14 Capital Journal, Salem, Peddler of Dreams By PEGGY DERN :' (Cluster 18) nw went to a movie and thought It was a picture widely advertised and supposed to be very good, neither of them wu conscious 01 anything that won piace on wie screen. They were conscious only of their shoulders touching; of their hands that clung tightly; of the fact that they were together here In a little world all their own. They lived each other. And something would have to happen so that they fioulrf havA each other. X At the end of the week Felicity xecelved a letter from Uncle Charles e had been very happy to hear 4hat things were going so well. He lelt that Tippy was very fortunate jo M on me verge 01 oeing aaopi id by Susan Fleming, and was send ing her a costume for herself and ne lor Garrett. Ana ne aaaea: . . . About your play, I dont "Tmow why anybody should be 2aurpiised to know you've writ Aten one. I've read It and I'm not golng to tell you what I think -of it for fear you may feel that am prejudiced: in fact I may "be. because I am very fond of you. But I am sending It along to a friend of mine who Is ac tively producing. I'll forward you -his report as soon as I get it. " Yes. I am very proud of your 3ather. I didn't think he had it n him. I'm afraid I'll have to change my opinion of him. at this late date. That he would te billing to take a job as a depart ment store Santa Claus argues Jhat he must be more of a man jthan I thought. Felicity let the letter drop from her nervous hands and was deep ly thankful that the children were Out playing and that she alone Knew there was a letter from Uncle Charles. Father a department store Santa Claus! And that pitifully brave letter he had written about b new part in which I am really Die lead." The apologies for send ing only ten dollars a week! "An actor has to dress, you know, and Maintain a front entertain the press " Oil, poor Fatherl How he must hate It! "She drew a long breath-at last id tore the letter into minute bits. Nobody must know. The ohlldren must go on thinking that Father was back on his beloved Broadway; that he was playing a Qg role "really the lead" In a dew production. But when at the and of the week his letter came, with the usual ten dollar bill en closed, she could not keep back her tears, knowing that only through a genulae sacrifice had he been able to send even that much. - The box of costumes arrived. The ne for Felicity was a hoop-skirted affair of Civil War days. Garrett's costume was that of a dandy of the jVme period. The children were wild with excitement and admira tion when Garrett and Felicity put on a dress rehearsal a few days be fore Christmas. Christmas Itself was a time of mixed pleasure and pain. Felicity felt the loss of Tippy from their email circle. But since Denny did not seem to feel It, and since Ellen was thriving, gaining a bit of bloom in her pale cheeks, and Cor nelia seemed entirely happy, Fe licity told herself she was being foolish and tried to let It go at that. The problem of cooking a turkev. when Jason reported that turkeys were eneaper than any other kind of meat and they could get one at even less than the market price, was unexpectedly solved by Ma Green the day before Christinas Ive, "I knew you'd want to have a turkey for the kids." she told Fe licity cheerfully. "And I ain't going to any bother about Christmas. Seems kind of silly, when you're all alone and an old woman. So you Just help