MT. ANOEL COURT: Salary of Justice .....8 Fee Of JUSUC 13-40 Fe of Jurors 9 00 Fees of Witnesses 3.70 Miscellaneous Bond Touu as 10 MT. ANOEL JUSTICE COURT CONSTABLE: Salir of Constable I Fee of Constable 1.70 Travel Expense Civil Travel Expense Criminal Bond ToUU I 1.70 SILVERTON JUSTICE COURT JUSTICE: Salary of Jiutict I Salary oi Clerk Fee of Justice Fee of Juror , Fee of Witnesses Fees of Reporter , Official Bond ( Miscellaneous , Rent Office Supplies Expense Total SILVERTON JUSTICE COURT CONSTABLE; Salary of Com table I Fee of Constable 78.00 Travel Expense Criminal Travel Expense Civil Office Supplies ft Expense Bond Premium ,. Total I 11.00 STAYTON JUSTICE COURT JUSTICE: Salary of Justice 8 Salary of Stenographer Fee of Justice 04.30 Fees of Jurors 10.60 Feet of Witnesses , 9 00 Miscellaneous 1.00 Bond Rent Fostaie ft Stationery . Totals t 1170 STAYTON JUSTICE COURT CONSTABLE: Salary of Constable I Fees of Constable 30 JO Travel Expense Civil Travel Expense Criminal Office Supplies ft Expense Bond Totals WOODBURN JUSTICE COURT JUSTICE : Salary of Justice t Salary of Secretary Feva of Justice .... FeesVof Jurors .... Fees aw Witnesses rees oi VRcporw Official T-Bond . MlsceUaneitflua gup. ft Exp. Kent Office Eq-LlpBient Totals WOODBUB Salary of Cl Fees of Oor lit nee 0 00 too 10.00 35.00 woo 00.00 180.00 130.00 toioo 18.00 140.00 478.70 1.00 30.80 14.30 100.4 10.00 10.00 8.10 110.00 170.00 .8 .4 118.10 t 058.00 too 77.90 38.00 MM 840.00 88.T0 300.81 87.35 18.10 30.03 140.00 117.10 I 1.81418 I 480.00 168.33 80.03 jo. a t 1,100 00 600.00 78.00 100.00 35.00 3S.00 80.00 480.00 100.00 8 3.886.00 I too 00 380.00 360.00 WOO 10.00 3 1,180 30 t 130.00 8 1.464.00 1 140.00 138.00 40.00 10.00 JUSTICE COURT CONSTABLE: tt able itoole Travel Expfln Civil .... Travel Expnt Criminal Totals JUVENILE! COURT: Salary of juvenile Officer .... Salary of 1 Asst. Probation Off. Salary oft Clerk Transportation Telephone ft Telegraph State Industrial Accident Ins. . Miscellaneous Supples Posate ft Express Juvenile Hospital Of rice Equipment NeW Car Totals I OFFICE OF COUNTY RECORDER: Salary of Recorder Salary of Chief Deputy Salary of Deputy Salary of Deputy Salary of Deputy Salary of Deputy Salary of Deputy Postage ft Express Office Supplies Telephone ft Teleiraph Official Bond Photostat Supplies Miscellaneous State Industrial Accident Ins Office Equipment Total REGISTRATIONS A ELECTIONS : Salary of Election Clerk t waars oi Reft, at Eiec. cierxs Fees of Election Judges ft Clerk 7,031.96 E'ection Supplies Rent of Polling Place Canvassing Vote Drayase Postage Registration Supplies Fees of Registrar Miscellaneous Equipment Total OFFICE OF COUNTY SHERIFF TAX Salary of Chief Tax Deputy Salary of Tax Deputy (Cashier) Salary of Tax Deputy Salary of Tax Deputy Salary of Tax Deputy Extra Clerks ft Overtime Salary of Bkking Machine Oper Salary of Asst. Mecmne oper Salary of Ass't. Cashier Postage ft Express Office Supplies ft Expense Traveling Expense Official Bond State Industrial Acc. In Advertising Telephone and Telegraph Office Equipment Total OFFICE COUNTY SHERIFF TAX DEPT. Equipment OFFICE OF COUNTY SURVEYOR: Salary of Surveyor Salary of Clerk Office Supplies and Expense Telephone ft Telegraph State Industrial Accident Ins Official Bond Index Traveling Expenses Miscellaneous Total OFFICE OF COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERIN Salary of Superintendent Salary of Supervisor , Salary of Supervisor Salary of Deputy ft Attendance Salary of Clerk Postage ft Express Office Supplies A Expense Telephone ft Telegraph Institute Fund Esam (Testing Program) Official Bond Suut. ft Truant Officer Travel B Supervisor's Traveling Expense Miscellaneous Rint State Industrial Accident Ins Office Equipment Totcls :. . RURAL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD: 4-H Club A-em Clerical H.r.' , Traveling Expense ... Material ft fxnen , Telephone ft Telegraph Bars ft Girls 4H Club Fairs ft Tours .... Equipment . . Rent Payments to!on Service Tote Is HOME D2M0NS TRATION AOENT C.crlcr.l Hire T rave! In- Ixprnses Materia; ft Expense T-leppone ft Teleiraph Equipment Ront Payments to Extension Berries Totls OFFICE OF COUNTY TREASURER: S!sr oT Tie.