 95ft mo. Ph. 3-5199. Jkl24 NICE SLp7RM. for employed lady. Kit", priv. If des. Ph. 25066. )kl24 FOR RENT: Lliht hskpg. rm. and aleep tn rm. 790 N. Church. Ph. 3-4335. Jkl23 CLEAN Comfortable gleeplnj rm. for one. 355 N. Capitol. jk 123 ATTRACTIVE rms. 2035 McCoy. Ph. 3-6093 Jkl45 SMALL CLEAN furnished Apt. close in H. L. Stiff. 1125" ROOMS TO RENT WEEK OR MONTH HOTEL SALEM Tel 3-3161 FOR RENT APARTMENTS ATTRACTIVE FI'RN. 3 rms. apt. On bus line. Reasonable. Ph. 3-4307. Jpl29 t BDRM. unfurn. duplex apt., ground fir. Private bath St entrance. Nice yd. for children. 155. Inquire at rear door 2770 N. Front St. Ph. 2-6539. JP126" FOR RENT: Three room apt. Elec. tove, gas refrlg., furn. No children or pet. Inquire at 494 8. Winter St. Jpl25 ? RM. clean apt. Walking distance. Util ity paid. 140.00. Ph. 26598. Jpl25' NICE COMPLETELY furnUhed 2 room apt. June, July Sc Aug. Private bath. Phone, garage. Close in. Phone 3-1077 after6 Jpl35 S ROOM partly furnished apartment. Children accepted. 150 per month. Ten ants to buy furniture. 333 Mill. Tel. 3-7J74. jpW4 3 RM, FI'RN, apt. Private entrance. Close to CapltQi Bldg. Ph. 3-5055. Jpl23' LOVELY new roomy 1 bdrm. unfurnished apt. Electric heat, stove and refrigerator furnished. Available June 1. Ph. 3-5355. JP?" 3 RM. NEW APT. furn. or unfurn. Electric heat, garage. 640 Marlon. Jpl23 4 LARGE RM. APT. Ph."33757 or" call 1475N. Com'l. Jpl23 t RM. furn., upstairsneatclean. am ple atorage. 1376 N. Commercial JP133 FOR RENT HOUSES 3 RM. partly furn. Not. modern. 63 Wil liams Ave. Jml24 RM. HOl'SE St garage. Pressure ays tern. Partly furn. at Brook. Inquire Ramp Service Sta., Brooks. Jml24 RM. MOD. HSE. on Falrmouot HIU. Ph. after 6 p.m. 23968 or 3-4697. jml24 WHY PAY RENT when you can buy this i'f yr. old i Harm, nome? rrom owner for small down payment and 648.00 a month. Immed. possession. 1379 3rd St., West Saiem. jml27 SMALlT'compTeteTy-furn. rear house adults. 340. Ph. 3-6577, Jml24 NEW t bedroom home, fireplace, oil floor furnace. 3655 Scenic View Drive. Out 8. Commercial to Ewald, west 2 blocks then Norlh to 3655. ml33 TWO BDRM., clrc. oil heat, range, elec. water system, a A. Vets Hommel. Turn er. ' J.H125 ? BDRM. hse. on ' A. oil heat it elec tric stove. 8 miles Cast of Salem. Mrs. Dirks. Pratum. Ore. Jml24 3-ROOM unfurnished, all elertrlc house. Inquire 117 Sixth St.. West Salem. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BRAND NEW 3 bdrm. house. Electric heat, hardwood floors. Available to responsi ble party 170 mo. Positively no cats oi dogs. 4-565 E. State St. J125 BEAC H DI'FLEX Wacoma. Ige. View win dows, comp. fur., nice for children. 