yourself to my kitchen and cook anything you want. I'll be out of the house most of the time till after Christmas." Felicity thanked her and Ma Oraen said with a little sigh, "Some how, I don't ever realize how lone some I am until around this time of the year. My husband used to get awful excited about Ohrlstmas. and of oouse we had the boys until our luck ran out." Her kind, nut-brown face worked a little and there was a mist of tears In her ayes. Ptentv? flavor Uer Oregon, Tuesday, May 24, 1949 "Ma Green." she said almost hur riedly, for she was shy of what sne was aoout to say ior iear 01 the way Ma Green would take it. "whv don't you have Christmas with the children and me? ' We d love It " Ma Green studied the alrl shrewd ly, and suddenly her face softened and she patted Felicity's arm with the awkwardness of one unaccus tomed to demonstration because there has been no opportunity to become demonstrative. "You're a amlghty sweet girl. Fe licity and It's sweet of you. I'd love to come only couldn't we have our dinner here In the house? There's more room than In the trailer and I wouldn't feel like I was crowding you. I'd feel kind of like you were partly my guests and I was partly yours. And I could do some of the cooking. I used to be a right good cook before I stopped having any opportunity ior cooking." And so it was settled and the children were thrilled over the pros pect of a real Christmas "in a house." The children were wild with excitement, but, as Ma Oreen expressed it, "so good It fair hurts you to see 'em. you mean Ive well. I've been too strict with them?" Felicity asked swiftly. "I've made them afraid of me?" "Oood Lord, child, what a crazy idea," snapped Ma Green. "There never was children anywhere in the world that worshipped anybody like them young-ones do you. It's lust that they're not wild and shrieking and under-foot every minute. You are a mlghtly fine girl, Felicity. The fellow that gets you is going to be a lucky man. And I reckon I wouldn't have to hunt more'n twenty feet to find him." (To Be continued) SIZES 10 40 Seek the Sun The waist-whlt-tltng midriff and the sun-seeking necklines make this front-buttoned fashion new and different. For a smart finishing touch add hat ana nag set no, itbo. (two sepa rate patterns.) No. 3918 Is cut in sites 10, 13, 14,1 is, in. la. as. 38 and 40. size 16 I 4 '4 yds. 35-ln. no. 2786 Is cut in head sizes 31. 33 33. Size 33 hat, yd. 35-in. Bag! I rt ya. aa-in. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK is Just off the press, presenting the best In Summer fashions, all de signed with the simplicity that spells good style and easy sewing and with special attention to the use of cottons. Over 160 pattern designs for all agea and occasions. Send now for your copy, price Just t cents. Address t-attera Depart ment, Capital Journal, 553 Mission street. San Francisco 5. Calif PATTERN No. R2701 lee-Cream Suit Any 3, I or 1 year-old flrl will be delighted to wear a life-sized ice-cream cone on her sun suit. Easy to make, the suit requires only 1' yards of ma terial for size 3. Bonnet pattern Is inciuaea. Pattern Envelope No. R270J con tains tissue pattern, sizes a. 3 and 4 years Included, material require ments and sewing instructions. To obtain wis pattern send 10c in COINS, giving pattern number youi name, address ana zone num. bei to Peggy Roberts Capita) Jour nal 821 Mission Street San Fran Cisco 1, Calif LflSV ( BOSETTA SOSH 1 HAD TO KEEP BITIN' My 'COOBSG SUE DlONT LOO fVOO AINT X WHO AST Ihjs! LJfBlfiHa2)!iVfs. -J LCJOKEO NICE J TOJQOe Tt) KEEP FROM ) SO GOOD COMH4' HOME- ) NO ROSE NOU.YOU UJllll )SgfflSS?lS SSfA V . fWUEN WE STARTED lPROPOSIr4' TO HER SUE V AS THE EVENIN- WORE OFF I SERANIOM NOSEV PIXIE? F INtffiffl: rM'ty ' VpOT TONIQUT-I mi LOOKED SOtlPPyT . HER FACE SORTA WORE J VOURSELFlswUT OP AN ' S 7 ABrjW H - yrTTW ! OTWT " M ' tOFF, TOO. VAMESv POTTSSO TO 5LEEP1. R 2702 r SO FAQ, SO 600ft CRUNCH VOU TOLD ME "1 IJ PULL OVER TO THI SIDI ! T THERE'S A LAW IN THIS SIAIt ABOUI VI WE VE COME THROUGH THE I TONIGHT TO POSTPONE ",. , AND STOP tSAHJ DRIVING WITHOUT A TAIL-LOHT-IT 5 I I CITV WITHOUT ATTRACTING MY SKXTIN0. COUNTESS , i TTiliTn GONG TO COST YOU A FEE TO HEAR I T ATTENTION -'-PERHAPS WU SHOULD fA IHE JUDGE LECTURE ON IT J I A DO LIKEWISE -A cfEeS ' ---r - ifcvl -i.saeaaaaaaa : BtmMmitui,3Et-sttwrr scar fa,, x i n i n zr n n n Qf m 1 1 i i i i i i i i i O T- s'CMON-rrs neariv 11 A atrt vje got aughT"! Rf HARK! A CAR W J DARK-LET'S TRV TO I SHEtU 7Mr K OO VXI SPOSE I WET NOW -NO Jtijl OUI WT HHOT EXCOOZE US FO' )J SARTlMLy -v OH, 1 AH NOW PRONOUNCES TlT HADPE.NE.D Tl BUSTIM'IM LIKE V CftMrTUlM Vlf ( VAH?2 ? ML ABNEP. AW DAISY fL 1 "" --' r A HERDO'WILO OVIIUl nlrl ALLUS f WAL- ' MAE MAN AN' WIFE YTH THING TH'WHOLE WOULD BIN ) I HAWGS-BUT THEY WILL HAPPEN , ViATCH T THIRTY-NINE CENTS J I A VAITIN'-AN' A-FHARIN'.':'' t-S " SAYTHETLI'L AT TH ' LAST J TMIs"rV' PLEASE..'.'; -.J. ABKIEPt-AN' DAISY H MOMENT T' S J I Jnl'CL , ' lOiffiVl Kjj t-fl ftiVyt a nFBTr,p9 me. I I ..i ... I ... 1 ' ! 1 1 U A DEBTOR? l! TBMWpd AM? .SS, L00 VouRE A WHAT A I SONNA (SET rilS J T 1 -- Pl C M aUAgEALOLP li, i I Th)S HERE BUSINESS PONt"T WS SAW WOiS fJfT' rp.iul, , , 7 SS'ci'JJfT APP UP RiSHTf THERE 16 AN S0MSWNP smrgLV, Mff.BLANP, YOU I AM NOT AN AUTHORITY W6SAW(T,ASKANSAW 1 ACROSS THEVVAlT A MINUTE OLP TRAIL ACROSS THE CANYON, I OF A WA60N PONT THNK WE SAW J OH THE SUPERNATURAL OR R WESAWTHESHOST.'CANYON! PlDVDUSAY BUT A LANPSUPE CUT IT OFF aCROSSTME A)j APPARITION j-J METAPHYSICAL, PEAR LAPV M j- &SX ' la A ACROSS THE VEA AQO! THERE AIN'T NO X CANKJN.' BUT A CONEST06A WAfiONf rjP Pf'' WAYO'66TTIN'A WAtjON jjp ""-v1 "4' ' WELI" " ; pj iWllf wJ mm mm l JMEANIT,MI.wORTH!-.iDAftESAyVOUWOULOl M I HMMF!- IVt MADE A FRANKLV MR I I THINHMVSON HAD """ik IT.L DOUBLE WHATEVER , . j' yRKINGRM A RELATIVE JACKAii OF MY5ELF, HAVE I ?gEENWO00l & BETTER EXF1AIN ITTOYOu!--THE f s u PRESENT EMPLOYER PAYJ YOU) . .NAEO ULE SAM- YOU PROfiABLY NEED A JOB cWlOUSlli, WHOLE ADDLE-BRAINED PROJECT L . M f2'l?0L$iU?,, TfELLINOSAVINiS BONDS. -AND ABOUT LIKE t NEED A DIME jog.. IF IT f WA4CO0KED UP BY HIMl-DRIVE W. fx rX)OR-TO-Da)RELUN6!jfTtpAvl4ZtR00oaAMAND fOR COFFEE ! MONEST-.-AND R. "9"!; JORGt! )J2Lgf T A A if A ZERO CENTS PER DAY.' 'v -7 S0METHIN4 I'M SW. .VstSj f . V " ' I RADIO PROGRAMS TUISOAY 'KSLM jjg 'KGW o IK0C0 T 'KOIN 5:M rmlUa UwU Jr. Wvhab'i 8Mrt Sliy 1m Hrb Ibrlntr H Prink Hrlnrwt7 nmnar ! lhth Rutk Li III. Baw iSa Panlnfl Pr4 Nttu Btni Crbr Clb IB iU Nw 9" M"" Kport r gdwiri Mww 6 m Mtrftlibt Arr Mailtsl CMktkll Cndic!ttbt u Kni HsbbIbc ill Hiralibt Arraw Miaicftl Cklll Bilvar BtaUh :U CiPt. HI4nlibl Alu Ynmg flbaw N.wi Chal Hulhy tU Taw Mil Alan Yaanf Shaw liaak Wallea Nw !m Habrltl flaalla'r Bab Ha Naral Air Baatrva Lrnm Cala 1. Narlhwtat News Bab Bat Ed4la UMar Bab Taant ikaw ,M LIIIU Shaw ribbar HcOaa Ta Baad