-urer , rv of Deputy AavertUini . . Postage A Express Office Supplies A Expenses T'ephone A Telegraph , Tiavltai Expense Of licit! Bond Mt-cellsncooA RVoVrr I ha u ranee State Acctint Ins Orfce I(i incnt Totals VETERANS1 SERVICE OFFICE: Service Officer Secretary ....... Telephone and Telegraph S'.ipphffl r tae .... M 1 ETor-w I ie I u- r et Accident In. , O.flce I-ii-nfni Totals 3 I III H PROTECTION TO PERSONS ft PROPERTY: bVhp bounty ..... ...8 UN eVftter ot Weights ft Measure 781 71 .ite Industrial Ac Mien t In M crortlinlni 0 7IC1 Of COTTTTT SHERlFP-ttQAL DFJPT s y F.vntt i i tor m tt of " it- f Deputy Salary of Deputy ... , r Salary of Dpul? ...... eiur tt Denitt ..8 30.30 3 13.10 I 350.00 8 130.00 8 416.00 E: ..I I $ 8.038.00 3 U10OO 3, 330 .00 310.00 430.00 03.55 80.35 8.30 80.00 0.75 U.13 10.55 13.35 80.00 10.00 10.00 11.34 35.00 10 M .. 10.00 06.00 61.30 10.00 130.00 00.00 160.00 89.60 113.85 . 4 63.30 , 3 1U 05 8 3,341.39 I 1,031.40 8 1.950.00 BLE: , . I I 0 550.00 t 800.00 8 000.00 60.30 34.30 0.00 134 41 71.84 300.00 ,. 15.85 1666 10.00 . .3 50.30 I 34.36 I 707.00 8 167.50 6 610.00 ..I 3.400.00 t 3.700.00 I 1.040.00 8 1. 610.00 I 3,060.00 1.282.30 3,400.00 3,640.00 1,440.00 1,680.00 358.78 440.28 1,380.00 763.00 1,600.00 306.00 330.01 . 378.73 186.14 400.00 52.36 ' 111-16 165.66 74.71 100.00 .. 56.38 -75.83 100.41 141.31 36.75 6.03 150.00 37.70 82.84 101.84 61 87 75.00 16.08 16.50 30.00 101.00 20.00 436.75 180.50 1.438.44 I73.8T 1,500.00 141.00 13.05 160.00 500.00 095.78 700.00 ..$ 4,006.67 8 6,711.46 3 0.836.56 8 8,404.40 810.535.00 ..I 3,415.00 8 3,415.00 3 3,000 00 8 1,600.00 8 1.600.00 1,800.00 1,980.00 3.320.00 1.200.00 3.460,00 ,. 1.6S2.86 1,733.50 3,046.83 1,098.75 3,230.00 1,529.50 1,740.00 1,604.67 1,110.00 2.220 00 .. 1,433.46 1,673.00 1,805.50 1,050.00 2.220.00 ,. 1,034.91 1,642.50 1.S80.88 1,060.00 3,320.00 849.16 " 1,117.43 670.00 335.00 3.220.00 475.00 450.00 643.76 63 00 600.00 087.54 3.004.96 3,333.17, 136.47 1,200.00 ,. 79.20 75.55 64.46 46 80 96.00 ,. 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 ,. 4,211.10 3,270.90 8,314.30 1,853 35 4,000.00 34.30 27.30 394.51 51.46 100.00 3.23 4.87 113.00 . 931.33 366.31 500.00 ..116,530.35 111,361.03 130,643.31 810,163.85 633.671.00 ,.8 130.00 8 300.00 3 3,490 00 8 1.350.00 8 2,700.00 874.40 1,063.51 3,433.20 1,767.00 3,225.00 .. 7,021.56 4,371.68 8,503.48 5,738.64 10.000.00 975.70 1,723.43 1.664.67 1,513.33 3,000.00 883.50 512.00 1,073.50 645 50 1,100.00 205.60 103.3O 305.11 646.74 400 00 ,. 394.18 339.71 514.89 149.30 500.00 13.23 92.58 334.90 135.00 250.00 81.41 , 142.42 143.85 111.40 500.00 82.90 133.10 ' 430.60 113.60 400.00 5.69 49.36 62.46 17.43 150 00 178.30 4,718.34 870.00 3.100.00 ..110,737.17 8 6,999.10 111,676.08 111, 766.61 133,135.00 BPT: ..8 3,340.00 8 3.520.00 8 2.940.00 8 1,300.00 1 3,000.00 907.50 2,232.00 3,472.00 1,296.00 9,592.00 .. 1,440.00 1,988.28 8,260.00 1,800.00 2,400.00 .. 1.839.96 1,730.13 1,126.00 1,200.00 3.400.00 .. 1,839 96 668.21 765.00 047.80 3,400.00 889.66 3,125.08 4,839.16 3.668.90 8.200.00 .. 3,366.72 1,930.00 8,400.00 1,360.00 3,620.00 .. 1.336.00 1.316.00 1,236.00 3,036.40 L400.00 .. 