J a V i Four Corners Girl Scouts Honor Mothers With Party Four Corners, May 23 Girl Scouts Troop 42 honored their mothers Saturday afternoon at the Community hall with a tea Mrs. Sidney Hoffman and Mrs.- Ross Chrisman poured with the scouts assisting with the serving. Mothers present were Mrs. Gilbert Groff, Mrs. Harry Hammond, Mr. Sherman Rurrls. Mrs. Fr.nrl. Miller. Mrs. Robert,dy afternoon when he turned I.' ' Prise Guernsey Winners A group of all first place females proudly displayed by their owners at the Guernsey spring show held at the fairgrounds Saturday, May 21. From left to right they stand as follows: Junior calf, Poepping Bros., of Mt. Angel; senior heifer calf, William Frith of St. Paul; junior yearling owned by McCullough & Hobson of Amity; senior yearling, Lester Erb of Albany; two-year-old, owned by Richard Gilbert of Turner; first place in three and four - year-old class, Frank Meier of Oregon City; and aged cow grand champion, owned by William Frith of St. Paul. (Photo by Mrs. Ralph Gifford) High Titles Are Awarded in Guernsey Cattle Show Here A 3-year-old cow and her daughter, a senior heifer calf, won grand champion and reserve champion trophies respectively in the second annual Spring Guernsey Cattle club show, junior division, at the State Fair grounds Saturday. Both were entered by Richard Gilbert of Turner, Commander of Pep's Acres, a , 2-year-old entered by Poepping Brothers of Mt. Angel, was Judged the grand champion bull of the show. The reserve cham pionship went to an animal owned by Frank Meiers of Ore gon City. For female classes in the senior division Willam Firth of; St. Paul i h o w e d Mirthful Queenie, 6 years old, who won senior and grand champion award. The reserve champion ship went to an entry by Lester Erb of Albany. One of the important events was the fitting and showman ship contest, open only to Fu-i ture Farmers and 4-H entries. First place was awarded Marvin Jahn of Silverton. The show, and especially the Junior division, got commenda tion from Harold Ewalt of the dairy husbandry division at Oregon State college, Judge of the show. A total of over 50 animals were shown. Master of ceremonies was El mer Meadows, western field man for Guernseys. He. was as sisted by Ben Newell, Marion county extension agent and sec retary of the Marion-Polk Guernsey Breeders association; John Hansen, Polk county ex tension agent; Don Walrod, Clackamas county extension agent; Club Leaders Robert Oh ling of Polk county, Joe Meyer of Linn county, Anthol Riney of Marion; Calvin Monroe, state 4-H club leader; Gene Foreman, FFA director at Albany, and Ted Hobart, field man for the United States National bank. The Rickey Garden club serv ed luncheon during the day. A complete list of awards fol lows: Pour-H net Future Farmer dlvUlon: Junior heifer, Marvin Jahn. Silverton. Senior heifers. I, Richard aimer i. lur- , 7. ory Tnomii. uervii: a. un- bert Erb. Albany: 4. Jimmy Reed. Sheri dan. Junior Yearlings: 1, Delbert Erb; 2. and i. Bill Duda of Mt. Angei: 3. Marvin Jinn; 4. Richard Gilbert. Senior year ling. Larry Sit ton, Albany. Co, two yean and over, 1, Richard Gilbert; 2, Marvin Jahn: 3. Darold Jahn. ODen clataet. bulls: Yearlings, l. rrana Meier. Oregon City: . Leter Erb. Albany: 3. Robert Reed. Sheridan. Two years or over. 1' and 7, Poepping Bros.. Mt. Angel. Championships: Grand champion. Poep ping Brothers on Commander of Pep'i Acres: reserve. Frank Meiers. Junior bull calf, l and 3. L. A. Bungay: X and 4, Lester Erb; B. Larry Sltton. Heifers: Junior. Poepping Brotners; 7. . A. McCullong and R. J. Hobson of Amity: 3. Marvin Jshn. Seniors. 1. Wil liam Flrlh of St. Paul: 2. Lester Erb; 3 and 4. Poepping Brothers; S. Richard Gil bert. Junior yeerllngs: 1, McCullough snd Hobson: 2. 4 and S. Lester Erb; 3. Phil Duda. Senior yearling: 1. Lester Erb: 2. McCullough and Hobson; 3, Clarence Du ll . L.arry Biitoo. Cows, two years old: 1. Richard Gil bert; 2, Darold Jahn. Three and four year olds. 1, Frank Meyer; 2. 