Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 24, 1949, Page 11, Image 11

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    expenit or the abutting and adlacenl
property, except the street intersection
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, May 24, 194911
tne expense oi wmcn will pe assumea be
trie city of Salem, by bringing said por
tion of Mid street to the established
I r d e. constructing, cement concrete
curbs, end pxvlng sxfd portion of said
street with a Inch xsphaltlo concrete
city manager bills will be open
ed June 27 (or construction of
a bridge on North Church street
at Mill creek. The manager rec
ommended installation of seven
or eight street lights at inter
rtdtra Work Aeener Public Bulldlnii
Ad mi nut ration, of flea of tha DivUion lo
Clncer 123 U. A. Court Houm, Seattle 4.
W on. Hay U, IW. StKltvd bid,
in triplicate, will tM received at UiU of
fice until 1 p.m., June I, 194 and then
publicly opened, for furnlshlni the mater.
laU, and performing the work tor Roof
and Masonry repair, Paint. ni, etc. at the
U. a. P. O., Salem, Oregon, In trlct accor
dance with the a pacification dated PB
Div -8, April 18, and drawlnis (If any)
mentioned therein: and the teneral condi
tion dated Sept. 16, 1943. And addendum
thereto date-d May IS, 1344. Specifications
and other data may be had at the office
of the custodian of the building or the of
floe of the division enilneer. or public
BulldlniM Administration, room No. 537,
lemon bulldnig, Waahlniton, D. C. I. W.
Frleberg, dlvuion engineer. laa
Pol Dexuty training Ex
cellem opportunities are al
ways open to th skilled
beautician Clasea are now
forming at Salrms oldest
and most advanced beauty
school. Call or write for our
new low rates
Oregon School of Beauty
230 N Liberty Ph. 36800
pavement 30 feet wide In eceordanre with
Plans and specif cations therein,
which were adopted by the common court.
uay v. IMS. wn cn ara now on r e
sections in Maplcton addition.
In the office of the city recorder and
which by this reference thereto ara made
a part hereof.
At the request of Elmer M.
The common council hereby declares Its
Amundson the city attorney will
ask the city school board to
purpose and Intention to make the above
described Improvement by and through
the street Improvement department.
By Ordar of the Common Council Use
move a fence and track so Al
der street can be opened for
I. 1)11.
ALFRED MuNDT, City Recorder
Date of first publication hereof Is May
I. 1949.
Capital Journal. May 13. 14. 1ft. 11. lg.
installation of water main and
19. 30. 31, 33, 24. It
age facilities on the river front.!
On recommendation ol the
rw wW 0
Introducing 1950's Roses of distinction! These four brand
new "Oscar" winners will hold places of honor in thou
sands of gardens next summer. Fashion, the only floribundi
chosen, is coral pink overlaid with gold; Mission Bells, a
hybrid tea, is salmon colored! Capistrano is a hybrid tea
of soft rose pink; Sutter's. Gold, also a hybrid tea, is yellow
with pink shading.
The coveted All-America designation is awarded on the
basis of two-year tests made in eighteen official trial gar
dens located throughout the country. Only plants achiev
ing the highest point rating on actual performance under
widely varied climatic and soil conditions are chosen for the
honor. The 1950 winners will be available from leading
nurserymen in time for planting this fall.
PGE Substation Bill Passes
Council After Argument
The city council Monday night enacted an ordinance for a
change of zone from Class I residential to Class III-X business, to
permit tne rortiana uenerai Electric company 10 ouua a uo
station in Block 35 of North Salem addition.
The action was taken after a dispute as to the regularity of
withdrawal of certain names-
from the petition for the change
and over the protest of some
property owners.
Fred W. Starrett, manager for
the company in Salem, said the
construction would be sightly
and landscaped.
The only other ordinance
passed was one dedicating a
piece of land, owned by the city,
to make it a part of Luther
street. A bill for the vacation
of alleys in Blocks 27 and 28,
North Salem addition, requested
by the Oregon Electric company
and Wallace Bonesteele to per
mit construction, was tabled at
the request of the sponsors.
An ordinance bill was intro
duced to renew the Southern Pa
cific company's franchise on
Union street for one year. A
letter from the long-range
planning commission requested
that the franchise be deferred
until all interested parties could
get together with the railroad
company to work out a long
range plan for the railroad lines
that enclose the city center. The
letter said Southern Pacific of
ficials had not responded to in
vitations for a meeting.
Two other ordinance bills
would renew for 10 years the
SP franchises on Front and Di
vision streets, and on Water
street at Court.
Other bills provide for a
change of zone in Block 29 of
Yew Park addition from Class
II residential to Class III busi
ness, and in Block 3, Capitol
street addition, from Class II
residential to Class III-X.