910 and lift wk. Rts. by month. Box 222, Ocean Lake. Ore. J133 GOOD PASTURE, near Salem. Pb. 28385 eve. and Sun. J 123' l-RAILKR SPACE. Camp Joy Motel. J134 DRIVE truck car Ph 3-9103 J GROI'ND FLOOR rooms, au I table for of- i.e or stores STATE FINANCE CO. Ph 34111 J POtVFR lOOl rentau tot home St in dusina use Howsei Bros Pn 1-341 BI'MNESS RM for rent H. L Stiff. GOOD t'SED PIANOS H L. Stiff HOWSFR RR(1S -Ph 2-3648 WANTED TO RENT EMPLOYED COI PLE and baby want one or two bedroom unfurniahed apt. or hse Ph. 2-7933 after 3 p.m. jal25 COI PLE with child urgently need 3 bdrm house. Pt 2-0139. J 125 TEACHER. MOTHER, daughter urgently need partly futn. 3 bedrm home. Reas Ph. 34:9 between 84. Suburban pre! J6125 WORKING WOMAN wants 9 rm. apt., close in. Sox No. 495. Capital Journal jal3S RELIABLE CHRISTIAN couple, stead renters, want 1st fir fur. apt. Prefer wora in care of lawn Jt etc. Write Cap ital Journal Bog 463 i jalJS 8MLL INFlRNr"he""clOS-ln. Adults! Ph. 24942 jal33 NEEDED: 3 bdrm unfurn, house. Rv June 1st Ph 3-4413. lallj ROOM AND I0AR0 LOST AND FOUND LOST Red and Rrewa Platd folding tm beiig m Wool worth Btoro, Frldav noon Ph 3HU3. kl2.T Journal Want Ads Pan MISCELLANEOUS ..Et SPRINGER, iflta hatter 44 Court DENTAL PLATE REPAIR I HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8EMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bid. Stat Commercial St SALEM Phone 8-3311 ' AVE TOl'B SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer reprwen ta" Ph 9-3513 for free pick up and deliver service ob alt makes oi mi china. Pro- estimate liven before work la started tinier Sew:ai Machine to ill N Com'l BUILDING MATERIAL M NEW WINDSOR sash. Your choice of sue and style. Car load oi new - in. Firtex. Special price &c . ft. C. O. Lona. Ph. 2-121. ena mil north Keller. ma 129- NEW H IN. aheet rock platter board 4.c per tq. it. I lite winoow tain, a star, large aupply. Perfect for garaie. barn er cnirgen nouse. uu eacn. .. u. wni. Ph. 3-931. One mil north of Kelier. ma 126" WHITE ASBESTOS siding 919 a Q. At tractive, fireproof, inexpensive sioing. No painting required. C. O. Long. PA. 3-1921. On mile north of Kelier. mal3ft Builder-Contractors We have a complete stock of framlnf lumber, timber St sblplap, all grades, at rock bottom prlcea. West Salem saw mill, 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 39693. Free Delivery. mais TILLAMOOK cedar b ingles del. No. 1. 19; No. 3. 13. Cedar wall 19 in. painted shakes, 112.90 per aq. Under course free Also baled cedar tow. Ted Muller. for merly Eola yard. Ph. Salem 31199. Salem Independence road. i DOORS, INTERIOR 2 panel door, at the great special purchase bottom price, bargain of only 16.90 each. Keith Brown. Pornt dr Court 8u., Salem. ma CLOSE-Ol'T. Plywood cut-off. 4I"xH"x V lor celling panel, well panel, ld Ing and many other use. Only ftUc per sq. ft. Keith Brown. Front St Court St Saltm matf CLOSE-OL'T, Plywood Cellini Tilt . from ic per q. ft. lo aizaa from 9"xll to 7"x32". Bevel edge, cut to give panel effect. Keith Brown, Front It Court Sis., Salem mail ALl'MA LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINOLE. Tho modern permanent roof ing See vour dealer or diet. Call 3-6401 mal26 NEW SHIPMENT ptaat board- V 9 V . 9 ft Rock lath. 49 egj. 11. 75 MONTGOMERY WARD S1LEM RE-ROOF NOW One, two or three year to pay. For free estimates phone 3-7177. WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. malJO CLOSE-OUT SPECIAL. Hardwood Floor Ing, pecan and gum In a variety of slxea at only 1135 M. Keith Brown. Front it court Bt. saiem. mati" RED-CEDAR "ahingTei No 1. 