Local Paragraphs Mlu Your Piper? If the Capital Journal carrier fails to leave your copy please phone 22406 BEFORE 6 P. M. and a copy will be delivered to you. Clan Woodwork Shown An exhibit from the woodworking plant of the adult education de partment of the Salem public chools la on display at the Miller store, in the middle win dow on the Court street side The purpose of the display is to stimulate interest and Inquiry about classes to be offered next year. The display, which is at tracting general attention, will remain until Thursday morn ing. Mis Craln Judge Miss Mil dred Crain, sister in law of Mrs. Harry N. Crain, Salem, was one of the Judges at the Portland rose festival queen selection Saturday night. She is physical education Instructor at Maryl hurst college. Racing Pigeons From Pen dleton, an air line distance of 215 miles, Cecil McNeil'a red check hen won first place in the Cherry City Pigeon club over the week-end. The wr nlng bird turned in an aver age speed of 932 yards per mln ute. Doug Chambers' entry was second with a yard difference from the winner. Al Brown's pigeon placed third. The re mainder of the lofts failed to finish among the winners. The next race will be held next Sun day from WalU Walla. Wins Speech Contest Joan' Lesher, IS, daughter of Capt and Mrs. R. B. Lesher, won the Sunday evening oratorical con test held at the Salvation Army citadel for the young people. She defeated Wanda Valdez and will enter the divisional contest at the Trestle Glen camp near Portland Saturday. Capitol Use Eyed Use of the state capitol during the state convention of the American Le eion here August 3 to 6 was con sidered at a Joint meeting of the department executive com mittee and the convention direc tors here Sunday. It is propoi ed that business sessions of the Legion be held in the house of representatives and of the Aux iliary in the senate chambers. The Legion was the first group to occupy the capitol after its construction when Salem enter tained tht department in 1939. Bauer to Speak Albert Bauer, general manager for Con solidated Builders, Inc., current ly engaged in the building of the Detroit dam, will discuss the subject "The Detroit Dam and What It Means to Salem," dur ing Tuesday's Kiwanis club lun cheon. Pfe. Elmer Gallea Pfc. Elmer L. Galiea, U. S. Army, whose next of kin is Etta M. Galiea of 10 North. Third street, Lebanon, was among those men losing their Uvea in the Mediterranean during World War II whose bod ies were returned to the United States aboard the army trans port John .L. McCarley last week. Of the 2554 Americans re turned on the army transport 22 were men whose next of kin lived in Oregon. Seven to Graduate Seven pupils of the Rosedale school will graduate Thursday night with Thelma Sherman, state de partment of education speech corrective supervisor, speaking at 8 o'clock. Patrick Largent is valedictorian and Eugene Sayles salutatorian. Others to receive diplomas are Shirley Heady, Charles Murray, Maurice Fred rickson, Dave Wendland and Fayette Ladd. Leave Salem Memorial I, raving the Salem Memorial hospital with recently born In fants are Mrs. Patrick Izzo and daughter, . 1064 Howard; Mrs. Edwin Vlaus and son, 1120 Dietz avenue: Mrs. Fern Todd and son. 11B6 Sixth, West Salem, and Mrs. Robert D. Frerea and daughter. Stayton. BORN Tht Capital Journal Welcoraa thr Following Srw ntiirrn: C HAST A I N To Mr. ind Mr. OrTllIf CtiPjUtn. 10M 8. Hit, it th Sm 0 rtJ hotplUl. a tlrl. Mar 23. NORTON To Mr. tntf Mm. Hirnrd at. Norton, ftt. t, at ttir Aafem General hoa rttal. a tlrl Mar S3. SFLBY Ts Mr. and Mn Harlan C aiB?. Rt, t, at the Salem Oentraj hot aital. bar. Mar 33. RSPWTNO To Mr. and Mn Al ra- tnt. Mt. Antel. at the Balem 0nra! hnapltai. a bo j. Mar 33. HILL To Mr. and Mra T. Hill. W 1 JiUon. it the Salem General hospital, a her. Mar 33. HOTCH E80N To Mr. and Mr. William N Hutcheon. Valteta, at the Salem Oentral hmpltal. l bor. Mar . jwmrm To Mr. and Mr. Dale Jef frlaa, 4071 State, at the Salem Otnartl hoarttal. a tlrl. Mar 31. HOOArl To Mr. and Mr. WlVoer Hoian. H Oreaon, at tht Salem Oenerai haapital. a, tin. Mar 