14 Capital Journal. Fafom. CLASSIFIED ADVHTISINOl Pet LID .lit Per unt I times 40 Pr l.i na tlmrJ 0c per Lid I month Ouwtd f ) , , II mr tic ptr lln pt day ktln to. I t1m atn $0 i timci mtn II 30 No Refund J READER la Local Bw Cal 0l Ptr os to PIscs in Ad Phone I t40fl FOR SAtt HOUSES FOR BAM BT OWNIM KKff I BR. Home, looted at 166S from t . north off ITth Bt. in north rtisle wood district. I10.a00.00 lta I two go P H A. commitment. Open evemne Pwle A Keen, owner A bulldrt al fioDRRNl b.r. house, fruit A out tree Eleel. ranse wal'r heater I blka. to .hopping center. 14950. 431 C St., Inde pendenr Ph.l4J j- BDRM.-17000. 171 Senate. W. Balem alii jSfl7oVFR30rite1rh!wa? front. Neat, clean 3 rm. houae. Oood water svs. Nlre fir trees. 4'i acre. Good value. Ph ED. LUKINBEAL. REAL BflTATR 440 N. 14lh Bt. I23 HOLLY WOO!) DISTRICT $7M FOR thia new, well const, home Has 1 Die bdrma., llv. rm. with fplaie. dinettt, braultlul oak Moon. Dandy utility rm Hh ht. and Just wall till you ae the kltrhenl Ph I66R0 D. LUKINBFAI, REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th Bt. 133 A REAL OPPORTUNITY fc'ew all plaatle f bdrm. bum. ilh ipare kn attic for eitra rm. attached garage. Lane lot tn fin location, Unfinished tut a handy man could complete for a km all out -lay of money, prlct $5800 Tall Bon Clear?. Walter Musgrave Realtor i)ll Edgewater. Ph. 3$I0$. tv. 3.if 134 T ROOM rnorn"houi" "i blocks from Beach. Near good hunting and flh Ing. Also 3 rm. cottage i'b blorka from beach, at Terria Del Mar. Write to L. O. Baker. Rt. 3, Box 74. Cloverdale. Ore or Ph. Balem 39679. 124- a bargain For Bale. B room new house, floored at tic, electric heat, oak floor. Venetian blind a, Imulated throuihout. S A. $00 down, the real PHA. $7000 full price. Bee owner 4 milea South on Prlnele road. R. $.B. 61. Dan H. Wlebe. al34 ltY OWNER New 1 bdrm. horn, hard wood floors, insulated, electric heat. Bub by door. 5 Haicliff Jr. a 112 WOIlHRM.rclrfroll heat, range, eler. water system. 3 A. Veaa Homroel. Turn er. a 111 AM. ELEC. new. mod. horn. If, rm.. LR. DR. 3 BR. Kit., bkf. nook, lerve utll. rm, H. W. floora, fireplace, lae. closets. Lota of built-in, close In. car. lot. $15,000. For appt. gall 35436 or apply 80 N. Coitafe. alM "king wood heights"" $13 000 NIc lie. home. Mv. rm. lKxlM, fireplace, din. rm., dm, 3 bdrms , basement, auto, all fur., hwd. flra. Call Harvev Huff. Huff Real Nutate Co. RFALTOReV -34t Cttemrktta Bt. Ph. 30171, eres. 31441. 133 FAfRMOUNTHLL Lovely, new 3 bdrm. r I bdrm. and den, larae. llv. and din. rms , flreplare, hwd. flra Elec. heat, french door to patio. Only $13, KM, Call Harvey "Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 341 Chemeket St. Ph. 30271, evca;3844l. al32 THREE bedroom houac with 1 'a bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, base ment, automatic heat. flreplare, hard wood floor, garage to trad for acreage With a good houie. TO TRADE for a larger home, thll all electric 3 bedroom home with bath, liv ing room, dining room. nook, hardwood floora, basement, fireplace, double gar aae. Wil.L ACCEPT a good latt model car a part, down payment on this new. nil c Ire trie, t bedroom hnme, Haa hath, living room, kitchen and nook, hard wood floora, and la Very well butlt. P. H. Bell, Realtor LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS I ROOM MODERN HOME. Only t yri. old Price 8500. 41 ACRES. I bdrm. plastered noun. Kreaklast nook: cement basemenl: fur nace; garage. Chicken home. On pav ed road clot In. Price only $8000 Terma. t HKDKOOM HOME With fireplace. Nice dining room plua breakfast nook, Large bdrms. Lota Of eloiet apace. Full cement basement: oil ftirnare. dost to MrKln ley school. Price $13,800, LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS Ph. JM663, 344 Stale att Evenings, 3-4007, 3-4816. am At owner 3 yr. old I rm. house, man a. nth. am- 4 BKDROOM HOME Ctoae to Stale office blrtta. Llv. rm flreplgre. din. rm., klletien, hath. bne ment. Oil furnace. All room. are lee Very nice lot. Owner ant to sell. THE REAL ESTATE MARK E l 4SS N. Hith St. Ph. 3-470.1. I73 PY OWNFR-h rm. modern hne. Mnlit wood district. $booo. Ph. 3-ni. alaj COI RT KITE end 3 bdrm. houje on nea Broadway eatenslon. 1407$. Ph. 2-4A17 ai23 TRtDE: Veteran WrttiM like ts'trade hU eouttv tn I bdrm. home located In Kr:ier dlt, for late model car TATE VFTKR4.Ni We hav g new 3 BR home. Le OH i, lae. LR. lou of r '.w el apace. K. full baih, util. rm . attach gar. Plenty room for BR iipeiair.. 1ft et"d on paved at. tn KeUer di.M. Plrwte to hua A school. Only 1000 down. TRAIIF; Owner would like In Irade tit- BFt home. LR. )R, K. bath and acres located on MiAln i. m limits for nice home and lot In lriv Keizer Real Ktate & Ins. ONS S OION C R rick Ann I" ritemaaa Rd U ml. ftrst of Ke 7rr achonl. Phone I10 or 3-4.119. al3'J "SPEC1AL SILVERTON ROAD SPECIAL, ITMI rash bal. IM per month will nn II mint J arrej of good ."oil A a sub ' -n -1 i I n'cler ai le 3 -bed room fmrne tinfinshed urvtatra. anlid conere' fo'in dsilnn, some pulbuildina. Why par fen! OUR REST BUY TODAY We offer prospective purchasers nc apoinav ow (hta earellem Ibedroom hme in the Keiret aiea. full basement, tl furnar. fireplace, larae (eoced varrt perfect location, ctlv bus. Onlv IBM don. bal. FHA. Purchase price liooo ls than arpraiaed value. We aa tfrn'l hesitate. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Phone )-!