Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 23, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    Senators Hit Road After
Losing Chief Series, 2-1
The Kenatori. on the short end
the serin with the Wenatchee Chiefs was concluded at late
hour Sunday night, hit the road immediately thereafter for Spo
kane and Yakima. The Solons will engage the Indians in three
contests beginning Monday night before moving over to Yakima
for seven very crucial scram
bles with the Bears.
, After losing a very wet ball
game Saturday night 6-0 when
Bus Sporer proved Ineffective,
the Solons won the opener of
Sunday night's twin bill 6-4 be
hind Jim Olson's elbowing. Sa
lem lost the get-away contest 15
2 as Johnny Bianco and Gene
Peterson were touched for 18
solid smacks including Clint
Cameron's homer in the late in
nings. Big Jim racked up his fifth
successive victory of the season
although it was touch and go at
times. His mates turned in a
half dozen boots while he was
holding the Chiefs to eight
blows, one less than Bruce and
Stevens of the opposition yield
ed. Bruce was largely respon
sible for his own misfortunes,
walking seven in the three and
two-thirds innings he toiled. Ol
son struck out three and walked
as many.
The Solons struck early in
the abbreviated first game when
Bud Peterson blasted a double
off the right center field boards
after one was out. Larry Orteig
singled and Mel Wasley walked
to load the sacks. Orteig and
Wasley scored when Dick Faber
mussed up Bob Cherry's effort
to left field.
Successive singles by Bud
Peterson, Orteig and Wasley
were good for a run in the third
while two more were added in
the fourth without benefit of a
base blow. Four walks and two
errors turned the trick. The
sixth tally was annexed In the
lixth when Orteig opened with
a triple and scored a moment
later on Wasley's single.
The nightcap was decided in
the opening frame as the Chiefs
got to Bianco for six hits and
seven runs (all earned) before
he gave way to Gene Peterson
Peterson gave up 12 hits and
eight runs, also all earned.
Cy Greenlaw, appearing
ftronger than a year ago, was
touched for 10 blows, but he
scattered them well, the Salems
being able to pick up lone tal
lies in the fourth and seventh.
Attendance hit the 2074 mark
the best since the opening night
Even so the club took a finan
cial beating during the week
rains having washed out two
with Spokane and on with the
The high flying Yakima Bears
lost two out of three to Spokane
over the week-end. The Indians
blanked the Bears, 6-0 Saturday
night and then took the Sunday
night finale 13-7 after the Bears
had won the first one 14-12 in
13 Innings. Yakima's Snag
Moore hammered out seven hits
In eight trips to the plate Sun
day. Bremerton took two over Ta
coma, 2-1, and 5-3. Vancouver
and Victoria were idle.
Flrat Mint:
Weaelehee (I) Salt
H .-. I,
1 0 W.PctranJ
1 1 B Pttrin,
t 1 Ortali.rf
I 0
I t Cherry, m
1 0 Carlton ,e
S 0 Spafftar.I
ft 0 Wart.1
ft 1
ft ft
4 1
14 1
3 110
10 4 0
1 0
C ueron.rf
Bruce, p
Total 11 ft II II Tatall 3 ft 11 10
Ran tor Canaron In 1th.
WrnatohM 001 030 14
atom 301 301 1 ft
ft 1
Loalnr pitcher: Bruca. Balk: Steveiu.
PItcliar Ip Ab K R Eh So Bb
Br ura IS 1ft ft ft 1 ft 1
Bitten 3 ft 1 1 1 3 ft
DUion 1 11 I 4 1 1 1
Hit by pitcher: Wrt by Sterena. Lett
an baM: Wnatcha ft, Batom 10. frrora:
)ratlr, Wert 1, B. Petvraon 3, Fabar.
Merer. Warner. OUon. Thraa baa hlta:
Orteit. Two baae htU: B. Petaraon, 8pae
tor, Cantarnn. Run batted In: Cherry 3.