3 and 4, Mccuuougn ana HoDnon; , Kooert h. Reed. Five years and over, 1 and 3. Wil liam Firth of St. Paul: 3. McCullough and Hobson; 4, Robert H. Reed. Senior and grand champion cow of the show, William Firth ol SU Paul; reserve champion, Lester Erb. uroups: oet or sire: i, wmiem rirtn and Poepping Brothers, ret aired bv Ar endt's Tlcona's Gentleman: 2, Lester Erb; 3. McCullough and Hobson. Produce of dam: 1, Poepping Brothers and Frank Meier on offspring of Majesty's Daisy of Traveled ale; 2, Lester Erb; 3. MrCullough and Hobson. Breeder'! young herd, Lester Erb. City 4-H Club Leader Wanted Before the city council is a proposal that the 1949-1950 budget appropriate money for a full-time city 4-H club leader, with clerical help and office supplies ' Harry L. Riches, county agent, said he thought the city council would give the matter consideration shortly. The financial outlay would be federal, state and city, and Riches said the state and federal money is now available. A spon soring committee for city co operation is Gene Vandeneynde, chairman; Ted Medford, Guy N. Hickok, E. Burr Miller, G. F. Chambers, David W. Eyre and William. L. Phillips. Riches said that within the Salem city limits are over 7500 boys and girls of 4-H club age. He believes that a full-time agent could have possible 1200 enrolled in 4-H club work within a year. Portland is the only city in Oregon now having its own 4-H club organization. scholastic honor society in which membership may not ex ceed the upper 10 per cent of the seniors. Burns. Mrs. Sidney Hoffman. Mrs. Orval Kennen, Mrs. Earl Thulin, Mrs. Raymond Hough, Mrs. Albert Sitlinger. Following the social hour the girls and their leaders enter tained with the following pro gram. Mrs. Gerald Wing wel comed the mothers; salute to the flag with Carol Hoffman as flag bearer and Diane Kennen and Margaret Hoffman as honor guard; group singing by the troop: awarding the badges by Mrs. Wing. All girls in the troop were awarded the cook. sewing and hostess Badges. Carol Hoffman was awarded the cat, dog and hen badges. Kath- ryn Cook received the rabbit badge. Mrs. Gerald Wing has com pleted three years as scout lead er of this troop and will not come back as leader in the fall. Her successor has not been nam ed as yet. This troop had a membership of 18 this year. Mrs. J. Earl Cook has been the as sistant leader this year. At the close of school she and the chil dren, Margaret, Kathryn and Billy will move to Des Moines, Iowa, to join Mr. Cook where he has accepted a position as assist ant state director of the State Farm Insurance company of Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Varian Carrow have moved from Salem into the Boyington cottage at 3770 V4 E. State street. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Boying ton, 3776 E. State street, have arrived home from a four months tour by automobile and trailer house through the south ern states as far south as Florida, where they spent several weeks during the winter. Coming home by way of Virginia. Kentucky and Iowa where they visited relatives. Eddie Withrow, 5-year-o 1 d son of Mr. and Mrs. Vic With row, 4090 Beck avenue, had the three middle fingers of his left hand badly mangled on Thurs- on an electric mixer, getting his hand caught in It. No amputa tion has been necessary as yet. Mrs. J. B. Harrelson was host ess on Thursday afternoon to the North Elma Sewing club A surprise miscellaneous show er was given Mrs. John Emmons Greeting the guest of honor were Robert Ratzeburg, Mrs. Mae Marshall. Mrs. Cecil Snook Mrs. C. H. Dillard and Mrs. C O. Gilming. Dessert refresh ments were served. The club will meet with Mrs. Ratzeburg June 1. Hosts on Saturday evening to the Krazy Kard Klub were Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mcllnay 3830 Mahrt avenue. Pinochle was played and dessert refreshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Osborn. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bales. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chris man, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Cable. William Fiester. Honors went to Mr. and Mrs. Bales, Mrs. Wal ker and Mr. Cable. C. W. Boyington of Oswego, Ore., is a house guest in the F. A. Boyington home this week. Scholarships Won by Two High School Girls Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Monday, May 23, 194913 Two Students Meet Death in Collision Pendleton, May 23 UP Two high school students here were killed, two others hurt and a 35-ear-old woman critically in jured in a two-car collision Sat urday night. State police said the victims were Martha Pond. 16. who died in the crash, and Irwin Franks, 17, who never regained con sciousness. He died in the St. An thony's hospital yesterday. In serious condition is Mrs. Celesta Williams, S3, who was half scalped Austin Is "Topped" Woodburn Robert Austin of Woodburn, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Austin, was one of the Oregon State college students who received recogniton at the annual honors and awards con vocation at Corvallis. Austin, a senior in business and technol ogy, was tapped for membership into Phi Kappa Phi, all-school 10 Down Pat Monthly VENETIAN BLINDS And Shades Wa also wash, ret ape, aalnt and realat tout aid Venetian blinds. ELMER, The Blind Man Call anytime for Free Estimates Phono 3-732S 1453 Ruice St West Salem We give S&H Green Stamps Dorothy Govig, 100 Culver Lane; and Mary Alice Swigart, 1485 South Liberty street, both senior students in Salem high school, have been awarded tui tion fee scholarships by the Ore gon state system of higher edu cation for the school year of 1949-50 at the University of Oregon. To be eligible, entering stu dents must rank in the upper third of their high school gra duating class. $$ MONEY $$ FHA 4 !4 Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 S. Hich St. Lie. SZi 3-5222 Miss Palm Springs This pretty blue -eyed bjonde known as Joan Clander around Hollywood high school, was named "Miss Palm Springs" by California Amvets at their convention in that city. (Acme Telephoto) CASH TALKS and you save at Woodrow's when you pay CASH for Willard Batteries Seiber llng tires "with full roao hazard guarantee " Nason paints auto glass and un painted furniture R. D. Woodrow Co. 450 Center St Phone 22476 Tunnel Collapses Killing Young Boy Klamath Falls, May 23 P A play-tunnel collapsed on 11- year-old Thomas Frey and smothered him to death yester day before his plight was discov ered. County authorities sairi the youngster had dug a shallow shaft In sandy soil under a road surface near his father's ranch in the Tule Lake area. A mo torist, George Bertreau, noticed me Doy s feet protruding from the ground. He had been buried In about three feet of earth. Men were working nearby on the field of the father, George Harris Frey, at the time. BUILT TO SERVE! Our Improved Screens are built to provide great er protection, for far longer time, at lowest cost. Not "makeshift," fit or miss type' They fit your win dows as snugly as the glass itself. Providing full-window ventilation, with full protection against even smaller insects. Let us tell you more about our easily priced Complete-Comfort Screens! SALEM WOODWORKING CO. 1225 Cross Ph. 3-5953 NEW ROTOTI LLERS SPECIAL WHILE THEY LAST $448 SPECIAL TERMS IF WANTED TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 355 North Liberty Phone 2-4173 BERRY PICKERS WANTED Monday, May 23 VAN CLEAVE FARMS Hazel Green 1 i Miles East of Totem Pole: Vz Mile North on Van Cleave Road PHONE 2-5161 2-5165 SPECIAL Packard 6 and 120 Brake Reline Labor Motor Tune-Up Labor Chassis Lubrication Labor Front Wheels Bolance Labor Front Wheel Bearings Repack Labor STATE MOTORS, INC 340 N. High PACKARD DEALERS 12.00 3.