I n" tffl Last Clipper Out of Shanghai Refugee! board the last Pan American clipper out of Shanghai, May 16. The plane carried SO passenger! to Hong Kong. Standing on ramp is the plane's steward. The picture was taken by a photographer who himself boarded the plane a moment later. At right is an armed Nationalist soldier. (AP Wirephoto) Harland Family Gets Publicity Dallas Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harland and family of Rickreall are featured in a major article in the June Issue of Country Gentleman magazine. Eleven color pictures on a two-page spread show the fam ily at work and play, and the article is continued on parts of seven other pages with more pictures In black and white. Written by Margaret Gelbach and F. J. Keilholz with photo graphs by Claud Palmer, the article describes the Harland's battle to hold their farm through depression times and how they developed It into a modern, up-to-date place free of debt. One farm family is chosen each month for an article on "Good Farming, Good Living," and each family is from a dif ferent state. The selection of the Harland f a m i ly was made through the cooperation of the Oregon State college extension service after county agents had suggested names from their sep arate localities. . . The entire Harland family has always been very active in Polk county, the parents in farm, community and church affairs and the children in school Joe at present is president of the Farmers Union Cooperative Warehouse, a position which he has held for five years. Chil dren are Bill, 19, a student at Oregon State college, Betty, 17, and Bob, 15, both in Dallas high school, and Barbara, 12, student of Rickreall grade school. Store at Woodburn Resumes Operations Woodburn The N. C. Hudson Co., successor to "Tremaines" opened the store for business Thursday. The store has not been open since the death of V, W. Tremaine, the former owner in January of this year. The new owners are Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Hudson, formerly of Vancouver, Wash., both of whom will be active in operation of the business. Local employees are Mrs. Max Warring and Mrs. A. J. Beck. Contracts Are Given New Albany Teachers Albany Contracts have been given to seven newly elected teachers for the Albany school system, it was announced Fri day by City School Superinten dent I. R. Halseth. The list includes the follow ing: Madeline Motrin, who will replace Mirlorli Hot, tlrlr phyilcw education instructor at Albany huh school. MLsa More an It) a Salem hUh school and WU lametta unlvaraltr graduate. lira. DtAnne Kylt, wife of Bam Kyle, local attorney will replace lira. Patricia DUhman n Junior hlih achool. Mr. Kyle waa graduated from For tColllna State collect, Colorado. lira. Clarissa Relm, primary depart ment, come from Monroe. She Waa grad uated fro mt-ht Eaatern Washington Col lege of education. Vlvlenne Hannah, who will receive her degree from the Oregon College of Edu cation. Monmouth, alo In the primary department. Ruth Anderson, another OCI graduate. Intermediate grades. Dorothy Mirier, primary department, a araouaia 01 eoutnern uregon college 01 education wltfc flr years of teaching ex perience, the laat two at Ashland. Harry Edwards, University of Oregon graduate, and protege of Ooach Jim Aik en, who will replace Adrian Dickson In the Junior high school. Edwards Is now aiding Coach Aiken In spring football training. He will teach mathematics 1c ddltlon to coaching. Leadbelfer's Estate Valued Oregon real and personal proDertv In the estate of Fred erick William Leadbetter. lum ber and pulD manufacturer who died December 22 in Los An geles, were valued at $278,- 687. SO In an inventory and ap- orai.tal filed for probate in Port land Saturday. Properties listed Include a residence at 2407 S.W. Park place, valued at $50,000, fur nishings at $15,000, three pieces of real property in Clackamas county valued at $14,000. and two parcels in Lincoln county near Otter Rock valued at $7, 000. The remainder, valued at approximately $190,000-, con sists of about ?500 acres of land near the Swift & Co. packing plant in North Portland. This last named property Is Dlaced by the will In a trust with the income to go to Willamette