Puut 3, Waalay 3. Orteli. Warner, Carrier
an. Sacrifice: OUon. Double playa: OUon
to B. Petaraon to Wert: Hajike) to Rhyne;
B. Poteraon to Spatter to Wert. Time 1:10.
Dmplraa: Wouni and Bit ham.
ftVoond lama:
IVtnatcbao l.l ft) ffattM
tlye. 4 10 3 W Petran.l 13 3 1
Hukll,l ft 1 4 1 BPflrm.i 3 0 13
Rhyna, 1 4 3 10 Ortelc.rt 4 1 ft 0
Pfliul.c ft I ft 1 Waaler. If 114 1
Bryant.! ft 1 1 3 Cherry. m 4 110
Citoirron.rf ft I I ft Beard. o 4 3 3 1
Weirner.ra 4 110 flpafter.t 4 113
Pi.ber.l S 3 3 0 Wert.l 4 ft ft 0
Ocepnlw.p 114 1 Blanco. 0 0 ft 0
Wuitvr.rt 1 0 1 ft O.Petn. 4 1ft!
Total! 41 1ft 31 1 Total 33 10 11 13
renaloflM 130 011 100 la II 1
Ifttam .000 100 100- I 10 0
Pitcher lp Ab H R Br So Bb
BreenUw t 37 10 3 1 ft 3
Bianco , 1 ft 1 T ft I
3 Petaraon IS 31 13 ft ft 4 1
Hit by pitcher: Warner. Pawed ball:
leard. Left on buaa: Salem 11. Wenat
the 10. Krrora: Mrera, Rhyne. Homo run:
Pameron. Two baa hlta: Cameron, War
ier. Faber. Ueyere, Haskell, Paaut. Beard.
Sreenlaw. Runa batMd tn: Rhyne. rVaut 3.
Cameron 4, Meyara, Greenlaw. Haakcll I.
Faber 3, Spatter. Bryant, Waaler. Stolen
eJa: Meyera. Haakell. Double playa'
Qreenlaw to Pamut to Rhyne; Spaeter to
(. Peteraon to Wert. Time I OS. I'mptra
It ham fend Young. Attendance; 1074,
Tho ahort avoraa:
faktma JJ0 133 000 000 0114 31 i
IpokaiM ...,07ft 103 010 000 00 13 11 1
ill Innlniat
Budnlok Drilling (3). Soriano (It. and
Corner, Oriel (ft; Tiuu, BUhop 4
TerbowaU tl and Park.
reklma 041 300 000 110 I
Ipokan , IN 111 Mill II I
Dinkey, Drilling T. and orteig; Heeler,
Kimball 44) and RoaaJ.
tacoma 101 000 0001 I I
Bremerton 110 000 OOi I I 1
Diary and Warren; Uerahall and Bonn In
Tacoma Oil 001 ft 4 ft (
Bremerton 031 001 t ft t 1
Laaor and Warren; Lama Halatead U
tad JtottBtng.
Correct for Newport
Hay 13
May 14
Mar 3ft
(far IT
10 11 a m.
10 41 P m.
ft 3
4 41 a na. 1.4
4 10 p m. 1 I
I I m, 0 1
11 II a m.
11:11 pm.
IS II pm.
I 01 pm
ft 30 em.
l .u p tm.
I 13 I I, 13
ft oi a m. 0 a
ft II p.m. Sf
ft 41 m. ft 3
ft p.m. 3 ft
1 14 a m. -0!
I.ftl P-aa. 3
of a two to one decision when
WIL. Standings
(Br Mm Associated Presal
w. u
Yakima 24
Salem 17 11 .407
Vancouver 14 13 .519
Bremerton 15 It .484
Victoria 13 18 .419
Wenatchee 13 18 .400
Spokane 11 17 .393
Tacoma 13 19 J87
Result! Sunday
Bremerton 2-5. Tacoma 1-3.
Yakima 14-7. Spokane 13-13.
Salem 6-3, Wenatchee 4-15.
Reftulta Saturday
Tacoma 8, Bremerton 3.
Vancouver 6-10. Victoria 5-5.
Spokane 6, Yakima 0.
Wenatchee 6. Salem 0.
8 Salem, Oregon, Monday, May 23, 1949
Portland Trims Oaks in
Twin Bill, 3-2
(Br the United Press!
