Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 23, 1949, Page 15, Image 15

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47 Sdn. cpe $1595
'41 Spt. cpe 995
47 Ford D.L. pt cpe. 1445
Herrall-Owens Co.
WO N. Liberty Ph. 141!
Bom. Oooa Oaed Care
Obareb, ftu p. l-liol
191 Paimounds Road Phono 1-S434
Eisner Motors to Sell
World! most modern motoreyel
ZKR BIKES Oenulo ptrU, eery
let every model
Shrock's Motorcycle Sales
Opto ivtrr evening till 1, Monday
througl Prldiy
1007 Portland Road - Pit. 1-1421
WISCONSIN 6'i H.P. motor with clutch,
1125.00. 1B5 H.P. Buda Diesel motor like
new 14.300. Portable w mill, 25.000 ft.,
complete. $9,000. HO, 60 cat with
Isaacson hydraulic blade with 11,200
overhaul, 13.500. Susan muu, luua roir
view Ave. Ph. 25116. qbl3T
ONE IB-It. Century Boat. Good condition.
f $326. 1285 S. 30th. Phone 3-7238.
NEW TWO wheel trailer with a metal
box 4'4 ft. by 8 ft. by 18 In. Only
used (or one trio from CaUf. Box 123,
Ut. Angel, Ore. t"2
FOR BALE New Sportsman Teardrop
trailer. Equipped. Ph. 3667 Dallas, Ore.
Inquire L. J. Layton. Rt. 1. t!23
UTILITY TRAILER, steel body and cov
ered top. call at 1105 LeiUe. tU3J
SO FOOT SPARTAN Mansion trailer S
months old, elec. water heater. 6 ft.
Frlaldalre. South Wind Fir. furn. Coat
84404. Will sell for 83495. Inaulre at
rtr Crest Trailer Court. 3910 N. River
SELL OR TRADE 46 P. W. 30 ft. tamdem
j Mac. '40 model Pierce log trailer. Ph.
F Albany 1329-J-4. t!22
'S9 BU1CK and Spartan Royal Mansion
trailer Will take small trailer trad In.
130 Lana avenue. t!22
reduced from 8220 to 8150
'48 KITCHATEAU modern trailer. Bleeps
4. $1350. Pb. 2-8656. tl22
F. H. A. LOANS 4
Talk over your real estate loan
problem with us.
Reimann for Real Estate
201 South Hlih Phone 8-9203
$ CASH $
$25 to $500
TO 1300
Car loans up to $500
Come In or phone
Hollywood Finance Co.
1991 Falnrounds Road
Acrou street from bank
No Parktnt problems
Phone 27032 Lie. N U369-6I91
Floyd Kenkoo. Mtr. t
Lie. 6-138. and M-321
139 8. Commercla St. Tel. 3-9161 f
Special rates and term
on larger loani
long and short time
US Soo'h Commercial St. Phone 1-9161
153 S. Hla St. Lie. S-216 M-272
I to 40 Year and No Commission.
Leo N. Childs, Inc.
144 State St. Phone 1-3683
183 B.' Church
Parking Plenty
Ph. 1-2457 Lie. No. M-159 8-154 1
44 and 1
TOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within
reason. Cash for Real Estate Contract
and Second MorttMe.
101 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph. 1-7181 r
All makes used machines, sold, rented,
repaired Rosa 456 Court Phone 1-4773
ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service
Fr tuttmate. Tiade-ln accepted on
new appliances. Vlnce'a Electric. Phone
-9239. 157 S. Liberty P.. o-
awnmower sharpening and repairing
Dealer's, Ph 36833 o
Authorized Warranty Repair Station
for all make of Auto Radios Morrow
Radio Co, 153 8. Liberty Ph 1-6953. o-
Towfnt service day phone 1-1286. Nlgnt
1-1804. 333 Center
Remodel, repair that home nnw. Terms.
No down payment. Phone 2-4850. o!44
pflke Panek, 273 8. ConVl. Ph. 1-5161
Brake U Wheel aligning specialists
Dean Robinson. Ph. 36337.
Bulldoilnt leveling, road bldg clear
ing teeth for brush. VI nil Huskey. 1010
Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 1-3146, Salem. Qll4
Instant delivery of new RCA cash
register Al makes sold, rented, re
paired. Roen 456 Court Ph 3-4773 o
For expert guaranteed sstlsfactlnn new
or repair of foundations, sidewalks,
driveways, patios, curbs, wall, etc Call
1-4850. 0144
Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned
Knsley. TTI S. 21t Ph 1-7178. 0130
Vinee'e Electrle for eleetrlcal wiring,
contracting, repairing 131 8V Liberty
Ph 1-9331 e
Cockroach Moth. Exterminator Service.
Ph. 3-3058. Let Croat. 1335 Pearl. olM'
Breithaapf for Towers Dial 1-llTt
trnoiD PRnnrcTs
Ji R. Wet kins Co. products Free
a.try. HIT Ceaur. Ph. M1M,
Carpenters on
Coulee Strike
Coulee Dam, Wash., May 23 UP)
Carpenters on the huge Colum
bia Basin irrigation project
walked out today in a wage dis
AFL carpenters union officials
said 700 men on basin projects
failed to report for work today.
