Defroif Will Open Library Detroit Detroit Women's Ci vic club met at the home of Jane Welsgerber Wednesday evening. Topics of discussion included the Mobile Unit to be In this vicinity on June 13. and a park for the new townsite. The trav eling can was opened and found to contain $8.30. The library has been installed in the old grade school building. It haa been repainted and the club has put linoleum on the floor. The books will be shelved in readiness for the opening on Tuesday afternoon. The library will be open for the public on Tuesdav afternoon from 2 to 4 and on Friday evenings from t to 8 every week. Mrs. Joe Wright is the librarian. Hostesses for the meeting not been accompanied by a cor responding reduction of manu jfacturing costs." He said pro jducers must ook to expanded has urged speedy approval hy, the house public works commit tee of the revised and enlarged' plans of the U.S. army engineers for the Willamette valley prol-l Capital Journal, Salem, Orejjon. Monday, May 2.Tj 1949 .1 Citizens Committee Seeking Better Road Aurora A committee of five formerly with the Washington state highway department; Sam Amundson and Abbe Johnson. All of them were strongly In favor of the five-year tax for road construction. were Esther Cllne and Alice Moore. There were 32 guests present. sales volume to ward off "sub stantial losses." lect. ! I .... I Koutonen said plywood was in good supply for the first time in years, although production Is running slightly behind lat vear'i record output of nearly two billion square feet. He said 38 firms operating 44 ifKiiiyuig ueinre me commit- tee, Norblad stated that the da mage to the valley since 1900 alone had been in excess of the iriywuuu inuumy The lax is expected to yield $3.10.000 per year, which will be divided equally among the five county districts, giving each area approximately $68,000 a year for lis own roads. The county-wide plan Is to employ an expert road builder, who will work under the super vision of Ralph Milln, engineer and deputy county surveyor. citizens to supervise road con struction in road district No. S of Clackamas county, a far-flung area stretching from Canby south through Molalla and Mar- Plans Ad Campaign Tacoma, Wash., May S3 Ue The northwest plywood indus try faced with financial losses because of continued high man ufacturing costs, today announc ed beginning of a one-year $1.-1 000.000 advertising program to incease sales volume. Arnold Koutonen, Olympia, president of the Douglas Fir Plywood association, said "the entire cost of the nrnnnspd nrnl-! ect. ! "This is probably the most important program being under-1 taken in the Pacific northwest at the present time and Its early; separate factories In 30 Wash ington, Oregon and northern California cities were subscrib ing money to the advertising program. WY ProJecTs Urged By Walter Norblad Rep. Walter Norblad (R-Ore) quam, was named at a meeting in Lone Elder hall. Speakers at the meeting in cluded Senator Howard C. Bel ton; Paul Erb, representing the Meadowbrook-Collon farm bur eau and South Molalla Farm ers' union: Bill Curry of the Oregon City Toastmasters club; Wesley Brooks, civil engineer. completion will not only bene fit that part of the country but collaterally the entire United States," Norblad declared. Anne Lee, the "Mother Ann" of the Shaker sect, lies buried In the Shaker cemetery, next to the Albany, N. Y., airport. readjustment of price levels has Electrifyinr Event White House tide Russell McMullin gives President Truman time check as the president presses a gold key In Washington, D. C giving the signal to put the 10th main generator at Grand Coulee Dam, Wash., into com mercial operation. The president hailed the event as one more step in harnessing the almost limitless power potential of our great northwest. (Acme Telephoto) Silverton Special Election Stirs Up High Local Feeling Silverton, May 23 Not in recent years has special election stirred up so much feeling as has the question of a general obli gation bond issue for $90,000 for the improvement of the Silverton water system which