31. SCHUMACHER To Mr. and Mra. Rob ert Schumacher, Sublimity, it the Salem Oentral hoapltal. a bor. Mar 31. LAHOFORD To Mr. and Mr Ray Lanffford. rout 1, Aurora, a ion. Mar 31. t Salem Memorial botpttal. LOONEY To Mr. and Mra. Thad 1 Loonty. route 1, Jeffenao. a dauthWr, Mar 31. ai Salem Memorial tioapi't. MORPHEA D To Mr and Mra. Henrr Clrda More head, boi t. Lofeyetta. a cob. Mar 31. at Salem Memorial boapltaJ. YOVNO To Mr. and Mr. Otll Yminr. tm Cherry Avenue, a daurhter. Mar 31 at Salem Memorial hoapital. REYNOLDS To Mr, and Mr. Kldtn Reraolde. route 4. bot 300. a ion. Mar U at Silem Memrotai noapltal. BAKER-To Mr. and Mr. Norman Ba ker. SIM Ravltnr Avenue, a aort. Mar 31 it Salem Memorial baepnal. SOWA-To Mr and Mra Cecil 6na ffwie 3 boi tM. Wnodivirn. I aoa. Mar 33, at Bm MoaMtial MoottoL Exalted Rulers Meet Judge Frank J. Lonergan of Portland was the principal speaker at a meeting of exalted rulers of western Oregon Elks lodges at the Senator hotel Saturday aft ernoon. Judge Lonergan is a past grand exalted ruler of the Elks and past exalted ruler of the Portland lodge. Gilbert Wynkoop, exalted ruler of the Salem lodge, was In charge of arrangements for the Saturday meeting. Victory Club to Meet Town- send Victory club No. 17 will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Olive Red daway, 1421 North Church street. Fire in Wood Bin Fire In a wood bin at Capitol Lumber company, 2880 Cherry avenue, called fire equipment late Sat day afternoon. Sawdust, slab and miscellaneous wood, accum ulation in the bin was wet and firemen aaid the cause of the fire was v unknown and some what puzzling. The interior of the bin was charred. The fire waa confined to the bin. GOP End Foreseen That Governor Douglas McKay will be the last republican governor of Oregon was predicted by Walter J. Pearson, democratic state treasurer, at a meeting of the Lane county democrats. He expressed the opinion that the democrats will outnumber re publicans in the state by 1950. flei Marriage Licenses Ver- ner H. Rich, Salem, and Patri cia C. G o a s e r, Vernonia, have been issued a marriage license at Vancouver, Wash., as has Louvin F. Dunda, Wlllamina and Gladys O. Frolich, Sheri dan. Salads WUI Be Subject Brush College home extension unit will held an all-day meeting Friday, May 27, at the home of Mrs. W. L. Lantis, in Polk county. Sal ads and salad dressings will be the subject demonstrated by leaders, Mrs. Lawrence McClure and Mrs. Clarence Woelk, be ginning at 10:30. Everyone is urged to attend this, the last meeting of the season. Mail Box Vandalised Frank J. Junta, 1110 Lee, reported to Salem police Saturday that his mail box had been opened and letters, including one containing a check, had been torn. Leave Salem General Dis missed from the Salem General hospital over the week-end with recently born infants were Mrs Francis Rothweiler, 3975 Au burn Rd. and daughter; Mrs. Ro bert S. Free and son, Lyons; Mrs. Willie Braunberger and daughter, 822 Rosemont; Mrs. Milton Kansler and -daughter, 540 N. 14th; Mrs. Wendell Hell er and daughter, MilLCity; Mrs. Gene McCam and son, 1250 Peace; Mrs. Wilber Hogan and daughter, 550 Oregon; Mrs. Ge rald Eby and son, 1360 N. Lib erty and Mrs. D. L. Cutler and Injures Knee Mrs. Vernal Bloom - sustained an injured knee when the car in which she was a passenger was struck by a vehicle operated by William E. Taylor, Corvallis. Taylor posted $5 bail for violating a stop sign. Chimney Fire Repeats Fire equipment was called again Monday to 1616 M North Com mercial to quench a chimney fire. A similar fire occurred at the same place last week. Building Permits James Minty, to build a one-story dwelling and garage at 2740 Skopil, $12,500. W. E. Good man, to repair a one-story dwelling at 548 North 21st, $50. H. B. Jackson, to build a one story dwelling and garage at 1675 Davidson, $4630. H. B. Jackson, to build a one-story dwelling and garage at 1665 Da vidson, $4630. Auction Tuesday nite, Glen wood. 122 Cooked food & mystery pkg. sale by Rickey Mothers club. Port. Gas & coke Co., wea.. May 25. Benefit for school. 