Slrlka II Blah ,U LI I Ha ghaw ribbar MaOaa Ten Band Blrlka H Blafc n iaa Madlelaa Draaa Hellywaad Thtalra Tlma Tana Shoa Hit tba Jaekaat O ill Mvala Hallrwaad Tbaatra Tlma Tuna Sba Hit tba Jaekaal rW :M Cblahaln Trail Pcaala Art Fanny Tlma Tuna ba Paai th Back r iU Cblihalm Trail Paapla Ara Fanny Cemba Carnar Pan lha Bank ManU Crtala ' Clab Banditand Lawall Thamaa U ulVll Mill N.wa af Warld N.wa J tZ Fa'arlta Slarr Thla li Taar Ull Ba.abaU Mr. Mn. Nartb W:ia "UIZ: Nawa Baseball Flta Star Flaal ZJ" Sparta Pasa Plaal Baatball Mritarr Tbaatra in flalaet Laaal Naara B' -d Baacbatl tt' Daaaa iU Naw. Band Waaaa BaaabaU S ran a da M MaaU Traeh UH J Warl M Bab Po.l. Bbaw r J'" " Sll. ' iU Maile trchtatra Track KM N,B Sltn Oft 8'n Off BliB Pit Bllant WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4;45 P.M. 6iM Bodia Padra ilft Hodra Padct KO,N :M Nawa KOCO Ktaek KOIN ftlack 4A Uadft Pedga KOCO Klack KOIN Klaab Im Nawa Farm Tlma Tea RHUr KOIN Elaak :H Nawa Farm Tlma Nawa A BaarU Nawa iM March timf Tba Old Saara Taa O' Marvlaa Nawa i5 Nawa New Ncwa Fred Back PiM Nawa Fred Warlni Western Mclodlea Coniamar Nawa .ir, Braabfaat Oans Fred Warlni Wcatarn Malodlaa Art Bakar :f0 Braakfait Ganv Kidera af Baia Wei tern Melodic Robert Lawt M Tea Tradaa Bam Harea Church In Wild Robert Lewli 900 Bargain Coanlar' Second Can Klnr'a Craaadrra Vocal Variatlaa tB Victor Undlahr Second Cua Klna'a Craaadera Nawa :30 Sons af Plonaora Jack Bcrcb Musle Grand BUM t5 Maalc News Ma eta Rosemary A .00 Newa N T Roncrmoon Coffea Cap Wandr Warraa 111 IS SaHb N T Honarmoaa N.W. Rapart Aant Jenny 1 H 1:80 Pelor' Call Tommy Doner Bbapeody In Helen Trent J :45 Wllaa Walt a Tlma Tammy Doner Rhythm Oar Oal Bandar m Ntwt Tom ray Doner Rlaia Wai Big Sister ;lo Gospel fllntera Tommy Doreey Glass Wai Ma Parblna SD Lan Back Today's Children Gl Wai Toanr Dr. Malana ;4B Walts Serenade Brighter Day Glasi Wag Guiding Light jfc ;B)B Ladles First Doable or Natblng Everybody's Idea News in it Ladfaa First Double or Nothing Organ Moods Come 4r Oct It I JF iSO Quean for a Day Newt Seers Norah Drake Uft Queen lor a Day Light of World Ted Dale Presents Makes Yea Tick 1:00 Top Trade Lift Beautiful Hollywood Mnsle 2nd Mrs. Bartaa .13 Nawa Ma Perkins Hollywood Mnsle Perry Masea :80 News Pepper Young All Tims Favorites Pat O'Brlea M Bob Eberly Show Happtnasa All-time Payarltei Organist ?M Musie Backstage Wife Records Off Shelf Newspaper af Air .15 Johnson Family Stella Dallas Records aft Shelf Newepaper ef Air tU Tell Nelhgber Lorente Jones Records off Bbelf Winner Take All :46 Blng Slags Wldder Brawn Records off Shelf Treas. Bandstand Uk pN Against the Storm A Girl Marries Classics News .(A Against the Bterm Portia Faces Life Classics Tunefully Your rTl :M M",le JuBt n'ln B,u Dy Dream Music Meet tba Mines ' On Parade Front Page rarrell Day Dream Music Meet the Missus 4:00 Happy Gang "" U1 Women's Page Arthur Godfrey 10 Happy Gang Lore Lawlon Friendly Arthur Godfrey :30 Songs af Times Aunt M"r' Spatllte Musle Arthur Gedrrey .40 News We Love Learn Spotlight an Arthur Godfrey DIAL LISTINGS! KEX, 1190; KOAC, 550 Lry Tuesday P. M. B:M, flejulrrol -a. Care i 6:80, Sky KIngi 8:00. Keep ing up With Sports i I:1S, Home Edition; 6:3, Hop-along Cassldyt 7:00, Edwin C. Hllli 7:111, Elmer Davlsi 7: SO, Report te Peoplei :00, Counter ari t:M, Town Meet ingi :.tn. Monitor Newet 0:45, Book Adr.i 10:00, Rlebfleld Reporter! 