The Pacific Coast league standings today looked much the
same as they looked a week ago, but the Portland Beavers looked
much better.
Last week and this the Beavers were occupying the bottom
spot, but their double win over Oakland yesterday rated them
e9X -'-'--'I
Jim JaquarM"
rine Reserves who meet Ran
dall Oil at 8 o'clock Monday
night In the first game of the
1949 City Softball season at
Leslie field. Jaqua Is a former
Linfleld college athlete.
Pioneers Take
Conference Track
Crown, Cats 2nd
Portland, May 23 VP) In a
meet which saw two marks spat
tered and one tied, Lewis and
Clark college won the North
west college conference track
and field championships Satur
day. The winners scored 88 H
points, followed by a surprising
ly strong Linfield college team
with 33, Willamette SOW, Whit
man 2614. Pacific 14 and Col
lege of Idaho 2 H .
Willamette's fresh fllnger. Bob
Hall, flipped the javelin 197 feet
2 inches, breaking the previous
standard of 197-2. set by Bill
McFadden of the College of Pu
get Sound in 1938.
Art Bakke of Lewis and Clark
vaulted 12 feet 8 inches, SW
inches higher than his own rec
ord set Inst year. Despite a sog
gy track, Merlin White slogged
the century in 9.8 to tie the con
ference record set by Callsen of
Whitman in 1938 and dittoed last
year by Turner of British Co
lumbia. DiMaggio to Try
Heel on Monday
New York, May IS (M Jos
DiMaggio will give his ail
ing heel a tryout tonight be
fore the New York Yankees
St Louis game at the stadium.
The 90,000-a-year outfield
er, out of action since the
spring drills, will don a uni
form and do a bit of hitting
and exercising, the club an
nounced. He Is not slated for
game action.
The trst Is expected to re
veal how soon the slugging
flvrhasrr ran be counted on
for regular or part-time duty.
In Title Match
The so-called Coast Junior
heavyweight mat title will be
at stake Tuesday night In the
armory arena when Frank Sto-
Jack, wearer of the belt, tangles
with Rene LaBell in the top
event of the weekly wrestling
The first preliminary at 8:30
pits Leo Karllnko against Sugi
Hyamaki. Jack Kiter meets
Lefty Pacer In the second prelim.
Dayton Player
Inks With Seals
Dayton "Stubbs" Marsh, cen
terfielder for the Dayton semi
pro baseball club, has signed a
contract with the San Francisco
Seals of the Pacific Coast league,
according to Bill Webb, Seals'
business manager.
Marsh, former Texas Junior
college football and basketball
ace, is currently leading the
Dayton team In hitting with a
lusty .666. He has hit six hom
ers, six doubles and five singles
in 30 trips to the plate. Marsh
is 3 feet 8 and weighs 170
and 4-1
greater consideration than iney
have been getting. The hereto
fore-unlively Beavers held Oak
land's slugging nine to a total
of three runs in yesterday's
doubleheader and took both de
cisions. And they got the pitch
ing from youngster Hal Saltz
man and far-from-youngster Ad
PCL Standings Q
(Br tht Associated Prwi)
W L Pet W L Pet
Hollrwood 14 22 .007 Seattle 27 20 .4B2
San Diet 0 30 24 .550 SacramntO) 25 27 .418
Oakland 28 27 .500 LosAnsela 25 20 .403
SnPrancaeo 38 27 .509 Portland SO 32 J05
Reenltl Sondar
Seattle 8-2. Hollrwood S-.
San Praneleeo 11-7, San Dleio 3-10.
Sacramento 4-3, Loa Ancelea 3-4.
Portlend 3-4. Oakland 2-1.
Saltzman pitched Portland to
a 3-2 win in the first game and
Liskaegave them a 4-1 decision
in the second. All other teams
split. San Francisco out-bludgeoned
San Diego 11-3 and was
then clubbed 10-7. Seattle won
6-5 from Hollywood and then
lost 6-2. And Sacramento and
Los Angeles split a pair of 4-3
Portland used up only 11 hits
in winning both ends. They
were outhit by the Oaks In both
games, but got their hits when
they counted. Earl Jones and
Charles Gassaway were the un
lucky twlrlers.