Negotiations broke down in Eph
rata Friday.
The basin carpenters are seek-
ing a wage boost from $2.06 to
S2.25 an hour five cents more
than demanded by other east
ern Washington carpenters now
on strike.
The carpenters walking out to
day are employed by private
contractors building government
projects. About a dozen union
carpenters employed directly by
the Federal Bureau of Reclama
tion at Coulee dam remained on
the job at the old wage scale.
S. A. Bartels, business repre
sentative for Carpenters Local
1332, said the contractors1 final
offer during negotiations was $2
a hour, or less money than the
men have been making.
A. O. Strandberg, a spokes
man for the contractors, said it
was "too early" to say what
move the contractors might
make. Strandberg is proj ect
manager for the Morrison-Knud
sen and Peter Kewitt companies
and also represented 20 sub-contractors
in negotiations.
Union officials did not com
ment immediately on prospects
for a settlement. However, in
Spokane the carpenters union
has rejected some contractor of
fers and is standing firm so far
on its original demands.
A. B.C. Insulation Co. Ph. 3-3748. 0130'
P. A. Doerfler A Sons. Ornamentals. 150
N. Lancaster Dr. at 4 Cor. Ph. 3-1323. o
Sharpening, guaranteed eervlca. New
power and hand mowers Call Barry
W. Scott. 147 So. ConVl. St. ol29
work. F. Roach, call 38038. oU2
At your door lawnmower sharpening
Dexter the lawnmower man Ph. 16833
block laying
Capital Bedding. Phone 3-4
Smltty's Clipper Sen. trucks, ear
rented Ph 19600. eor Center Church
Spanish and Hawaiian Guitar, Mando
lin, Banjo, etc 1523 Court St. Ph. 3-75B0.
Practical Nurses, day-night. Ph. 35073.
Desk chairs, files and filing supplies,
safes, duplicators and supplies, desk
1 snips, typewriter stands, brief cues
Pierce Wire Recorders. Roea. 456 Court
Call Cy Younger. Ph. 3-6071.
Jerry Johnson. Ph. 1-3722.
Expert Paperhanglng and painting. H.
J. Woodworth. Ph. 2-5868. Free est. ol4Ba
Elfstrom's are equipped to do your
painting. Phone 2-2491 e
Call 22608 for your Painting
hanging. Attractive retes.
Painting1 and paperhanglng. Ft
mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping.
Patching, Repairing. Ph. 2-1101.
Fisher 344 S Com'L Ph. 3-3019. 0128
L. W. Caudle. Ph. 3-7900.
Belike. Ph. 2-1208.
Rsy Moore 3270 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-9433.
Cleaned, repaired. J O. Balr Sons. Ph.
11193. By Drive-la Theatre. Since 1917.
Ray Moore 3270 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-8433.
Kelvlnator freezers. Lehman as Matthews.
337 N. High St. Ph. 37941. p!44
Garden Soli, crushed rock. Shovel and
dragline excavating. Walling Sand
Gravel Co. Phone 1-9249 o
Valley Band A Gravel Co Slit, sand b
f:il dirt Excavating 10B shovel A cats.
Tractor scoop A trucks for dirt moving
Ph. office 34002, rex. 17146. o
Salem Saw Wrka. Ph. 1-7603. 1293 N. 5th
Electrlo Roto-Rooter. Exclusive Patent
Razor fherp Steel Catting Blades
Clean Sewer or Drains Beptie Tank
Cleaned Reaa. Ph 1-8311 or 3-4444
K. F. Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned.
Electric machine service on sewer end
drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1141 -St h
St., West flslem. Ph. 1-7404 . 0143'a 8eptlo Service. Tanks cleaned
Roto Rooter Service oa Sewers. 1079
Cm 8t W. Salem, Ph. 8-9448, 1-3327
Txxel A Distance Transfer, storage.
Burner oDs, coal A briquets. Tracks to
Portland dally. Agent for Bektna. House
hold goods moved to anywhere la DA.
or Canada. Larmer Transfer A Storage
Ph 8-3111
Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under,
wood portables. All makes need mechloes
Repairs and rent. Roen. 454 Court, o
Made In Salem Free est Phoae 17338
Elmer the Blind man.
Salem Venetian Blinds made to order or
tefinlahed. Relaholdt Lewie. (.1839
J A. Sneed A Sons, well -drilling. 3505
Brooks St . Salem. Ph. 3-4809 0131
Free animates T. PULLMAN. Ph- 1-3945.
Washable. Roller. Made to order. I Day
Dei. Relohotdl Lewis, Ph, 13439.
Plane Crash The crash of
field near the Monmouth airport Sunday afternoon cost the
life of Carl J. Waltner, 17, of Dallas. Piloting the plane was
Walt Quiring, 22, Dallas, who is now in the Salem Memorial
hospital with fractured leg and jaw. The plane, owned by
R. O. Sluti, crashed on the Robert Lawrence farm, adjacent to
the airport.
Dallas Student Killed
When Airplane Crashes
Monmouth, May 23 Carl J. Waltner, 17-year-old Dallas high
school student, met instant death late Sunday afternoon, when
a light plane in which he was a passenger crashed in a broad,
level field near the Monmouth airport.