1,700.44 1 1 MS. 56 1,468.16 1,591.39 3,000.00 132.78 395.50 66.74 20.50 100.00 10.00 36.00 40.00 464.81 138.00 157.83 186.37 29.04 32.85 75.33 60.23 100.00 75.00 76.99 63.00 46.05 100 00 . . 1.786.45 1,693.95 1,643.24 300.00 ..117,751.34 119,115.61 811,447.68 615.007.46 111,450,00 T: NEW ASSESSMENT ROLL EQUIPMENT 8 8 1 843.40 1 7.326.00 ,.6 3,400.00 2,400.00 3,600.00 1.600.00 3,600.00 1.980.00 1,050.00 3.100.00 378.19 366.00 363.06 191.79 600.00 61.10 78.00 100.10 11.35 100.00 17.18 18.04 5 00 68.76 90.00 200.00 300.00 .50 66.76 62.95 100.00 15.35 298.05 3.60 60 00 36.18 84.16 344.70 346 00 500.00 1 9.072.62 8 1.032.14 1 6,657.66 8 1.594 28 8 7,040.00 fTENDENT: ..1 2.415.00 8 3.415.00 8 3.600.00 8 1,600.00 8 3.600 00 .. 2,260.00 8,640.00 8,000.00 1,560 00 3,110.00 .. 1,850.00 S. 100.00 1.400.00 1,250.00 1.000.00 1.930.00 3,100.00 3,304.00 1,153 00 1,304.00 .. 1.318 00 1,738.67 1,956.00 1,050.00 2,100.00 336 28 315.00 160.00 , 256 00 200.00 629.10 1,084.89 642.43 1 766.22 750.00 163.48 137.16 313.66 96.70 150.00 194.00 13500 124.60 140.95 300.00 401.40 37.80 390.00 600.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6 00 846.20 361.64 . 381 46 110 80 400 00 396.50 466.06) 641.76 118.36 400.00 ,, 51 50 36.37 49.50 31.80 60.00 660.00 900.00 1,110.00 653 00 1,110.00 14.00 30.30 20.50 4.20 77.07 16 00 . 611,410.96 614,416.11 117,111.65 6 8,603 66 816,068.00 130.0t 10 00 5 00 10 00 36.00 180.00 10 00 15.00 33.00 8 3.700.00 600.00 15.00 50.00 460.00 100.00 8 4,160.00 8' 600.00 250.00 350.00 60.00 50.00 6 431.81 6 1.018 96 72TJ2 8 1.470.00 8 1,510.00 8 '8 1,378.00 $ 750.00 8 1.500.00 8 3.100.00 180.00 360.00 100.00 46.50 14.7 60.00 60 00 13.66 16.60 80.00 76.00 46.36 50.00 84.00 34.00 34.00 180.00 3 00.00 360.00 33.70 60.00 00.00 100.00 20.00 1000 36.00 1 1,820.00 420.00 35.00 36.00 180.00 3 1,570.00 1 600.00 300.00 15.00 26.00 8 640.00 6 3.180.00 3,000.00 1,560.00 400.00 100 .00 100.00 75.00 20.00 1.800.00 150.00 810,385.00 6 3. 600 .00 2,580.00 2,340.00 3,340.00 2.340.00 2,340.00 .00 600.0? 1.200.0C 100.00 15.00 4,000.0(1 100.00 SOO.OO 122.055.00 1 3.820.00 3.225.00 7.500.00 3.000.00 800.00 700.00 300 O0 250.00 253.00 400.00 150.00 600.00 818,895.00 8 3,120.00 2,712.00 2.520.00 2.520.00 2,520.00 4.500.00 2.640.00 2.520.00 2.520.00 1.800.00 2,400.00 50.00 390.00 100.00 100.00 300.00 130,612.00 8 2.586.45 1.600.00 3,320.00 600.00 100.00 35.0C 300.00 50.00 500.00 Estimated Fiscal Periods July 1, 1946 July 1. 1947 June 30. 1946 Salary of Deputy 1,994 39 Salary of Deputy 24.00 Salary of Deputy (NlshO Salary or Deputy Emergency Labor Fund Extra Deputy Uniform Allowance Criminal Deputy Detrolt-Idanhe Diet. Postage ft Express Office Supplies A Expense Telephone A Telegraph Traveling Expenses Criminal 104.04 383.26 330.33 1.334.95 Traveling Expenses Civil 1,330.32 Official Bond State Industrial Accident Ins Miscellaneous Radio Equipment ft Repairs Transportation Transports t ion Idanha-Detroit District Office Equipment .... New Cars New Car Idanha Detroit District 10.00 390.95 187.46 32.08 TotaU ,....117,307.94 RODENT CONTROL I 3)8.41 PREDATORY ANIMAL CONTROL ... .... I 840.00 RATION IN O BOARD 6 922.50 KEEP OREOON GREEN COMMITTEE ... 100.00 DEVELOPMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES: ADVERTI8INO 8 300.00 OFFICE OF COUNTY AOENT: Salary of Clark 8 Salary of Horticulturist ft Osst. Alent .... Office Supplies ft Expenses Traveling Expense Telephone ft Telegraph Equipment Payment to Extension Service 1,730.00 June 30. 1947 3.304.00 3,060.00 103.00 31583 392.46 1,460.75 1.825 56 35 00 451.86 1,003.20 5.39 122,383.16 I 189.79 8 1.335.93 I 100.00 8 300.00 8 June 30. 1946 1.576.96 3,35090 107 38 335 93 341.47 326 56 673 30 1,757.75 708.76 4.479.91 $37,193.71 t 147.36 1 1.306 37 3 100 00 8 300.00 8 July 1. 