$ l North Hteh rve. Ph l-IUM. l-7t?1 I-17)4 al?J BY OWMR; View hnina randalar:a ht New, $ hdrm, lee. LR. DR. kiiciien an. pios Dbie. aaraie Auto oil fnmre Ie lot 341 Alice Ave Out p Com i turn wel It Dairy Queen. Ph. 1 15 BT HWNIR New I BR home, wall In we: ;pet E erv modem cnien enre I m ifu;j Will greep" Br i pari f artt.H Bel FH ( Ph I. MOT a'.'t- COI ATRT I.IVIHO in IPn. I BR muU'eci hme. f'-eplee le lot Harden eire F"t t and p it tree, eW I !atn hen, 10,00 170 West R'ish Si Pi. 3-MJ4 a:J BY 0rB. "nearly new $ room. h-u.e C tv wster, aewer. ale, heat. $1 Hood leims, Ph, 3-3713 U I hi (K K fmm rllr center bet reM d-nltsl rcton I hdrm. plu lane f,n lcrt attic. l'i bath. $$'. . f Mi '-tv. ai: Ot mtr new .1 rm modern hou e In Mill (My. Pi lie $.i?00. Terma Appit B in lav. 131 Haael A.. Balem. Plrtier, Apt T. U3 ON Mil l. VRFIKrtolea. .r.drm!m.i em home, lirrpiaie: hdwd. floora down sirs, double plumbing full baaeirent noci furnace, elect water hlr , iteti lim; separate t irate and furn il'ep Itn ponh rioii land-vaped ground tamo furniture $S month ?! Trade .'OS HtlTTHlSDN, Realtor. 4 touri St. Pb. 1-12$. 0133 Orfjnn, Monitor, May M. 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES DON'T MISS THIS By Builder: At Const. Cost 3 bdrm dbie. lot. Ian In, fireplace, hdwd. flra Ihruo'it. Lae. utll., elec. ht PHA built and financed at 4-.. It. 400 dn iSi mo. inc. tax end Ins. Snon eves, br appointment. Ph. 1-711$. al2 TIRE BUT offer over 114 Sfor eqult In 0S4 i ft. of nearlv new l-txlrm rise., bal FHA 33 Winola Ave., off Balen HhU. Ave. all! PPECIAI, PRH E YHIA WEEK ; New 4 BR on 1 floor. Ktrepleie. Hrlwd floor. Utll itv. Youiiptnn kitchen. 1410 sq. ft A' t ached garage. Lawn garden in 2111 Jelrfen St. 1 hlk. Fast ot Lansing Off Sunnyvtew. New 8 hool eloie. cltv bus 1 blk. Owner 30 Lansing Ave. all! BY 0MR:" Acres on Wallace Rd. ' rm older lioii'e. Variety of fruit. Reantlful view. $8790. $2000 down. Ph. I-U 13l RY OH M R l'i vr. u!i W-'fce inr sn offer WI uii r H A. appraised 3 1374 3rd St.. West Salem. home. ONE KDHM. HOME, iiies.sant hillside Ifl cailoii. 4 fruit tress, furnished, bua al dor. tVjim. 870 Ralcliff Dr. a 137 LOOKING FOR AHOME? 1 hdrm. home 1 bdim, liorue, cor. lot ,, 2 bdrm. lining fiiinlxhed . Furnished Home , 4 bdrm. hnme New 2 odtni. home .... Nw S bdrm. North I bdrm. home 1 IHrm home 4 drm. home 3 hdrm. Enaiewood 3 bdrm. Erie (e wood .... .. .$3S00 ,. .14200 ...14200 ...IS7IM ...IBSfl ...I6.W ...S95t ...16.101 ...$77 SI ...I77S' . . . 13901 ,.411 .10 . ilI.NW; 4 Mrrn Fnlewaod L. K. Klumpp Real Instate North of Oreyhoiind Bus Depot Ph.2-7M2 R"- 3-013. al24- Why Pay Rent I68.S0, New fljburan. 5 rm with utll Ity rm. Hdwd. FlrA. At'arhed tar. Larit lot Rent of garden soli. Small down pay ment, mhq C. W. Reeve Realtor 04$ S. Com ml. Ph. 3-4500. Eve. 3-0MH a 134 A GOOD BUY I41M. 2 bdrm. hse. Plastered. Auto, fir fur. Oar Paved at. New aaa range. Cor ner lot. Immed. pox. C. W. Reeve Realtor $4.1 fl. Com ml, Ptl. 3-4190. Eve. 3-O.SM al24' CHEAP Small down payment. New unfinished 5 rm. n.se. Plumb: rn ft wiring romhet In. Full price 12950. 1 j acre North. C. W. Reeve Realtor 045 8. Comm 1 Pii. 3-4.90. Ee. 9S1 al34 FOR SAlVL0TS VIEW" LOT GARAGE HOUsl Top grarl deMen A construction U fit pin lis for jttipcrb home. Pumlc Mone. concrete floored, aluminum sasl A'ndowji, astr hosier, fteel sinks. Wlier home in butlt tln will be garaue, lit ti lt r room, shop, fruit room, aame room. Ofl-ner transferred. Offer at only 14500 100 g IPS view lot. ST ROUT REALTY 8. nth si. ph. f-Mr aa22 CtlOlf'E lot with fruit trees north "mall down payment. Term helence. Take ear or r.ptlv lot on modern house. Photic imnh eve. end Sun. aalll INIK'NTRIAI. KIT. Oood location on S 17th. St. I7G0. Phone 2-d.J eaI3- Vlf W I.OM. SWO bib Tt li Ave" WOtlD ED l(I3, 600 b?k Ralcliff Dr Re tficierl ritv wmcr Pit 1 tint OR sals iarms TRADE 3 acre farm, will take In small hse In town. Irritation ditch, ft rm. hae Rsrn. Icnce-l. C. W. Reeve Realtor 945 fl, Com int. Ph. 3-4:00. Eve. 3-em - h124' " 7 5 A C" R fTf A R M H A R GA I N 40 A tlllnnle. ?g A. fruit, 4 A. wnlniiLa Attractive rm. mod. home, ouihldas Paved rd. $ miles a nod town. tl0.50t w:th low 'j down. STHOUT REALTY OSI 8. I?th. St. Piinne 3-MJ3. bl)3' 2 ACRES EAST REDUCED FMTMALL tractor A-anac'ipients. ma-chim-rr, I cow. 1 A. era'n, l' A. straw berries, fnmilv frull ft nut. All till. Wll lame'tc soil, (inod older tvpe mod. fl rm. home, small burn, earace etc. Reduc ed to 11..')fHI for qu'rk sale. STROUT REALTY 00 11lh Bt Phone 1113 hill I. Ml I'll Nt R TO RI'Y Iht berry farm SttaKhrrrlr rend, to pick, and what r eron 7 grres. Neat will be $'i acre." b.y.-entie. i ies. In all I iirre Is 17 acre, inrliidlna the cutest liitle I brtrm. house b-rn. saraie. haft or Lnbsh dlsl, All for ri-t.ono. tir.w last year over 114.000 Id ,('Ri:H ft hou.se. Just south of Pcn- 4 Curriers. Tina is a buy. Coma in and Well tell you about It. L. K. Klumpp Real Katate North, of nre;i,.ttnd Bus Depot Hi 2-7Bt2. Res. 2-01?0 blj? for sale acreage"'"""' 20ACRKS Extrg si'rnal two hdrm. tiome. Prhet welt. I mhi fr.un down ton. total pn-i onlv t'.4no. Will trade for equal vaim 10 ACRES 1 rm. hone. barn, oak aroie. nice w litie. pru ate a ell. n ner ver v aniinu" to sell berime ot tllness Total prlct 14.000 call Mr. linens Al Isaak & Co., Realtors Member of Multiple l isting Bureau 3031 Portland Rd Ph .1-7(110. 