Edited by MARIAN LOWRI FISCHER K:ssaraiK t Capital Journal,, Salem, Oregon, Monday, May 23, 1949 Miss Schantz Is Betrothed Mr. and Mri. William M. Bchantz, formerly of Bismark, North Dakota and now residing at 296 Park avenue, Salem, an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Misa Beryl Roberta Schantz to Dean Morrison Wil cox, also of Salem. Miss Schantz attended the Col lege of St. Catherine at St. Paul, Minnesota, for two years and is now majoring in arts as Maryl hurst college, Marylhurst Ore. Mr. Wilcox is the son of Mr. ind Mrs. George Wilcox, 290 'ark Avenue, Salem, and is a pre-medical student at Pacific university at Forest Grove. He Is president of Alpha Zeta and Is secretary-treasurer of the Pa cific chapter of Blue Key, a na tional scholastic honorary so ciety. He is a veteran of World War II and served In the United States Navy. Mrs. Franzen To Be Hostess Hostess torn o r r o w for a luncheon will be Mrs. J. L. Franzen, members of her bridge club at Oregon City, where she formerly lived, and a few Sa lem friends to be guests. The party will be at the Franzen re sidence, cards to be In play fol lowing the luncheon. Guests will include Mrs. Ray Rilance, Mrs. Ivan Hanneford, Mrs. Raymond Howell, Mrs. Ri chard Kinley, Mrs. Gordon Mc Killican, Mrs. Grace Osborn, Mrs. Willa McCausland, Mrs. Robert Pelkey, Mrs. R. Holman, Mrs. John Collie, Mrs. George Swafford, all of Oregon City, Mrs. Abner K. Kline, Mrs. Charles H. Fowler, Mrs. Homer Smith, Jr., Mrs. Clyde A. War ren, all of Salem, i- , Miss Gries Is Feted at Shower Sublimity Miss Drucilla Minden and Miss Margaret Lu lay were hostesses at the A. M. Minden home at Stayton for a shower honoring Miss Donna Lou Grips whose marriage to Gregory Frost of Stayton Avill be an event of May 28. Games were played during the evening and after opening the gifts re freshments were served. Guests were Mrs. Richard Kchumaker, Mrs. Joseph Her tz, Mrs. Ralph Lulay. Mrs. Wal ter Hafner, Mrs. Peter Gries, Mrs. Matthew Frost, Mrs. Mat thew Mack, Mrs. William Lulay. Mrs. Tony Minden, Mrs. John Kintz, Grandmother Burger, Miss Patricia McGovern, Miss Margaret Laux, Miss Joan Frost, Miss Grace Laux, Miss Marjorie Gries, Miss Marguerite Frost, Miss Patricia Ditter, Miss Charlene Frost, Miss Elizabeth Kchumaker, Miss Virgeant High berger. Miss Joanne Lulay, Miss Delores Minden, Miss Kathleen Etzel, and Miss Angelina Hart rrjan. , . ' SPENDING the week-end at tsie beach home of Mrs. Frank H Spears at Neskowin were Mr. and Mrs. Carlton McLeod and family. Joining them there were Judge and Mrs. Claud Mo Colloeh of Portland. Officials Visit Mrs. Mitchell Thome of The Dalles, department president for the American Legion auxiliary, and Mrs. Mae Whitcomb, Port land, department secretary, are to be visitors in Salem, Tuesday. They will meet at dinner Tuesday evening with the local commission arranging for the state convention in Salem in early August, the dinner to be at the American Legion club. Mrs. I. N. Bacon is general chairman for the auxiliary con vention with Mrs. Helen Mc Leod and Mrs. Harlan Judd, co-chairmen. AAUW Meet In Seattle Notice has come to the Salem branch, American Association of University Women, of the biennial national convention in Seattle, June 19 to 23, the north west divisions being the hosts for the event. Keynote speaker will be Judge Dorothy Kenyon, United States delegate to the United Nations commission on the status of women. She recently returned from a meeting of the commis sion at Bierut, Lebanon. Dr. Althea K. Hottel, dean of women at University of Pennsyl vania, is national president of the association and her address on Monday, June 20, will be a second convention highlight. On Tuesday evening, June 21, Miss Mary Agnes Hamilton, one of Great Britain's most distin guished women, is to address the convention at its interna tional relations session. Mrs Hamilton is director of the American information service of the British foreign office. She is a former member of Parliament and of the British delegation to the League of Na tions and has been a governor of the British Broadcasting company. Mayor Dorothy McCullough Lee of Portland will be among speakers at a status-of-women breakfast meeting on June 22 Many other prominent women in the country are on the pro gram for talks or as discussion leaders. THE PAST Presidents' club of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary 661 