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 JUfT IN Our new collection of BATON'S FINE ii-iflfTJH, PAPERS AfONS FINE3 Sa until you se whot creative styling can do for writing paperl Among trie wonderful new Eaton letter paper fashions you'll find one (or laverall thot mirrors you your personal style, your good taste, your appre ciation of quality. The people you write to read to smart writing paper quite as much, and In the same way, as they do to you In your most ravishing hall We have e large, beautifuHy-bosed collection el new Eaton fashions Iron which to mate your choice. dm PorYou 2 extra cakes Toilet Superbe Soap with every box of 8 cakes . r- irtfere't your chance to try Wr ouisJniT! this finest of all Toilet Soapi at e pedal saving. Yon 11 marvel at the luxurious lather and long lasting economy of this wonderful soap. Your choice of six lovely fragrance- Pine, Carnation, Lavender, Bouquet, Apple Blossom, and Gardenia. for box of 10 Buy yours today ulsen COUt 4 tOMMKCUM . fV WfO'CAl CINTf! IIANCH berST opt rat mom FRED MEYER FOR THRIFTY BUYERS CARLOAD CANDY SALE "50 THOUSAND JARS" HIGHEST QUALITY 39c each Reg. 69c ONE FULL POUND JARS HARD CANDY 3 for $1.00 Your Choice of 4 Flavors Satin Peppermint Pillows Lemon Drops Raspberry Tarts Midget Fruit Balls .KD MEYER CANDY AND DRUG Fred Meyer Drug Reg. $2.39 "Jug-full" Picnic Jug Keeps hot or cold . .' $1.89 Reg. $1.25 Absorbine, Jr., 4 oz. for tore muscles, limit one at 53c Reg. 19c Worthy Aspirin, 5 grain, quick relief 9c Reg. 13c Fred Meyer Mercurochrome, Vi oz T Reg. 10c Picnic Cups, Plates, Sandwich Bags and Wooden Spoons Jc, J for 15c Reg. $1.50 Elmo Hormone Cream, keep your skin young & healthy. . . .90c Reg. $1.00 Daggett & Ramidell Deodorant, be safe, don't offend 69 C Reg. S9e Pebeco Toothpaste, TWO FOR ONE SALE 2 tubes 59c Vacation Luggage Specials $15.00 Overnight Case ,., $10.95 $25.00 Wordrobette CaseUrtfcroomy $19.95 $25.00 Hat or Shoe Box $18.95 First Quality Construction Choice of Color Fred Meyer Candy "Holiday Candy Combination" 2 Mb. boxes for ONLY $1.83 Reg. $1.00 box Fifth Avenue Home Made Candy, V Of" Reg. $1.00 box Fifth Avenue Chocolates BOTH FOR P I.OD All Brands Fresh Chewing Gum, box or 20 ONLY 65 C All Popular 5c Candy Bart 6 for 25 C. box of 24 95c Fred Meyer Bakery Reg. 5c Danish Coffee Cake, individual filled coffee cake topped with vanilla icing 6 for 25t Reg. 20c Honey Bran Bread, a moist loaf filled with plump juicy raisins ond sweetened with honey SPECIAL 15c loaf Fred Meyer Photo Reg. $5.95 Eversharp Pen and Pencil Set in Gift Box $2.89 Reg. $8.75 Eversharp Pen and Pencil Set, ideal graduation gift ? Reg. $4.54 Ansco Panda Camera, for beginners or old timers $4.14 Reg. $9.98 Spartut Full Vue Camera, would moke a lovely gift $7.98 Fred Meyer Auto Supply SPECIAL SALE PRICE Vi H. P. Franklin Motor TXM $7.25 Reg. $2.95 Offiet Handle Casting Rod, just one of our tackle values $1.88 Reg. $9.95 Fisherman's Wading Boots, Flyweight, Hip Length, 6 to 1 2 $8 88 FREE Wooden Mallet with purchase of any Wood Chisel at 45c to $2.50 HAMMER SPECIAL Values to $1.45 Buy several at only 59 c Baseball Gloves, All types reg $1.98 to $10.95, reduced to $1.50 to $5.48 Reg. $1.98 Jiffy Tent Use as pup tent or tarpaulin $1.00 Downstairs Variety Reg. 35c Hand Towels Terry cloth, '.5x28, soft & absorbent . . .2 'or 33 C Reg. 1 0c Woih Cloths Generous size, choice of color 2 'or 1 5 C Reg. 35c Juice Pitcher Brightly decorated, half price at 19c Reg. 49e 3 pe. Mot Set Protect your table from hot dishes 29 C Reg. $1.19 Percolator Triple coated enamelware 6 cups 77 C Reg. 11c Light Globes Discontinued line in 25 W only 6 'or 29c Reg. 79e Waste Basket Sturdy all metal, decorated 49 C Metal Cemetery Vases Flot bottom or pointed type, painted green. .25C Fred Meyer t Hit Mm x.7 148 N. LIBERTY