3-4.M: Fie.v 2-OI7S - K hHISI l'RFfl. clnrr In North, trnrkaire. Wll liinntr Sill, 'j In fruit Price $1l0H Ph 1-tanp (teneral Real Estate Co Center, hhlJl I't At HI S, all level, 4 cleared. I rm. new hnue. In cltv Mmus of a grna ina low n, twniv-five tiilmites from Ba'em. land ) uleal for anv berries or iejeia h!e flnne mnv he kept on property. Price $7IS!I. or reply Capital. Bog 47. bM.J l.tK-:tn , Rt . t-eir Buetle arhool. So om'd n ."nd soil .imwi. in"t. close to Hi eel CHeen ectiool. No hii Idlnas OMr.HS REAL ESTATE tOO N. Dlh Ph. tKOOl It RIH Aooul 1 miles city limits NF od soil m.-e bM. spot iflooo pn. l-a.H. Wait eWnlofsky, Reg ftsiite. , $-iw, 41 Kyu il'h gitraclhe aet'bldga rm home Oaraie. bam. poultry hs ! 1 acres berries. 1 ac. pssiure, aarden Owner mus e:i Call O. V. Hume wilh State Finance Co. PFAl TORN n. HUh Bt, Ph. 34111. Rve, l-HTMl bMIV l'i Ai'RI . bea mi ful view, tintlnliheri house, good well. Phone .11033 after 4 pm, tl)34 BY OH MR 10 A In Dallas rtly limits rro miMWn hme Double garsae ham eirn-n Hn i. 4A of pruns ano! P" .' (i; (!':. h' ! REAL ESTATE 1 TREES ENOI.f WOOD CORNER I.4HOE MMHITNO HOME H. P i;R.T, REALTOR 4T Cotirl S-reet elJI' Oil I tern A He n:' Fvanvue ecur n vo trself ini.iiir ts I W tn erai lin.isrt clou tars net ,n etnra , e mas all colls,- inns for ou if desires TA1 I FINANCE CO. IM HlSh ' Will I TWOOP DIAT. tnit MO m . 1 1 in , I f hir :i . Aotfl. P1u I. v , P " Rni Fp sre 1 nn, Kil , nook fer owner 3 p-1 hail 7hl Is noi en ole ihv m " oet P-il a good home n: .t Th I.D. Ll'Ktv'"1'.! NFL FSTATF 44 N llth Bt. 133 FOK SALE HOUSES grabp:nhorst specials OUR BEST SUBURBAN BUY Drive South on 13th St. to Palrvlew Ave. Turn left to 3170 s, 11th Bt. to a this fine I bdrm. home. Built in 141 b:' owners. Iiv. rm., din rm., room tn eat in kitchen, hall, bath He. Inside utility, lae. 1m with creek, garden In. Flrat time listed. 17. Call Roy Ferria. ACREAGE BUYS In acre located on paved roed. 4 im. horn with fireplace, utility rm., dbie. garaae. Barn chicken house. unr uit. Bal. erteh Jj Umbel. Pile 110 100. $ ic. located on MeCleay Rd . 1 rm. home, barn lit. chicken house, com young orrherd. Bl of soil. Price 110 000. $ ac. localed at Swegle. Oood 4 rm. home with utility rm. Barn ft ehlcken house. f)erae Family fruit ft berriea. Oood soli. Bom equipment goe. Price 11100. Call O. H. Orabenhom Jr APT. HOUSE SPECIAL ' unls. $ ma. old. best of construction, elec. hegt. partly furn. Incomt $10 go per mo. Price tsi.Ooo 00. Call Coburn L. Orabenharac. GRAHENHORST BROS., REALTORS II B tJtieriy Bt. Bund and lven:nia Call Roy FerrU-3-8010 Peter H Oelaer-!-$ Earl Weal 3-1333 ! FOR SALI ACREAGE 800 ACRE STOCK RANCH Eleven miles S of Salem, ogrtly seedrd to paature gras. loU of nice meadows and plenty of year around water. Thla look like th best deal hat had in a long time for a atock ranch. Total price 125,000. Bom ttrm. 16 ACRES N. HOWELL 11 acres fine Willamette ailt ao.l ft none better for berries. Three acre nod pasture, some timber, email stream, two hotuej, larte chicken house. Just good bur at tO.OOO ft 13.000 Dn. 50 ACRES EAST Mwl all in cult. Very nice new two B R. with large 'inMntshed attic and full bmi. Auto oil hat. New chicken he use. nice at ream with Hah pond. A real et up or lurkev or atock ralsni. The ful pi Ice I tlO.000. Term. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3305 Portland Rd. REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS ALL THIS FOR ONLY $6950 Well built 3 bedroom suburban home with nearly ' acre land, room for additional bedrooms upstair, built about 4 year ago, located paat Swetl SchoolA good buy. 5 ACRES NICE HOME Clean and comfortable 3 bedroom home set In an oak arove. haa email barn and ehlrxen hou.-e 3 aereg berr:ej a good Piece of property for A ami-retired per.ion l:0O. DRIVE BY w2 ABRAMS AVI?. And have g lrok -It's mod 3 bedroom home with an etlr larae lot tnd ama!1 chicken hoa'e, lots of Hovers ano ahrubs FHA commitment of 3.VO00 payable 135.00 a month. Make an ofier, owner ha left town. EAST ON BREYMAN AVE. Very clean and attractive 1 bdroom home, fine wall to wall eerpeitna. la ne st t ached rage, pert basement with new auto piped oil furnace. Now only 10790. WAY BETTER THAN RENTING We have some good modern 3 and I bedroom homes that can be bought with only 1600 lnn with the balance payable It 101.00 g month. CHOICE BUILDING SITES W have tome good oneji priced riiht Bee them before you buy, IKE RUDY OHMART & CALABA 477 Court St. HEAL ESTATE BEST BUYS $1900 DOWN A nice suburban home, paved tfl stoneihrn'v from bus and Wiool. Tote price only tfiOO G. I. SPECIAL $5,500 A!mot new, elec. heel, attached garaia. nice yard, Immediate possession. Ownei let! city. Reduced this week only. Can be bona ht lor 1550 down. Better hum on this one. 3 UNIT APARTMENT 1 furnished, private batha In each milt Extra special. Owner forced to sell. A real special for S8WIA. Al Ioaak & Co. Realtor (Member of Multiple List ina Bureau 3M5 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-7010, 3-4500. Eve. 1-04O3, 3-1"0 c'23 WANTED REAL ESTATE Af. RE In need oi food nouses to ei In or neai Balem If von w.sh to vour prnpeM Fot sale ee ORAREMIORRT RRO ME 4I.TOKP 114 ;4 Libert 8l Phone 1-2471 eg viTHE!tf your property is for sle renl oi etchanve list It arm us t have al, Hinds 01 cash nuers T4l EfNCE CO RE41KIRS I.M B Hub Hi ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE VILL TAKE TN OOOD AUTOMOBILE OR TRA1LFR HOL'SE !t ACHE, 3 blk, to rlty bus. close tn school. 