89 W. No 3. 95.50. No. 3, 93 50. We del Philip Bros, Rt. l. Box lia. pn iini. ma1 SAVI ON ROOFXNO Let Ward give you complet IN STALLED price on your roofing need Wide rang of colora Call our outside talesman for free estimate Phone 9-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD OO. SALEM. OREGON ma1 HARDWOOD FLOORING, now only I95M Mixed Pecan it Oak, 4x3" at Keith Brown, Front St Court , Salem, matt' ALUMINUM ROOFINO 9 ft width la the following length) r 3114 9' 3.33 10' 3.90 12" 3.49 Ask about Installation service MONTOOMERY WARD S) CO. 6ALEU. OREGON BARGAIN In Latch Set, 96e up. Keltb Brown, Frontds Court streets, Salem. ma tf NURSERY STOCK FUCHSIAS FOR SALE. tBO VARIETIES. MRS. P. t. WARD. 43U CHERRY AVE. mbl3 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS !4 ft' j H. Seabee outboard motor like new. 185. 7 ft. trailer. Aide rack, excel, cond. 50 764 S. Com'l. nl35 DEF.PFREEZE home freezer. 1139.95 and uo. Yeater Appliance Co. ni4B NO WAXING REQUIRED when you use Plasli-Kote. the cellophane-like finish for your floor or linoleum. Yeater ap pltance Co. nH9j ELECT R lb""" SEWING machine. (Free-Wes tinghoujiel Yeater Appliance Co. nl48' FsFD REFRIGERATORS, washing ma chines, range, water heater. Yeater Appliance Co. nm FARMERS ATTENTION Fence controll er, milk pasteurizer, at close-out prices Yeater Appliance Co. nl48 EXHAUST FANS Close -out price. Yeater Appliance Co. nu' FINE MAHOGANY piano In excellent con dition. Only (175 if taken before Fri day noon. 1990 8. Cottate. a5 HUNDREDS of Item for sale Tue. Auc tion. Olenwood Ballroom. rrt 1 23 TreuTbargain: Sectional candy cae: scales: St fixture. Lobby Shop. Pio neer Trust bid. ni25' tMANlfchBln aw. 39 In. Used 3 wki. 85. 718 Pine at., Sllverton, Ore. Ph. 434. nl24 I H P. EVENRl'DE light four. Used 9 hr Ph. 3-9184 or 3-7117. B12S FOR SALE: Clean 1 gal. Jug. 80c per doz. Ph. 3-6119. nl29' WESTINGHOI'SE Elec. rante. 9 mos. old. 2-oven model. Perfect condit. 8250. Ph. 22534. B129 H0YT ST. SURPLUS RESTAURANT DISH WASHERS, spud peeler, steam kettles and cookers, bak ery electric oven. Ward farm lite plant. 600 wait. 115 M. Wisconsin 9 h p motor, also Wisconsin motored Irriga tion pump 300 ral.. laundry dryer. 10.000 tal wood water tank. 165.00. Wood ranie 110 00. tents and tarp. pup tent, leather patenter bus "at-" " es . hot water and hot air furnace, olive drab paint 11.25 gal., oil circula tors 125 00. swivel chair 17 50. oak rad.a or phonoaraph tables S4.00. house and outside wire, ranie cable, electric water heaters. 1195 00 DeLux waAher! damaged In transit 199. 95. 3 ton At 3 ton c.ia.n hoists, wall safes 8 00. unit healer for low pressure team. 1947 G.M C. 19' bed Pi ton truck. International K-3 flat bed I't ion. FIRI ENGINE. Metal secretar ial desk. file, bath room fixture, soil Pipe, caulking lead. KARDEX. I am In the mood tor going fish In, come In and help me clean house so I I can let aaav. Come south on 12th to lane HOYT SION. turn EAST one : block. Tel. 37911. nl3I WOOD FURNACE with air conditioning I Could be easily converted into oil fur nace. 4 gal. electric water tank. Double metal bed with soring. AQ tn excellent condition. 