fv7") Salem Memorial Hospital Shflr : ut ci d..li impruTcmcni) Jiiuwn ruuiib Br CHRIS KOWITZ A cheery atmosphere throughout, the very latest in scientific equipment, ultra-cleanliness and dozens of innovations aimed toward patient and visitor comfort. These were among the impressions gleaned by nearly 1000 persons who visited Salem Memorial hospital's open house Sunday afternoon 'American Father of 1949' "American Father of 1949," William Casper Peter, 78, (seated, front), farmer of Lock Haven, Pa., is shown with his 10 daughters and eight son after being named by National Father's Day committee. Front row (from left), Florence, Pauline, Leona, Peter, Helen and Margaret. Middle row (from left), Ralph, fAary, Alice, Betty, Cora and Olive. Back row (from left), Frank, Jesse, Harvey, Harry, Lester, Ele'ry and Charles. (AP Wirephoto) East Salem School Voters rShow But Little Interest East Salem Although the number of voters out for the school election on Friday was larger than it is for some school elections it was a small percent of the registered voters in the four dis tricts voting at East Salem polling place, the C and K lumber yard office. They are the suburban communities and those that were consolidated wun oaiem.'s- 24, about two years ago It was the first election that all registered voters could vote, with property ownershio not considered, but the clerks, who have been on the election boa'd .i for several years, and know the most of the property owners re port very few non-property owners take advantage of the privilege. Auburn district has been divi ded into two precincts, those west of Lancaster Drive 57. and 22 of the voters voted; Auburn to the east, 63, only 8 were out; from what is now called East Salem precinct, 54, the Rickey and Four Corners, there were 37 voters; from the new Engle wood precinct 80, there were 18; from the old Engiewood pre cinct, 66, there were 13; from the older Fairgrounds Road, or Middle Grove, there were 15; the new Hayesville precinct, 72, there were 2, making a total of 113, with 37 the largest num ber from any one. The vote on the tax issue was 63 against the issue ana su lor ana lor accept ing the two districts, 67 for and 42 against. Working at the polls were Mrs. Harvey Meyer, Mrs. Elmer Baker, Mrs. John Cage and Mrs. William Hartley. Mrs. Arlo McLain was host ess for the Monroe avenue sew ing club this past week with those present, Mrs. Loren Rich ey, Mrs. Henry Hanson, Mrs. Barney Kenny and Cathy, Mrs. Stuart Johns, Mrs. C. A. Bar bey and Ann, Mrs. Wilfred Wil ier and Fred, Mrs. Paul Gilmer and Lee Ann, and guests, Mrs. S. W. Burris and Mrs. Charles Gilming. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hanson spent the past week-end in Portland visiting at the home of his brother, Bernard Hanson and family. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gilmeron, Monroe avenue, were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gilmer, sr. Rafcliffs to Visit In British Isles Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ratcliff of Salem will leave Boston June 30 for London via Pan - American Airways. They will join their nephew, William J. McReynolds, who has been serving two churches in the bombed district of London . During July and August the family will travel in the British Isles. The Ratcliffs will leave Salem Thursday by automobile, and visit relatives and friends en route east. They will be accred ited visitors at the international conference of Congregational churches to be held in Wellesley in mid-June. During their four months ab sence the Ratcliffs' home will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Dewey A. Rand. Allison Named Clerk Amity The Amity Union high school board has elected Lawrence Allison, as elerk, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Henry J. Richter, who had served as elerk the past 15 years. Roses Invited By Corvallis Corvallis is inviting rose growers from throughout tne Willamette valley to compete in its free rose show June 11 tnd 12. Fourteen trophies are being offered in the 1949 edition of this annual event sponsored by the Corvallis Men's Garden club. There are separate classes for experienced amateurs and for beginners. Classes for flow- arrangements are included in addition to the numerous rose classes. Detailed show schedules can be obtained on request from the Corvallis Chamber of Com merce. In general, the rose classes call for single blooms, three blooms, five blooms, or 12 blooms. The three-bloom or five bloom entries must be of one variety; the 12-bloom entries may be mixed. Entries must be brought to the Franklin school building in Corvallis on North 18th street between 7:30 a.m. and noon on June 11. The show will be open to the public without charge from 2:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. on June 11 and from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on June 12. Last year's show attracted over 500 entries from through out western Oregon and south west e r n Washington. C. L. Smith, show manager, is antici pating an even larger number of exhibits this year. The hospital has within the past 