4 13 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, May 23, 1949 OCT STA&TEQ C8UNCH WEVE RADIO PROGRAMS Peddler of Dreams only an hour befor6 oavw and disposing of roper and URS. SCHVETKA WHX TAKE SOME Tl MONDAY P.M. By PEGGY DERN Chapter 11 Two laye later Oarrett camt to her triumphant. a great pile 01 manuscript In tali hands. "Well, hera It It, Flits THE boko! Now that I've Ilnlshtd 11. L'm almost afraid to mall it," he aonfessed. The manuscript looked very Im pressive in lta thick brown envelope, lth three even more lmpresaive looaing blobs of red sealing wax on the back flap, and addressed in Oarretfa dashing hand to one of the leading publishers In New York Garrett was keyed up, excited, lie Insisted that Felicity come with him into town to mail the book. "This calls for a celebration, PUss." he told her. "Get Cornells to give the children their lunch and we'll have lunch In town and go to a movie. This is an Oc casion!'' "Go ahead, Fllss," coaxed Cor nelia. "I'll manage swell and you deserve a treat. Please go!" And so Felicity, donning her very best dress, tucked herself into the car beside Garrett and they drove an to town. When Oarrett had seen the last f his precious package, he cradled renciiy s eioow in nts palm, drew her close to him and bent his handsome head above her. There i a look in his eves that brouaht her heart trembling Into her inroat. "And now, when do we go from here? You're the boss. Luncheon here or across the bridge?" he de manded recklessly. Felicity gasped at the bare thought. "Luncheon at that cafeteria down on Clematis street," the told him firmly. "Cafeteria? But, my darling this Is an Occasion! There's t place on the other side a patio in one or inose quaint little court yards they call Via Parlgl. or some thing, where there are cobblestone lor pavement and green gras thrusts up between the stones. In the center there's a very old tiled fountain where there are tropica! lines ana goioiisn tnat weigh pound or more, and beds of flow ers around the walls" he began "And where the tip for the wait er would be more than the price of a full meal for both of us at the eafeteria." she cut In swlftlv. "You win. darling." he said after a moment, "its wnat you want, always, darling from here on out." Luncheon proved to be excellent and Felicity enjoyed the feellnt of leisure and elegance brought on by the knowledge that she wouldn't have to clear the table or wash the dishes. Impishly she confessed as much to Oarrett. who studied her for a moment and demanded, "Fllss. are you a fraud? A lovely, darling fraud who Just pretends to Ilk the way you live?" "Of course not, Oarry. she an rwered. "Of course I'd like the children to have a real home, with oh, with a garden to keep, and a baclt yard to play In. and all that. But I don't mind a bit anything except washing dishes. Isn't that a shameful confession? All these rears when I've done It and yet I've never learned to like it." Then Just as soon as we're married." Oarrett said firmly, "I'll nave an eiecinc aisn-washlng ma chine Installed In the kitchen, and learn to operate It myself." Felicity wns startled Into a mo mentary revelation. Something he saw in those startled brown depths made Oar rett say very low, his voice not at all steady. "Didn't you know, Fllss?" 