i 16 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday. May 23, 1949 jirLffLr A-KO Veteran "Goofs" State-wide "wreck" of 40 et 8, American Legion, initiated this group of 25 "goofs" during their week end celebration. State Employes Adopt Program Aiming at a program that, would not only be beneficial to state employes but one that would also promote more effi cient service to the state and improve the welfare of the state in general, the board of directors of the Oregon State Employes association In an ex ecutive session in Salem Satur day took action to promote such a program. Adopted by the group at the meeting called by Loren White, president, were: 1. Plane to extend the OSEA group lift Insurance service for employee! to a lerser number of people. 1. To Investigate and urie Improvement in Oreion'a present labor laws which have to do with child labor. Injustices to youni wantlnl to work, and eicesslve red tape In the hlrlnf of youna people, thue dls- couraclni their employment In proper jobs. I. To lend support to leilelatlve Interim committees and Civil aervlce Investiga tions concerning working conditions and Uwr employer-employee relations. 4. To survey and Investigate the train ing programs offered state employees and . to determine the needs for ln-servlce training of employees to Improve their services to the stste. . To give run cooperation with all of ficials, aaencles and others atrlvlng to Improve the welfare of the state, and to actively support those whose lotereeta are sincere la this direction. c. To preserve and Improve the Otvll Service principle of a merit system of per sonnel relations for ths stste. and to re main active In defense of the prlnclplee of Justice, merit, honesty and sincerity as applied to public affairs. Selected at the meeting as as sistant to Forrest Stewart, ex ecutive secretary, was Eugene F. Schmidt of Salem, who this June will be graduated from Willamette university. Schmidt prior to enrolling at Willamette spent three and a half years on duty with the U.S. navy. During its session the board also endorsed the current U.S. savings bond campaign and vot ed to support the campaign pub licly and to the state employes through association publics tions. merce at 8 o'clock, when offi cers will be elected. A committee on organization headed by Ed Gillingham will report at the Tuesday night meeting. The organization will be Incorporated. Cemetery Control To Be Transferred Control of 1h Odd Fellowi cemetery of Salem, long a sub ject of controversy because of it neftlected condition, will pass Tuesday night from the lodge to a new organization. The organization will be com pleted at a Tuesday night meet lng at the Chamber of Com- LEGAL NOTirt OP INTENTION TO IMTKOV1 MOUNTAIN VIKW DR1VK FROM CAN DAT. ARIA BO LLC YARD TO SANSON AVENUE. Nolle hareta? li flTtn that too com toneouneu of tha clly of tHIem. Oraioa, neatna K netetiary and oipedtent and htrvbf deelerei Ita purpoaa and Intention to Improfa Mountain View Drive from the south Una of Candalarla Boulavard to the north lino of llanaon avenue. In lha tit of Salem. Marlon count jt, Oreion, at the xpsnia oi tna ahuuinr and adjacent property, oiefpt tha at r tat Inlaraarttona tha axpanaa of which will ba oiaumad by in cur oi Minn, oy orinfini aid por tion of aald airott to tha aatabltahed t r d t, com true tint camant concrete ruroa, and paving aald port too of aald wun 2'a mm aapnaitia concrete pavement 3ft feet wide In accordance Hh the plana and tuoclf Icatlona Lherefor whirh were adopted by tha common coun cil Ma f, 1049, which art now on file In tha of (Ire of tha r!t recorder and which by thia reference thertto are made part hereof. Tha common council hereb derlarea Iti purpoi and Intention to make tha above described Improvement by and through the atreet Improvement department. ,Blti Ul Comn,0 Couneil May ' ALFRED MimtiT. CltT Recorder Data ( flrat publication haraef la May 13. 1141. ' uXVZTA ." " " Police Seek Clue To Shotgun Slaying Windsor, Ont., May 23 MV- Provincial police sought today to turn up a clue in the mys terious shotgun slaying of a Ford Motor Co. inspector. The victim, William D. Allen, 37, was felled by a shotgun blast at midnight Saturday as he ate a sandwich and worked a cross word puzzle in the kitchen of his home. He died early Sunday of head wounds. Officers said the assassin stood on the porch of Allen's home, rammed the shotgun through a window and fired from about seven feet. Fred L. Scott of Salem Heights Dies Fred L. Scott, 79, Salem Heights resident, died at a local hospital Sunday night. Scott lived in the Liberty district for 20 years prior to moving to Buena Vista for a short time. About five years ago he moved to Salem Heights. He Is survived by his widow, Sarah, a daughter, Mrs. Clarence King, both of Salem Heights; a son, Leland Scott of Redmond, Ore.; a brother, Bert L. Scott of Ingersoll, Ontario; sister, Mrs. 25 Initiated in 40 et 8 Wreck Twenty-five Legionnaires be came members of the 40 et 8 during initiation ceremonies in the Salem armory Saturday night. The Induction was the