13M Elm. West Salem. D133 ANTIQUES FOR SAI.E-Manv Item of value, mutt ten. van at mi oaginaw. n!33 PEAT MOSS with turkey dropping! 99c per erk I laekt 14 50. vaiiev reran Store.4349 Sllverton Rd. Ph. 32934 B149 FOR SALE Cor ley taw mill model 440 witn i oiaaet. usea one season, con tact H. M Mathany. Mill City. Ore Oeneral Dellvery. nl39 RFMANUFtrTURED Motor Ford. Chev . Plvm.. Dodge. Owners: oet power, eco nomy performance, with a ward mo tor. New motor guarantee. Liberal trade In A low as 919 monthly. Montgom ery Ward Salem. nl34 RFIL BARGAIN In new 9Mxl9 and 900H9 4 s'r tire. 3999 Portland Rd. Salem. n13 DOUBLE horae tra!er Oood cond :t too. N'w tire. oood gpara 9179. Phone 3-72J8 nl33 SEWING MCHINE. pe7iel Rental mm mr rate .1 mo. 913 This It pot regu lar rare Off! tood tiU June 9tt) only PR. J-TIU. mi3J FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BUZE SAW, 9ft. 131 S. 30th. Phone 3-723 B123 WHITE HOl'SE PtOdUCU.Ph 3-9741. D14I ST WBER G T YPE R I V E R BOTTOM TOP SOIL. High quality, attractive price. All kindt: Pit run: gravel; sand: mix crush; concrete pipe fc tile; rs-lnforcioR steel; cement; srpMc tank. OREOON GRAVEL CO. 1409 K. Front St. Ph. 3-3417. Q142 BARGAIN Store fixture Including cath register, 191 8. High. STATE FINANCE CO. TELEPHONE 3-4121 B 64) GALLONS OI 93.3ft per lallon Norway St. outside white patnt a 9 (alloa paUa. 1129 D124 SAVE 3e gat on gas) Broadway' Super Service. 999 N. Liberty. n!39 STEEL C LOT H E S LINE post 913 pair BP. RalHus In stock to order 1149 M. Lib erty. nl29 GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley, Olbaon and Moo tag Appliano at Gevnrta. GARDEN SAND, gravel, crushed rock. Shovel At drag-lint excavating, WALL ING SAND St GRAVEL CO- Ph. 8-9349. 1745 Orant Ph. nl 30- la Cf. FT. CHEST freeser. New 1330 00. Ph. 3-4294. n SAVE 3e gal. on gasl Broadway's Super Service, 999 N. Liberty. n!35 SALEM BAND St O RAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing Ditching Sewer Basement Equipment Rental 19 B H yd- 13.00 per hr. 1 B S yd 9.60 per hr. D-7 Cat St Doter 10.50 per nr. D-l Cat e Doter I 40 per hr. D-4 Cat At Doiet 1.99 per hr. Phone Days 3-9406 Eves 3-S2 or 3-4409 balem Oregon n CEDAR posts, jew wood posts, shingles, tele, and elec. poles. Phillip Bro. Rt. 6. Box 111 Ph 6BF22. n WALLING SAND St GRAVEL CO CRUSHED ROCK for roads and drlvewaya cement, ready mix concrete, garden sand. Bulldoiini drainage and ditching. 4-rd. shovel and drag Una Ph. I-S24I. PLATROCK For patio, rora walla, walk, gardens, and all rock const We del and sell here or at pit. See or call for prices. PhllLpa Bros.. Rt 6, Box 118 Ph 68F2 n FERTILIZER. Cow, tiors or chicken mal nure delivered In Salem. Well rotted or fresh, 85 00 per cubic yard del Also manure by aark 11.00 per sack at place or will del five sack orders. Phillips Bro., Rt. 1 Box 119. Salem. Ph. I8F22. n" G AS RANGE. 930. 1179 Chemeketa. nl24 COOLER ATOR Refrigerator. 