10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Tutaday, May 24. 1949 State Building Program Rapidly Nearing Finish By James D. Olson The itate board of control ! $6,000,000 building program Is rapidly coming to a conclusion. A new $300,000 combination dormitory and school building at Oregon School for the Deaf was accepted from Carl M. Halvor- son, Salem contractor, May 3 and occupied about a week later At H illcrest School for Girls four buildings are under con- LEGAL struction. One, a food service notice or ixtintion to improv - . .... t I u- . !tlU. STREET t RUM I. AST II KB Si 2 building is expected to be com line or camtol treet to west Dieted within 30 days and tne ivvn line or twelfth btkut. NaLIm hrK- la ! that tri nn. mon council of th city of Balem. Oregon deetna it n-eetMr- and expedient and hereby declare Ui purpose sod lotto tton to Improve, Marlon street from th tut curb lint of Capitol sirwt to tnt wit curb lint of Twelfth atr-at. In the city or Botera. Marlon county. Oreton. ml th cxpens of th abuttloK and adjacent property, by re mo vine ht em tine, curbs, no eon strut tint new cement concrtt curb, wldfnlni th niUn,R pvnnt from 30 feet to 40 feet. S feet of men additional wldtb to b on each ildt of th existing pavement and auch addition al width to be paved with a Inch Port land cemant eoncret pavement, and the exlitlnt pavement to bt resurfactd with ft IS Inch aiphaltle conoret pavement. fell In aecorttamr tth ih nlana and mm. ctncatlona therefor which wert adopted by th common eounci) alar 9. 111. whleb ar now on flit in th of lie of th elty recorder and which by thl raieranc uiarato ar mad a part bara -"Til jl mmmmmm I' . 1Wi-rf"-r 1441 " W"flrjl !' I M 1 J - LI Jv 13 " . "W , .MW mmmmi-.. v. , .rwFk Stale Building: Profram Neara Completion New buildings it Hillcrest ichool for Girls and Oregon State Deaf ichool are rapidly being completed. Upper view ihowi Food Service build ing at Hillcrest school and In center is view of combination chapel, auditorium and gymnasium for girls at Hillcrest expected to be completed late in the fall. Below shows view of dormitory na icnooi Dunning recently completed at the State Deaf school in Salem. other three, a school building and a dormitory and a combin ation chapel, auditorium and gymnasium, late this fall. The new structure at the deaf school will relieve crowded con ditions considerably according to M. B. Clatterbuck, superin tendent. Sixty In Dormitory The new dormitory, designed for the younger students, will accomodate 60 children and the school building has eight rooms plus offices, and a small lib rary. Virtually all of the furni ture used in the new building was manufactured in the school's shop by students. En rollment at the school is now approximately ISO students. Mrs. Katharyn Loaiza, super intendent of Hillcrest school, hopes the school building will be completed for the fall semes ter. There will be seven school rooms, a library and offices in the school. A total of 53 girls will be ac comodated in the new dormi tory. Included in the building will be a segregation ward for girls who do not conform to dis cipline. Quarters for 18 staff workers are also included in the building. One feature of the new dorm itory are two fire proof towers in which' the girls may go in the event of a conflagration. These towers are an innovation and resulted in the fire authorities waiving installation of either fire escapes or chutes on the building. Service Tunnel Built The auditorium-chapel and gymnasium building is being constructed with concrete with brick facing. Leading from the present main building to the new build ings is a service tunnel which enable the girls to go from one building to another without go ing outdoors. In the schools food service building are facilities to process meat, churn butter and handle milk and cream, quick freeze compartments and a root room for storage of fresh vegetables. The total cost of the Hillcrest project is $640,000 with Mai arkcy & Moore as the contrac tors. LEGAL Ntt. II. Til MOTIC1 Or APPOIVTHKKT or BXSCl'TOB ni th cirniii Ooun w iht aut t Ortten tor Mrla CAuntv In th mtwr ! ui Bl,u ti 0. W. hOYI-R. Dc4 1'. WHOU IT UAT CONCERN: ftle u hrb, flvta thai on th lit at, f April. 