final event on the all-day Marion county voiture spring "wreck." The Initiation followed an af ternoon of stunts and horseplay, and a banquet in the armory during which the 40 et 8 pledges were locked up. Five Salem men were among the group taken into the Ameri can Legion honor organization. They are Ellis F. Van Eschen, Robert Jacobsen, Arnold B. Ja cobson, Marion Lamb and Wal lace Palmateer. Others initiated Saturday were Harold Bourbanais, Mt. Angel; W. S. Stuart, Jr., Albany; Leslie Hardie and David M. Smith, Eugene; Harry H. Owens, La Grande; Harry C. Doyle and Ralph J. Baldwin, Roseburg; R. A. McKay, M. J. Forsythe and J. R. Connor, Jr., Newberg; Clyde Ruddell, Bend; Harold E. Harden, Lebanon; Harlan S. Kenyon, Everett B. Burns, P. L. Dolph, Howard Beebe, R. C. Grischow, L. D. Thomas and M. A. Trapman, of Portland. as Ray Rossi, Lonf Beach, Calif. Ilayed the Identification of thei The shooting occurred Fort Richardson authorities de-1 soldier. I night spot Just outside the city ... e citv i Hattie Little, Toronto; four grandchildren. He was an uncle of Harry Scott of Salem. Speaker Here Judge Don ald E. Long, court of domestic relations, Portland, is to be speaker for the annual meet ing of Marion county chapter, American Red Cross, Tuesday evening, a dinner to be held at 6:45 o'clock in Nohlgren's restaurant. One Killed in Old Time Pistol Duel Anchorage, Alaska, May 23 m A shooting described by po lice as a "frontier style pistol duel" took the life of a civil ian and critically wounded an army sergeant early yesterday morning. The victim, killed by five bul lets in the head, was identified From the top of her mortarboard to the soles Mfcft 0R'GINALS OF HER She'll be the proudest prettiest graduate . . CUM JUNIO SPADE: in WHITE BUCK SUEDE Cushion platform, flattering ankle strap. N-M, 4 to 0. by Footflair 8.95 ST SPADE SYNN: In WHITE BUCK SUEDE Cushion platform, - delicious eccentric strap. N-M. 4 to 9. Also by Foot-flair 8.95 SYNN THE SALEM SHOE STORE THAT THOSE SENIORS ADORE I. ata I a. WE'LL GLADLY CHARGE IT TO YOUR ACCOUNT Only improved Com -frit Fads kit) PRICELESS COMFORT Your False Teeth Fit Either n(e Star aoft In plate Chew anything,. Re new every 30-60 day lor beat reiult. 59c at Fred Merer Stores and other Drug Btoree Clin Ihla Ade'l. far a fteindert Your fur coot is on of your most valued possessions and deserves the best of car and protection. For very moderate cost you get complete warm weather protection when you stoie your fun in our vaults. i isi j 1 133 North Liberty J J" UdvertUemtBU , Worry of FALSE TEETH Slipping or Irritating? Don't ba embar rawed by loooe falae teeth allpplna, dropping or wobbtini hea you eat. talk or lauih. JmI ipnn hie a little PAST KITH on your Plate ThLa pleaaant powder aive a remerk ahia arnaa of added comfort and aetii ntr by holding plataa aior firmly. No ununy, fooey, paaiy taata or feellna lt alkallaio (rton-aajd. Oat rAeV TKrni at any dru a tore. NEW LOCATION 1144 Center U etalesa, Oretots Dr. R. Reynolds Cllni Nat ro r raololottal Boetal IpeelalUI Ptealy of lroa Park tf twaoa aaota I -3 Ofllee s-seat, i :i I Seel I-MI! I a, I V7 NEW 1949 GOB " losy Termi You'U marvel at the power, sensitivity and beauty of tone. And you'U ba proud of the handsome custom styling that harmonizee with the smart design of your car. Your choice of 6 models auto matic push button and manual tuning a fine performing quality auto radio at every price. See them today. Immediate installation in your car. NEW FOOT CONTROL Tunes in stations auto matically without lift Ins a tinier from the whel. Slisht extra coat. COME IN TODAY FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION Mitchell's Radio & Appliance "Your Service Dealer" MORE MILLS for MORE PRODUCTS for MORE JOBS It is the Weyerhaeuser objective to make salable products from all the wood harvested on our tree farms. This is why we diversify our manufacturing add new plants to make more products. To make the plan work efficiently, we group these different types of plants at one millsite. In this way, from the left-over sound wood of saw mills and planing mills and from logs not made into plywood , or lumber we can make wood pulp. Pres-to-loes. Silvacon bark products and other useful items. Grouping mills reduces administration, transportation, power and other important costs. This also makes it econom ically sound to bring in low value material formerly left in the woods. Whole crop utili zation requires more men in the wooda and mora men in tha plants. Besides creating jobs and mora products, plant integration furthers per manent operation and greater community stability. sni sir uia rusMirait '"luisf1" " issew wu-ts-isss imwu, win suuwiiiiu n'rMjH rttreru uem - nis.msUjfrsv 'U in ins rusiM eu "(Ulalt " W eu nrwMi run uairs rstl-n-uil - rsu rtnrut tnmiu, lit nm ruiiwi bhs III nneHl mat fuet unu rni.n-uis mu nrwis Weyerhaeuser Tilider Company WORKING IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST TO CRiATl PRODUCTS, PAYROLLS AND PROFITS W .sw C . A Aerooa 1 1 reel Writ Now Market n j f Stat et 19th Phone 3-7377