will be decided at the polls Tuesday from 8 to 8 o'clock. A portion of the - J amount requested would be for a cessity be an increase in water n.u, concrete dam 3600 f e e t rates. above the present pumping site on the Abiqua and the remain der for new and replacement Pipe- MimeoRraphed petitions, un signed, were sent through the mails over the week-end with the charge that the election in volves health, Insurance rates and progress. Those, favoring the project point to the previous arguments against wells, stream polutlon, lack of taxes Involved and the governing of Insurance rates by the construction of the dam. Dr. W. A. Simmons, member of the water commission for many years, denies that the two wells described e "useless" are to be so regarded. He states that when the two wells were taken over from the former water com mission they were fully equip ped and capable of producing 750.000 gallons of water a day and during the time they were In use no money was spent for pumping. He adds that the con crete dam in a new location can not possibly Insure any more wa ter than the creek run nor any Improvement In health condi tions. Opponents point out that the old log dam, washed out with the 1942 flood, had been In use for 27 years and had cost S2700, with a new log dam to replace it would cost only SROOO and be sides the dam the city could drill an additional deep well for uv lllary supply. It Is also stated that eventually water may be obtained from the Detroit dam and also that If the bond Issue Is approved there would of ne- Student Charged Lawrence Jean Sharp. 20, (above), Uni versity of Washington student was under arrest, accused by FBI of setting dynamite ex plosion which destroyed government-owned home of his parents In Vancouver, Wash. (AP Wirephoto) WATCH FOR THE TRAVELER They'll all gather 'round when your GRAD showi oft a new iniiiiMHiuuuuMwa 4inuften M M 9 AMItlCA't flNI WATCH J forgotten! -the "J&S moment you give a Njhic2S fine. dependshle new 4? j&t-Jp Hs.nil.on! Select it y -JJ from iht dittinauiihed y -OyST new model of - J??mcS incomptfihlt VvT' 'f ' beauty and jf' scrurscy. j f'R? 8NiMHR9NRf&ffi$$B$MRNKKNR yg goid-aiM iw-oi) t tOSA UK iwnrtl t wht Cmr,M , ""' X . t Ot.ADYJ I OK man) or Wl t OYON I4K xmtil fold. j STEVENS & SON Jf WILMS SILVIR SMITH J Uye.ley 8ldg. 390 Start If. AT Penney's h SALEM, OREGON ERE'S WHAT WE MEAN BY (CASH AND CARRY) MiiM s ; ; : OPEN TOES JJp Bp CLEVER CALF SANDALS f'J & ' 'i -r --A,rL ' Ll, V Trust Penney's to have your favorite tf,S?, A J? ,. jfr.!mia f.ifutt .fcJMR -'rw J2 ttT jfkiN. f "i shoe styles I Coal black calf sandals wiUi Jtf S. V- i. V JJJ fWJ ' pretty ankle straps tor glamour . .low nQfl ' "v- .titlC""' W '-il' -t t - - -f V swooping sides or drama . . . and open- ZX f II ... . A V"!. k-Ar- Ji " 1 ' t ?Jf V - mi,' I F" A V W Ings fore and aft for flattery! Comfort- fl fgD '" i'St IS f 'mv ' X sn-Flr iJT MttKm I r-.-ipr ljfVf 1 able walking heels ... neat cut-outs and w jJgjawrf ' t ' f ,1 1 W Wi BA5 i .-X TJ Jff 7 slim platforms. AA. B widths. (fc , I t',J kitr S t 6 -SW" - - j---''-5KZ2 I J bMART BLaCK SANDALS Oasuh! rnindlM dellrnte n a brpere with n InterMting cut-out vamp, ptrt lrutep trap, and a walktriR and dancing hel all (or thli amall price I Our caxh and carry policy mean aaving (or you I In lovflv kitten-soft calf. AA, B widths. Black. nnwnttlr Hlore 690 r r m TT And Look at the Low Cash-and-Carry Prices! DOUBLE STRAPPED PUMPS The new double strap shoe Its part and parcel of the NEWER LOOK I And Pen ney's brings It to you at a mere ttO! CrtMeroaa ramp dotted with tiny perfora tions . . sturdv heel , . . open toes . . closed bark Smooth black cslf, AAA AA, B widths. Downstairs Alnre 690 2.98 and 3m Your foot floats along on a springy sponge rubber heel pad cork rubber platform. Over the top and 'round the ankle, strips of smooth fine grain leather hug your foot in solid breezy'comfort. And beneath ... a sole built especially for extra long wear. Penney's has 'em in a splash of bright reds, greens whites and blacksj at smash-down-low Cash-and-Carcy prices. mmmm