18 months spent $75,000 to ward the improvement of its building and facilities, and Sun day's open house provided the general public with an opportu nity to see what's been done. And everyone who toured the South Winter street plant agreed that the money has been well spent. It isn't necessary to enter the building to observe that prog ress is being made. Landscap ing of grounds, paving of the parking strips and exterior paint ing give the hospital a neat, clean appearance to the passerby. Paint has not been spared within, either. All wards, pri vate rooms, halls, surgery rooms, etc., have recently been given a paint Job. Use of plas tic curtains and bright wallpa per undoubtedly boost the morale of any patient during his stay at the hospital. Visitors Considered Tile floors have been added in some departments, and new linoleum in all other parts of the building. V i s i t o r s' waiting rooms have also been brighten ed by the use of new floor cov erings, cheery wallpaper, new lamps and chairs, etc. Major improvements have been made in surgical and chem-1 ical departments. Salem Me morial has spared nothing in; providing up-to-date equipment! for nearly every type of treat-! ment. Three completely rebuilt and! re-equipped surgery rooms not only boost the most modern equipment, but also are arrang ed in the most convenient man ner for the working doctors and nurses. Much new equipment, including $2,000 worth of in struments, has been added. A darkroom for the develop ment of X-ray pictures has been installed near the surgery rooms, so that X-ray photos may be developed and returned to the surgery room in quick time. Of special interest to open house visitors Sunday was the ranging of the kitchen, adding, Capital Journal. Balem. bake ovens, refrigerators and! other labor-saving devices; con- Earlv Corn Shnuinr Oresrnn, Monday, May 23, 1949 11 verting the present wood heat mg system to oil; reorganizing the laundry with addition of an automatic passenger elevator. physio therapy treatment room, the only one in Salem. In that department are machines so in tricate that only an expert can operate them. A special operating room for kidney and bladder cases is an innovation. The maternity unit has been completely remodeled, even to the enlargement of the area where expectant fathers pace away those last few hours. The remodeling of the maternity unit has cut down on bed space, but has greatly improved the all around efficiency. Twenty-five babies can be handled at one time without over-crowding. The hospital takes particular care in enforcing strict rules of cleanliness. A special wash room for doctors and nurses is included in the main building. Here each doctor and nurse must wash for 10 minutes, then steri lize in a spray of alcohol before I beginning work. ! More Improvements Coming I Improvements at Salem Me-1 morial are still to come, assures! the 12-man board of directors headed by Mel B. Rudd. Among contemplated projects are the complete remodeling and rear-1 Grand Islana 'Iweniy acres of early sweet corn ai the Worth Wiley farm In the Grand Is land dictf-if i thrit.inM i. . ..uu,, on i me .j.vuu:more than six spent up to now has been raised by the hospital through the liquidation of property and the gifts of individuals, the Salem hosptal development program will provide finanoial assistance for future improvements. spite the continued cool spring. Crops are well advanced for thia time of year. The South Pole is on a pla- inches tall, de- teau nearly 10,000 feet high. for oa exttmolly caused l:M,M'Ull'.M,i Cuticuri Soap it "i dif ferent, medicated. Then apply Cuticuri Ointment to help relief externally earned pimplea and rashes, remove black heads. Citticura often tat lafiea when othera dis appoint. Buy todav. DUTCH BOY PAINTS KEM-TONE WOODROW'S 450 Center Sr. Phone 22476 FREE FREE INSPECTION We will have two front end specialists on our service floor for a limited time only. Drive in and let them give your car a complete steering and front end align ment check. They will also check the front tires for balance and proper tire wear. Feel assured your car is safe for the highway before you take that vacation trip! We have just recently installed the very latest front end testing equipment available for your convenience. REMEMBER ITS FREE The Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 510 North Commercial St., Salem, Oregon Stop itching dry Grapes sold for $3.50 a pound recently in Sevenoaks, England. ITCH:: AAnrtlMBiCBt (Scablss) Is hlrfalf an tarteaa and ! I Unas far Hfa U IslMwd. tta tola mum If lb Heh wbfefe It Inunano to art in a rr Iraalaasta. Ei OKA kllla tha Heh aatta almaal Instant ly. Only throa dan EXSOBA trsatMSBl U repaired. As rant Nearest PHED MEYER Drai eetioB Hall Ordars Glraa Praatrt Attention 1 INSURANCE AD-VICE If you oppreeiatt friendly service and eompetent insur ance advice try your GENERAL OF AMERICA AGENT. In Salem it's CHOCK P INSURANCE I SALEM AND COOS BAY CUSTOMER PARKING AT OUR NEW LOCATION 373 No. Church St. v Dial 3-91 19 Complete Set DOOR LOCKS LATCHES Entire Two-Bedroom Heme for $28.50 Each Set This Offer Good For One Week Only THE PRICE IS IN THE DOORS! 