1 rm. ol.ler home, barn and chicken house Oo-mI soil, all in fru t Price I7IH-0. Ph. 1-3?! General Real Estate Co. 35.4 C nter St. c3-: NEW tU e room modern home and 1 ' -acre. Berries, fruit trees. Water sjalrm. larae aaraie. Outsl.le city north. W11 trade fna eliy home neat achool. tf P isdv l ane cHil" ' .see BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES APARTMENT COURT 10 units onlv 3 yers olfl. 0-o-m t0O per year. Where en you get bci'er in teret on your mnnev, C. W. Reeve Realtor MI'ST SELL onoCFPRY STORE 2 ass pump.. In Ina quarters, 'sfl I rental. Ornd loeat'on Ph. 3-3J00. General Real Estate Co. 3 Center St. edi:!1 APT. OR IMPLEX MTK. Od location $ blk State fMitu- Wall Borolofkv. Real Etate. Ph, 3-10i. c1134 DOWNTOWN I'AEF. well evuloped. do.ne eorid biime. low overheat. 11100 I B. (iBO. TOMC. gas ataiion. comfort able In. qrtra, good lease. N.ce money m'ker for a couple. IJsoO. Tr-de for late er n t MERETtrrw Ritr . or W M. mason 17 8. Commercial. Ph, 1-0041. cdlll BraixFiaa i.nTa 75lfl5 on Portland Rd. suitable for used car lot OMFR H REAL ITSTATE 14) N. Uth Ph. 5.(M1 cdlJ5 FQI ITY in good restaurant and fountain, good loratinn Oood equipment. 411 Front ft.. Wood burn. Phone Main 174 rdlJ.l LOT fMtllO,"oid"n(ile Parellent piece of businesa property N. Broadway. Ph 1404 p. e 1-147 cd137" FURNITURE FOR SALE 3 PC. I.IVlXliROOM let Bos home'pun 0 vest guaraniee Sturdy tep roll springs. Cli out prtre t a W give green nam pa. Salem Home F'irn. ! re . I IT S Com 1 dl33" M 4,TTRF V 411 Fa. 07 otl Inner spting wiin heaiv damab roer. 10 year, avaramee. It rctton mattreta P U r twin le. $141. Balem Home Furn. Co. 1.17 B. Com I. dlJ.1 Mt WOOL ChenM'e R-it Reversible I color nit. 1301 ivio, $':. ,! rut order service. Oreen tamos. Bsm ' Horn P'irn Co. 137 8. Com 1. rtl2il rVANTED FURNITURE 'HtiHF"T PKH'IO paid Phone Glenn'' Aoodry Auenon Matket P: 1-5110 da y RN M I'iserTii' rt Ph V 511 d .' FOR SAIB LIVESTOCK ONE Ot'FRFY eow come f-eh"groun .tune ut, 10 heifer 10 months oid. Ph I.J1J. elJO' "OR MIF: P'flelencT tete two vesy old Hereford fcn'1- 4n e-' Husandry De , partn-.ent, Oregon Btat College, Co, vallia. 134 IFOR SALE HOUSES Olfic Phone 1-1471 FOR SALE ACREAGE I REAL ESTATE 1115: Eve. Ph. 3-0051 - 3-500$ - 1-333 -- 2-3139 AUCTIONS Big Furniture Auction Tuesday, May 24 AND RVERY TUESDAY Glenwood Ball Room SM yds. pent Chemawa 4-Cnrnfrs. Starts at II p.m. sharp. Complete houseliold furnUhlne and appliances. New and used. Eery thing for the home. Don't mt this one. Glenn Woodry. Auction eer. Ph. 3-11110, Woodrf Furniture Mar ket. 1$05 N. Summer St. Open dally for private sales from I to $. ddl23 Furniture and Live Stock AUCTION WED., MAY 25. 10 a.m St 7 p.m. 3 special ronalenments to be aold at T p.m. sharp. No reservee. 3 complete 5 room houeholda of nearly new and iLed furniture. LOT NO. I Nearly new 1940 duxe Ad miral re.nve, five pc. Virtue chrome b'-"kfat -et. six ft. Fraidatre refria- eretr.r. Roe mohair davenport in1 eiiair. 7 pc. lime oak brtrm. aulte w th R-s utrres' mat!re.'s end box sprints. 9vl2 wool ru u-ed 3 mos End table, floor tamp end mlacellsneous. LOT NO. O. E. refnaerator. elec, rsn-e. 1x20 wool rue. -Cabn:et radio. K mb-rle pi mo. Antique bed. t pc. tw'n bdrm. srlte. I pc walnul d nmg rm t Uphol5tered cha rs. Waahlna ma chine, finale bed, mstlress and aprlns 5 rr. msple d net set. Wire recorder. Linoleum G t. irone- and msnv ml.w. arllrle.. Don't mlu this sale for high errdc furniture. 10 A. M. Mtsc. furniture, produce and mrfhlnery. I:.TO P.M. Chlckrns, rahhlta. calveg, tee is id br.s. p-TML con.staitm-nt of eleven head of arsde A dairy cov.s. This is g com p'e'e h"rrt of vrrv tood row.. Several frch sprinvera, and aeveral fall fresh en Tl. A BIO SVp. COME. LANS SUDTELL'S SALES YARD l'i miles Ee-t o Ss'em on S.lverton Road TO BUY OR SELL CALL 3-608 dliiv LIVESTOCK WANTED NONIirn f !rFNFD 'I estock buver C. McCandllsh. 1117 B. 31. Ph. 3-0147. 'ETS ONE I.IOHT red male Toeber nani1 pup. rtirehran, wilnotit ppri. 3130 Sn River Rnart eeua FUEL GOOD 1 In. erisint. IS M load. Double load $10. Oregon Fuel Co. Phone 3-5S33. ' A'F-T 8AI.FM FUEL CO Boca, planer slab wood At saw dust Ph. 74011 ee I AHWoon 3 ioda"fViso on i 'load t'2 00 Anderson Brae . Ph 1-0714. freiai TRI-CfTY FUtl Freah eut aawduat Prompt delivery Ph 37443 We giv BAN Oreen BtatnM Green II In mill wood e cVli HIOHW'AY FU EL FOR :tiesel and Steve Oil FRESH CtT 8tWDt'8T Ptv Slab Wood Phone 1-0444 FOR SALE POUlTkY Colored Fryers," PhT312fl8 n mm .iiirRH. mr'i) n. .mi. ahlrM. L.,l,nriu, P,Tn..r,. tytnnrn, fw.r.li mnd T...V, ju.M,. Ph PRODUCE ftTRAWRFRNira. Maraall'i 1 4 10 eeit i of Keller Scbnol on road to Chemawe Rrl ,t C Mount HI. t. P"l 4fK f f HELP WANTED NON-VNtON carpenter S'eadr wort Home building Ph. 3-003 between. 4 and 1 30 p m. till' W 4NTFD: St rawnerry" p1ckera.Oood field. Clarence Runnel $ ml E. of Brooks an Brook -Ml. Angel road. Brooks Rl 1 Boy 171. gl34' ID! At. MAN. 17 teTis. Fret to travel Nest At amoillou.. Guaranteed salary Mile learning. Averaae l.'OO monthly plus bonus. Leave immediately. Mr. Hay wsid. Hotel eVna'or, 1 to I la. Tues on:. Don I phone U2 ft 4NTI ll;rRT Cooknlghtr" Opply In peon Black a Whit Coffee Shop 14 N. Capitol. glJJ' TR t,MPFRRY plckrr, "egMtered now anlev Sneed Rt I Box $ on Che mwa Rd mi Wet of Portland Hi- way, o Keuer-Chemaw bu Una. $113 HELP WANTED BERRY PH'RERft. ptrbing Bat. Mny 3l at Williamson i-arm Kt. 1 Box 3i Harel , Or-en Olt. $113 KTRnWBl.RRY Pickers wanted. "will Hart Monday, 23. A. M. 7, share. Rt. 7, Bog 33. PI miles east Chewaua 3 Cor., and U mtl louth. $H4 STRAWBERRY pM 1 P Barnwell. ilo Irkeri retlter now. R. ved to 40J0 R. River Rd Keler. 