Piloting the Ryan PT-22 ship was Walter Quiring, 22, also of
General Motors Cuts
Car, Truck Prices ,
Detroit, May 23 (Pi General
Motors corporation today an
nounced a $10 to $40 reduction
in the prices of all its passenger
cars and trucks, effective im
mediately. The price reductions were
GM's second in all lines of pas-
senger cars in the last three
months. On Feb. 25 the compa
ny reduced passenger car pri
ces $10 to $40 and trimmed
truck prices downward by as
much as $150 in some lines.
Today's announcement came
from C. E. Wilson, General Mo
tors president, who said the
price reduction coincided with a
downward adjustment on cost
of living allowances to be paid
during the next three months to
GM's 341,000 eligible hourly
rated and salaried employes.
Grade Teacher Quits
Position at Woodburn
Woodburn Mrs. Fern Foster
of Woodburn, seventh grade
teacher at the Washington Jun
ior high school, has resigned
from the faculty here to accept
a position at Hubbard. Mrs.
Clara Rees of Salem has been
offered a contract as her suc
cessor. Miss Shirley Popham
of Bellingham, Wash., has been
offered a contract to teach the
fifth grade In the Woodburn
grade school. She has had eight
years' experience and Mrs. Rees
has been teaching for 20 years.
Club Closes Season
Unionvale More than 100
attended the last Community
club program for this season
and on th elast day of school
4-H club program. William Per
ry, county 4-H club agent show
ed moving pictures.
Twenty-four boys and girls in
the health club under the lead
ership of their teacher, Mrs.
Harold Stoutenburg, gave a
health play.
The primary grades gave
songs and music. Refreshments
were served by the patrons of
the district.
nolle, nereb 11 tlven tti.t th. eom-
mon council of th. city of Balem. Oregon
deemi It nec.M.rv and .xn.dl.nt ind
hereby deelirei Iti purpose and Inten
tion to Improve M.rlon itreet from the
east curb Una of Capitol itreet to the
weit curb Una of Twelfth atreet. In the
city of Salem, Marlon county, Oreeon, at
the expenae of the abutting and adjacent
property, by removing he existing curb!,
and constructing new cement concrete
curba. widening th. existing pavement
from 30 feet to 40 feet. 1 feet of such
additional width to b. on each aide of
th. existing pavement and auch addition
al width to b. paved with a Inch Port
land cement concrete pavement, and the
existing pavement to be resurfaced with
a i'v incn asptialtlc concrete pavement,
alt In accordance with the plana and sne.
clflcatlona therefor which were adopted
07 ine common council May I. lift),
which ar. nnw on file In the office of
the city recorder and which by thla
reference thereto are made a part here
of. The common council hereby declare.
Ita purpose and Intention to make the
bdov. oescrioea improvement by end
tnrougn tne street Improvement flepert'
BV Order Of th. Common rniinetl U..
e. Ml.
ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder
Date Of first nublleatlnn h.ranf 1. U.v
Capital Journal. Ma 11. la. la it la
It, 20. 31, 11. It. 35.
Acme Window Cleanera Window., walla
el woodwork cleaned. Floor, cleaned,
-waxed and polished. Ph. t-1337. 147
Court. Lengdoo. Culbcrtaoo and Mather
West Salei. .Fuel Co. Ph. 8-4031.
Atklna at cross. Ph. 3t"7 or 38173. 0134
f8 I.O.O.F. meeU every Wed-
neaQ,y aifnt, vuitori wel
Special MM. degree, Kins
wood lodge No. 304. AT. and
A.M. May 33. 7:30 pm. (at West
Salem City Hall.) 133
A. Salem Lodge No. 4, A.F.
fiK. & A.M. Wed.. May 25th
M M. degree. 7:00 p.m. 124"
A Alruworth Lodfe No. 301, AT
AM., Tuwdny, May 34th
F.O. Degree, 7:30 pm. 123"
this Ryan PT-22 airplane in
Dallas. Quiring suffered a brok
en leg and broken law, and was
rushed to the Dallas hospital.
Later Sunday night, he was
transferred to Salem Memorial
hospital. .
Waltner was riding in the front
seat of the plane, which had two
open cockpits. Quiring was fly
ing the ship from the rear cock
pit. The plane was making the fi
nal turn of its landing pattern,
and was in a steep bank close to
the ground just before the crash,
according to Robert Lawrence,
who witnessed the accident from
his home less than a half mile
The engine had been sputter
ing as the plane came in for a
landing, and the ship went into
a stall as it was attempting to
execute the steep bank. Plung
ing nose-first into the ground,
the plane stopped dead still.
Waltner was killed immediate
ly, and the cockpit in which he
was riding had to be pried open
in order to free the body. One
of the men who helped remove
the body said the cockpit was
folded up to a length of only five
R. O. Slutz, operator of the
Monmouth airport, said the two
youths had rented the plane from
him, and had been away from
the field about a half hour. He
said that Quiring had flown the
plane occasionally for the past
two years.
Waltner was the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Carl J. Waltner. 703
Birch street, Dallas. Funeral
services will be announced later
by the Henkle-Bollman Funeral
home in Dallas.
Quiring is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. P. J. Quiring of Dallas.