122 Rebuilt Ford, Chevrolet and Plymouth motors. Reasonable prices. Reimann Motor Co., 3250 Portland Road. Ph. 37110. 122 Best shatterproof auto glass installed. Floor sanderi for rent. R. D. Woodrowi, 450 Center St 122 Furniture Reflnishlng Plant of Lee Bros. Phone No. Is now 27001, We repair and remodel. 122' Clearance tale of tires and batteries Woodrow't. 122 Eola Acres Florist. Ph. 1-5730. 122 Air-steamship tickets. Kugel, 735 North Capitol. Ph. 3-7694. 122 American Telephone & Tele graph rights' are now being traded. For assistance with war rants contact Conrad Bruce & Co., 203 Oregon Bldg. Ph. 14106 122 Phone 22406 before 6 p.m. if you miss your Capital Journal. Federally insured Savings Current dividend ri See MR ST Federal Savings FIRST 142 S. Liberty. Ph. 1-4944. - '.jWt (7 Q Krug Protests Budget Slash Washington, May 23 W Sec retary of Interior Krug said to day that this year's $616,000,000 budget for the interior depart ment is the "bottom of the bar rel in wise economy." He told a senate appropria tions subcommittee that the de partment believes this is the time for "most stringent econo mies." However, he said, the na tion should not spend less than is "really required" for the de velopment of its economy. Testifying on the annual in terior department' money bill, the secretary said the senate will be asked to restore about $23,000,000 of the budget which was lopped off by the house. As it passed the house, the bill carried $536,211,908 for the various agencies of the depart ment, about $81,000,000 less than President Truman's bud get. Of the total cut made by the house, $56,000,000 was taken from funds for the reclamation bureau. The house appropria tions committee figured a 15 percent cut could be made be cause of declining construction costs. Krug said the department would not ask the senate to restore this money, in view of the house committee's assurance that if funds prove insufficient the reclamation bureau can come back for more later this year. Flag Half Masted At the re quest of the fourth assistant postmaster general the flag atop tne saiem postonice will fly at half mast until after the funeral for James Forrestal who leaped to his death from a U. S. naval hospital. To Paint Postoftice The Sa lem postoffice will be refurbish ed inside and out for the first time since its construction in 1937, according to plans outlin ed by the postoffice department. Bids are being invited for roof and masonry repairs and for re decoration of the interior. Mrs. Holmes Home Mrs Glenn Holmes, of Albany, was released from the Salem Memo rial hospital Sunday. She was injured when the automobile in which she was riding with her husband and Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips, also of Albany. collided with an oil tank and trailer near the Twelfth street junction Aoril 28. Mrs. Phillips is still in the hospital,. Young to Frisco Marion County Sheriff Denver Young left by automobile at noon Mon day for San Francisco, where he will pick up J. R. Watson, being held by authorities there. Watson is wanted in this county for obtaining money by false pretenses. Lost, male Kerry Blue Ter rier, vicinity Fairview home Ph. 27267 or 36543. 121 Don't throw away window shade rollers. Phone Reinholdt & Lewis, 2-3639 and have them recovered at a worth while saving. 122 Annual Kenwood Special Blanket Sale. Reg. $16.95 qual ity Blanket $13.95. Eight colors including white, individually boxed. Sale ends Saturday, June 4. Delivery NOW, or on Lay Away Plan Oct. 1. Phone or mall orders will hold selection Better Bedding Store. 512 State St., Salem, Ore. Phone 3-4412 127' Stevenson's Restaurant where they serve the famous "FISH & CHIPS" is open every day, 10 a m to 1:30 a.m., except Mon days. 122 Auction Tuesday nite, Glen wood. 122' Stevenson's Restaurant where they serve the famous "FISH cV CHIPS" is open every day. 10 a m. to 1:30 a.m., except Mon days. 122 Dr. L. B. Warnlcker Dentist Is now associated with the Dr i Painless Parker office. 