Seattle, another second divi
sion club, came close to a dou
ble win. The Ralnieri captured
the first game with a five-run
outburst in the sixth and al
most won the second, despite
the fact that they only got three
hits. Two of the Rainier hits
were homers by Frank Colman
and Al Lyons in the last of the
seventh to tie up the seven-in
ning game and send it into ov
ertime. However, the league
leaders finally made good some
of their 12 hits in the ninth and
tallied the four runs that Iced
the contest.
San Francisco and San Diego
played before 23,388 fans in the
bay city and they gave the spec
tators base hits to spare. A to
tal of 54 safe smashes scored 31
runs for the two teams as pow
er showed first for the Seals and
then for the Padres. San Diego,
with 13 hits in the opener, al
most blew the second game de
spite 17 base knocks. Leading
10-0 the Pads let seven Seals
across the plate and had the ty
ing run at the dish when the fi
nal catch was made.
Sacramento and Los Angeles,
rained out the first part of the
week, continued to put on pitch
ing duels for the fans with i
pair of gamea that went down
to the final out before the de
cision was made.
(Plrsl Oamel
Oakland Ml 000 010 I T S
Portland 100 030 0013 S I
Jnnei. seate 17) a. Padsott, SUImondl
Ik Bailsmen ae Bunhor.
Second Oanel
Oekland 001 000 ft I S
Portlend 000 400 a 4 I
Oai.awar Ralmondl; Ueka, Helaar
111 Oladd.
(Pint Oamel
Hollrwood 001 311 000 11
Seattle 010 005 00a S 13
Moulder, Wood. IS) and Untor, aend
lock I i and Schena. Hoffman IT) and
(Second Oeate)
Hollrwood Sift 000 104 d 13
Seattle 000 000 300 4 1 3
Baraedell and Onier; Oalehoneo, Kar-
pel ill and oreeeo.
irnrst Oamal
sen Dleeo
San Pranrtsro ,
Refer. Moot
..000101 010 3 11
,.430 300 03k II I 0
Klpp 131. Hallett
it). Thompion IB) and Rltchert Pomp
ier ana rertee.
(Second Oftme. eeren tnnlnta)
San Dleiw 303 104 ft 10 17
San Pranrleco 000 ftft! 4 T 10 3
Juruieh. Sarete (7) and Unere: Pares,
Brewer (31, Oablea III and Partee.
(flrat Oaaio)
Sacramento 03O0O0 03O 4 I
Leo Ancelea 01 001 0003 1
ailtoapu) and Plumbe; carleea end Ma
tone. Second Oarae. eeren tnntnea)
Sarramente OOOoftO 13 3 ft
Lot Anoelee too too 1 I ft 0
Ore re, Leeraaaa 111 and Burr, Plejnee.
Cougars Drop
Game; Finish on
Top of Division
Final FCC Standings
Wublnfton Stata 11
Oragoa , 10
Orcton Btata . I
Idaho I
(Br tht Auoe!.U4 Ftcul
Washington State dropped its
last league game of the season
Saturday, but there was no harm
done since the Cougars already
had nailed down the Northern
division baseball conference pen
nant. The Cougars dropped at 6-5
decision to cellar-dwelling Ida
ho the Vandals' second confer
ence victory of the. season.
At Eugene, Oregon clinched
second place with a 10-7 win
over Oregon State college. It
was the last game of the season
for both clubs, as the scheduled
nightcap was cancelled by rain.
Northwest" Loop
Committee Plans
Spring Grid Rule
A committee headed by Coach
Paul Stagg of Pacific will work
out regulations concerning
spring football in the Northwest
conference, according to a de
cision reached during a confer
ence meeting In Portland Fri
day afternoon.
While a number of conference
members agreed that spring
football was helpful in moulding
a team, not all were in a posi
tion to go into an extensive
program. For this reason it was
suggested that a comprehensive
plan should be worked out for
all to follow.
Pacific had an extensive
spring workout this year that
included two practice games
with the University of Portland.