19 to Dec. 31, 1946 1.396.00 1.194.05 1.301.33 607.46 477 26. Estimated and Appropriated July 1, 194 to June 30. 1949 3.700.00 3.700.00 8,700.00 846 16 437.38 1,363.67 163.03 1,914.10 117,854 90 8 850.00 1 100.00 8 300.00 6 260.00 300 00 600 00 1.000 00 127,333 00 6 350.00 I 1,340.00 8 100.00 8 3.720 00 1,050.00 400.00 1.300.00 300.00 780.00 Estimate of Expenditures 1949-50 1.83000 1.820 00 1.820.00 1,200.00 250 00 3,820.00 450.00 3.000.00 123 00 500 00 375 00 115 60 300 00 600 00 1.000.00 500 00 300.00 8 200.00 8 4.000 00 1.050.00 500.00 1.300.00 350.00 600.00 Total! I 1,720.00 OFFICE OF COUNTY HORTICULTURIST: Payments to Extension Service 6 3,210.00 Totals 8 3.310.00 WILLAMETTE RIVER PROJECT 8 800 00 WATER MASTER 8 100.00 OFFICE OF COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER: Kl Public Health Physician II 8 4,921.03 K10 County Sanitarian 3.300.00 Kll County Sanitarian (City) . 3.000.00 K13 County Sanitarian (City) K13 Senior County Sanitarian (City) K14 County Sanitarian (City) K20 Co. Director of P. H. N. . K21 Co. P. H. N. (City) K22 Co. P. H. N, (School) .., (School) ... K33 Co. P. H. N. K24 Co. P. H. N. K25 Co. F K26 Co. P K37 Co. P. H N. K38 Assist. Co P. H N K39 Kellogg Supervising Co. P. H. K30 Kellogg Co. P. H. N K31 Kellotg Co. P. H. N K32 Kellogg CO. P. H. N K33 Kellogg Co P. H. N KM) Clerk-Stenographer II K31 Clerk-Stenographer I K32 Clerk-Typist I K53 Clerk-Typist I K34 Clerk-TPlst I K60 County Health Educator Rent Printing Post, ft Oft. Supp. Etc. , Laboratory X-Ray ft FIuotifcope Tranfportatlon (2,000.00 Kellogg) Medical Service Dental Service . ., Medical Supplies State Industrial Accident Ins Retirement Rodent Supplies ft Expenses Clinical Psychiatrist K65 Office Equipment New Car (County) New Car (Kellogg) Totals OARBAOa riSPOSAL HERD INSPECTOR: T.B ft BANOS DISEASE TE3TINO FEES ...112,031.30 INDEMNITY FOR SLAUGHTER OF DISEASED CATTLE 8 607.26 REGISTRARS OF VITAL STATISTICS 8 67.25 CHARITIES A CORRECTIONS: FEEBLE MINDED EXAMS A EXPENSE ... INDIGENT OLDIER RELIEF INSANE EXAMINATION ft CARS: Examination Fees 8 Traveling Expense Miscellaneous 2,539.02 978.61 2.220.00 1,055. Bl 1,403.58 2.145.00 1.933.44 1,939.29 1,451.45 1.318 7 1.345.00 1.359.59 917.56 3.052.98 805 41 3,056.31 497.10 8,858 45 1,174.96 J57.50 313.75 736.89 1.784.15 ..146.983.40 60.00 190.00 Totals I 467.60 COUNTY JAIL: Board of Prisoner $ 6.190.56 Supplies Repairs A Improvements Medical Supplies, Hospitalization Fuel Laundry Sen. Srrv Radio Transmitter Office Equipment 327.51 40.53 55.18 171.00 30.66 13.03 73 85 .4 5.890 33 8 4.220.00 6 4.680.00 6 7,450 00 3,210.00 3.510.00 8 2. 210. 00 6 3.510.00 8 400.00 I 830.00 1 800 00 8 502.91 8 530.52 8 303.23 6.300.00 6,906 63 8,750 00 3,000.00 3.300 00 1.740.00 1,000. 00 3,300.00 1.740 00 1,890 00 8.166.94 1,740.00 1.590.00 3,000.00 3,179.35 1.740 00 1,358,77 3.819.28 1.383.00 2.400.00 2,590.00 t.iflO 00 2,215.00 3,819.37 1.037.50 1,925.89 3,565.61 1,396.39 1.993.48 3.670O0 1.379.68 3.413.00 2.600.00 1.380.00 1.830.00 1.331.67 1,342.53 1,320.00 1,066.94 1,677.58 2.430.00 1,360.00 1,871 39 2.130.00 1.110.00 1,358.13 1,700.63 913.00 1.448.06 1,456.19 925.00 3,358 14 1,886.39 1,048.36 5.160 00 3.970.00 323.00 3.194.17 3,334.45 1,140 00 1.713 07 1.681 79 1,587.86 1,841.61 1.747.16 679 51 735 10 774.00 951 10 2.3S9.55 3.769.96 1,327 03 2.272.35 3,967.82 1,746.56 223 00 1,068.00 53 50 1.691 95 1.697.08 992.33 127.17 165.74 170.49 1,081.73 . 