ft Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Saturday, May 21. 1949 Judge Long of Portland Will Talk to Red Cross Tuesday Annual meeting for Marion county chapter, American Red Cross, i dated for next Tuesday evening, the dinner to be at 6:43 o'clock in Nohlgren'i restaurant. Judge Donald E. Long of the court of domestic relation!, Mult nomah countyclrcultcourtjWi 11 be guest speaker. Veteran of both World Wan, Judge Long served three years with the FBI practiced law in Portland for 10 yearn before hii appointment to the municipal bench In 1934 to serve two years, and he la now In his third elective term as Judge of the court of domestic relations. ne took leave zrom nis luage Salem Heights School Notes By Paul Harvey III Tourth grader Dick Bandy and fifth grader Jimmy Sea grove have neither been tardy ma .k.nt all V..I. Tor graduation June first.'hip to serve as a major in the u. ,m h. v.l. military government branch dlctorian and Tred Butler, ,lu. during the last war, having been in Vnrlh Afrins than it.lu Mrs. Anderson's seventh grade had a display of fungi, moss, and other similar things. Friday, May 13, the students in North Africa, then serving with the Third division as chief mlltary government of ficer to organize towns and vll- lages as quickly as possible as combat troops passed through He resumed his duties on the bench in October of 1945 For the Tuesday meeting. Charles H. -Huggins. chapter will preside. The First grade girls, 1st, Sandra i .' ,,,,.' ... . ,, nf Salem Hei-hts school parti clpated in Play Day held on the school grounds during the day. To start the day at ten ocioc., " . L .. i,. chairman wrre neia. jiere are 111c imuhb Keuscher, 2nd, Kay Parsons 3rd, Rebecca Shumake, 4th. Patty Peterson; First grade boys, 1st, Benny Lane, 2nd Steven Eyerly, 3rd, Jerry Bur ger, 4th, Chuck Harris; Second grade girls, 1st, Charlotte Pons ford. 2nd. Sue Zwicker. 3rd. Linda Rich, 4th, Margee Wolf; Second grade boya, 1st, Billy Downey, 2nd, Webster Smith. 3rd, Steven Raymond, 4th. Raymond Springer; Third grade girls, 1st, Joyce Lehman. 2nd Llla Burger, 3rd, Jane Butler. 4th, Sally Relwald; Third grade boys, 1st, Guy Charboneau, 2nd. Donald Steppe and Gary Gregor. 3rd, Francis Sims, 4th, Robert Bayne; Fourth grade boya, 1st. Bobby Brown, 2nd. Larry Bat tles, 3rd, David Robins, 4th. bob Gooch. Fourth grade flrls, first Fran cis Shumake; aecond, Sharon Eyerly; third, Pat Steppe; 4th, Margo Hudklns; Fifth grade girls, 1st Donna Zeh, 2nd, Char lone Griffith, 3rd, Loretta Batei, 4th, Carol Beard; Fifth grade boys, 1st, Darrel Pons ford, 2nd. Jimmy Seagrove. 3rd. Julian Thruston, 4th, Marvin Thompson; Sixth grade girls. 1st, Gladys Maude. 2nd, Bar bara Bacon, 3rd, Darlene Ho gs n. 4th, Sharon Elliott and Ruth White. Sixth grade boys, first. Nor vln Brown; second, Donald Zeh; third, Lyde Milllgan; 4th, Ray Schnee: Seventh grade girls, 1st, Gay Blackman, 2nd, Shelia Tulare. 3rd, Joline Ad- dy, 4th, Lavlda Herman; Sev enth grade boys, 1st, Don Hunt 2nd, James Ponsford, 3rd, Boyd Arielott, 4th, Jimmy Lawrence: Eighth grade (iris, 1st, Char lotte Graber, 2nd, Wanda Wick lander, Darlene Ball, Nancy Hagemann and Barbara And erson; Eighth grade boys, 1st. Jackie Krater, 2nd, Jesse Kra ter, 3rd, Fred Butler, 4th Mark Deque. After the races most of the rooms did exercises, dances, or other things similar. Following lunch 4-H club pins were dis tributed to the members and then a movie on Bryce Canyon waa shown. After that the wind ing of the May Pole was done by some upper grade girls. Fol lowing that two ball games were played In which