university. Trustees of the fund are to be Truman W. Collins and the chairman of the trustees of Willamette university. The widow, Caroline P. Lead- better, who is chief beneficiary inder the will, receives the home In Portland, the family home in Santa Barbara and ranch near Las Vegas. The res idue of the estate Is set up In trusts for Mrs. Leadbetter. Per sonal effects are to be divided among the four children, PIttock Leadbetter. Dorothy L. Teren, Elizabeth Cronln and Georgiana L. Andrae, now Mrs. Alfonce de Albuqueroue, and a grand child, Henry L. Andrae. The will provides that a sis ter, Sally, and a sister-in-law Vida Leadbetter, are to be pro vided with an income of $150 monthly for life. Seven em nloyes receive $500 plus $100 for each year employed. Some other employes receive $1500 and still others $200 plus $100 for each year of employment. Mr. Leadbetter was president of Oregon Pulp and Paper com- iitny, Columbia River Paper Mills, and at the time of his death was a member of the board of directors of The Ore- gonian Publishing company. Former Resident Back Grand Island Mrs. Sophia Buffington, 85, of Denver, Colo.. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Boger, both hi, of Tigard were Friday after noon guests of friends here and at Unionvale. The women are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Boger for- merly resided here when their home was the farm now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Will Mrs. Boger taught several terms in the schools in both districts while residing In this neighbor hood. Lants Leaving Soon Woodburn Dr. Robert E. Lantx, superintendent of the Woodburn public schools for the past two years, has tendered his resignation, effective July 31. - New Record Members of Carrier Air Group Five gather on and about the Navy's flying boat Marshall Mars at the Ale meda Naval Air Station, Calif., just before tne giant plan took off for San Diego with the record passenger load. The 301 men, plus seven crew men, is 38 more men than a Mars type plane has ever carried. Mattresses were spread on the deck to give the men a place to sit during the 2 to -hour flight. (Acme Telephoto) Scout Cabin Benefit Slated for Sfayton Stayton A benefit pot-luck dinner and dance is being plan ned here for Friday at the Stay ton Women's clubhouse. Funds will be used to swell the Boy Scout cabin building fund. Meeting recently in City hall, representatives of various organ izations discussed plans for the affair. This is to be a commun ity affair and every family in town will be asked to participate. Present to start the ball roll ing were Everett Ward, repre senting the Chamber of Com merce; Mrs. Lucy Peabody, Wo men's club; Mrs. Bertha McDan lel, Stayton Garden club; Harry Stupka and Joe Harris, Stayton fire department, and Vincent Mertz, Knights of Columbus. More Contributions For Ambulance Fund Aurora The total fund for the purchase of an emergency ambulance to serve the Canby area as announced by Chairman Virgil Giger is $4,378.58, which is only $623.42 short of the $5000 goal. The list of doners announced last week includes: Canby Elec tric Service, Canby Cleaners, Aurora Inn, Top O Hill, Mrs. L A. Leonard, Canby Parent- Teacher association, Lester Pe ters, Roy L, Mangus, Wirth and Lowrie, P. D. Willis, Aurora, C a t h e r s Hardware, Satter's Variety, Dr. D. J. Grant, Mrs. Effie Nelson, Archie Schmltt HI Way Market, Whitman's Cafe, Canby Plumbing and Heat ing, John Pond, Lars Steffenson Ben Battleson, Mrs. Frances Patch, George Nelson, Burgess Appliance, Martha Scheer, Ral ph Zimmerman, Rose Cafe, W. B. Bailey, R. H. Hale, L. E Conrad, Canby Builders Supply, George Johnson, Snyder Broth ers O. K. Rubber Welders. C, K. Reed, Clarence Rupp, Can- by Flower Shop, Stefani Lum ber Co., R. B. Hale, Mr.ar.'' Mrs. Lester Brown, Chris Kraft, jr., H. C. Burghardt, Lester Peter, Larry Hill, Carlton and Rosen Krams, Canby. Members of the Canby fire department, who will operate the emergency ambulance, have been studying first aid techni que, meeting weekly at the Can by city hall with an experienc ed instructor from Portland. Guests Powell Home Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Mar shall and Anna Margaret and John of