18 84 418.73 803.50 105.00 969.30 522.66 353.67 J.;F8.83 1.836.46 1,882.60 157.695.61 I72 54P 80 143,517.55 8 259.40 6 4,032.79 I 664.28 813.996.70 Ii4.577.60 S 6,424 50 8 1.136 46 8 1,043 1S 8 693 77 S 68.00 8 72 50 6 36.25 8 60.00 9 200.00 8 10 00 8 117.35 I 302.00 8 375 no $ 877.00 8 331.15 32.85 1.00 8 608.83 9 677.00 8 361.15 1 6,343.06 1 8.623 33 8 3,539.9 474.64 309.31 221 30 258.61 134 84 17 36 65 02 408 61 11. M 203.73 156.45 102.55 91.82 70 91 22.84 11.56 Total CARE OF POOR. MISCELLANEOUS: Care of Court Committed Children 8 2.103.76 COUNTY PUB. ASSISTANCE FOR BLIND .8 4,487.30 GENERAL ASSISTANCE S21.572.68 AID TO DEPENDENT CHILDREN 146. 617.40 OLD AOE S170.291.20 UNCLASSIFIED: EMERGENCY I 4.94C.19 REBATE OF TAXES PD. IN ADVANCE ...351,303 38 RETIREMENT (Prior Years) CIVIL DEFENSE $ 515.81 RENT RETIREMENT (CURRENT) CHERRY FLY CONTROL I 109.44 I 7.478.43 8 1,724.67 I 3,711 40 S33.996.72 162.377.80 6191,996.85 I 7.747.76 8 1.883.38 8 2.730.00 S40. 735.64 148.600 00 1135.000.00 373.372.71 8 6,301.09 9 7,366.43 6 388.73 t 8,916 48 9 1,036 88 8 1.428 00 S33.300.00 124,300.00 831,071.55 117.730 39 8 3,546.34 8 3.833.34 I 493.16 8 800 00 I 600.00 7.500 00 3,420.00 3.480.00 3.780.00 3.480.00 3.160.00 3.480.00 3,000 00 1,120.00 3.820.00 3.640.00 3,940.00 3.820 00 1,520 00 3.820.00 3,600.00 3.000.00 I.000.OO 3.000.00 3,000 00 2,520.00 3.220,00 1.920.00 1.920. 00 1.740.00 3,240 00 2,280.00 3,000.00 3,500. JO 1.400.00 6,000.00 4.000.00 3.000.00 2.500.00 162.60 3.014.10 600.00 3,400 00 600.00 2.000. 00 7,500.00 1131.016.70 S 5.000.00 I 1. 730.00 8 125.00 8 300.00 8 1,000. 00 800.00 75.00 8 875.00 8 6,600.00 375.00 200.00 130.00 175.00 175,00 300.00 8 8.076.00 8 3.500 00 S 2. 856 .00 830.400.00 146,600.00 8105.750.00 S35.000.OO 180.000.00 8 1,100.00 1 8.000 00 8 1.200.00 8 800.00 3 600 00 7.620 00 3,340 00 3.480.00 3,780 00 3.460.00 1,180.00 3.6O0.00 1.000.00 3.240.00 2.940.00 2.760.00 2.940.00 2.820.00 3,640.00 3.940.00 3.600 00 3,000.00 1.000.00 1.000.00 1.000.00 2,640.00 2.340.00 3,040.00 2.040 00 1,860.00 1.360.00 3.000.00 3.500 00 2.300.00 1,600.00 5.000.00 4.500 00 8.000.00 2.800.00 542.00 3.000.00 600.00 1,300. 600.00 1.000.00 4.500.00 8 1.730.00 8 135.00 I 300.00 8 1.000.00 8 800.00 76.00 6 875.00 8 7,000.00 400.00 300.00 400.00 200.00 50.00 200.00 8 8,450.08 I 3.500 00 I 3.034.00 163.600 00 147.733.00 8116,611.00 136,000.00 ..0(. 3 7.100.00 8.000.M 3 6,000.00 8 1,300.00 MARKET ROADS IMPROVEMENTS: Bridftc Construction , Improvements Right ot Way , Expendld Fiscal Periods July 1. 1946 July I. 1947 June 30. 1948 June 30, 194T June 30. 1948 ,.S 6.536.54 ,. 41,035.79 Totais '. MARKET ROAD MAINTENANCE: Ordinary Malntemnee (415 Miles) MARKET ROAD REVENUE: Delinquent Iaxrx and Rebates .... Miscellaneous Revenue 811. 618.76 47.253.58 658,872.38 179.651.90 8 7,776.14 403.41 332,590.95 47,037 80 61,043,96 170.671.61 1135.004 87 July 1, 1948 to Dec. 31, 1946 638.931.61 32.876.0) 130.20 171,936.84 151,68711 Estimated and Appropriated July 1. 1948 Estimate of to Expenditure June 30, 1949 1849-50 120.000.00 340,000.00 50.000 09 60,000.00 8.000 00 6.000.00 675.000.00 161.000.00 695.000.00 993.000.00 8 2,000.00 230.00 TotaU 9 S.380.00 ROADS AND HIGHWAYS FUND 3 7.295.00 8 3.600.00 3. 2 40 .00 3.121.00 3,304.00 2,220.00 300.00 750.00 150.00 400.00 600.00 6.00 400.00 400.00 m oo 1.320.00 100.00 6 4,6M.0t I 1,968.00 900.00 330.00 100.00 1,082 00 870 00 I 4,660.00 I 1,864 M 316 00 10M 7106 1600 2,800.00 720.00 330.00 150.00 8 4,550.00 3 1.900 00 500.00 330 00 100.00 170.0 ,. i 960 1,940 00 1,580.00 1,134 .86) 1.960.00 1.84J0.H 8 1.580.04) I 1,160 8.8M.80 8 8.000.00 ..8 3.415 00 3 1,118 00 8 3.600.00 It.ftMM 1 1,60600 8 1.900 00 . 1,704.00 1,614.00 8.114.00 Mil 4 1,644.00 2.364 00 54 44 90.16 117.65 1H 66 100 00 150 00 60 00 100 00 160 00 INK 100 00 ., 64 91 149 19 119.48 1 68 160 M 250 00 75 00 74 04) 83.60 41 6 190 08 100 00 14.16 13 U 14.46) 80 98 30 00 .. Ml 56) 696 94) 322 00 13.00 18 94) 13 06J 8T4 69 00 60 00 65 H tt 815.00 -75 64) 160.00 73 94 .. 