r Lire " "XLLL I Yr' ? 1 Ji,,. V """""! 5 i3 fife I SLjfEL Jill Transfer at Sea A critically ill passenger of the transport Marine Flasher is carried by breeches buoy to the aircraft carrier Philippine Sea 500 miles off New York. The passenger (circle), James Morgan. 61, of Brookline, Mass., required a transfusion of a rare type blood. (AP Wirephoto) Huskies Defeat Beaver Crewmen On Willamette Corvallis, Ore., May 24 The University of Washington Hus kies beat the OSC Beavers by two lengths over the 200 meter distance on the Willamette river Saturday. It was the second tri umph of the season for the Hus ky oarsmen. The Beavers forged ahead at the start, then the two shells rowed together to the half way mark with the rate of stroking approximately 32 to the minute. Nearing the stretch the Huskies began to pull away. The OSC crew lost to the Huskies in Seattle April 23 by six lengths. The Beavers will travel to Stockton, Cal., for' a three-way meet with Stanford and California, May 29. Michigan State Formally Voted Into Big Ten Evanston, 111., May 24 P1 It's the Big Ten again, but the new member, Michigan State college, won't enter league com petition until the 1950-51 school year in conference football the Spartans must mark time until 1953. ' Michigan State, a bustling East Lansing. Mich., institution with an enrollment of 16.000, yesterday was voted formal con ference admittance by the fac ulty representatives, policy making body of the powerful j Mill City Society Has Guest Speakers last i in cam Mill City The Mill City Mrs. Meyer President' Pratum Church Unit Pratum Mrs. Adam Hersch was hostess to ine pratum WSCS at her home. Mrs. Will deVries was in charge of the de votions. Mrs. Oscar Wigle read letter from a missionary in China. Election of officers for the term were as follows: president Mrs. Harvey Meyer, vice presi dent, Mrs. John Olthoff: treas urer Mrs. Arthur deVries; sec retary. Mrs. Will Anderson: re cording secretary. Miss Wilma deVries. The women enjoyed viewing! antiques, some 300 years old. W. P. Ennery, Mrs. Hirsch's father, brought the antiques when he came home from visit ing at London, England, last year. Baptismal Ceremony Interests Relatives Silverton Local relatives driving to Portland were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson and Mrs. Ed Holden as their automo bile guests where they attended the forenoon worship hour of the Central Lutheran church. The small son of Mr. and Mrs Ritchie Turner, Ritchie Turner. II. received the ordinance of baptism with the relatives sponsors. Mr. and Mrs. Turner, the former Kathryn McCall were home hosts to her parents. the H. Gordon McCalls and her sister, Miss Edna Jeanette Mc Call, all of Portland, the Silver- ton guests, and the two sisters Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Tuesday. May 24, 1949 IS 1. Kl lice lylnr Cop pilot Gustav Crawford, of the New York po- aviation bureau, takes off on patrol above the city. Circle Entertained With Housewarming Silverton Mrs Albert Sather entertained her fellow mem bers of the Trinity Lutheran Mary-Martha circle of the Wo man's Missionary Federation, Wednesday afternoon, with her daughter, Mrs. H. E. Johnson (Marguerite Sather) of Eugene assisting during the social hour The affair was in the nature of a house-warming in the re cently remodeled Grant street home of the Sathera. Mrs. M. G. Gunderion wu home hostess in North church street to the members of the Esther Circle of Trinity, Wed nesday afternoon in a locial and FOR SALE SMALL BUSINESS Averaging $200 per month net. Owner now engaged in larger enterprise. Terms ar ranged if desired. PH. 3-3581 EVENINGS Journal Want Ads Pay midwestern athletic circuit Hawhhb lha nnnfaranM rwmhor draft erf football i Presbyterian Missionary Society schedules through 1952, the j will have as guest speakers Spartans will not figure in the .Wednesday afternoon four offi- grid race until five seasons f Willamette Presbvterial: hence, even though they face,Mrs pau, Sneperd- chairman of,of the baby, the Misses Valerie mree conicreme uMimnciiis ... ,.,,, j ,: jar.m. and Christine McCall who will speak on, programs