8 ft. Exclnt. cons. tn. 3-6927 or see at 1530 Hickorv. B127 BERRY PICKERS For 99 A. Marshall strawberries. Van Cleave Farms In Hazel Green, l'i mile east of Totem Pole, l mile north on Van Cleave rd. Ph. 3-3161 or 2-5165. nl24- NEW 30 lal. Elec. water tanks, 149 56. JudAon', 279 N Com'l. n!24 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE WANT strawberries. Market price In cash. Contact Jory packing Co. at Ter mlnal Ice. 249 D St. Phone 3-4590. ns WANTED furniture to glue e repair. Leo Bro. Furn Reflnlsblng Co Ph 3-7001. USED FURNITURE- Phone 3-9199. PERSONAL DOROTHY L. HOLMES No one expects you to nay any other bill but your own. Your Truly, Wtlber T. Holme P124 I WILL NOT be responsible for any debt contracted by any one but myself. Dorothy I. Holme. May 31st. pl23 STANLEY HOME Product. 55ft Cross St. Ph. 2-5446. pi 40 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Box 734. 3-5234. P1R5 AUTOMOBILES YOUR BEST BET STATE MOTORS, INC. Today's Specials 17 SERIES CLIPPER PACKARD. 9 cyl. sedan, radio and heater, one owner car, low mllegge. Looks and run like new. Guaranteed. Extra Special! BRAND NEW PACKARD super sedan with RAtH dr overdrive. Real saving on thi one. FIVE CARS listed below. The bow sss aell thi week. No reasonable offer refused. 1947 Old club coupe 1947 Mercury sedan 1949 Chev. FM sedan 1947 Nash 600 sedan 1916 Ford deluxe sedan The above car have radio and heaters. E.y terms or trade. STATE MOTORS, INC. 0124 FOR SALE OR TRADE for large trailer house or don payment on house or ac reage. 1945 3 ton Chev. truck. 4H Blller Ave., Mapleton Add. q!25 I9IS CHEV. sedan In excellent condition. 15.100 miles, one owner, extras, only 31.545. 1680 8. Winter. ql28' 1941 CHEVROLET deluxe sed. Oood cond? S895 Norman Pfarfinger, 5 ml. E. of Woodburn. q25 "34 FORD, good condition, tailor made seat covens. A steal at 1135. Ph. 38737. M25 lftll MERCURY station wagon, excel, condition, 11400. 3395 Portland Rd. Ph. 33255. qi27 $850 - SPECIAL 1941 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN RADIO. HEATER. FOG AND BACKUP LIGHTS. SPOTLIGHT. NFW RUBBER A-l CONDITION. BOOK PRICE 11040. NOW tgso AT LODER BROS. 3419 Fairgrounds Road Phone 31499 ql2S 37 CHFV. 2 door sedan, good condition. sua to. jg in. plate glas mlrrora 120.00 each or 4 for 175.00. Good piano 1135 00. Al.o flourescent lights. 488 80. College, Monmouth, Ore. Phone 3117. 0125 3d PLT MOUTH Coupe, R&H, good cond! 1250 Pit. 3yi7. 0.123 11 H I'D SON Club Coupe, RAH, OD, etc? CLEANEST 4S DODGE 3-pass. cpe. in lown. Oniy 11293. Hurry! 670 Ratcllff Dr. S. Salem. qg EQUITY in 47 K B Int. Dump for late wioaei car or ca.-n. see at 4200 Rowan Ave. Manbnn Gardens. ql25 12 CHEV. convertible. Black. RAH. fen- wr ssirca. twin sport light. Ph. 3744. 3260 Tesa Ave qg LEAVING TOWN. mut sell new Chev. 3 to oump truck. J260 Tea Ave. Phone DODGE pickup. ton. excellent cond. Very low mileage. Ph. 3480R. qm SPECIAL ! OLDS 99 sedan. Hrdromatic drive, radio, air eond. htr , air-foam cushion. 9130 Iron new car price at LODER BROS. 241 Peirfreund Rd. pn. 1-1498 S133 OIIIS 98 club cpe R,,' H, twin pota. sair- new pt nt t9j. ph. I4i;8. (Continued on Page 19) l