Both Whitman and Willamette
called theirs off because of con
flict with spring sports.
Barbados expects to produce
over 19,000 tons of molasses this
Hodges Spoils 'No-No'
Game for Cinci Hurler
New York, May 23 U.R Lefty
nati ordinarily is as nice a gent
but it maye be Just as well if he never meets Gil Hodges, Marty
Marion, or Nippy Jones in a dark alley late one night.
They're fine fellows, too, but look what they've done to Raf
fensberger: Just knocked him outi
of a three no-hit, no-run vie
tones that s all.
Hodges of Brooklyn was the
latest to break Ken's heart when
he singled with none out in the
eighth yesterday as Cincinnati
scored a 2 to 0 victory. The
Reds lost the opener of a double-
header, 3 to 0, for the Dodgers'
19th straight victory in Crosley
The Braves pulled back Into
a first place tie by defeating the
Cubs, 7 to 2, at Chicago
Stan Muslal's three-run hom
er gave the Cardinals a 3 to 2
victory over the Giants at St.
Louis as Jerry Staley pitched
five scoreless relief Innings, but
New York bounced back to win
the second game, 13 to 4.'
In a battle of homers, a pinch
double by Dick Sisler was the
payoff hit, driving in the win
ning run in a 6 to 5 victory for
the Phillies at Pittsburgh.
Mel Parnell won his own game
Softball Loops Swings into Action
Sponsored by the Salem rec
reation commission, the Salem
City league has its official open
ing at 8 o'clock on Leslie field
Monday night. The Marine Re
serves will meet Randle Oil at
that hour while Oregon Pulp
and Paper take on Campbell
Rock Wool an hour later.
Games Tuesday night are:
Twelfth Street Market vs. Gold
en Pheasant at 8, and Knights of
Columbus vs. Mootry's Phar
macy at 9 o'clock.
The schedule calls for two
seven-inning contests each night
of the week except Wednesday,
Saturday and Sunday, with no
admission being charged.
Familiar names sprinkle the
rosters of the eight clubs. Camp-
Corvallis, May 23 WV-For the
tenth straight year. Washington
won the Northern division tennis
championships in a Saturday
tournament cut short by rain.
The Huskies had 13 points.
Oregon State 6, Montana state
university and Washington State
4 each, and Oregon and Idaho
were scoreless.
Medford Wins State Prep
Track Crown; Salem Fourth
Corvallis, Ore., May 23 () The black tornado team from
Medford captured the school's sixth state track and field class
A championship here Saturday in the 23rd running of the event.
Piling up 66 18 points, Med-1
ford defended Its title decisive
ly and finished 26 16 points
ahead of runners-up from Port
land's Washington high.
Union high was a convincing
Ken Raffensberger of Cincin
as you could want to encounter,
o jvtaior aranaings &
(Br United Press)
W L Pet W L Pet
New York 10 13 .813 Phlldtphil 18 15 .500
Boston 10 13 .813 Plttsburch 14 IS .438
Brooklrn 17 15 .531 St. Louis 13 17 .414
Cincinnati 10 13 .318 Chleaao 10 18 .357
W L Pet W L Pet
Hew Tork 15 10 .855 Washburn 17 i .515
PMIdlptlle It 14 .571 Boston 14 14 .500
Detroit 18 IS .518 Clerelend 11 15 .433
Chleato 18 15 .310 at- Louis S 32 .380
Reaalti Sunder
Philadelphia 0, Plttsburslt 3. (2nd same
postponed, rain)
New York 3-13. St. Louis 3-4.
Boston 7, Chlcsco 3.
Brooklrn 3-0. Cincinnati 0-3.
Cleveland 4-3, Philadelphia S-T. (2nd
fame, celled end 7th. Sunder law)
Detroit 3. Boston 3. (13 lnnlncs)
Chlearo 8, Wathlniton 4.
St. Loula at New York, two lameo,
postponed, rein.
in the 12th inning when he sin
gled home the winning run in a
3 to 2 Red Sox victory over De
troit in Boston.