Hearings were set for June 13
Petitions received included:
For the Improvement of the
westerly alley in Block 1, Oaks
addition; and for the improve
ment of Jason street from Cen
ter to a point 75 feet north of
Great street. Both were ap
proved. Tabled until the next meet
ing was a claim of $310.90 by
Moises Agullar for injuries re
ceived when the South 14th
street bridge collapsed several
months ago while he was cross
ing it in his car. There was ar
gument between City Attorney
Kowitz and Ivan G. Martin, for
Aguilar,' whether the city had
due notice of the condition of
the bridge prior to the accident
Martin claimed he naa sum-
cient affidavits.
Plai-p nn file was a letter from
W. H. Crawford, requesting that
his name be continued on tne
n,ni & xuhstltute ritv iudee re
gardless of the election two
weeks ago of Walter lamKin.
On motion of Alderman Gille
the city will contact the Ore
gon delegation In congress rela
tive to the possibility of federal
aid for improvement of Shel-
ton ditch for protection of prop
erty. City Manager Franzen
said the city has no money for
the purpose.
The question came up in con
nection with a letter from Rob
ert Pitzer, urging haste in carry
ing out the council order for a
woven wire barricade at South
18th and Shelton ditch for the
protection of children.
On nomination by Alderman
O'Hara the council elected Paul
R. Hendricks a member of the
city budget commission in the
place of W. L. Phillips, who re
signed because he will be out of
the city.
Manager Franzen said the ten
tative city budget would be
ready this week, and Tuesday
night, May 31, was set as the
time for the first meeting of
the budget committee.
The Delta Gamma corpora
tion will be advised that it will
have to file a local option pe
tition for its proposed addition
to the club building.
The council voted to put Into
the city budget a $2200 item as
the city's share for a full-time
4-H club agent in Salem. An
appearance for the project was
made by Gene Vandeneynde and
Prof. William Teutsch, David
W. Eyre and Guy N. Hickok,
The Marion county court's or
der designating new voting pre
cincts in Salem, making a total
of 22, was accepted by the council.
The city planning and zoning
commission, by order of the
council, will hold a public hear
ing the night of June 7 on the
zoning of the Klngwood annex
ation in Polk county.
Resolutions were adopted for
the improvement of Myrtle from
Pine to Hickory; Alice from
Commercial to Mountain View
drive; Hines from 14th to 13th;
South 13th from Lee to Waller;
Fairmount from Culver lane to
Candalaria boulevard; Culver
lane from Commercial to Fair
mount. I
A resolution was adopted pro
viding for "no parking" restric
tions on the north side of Edge
water between the bridge and
Wallace road.
The council made effective by
resolution at $19 rental for C
E. Stoller, Philip Tuor and G
Merwin for operation of moor-
Killed Boy for Peace
Frankfurt, Germany, May 24
) A Frankfurt man confessed
he forced an eight-year-old boy
to pray lor "external world
peace" and then killed him with
axe in the belief a dying
child's last wish would be grant
ed, German police said today.
Police said they are holding
Walter Huegel, 30, as the slay
er of the boy, Sigmar Schuster.
Notlca hereby li given that the com.
moncouncll of the city of Belem. Oregon,
deems It nseassary and expedient and
hereof declares Its purpose and Intention
to Improve Mountain View Drive from the
eouth line of Candalaria Boulevard to the
north Una of Hanson avenue, In the city
oi aiieni. Marion county, urexon. at tne
Biggest Laundry Bargain in Salem
r Wi ii nil. v5
It 7 .-
On This 2 in 1 Combination
Washer 109.95
ironer 4995
Formerly - - - 159190
13.45 DOWN
5.65 PER. MO.
This GENERAL ELECTRIC Wringer Washer has o gleaming white modern appearance that blends with
any kitchen or laundry. You have a roomy, eight-pound capacity tub . . . the famous ,G-E triple
washing ocl'on . . , and the Permadrive mechanism that never needs oiling.
The porruble ironer gives you 1 10 inches of ironing shoe rurface ... it weighs only 35 pounds.
You do a smooth, professional ironing sitting down.
Distinctive Men's Wear
High at Court
Senator Hotel Bldg.
$$ MONEY $$
4H Real Estate Loans
Farm or City
Personal and Auto Loans
State Finance Co.
153 S. Hifb St. Lie. S2) 3-5222
Ways t
The fresh mountain air... the rippling
stream ... the thrill of the catch ....
then at sundown, home to a
refreshing glass of light Olympia.
These are among the good
things of life.
Bar, ihl Light Rifmbmm Bmrtp tf Million! lTmfmU Papk
A handy guide to folks who serve or sell
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2. A happy solution -that's Classified'i specialty. Each
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