Hearing Starts on
Health Insurance
Washington, May 23 UPh-Sen
ate hearings on President Tru
man's health insurance program
started today with an adminis
tration claim it is the only al
ternative to state medicine.
J. Donald Kingsley. actlntf
federal security administrator,
said the nation already is sup
porting a huge program of state
medicine with an estimated 24,
000,000 citizens receiving vari
ous kinds of federal medical
"I am firmly and honestly con
vinced," Kingsley told a senate
labor subcommittee, "that noth
ing short of the social insurance
method can prevent the further
and eventually the complete
suDstitutton of state for pri
vate medicine.
Victor Point Shower
Honors Mrs. Mulkey
Victor Point Mrs. Ralph
Mulkey was honored with a
shower at her home on Friday
afternoon. Hostesses were Mrs.
Noah Hunt and Mrs. Fred Jar-
vill. Games were played by the
group followed by the openlne
of gifts by Mrs. Mulkey.
The occasion was also the
birthday anniversary of Mrs.
Refreshments were served by
me nonesscs to the honor guest,
Mrs. Mulkey, Mrs. Fred Tay
lor, Mrs. Kenneth Williams,
Mrs. Hcllc Funrue, Mrs. Wil
liam Charpllloz, Mrs. Ruth Bell,
Bobby and Roger Bell, Mrs. E.
E. Wilgus, Mrs. E. S. Wilgus,
Mrs. Karl Hess, Mrs. Grace
Brandt, Mrs. Steve Balch. Mrs.
Hugh Small. Miss Jessie Small,
Mrs. Dora Welch, Mrs. Minnie
Lozler, Miss Lena Moen, Mrs
O. Sever son, Miss Catherine
Hofstettcr, Mrs. J. C. Krens.
Mrs. Floyd Fox, Mrs. Robert
Allen, Mrs. Ole Meland, Mrs.
Hunt and Mrs. Jarvill.
Mrs. Mulkey will be honored
at shower at Kingston to be
given by Mrs. Clarence Brown
nell at her home on Saturday
Flight Fatal Carl J. Walt
ner, Jr., 17-year-old Dallas
high school student, passenger
in a plane piloted by Walter
Quiring, 22, also of Dallas,
who was killed when the craft
crashed near the Monmouth
airport Sunday afternoon.
Quiring is hospitalized here
with serious injuries.
Salem Markets
Cenpletrd from reporti el Selem deeJ
ri ih (U (aidanr at ceplttl
iearnel Render. (Reytied dally).
Betel. Fee lrtce
EfC Muh v5.5.
Rabbit PHIrtft M.35.
Delry Feed 14 00.
Peeltrpt burioi price Orade A color
ed hen SOc: trade A Lenhorn hen,
28 emu. Orede A colorrd fryers, three
Pounu end up, 300. Grade A old rooeter
10 "CDU
Bay In PHeei Extra lane A A, 49c;
large AA. 48c; larte A, 46c: medium AA.
vac, ITiMUUm A, pUllCU, 28-30C.
Wkls,u prltM Bfi ernoleaale prleee
t 1 cent above theee price above
Orede A generally quoted at 53c; me-
Premium, BSe, No. 1, 61c: Ho. t, M
PBc (buying price).
Batter Whole ale grade A. fle; re-
Innocent Plea Entered
Milwaukee, May 23 Mil
ton Babich pleaded innocent
and innocent by reason of in
sanity at the time of the act to
day to a charge of murdering
his bride's pretty sister.
Logs for Home Building
New Industry for Salem
Log Structures of the Southwest, Inc., a concern that is unique
in the building industry, is moving its branch "offices from Los
Angeles to Salem, and will occupy a new office building now
going up on the Hobson property on Highway 99E north of Salem.
The announcement was made Monday by M. J. Edwards, vice
president of the company. Mon-"
day evening at 7:30 at the Sen
ator hotel a banquet will be
given for some of the company
personnel and their families, and
for Sam, Charles and Luther
Wright, operators of the Aums
ville Lumber company, which
will do the processing for the
Log Structures concern.
Among others to be present at
the Monday evening dinner are
Otto J. Edwards, president of
the company; Herb Jensen, gen
eral sales manager; C. W. Wil
liamson, production manager,
and Mrs. Williamson; Mr. and
Mrs. Marlow Korin, Mrs. Pearl
Retz, and perhaps others.
The company's main product
is logs, cutand treated for build
ing construction purposes. It
has become a favorite for homes,
. . . k i
Arrive for Bin Meet Jacques Dumalne (left), French
chief of protocol, greets U. S. Secretary of State Dean Acheson
on the latter arrival at Orly airport, Paris, for th Big
four oonieranc4 on Carman y. (Acm Radio-Talspholo)
Stocks Decline
To Year's Low
New York, May 23 (A" A
number of key issues hit new
lows for the year today in a
generally declining stock mar
I The volume expanded some
what on the decline, but for the
entire day it ran at the rate of
Steels led the movement into
j lower ground which extended
from fractions to more than a
Prices went lower from the
start but came back a little here
and there during the session
with many issues climbing a
little above their lowest level
but still in the red.
Following the lead of the
steel shares, motors and rails
sold off. Also lower were utili
ties, metals, chemicals, airlines,
and aircraft, with some losses
being shown in rubbers, mail
order and retail, and oils.