311 M 37.6 HO 16000 , 6 4,69 44 8 4,903.44 6,414 17 4,144 4. I 1.3T1.64) I 7,166.00 ..8 1.575 08 8 8,444 17 1.431.5! 1.944 84) 8 Tr4 60 6 3,840 00 .. 676 00 1.300 00 871.41 619.80 1,949 00 1,060 00 ., 86 90 78. 6T 116 16 11 09 160 00 150 00 ,, 04 90 49 90 109 46 II 10 6M 90 3 30 00 94 90 68 80 71 00 80 90 34 90 300 00 88 40 1)1 18 179.40 07.90 9t0 00 600 90 i. 74 161 III 70 I 140 00 1.184 90 1 1140 M47JT I 4,944 60 I 89 90 I 1190 9 8.619 ee 6.704 90 I9M90 8,89490 6 4.909.08 I 13700 I 1000 40 8. 199 14 1,644 00 1.584 00 1, 644,90 I 6,044 61 I 84 84 801 10 049 40 1,440 00 I 1.90 00 1.9M0O 1,96 90 1.890 64 LM7J0 I 6,611 60 I 1190 00 90 1.944 90 8.606 60 t 9.099 80 1.6O0 90 I TOO 69 t. TOO 00 1,700.09 I 8,970 09 t tMM 1.000 to 8.909 9 I 94900 i ?u eo 8 830 00 6 6909 1,8900 July 1.1943 to Expended Fiscal Periods July 1. 1946 July 1, 1947 SLitlmated and Appropriated July 1, 1948 June 30. 1946 IMPROVEMENT FOR DEDICATED ROADS RD. CONSTRUCTION ft MAINTENANCE .316,001.26 GENERAL ROAD FUND: Road Districts Outside of Salem 1116.164.90 COUNTY ROADS. BR1DOES ft FERRIBB: Salary of Engineer 6 996.96 Salary of Clerk 1,572.10 Salary ot Extra Clerk Office Supplies ft Expense 36 85 Telephone A Telegraph 76 65 Postage ft Express 5.00 Official Bond State Industrial Accident Ins Traveling Expenses Office Equipment Sub-Totals Retirement Fund For construction, Improvement ft main tenance of Public Highways, Roads, Brldsea and Ferries and all labor In connection therewith Including wages of foreman and ferryman, etc., pur chases, maintenance and operation of rond equipment: general and adminis trative expense In connection there- .88 .70 157.30 2.666.52 to to to to Expenditures June 10, 1947 June 30, 1948 Dec. 11, 1441 June 10, 1449 1449-60 S25.OU0.00 140,100.66 119,184.96 975,000.00 150,000.00 8169,038.94 6318.494 34 110.111.91 3260,000.00 1267,000.00 8 2.459 77 8 4.440.OO t 8.380.00 6 4,660.00 6 4,680.00 1,688.87 2,100.00 1,170 00 1,140.00 3.460.00 6.00 36 84 100 00 100.00 216 77 480.36 117 70 300 00 300 00 60 60 IRAS 49 20 150 00 1 60.00 5.00 6 00 1 00 20 00 30.00 10 00 800 6.00 0.00 16 57 13 55 47.94 33.83 1 00 00 )M 00 650.00 631.08 100.00 100.00 8.135.13 7.803.83 3.703 06 7.876.00 7,816.00 6,896.63 6,755.17 3,915.26 1,300.00 47.969.64 with, etc. Total 150.813 945.846.51 1140,000.0 1190,910.00 Ten Dollars per Capita en Pupils , Ten cnU per capita on pupils. si sue on census COUNTY SC HOOL FUND Expendld Fiscal Period July 1,1346 July 1, 1946 July 1, 1947 10 16 to June 30, 1946 June 30, 1947 June 30. 1948 .1319.636 09 1904,683 09 1811.634 09 COUNTY SCHOOL LIBRARY FUND ...9 1.71010 1.8676 6 1.600 37 Eat mated and Appropriated July 1, 1648 July 1, 1948 Shumate ef to to sfependttuTM Dee. 31, 148 Juae 90. 1940 II 44-1 1119,768 91 1111 610 00 8386,800 40 Capita Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, May 21, 1949 ESTIMATED MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE Estimate of Receipts for Year 1949-80 ft Covering Period from July 1. 19i9 to June 30, 1950 GENERAL GOVERNMENT: County Clerk's Fees 8 35.500.00 Courts' Recorder's Fee 27.500.00 District Court Fees 15.000 00 District Court Com table Fee 1,300 00 Reporter' Fees 4 000 00 Bre.tenbuh Justice Fees 1.O0O.00 Breitenbush Constable Fee , 3 500 Jefferson Justice Fees 1,500 00 Jefltrson Constable Fee 25 10 Mt. Angel Justice Fee 25 60 Mt. Angel Constable Fee 2S 00 Silver ton Justice Fees 1.25000 Sllverton Constable Fee i:0 00 Stayton Justice Fees 1,750,00 Stayton Constable Fet 29 00 Woodburn Justice Fees 8.000 00 Wcodburn Constable Fees 200 oo Surveyor's Fees 3U0 00 County Sheriff's Fee 6.000 00 Health Officer's Fees. Etc 78,163 34 Fine ft Ball Forfeitures 7.000 