1JJ WANTl Ui KTRiWRI KRY PIC MI RH 22 acre u! iod oerrlca come and ee them Mader Bros.. Rt 9. Boa 431. Ph 3W-F-13$jiil. eat af Macleay kill W4NTl!It gooeberrv ptckera. Start Mon. 33rd. Ph. 31030. O'lt Silverton Rd.. 1 mi. 8. Central, Howell school. John D Stetner. U4 STRAWHERHY pU keretartlng Mon 33rd. Good puking. P. E. Bandera. Ht. 1. B 31. 1 mi. east. H mi. south Totem pole. gl34 EXPERIENCE l wait rest wanted! 1!04 Leslie, no phone colli. gU3 STR A WBERR Y pickers register now7 Herr and Riensche. Vt ml. out Sltverton Rd.. ml, aouth Middle Grow Bctioo). Ph. 37147. ail3 WANT1.D Strawberry pickers starling May 33. Ed Hynei, Ht. 7, Box 334. 4 miles F. Chemawa Totem Pole. gill 8TKAWBERRY " Plekera ,KenncthBrjyne. Ht. 7. Box 301, 1 ml. east on Hood view Rd. Ph. 3101$. fl23 HELP WANTED MALE ATTENTION SALESMAN Old established national tood concern deslrea th services of an experienced salesman to aril to the grocery trade In Balem and vicinity. Muit llv In Salem. Mutt bt between 3S and 40 years of age. have good car, furniih bond for which we will pay. Poiftlon pay salary and expensei. An excellent opportunity for man who can qualify. Application will not be considered unless following in formation la given; age, married or l Inn la, txperlenca In detail, and salary x pec ted. Write to M. K. Helman, 303 B. t. Alder Bt., Portland, Oregon. tal WANTED Journeyman form carpenter. 3. a. Watts Construction Co.. 010 B. 30th Corvallls. Ore. gl25 hVlpwantedemaTe ' LADY to aell lovely guaranteed Nylon Linaerle. Hosiery, etc., direct to friends, ncirnbor B. earn int. Our 27th year Write THOGERfiEN HOSIERY CO.. Wilmelte. 111. abl22 4ECRETARYforDean"of WometTaf WIN Is me Lie university. Call Dean Ewalt at Eaton hall. Ph. 3-9:566, fb1:t4 RELIABLE WOMAN to stay iayiTwith W yr old klrl. Heply Capital Journal Box 481. abl23 EXPERIEri.U I.ADY bookkwper to work In off.re it Willamette VBlley'a lending Furniture and Appliance store, good ss In ry, pleo.snnt working cond. Apply Hoa Bros., 200 Stalf. ib OIRI. e:;pTlf tici In payroll and seareta tion. M.ist be capable of taking full cnarae of payroll in local cannery. Write Box 458 Capital Journal in own hgndwrltlne atatina experience and qualification,. tbl26 OFFD E IURL for local cannery. Ex perienced In aelea records and Invotr Ini. Shorthand nece..ry. Wr;te Capital Journal Rox 461 stating experience and qualification. cbl3fl AT ONCE: A housekeeper for two elderly peopie. in country nome. Kvervinmg mor'ern. Work eav. No phone calls. Write or call in Person to the Wm. Hol der Perm. Between Mt. An net A: Moni tor on Rt. 1 Bx 93, Mt. Angel. Ore. Rb134 I.AR. GIRL for evenina and nlte work. Minimum requirement high school edu cation. Ph. 1-4133, a.k for Mrs. Smith. gbl22 MIDDLE AGKD woman to care for two school a Red boys i.iune and Julvl . Keller district. Call 38276 after 6 p. m. ' gbl33' CLOSE IN! Fifty strawberry pickers wanted now! 3497 No. River Road. Ph. 3-7110. Dinty Moore. gbl22 GIRL WANTED for housework" Call at 1420 Market St. gbl23' WANTED Elderly ladv for housekeeping Room, board tood wace. Out of td-vn Box 461. Capital Journal. gbl23 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Or'Firf AND CLFRII il POSITION f CONT4CT Commercial Placement Agency mo site a Ph 3 Maa gf e-es V ANTED SALESMAN WANTEn: Salesman. Must have experi ence in furniture A: floor coverlni:. Per mnni .ement poit.on. Good salary an; rominifji tn. Apply Montgomery Wr.rd. WANTfcD POSITIONS NEW LAWNS prepared A- seeded. Have lae. trac. on rubber with dozer, p'nw. etc. Ph. 2-0127. h!27 BOY WANTS lawna to" mow. Ph. S-704 TR 4, (TOR WORK. Mo.te! B J. D. Plow. disc, mower and spring tooth. Ph. 2-0'M OOon cere for babi's under l' veari. ea. alter I or week-ends. Ph. Z"Rgv hl2J W4NTFD:" FALLING or bucking timber with power saw. Phone Dallas 3240. hi 24 ROTOTII.LER Work. 1141 Hood flt. 3-OA04 h)44 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 3-150. h!44 TREK WOBK. topping, trimmip. remoy. Mr. hi 44 GENERAL-YARD WORK. Ph.J-J447. h!33 TREE STRAYING. Ph. 34023. hl22 ROTOTll.MNGi M. ." Tiller. Ph. 1-7500 h!22 BABY PUTTER. Ph. 3-0.MM). hl3( pt,ATEBlNn. PiTrnwnRK and chim ey itlrdiog Ph. 8-4IN Free estimate hin CARPENTER WK. New, repair Ph 3-301 hi M!l riTTING. Phone j""4M h114 HIT rLi41 CARPENTER, new. fmodeV. repair. Larae small. J-1JI1 aft. 5 M34 Will. PROVIDE excellent nome or dsT car for small child Ph 1-1! hl30 TELEPHONE" CAM." TAKEN J4tir ier" vice rorer phone op Pn 1-5073. hl2' L4VAR S I RsFR Yf or" in f a n t. O r ad" reg nurse m eharae Ph 11201 ' fi 137 AITO PUNTING lust a hsde belter by Bar Biiar CaU Shrawg Motor Co l-Oll NFW LA A NN Pr'inlni Rotoiniins 1 andscarlng, tree aork Rienard Ber Ph I Hi tn h12t 1 4HllD"rRr tn my home Ph. 3V3 POI; mimeoarapmng. typing tern.-e prompt servee. quality work, lower j trees 04 N 10th Pn 3-341 h!28 CHILD rARK. h33; 1100 Shlpplne hn$ L4naCAPTNO n Oo.ik il.ine New leans ire. Regard Po-tt Ph j and hill1 EDUCATION DIJSSFL POWER Mechanically inclined men tet free fact abO'it annorlunlties and trs n nt a'sn tn'Mit bi new t 'Id of D1FFI, pNOlNVS fnr tricks. Iractora, locorf o H'ft, pewer p'ants, :in. et- We train ( In oif aoare ti-ne r"a for le- l ' art orcent I on. t"Mit D.e.e! T-a nir 3U Bheflieid, Chita FOR RENT ROOMS NICK BIEEpftb rm'Kol cold1 water. 1st floor. 