'Know what?" she atammered her voice so shaken that It was Ittle more than a git of words. "That I love you. of course, dar ing" There t a breathless moment ftn which all time stood still and the rattle and clash of noises In the eafeteria seemed to be merelv he ringing of tiny golden bells In her heart. And then she said aortiy, "No T didn't know." Oarrett smiled faintly. 'Then you'd probably be the only person Vl ow world who dldn t know, he said. "Ma Green Jay even Mrs. Fleming." He looked swiftly about the place and chuckled, "Olve me credit fr a soul filled with romance, sweet." he said. "1 always seek the most romantic .wsslbla apott in which to propose o my girl. I had it all planned out. A certain lovely, secluded -pot beside the ocean: a full moon he air soft with flowar-acents and :he tang of the tea. And I was going to say It in words so beautiful that you could never forget them as long aa you lived." "I never can anyway I" said Fe llclty huskily. "And this la Just as romantic a spot at I could have wanteo. on, oarry, are you sure?" Her voice pleaded for reassurancr of something to lovely that the could hardly make herself believe it. "I was never so sure of anything In my life, my dearest tweet." he said, hit eyes adoring her, "Marry me tomorrow 7 "But you know I can't marry you. There are the children. Garrett thrust his fingers through hit hair in a little characteristic geature that the loved. Suddenly he shoved back his chair, helped her to her feet and as they walked out, he said grimly, "There's a way. litres got to be a way. I suppose you wouldn't consent to marry me and bring the children, too? I'm pretty crazy about that ramiiy or yourt. you know. Felicia shook her head and. though there were tears in her eyes, she managed a smile as she answered. "That wouldn't work out. The children would feel In your way. and that would make them unhappy." "It's got to. There's got to be a way! And I'll find It, Just aa toon aa my book la accepted I" To Be Continued) I'pfr5 UC: SCHOOL OF OL OF 1 j 9 SCHOOL OF H chiropody J irocA p 1 ' " -i'",-w.,-.. ,-. I I I N8KistsXa 'T- ' 'f '(fji BUT WHOEVER. TBUT HE-RlTT! WftlT ! LOOKiTrKTROCKS-- 'f' V I WOW! rVt NEVER THTWtUL MAN r TWSS GOT HM- OUT HERE, AHO I II RABBITS RUN ANO CT ) Bp.R-B- BEEN 0 8LA0 TO WITH TH' CROOKED J WELL. H CT1LL J TOO FAST J II CAUGHT... GUCK 1 GET DOWN WHAT 6'5 I SEE DAYLIGHT! KNIFE WAS BAD LJ M M THEkE I "TO CATCH f I OUT O' EIGHTTILL WE'RE TROCVCSI I r EnoutiH ifc --liir gr Isurethcocct s clear- JL ! :MM jSPva VKmwlZJs t( 1 INVITED AlUCM AS A VEAU.AMBVS NKjllST THE SAME HE'S VERY M VOL) NEVER CAM N HTsS5 (TMEM.FANMV.) FREE COMCEkTJSOT ALL NICE ID ROSETTA-OOKTTVOU TEU ABOUT THAT 1 . TUOU6U1 mavbfN6111 twev S im THE-PARK RISUT-8UT HE , TMIWK THERE'S A CHANCE OLD SKIW-PUNT.ME UICES T ROSETTA AND AMfiv"0 OTHER) OR SOMETHING) TREATS IT f THAT HE MIGHT PROPOSE EAT, DRINK AND J WOULD BE J PLANS 7 s. SlMILARX CAREPULINO fft! 1 1 Iliiy-W TO MER.RUDVl liTF55lBE WARVI S M& MMm Lll H 37 1 My th' -V- -jVl! i I AND ANOTHER THING-) I DO VO' NO' STINGY, NICKEL-) ( fAS, SUM. Y VSoB.T-TH' 39-CENT "J tl ill r 5 7 V THIRTY- SO, IJ f DON'T OORRECK ME NURSIN'LOOT- TAKE THIS ". AH WEDDIN' IS KINDA J 11 I 1 I 3 I NIMt-CIMT Xt noW'T TFELL ( VJHLN AH MISPRONOUNCES STUPID CAL-fAW'Srtf 'OAaVW )f OFF.frWMlUXTlN'-BUT; T I?V I 111 1 1 . WtOOIN' iNLTED-)XVOPENAMES rH&SS , fl STUPID TPIARPW tO'-J DO ff J IT'S OEAT AS lll 111 tf L "AWRlGHT.'T'OrTHPT ilTy4,PABT0 THlS Sil-W -FO' YORE; LAWFUL. -Jgm ( BINDIN' ASTH' T a tmi-top dresa for tanning, a flare- ' r 'Lfc ti 1' back bolero for ouick cover-uo. For tffi ITW I !! 