00 Interest on Deposits. Etc 5,000 00 Interest on Delinquent Taxes A Rebate (Cedlt 9.500 CO Dog Licenses in Excess of SI M 800 00 O. ft C. Land Grant Tax 33,000 oo Sale of Property, Etc 7.50C oo Miscellaneous 8,000 00 Collection Expense Refund 150.00 Cattl Testing Program 7.500 00 Rent 7.500 00 SUB TOTAL (Revenue other than taxation) 923,113.34 PROPERTY TAXES: Levies of Prior Year 15.000 .00 Yield Taxe 600 00 Total Revenue 1254.613 34 ESTIMATED AND APPROPRIATED ROADS ft HIOHWAY SINKING FUND 1300.000.00 (Chapter 177 Oregon Laws 1843 Estimate of Receipt ROADS ft HIGHWAY FUND REVENUE: Year 1349-30 Delinquent Taxe 500 00 Forest Rental ft Sale 15.000 00 Fine ft Ball Forfeiture 15,000 no Yield Taxes 50 00 Miscellaneous 7,000 00 State Apportionment Motor Tax 410.000 00 Delinquent Taxes on Special Road District Log Hauling Permit oo TotaU S448.560.00 NEW COURT HOUSE FUND New Court House. Estimated and Appropriated to June 30. 1949 1450.000.00 COUNTY PUBLIC ASSISTANCE FOR OLD AOE EXPENSES Assistance for Old Age 118,000,00 REVENUE Apportionment of Liquor Tax t 8.000 00 Apportionment of Amusement Tax 10.000.00 Tota Revenue 118,000.00 (NO LEVY) DOO LICENSE FUND EXPENSES: Salary of Dog Control Board Enforcement Officer t 2.820 00 Collection on Penalty Basis 100 00 Salary ot License Clerk 1.200 00 Indemnity to Sheep Owners 4,500.00 Collection Expenses 600.00 Surplus to General Fund 800 00 Expenses of Board 180.00 Traveling Expenses 900.00 Total Expenditure ft Appropriation 9U, 100-00 REVENUE: Dog Licenses 111.100.00 4 NO LEVY) COUNTY PROPERTY REVOLVING FUND EXPENSES: Salary of Property Clerk .' f.... 11,340.00 Maintenance of Property, eto 1,000 00 Snlary of Office Clerk 600 00 Foreclosure Expense 500.00 Indirect Expense 600.00 To Oeneral Fund To Other Funds ft District 1.000.00 Total Expense 15.940.00 REVENUE: Sale of Property S3, 440 00 Interest on Contract 500.00 Total Revenue 15,940 00 (NO LEVY) PHOTOSTAT REVOLVING FUND EXPENSES: Photostat Supplies 14.000.00 Depreciation 335.00 Total Appropriation 14,355.00 RECEIPTS: Charges to Dept. Using Equipment 84,345 00 Cash Sale 10. oo Total Revenue 14.353.00 (NO LEVY! ROAD OPERATIONS REVOLVING FUND: Purchase of Road Equipment ..8 35,000.00 Gasoline, Oil. Repairs, Operators Wages ft Operating Supplies for all County Road Equipment, Purchase of Stores etc.. Operation of County Shops 400.000 00 Total Expenditures 1435.000 .00 REVENUE: Charges to other account 6433,000.00 (NO LSVY) LAW LIBRA: Expense 12,000 00 Revenue Sl.OQO.OO (NO TAX LEVY) COUNTY FAIR rUND: Expense 115.000.00 Apportionment from Racing Commission 913,000 00 Revenue from Mlllage Tax 2,700.00 Revenue from Premium ft Sales oi Produce. Etc. 300.00 (NO TAX LEVY) LEVY The Budget Committee of Marlon County. Oregon, recommends that there be levied upor. all of the property within Marlon County: For the Oeneral Fund of Marlon County 6 509,600, 00 For the Market Road Fund of Marlon County 203.230.00 For Roads ft Highway Fund of Marlon County No Levy For County School Fund of Marlon County 328.R60.0O For County School Library Fund of Marion County 2.388.60 For New Court House Fund of Marlon County 16.000.00 81,020.998.60 NOTE: The Levy for Old Age Pension I combined with the Oeneral Fund. That there be levied upon all the property In Marlon County outside the of Salem: For the Oeneral Road Fund of Marion County for Road DlitricU Outside of the city of Salem HO LEVY That there be levied outside the 9 limit as approved by a vote of the people at the Election held November 6, 1946 Court House Special Levy 9900,000.00 Bonded Indebtedness Warrant Indebtedness Other Indebtedness ... STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Don None . Current Oleimt