met at Mrs. Dale Mauk's home last week. A business meeting was con ducted, followed by a few games. Prizes were won by Mrs. Geneive Olson and Mrs. Faye Simpson. Those present were: Mrs. Russell Mudd, Mrs. Virgil Bolton, Mrs. Eva Rush, Mrs. Genieve Olson, Mrs. Faye Simp son, Mrs. A. H. Davis, Mrs. Dave Furlough, Mrs. Clarence Forbis, Mrs. Charlie Hunt, Mrs. Willy Boone, Mrs. James Beall, Mrs. Leon Hansen, Mrs. Adki son, Mrs. Dale Mauk. Refresh ments were served. The next business meeting will be held June 16 at the home of Mrs. Russell Mudd, 1690 South Win ter . FROM Charleston, S. C, comes word of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard (Dick) Jones, May 11. Mr. and Mrs. Gail H. Jones of this city are the paternal grandparents. Engagement Told in South From Stockton, Calif., comes word of the engagement of Miss Maryanne Moore of San Fran cisco to Hugh Evans Hayes, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Orlo Hayes, Jr., former Salem family. Miss Moore is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Moore of San Francisco. She made her debut in San Francisco in 1947 and recently returned from Rome where she was enrolled in the Chateau-Briand school and a six-weeks tour of the con tinent, Egypt and England. Her father is associated with the European Recovery program In Italy. The bride-to-be, related to the poet, John Greenleaf Whittier, through her mother's family, is a graduate of Miss Katherine Delmar Burke's school in San Rafael. Mr. Hayes is the great great grandson of Alanson Beers, member of the first executive committee, provisional govern ment of Oregon, and is a grand son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Hugh Evans, early resi dents in Salem. He was gradu ated from Stockton schools and attended Stanford university, where he is now a member of Chi Psi fraternity. He is now in his senior year at Santa Clara university. He is a member of the Eunoia club and the Bache lors club of San Francisco. He nephew of Mrs. Lorence Kleinke of Salem. EXECUTIVE board of the Sa lem Council of Church Women will meet Tuesday at 2 p.m. in the YWCA. The president and two members from each member organization of the council are invited to attend. Recital Tonight Pupils of Jean Hobson Rich will give a recital this evening at 8 o'clock at the Stone Piano company. The interested public is invited. Program for the evening fol lows: Rondo in B Minor Bach Susan Steed-Mary Campbell Etude in G Major Scarlatti Susan Perry Rigaudon I & II Rameau Marilyn Power Minuetto giocoso Haydn Mary Campbell Warrior's Song Heller Susan Steed The Swan Saint-Saens Organ, Kay Cracroft Piano, Jean H. Rich Gigue Homer Simmons Lou Ann Wolf Ritual Fire Dance DeFalla Marilyn Power-Susan Perry Concerto in D Major ... . Haydn Patricia Megquier, Lou Ann Wolf MRS. BLANCHE M. JONES was hostess to the Salem Writ ers club last week. Mrs. Morton Peck presided. Election of of ficers for the coming year re sulted as follows: president, Mrs. Flora Enders; vice-president Mrs. J. C. Singleton; secretary- treasurer, Mrs. E. M. White. Original work was read by Dr. Morton Peck, Miss Renska Swart, Perry Reigleman, Mrs. Robert Hutcheon. Mrs. J. C. Singleton, Mrs. E. M. White Mrs. N. F. Anderson, Mrs. Lynn Fortsch, Mrs. Julia Lytle of Lebanon, Mrs. William Merriott of Woodburn, Mrs. Flora Enders, Late refreshments were served. f rk K A Iv-' 1 i ill Senior Recital This Evening The senior recital of Miss Edith Fairham, mezzo-soprano, is to be an event of Monday evening at 8:15 o'clock in Wal ler hall. Miss Patty Jo Hammond as accompanist. Friends are Invited to hear the program given as a partial fulfillment for the degree of bachelor of music. The program for the evening i follows: I O Lord, Whose Mercies Numberless (from Saul) . . . .'