our seventh and eighth grades beat Kelzer ltl-14 with Fred Butler being the winning pitcher while the school fifth and sixth grade team sub dued Liberty 12-2. Both seven Inning contests were played hero. Larry Graber was the verton, will give the Invocation, Bernard Smith of Monitor is to sing. Jerald Slattum of Parrish junior high school will give the report for the year's work In Junior Red Cross. Carlton Grelder ia to present the resume of chapter activitiei. W. H. Baillie will give the nom inating committee report and new directors will be elected at the short business session. Every person contributing to the Red Cross is a member of the organization and Is Invited to attend the annual meeting. West Salem School News By ANN GALLASFY Mrs. Leo Esty has given Mrs. Gwendolyn Gates' fourth and fifth grade class an excellent mineral collection. The collec tlon includes 43 different mln eral specimens from all over the western part of the U.S., and also varioua aea shells from the Pacific coast. Mrs. Gates' room is also completing ita wood car ving project. The eighth grade home econo mics class, directed by Mrs. Ora Smith, is planning the ban quet for the ninth graders who will enter Senior high next year. The banquet Is planned for Tuesday evening. May 31, in the school cafeteria. The girls in charge of the place cards for the banquet are Louise Owens, Bar bara Culbertson and Ann Gal- laspy. The girls in charge of decorating the tables are: Sha, ron Bates, Phyllis Erlckson, Di ane Huntly, Joanne Etter and Anita Jackson. The girls who will be serving are Barbara Cul bertson, Betty Beckman, Louise Owens. Nancy Rust, Kay Stod dard, Shirley Wayt, and Ann Gallaspy. winning pitcher for the fifth and sixth grade team. The seventh and eighth grade team played Keiier again Friday at Kelzer Friday. May 20. from 9 a.m. to noon there will be a health clinic for all the children who will enter school in the fall. Mrs. Green's first graders have brought to school a frog, a erawdad, and a caterpillar's nest. Mrs. Fenlmore's sixth grade went to the airport Friday. They are studying about airplanes in Science. Several boys are mak ing model airplanes at school. wm. ii1 mm ii Mmvm.m'm Camp Fire Girls News Tot Camp Fire Girls In theimore advanced swimmers, and Willamette area ."all's right with the world," because on June 27 summer ramping activities at Camp Kilowan will be in full awing. Camp Kilowan is located in the foothills of the coast range on Teal creek and Lake Kiloqua. three miles from Falls City and 28 miles from Salem. Kilowan waa a gift to the Camp Fire Girls of the Wil lamette valley from Albert Teals, for whom Teal Lodge waa named. There are four separate units for all girls of various ages. Pooh Corner la for the Blue Birds, Emerald Forest for the girls going Into the fifth and elxth grades, Alderea for the girls entering seventh and eighth, and Greenwood, a primitive area, for those enter ing the ninth and senior high school. Campers range from seven-year-old Blue Birds (Junior members of Camp Fire), away from home for the firat time. to seasoned high school-aged I Horixon clubbers, who know ev ery inch of Kilowan'a terrain. Girls live and play with other youngsters of the same age and the camp program ia designed to meet the varied interests of all campers. Kilowan has many acres for many campers to use for hiking. A 10 and 80 foot falls arc both within good hik ing distance' There is sleeping out under the stars with your favorite pal. cooking over an open lira, swimming In Lake Kiloqua and boating lor the natural crafts for those who