1,41, th un4crUn4 appointed Bxcwtor of th laal WU1 of 0. W. HOYBH. dreraard. That Lattata Taatantantarr hav tear, Uud to aald Bxreutor. All Hraoo havlni claim tlatnat said Kilata arm fila mam with O. w. EM MONS, Attorn,, or vltb th Bxcutor, aa or atatut provided. Dalod thla (th dap ot Ma,, lit. VERNE S. HOYBR, Kxacutor B.U 331. Cottaaa Orova. Orcaan O W EMMONS Attorna, for Batata, i7o court atrL Salrm. Oraaon. Uap lo.lt ll.Juna of. Tha common eounrll harabv dmaraa Ita purpoaa and Intention to make tha above deacrleed improvement by and throurh th atreet Improvement department. BT Order Of th Common Caunrll Ui. t, mt. ALFRED MUNDT. Clt? Recorder I Date Af first nithllaltAH ,..u 1. U ... 13. Illl ! CaDltal Journal U 11 11 ia 1 1 : l. 30, 31. 33. J. 36. ' Budget Committee Meets Amity The city council, the city budget committee and all taxpayers of the city are being notified of a meeting June 6 at City hall to discuss the new city budget Just the ticket, Sarge! Tia the very air your motor breathe that'a full of abrasive road dirt, in particle ao fine that even your air filter can't trap them all. Those particles, plug gummy carbon, can damage the mirrorlike urfacea of your cylinder walla. RPM Motor Oil ia especially com pounded to combat thia "grind -atone action" by keeping the dan geroua particle harnueaaly and completely dispersed between oil change. He afe. Use "RPM"-i'i firtt choice in th Wat. We take better care of your car VAN LINES CO. LARMER TRANSFER and STORAGE At Your Service! FOR YOUR . . . Storage Hauling W Fuel ... NEEDS DIAL 33131 OR SEE US AT . . . 889 N. Liberty "OUR REPUTATION IS TOUR SECURITY" acation of a lifetime Glorious lake Louis and Banttl Play and relax on the top of the world! Every day of your vacation spent in the fabu lous splendor of Banff, in the alpine beauty of Lake Louise isnhotidayto treasure! Enjoy golf, riding, hiking, swimming, tennis, fishing plus world-famous cuisine, service, hospitality. Make reservations now with your local agent or see . . . (J fl. XV UUtVH There were more than eight' In the Library of Congresi at million volumes and pamphlets th close of 1847. f UziXztX end Hospital Ciro for Oregon residents en J their families available ctl rccscnc!:!3 cost. . . use coopc-i Huodretfi of thnusnds of Orepott workers Dow may obtain modest cost medical and hospital protection through Oregon Physicians' Service, Tt new plant for individuals and families are offered. Both have rhe spon sorship and approval of the Oregon State Medical Society. Wide Choice of Doctors and Hospital Through membership you and your family have a wide choice of sen fee. SomelOGf physi cians and surgeons belong to O P S. This is In excess of 91 of medical society affili ated doctors in Oregon. If you want medical and hospital protection af modeit cost backed by the experi ence and professional retpoti tibility of the Oregon Statt Medical Society write fot literature and application blank. Please use the coupon. Planl. MEDICAl, SUtOICAL AND HOSPITAL cvra fr th ftlovM. Individual S3. SO pr month. SUtOICAL, tIMITEO MEDtCAL HOS'lTAt mvrog fr (op-IIIw ipeui, $3.00 par menlhi Itr child, S1.3S tr rnoMhi Ind child, 7S tnli pr ntnthi 3H child, SO cntt (Mr inonthi ddl.li chorf. children no Plan 2. SUIOICAl, UMIT1D MIDICAl AND HOSPITAL Cvroa for th mpley! Indlvlduot Sl.15 Br Mnth. SU'OtCAL. IIMITID MIDICAl nJ HOSPITAL cvft ft famillM Men M Plan I. Plan rllbl In mot Or H-i t nplytd lndlldHtt whew nt tMBl Ifttomt) do Ml itM S6.0O0 pof yor. Nafti O.P.I, group (verso It till ovilole. If you anal fallow ompleyos wish the savlnfji mat are poitlbl vndr group poli ty wo wiM fwmlsh InformofeOfi vtuuu 1 KW mrln Sun Ufa Journal Want Ads Pay OREGON PHYSICIANS' SERVICE imi.W.tlt.,NnMd4 451 ferry Mre, Iff fSedfwd Mdf.,Mder OREOON PHYSICIANS' SfKVICI fleai mall tltcralur and dp.tic.llon blank. eii -In Mall I. O.f.l. at ..rllaraf, llm ar M.df.rd. essr PRICES FOR MSEP REFRIGERATORS ON THIS BRAND NEW s ' '9 Supr-Frir with '1- ,Si--vV lorg lrozn ttorag WanUdl lS0Ucd Rafrignratort VV nd wtd rafrigeralort 'for j rnlal purpoMt. Ptvon ut to torn I out and mako a fr appraisal. With All These Features : . Double-Easy Quickub Trays Tall bottl tpac . Porcelain interior Full-width, glasi lopped, roller-bearing Hydrator Famouf Meter-Miier mechanism with 5 Yar Protection Plan free Delivery Friendly Terms . Rust-proof shelves Com in todayl Se this bargain valu for yourself I Th modl shown is only on of 9 models, 3 types available. OPEN UNTIL 9:00 P.M. FRIDAY NIGHT I llUNETTt fALUT'S lEAVltlC aPFtUICl I0Mt rDMlSIIlt SALEM OREGON CITY I