In Wall street, brokers could
cite nothing in the news to cause
the bearish sentiment during the
day. It was due mainly, they
said, to the same cautious atti
tude that has been so familiar
of late.
New lows for the year were
touched by Youngstown Sheet &
Tube, U.S. Steel (old), Bethle
hem Steel, Montgomery Ward,
Westinghouse, American Tele
phone & Telegraph (six-year
low), and Santa Fe.
Others going down included
Republic Steel, General Motors.
U.S. Rubber, Southern Pacific.
Br (tic AMlaid rraa
American Oau ......
Km Po 14
Am Tel ret
Rendu A elation
Beth Steel
Boeiiis Airplane
Calif Packing
Canadian Peetfle
Cm J 1
Ohrytler ,
Oomwlth 4 Sou
con vultee
Continental Can
Grown tSeilerbech
Our lie Wrlg tit
Oouglae Aircraft
Dupont de Nm
General ewctris
Oenerel Fnude
Oeneral etotore
Qoodyear Tire
Int Harveater
tnt Paper ...
Kennecott , ,
Llbby McH A L
Lont Bell "A"
Montgomery Ward
Naeb Kelvlnator
Hal Dairy
IfT Central ........
ertnern Peelfle
Pae Am Rh
Pee Oae e. Plea
Pae Tel & rl
Penney J O
Radio Corp .
Hayenler . ,
Kayonler Pfd ,
Reynold Unlet ,
efaway Store
ere Roebuck
eeknern Partflc
Meetdard Oil Ca)
te baker Corp
, 48
, 1H.
. 33
ilea Mining
Ueiea Oil Cai .,
Dale. PaeJfl .,
Dled Ur'.nee
Sl . , ..
Warner dree Pie
, 80
. It H
motels and various other struc
tures, and has a market through
out the nation, and prospective
market in Denmark, the tropics
and other countries. In some
states homes costing $50,000 or
more have been built from the
product, and five carloads were
bought for construction at the
Zaca lake resort near Santa Bar
bara, Calif.
The Salem office building,
structure 36 by 24, to be com
pleted In five or six weeks, Is
being built of the logs.
The company is buying logs
from about a dozen Willamette
valley mills, Including the
Aumsville company which has
been altered for the processing
Mr. and Mrs. Williamson have
bought a home in Salem.
Capital Journal, Salem, OreRon,
iBi Veiliv Peckine Compeofi
Sprini lambs lop 124 00 to IH 00
Sheirm limb, top. 111.00 IS 110.50
Ytarlmei lUht H 00 to 118 00
Ewei 1100 to IB 00
Cutter coe 110 00 to llt.OO
Fat dairy cow 114 50 to 118-00
Deirr belter 115 00 to 111.00
lieoo to ai w
W coo4 3OO-4501b. 120.00 to 11100
Veil (150-300 lb I KOOd . 114 00 to I1B.00
loe price petd within lio l Fori
umI price lor eecb type. Top. 1T0-JJS .be
Portland Caittlde Market
fttrawberrte sold or (3 50 to 13 TO a u-
cup Hat on th Portland EaaUlde Farm
er Wholeaale Produce market today.
Qrcen pea brought " J to aj.wi g-is.
orance box.
Northtvfat luccntni quan we w a na.
with California tucchlnl bringing 13 00.
Spinach we 7S to u cent an orange
Turnip oid lot to ll ft aown
Radiehea moved at io eenu a awn
Itinra rtu II Ml To 12 DV B CrBl.
Asparatu eoVd under a top for
a 30-lb. pyramid.
Portland Predeee
Batltrfal Tent at I te. gvreiec o imme
dlate change Premium quality maximum
to -3& to 1 percent eetdlty delivered In
Portland oi-ee lb., iirei quality sv-ac
econd autltty 57-aoe. valley route
and country point Se leae than nrit.
Better wboleial FOB ouie euoee
7hr.lejis.le: trade AA. OS score. l-61c
, 93 acor 60-61 lie: B, 90 score, 580 ID.;
, 89 acore, ftlo lb. Above price are itriei-
Cheese Selling price to Portland whole
tela Oreaon amelea. 384-480. Oregon I
loaL 4H-6vo; iripiaia no leer tnan
Egge (To Wnoloeaieret A graae larie
H-S3',je. A medium, Sl-Slc; grade B.
aree. 47 4 -so 4 c
Port lane Dairy Market
Better Price to retailer: araae
prints 86c; AA carton 61c: A prlnU.
tc; A cartons, 61c; B print, ne.