411 H, High. lklI7 NEW BMT." Apt. 3 rm. and bath Private enl. New range and re frig. furn. Flee. heat $01 mo. Ph. 3-1101. Jkll4 NICE HLP. Rat. for em played lady."" Kit prlr. If des. Ph, 35000. ikl!4 rM MENTiLlght"tutkpg-rm7 and'akep Ing rm. 700 N. Church. Ph. 3-4311 Jb. IS CLEAN Comfortabl aleeplnf rm. for one 155 N. Capitol. jk 133 ROOM f OR t "chrlatlBngirla-with all conven:ence ot home. $41 K. Winter Bt. Ph. 3-040 or 3-4378. Jklll ATTRACTIVE rnu. lOirilcCoyTPhTS-OOOl lk!4 NICE RI.EEPIN41 room, eiost In employed men preferred. 471 Marlon. Jklll ftMALL CLEAN lurnlihed Apt-close In. H. L. Btllf. Jklll lil.F.EPINU RM. for builneaa meb. $1A N Winter. Ph. 1-0119. Jklll rooms to rent week OR MONTH HOTEL SALEM Tel 8-1111 FOR RENT APARTMENTS uo A MONTH. 3 rm. furn. apt. Private bath. Call Allen Jones or Mabel Need ham. Realtors, 341 Btat St.. Rm. 4, tip- atalra. Ph. 3-1201. JplW I BOOM partly furnished apartment. Children accepted. 150 per month. Ten ants to buy furniture. Ill Mill. Tel 2-7j74. JP124 1 RM. Fl ttX. apt. Private entrance. Close to Capito.Blda.Ph. 3-5055. Jpl23 LOVELY new roomy I bdrm. unfurnished apt. Electric heat, stove and refrigerator furnished. Available June 1. Ph. 1-5351 Jplll 3 RM. NEW APT. furn. or unfura. Electric heat, garage. 040 Marlon. Jpl33 i I.AROB " RM APT.Ph. " 33757or call 1475 N. Com'L Jpll3 NEW MODERN 4 rm. apt., all electric, partly furn. 1140 fl. 13th. Jpl22 1 RM. furn.. upstair, neat clean, am ple storage. 1371 N. Commercial Jpl33 FOR RENT HOUSES 6 KM. MOD. HSE. on Palrmount Hill. Ph. after 1 p.m. 3-1400 or 3-4697. Jml24 WH YPA Y RFNT When-you can buy'thls l'i yr. old 2 Bdrm. home? From owner for small down payment and $40 00 a month. Immed, possession, 137$ 3rd St.. West Salem. Jml27 s!ALlTC'OMprETELYurn7Vear houe. adults. $4L Ph. 3-6577. Jml24 BEAITIPl'L I BDRM. fur. Koine to rent for mos. to right party. $13$ per mo. Ph.34336. Jml22 NEW 3 RM A pL Ground fir! Furn." or unrurn. Elec. heat, garage. 640 Marlon. J1M NEW 1 bedroom home, fireplace, oil floor furnace. 3655 Scenic View Drive. Out 8. Commercial to Ewald, west 1 blocks then North to 3655. ml23 KING VVOOb View Home.-New 3 bdrm. unfurn., all electric, range, ref., ga rage. 109 mo. Want Perm. Tenants. Ph. 2-4538. Jml32 i HDRM.h.ae. on l't A, oil heat" elec tric stove. $ miles East of Salem. Mrs. Dirks, Pratum, Ore. JmlJ4 .1-ROOM unfurnlihed, all electric house. Inquire 1173 Sixth St., Weat Balem. .e Jml23 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BEACK Dl'PI.EX Wacoma, "le. ylrw win dows, romp. fur., nice for children. $30 and $35 wk. Rta. by month. Box 223. Ocean Lake. Ore. J123 GOOD PARTI' RE, near Salem. Ph. 28385 eve. and Bun. J123' f R.tlLEB SPACE.' Camp' Joy Motel"jir'4 ORiTt trucks cara Ph l-llw TRI CKS and cara Smltty'a Clipper Ser vic Ph 3-0600 Cor Center At Church r GROl'ND floor rooms, suitable for of fice or stores STATS FINANCR CO. Ph 14121 j POWEK TOOl lent sis tot horn At in duatria us Bowser Broa Ph 1-1641 TRAILERS. 12 00 per day Howser Brr 60S Kditewate' St. West Salem BI'SINESW BM for tent H L Stiff. J IIPOD USED PIANO H L Stiff J' HOWSER BROS Ph J-364 WANTED TO RENT RELIABLE CHRISTIAN couple, steady renters, want 1st fir. fur. apt. Prefer work in care of lawn A etc. Write Cap ital Journal Box 463. jal22 SMALLrNFl'RN."hse.,"close-inTAdu:tK. PI,. 24142. Jal25 PROFESSIONAL couple" "desires Y"bdrm unlurn. houte, basement, aarace. To be available by Aug. 1ft to 30. Ref. Ph. 3-4083. Jal2 NEEDED: X bdrm. unfurn. house. By Ph. 3-4412. Jal2.1a ROOM ANO BOARD GOOD room and board in a widow s home 432 N. Summer. Tel. 29971. IJ123 ROOM AND BOARD for 1 business man and on bustnes girl. Home privilege Immed. posvesion. Ph. 28572. JJ122 LOST AND FOUND LOST--Red and Brown Plaid folding urn b.-lla in Woolwcrth Store, Friday noon. Ph 35013. kI2.t MISCELLANEOUS M S F RINGER, mens hatitr 48" Court mlio DENTAL PLATE REPAIR I hr qrnvtCE in Mon CAra DR HARRY SEMLBR DKNTISI Adolph Klda Slate Commercial Sis SALEM Phone 3-1311 m HtVit Ybl'B 0INGTR Sewing machine repaired by qualified Snaet represen ta" e Ph 3-3413 (or tree pick up and delivery service on ai maaes of ma ehlnee Pre esMmaie given before wora la slaried Sinter Sewing Marhlne Co lfl N Com ! m BUILDING MATERIAL F1RRPLACV MATRRIAIJ4 Superior heal fot m A Bennett -Ireland fireplace rlrrulator. AH fireplace anJ monry materials. Phone- 35443. PUM1LITI - WEST BALEM mal22 VTfEIANOI.I MIN!'M' window" TramnT Residential rase menu, doubia hung and ecnmerclgl type. PUMILITI OUT EDO E WATER RT malll NEW "K IN aheet rock plaster board 4.c fier aq. ft. 6 ll'e window aah. 4 eirr. arge supplv. Perfect for garage, barn Chicken house. 12 70 eerh. C. G. Long. Ph. 3-$$3I. One mil north of Keirer. ma 135 WIIITEASPFSTO itrttni$10rso. At tractive fireproof, Inexpenaive siding. No painting required C. G. Lona. Ph. 1-5831. On mil north ot Keirer. mal35 Builder-Contractors We hve a complete aocg of framing lumber, tlmbera ihtplap, att grades, at rock hettom price. Went Salem saw mill 1050 Waller Rd. Ph. m?3 Free Delivery. ma 1 43 TII l.4,MOOK"eed7 shinties'" del. tn. i. ID: No. 3, 15 C1r wall 10 ,n. pa.nten Shakes, 111 00 per f. Under course fr-e Ao baled cedar tow. Ted Mul'er. for merly Fola yard. Fn. Balem 3-110$. Salem Independence road. ma DOORS, iNTFRtOR 3 pan! dncra. st the great pecial purchase bottom price barealn of only 10 00 each, Keith Brown F.rnt A Court Bta, Salem. ma CIOE-OlT. Plywood cut-off. 48"xl!"I tor ceiling psnel, wall panel, aid ing and mint other uses Only me per sq ft. Kiith Brown, Front Court sis Salem matf CI.OSK-OIT. Plywood Celling Tl'.e . from 4c per sq ft, in a.zc from l"itl" .i V 131'' Betel edae, rut to ,e psne, f'eei. Keith Brown, Front 4 Cmic Ria.. Balem mr f $11 M4, - IOCK - ALCMINrMLOrK HNnt f Te n.odern p'rman'nt mo' tn w twur twaiet at dial. Call 3-0'. malll IUILDINQ MATERIAL PKII.