7 ( I Li fc! -. P fl JVM' "I girl's site, in same ttyl. order pat- I 'g 1 1 I I s- r-4 1 -Xy.-Vgfce 1017. I tern No. 3033. which cornea In tliea , ' ' 10 14' MADAM, I'M TAKING IT, OH!-' i THIRTY? V ESKIMO?- Y LAD IF YOURE llaS," tUe No. 3034 Is cut In size 13. 14. 1. a CENSUS' WHAT IS MARY ( i r,pfl THIRTY? OH TrtErJ 1 CERTAINLY NOT) ONLY THIRTY A W " U. 30. 36. 38. and 40. Size IS dress, M YOUR NAME VA 1DDI I A, . ,c-r V WHY DO YOO YOO MUSTA LIVEO VjP I The SUMMER FASHION BOOK T .rjY flh Vfitt Sm SflPl 5pS5JlM bestlln Summerfashlons? alf o- ''WhJ aOsT WL I ialTTil 3!lT 'wSt? is'LWE ' O signed with the simplicity that hft& f ikSSI W$T rx'W U? SrTOSVr &l- 'VSL fi I; J -' dir spells good style and easy sewing. 1 Ajrtr t-Mil -efjf I ist afV I '-7 r&Tl; Bl, V and with special attention to the . fj x-t,L. , A 4"J rJlJ.i'Y M lirm! IV Vp A 1 use bf cottons. Over ISO pattern J I t iiM ,.S (sv(7w ,o5IJSv . g I ft'I I 1C1;'1J jLCSivJi rlesljns for all agea and occasion. ( J T"Jfc jHj 'rSa A'fy!iihf&&& r-r- IBHIIlg, ll tliw l1 ,AC0VEREP FJ4P IV s -SS I COME ON.CHILPRENf TFjgW. P0VWPtfi'''l I Hll U I THOUGHT I TOLD VOlA I (VHAT TVvO KIPS? 3 fgft ' S Ji . a. .ii-rcou ..... - yL SJ' 1r-r Ml IKZJ) v aJk : jl Ji.h-' .,.M I lit -1". J A I J , Uollaa! I New iZiO ptne- 0 TCS7W (f. tlSS'M rV0 " ci X JcQ B I LL TEu. vou . I Tjrj design unusual and beautiful but 0 KTPTl Vs f WV cLrt PJL. 1 tst CJJ--Z 1 TON.GMT NEPwEw -1 : I f Uie plneaprJea are crocheted In i n 0) 1 t4JL' .lcrJt TTl vVx L I -LETS CO TO j 1 I I A J n'",nd '""ln manner. Finished tr- X. J tJTLl. AiVXt1-V Tj" V A BALL GAME ; tLT T 1 tlons. ttilon Illustrations, material I -, r-.- I LX -fr! I I X S JLI r . - w-. - t J. requirement and finishing dlrec- L iCr!"r1- 1 I . , m T 1 fO Efr) , I IV ',0n- ITdONT QUITt KNOW WKVl'M Wu1e BOlNO fT M WWMWl MJPWt AN EVtNjL r.0n1uTdV BtrV Vr 4 ,4 To obtain Wis pattern tend XV DOING THI4, MR. GRIENWOOO!-" ( BECAU6t 00 HAVE "WHAT CHANGE I NO J H HiiuS I "3 fSl t-A Willie 1N8 , pattern snH, HAV.N4 ANOFHCtR POINT TOVOURyrTcOMN lJ '(sfci- 1 1 1 1 c youi name, addreaa and tone num. NAME IN ACMEWIN6 0UM AD -jenh DASH-BLANK, S wiV I'M WW- r- HOUSE-TO-HOUSE PEDDLING. J I U ,,Vlsv I Tl ' " " P7 Roberts Capital Jour- M HARDIV CONSTITUTES AN rm V iti V Vi 1 MARY WORTH .'i . - xZV . -v . I f I W,WiX0Wv P I KSLM a. KGW KOCO .w KOIM a 5)M ruliM Levis jr. Wmii i iHitt tt i Mtrk tkrlMr ( Pram. glafr BMaar KHrtlM LtltU kw M PiMlm ParatJt N.wi ) CfwfcF . lb CBR tU Off C.TilHr Qrn MtW iMrt f.. Mwm Marw 4M Rihihii Mitlaftl lrM Calllifhl M ! iU HipargtiKti MiUiil IcIrM lllvar IUul.1, M Ccdi. MUaliiii vloa N.wi ctat HaaUtr ' T" M" rirtla a Wm tm ImMi N.wi 7'W'aabrlti Htallcr"" Ttlaaan Mar Brt It VU Tfcalra 1 North mi Ktwu TtlaaaMa Hear CcaiUat laiUtr Tatatra :M T A Dr. I. Q. Taa Taaalra ' TIA Dr. I. Q, Ta Bt,na Baala Thaatra 8 -M Antricaa Paraai CaataaUa Maar Tlaw Taaa Rha Mr frlaaa Irtaa il Aaarttaa