Egge Price to retailers: AA targe
k, certified A large, 56c; A large,
1-5S-: AA medium. 64c: certified A,
medium, biet A medium. Sic; cartons 3c
Cneeao price to retailers: roniau
Oregon singles 40-MHfco, Oregon loal. I
iJrt-Mttci triplet is mao ein
Liva Chickens no. 1 enemy run
plants, No. 1 broilers under lbs. J7-J8o
Id.; irvers ai to s id., eiv-juo id..
routers 4 lb. nd over, 30-3 Ic lb.; fowl,
Leghorn under 4 lb.. 34-JSe; over 4
bs. 2fl-28c; colored fowl, all welirhu, 30-
c: rooster, all weights, le-aoc,
Rabbits Average to grower for Uvi
white fryer, w hlte. 4-5 lbs 36-380
3-6 lb. 24-26C lb.; colored 3 cent lower;
old or heavy doe, 13-lSc; dreaaed fryers to
butchpra aitOe. old near onea. 33-J8e
Tar key a (Price quoted are lot to tne
producer on a aressea weigns oasiei
a ireae a young tome. i w.; no
I young hens, nominally 60c
Dreaaed turaeit se reiaueret uiaae a.
young hens. 10-Tlc New Vorr style, dress
a grace young .ami an -una
Portland Mticellaneens
Cascara Bark Dry 30e lb.; green Te lb
Woot Valley eoars and medium fradee
4HC lb
Mnhalr 38c lb. on 13 -month growtn.
Hldea Calvea 300 lb.: aceordlnt M
we li hi kip. 16c lb., beef 13-13e lb, bulls
3-6c lb., country buyers pay 3e leu.
Nat Qnstatlone
K'alnylt Pranquettes mst quant) um
i. 34 To: large. 33.7o: medium. 27 3e; sec
ond quality Jumboa. 30 2o; targe 36 3e,
medium. 36.2o; baby 33 3c; soft shell first
quality large, 39. 7o; medium 363o; sec
ond quality large 37. 3o; medium 14.Ta:
nabv 22 3c.
Filberts Jumoo. 20e tb i large, tie.
medium, 16e: small. 13e
uuotatlons atnva auppneo oj norui-
Portland Grain
Portland. May 33 Wheat futures
Cash grain: Oats. No. 3. 38-lb. white,
58 SO: barley No. 3. 4 5-lb B.W.. 40.0
Ciuh wheat bld): Soft white 3.23: soft
white Oxr1udln rex 333; white club
2.33: Wtwtern red 2.23.
Hard red winter: Ordinary 3 33; 10 per
cent 2.23; 11 per cent 3.23; 12 per cent
Hard white baart: Ordinary 2.33; 10 per
cent 2.23; other unquoted.
Today' car receipt: Wheat 48: barley S;
flour 19; corn 3; oaia 3: mlllfeed 14.
Tortland Livestock
Portland, Ore., May 33 0JP Livestock:
Cattle salable 1500; calve 233; fed
steer 30 cent to 1.00 higher; asking
fully 1.00 higher or above 36.00 under
1100 lb.; other clajise strong; early sale
vealer steady; good 1336 lb. fed steer
25.85; no early action heifers; good cow
20.00 to 31.00: mf-dlum 11.50 to 19-30,
cutter and common 15 00 to 17.00; tan
ner 13 50 to 13.00; medium saunage bulls
JO 00 to 2100: good vesler 26 00 to 38 00
medium 33.00 to 35.00; common 14.0(
to 22.50.
Hoaa salable 900; active: butcher most
ly 50 cent higher; extreme top 16 cents
hlaher; ow steady to strong; good and
cnoice ins to 204 lb. butcher 22.25. ex
treme top; bulk good and choice 180 to
230 22 00; 240 to 260 lb. 30 00; 140 to 165
lbs. 20 00; light smooth sow under 300
lbs, 17.50; good and choice sow 16.60 to
17 00; 500 lb, up 15 30 to 16 00.
Sheep alable 600; spring lambs
cent higher; wooled Iamb 30 cent to
I 00 ulther; few Iaughler ewe about
steady; good and choice 88 lb. spring lamb
28.50; 61 to 90 lb. 26 00; medium 23 00
to 26 00: good and choice 110 lb. wooled
lamb 29 00; good and choice clipped
lamb 23.13; medium 113 lb. shorn slaugh
ter ewe 9.00; 90 lb. cult 3.00.
Cbleaga Livestock
Chicago. May 33 OJ.ej Llvt ock .
Hog salable 9,000. Market active, IS to
50 centa higher on butcher, uneven but
most advance on weight under 240 loa.
sow 33 cent higher; top 30.35; most good
and choice 180-330 lb 19.7S to 30.00; 260
2B0 lb 19 23 to 19.75; 300-340 lb 13 50 to
19.25; several load 330.400 lb 17.73 to
18.30; good and choice aowa under 400
lb 16.76 to 17.50; 425-500 lb 18.79 to 16 60:
324 lbs and over IB. 30 down to around
14.79; early clearance.
Sheep salable 700. Slaughter lamb
tady to weak; sheep steady; no choice
lamba available; three deck medium to
good number two akin 78 lb Tax a 26 50 at
the top; slaughter ewe f.00 to 13 00.
Cattle salable 13.000; calvea 300. Moder
ately active; ateera and heifra ateady to
50 cent higher; cow strong to 26 emu
higher; bull ateady; vealer strong to 10
cent hlaher; top 38 SO for a ah or I load or
prime 1332 lb steers; average to high
choice steer 26.78 to 38 00; bulk good and
choice steer 24 50 to 26 50; medium Hint
yearling up to 35 00; good and choice
he) fere 34 79 to 36 30; good beer cow 20 50
to 3130; common and medium row 18 oo
to 20 00; eanner and cutters 14 00 to 17.75;
medium and good aauaace bull 31 00 to
23 30; bulk vealer 21 00 to 3130; top
28 00.