..Handel Lord, to Thee, Each Night and Day (from Theodore) .... Handel II Prepare Thyself Zion (from the Christmas Oratorio) . . Bach III Recent Wedding Wed on Easter Sunday, April 17, were Mr. and Mrs. John Toevs, the bride being the former Mary Ann Cofell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cofell. Mr. Toevs is the son of Mrs. George Peters of Salem. (McEwan studio picture) Shower for Bride-Elect Miss Mary Reimann, who is to be wed in June to Oscar Christensen, will be feted at a shower for which Miss Carolyn Davis is to entertain Friday eve ning. The shower Is a miscel laneous one. Bidden are Miss Reimann, her mother, Mrs. Leo Reimann, her sister, Miss Shirley Reimann, Mrs. Edward Lucas, Mrs. Doro thy Ege, Mrs. Earl Hatfield Mrs. Floyd Riey. Mrs. Paul Gil mer, Mrs. Troy McGowan, Miss Nancy Buren, Miss Ellen Rey nolds, Miss Jean Hatfield, Miss Bette Tweedt, Miss Beverly Kenney, Miss Patricia Larson, Miss Betty Causey. FOI'R CORNERS families at tending a family reunion at the Keizer Grange hall were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snook and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Snook and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thayer and family, Mr. and Mrs. E; A. Snook and their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mon- han of Green River, Wyo., Mrs. Monhan being a sister of E. A. Snook: Mrs. Mae Marshall and Lucretia Ann Marshall. Other relatives were the Bernard Snook family and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Nuttbrock of Keizer, the Virgil Snook family and the Lewis Morgan family all of Vernonia, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Monhan, Michael and Kathleen Monhan of Portland. HUBBARD The Hubbard Woman's Club met at the home of Mrs. Elmer Stauffer. Miss Eleanor Trindle, home demon stration agent from Salem, talk ed on "Conserving You." Dem onstrated was a faster method of ironing a shirt. Twenty-two members were present for the demonstration and business meeting that followed. A letter was read from Mrs. Orlie Boje. Refreshments were served by co-hostess Mrs. Cora Smith. Named President Mrs. Vemth Ashcraft was elected president of the Pringle Point Social club at a luncheon meeting of the club held last week at the home of Mrs. E. F Coates. Retiring as president of the club is Mrs. Rue Drager, Other officers elected at the meeting were vice-president, Mrs. George Grabenhorst, jr., and secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Albert Barnes. Present at the meeting were 23 members and 19 guests. Next meeting of the club is slated for June 24 at the country home of Mrs. Martha Yates, who will be 88 years of age. WOMAN'S SOCIETY of Christian Service of the Jason Lee Methodist church will hold its officers training day in the fireplace room of the church Thursday. A no host luncheon will be served at 12:30 follow ing which Mrs. C. W. Stacy, pro motion secretary of the Oregon Conference, will talk on the duties of the officers. After her talk there will be an executive board meeting conducted by the president, Mrs. Joe Klinger. 'v v : ' r 1 v. : ' a i now at VI pricel r TUSSY , I CREAM DEODORANT This aVMfhtnil ibwrlnMnt keeps yon dslntr and sweet at esMet Baaiehae penpiratioa ados, aheeks pwrtpinv Me saoistora. Gives longer lasting protection, is antra I k akin aad elonSing. Dalioimuljr fragrant stars I--smooth dowa as the bottom of the jar. Get fan ', ami jess of Tasst Clean Deodeeaat at half-pric-aewl Capital Drug Store Stat and Liberty 'On the Corner' FREE PHOTOGRAPH Size 5x7 Inches OF YOUR CHILD Ago 2 Months to S Years CONTINUED BY POPULAR DEMAND 4 MORE DAYS MONDAY THRU THURS. Thursday, May 26 Positively Last Day r ... :T',:,;.V'.t- ' ' CHILDREN 1 MONTHS TO 8 YEARS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY PARENTS SELECTION OF PROOFS NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY NO OBLIGATION TO BUY To All Mothers of Salem and Vicinity To maka new friends and in appreciation of past patronage, we have arranged lth a specialist in ehild photography to make a FREE PHOTOGRAPH of your child In our store, Monday, May S3rd thru Thursday May 2th. No cost, obligation, nothing to buy . , . it's FREE! Tom noma i.-tt a.m. to Mt p.m. Toy and Hobby Shop lil North Cemmorsiol St. Salem, Oregon Wie Bist Du, Meine Konigin : Brahms Winterreise Schubert Fruhlingstraume (Spring Dreams) Die Krahe (The Raven) Die Nebensonnen (The Mock Suns) Widmung Schumann IV Mandoline Debussy Beau Soir Debussy Seguedille (from Carmen) . Bizet V The Piper Michael Head Twilight People R. Vaughan Williams O. Thou Billowy Harvest Field! Rachmaninoff Kentucky Mountain Folk Songs .... Arr. by John Jacob Niles Geordie Go 'Way from My Window MRS. CHAS. BOTORFF was hostess in her cottage at Nes scott from Monday until Wed nesday for members of the TPM club. Driving over were Mrs. Rex Peffer, Mrs. Ralph Hein, Mrs. John Verstegg, Mrs. Louis Neuman, Mrs. E. E. Brandt, Mrs. William Damery, Mrs. Wil liam McKinney, Mrs. Elmer A. Terrill, Mrs. Sara Woodburn and Mrs. William Hartley. MRS. JOHN