like to use their hands. All these and more are the Joyful ac tivities going on at Camp Kil owan. More than 300 girls will vaca tion at Kilowan during the 1949 feason, Miss Margaret-Jane Em mons, camp director, predicts. Twenty-three college trained counselors and eounselors-ln-training skilled In various crafta and sports have been selected, an average of one adult to every rour or five girls. Registration la open to all Camp Fire Girls and Blue Birds in the area. Registrations arc now being taken at the Camp Fire Girls office, 147 North Commercial street, Salem. Session dates sre as follows: Session I. June 27-July 11; ses sion II, July 11-18: session III, July 18 23; session IV, July 33 August 8. . ', fl ,v ; ' . S '.'if 1 fMTtv -a!- 'M' 111 iMMiaMaaasanTSsaaaVSi i J Brazilian President In V. S President Truman welcomes President Eurico Gaspar Dutra of Brazil to Washington with a warm handclasp as the latter arrived at National airport for a visit to the U. S. (Acme Telephoto) Campus Clippings UNIVERSITY OF OREGON By JEAN SWIFT The current keynote on the campus has become "30 days" until the university's largest class of seniors take part in their grad uation exercises. The harried and hopeful members of the class of '49 are anxiously awaiting replies to their application letters to prospective employers and they are hurriedly ordering the tradi tional cap and gown and an- , ,,7f7tet committee nouncements for that important date of June 19 when they will have officially completed four years of higher education. The spirited enthusiasm of the University of Oregon students during their colorful Junior Week-end was carried over to week-end calendar of eight festive house dances. The mem bers of Kappa Kappa Gamma presented a "Mexican Hayride" that began at four In the after noon and was followed by a costume dance at the chapter house in the evening. Two of the most outstanding "Mexi- cano" guests present at the dance were Beta brothers .Tim and Bill Barlow of Salem. Also, Bob Strebig was in Eugene to escort his fiancee, Phyllis Sen nell, to the gayly decorated adobe dance. "Among My Sou venirs" was the theme of the Gamma Phi Beta spring for mal where Irene McLeod and Del Kleen, Crystal Huntington and Cub Houck and Sue Heifnn and Bud Craig danced by mur ala of white and silver, In an tmosphere of silk parachute clouds. The speech and drama depart ment at the U. of O. has ex panded into one of the largest on the coast and the latest facili ties to aid in radio production have been provided for the use of the students. The Interior of Villard hall, one of the oldest buildings on the campus, has been completely redecorated and a new radio station has been installed which will be operated entirely by university personnel and students. Charlotte Alex ander Is majoring in radio work at the U. of O. and she recently appeared In a dramatization of "Jane Eyre." The campus campaign for mill race funds was highly success ful and at last the students have completed their responsibilities with regard to financial obliga tion, and they are assured of having the "old mill race" back on their campus. The members of Junior and senior Orchesis will present a program of modern dance In Gerllnger hall next Wednesday and new senior member Virginia Huston Is In charge of tickets for that event. Marilyn Archibald has served this year as an executive secre tary of the Oregana. yearbook of the university. Because of a publisher's strike, the book will not be available to students be fore school Is out this spring and It will have to be forwarded to the students