125 N Liberty St., Salem. Ph. S8825 Insured savings earn morei than two Percent at Salem Fed eral Savings Association, 160 1 Stat atrMt, Knights of Columbus Attend Their Archbishop Week-end convention of the Knights of Columbus saw these members of the organization in audience with Archbishop Edward J. Howard. Present were: Adam Lefor, William J. La Roche, Archbishop Edward J. Howard, Don Dorfleur, Bob Adair, Lou LeDeux, Clarence Brown. Father Maxwell, Thomas Windlshar, William E. Healy, Father O'Keefe. A. L. Elvin, Joe Ultican, Slyvester Smith and John Steelhammer who appeared in behalf of Mayor Robert Elfstrom. Knight Calls for Program To Suppress Communism Delegates to the 41st Knights went on record Monday with program designed to suppress The business session oi tne and one of the first resolutions Late Sports AMERICAN rww,i nnn 000 OOOO fi 0 Boston 002 110 00x 4 8 1 Grav, Kretiow m, ana bwh; Kinder and Tebbetts. Plan $300,000 (Continued from Page 1 The board awarded a contract to Empire Construction compa ny of Portland to build a sewer line from Hillcrest school for girls to the State hospital cot tage farm for $69,848. It also gave a contract to Hall & Wols, Portland for a $14,960 contract for painting the main building at the Eastern Oregon State hospital at Pendleton. The city of Portland was giv en $15,000 from the state to make a survey of Portland hous ing conditions. The money was granted from a $30,000 appropri ation made by the last legislature and was given to Portland after other cities in the state. Includ ing Salem, had turned down the offer of funds for housing sur veys. Start for Honolulu In Small Lifeboat Long Beach, Calif.. May 23 lf) Long Beach to Honolulu 2.400 miles in a lifeboat! That's the voyage the broth ers Swarthout, Francis, 20, and James, 21, set out upon y ester day as veteran Coast Guards men shook their heads dubl ously. 'We've been planning this trip since we were nine years old," James said before cast ing off. "We're not going to be discouraged now." Their craft is the 22-foot boat Carick. She was rebuilt at a cost of $1,200. She has been decked over and fitted with sail a 1,200-pound keel and an aux iliary engine. Aboard are 35 gallons of drinking water and a 60-day food supply. The brothers Swarthout expect to make Honolulu in 30 to 45 days. Cherry, Onion Hearings The state agriculture depart ment will hold a hearing at Milton June 1 on a request for a new container for fresh cher ries. It would hold 12 pounds. The department will hold a hearing at Lablsh, north of Sa lem, on June 3 on a proposed new onion grade which would be higher than the U.S. No. 1 grade. COURT NEWS Circuit Court Marion A!Brlin T Mirvtrtt Mc rvm: Cnmplttnt ikj luuimtm ef llfl -rrfn) f ntril 4imM ao'l I6M M aiwrlt! 4araiiM tor inlurlM t!l"11y rM!vd In auto-pMlMtmn Arelornt April t. 111. William Ann a Jo Ultican Complaint it U II.HMI mdtmant for arrount allet tlr ow4 to plaintiff by defendant. Uonard 0 and fftith A. Orion v Vie tor and tlllUwth, Knuth: Aniwr admit and dnla. Hrnrr C. Ahlld M Voln Shl'lda: Or dr fit tlm for hrtn 10 a m.. Mar , 1U. Jah Hopflnaar v Ohrtr and ftofe-rt Land: Motion M r'qulr plaintiff to mk complaint anor d'flnlt and certain. Probata Court John Hnrr Drlnnnn auu: Order ap pro, final Iceount. Rnnra Wnr.dard ,al- PlnaJ arrM,nt aubmlttd Order fiat lima for htarinc 10 a si., iun so. !. Char!e C Hopkln tat- Order ap point Ftonter Trut com pan, dminttra. i tor. Folic Court Drivtnf under the Influ-nee of tntoi leatm llo-ior Herbert Bertr. no a Courrh meet, fined 1140 M da lall term aueprnded. driver 0 been, ratMted for on er. Marrioga lt-nil Marlon J Frnu IS. MWtaiiran! nrk. r 1M r Mrd. and leelrn &ta atl noff, it, Mem arc. Sill U. of Columbus convention in Salem a resolution which called for I communism. convention opened at 10 a.m to be adopted shortly after noon was one which urged coopera tion wun church and civil au thorities for the complete sup pression of communism. Other resolutions adopted bv the delegates included one which supported the continuance of the annual May 1st "Loyalty Pa rade" in Oregon which is spon sored by the Knights of Co lumbus, continuation of a semi nary program, furthering and continuing the annual Catholic day