-Toni. rental tertlee, Valty" Earm Btore. 4341 Bilverton Bd. mol4 NEW SHIPMENT piaai board V $lkc $e q II Rock lath 41 U II 7$ MONTaoMKRT WARD LIM RK-ROOP NOW One, twe or three years U) par Fot free erilmatei phone 3-7177, WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. malll CLOqE-OI'T NPECIAU Hardwood Floor In, pecan and gum In a variety of altee at only 111$ M. Keith Brown, Front A rourt Bta. Balem. malf RED CEDAR shingles No I. $0 $0 No i. so no. 3, $3 $0 w del Philipi Bros, Rt. 1. Bot 111. Pb $$FS1. ma BAVB ON ROOFING Let Ward! give you compieta 174 STALLED prk on yut rooting needs Wide ransa of color Call our outside talesman for tr aatlmat phone 1-1191 MONTOOMERY WARD A) CO ALAM. OREOON . ma HAHIIWOOD FLOORING, now only I03M Mixed Pecan At Oak. Hal' at Keith Bruwn, Front Court, Salem, matf ALUMINUM ROOFI NO I tt width la th following isntthsi $1 74 r in It 8 00 ir . $4$ Ag about Installation service MONTGOMERY WARD CO. SALEM. OREGON ma BARGAIN In Latch Seta. 08c up. Keith Brown. Frnnt& Court streets. Balem. ma If NURSERY STOCK TREE ROSES are blooming at Slnaer Gardens. Make selection now for fall transplanting. 300 varieties available 12 50. 13 00 and 11.50. SINO&H TREE ROSB GARDENS 4 ml. North on Wallace Rd. - Ph. 25936 mbl23 FUCHSIAS FOR BALE. 180 VARIETIK8. MRS. F, K. WARD, 4380 CHERRY AVE. e t9iw asmt13 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WOOD Ft RNACE with air conditioning Could be easily converted into oil fur nace. 40 gal. electric water tank. Double metal bed with springs. All In excellent condition. 1390 Elm. Weat Balem. n!13 ANTiqi'EK FOR SALE Many Items of value, must sen. can at m saginaw. n!23 PEAT MOSS with turkey drnpplnga 05e per sacs, s lacga 4 no, vaney ra.m Store.4343 silverton Rd. Ph. 11034. n!46 FOR SALE Corley saw mill model 440 wnn i DiaaeK, usen one season, con tact H. M. -Mathany, Mill City, Ore., Orneral Delivery. n!26 8 Cli. FT. FRIOIIIA1RE Deep Freete. Aimosi new. sis aeimoni. ru. j-jou. nl32 EXCELLENT condition, enameled wood range with coils. Ph. 3-3788. Sift Madi son. nl38 RFMANlFAITfRED Motors. Ford. Chev.. Firm., Dodge. Owners: Get power, eco nomy, performance, with a Ward mo tor. New motor guarantee. Liberal trade In. As low as $10 monthly. Montxom ery Wards, Salem. nl24 REAL BARGAIN In new 0S0il$ and 000x16 4 ply tires. 3555 Portland Rd.. Salem. nl24 FREssl'ltE Cooker. Purls for all popular makes. Montgomery Ward Service Dept. in Farm Slore. Trade and High Bt. nIBS BI ZZ SAW, $50. 110$ 4. 30th. Phone J-.iJB. nm DOl'RLE horse trailer. Good condition. New tires. Good spars $17$. Phone 3-7238. nl2J t'l'SHMAN MOTOR scooter, boy's cloth ing, else 14, reasonable. 2031 Laurel. Ph. 2-3405. nl22 SEWING MACHINES. Special Rental sum mer rata j mo. si?, inis is not regu Isr rate. Offer good till June ftth only. Ph. 3-7871. nl23 I'SEU COMHlNAflONnAT RANGE 13$ 00 Moi.'goinery Ward, Balem. Ph. 3-3191. mil COMPANY TRAINED Service men otter you better service on your Wari'a Ap pliances uslna up to date Replacement Paris. Montgomery Ward Service Drpi In Farm Store. Trade and High, nlil BKAI'TIM L Hand Crocheted ecru table cloth. 114" by 38". Lacy motif. Call 15.94 Lee St. nl2 W H I T fT HO I A Eroducts. Ph ' 3-8741. n 141 NEWHERli TYPE R1YFR BOTTOM TOP SOIL. Htnh quality, attractive price. All binds: PU run; gravel; sr.nd: mix rru-th: concrete pipe A tile; re-lnfoclng ateel. cement; sep.ic tank OH KG ON GRAVEL CO. J40.1 N. Front St. Ph. 3-3417. nl43 BARGAIN Store fixtures including cash register. 191 S. Hifcii. In CANDY BAR machine Call mormne i n Cpliol. Apt. 6 nui Itm GALLONS oi outside whitepaini 03 35 per gallon In ft gallon palls, ll.ro Norway St nlJ4 SAVE 3c l on gas' Broadway's Super Service. 891 N Liberty oUP STL EL CLOTHESLINE pof "$12 pair up (tailings In atock ta order lltl H Lib rty. nl35 GENERAL ELFCTRIC ""crosley, GlWh and Mootag Appnanca al Gcvurla UAHDLN SAND, gravel crushed rock Shovel St dreg-nne excavating WALL IN Q SAND ft GRAVEL CO Ph 8-0349 n Ft I I F R BRI'SHEsi ll Grant Pfi 38157 nl30 14 Ct. FT CHEST freerer Ph 3-42K4 I330 Ml SAVE 3e gal en gas? Broadway! Super Service 8!8 N Liberty nl35 SALEM SAND A GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditcning Sewer it Basement equipment Rental tl B ' yds U 00 per hr Id B - S a ft 0. p' t nr D-7 Cat A Doiet 10 50 per nt D-0 Cat ft Dnrr 0 40 per hr D-4 Cat ft Doier i oo per hr Phone D $-9100 Eve 3-824 or 1-4400 oatem Oreson n linR posts, yew wood potsahlnglei tele and eiec poles Phillips Broa, Rt Bos . .8 Ph 68 FM n WALUNOANDV7vR"AVErCO CRI SHFD ROl K foi roads and driveways cement ready mix concrete, garden .and Ruildorins drainage sod dnrhini 4,-yd shovel and drag Una Ph 1-0149 FLATROCK For patioa. rock walla walka, garden! and all rock const We del and sell here or at pit Be or call for price Phillip Bros Rt e Boa lis .ti-J. - FERTtl.IFF.lt. Cow hore or chicken ma mire delivered in Saiem Well rotted or fre.h. $5 00 per cubic .ard del manure ov sack II 00 oet sack at place or will del five aacg orders Phillip Broa.. Kt a. rtoi u. eaiero pn. i 23 n r.