at a later date Shirley Luklns Is a member which is formulating a careful plan of faculty rating on the campus. The program has been successfully carried out at other schools and the major purpose is to point out to each professor his strong snd weap points In an ef fort to provide the highest type of instruction possible for the university students. The results of the poll will be known only to the professor in order that he personally may strive for op timum precentation of subject material. In addition to the many house dances that are scheduled to take place this week-end anoth er social event will be the Gam ma Phi Beta-Pi Kappa Alphi bridge tournament which has become an annual event for the two organizations. Gamma Phi bridge players Jane Carson and Josephine Cau shell are planning to meet such PI Kap wizards as Bob Weber and Art Englebart over a card table on Friday eve ning. The yearly affair will be held at the Pi Kappa Alpha fra ternity house. Uikio Camp Fire Girls Give Party Salem Heights The Uikio Campfire Girls of the Salem Heights area had a girl and boy party at the home of Eric Butler on Husley avenue. Vari ous games were played with a weiner roast and food prepared by the Campfire Girls. Present were Joyce Randell, Bruce Lethin, Shelia Tulare. Fre Gregor, Sharon Whitacre, David Morgan, Marilyn Reiwald, Boyd Aydlott, Jolene Addie, Freddie Bolton, Rita Gilman, James Ponsford, Ann Butler, Mark De Cew, Sharon Robertson, Jimmy Lawrence, Gloria Myskins, Louis Kurth, Gay Blackman, Mrs. Gardner Jeffrey, leader and Myron Butler. Birthday Celebrated Central Howell Mr. and Mrs. Will Roth entertained at dinner honoring their daughter, Lucille on her birthday anniversary. Present were the honor guest and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beach of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Roth and Alan Irveln Roth and the hosts. Verdict Given In Two Estates A transfer of funds from the estate of one deceased person to that of another deceased person was orderd by the Marion coun ty circuit court in a Judgment read Friday. The lawsuit was between ad ministrators of the estates 'of two former residents of the Keizer district, who were killed when an auto plunged into a .slough of water near the Salem- Dallas "Y" on the road in In dependence In February, 1948. Chester E. Weber, administra tor of the estate of Bernice Betty Weber, waa awarded a $4,883 judgment over John TeSelle, as administrator of the estate of Thomas Drake. The two men were traveling in a car operated by Drake when the fatal accident occured. Also killed was Drake'a wife, Patri cia. The only survivor of the crash, and consequently the only witness, was Mrs. Weber's hus band, the plaintiff in the. lawsuit. The complaint alleged that negligence on the part of Drake had caused the accident. The plaintiff had asked tlO.000 damages. Mrs. Ediger Chairman Webfoot Home Unit Falrvlew There were 22 members and eight guests at tending the May meeting of the Webfoot Home Demonstration uni, the last one for this season at the home of Mr. and Mrs Leonard Lembkie. "Finland" in the associated country Women of the World department was the study under the project leaders. Mrs. James Watts and Mrs. W. A. Stock hoff. The dinner was Finland style cookery. Speakers were: Mrs. David Olke, Mrs. John Opua and Mrs H. Raska all of this district. Mrs. Marion Boulden and Mrs. Stephen Benedict were in stalling officers for the 1949-30 term officers as follows: chair man, Mrs. Pete Ediger, vice- chairman, Mrs. T. Lyman, secretary-treasurer, Mrs. John Al