program in July at Cham poeg or another suitable site, and opposition to the national health bill now before congress. Highlighting the three-day convention was a banquet served to over 400 in the main dining room of the Marion hotel on Sunday evening, presided over by Past Stale Deputy Clarence Brown of Eugene. Guest speak er on the program was Most Reverend Edward D. Howard. Archbishop of this Archdiocese with principal address "Ameri can Heritage" being given by Past Supreme Director Judge Frank J. Lonergan of Portland Monday, the convention re convened for the third day's session, following Mass at the St. Joseph's church, Salem. Spe cial stress was presented to the state convention in connection with the coming supreme con vention of the Knights of Co lumbus which will take place in Portland in August at which convention over 2.000 delegates and visitors will come to Ore gon. Slate Deputy Sylvester J Smith of St. Paul presided over the sessions at the Salem Knights of Columbus club. The Conven tion opened on Saturday morn nlng, with registration headquar ters at the Marion and Senator hotels. At 2 o'clock, Saturdav. the fourth degree of the order held their annual state conven tion. Linus M. Fuller of Port land is state master, other offi cers selected were: Otto Smith Klamath Falls, pilot: Richard Long. Oregon City, comptroller and Louis LeDoux of Mt. An gel, sentinel The state convention of the third degree branch of the or der, opened at 5 p.m. Saturday at the Knights of Columbus club in Salem with the appointment of necessary committees by the state deputy. On Saturday eve ning a buffet luncheon and dance formed the entertainment for the delegates and visitors at the Mayflower hall in North Salem On Sunday morning, the day's activities opened at 9 o'clock with convention Mass and cor porate Communion by the St Vincent DePaul church in Sa- lem. with Reverend James Max well, state chaplain, as celebrant. Fratum Unit Meeting Pratum The Pratum-Macleay home extension unit will meet May 24 at 1:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. John Hsin. The subject will be "Conserving You." by Miss Eleanor Trlndle, Marion county extension agent The women will have a "white elephant" sale. ItlHMII atlWIIIII, INI. tea 2Jir f&sij imiigb (pas Aerial Attack On Budworms Eugene. Ore., May 23 (UP) State foresters, attempting to wipe out the destructive spruce budworm threatening $20,000.-1 000 worth of second-growth fir. today pushed their aerial DDT attack against the deadly pest. They said it would be a race against time and weather to save some 125.000 acres of timber in Linn and Lane counties. The battle at its peak will re quire the use of 15 planes, three helicopters and seven air bases The brownish, inch-long in sect will be vulnerable to the spray during the next 10 days After that time it will enter the invulnerable pupae stage. Weather observers and ob servers from the bureau of plant entomology have entered the dense timberlands to pinpoint the attack. "The whole thing is like a for est fire." said John B. Woods, Jr., assistant state forest super visor. "We have to lick it com pletely or the danger remains." Planes will operate out of Springfield, Harrisburg. Cottage Grove. The major attack will be centered in the Cottage Grove. Oakridgc, Crcswell and Lowell districts. SP Streamliners fContlnupd from Page 1) Cars for the two trains have started arriving from the fac tories. Mcrcier said the tavern car. which has already been de livered, will be placed in tem porary service soon on the Cas cade, to give travelers a preview of the style. The railroad president recall ed that he had disclosed plans for the Streamliners in this same city in January of 1946. "We thought then." Mercier said, "that in spite of the post war rush of orders for new rail road equipment we would be able to put the Shasta Daylight in service within a year. Then ensued this long period of wait ing while the manufacturers strove to spend production the face of shortages of many materials, and other difficul ties. Now, at last, equipment for our new streamliner is about ready for service. We of South ern Pacific want to thank our friends for bearing with us in good nature during the long out unavoidable delay. We are sure you will find the Shasta Daylight was worth waiting for." MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Monday, May U Companies B and O. 162nd Infan try regiment and headquarters de tachment. Oregon National Quard. at Salem armory. Organised Marine Corps reserve unit at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center. 