1ft: IB. Intermcs oi 10:30, Concert Kauri tl:80, Memo te Tomorrow) 12:00, Xtra Houri 1:00, Sign Off. ICY Wednesday, I A.M. to 4:48 P.M. ICA 6; 00, Early Blrdi 7:00, MeCall News: 7:15, Bob Johnson Show; 7iM, Robert's Almanac: 7:4R, Farm News: 8:00. Mrrt and Margei S:I5, Martin Agronskrt t.'SO, Easy Aces: 8:40, Zeke Manners: 0:00, Breakfast Clnb: 10:00. News; 10:1 A, Kay Krser's Kollege: 11:00, Ted Malonei 11:15, Galen Drake: 11:80 Mr True Story: It: 00. Betty Crock ert 11:16, News; 13:M, Baukhagei 12:45, Get More Out of Llfei 1:00, Northwester- :M, Kay West: 1:00, Breakfast In Ronald Witham Honor Guest for Birthday Pratum Mrs. Theodore With am honored her oldest aon, Ron ald, with a birthday party for his eighth birthday at her home. She was assisted by Mrs. Will ACROSS 31. Of the aprlnf 1. Pood flih IS. Relievo 4. Chinese shrub 34. Ventilated 7. One of three 35. Cereal equal parts 36. Recent 12. Unclose: poetic 38. Dressed 13. Hockey ball 41. Coin 14. Wireless 41. County ta 16. That which Colorado Is woven 43. Forgiving H. Parasitic worm 47. Adult boy 18. KxDunKa 4B. Marble 20. Not any 21. Quantity per unit of timO 22. Tountcataro 23. Headpiece la. Point on tho moon's orbit 21. Disconcert! colloq. SO. Charteg 49. Flan egjra (0. Beverage 61. Studlea 62. Female aheap 62. Petition DOWN 1. Quail 2. Music drama 1. Moot zzzizzzizzzzz "l33" w wSl y m,w W S4'' H w mrW mw-W i W!ii w w r, jt air I I I I Mm I I wm I I AP NewsreajTueao ROOM AND BOARD IK p5 P 00 WE A gS OKAY- -I'LL TAKE HIM OUT "B : FAVOR AND ENTERTAIN THIS ONCE BUT? I f g UNCLE TONK3WT IS THE LIWIT ON MY WILL OU?-"I'M SO BUSHED SQUANDER I- I KNOW I FROW TAKING HIM OUT THE PAST ) C UNCLES TYPE HE 5,S!SHT?ICOUL? 0015 "eeps POISON IW IN yJf VETS IN THE WALLET zAi W K 'i E P.M. (Listed as Pacific Standard Time) Taea. P.M. 6:0 Oa tko II bealt 0:50. Bporta Club: :, The Newet :15, Grace Bargor at tba KOAO Organ: 0:80. Round tba Campflrei 1:15, Farm Hoar; 0:00, Errand af Mereyt 11:15, Univ. af Oregon Symposium; l:4S, News: 0:00 Campus Headlines; 0:110, Mailt That Endures: 0:45, Evening Medltatleaei 10:00, Sign Off. (Listed as Pacific Standard Time) lfArt Wed. A.M. 10, News; 10:11, lWMV Especially far Wamaa, lltOO. Concert Hall: 12:00, Newai 13:15. Farm rlety Time: 1:80, Melody Laaei t:00, la neclally for Women; t:M, Memory Book af Muilei 1:45. Oregon School af the Alri 1:00, News. Hollyywoodi t:W, Talk Your Way Oat af It: 1:00, Surprise Package; S:M, Bride and Greomi 4:00, Welcome Travelers) 4:40. Art Llnkletter. Andersen and Mrs. Sherman Hofstetter. Children present were Billie Andersen, Dwayne, Dale, and Kenneth FoMetter, Ann Welty, Donald Regier, Clauden Ruyle, Jlmmle and Gerald Sprague, Jeral Sharer, Gale Zelish, Alvin, Stanly and Vernon Witham. Solution of Ytsterday 'b Puzzlo 4. Carry i. Be wrong f. Places of action T. Change ear 8. Detest I. Artificial language 10. Free It. Kemalo deer 17. Scotch musle) festival 11. Rich brown 22. Palm lilies 22. Religious feast day 14. Masculine name 26. Fencing dummy 27. Ancient her mits who lived on the tops of pillar 2. Upright 30. Oriental dwelling 11. City in Minnesota If, Contend 34. Garb 37. Insect 32. Babylonian abode of the dead 40. Recipient of a gift 41. Particle 42. 8 -shaped molding 42. Knock 44. Self 45. Disfigure) 46. At one By Gnt Ahem 1 . aU? IJo J a r e a R P ar I aInUp jTH r o t "otglarr hjlNi y O V E nWt! I Qs Mju T S at MnJaL as H A R fl Hi I Iph siaIy tncj ate O ofpjj MklHlf 5. 9. . fil HiES5 b!bip;sUoREUq!sa1r J