and youth; Mrs. Glenn Sanders, vice president of Presbyterial and chairman of the program last year; Mrs. Willis Dallas, secre tary of Christian Missions and overseas sewing: Mrs. R. C. Sheperd, local Christian home secreatry. There will also be a soloist. This monthly meet ing, will be held at the new home of Mrs. W. W. Allen at 2 o'clock. All members of the congregation and friends are in vited to attend. each of the 1950-51-52 paigns. Conference officials made It clear that the Spartans, no mat ter how well they may fare the next two football seasons can not be considered as a Big Ten delegate to the Rose Bowl game. ( Presbyterians to Hold 1950 Meet in Cincinnati Buffalo. N.Y., May 24 Wi The 162nd general assembly of the Presbyterian church U.S.A., will meet next year in Cincin nati, Ohio. The Cincinnati invitation was accepted unanimously today by the 161st general assembly. The dates for the 1950 session have not been set. UNDERGROUND LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEMS COMPLETE INSTALLATION FREE ESTIMATES f PLUMCINO-HATINO Your hands moy be skillful but I II if your vision ()4aVlV is faulty JU' ' ffl you cannot V?fcr5 do good jpV J 167 8. High Dr. 8. A. Wheatlev Ph. 24469 Optometrist. KAISFR FRAZFR Invades New Price Field See the BIG BIG New Kaiser Drastic Low Prices 24 Months to Pay Teague Motor Co. 355 North Liberty, Salem, Oregon Phone 2-4173 Ijlfefcv S CHE N LE Y nun. t. I because it gives you OLDER WHISKIES Rare 00 anc O year old whiskies, skillfully blended with pre-war quality grain neutral spirits, make Schenley richer and finer always Camper Schtnliy's leek lektl with any other leading brand! The label on the bilk of the bottle must tell the age of the whiikiel in the blend. Comparison proves that Schenley gives you older whiskies ... yet you pay no more. from SCHENLEY Ibt How of AGED WHISKIES Tf STSSIGHT WHISKIES IN THIS M00UCT tt 5 YEARS 0 MORI H STRAIGHT WHISKEY. SH GMIN NEUTRAt SPIRITS 10 STRAIGHT WHISKEY i YEARS OLD. 21 STRAIGHT WHISKEY I YEARS OLD. 4 STRAIGHT WHISKEY 7 YEARS OLD. COP. 1549. SCHENLEY DISTRIBUTORS, INC, ft, T. & eoor di mmm uuicirv woof. rtrtnr. dlliiull mi none i old 35 (BMQDtaB EXCITING REPORTS are pouring in from North, East, South and West! According to th latest available figures for 1949, in 54 representative U. S. market areas, mora people bought Hud sons than any other make, regardless of price f In 254 additional areas Hudson outsold every other make except the three lowest-priced cars! Every day, new thousands are discovering that Hudson delivers not just a little "more, but the most of all they want most. It's America's "4-Most" Car, because it excels In all the im portant ways shown below. We invite you to enjoy a thrilling Revelation Ride today! ff. L. Petk eft Company, tht nation uOwUy em automotiU rrgittratiMM SHROCK MOTOR COMPANY 316 N. CHURCH ST. SALEM, ORE "AcfValed Shell Premium is the most powerful gasoline your car can use! 4m. Activation makes th difference) Shell ipliti nolccolct: Shell Kienrttfl Mkt the ftnett attilihlf crude acmitt tht noleralct by splitting them end retrrennine the Itomt Hording to Shell's tarmuii fnri perfettlv hiltnced gasoline. The result .shell f rcmiutn. the fliost poevertal fetolmff tour car ca. a sal r YES, manr of today' engines hire been itepped-up . . . they call for more powerful gasoline! Now Shell gives you the most powerful gasoline your car can use Shell Premium it's "activated." No other fuel can top its power in your car! This is made possible by Shell's own, spe cially produced power components and by Shell's own blending methods! Actually, Shell splits molecules to get more power for today's more powerful engines. So you get t gasoline that's "activated" 3 ways! I , Activated for kneckleu power! Pulling hard in low gear or traveling at full throttle, Shell Premium delivers full, quiet power I 3. Activated for fast "getaway." Shell Premium delivers the eitra power you can feel no "halking," no "stuttering" you go! 3. Activated far full mileage. Shellenginecr!"halince"Shell Premium so thai every drop of fuel goes to work for job! "Service it my busineit"