369th engineers and 409th quar termasters at Army Reserve quon set huts. Msrion post No. Ml. VFW. at VFW hall. 8alem post No. 136. American Legion at American Legion club. Tuesday. May S4 Marlon county chapter, Reserve Officers' Association. Militarv law class for regular army and army reserve personnel at the Willamette unlvprsitv law school. Instructors Capt. Robty Ratcllff and M. Clifton Enfield. Returned to States Silverton Word has been receiv ed by Mrs. Ed Holdpn that her nephew. S Sift. Owrn W. Plaatberg, is now at Fairfield Sillsnn, Call! The RprffPftnt, returned to the slatps from Tokyo, .Japan, May 19. plans to visit the Holdriu during his 30 day leave. In Japan he was a mem ber of the 23rd Recon. Sqd. Gardner Training Camp Prndlpton. Orpansldr. Calif MaJ. Cecil A Oarrinrr. USMCR, Salem. Ore. and a civil engineer with the Oregon state highway department Is currently undergoing a two-week active duty training period at this camp. Oardner. a volunteer reserve Is among the first of over 9 000 marine reservists, both organized and vol unteer, who will receive their sum mer training here. The ma lor, an engineering offlrpr. entered the Marine Corns in 1941 and during the war served with thr Third Marine division In the Pa cific. For his training he is at tached to an fnglnerlng unit of the First Marine division. Mud Box Stolen Robert M. Lawless, 170 W. Wilson, report ed to Salem police that a mud box for mixing cement and plas ter had been stolen from a con struction site at the Iraak Wal ton building at Church and Bellevue streets. MCOMA. WAIHINSTON Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Jamea Forrestal Naval Board Continued from Page 1 It has not yet been decided where the funeral services will be held A report by Radio Commen tator Drew Pearson last night that Forrestal had attemped su icide two weeks ago at the hos pital was denied today by Rear Adm. L. O. Stone, commanding officer of the hospital. Stone said there was nothing to it. 3 F.arllrr Attempts Pearson Also said Forrestal had made three earlier attempts States. t while at his home in Hobe, Fla. j A representative of the militaryiNiinn FlOrfofl rfOafl establishment said of this, "No VUllll LICUCU I ICQU ' comment at present." a r I Forrestal left as his farewell only an ancient Greek poem of despair and death. He was the first secretary of defense a wearing job that he gave up as a sick man in March. Before that, he had been secre tary of the mightiest navy the world has ever seen, and before that he had served as an assist ant to Franklin D. Roosevelt in the White House. Capital Shocked This spring, his health brok en by more than nine years of nerve-wracking service, he de cided to seek release from the strain. A few days in Florida af ter his resignation, and then he entered the hospital April 2. His death and the manner of it shocked the capital, President Truman said "this able and devoted public servant was as truly a casualty of the war as if he had died on the firing line." He issued a proclamation or dering that flags fly at half staff from all public buildings, forts and warships. So far as was known, the for mer secretary left no note. Quotes Sophocles But on a radiator, near his hospital bed, waa found a book "An Anthology of World Poe try." A red ribbon lay between the pages opened to Sophocles' "Chorus From Atax." That no- em tella of profound and hope less tragedy. In the back of the book was a piece of hospital memorandum paper in which Forrestal had copied, in a firm hand, the first 26 lines of the doleful poem. The court of inquiry In the case was ordered by Rear Ad