lison, librarian, Mrs. Ray White Palmer Home Scene For Afternoon Party Grand Island Mrs. Albert Clow and her son, Lon Eldon. were honored with a shower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Palmer. Attending were: Mrs. M. A Palmer, Mrs. L. M. McFee, Mrs Clair Palmer, Mrs. John Clow and LaNita, Mrs. Ed Clow, Mrs Orval McCandlesa, Mrs Mary E. Shelburne, Mrs. Frank Finni- cum, Delores and Lavonna, Mrs Delbert Harmon, Mrs. LaVell Patterson and Claudia, Mrs Lena Baker, Mrs. Mason Dem- aray and Milton, Mrs. Raymond Palmer and Mrs. Albert Clow and Lon. THE REAL CORNER of KEIZER KEIZER KORNER STORE W. H. 'Hugh" Shertuc WOMEN WANTED For Beauty training Ex cellent oppor'unltlaa are si wa.ra open to the skilled beautician Claaret are now tormlni at Smem s oldest and must advarred Beauty school Call or irrlte for out niw low rates. Ore en School of laouty Culture) til N Liberty Ph. !. "OUR REPUTATION is YOUR SICURITY" that's LARMER TRANSFER and STORAGE EM VAN LINKS CO. FOR THE BEST IN HAULING V STORAGE FUEL Dial 3-3131 er tee ui at 119 N. Liberty MOT ICE In compliant with the provision of Section llt-1901. O. C. I- A as 1 1 I Bilhmr mi . I I KEEP PESTS OUTDOORS! Here Is best assurance of summer-long comfort Screen Doors for making Indoors slrily livable! Built to stand up, year after year. In service. Designed to ad mit plentiful air and light while barring the way to winged peats! Priced low enough to let you replace old, warped Screens, easily, economically. SALEM WOODWORKING CO. 1223 Cross Ph. J-SMJ Save up to 20 'gp on your FIRE NSIXWCE It's aaey wises ymm ieaseiro with Orvsm I Matmal ... a laaag . estsabtteWJ Oresjnst I MSMT wWest as fssaaaM for fair sVeai- half Msn1 BBpksk pSVMsVt Vsf ftnBjsN Sccllars, Foley tt Rising, Inc. INSURANCE COUNSELORS 141 death Liberty Street Phene 1 4143 Coirt of uartoo Count- OrMm. w.ll to In me Csuri Houm in tn CH 4 ' tw."n;h "h ihrof. in ltin ? nf June. 1IW. it the Dour nf U n elnrk in th fwnnnn nf Mid ?1 ..... . j ... . ...in.i. at' tha amount of iMM proposed in M Tl for iht ttuulnsj ytr will b given inv ?fiprr utm in uctt Ui Itvr wnn to kx hti prOPOJaxJ In Ic-vlM. . . jL,nmrl, Th rollowinr U an itttnUrd Mtlnuti of Marlon County J propwffl Tax , ...i, r.nm. nuiidinc and 1 rut II ti mer.. County Off or Crmnir Offlr. arh County Imprn tmont. tht malnttninc. of ) eh Count, f 1" n IMUlu lion, tht sultry of aacn County Offlcar and implore, locludlni thaw wno alrjf u rwan . mended, notlra to nerebf ttn lhil time and piaro raised or taiaiion ainai anr 1 July I. Hi OENFRAL OOVERNUrNT- 10 C-rnCI OF COUNTY AMBMOft: June 10. 1MI alary of County AaaoMor I S.lto.M salary of Ch ( Deput J. 10 00 alary of Deputy 1.M0.M Salary of Clerk 1.40 94 Salary of Clerk 1,140 M Satarr of F:dd Deputy I 'M Salary of Field Deputy MM.AO Waiaa of Extra Clarlu I MJ.il Fos'aaa fc Kxereiu) Oftrla 0uppllM ii Exoetuaa ! Telephone U Teletraph 0 Traveling ExpeiUM 11M Official Bond M.09 1'n Industrial Accident Inj tl s Offlet Equipment Il.tJO Tetala IIT.1M.tt NEW OWNERSHIP MA Ft FOR AUIUOK: Salary of Draftsman t,IM Blue Fr In line Supplies HMt Si a ia Ind. Act. Insurance Aeriat Maps Totau I 1.111 NEW ASSESSMENT ROLL: Supplies Equipment t .... Totals AUDTTIN'O COUNTY RECORDS: Audit of Reeorda .'