Independence, spent Sunday in Silverton as guests for dinner of Powells parents, the F. M. Powells, and the af ternoon at the parsonage home of Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Charles Bates. Mrs. Bates and Mrs. Mar shall Powell are sisters. Powell, manager of the Independence J. C. Penney store, accompanied Lowell H. Paup, local Penney store manager, to Portland late in the afternoon for a northwest meeting of managers for an eve ning and the following day. Seal Sale Chairman Selected for Linn Albany Herbert Smith, lo cal real estate broker, has ac cepted appointment as Christ mas seal sale chairman for Linn county, it is announced by Ray mond Fisher, president of the Linn County Tuberculosis and Health association, following a meeting of the association Wed nesday. Mrs. Tom Drynan, executive secretary, and Mrs. Ralph Her- ron, Lebanon, were named dele gates to a committee chairmen's training school to be held in La- Grande for a week, starting Au gust 15. WOMEN WANTED For beauty training Ex cellent opportunities are al ways open to the skilled beautician Cla&aes are now forming at Salem's oldest and most advarced beauty school. Call or writ for our new low rates. Oregon School of Beauty Culture ISO N Liberty Ph. 36800 "Jvsf ffie Vclet" for Thrilling Vacation! , Twin includ id tnp. .'" go wnw"' ' C.r.lr..l Tailor-Mita" .... Mna. V, . m.v -" t. in advance i You haw " law Catll Yoa'U ka nun ' p,t, toon . Tfcara ara iw Asmt, TSIuw Taylor St.. PorUaod4.0ia. SO No. Chirck If. Pktst M4M IE.ft NOTHING DOWN Per Month SPARKLING, MODERN, WHITE-ENAMELED STEEL .oF-v & BY MULLINS fienj Tm cm iffiri ti tay MN...IIfwl You can afford a beautiful, mod em Younffstowt. Kitchen tottey. Don't wait . . . don't work in aa inefficient, old-faghtoned kitcbn another day. You don't kavt to A Rleaming whita Younjrttown Kitchen it your for a price go low that yon never believed it poanble with termi that anyone can afford to pay. Na toatly ramadeHrf Ten beautiful Htclianatdar einka to ehooat from . . and a wide range of baas and wall cabinet gins. You can plan a combina tion of unita to form a compact kitchen for any apace without altering the shape of yourkitrben area. You can plan your eomplet kitchen today; then purchase it all at one . . or buy only tha key unita now, and add othen later You won't want to put ft off. Coma in to tea at let u help you plan your dream kitchen, to Jit four budget and four kiiekm awij right awayt AO Yefirwa aa In atadt ar tveltWi aa a few aayr aarfga m mi PLUMBING-HEATING 279 N. COMMBRCIA L PHONE 3-4141 of recorded music automatically WIIKLY PAYMIMTS AS LOW AS Yes, 4 hours of continuous music with the jrntf LP (Long Playing) records on this ssmsational KCW ADMIRAL 2-SPCUI TAB LI MODIL MDIO-FHONO- GRAPH. Plays standard records automatically, too. All through a smcu tone-arm with "feather touch". . . cuts record pressure' 75. And what' lone! Full! Rich! Clear! . . . The radio is a super heterodyne with automatic ban compensation. The mahogany-finished cabinet finds rich con trast In the French Gold grille. SEE! HEAR! COMPARE! X JWxM. aV aa t iM iaUw i DISTINGUISHED SERVICE RECORD Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, May 23, 19199 Cuba's flag was designed in a New York rooming house a cen tury ago, says the National Geo graphic Society, and flew for the first time on May 11, 1850, from a New York bit'H r FREE ESTIMATES Contracting jobs of all sizes Pointing Dompproofing Sand Blasting Steam Cleaning F. 0. REPINE CO. Now Distributor for A. C. Horn Products Vulcatex Caulking Compound, Etc. Dutch Boy Paints No 3wh.t"utside 4.95 Berkheimer Roofing - Nairn & Armstrong Linoleum 1 MOD PLACE TO HOT GOOD PAINT F. 0. REPINE CO. V iaaHHrHssiiiiiiiiiiiiiwitirisiiiiiiiM 4 after your first sip you'll be glad it was Gibson's n selectedLU ( I Reduced P now 0 45 Uuart kS 4$ $Q3o fSSl A r " I one of Am"'"0 s quality mhiskiesl Try this imooth, rich whiskey; You'll enjoy the clean, mild taste, the robust flavor, -the hearty goodness of famous GIBSON'S SELECTED 8. Buy it today end you'll be glad it was Gibson's. SAV on every pint on every fifth on every case GIBSON'S SELECTED I BUNDED WHISKEY 5 1 PROOr OIUUM NEUTRAL SPIRITS a GIBSON DISTILUNQ COMPANY. N.T.N. Y i