$SR4N4ii:ri.lorint Chemeaet'nl34 EXt rpTIONsL Buv In 11-eti. ft. Fr gt daire re'n wHh lei than mo u e 307 N. James Ave. Silverton. nl23 COOIF.R4TOR Refrlgerater. I ft Fvrlnt rond. Ph. 3-037 ot see at 1M Hickory, nl27 BERRY P1CKKHS Ptr 3 A. Marsha' 1 strawberries. Van C.eae Farms in Harel Oreen, m.iiw wt of Totem Pole, t mile north on Vn Cleave rd. Ph. J-S'.ll or n".24' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Nl.w 10 sal. I.ec. wiier lanlw. tit -. Judson'i. 37$ N Com 1. nl24 NottY old Frlsidaira W. rfM0rtinr n run. Ufttv Ph. 1-411 n!74 Journal Want Ads ha) IFOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CABINETS T Priced to Save You Money Regardless of Source Homeowner Contractor Before You Buy Cabinets ILant or Small Check Thegg KRAFTWOOD FEATURBB AND SERVICI SELECTED WBSTRRM WOOD Aasembled In one unit. ALL OLUED CONSTRUCTION Finger tip drawer slide. SEA LED-IN SINKS Hardwood bread board far$. YOUR OWN PFRSONALIFED DESIGN Ouaranleed Satisfaction Free Delivery and Installing Mall Card for Pre Plana and Rati ma tea SID HENDRICKS KRAFTWOOD CABINETS WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE WANT strawberries. Market price la cash. Contact Jorv parsing Co. at Ter minal Ice, 34 D St. Phono 3-480. na USED Fl'HNITl'RR Phone $-018$ PERSONAL WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted by any one but myself. Dorothy I. Holmes. May 21st. pl23 STANLEY HOME Products. 86ft Ctoi Bt. Ph. 3-6448. pl40 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Boi 734. 3-3234? Pl85 AUTOMOBILES IRM PI.YMOI'TH 4-dr. Excellent trans portation. 1175. $60 N. liberty. Ph. 3551$ qll 37 PONTUC Coupe. Excel, com. Rftlt" $3S0 Private owner. Ph. $7903 eve. qt!4 1947 DODGE pickup. Mileage 13,000, new rubber, like new. 11.300. Susan Mills, 1005 Fairview Ave. Ph. 151 1 8. qllf 194 OLD-"98" elub cpe. H., H.. twin-. spots, skirts, new paint. 1695. Ph. 3418. ql24 SPECIAL IP4A OLDS $8 sedan. Hrdromatle drive, tadlo, air cond. htr., air-foam euahlona. Sav 11.300 from new ear prlc At LODER BROS. 2410 Felrarounds Rd. Ph. 3-1490 $850 - SPECIAL 1911 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DET.UXR SEDAN. RADIO. HEATER. FOG AND BACKUP LIGHTS. SPOTLIGHT. NEW RURBF.R A-l CONDITION. BOOK PRICE 11040. NOW 185(1 AT LODER BROS. 2410 Fairgrounds Road Phone 21400 0121 1WX1 CHI:V.oiiperB!RckTciean. Car re cently overhauled. One owner. 1120 N. 14th. Ph. 3-8061. ql37 Ittlft (TIKV. 4 door sedan. R.ftH. and spot light. Cheep. Ph. 1-1507 after 6.30 p m. ql34 41 Bt ICK spec. 4 door aedan. Just over hauled ft paintea. oooo tires. k.h. New chrome spot ft fog light. Also new seat covers. Must sell. Ph. 3-3514. q!24" 1941) PI.YMOI'TH 4 door or 1940 Ford club coupe. 2245 Center St 0.134 HMO MODEL Aoverhaulcd motor. S-B llthta. Good tires. 113$. 08$ K. Liberty. Phone 3-5313. ql36 MI ST SELL NOW: 1941 Cusicm DeAoto, New Rubber RftH. Best bdl takes It. us N. 33td after 1. bill IMA MFRf't'KY 4-drrSedan. raditOieat er. Fxc. condition. $1398. 2460 South Com'l. ql20 1917 PLYMOI ttrOACn.AplTtoo tires, $27$. Hennessy, $1 Hlway Ave. $133 in4flFORD "v-0 Deluxe 4-dr. Bterf CoL shift. 8. 8. lights. Hyd. brakes, excel, paint and tires, $785. 1304 Saginaw. Ph. 3S761. 1)133 88 L. SALLE, rlean, new tlrei, oseTVonrt., 1400, Ph. 34536. q!33 1910 PACKARD Super Deluxe 4-dr. SedanT . Be original owner. 14.000 miles. $2,600. J. M. Tillman, Rt. 3. Box 213A, Inde pendence. Ore. ql2S 1MB MERCIRY Club CoupT$7Mr38n 33rd. Ph. 39037. 0.133 1941 OODGE LttXUlf tJnToot" mttcjj on 47 motor. See between 4 and T p. m. 41140 N. Capitol. ql3 IM1 CHEVROLET Truck Wlth"new"7xl3 trailer hotine hullt nn berl. Lowell Bar low, West Mapla and lh Bt.. DaPaa. 0,133 l4t-IB H. ft. MnlorcyelerVerVgood ahp.' $200. 1040 Ford B passenger coupe, top condition. Reasonable priced. 091 King wood Ave.. Went Balem. qll mt FORDPIf-tU'P '-totnqulre at house tratler at rear of Central Howell Store on Silverton Road, ves. or Bun. qi3 WILL SELL equity' for $400on1947Bulrg; convertible, rxc. cond, Must sll immed. Will tBke old car In good condition on trade. 2373 State St. Ph. 30966. q!33 191 FORD CO ITF,.-excellent eondMnt J sell at once. $1050 cash. 34$ N. 13th tf.. Apt. ft, alter 3 p. m. ql23 ISII CHEV. P. Trataktruckr-speefl 3 new tires, 4 new recaps, new paint, good mntor. Reasonable. 1 mile west of Wet Sclo. H. A. Pierce. Rt. 3. Box 111. 8cio. ql23 MODEL A FORI Roadster. .16 motor, good condition. Inquiry Norman HalL GerTi:. Ore qI3l ini? BI ICK Special 4-drraeds.n "for quirk sale. R ft H. good tirea, 18$. Ph. 24877. 1545 .Kth. ql33 1917 CHEV. Aero BedatuVHgwnerTsar $2 Ph. 3-7262. qua 191 PLY De Luxe 4 Tdr? Idn"-RadloT'exeel. tire, heautlful grav finish. Orlgmnl owner. $1195 Ph. 3.6310 or 3-7690. q '4 STI'DERAKTR "chsmplon. Clean ft aide A- out. 8ix1$ tires, overdrive. 8' at 109$ a. Com'l. Name jfnur own price. ql37 NFW MnTOTt INSTALLATION " " Why overhaul vour motor when vow can Install new motor at this reasonable price: "35-'40 Phmnuth 1350 ineludei alt necessary gaskets, ell and CAN ARRANGE FOR TERMS SElrER ft MOU, ... CHRYBLFH ft PLYMOUTH 01 n. wst.r St pt. ii SILVERTON. OAtOON ql33 I KIsnr Motors to Buy 1917 OI.nMOfttir station waton. Excel" lent cond iib rash ar trade eqnitv for I od mototcicle. Ph. 3-T230 ql33 jl FORD Coupe mechanically perrert" new moinr. extraa. Ph. 34317. ql31' Eisner Motors Fine Ca.-s nTin clean used car 2100 6 Com I Trts TimIt''HUDSo7iT" Service Saie . Pane Rome of Oood User Car ;tR(VCK MOTOR OO r-bneeh ft Ci-m,-keia St. Pn (Continued on Page 15)