The Athletics twice defeated
the skidding world champion In-
nians. s to 4 and 7 to 3.
bell's has George Roth and Lou
Singer for its battery. Bill and
Bernard Gentzkow play for 12th
street Market: Enoch Maerz for
Randle Oil; Al Alley and Frank:
Albrich for Knights of Colum-j
bus; Clarence Applegate, All
Wickert, John Hoffert and Ollie!
Williams for Mootry's. There
are just a few of the soft bailers
who have been playing the1
game for a number of years.
The team rosters:
RoAtfra of tht tlfht Club la the Cltr
learnt include:
Marina: Bart bhiaman c, Olen Jonu p,
Jim Jaqua lb. Doug McLeod 3b. Tom Aktra
aa. Prank Carmth 3b. Jim Wileoo if, Oto.
Wllhlnaon cf arxl Mir, R07 Pea rial) rf.
Randla Oil' LaVfra Appltcat c. Enoch
Maera p. H Maan lb, Oltn Blanton 3b,
John Dalkt at. Bud Cral lb, Don Han
ts? II, Armortd Carro ef, 'Ban" Carrow
rf. Leonard Martin, Mir.
Save up
to 20
It's easy wire yeavl
MntSnal a a e I tig-
casuur wUcst fa fi
Scellars, Foley & Rising, Inc.
14S South Liberty Street Phone 1-4143
Mt. Angel Tops
Aumsville, 6-2
Mt. Angel Mt. Angel defeat
ed Aumsville, 6 to 2 in a Willam
ette Valley league game Sunday
afternoon. Meyer, winning pit
cher, held the Aumsville club
to four blows.
lit. Ansel u t
AumsvUl S 4 4
Merer and Ruaaell; Buxton, Wilkin
son (3) and Lewis.
class B victor with 89 V4 points,
displacing Henley from the
throne despite the mighty Indi
vidual effort of Henley's Wayne
Gober. The defending cham
pions finished second with 55
The class A competition saw
one new record set, but the class
B school entrants posted four
new marks.
George Simons of Albany
broad-Jumped 22 feet, 10 inches.
It was 3 inches longer than
the 12-year-old class A record.
The top class A individual
scoring was by Medford's Jack
Morris. He scored 22 points.
winning firsts in the 120-yard
high hurdles and the 200-yard
low hurdles.
The class B record smashing
was paced by Henley's Gober.
He finished the 120-yard high
hurdles in 15.6 seconds for a
new mark, won the high Jump
and piled up 24 H points that
stood for individual honors In
the division.
Other B records were set by
Don Millage, Talent, 20 feet 3
Inches In the broad jump; Ed
McBrlde, Union, 157 feet 1
inches in the Javelin; and Don
Hoeft, Pilot Rock, 11 feet 6
inches In the pole vault.
Behind class A Medford with
66 16 and Washington with 40
were La Grande with 23 16
for thir dand Salem with 18 for
fourth place.
In the 100, Jim Jensen fin
ished sixth, while in the 440
Buzz Covalt, who got oft on too
fast a pace, finished third, and
in the 220 Ron Hall of Salem
placed sixth. The Salem relay
team placed third.
OampbtD'i: La Blnrer c Oto. Roth p.
Dick Hendrl lb, Pett Valdti 3b, Tom
Warren aa. Warren Valdti 3b, Al Lltht
ner If. Bob Bailey rf, DtU Campbell, MaT
Jot Merer, utility.
O.P. P.: Don Ttnderrort, Anthony
Prudentt, John Payne, Deen Paului. J.
Q. Hunt Oordon MorrU, Ralph Maddy,
Merrill Borle. Bob Knltht Mgr. (pott
tlona not announced).
13th St. Pood: Darrel Lewli c, P. Wln
kenwerder p. But O'Reilly lb. Bill Oentt
kow 3b. Kenneth Heyt aa. Bernard Oentt
kow 3b. Bud Clark If, Stan Torieaon cf,
Sam Latobky rf. Sam Blucbe. Mtr.
Oolden Pheaaant: Jtm Werner c War
ren Miller p. Jamai Waters lb. Orvlllt
Mull lb. Fiord Riley at. Jack DeBow 3b.