miral M. D. Willcutts. comman dant of the naval medical cen ter. Just exactly what it might examine was not certain in ad vance. From statements of offi cials at the hospital, this story was reconstructed: In the weeks that followed Forrestal's entry for treatment, he seemed to be on the road to complete recovery. He received visitors, among them President Truman, made phone calls, read the paper. Admiral Willcutts told repor ters: "That type of suicide Is im possible to prevent. You can't take a man of that brilliance and put a guard over him all the time. There were fewer and fewer restrictions as his condi tion improved." The funeral will be held In Arlington cemetery Wednesday with full military honors. Mrs. Forrestal flew in from Paris to day aboard the presidential plane, the Independence, with her son Michael, an employe of tne economic cooperation ad ministration in Paris. - Stolen far Recovered Salem police recovered a stolen car Sunday belonging to Earl Bon nry, 1260 Candlrwond drive. The machine was out of gasoline and Its battery was dead. thousands have rallerl In . , . writlen in . . . demanding a repeal of this sale . . . So . .. for a limited number of davs ... Its "t for ex actly the price of 1." NOW! p Monday, May 2.1, 1949 5 Agricultural Financing Told The importance of agricultur al financing to the economy of the country was explained for the benefit of Salem Chamber of Commerce members Monday noon by C. L. Wellmark, secre tary of the Spokane bank for cooperatives. Wellmark said his organiza tion has a definite obligation to the federal government in mak ing sound loans. In this con nection he pointed out that dur ing a 15 year period losses due to poor loads amounted to but six one hundredths of one per cent of total advances. Approximately SO percent of the loans advanced in the Spo kane district which Includes, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Washington were made in Ore- laon. said Wellmark. The sDeak or wt.nt into considerable statis- ticai df.tail t0 tne amoUnt of money handled through the va- rious cooperatives and spoke of the necessity of farmers secur ing their loans through federal channels. Wellmark said a bill now In congress provides that cooper atives repay all of the money advanced by the government to establish the 12 banks now be- ng operated over tne United III I f) MIV DRnKRlA Cecil Gunn, Salem branch of the First National bank, was elected president of the Marion county chapter of the American Institute of Banking, over the week-end. Other officera are C. Wallace Beckett. Ladd and Bush branch of the US National, vice president; Harlan Hanson, Ladd and Bush, secretary; Edward Da vee, First National, treasurer, and directors, three years, Wil lard Glaze. Ladd and Bush, and Charles Ross First National. Delegates to the national con vention in Portland May 30 to June 3 are H. J. Etzel, Ladd and Bush; Gunn and Beckett with Hanson, Davee and June Hagen, First National, alternates. The annual banquet was held last week at the American Le gion club with 120 attending. Portland Street Car Catches on Fire Again Portland, May 23 MP) A Council Crest streetcar caught on fire again today, and several passengers were taken to a hos pital. The fire department reported that three' persons were taken to St. Vincent's hospital, and several others to Good Samari tan. Details of the accident were not immediately available. The fire department quoted the mo torman as saying he shut the controls off and the "thing ex ploded." The fire occurred at South west King and Burnside streets, just a block from the point where a streetcar on the same line caught fire several weeks ago. v The police department said It was also the same motorman who was hurt In the last fire: James Johnson, 62. I Reports Purse Taken Ida Olson, 532 N. High, reported to Salem police Saturday that her purse had been stolen from un der a counter in a downtown establishment. la.O) DOWNSTAIRS 143 No. Liberty : Shoe Sale at LEON'S Authorized 4 DEALER j . II OUTDOOR - H0ISI r Buy the first pair at the rrgular price . . get the second pair FREE!...