raraai Caattala4 Maaf Tim Taaa Mr Prian Iraia :U Cliaa Kla ftaaia Cllv Tina Taaa B Hava laaw : Clita H flaraaaat Tim Taaa fhaa Baa Mawa laaw 9:M Lai Qaarta Da II RitHf Clab Bnataa LaU Taaaai Ul Oaarra Da It Nawa at WarH Nawa Jara Ha akav M Batrlack BalaiM Cavalraaa Daiaal Daaa Talaat IraaU tU Ban-la., Umtmm Ca?alaa Baaaaall Talaal IcaaU l :N Ntwi Ntva Baaaball Plva liar Plmai l:U Laaal Kawa aMru faa tlaal Baaaball laaar Baata 'If1! Na Maarr Braaaaa Baaaball laaar Baaalaai ' Maala Uaarr Braaaaa Baaaaall Ufa Daara n:M fallaa Lairta, Jr. taa Baraa Traek UM flartaaat :1ft Baa Paala Baa Carrtat Chala Traak MM Vaa ana WaH :M Bak Paala thta- Mail Maatraa Track lM Orrhaalrk Maala ftob Bala QaaHH Track 1IH Stmt !: Blia Off Ilia" Off alia Off alUal ' TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:43 P.M. 6:t Hadia Padga Nawi 16 Haara Pali KOIN Klark 10 Naiva KOCO Klark KOIN Klark :4I Hoa Podia KOCO Block KOIN Klack 7" Tm Nawa Parts Tlaia Taa Blllar KOIN Klaek ,m Nowa Tmrrn Tina Now raort Nrwa : Tl Tha 014 Inn Taa a Kara in Nrwa iU Nywt Ntwa Naa-a Fred Back E:M Nw Prc Warlnc Wailera Mrlodlci Comumcr Nowa " tlft Oani Fred tVarlai Waatcra . Mclsdlcs Arl Bakar :M Braakfaat Oaa Bldara af Ban Hotac Blatrrt Robrrl Lawla M I QB fradw Saw Way Cfcarrk lnWll Bohart Uwla -- Tm Bartala Coaalar HocendCup Haa af ! Fraluro Starr 1 1 Vlclar LladJahr floeaad Caa Hatra af Bcal Nrwa ;W "ana at Pioaoars Jack Barcfe ' Wilbaal Grand tlaa :4ft Mlt,t' icao W'orda Koieraary A :H "Bwaai Km N T Hoaarnooa Callat Caa Wendr Wirraa 111 lo ' Ba,U N namooai N-w- Baaart Aaat Jaaay 111 fMr C" Toairar Doraar Khaaoady Bhrlbai Haloa Traal " T :1ft Cbarllo gyufc Tomair Donay Bhaaiody Kb? tha, Oar Cal Baadar mm M ? Tomair DorVtT" CI"M WlB Bl ' ifir Taaiaiy Dorrray Parklaa rl :M u. "oL Taday'a Chtldraa ' w Maloao U:u Halli ftcraaada Brlihtcr Day Glata Wax Galdlat Llibl IA : I"!" rirB Daablo ar Nolklai Iaryboy'i Idcaa DaBMrintT 11 ' riM Doabu or Noiblat 0rt" " Cm" It .MM Qm Day Naira Ntwt Norab Draka J M Mucca for pay Llgkt af World Trd Plo Praaanta Makaa taa Tick M TrM Lift Baaatlfat Hollywood Haalc !nd Mrs. aartaoT1 It Ma Perk in Hollywood Maale rry Maaaa 10 i",h(-r",1 i. "rilM O Brl. ft... tft Bob Boorly Bhow u a aai a it Ftvorfcr- Alr-fla r' ,i0 UhnUm r..u. Baakatait Wilo Off tha tbalf Newayapar of Air ':IS Tall N?l.g.!,!l '' " " 8o,w Naw.papar ar Air ,M U.n. Lorenio Jonaa " - W Innar T.ko All " M Wlddor Brown Off tba Sbrlf Traaa. Bandatanj 3ttft alnit tha Horn A Girl Man-lea Claiilca New. :lft tialaat Iho Storta Parlla Paott Llfa Claaalei Tunefully Toan :M Aaroia Footllthta jott Pa)n Bill Day Draaa Maale Meat tba M Iliac Aaroaa Paatllakta pfnl Pan Parrall Day Drea Muaic Meat tho Mlaiaa 4;M Happy Gaas . Boad af Llfa Woaiaa'a Pan Art bar Godfrey""" IS Happy Gobi Lara Lawtoa Philosopher Arthar Godfrey Baan af Ticao Aant Mary Bpotllihl Maalo Arthar Godfrey :4S Ntwe Wa Love dr. Loam Spallltbt Maale Arthar Gadfray If FY tlrrtl VI.A can I :M. Jack. Araiatraan :M. Keaplnr Up With porta; :!. Baaia F.dittant 6:0, Cballaoic af Tukoai 1;M, Edwla C. Hill, 1:16, Blaier DaaUt T:M, Mr. Prealdeatt Laaa.Baareri t:M, Dreasi Girl; S:M, Arthar Gaotht t:M. Ballraad Boon ft;M. Ella Mao Marat, l:U, Heary J. Taylan l:N, BJebfleld Bepart ert 10:15, Intermetsoi 1B:M, Concert Haari ll:SS, Mr