His Trial Again Delayed
New York, May 2.1 Fed
eral Judge Samuel H. Kaufman
today delayed the perjury trial
of Alger Hiss until May 31. The
trial, on an indictment handed
up by spy. probing federal
grand Jury last December 15.
originally was scheduled to be
gin February 24. Today's de-
lay wn the sixth postponement
Pael J. ftrhnelder
Canby Pail J. Schneider. 70, pat grand
paf-Uroh of the IOOP enrampment of
Oreeon and resident of Oregon lor more
than M years died Saturday in an Ore
son City hospital after a long tllnea. For
many year he operated a farm in the
oak Lawn district of southern Clark -am
county. He wa born August 13.
1H7S. in Minden. Neb. Mrs. Sthnelder died
in 133. Survivors Include flie artru, Ray
mond, ro'iie 3 Wood Burn Harnld, In the
U S armv. Edward, Sherwood. Or ant,
Portland, and Paul Jr. in Colorado, three
daugh'era. Mrs Marie M;lr, Woodburn.
Mrs. Dorothy Ha:ne. Sherwood, and Mrs
Esther Hubbard. Molalla: two aister, Mra.
Bertha Bremer. Hubbard, and Mrs. Mln
ni Aehuli Portland, and II grand
rhlldren. The f'tnersl l!l be at 3 pm
Tuesday in the Canby funeral home, with
Rev. t r Br hi Jin, pastor of th Mont
tor OommuniiT church, officiating. Burial
wtA ba la Book Creefc aemeoary wlia
Monday, May 23, 191913
raveide service under the directing
of Rock Crceit lodge, of which he a 6
Llnle Bowman
CorvallU-Mr. L:zzle Br, -nun
dent of Ssiem for 25 year, di.-d at it.
noma of her daughter. Mrs. Roy pitzer, al
AUea. The daughter and Itut member ol
a lamuy of 11 children of Andrrw aac
Sally Hoover, arte wa born at Sammer.-ut
Penn.. on August 21, 1862. She was mar.
led to A Of, tin Brant nn .Inns 1 mat
and to Willis Bowman on June 7, 1893
Both are deceased. Since 1944 Mr. Bow
man ha made her home with her chil.
dren. She 1 survived by four aorta. Har
rison Brant, Independence; Gordon Bow.
man. Medlord; Charles Bowman. inic.
pendence: Harold Rntm.n n,i. .
dauehter. llr. Pitier; 12 grandchlldr.r,
and 16 great arandchlidren. Funeral serf.
it. -hi d neia in tne Chapel of the War-ner-McHenry
Funeral hnm nt rrm.
Interment will be in the family plot In
the Monmouth cemetery.
Casafaa Maiwell Smith
Albany Cassltu Maxwell Rm'rtt a
Newport, a retired (.torltman. died In the
Albany Q rural hospital Saturday. Pu.
neral service wilt be held in the Fort-mlller-FTedrlcltJien
chapel Tuesdsy at 3
p m. Burial wiu be at Condon. Bmith was
born on Rout No. 1, Albany, but moved
an eany aie to Condon. Later he
moved to Aahland where he lived for
20 years. The past two year he had lived
at Newport. Survivor are four brothers.
Edward B. Smith. Brownsville: Arthi.e M
cimith. Hermlston: Ludlow B. Smith. Kln-
. sura uusian a emitn, Newport. A
number of niece and nephew also ur
Geneva Mltlt
SUverton Mr. Geneva Mllljt. 49. diet
Sunday at her home on Sllerton Rt. 1.
3ha wa born In Long Lane, Mo.. Not.
17. 1900 and had lived In tha communttj
32 year. She was a member of the Amer
ican Legion Auxiliary. Surviving are her
husband. Lloyd Mills; two daughters
Mrs. I. L. Mobly, Silverton and Mrs. M.
Kessler. Klamath Falls; parent, Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Cook. SUverton: two sisters.
Mr, w. L. March and Mrs. Linn Law
rence, both of Lorwwew. Wajh ; three
brothers. L. B. Coolt. Seattle; Kenneth
cook. Seattle and Ray Cook. Loa Angeles;
also four grandchildren. Funeral service
will be Tuesday at 2 o'clock from the
memorial chapel of the Ehman funeral
home, Rev. Arthur Charles Bates offi
ciating and burial In Valley View ceme-
Carrl H. Banr
Woodburn-Funerai service for Mrs.
Carrie H Bang, who died Sunday at her
home a half-mile west of Woodburn will
be held from the Rlnao funeral horn
Tuesday at 3 o'clock. Rev. H. Chrlaten
sen officiating and burial In the Bella
Paul cemetery. She was born In Illinois,
Feb. II, 1862 and came hero from Min
nesota In 1913. Her husband. M. H. Bang
died In 1937. The only known survivor
U a cousin. Mrs. Cora Cheatham, Port
land. Mr. Bang was a member of th
immanuel Lutheran church.
Carl T. Waltner. Jr.