BURCHAM of Salem, immediate past president of the Oregon division, Ameri can Association of University Women, was in Portland Satur day to attend the luncheon meet ing of the Portland branch of the AAUW. She discussed the views from other Oregon branches concerning member ship, eligibility and the nation al AAUW legislative program. Miss Carpenter Shower Feted Victor Point Miss Lucille! Carpenter was honored with a bridal shower by the -sew-Bo 4-H club girls and their mothers at the Floyd Fox home. The leaders of the club. Mrs.l Arley Martin and Mrs. Floyd Fox were assisted oy Mrs. a. N. Doerfler. The girls of the Clothing II Project modeled their dresses, all of which were prize winners at the recent 4-H spring show. Piano numbers were played by Nadtne Small, Connie Jarvil, Shirley Doerfler, Frances Fox and Joyce Martin. Games were played followed by the presentation of kitchen shower gifts to Miss Carpenter. Refreshments were served late in the evening. The rooms were attractively decorated with rose buds and pink wiegelia and minature bridal dolls. Present were the honor guest Miss Carpenter and her mother, Mrs. Larry Carpenter, Mrs Douglas Brady and Beverly Mrs. John Small and Nadine Mrs. A. N. Doerfler and Shirley, Mrs. F. M. Miller, Annis and Veneta, Mss Anne Bergholz, Mrs, Vera Savage, Mrs. Ole Me land and Joan, Carylon Hage Mrs. Fred Jarvil and Connie, Mrs. Herbert Stark and Judy, Nova Dea Ross, Nola Ross, La- Donna Ross, Mrs. Cooper, Etta Belle, Mrs. Bell and Carolyn, Mrs. Arley Martin and Joyce, Ruth Jeffrys, Mrs. Fox and Frances. Diqby-Thomas Wedding Told Of Interest to many friends is announcement of the marri age of Mrs. Alpha Thomas to O. B. Digby. The service was solemnized last Wednesday morning, May 18, in Reno, Mrs. Marie Backstead, a friend in Reno, witnessed the ceremony held in the courthouse there. Following the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Digby went to Stock ton, Calif., then to Roseburg. They plan to leave tomorrow for Roseburg to make their home, planning to go into busi ness there. WORD has been received from Waltham, Mass., of the birth of a daughter, Linda Lee, at the Mur phy General hospital there May 14 to Pfc. and Mrs. James Pick ering. Grandparents of the lit tle girl are Mr. and Mrs. C. Ar thur Pickering of Turner. The baby's father is assigned to duty at Dow Air Force base, Bangor, Maine. MEETING tomorrow are the members of the Daughters of St. Elizabeth, St. Paul's Episco pal church, a luncheon to be at 1 p.m. in the parish house. Host esses will be Mrs. E. G. Sanders, Mrs. R. H. Baldock, Mrs. Wil liam Dolph, Mrs. Philip W. Alli son, Mrs. W. J. Hardie, Mrs. Ar thur D. Hay. It's such good salt! Plain or iodiicd; 1 1 ways fret-running, always uniform. Your grocer has Leslit in Iht food-loohing red packaga. mm Cltatoto tat0 MRS. EMMA K. HALEY r Here's a trick you might like to try next time you Ah am poo your hair especially if dan druff is a problem. Use a small nail brush to scrub the scalp. After you've worked up a good lather, part the strands of hair into small bunches and get down to the scalp with the brush. Pay particular attention to the front of your hair where it grows up i from the forehead. This opera- i tion is beneficial to the scalp i and dandruff seems to take a i little longer in showing up again when the brush has been used. OREGON SCHOOL of BEAUTY CULTURE PHONE 3-6800 230 N. Liberty St. Watch Next Monday's Paper DIODOItANT COLOCNI regularly 1.50 2.50 Yfllui Tor 1? jsj -eattassaVT I fragrant summer special! HELENA RUBINSTEIN'S perfumed deodorant twins both for 150 mil priet pbu tos Jf Ad jMLi Cite. Limited time only I Now, with months of hot weather ahead . . . save on your season's supply of these perfumed Deodorant Twins! Perfumed Protection plus! Heaven-Sent or Apple Blossom Deodorant Cream . . . quickly absorbed ... for areas that need concentrated protection . . . checks perspiration moisture instantly . . . banishes perspiration odors . . . gives longer-lasting per fumed daintiness . . . gentle on skin. Double daintiness Heaven-Sen! or Apple Blossom Cologne Use lavishly for all-over perfumed protection from head to toe! fODOsUNT COLOCNI regularly 1.00 ORDER BY MAILT 1 both for Pleas sendi -Helena acini mm lATtu sorr MODOsuirr twins at 1.50 ami ilossom modont twins at 130 tat J0 FesVrei fas ser seefcaft Nam -State- Ckaraa M.O. CAPITAL DRUG STORE Start at Liberty Street