mo ta Tomorrow; 1X:M, Xtra Htari 1:M. Sin Off. lCY Taeadar A M ta 4:U P.M. M. C t Early Blrdi :, Kddla Araoldi T:W, McCall Nowai 1:1ft, Bob Jobaaoa; Bobert'a Alatanan 1:45, Tltat Teta- ; B:m, Myrt ana marie i a:io, jaartia Acronakyt a:!M, Kefco Mannarei ft:4B, Eaay Aceat :0fl. Breakfast Clnbi 1I:M, Newa 10:1ft, Start af Todari 10:30, Kay Kraert 11:00, Trd Melane; 11:15, Galea Drake) 1t;0, Betty Crtekari 11:15, Newai 1X:SU, Baahhan Taftklnn 1X:IS, Olab Tlmei 1:00, North wooteraera; l:ftt, Kay ICCSAC M" 9-m fjr i;W ni(rphant Clab; :, Newa i 0:1ft, Dinner Meladlaai f:fta. Mailt af Caeekoalorakiat 1:1ft, Bytalu Paraj Boar; S:M, Satrtt llaie; ft :1ft, Caaa aa Rtcltali l:U, World ta Btviewt t:M, Maalt That Indareat ft: It, Medltatltati lft:M, Ilia Off. (Llated at Standard Time) ffCkC ratauaa a ta. la p.ai.i T VnW It Nawti 10:1ft. Par Watjtai 10:10, Paycbolan af Family 11 :M, Coa etrt Ball. IS:00, Newat lt:lft, Noon Porta Haari 1:M, Bldt 'tea Cowboy; 1:1ft, Tar Itty Tlaaoi l:ftO, Melody Lanti l:M, Warld It Onr Affair; t:M, Bookai 1:45, Orecoa School af tha Alri S:M, Newa. Woati :, Braakfaat la Hollywood; t:. Ladlat Be Seated; JI:M, Sarprlea Packato; t:M, Bride and Groom i 4:00, Waleaaat Trayolera; 4:M, Art Linklattar. The world's wettest spot is along the Assam hills in north-: east India. There the deluging rainfall amounts to 50 or 60 feet a year, compared with a higher-than-average rate in the United States of only 50 inches. ACROSS L Soma ft. Hijrh batted ball t. Spreads to dry U. Genua of shrubs IS. Short for a Brasiliaa city 14. Region 15. Pertainins to . river banks 17. Soft Inner part of a stem 11. Modified form of Esperanto II. ftowlnjr Im plement Jfl. Carry 11. Bark 3. Dittanl IS. PltTthlntT 2. Pen 30. Heatad pliea 11. Tilt 12. Diseaat et cereal Rrasaea SI. East India weight 14. Open vestal 35. Conflict 16. Land meattir 37. Concealed IL Expressaa la wordt II. Chicken on- - closure 41. Pointad tool 41. Dried ffraaa 41. Child's toy baby 41. Mountalnaart AClTAR0jTltlLTMl P eTa 1 1 a ul I i ' I My t A TlgjAyNAicHTir A T P u .7 at isjhgsjaj uaI BEI Wi 1 SgBi -l g A IWlTp Tjcni Inuiw eBp O N A A,USBt1r: E eTBw K T MiA TiEQg AESqM t W.a i iFeidQp iiy g Ca 1 " "HT i IiJaEI QUuIiIPt1r1a1 Altt 0!Ai?nAfilHTT R A PUiTElNEU8lAP Solution af Saturday's Puzsle 14. Hebrew vlunJ 41. Among ending: 41. Piled Ift. Great Lako II. Garden dlvlalana II. Native metal U. Glacial rldsea Jj w t I I I ify 1 I M I A Newpfeaf vret DOWN L Persian alf I. Greedy I. Newspaper employee 4. Chinese pajroda, t. Whit patch on a printed P I. Prevaricator 7. Distant I. Candle I. Silkworm 10. Rock debrla 11. Czechoslovak Ian meaaurt) of length 11. Bellow !o. Large Inlet 2:. Eternity 21. Dude !S. Lgnd IS. Genim of th rose S7. Vanquish 21. Metal 29. Slouch hats 11. Urchin S2. Furtive 34. Apple seed 36. Peaceful 37. Contains M. Pigs 4. Foirl-tmelltng 41. Winglike 43. Melody 44, Belgian river r. Light touch 41. Ancient fine for murder 47. Javanese grackla ROOM AND HOARD By Gent Ahern - .... TVERES Only OnS T ME 24 ALBEADr . XfGNS- w t3 SNTWAIN J VI SON IS SO FAR HISA. ANOTMIS ( SIGHTED. I HAVE ID will BE I view The Game from f 5 WNOSfi A DISTANCE SO IF MX) WATCH THE Game FROs a FRiENDS ROOFTOP ACROSS THE STREET FROW CENTER FIELD CATCH IT ON TSLKVISOH JUCXiE (