Wallace Whit ted If and p: Carroll Ora
ber ef. Bruct Boatman If, Ray Pointer rf.
Bob Warren Mur.
K of C: Al Alley 0, Stan Part 00 p. Ray
K lacker lb, Sammy Cowan lb. Prank Al
brich at. Jim White lb. Bruco Welaner U
and Mtr., Prank Hamatreet ef. Hank
Weliner rf, Larry Wetiner If.
Mootry'a: Jtm Henery e Jim Rawtlna p
and Mtr, Clarenoa Applet at lb. "Bum"
Lindjtrom lb, S. P. Melton at, Don Bower
3b. Al Wtekert If. John Hoffert cf. Vtncr
Oenna rf. Olllt WlUlamt. Bob Laklt.
wkk Onawoea
aWasl On
far faar ,
Yost and Sheldon to
Meet in Elks Finals
A gallery of some 300 fans followed the championship four
some over the Salem Golf club course Sunday to watch de
fending champion Dick Yost come from behind to gain a place
in the finals of the Elks tournament to be held next Sunday.
Yost ousted Walt Cline, Jr., 2-up on the 35th while Jim Shel.
don scored a 6-S victory over
.... 13
" i'l PUT YX M" t
-r& if
Prep Speedsters
photo above with Jim Jensen, who finished sixth shown near
ing the tape at the far left. Others In the photo are Staab,
Baker; Brock, Waslngton (first) and Rifts, Medford (sec
ond). The two-column photo shows the finish of the 441
with Buss Covalt, who finished third at the right. Others,
from the left are McGrew of Medford and Miller of Benson
who finished second and fourth, respectively.
Morris Shoots
Contest Winner
Glen Morris set a shot only 2
inches from the pin to win the
third week's hole-in-one contest
at the Salem Driving range. Mor
ris win the first week of the
contest with a 14 incher.
The final contest will be held
this week with the grand prlie
for the tourney to be awarded
Sunday night
l Well adjust them for greater taf ety . . .
Remove wheb inspect lining and druma
Adjust all brakes
Add fluid to master reservoir
i Lubricate brake mechanism
Only 2.70
2. Or well recondition them at low cost
FUplaoe brake liriinga
Replace cylinders, if necesMary
Inapwct brake drums; resurface. If mutter!
Drain and replace brake fluid
Adjust brakes, including emergency brake
Repack wheel bearings
Replace rear wheel grease) retainers
e Free additional adjustment within SO day!
and HERE'S
430 No. Commercial
Jack Russell.
In the first flight, Aleksa and
Brande will meet this week to
determine the victor of that di
vision. All other matches were
due to have ended Sunday, but
two remained unplayed.
The winners in each flight
were: 2nd Lillie, 3rd B. John
son, 4th Paulson, 5th McCrary,
6th Williams, 7th Filler, 8th
Sloan, 9th Fish, 10th Gadwa,
11th, Parker, 12th Johnson, 13th
unplayed, Wicklund and Morris,
14th Grant, 15th Stan Smith,
16th Troutman, 17th unplayed,
Manning and Snow,
Plrat round:
Cllne out ....
,.4-S-3-4-4-3-4--a 3S
, . 4-4-3-3-5-3-3-4-4 33 T
, .4-4-3-4-4-4-4-4-13471
,.4-5-3-5-5-3-4-4-5 3ft TS
, .4-4-3-3-5-3-4-4-53770
.5-5-4-4-3-3-4-4-1 31
Russell out ,
In ,
Sheldon out
Yo.t out ...
RuaseU out .
Sheldon out
,.5-5-3-4 -4-3-1-4-4
Corn is being shipped from
Argentina to Uruguay to be used
as fuel.
The finish In the lOO-jard dash at
Corvallis is shown in tha threa-eolnmn
Tuesday Night 8:30
Frank Stojnck vs.
Bene LaBell
Leo Karllnke vs.
Sujl Hramakt
Jack Kiser vs.
lefty Pacer
Motor Co.
Dial 2-2487
Yrn bv S
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ffjfl T ttasJara'aBa Rart