2-Panel, Fir, Interior. Perfect For Painting 2'0"x6'8"xl-38" 2'6"x6'8"xl-38" 2'4"x6'8"xl.38" 2'8"x6'8"xl-38" HL60 SJlSii NOW! C I V f Far Iba airlr blrdi f I I XasWr Sacra area S a.ai. am I a am l I X tJclIU a I thousands have called in . , . written in . . . demanding a repeat of this sale . . . So . . . for a limited number of days its "2 for ex actly the price of 1." LEON'S Buy the first pair at the regular price ... get the second pair FREE! . . . GOVERNMENT SALE BUILDINGS and FIXTURES (for It a mo vol and Off -Sit Um Only J at VANCOUVER BARRACKS, Vancouver, Wash. Bids are invited for the purchase and removal of the following described buildings with their presently contained fixtures now located at the above site: 60 structure!, consisting of barracks buildings, warehouses, garages, officers' quartan, and other miscellaneous buildings. SUBMISSION OF BIDS: All bids must be submitted on "Bid Form No. 3502 This lorm describes the property, states the terms and conditions of sale, and provide! instructions on how to bid. "Sale No. 3S02" and "Bid Opening Date: 10:00 a.rn.. June U, 1949," muit be plainly marked in the lower left hand corner ol the envelope in which the bid is enclosed. Bids received which are not so identified will oot ba considered, but will be returned to the bidder. PRIORITIES; This orTerinjr is subject to priorities in this order: (I) Federal Government Agencies: (2 State and Local Governments; (J) Non-profit Institutions. These priorities expire at 4:30 p.m. (Pacific Daylight Saving Time), June 2, 1949. IDS FROM THE GENERAL PUBLIC: Bids from the general public will bo received at the Office of Real Property Disposal, War Assets Administration, 1319 Second Ave., Seattle 1, Wish., until 10:00 a.m. (Pacific Daylight Sav ing Time), June 13, 1949, at which place and time they will ba publicly opened and read. INSPECTION OF PROPERTIES: Inspection msv ba aa.de by contacting Mr. Fred Garner, Building 740. Vancouver Barracks, Vancouver, Wash., or J hone Vancouver 3576. Monday thru Friday. 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Pacifis aylight Saving Time). Thia advertisement is not a basis (or negotiation and War Assets Administration reserves the right to consider all bids in the light of the applicable objectivea of the Surplus Property Act, as amended and to reject sny or all proposals. The required "Bid Form No. 3502" and further information mar be obtained ....vU,. ... wi rtupcriy, uiy sccona avc, aeatiie i, wun.. by contacting E. B. Herron, Project Mananer, War Xssets Administration, Swan Island, Portland, Oregon, or Mr. Fred Garner at site. L 1319 Second Ave. Seattle 1, Wash. Southern Bicific More room for The Southern Pacific ticket office is travel headquarter! for summer vacation tripe. We offer a wide choice of destina tions and will gladly plan your trip from beginning to end. We have fine accommodations to suit every taste, and we can tailor trips for every pocketbook. See California on your trip EAST.. . no oxtra rail fare On your roundtrip to Chicago, New York and moot other eastern deeti nation you can go or return via San Francisco and Loa Angela for no more rati fare than it coats to go straight Eaat and hark. In effect you get two tripe for one see twice as much double the variety and intereat of your trip. If you're going to New York or other east ern seaboard cities, you can include colorful New Orleans and the Old South on your roundtrip for no added rail fare! Stopover anywhere. Ride famous trains. Including de luxe streamliners. Chicago ROUNDTRIP IN CHAIR CARS 25 plus federal tax San Francisco Ride in comfortable chair cars or tourist Pullmans on the popular economy tram Th Bfatmr, or in the de luxe all-Pullman Conrad. Leave this after noon arrive flan Franciaco lunch-time tomorrow. Los Angeles Ride the TVear Coart, through train no change of care en route. Improved chair care, standard and tourist Pullmans. Or atop over in flan Franriaro snd ride the famous streamlined Daylight along California's count between San Francisco and Loa Angelea. If yao fioiv SANTA BARBARA, MONTEREY, YOSE MITE, CARLSBAD CAVERNS ( humirxi. of oth Uon plana, 1st ns show yon how omforUMf' and nuoiiably rou mn ffO by trala. room your money The big advantage of the train b room room to stretch your lege, room to walk around, room to eat in comfort, room to sleep, room for xtra luggage. Kids Welcome Children under 6 ride free on 8. P. trains from A to and including 11, half fare, when accompanied by an adult. Each child gets a seat regard lees of age. Ride fhe Irain and have a car tool You can take your vaoation trip on a comfortable S. P. train, aave your self a long auto trek and ham a Int model ear waiting for you at your dntination, in drum ynurlf. Cost? Surprint ngly low. Bee your 8. P. gent for details of the Rafl-Anto Travel plan. Take a trip NOW ...pay later Now you ceo buy a vacation trip for yourself and family just tike you would a car or refrigerator. Aak about our RAIL T RAVE LOAN SERVICE. Tha frltndly Southern Pacific C. A. LARSON. Asm I Phone J 8244 Why drive oil over town shop KEITH BROWN f