Delia Carl John Waltner. Jr 1
year-old Junior atudent at the Dallas
high school, wa killed In the crash of an
airplane in which he was a pasenser near
the Monmouth airport Sunday after
noon. He was the aon of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
John and Oolda Waltner. Sr., 703 Birch
atreet. He wa also a member of the hlirh
school band and recently won first dlv-
wion nonor on tne oas horn at th dta
trict contest. He was born March 26.
1932 at Colfax. Wash., and came her
with hi parent In 1946. He la also surviv
ed by two sister. Mrs. Fern Russell
Turns, Spokane, and Jean Waltner. at
home. He wa a member of the Grace
Mennontte church. The body l at the
Henkle-Bollman funeral home with err
Ices Pending word from relatives.
Sarah Jane Oarllrk
Sarah Jana Garllck, Mar 10. at Jeffer
son, Oregon. Mother of Ray W. Gar
llck of Jefferson, Jame Oarllck of Port
land, Mr Josle Burt of Clackamas.
Mr. Ptarl Smith of Vale, Mrs. Nellie
Shlvely of Albany and Mrs. Mary Elston
of Leaburg, Ore., and lster of rs. May
Martin of McMinnvtlle and Mr. Fannie
Adam In Wisconsin. Services will be
held Tuesday, May 24. at 1:30 p.m. at
th Macy chapel In MrMlnnvllle. in
terment in the Evergreen cemetery at
Anna Davis
Anna Davla. at the residence, Brooks,
route I. box 27. May 19. at the ate of
67 years. Survived by the husband, Harry
Davis of Brooks and ft niece, Mrs. Fields
Bender or Riverside, Calif. Member or
the Church of Ood. Services will be held
at the Ho well-Ed wards chapel Tuesday,
May 24. at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. J. J. Gil
lespie officiating. Interment In the Lea
Mission cemetery.
John B. Balchelor
John B. Batchelor, at the residence at
Turner. May 20. Survived by wife, Mrs.
Clara Batchelor of Turner; a daughter.
Pearl Ellis of Nampa, Idaho; and cousins,
Emmett Johnson and Dooiey Johnson, both
of Salem. Oraveslde service were held at
the lOOF cemetery Monday, May 23, at
130 p.m. Direction Clough -Bar rick com
pany. Jetlah Blxler
Josiah Blxler, late resident of 1815 North
33rd street. May 33, at a local hospital at
the age of 73 years. Survived by wife, Mrs.
Dora Blxler of Salem; two sisters. Mr.
Alice Mallory of Free port. III., and Mrs.
Lillian White of Elain. Ill anrt t hrniH.r
Charle Blxler of Elmhurst, 111. Service
wiu a neid -ynuriBr, May 36, at 130
pm. with Rev. Wllmer N. Brown offl-ciatlne-.
Prtvat roncluding service at
Mt. Crest Abbey Mausoleum.
Helen Lucille Dura
In this city May IS, Helen Lurtle Clura
lat resident of Portland, at the age of
31 yeara. Daughter of Vivian Plrtlo of
Portland. Services will be held at th
W. T. Rlgdon chapel Tuesday. May 34.
at 3 pm. with cnncludlng services In tha
Lee Mission cemetery. Rev. R. w. Kr.
stroni of Portland will officiate.
Mary Adella Harrla
Mary Adella Harris. late resident of
Carlton. Orgon, at a local hospital May
33. Survived by a son, Wallace E. Harm
of Carlton; three grandchildren; and
eight great grandchildren. Oravestde aer
vice will be held at B-Icreat Memorial
park Tuesday. May 34. at 3 p ra. Direc
tion tha Howell-Edwards chapel.
Joseph O. Palmer
Joseph O. Palmer, at tha residence al
100 Lana avenue. Mar 33. Survived by
wife. Carrie Palmer of 8lem. four
daughter, Berdle, Edith, Catherine and
Lola May; and four ons. Robert. James.
Perrival and Olenn. Annntmcement of
service later by Clough-Barncl. company.
Fred Srntt
Fred Srrtlt. at a local hwrilal May 2J.
Announcement of service later by Clough
Hurtle rompinr
Beware of pin-Worma. ugly pee (a that llv
and grow inside the human bmly . . . and aa
eauaft serious trouble , . . t-vi-n Internal inflam
mation and hlepdma;. One o( th datiger sinna
la tha tormenting rn-tl it-h
Iton't take rhn-n. lift tmym' P-W Vartwb
few. P-W vital tnkrrrdi' ' medical! jr
approved drug that rientincaUr ami feile
destroys lln-Wtirm and remove tltcm from
the body.
So If you inwrtert Pin-Worm, ask your dni
ftst for P-W, the small, enny-fo-take tablets
RerferteH hy lhi famous Jaynn Co., specialist)
I worm remedir. fi,r river !" Var
Oel real relied P-W fee Pin Worms I
Why Suffer
Any Longer
When ettner lail gis out Chines
remedle Amaiins sutrces for ium
rear In China No matter with wha
ailments you are afflict eddi.Mrdft"
sinusitis heart, lungs, liver, kidney
gas, ions tips Hon. ulcer... dlitte?
rhumatlm gal) and bladder, lcve
ik in. Imaie complaint
cnrtTSB fira ro. f fj
Ofrie Rears I ij
Taa and asl (inly llrt
U H Cesnmerctal
Phans !