STATE OP OREOON) ) ss. County of Marlon ) We. the undersigned Budget Oommltte and County Court of Marlon County, Stat ot Oregon, Do hereby certify that the above la ft true, lair, and complete estimate ot the probable expense of said County for the ensuing period from July 1, 1949 10 June 90, 1960. We further certify that the estimate of expense of the varlou Institutions of the County, of the amount required for public enterprises, road, bridges, ferries, etc,, end all other ex pens ef the County a herein t out, la Just and Is based upon a careful study ot the expenses of the county during the past and a thorough lamination of Its probable needs during the year for which such estimate is made. Tttat each and every Item herein is believed to be necessary for the proper trans action of the business of the Oounty, th protection of Its property and Interest and to be for the public welfare. That every expense estimated is in stcoordanoe with law, and I a legitimate eh an a against the County. Dated at Salem, Oregon this 2Atn day of May, 1949, BUDOET COMMITTEE OF MARION OOUNTY, OREOON by GRANT MURPHY, Chairman D. B. HILL, sVcretanr JHO. W. RAMAOE A. C. HA AO ROT J. RICE E L. ROOBRS OOUNTY COURT OF MARION OOUNTY, OREOON ORANT MURPHY, County Jude ROY J. RICE, County Commissioner B L. ROOERS, Oounty Commissioner COMPUTATION OF TAX LEVIES Year 1949 100 Jury 1, 1940 90 June 36, 1060 Total Budget Expenditure ,. Estimated Delinquency Total Requirements . Lew Estimated Misc. Revenue Las Expendable Surplus July 1, 1949 , Oeneral Fund ,.9 817.115 98 50,997.19 ,. 66691114 ,. 2M.4ll.14 .. 104.000.00 Road ft Highway Fund I 531,620.04 6 131,930 00 448 360.00 63,260.00 Market Road Fund I 117.000 00 20,500 00 County School Fund 8 3)8,660 00 18,466.00 9 307.500 00 2,350 00 3 351,746 00 33,666 00 School Library Fund 8.36100 119 90 I 1,617.10 119 0 Court House Construction Fund I 460.000 00 7,6000 Revolving and Mie. Fund No Levy Required 491.395 00 8 467.500.00 91,5000 Total Within 6 Limit 88 117.164 15 19,101.9 19.319,396 54 6 41.398 00 70S 433 3 4 491.896 00 593.674 0 Levy Ovuid Limitation I 300,000 00 Proposed Levy fof 19491950 lnl:e 6 limit 8 649,800.00 8 00 6 306.38000 3 S90.000.00 9 1.1410 Proposed Levy for 1949-1950 outside 'i limit Oeneral Fund and Old Ate Levy Combined. In addition to the amounts shown above there 1 an Item of 9300,000. 00 Road Sinking fund, estimated to be expended and l (Oene rally these expenditure will be shown In OenetM Read ft Market Road Funds.) COMPUTATION OP TAX LsTVTIS Tear 1949I940 July 1, 148 to Jan 38, 1640 Total Levy 81,908.569 H 101,101 99 3,O10,ft4l 54 1,116 III .14 992,674.60 91.090.999 60 6 Total Budget Expenditure Estimated Delinquency Total Requirements ,..8 694 194 00 Leas Estimated Misc. Reveree 167.64 00 Less Expendable Surplus July U 1948 .... 74,900.00 toads Huh way 1 473,000 00 116 610 00 144.190 00 Market Road Fun 15 no 00 11,6600 171,60 10 4M 00 36.000 9 County School Fund 6 318 520 AO 31.652 00 840 17) 00 31.66800 School Library Fund t 1,183 1 111 58 Court House Construction Fund I 176,000 40 Total Within 6 Limit (1,069 684 90 66,614.63 68,136 499 78 649,114 71 64,9 Re vol vl ni and Misc. Funds No Ley Required 376.19 0 6 176.309 00 176.100 Levy Outside 6 t'tnltanen 100.000 0 I 100,000.60 II, 545,993 90 86.814 81 P6Tlmlt !,W!..W. 8 631.430 0 8 196,16 90 9 319,630 00 1 115 00 I 18,00 00 Prpcd Levy for 141-140 utlde 4 Limit . Oeneral fund end Old Aee Combined ' In addition to the amount shown above there Is an Item f 630049.00 RaoO Sinking Fund, eatunated 90 H tpeg0ed 64 t4Mfd, (OeneraUy Umm expenditure will be shown in Oeneral Road ft Market Rood Funds.) 11,6.14 608 73 63 ,441 79 146,090.90 I 069.378 00 100,000 90 6