...I l.lfO.M Totals l.Mt.Ot CIRCUIT COURT: Wnes of Bailiffs I 11 M Pee of Jurors 4 44MB Feea or Witnesses ITt.M Fees of Reporters 401 II Salary of Reporter 1,000.00 Salary of Reporter Overtime Watts Telephone h Telfiraph Mill MM. Supplies fc Expense 110.40 Slat Industrial Accident Ine lit Office E4upiment Total 110.400.11 OFFICE OP COUNTY CLERK: Salary o! County Clerk I 1.1MM Salary nf Auditor Chief Auditor 1.110-OS Salary nf Deputy Circuit Court 1,141.00 Salary of Deputy Probata Court 1,111.11 Salary of Deputy Probate Court 1.114. II Salary of Deputy Bookkeeper 1,119.11 Salary of Deputy Asst. Bookkeeper .... l. Salary of Deputy License. Etc HS.4I Salary of Deputy Photostat " Salary of Dep'ity t Salary of Deputy Secretary Fostaie At Express VIM Office Supplies At Fx pens as I,SS0 o Telephone tt Teleiranh 111. So Travellnr Expenses , Official Bond HOS State Industrial Accident Inc. I ll Fortery Insurance IT M Office St Vault Equipment U0.0I Book kee pint Machine Multl List Deiltrapn Totals .I1M. COUNTY CORONER'S OFTIC1 Per Diem of Coroner I M0.00 Fees of Jurors ft Witness . M. 40 Pees of Reporters 1 0B Autopsies ft Examinations IM.htt Travellm Expenses' 91-11 Official Bond Miscellaneous M Telephone Telegraph 10.M Totala I t.M COUNTY COURT AND COMMISSIONERS: Salary nf County Judie .. t 1.114 1 County Commissioners Two 1,410.10 Salary of Clerk 151.11 Salary of Secretary Travellnt Expense 141.41 - Poitoie ft Express 160 Telephone ft Teteeraph 141.7a Adv. Proceed:nia ft Budiet 4114 Miscellaneous "M Cn'inty Asaoc Membership Fees Office Supplies ft Expenses 1104 S'te Industrial Accident Ins .11 U S. Membership Fees O C Public Land Orant Asm lM.Ot Office Equipment Totals 111.141.14 COURT HOUSE Salary of Head Janitor I 1.104 OS Salary of Janitor 1.112.00 Salary of Janitor 1.11100 Salary of Janitor 1,113.00 Elevator Operators 'Two 1,10.00 Watea of Kxtre, Janitor ft Overtime 3M0 Lltht ft Power 1.414.07 Water Sill Repairs 111. 41 Furniture and Fixture - Fuel 1.1TI1I Misc. Supplies ft Expenses 114.71 Insurance 114. M State Inriutrlal Accident Inc. ? Improvements 1.911.11 Total ! H3.Ut.tt OFFICE OF DISTRICT ATTORNEY: Salary of Deputy I Salary nf Stenographer 1,31)00 Postaae ft Ex pre 35-M Reporter' Fees , 91. 7 Telephone ft Telstra ph 113.01 Office Supplies ft Expense W' Traveling Expenses t 11141 Mlse. "Invest Is etton. Rtc.l U U State Industrial Accident In -41 Rent Offlet Equipment tl.1l Total l.lll.lt DISTRICT COTRT Salary of Judet Salary of Clerk tl officio Salary of Deputy Salary of Deputy Bailiff Fees Feu of Jurors Pees of Witnesses Pee of Reporter ' PoMace ft Express Office Supplies ft Expenses Telephone ft Tetriph Office Rent . Miscellaneous Offioa Equipment Total DISTRICT COURT CONST ABLE: Salary of Constable Salary of Clerk part time Snlary of Deputy Constable Pot ate ft Express Office Supplies ft Expenses Travellnt ExpensesCriminal Travel Expenses Civil Bond Premium Office Equipment Total S4XZM JUSTICB COURT JUSTICE: Salary of Justice I I MOM Salary of CWk .. l.MO.Ot Salary of Ind Olork 1M 10 Pee of Juror 11.40 Pee of Witnesses til. 11 Pee Of Re pollers lit Poet ate ft Express 10.M Office Supplrtet ft Extensa 101.01 Te'ephone ft Telegraph 1M.M Office Rent 410 00 Miscellaneous 41.10 S'aie Industrial Aeetdent 1m .14 Office Equipment 111.11 Total I Mll.ll SALEM JUSTICE COUTtT CONST AILS Salary of Constable I I tot M Salary of Clerk. ... , HI 00 Post at t ft Exerts IM Offlr Supplies ft Expense H II Travellnt Boe Criminal tw II Trtvtl BXoetuM IM.I1 Bnd Premium Statt Industrial Aectdent Hu 1114 Tottll I l.ttt.tf , BRstTTEKBUSK JUSTICE COURT: alary of Justltt Ps fat Just let Pm of Jurors .. Pet of Witness Pe of Reporters Misceilaneou Bond Office Equipment Total BRIETVNBUSH JUST1C1 COURT CONSTABLE: Salary of Cofiattntq Deputy Const a bit Pe f Con it a bit ... Trtvtl Expense Criminal Travel Expense -Ciwtl Of fte Supplies ft txpense Bond - ... Equipment Total JEFFERSON JVSTICB COURT JUTTCB: alary of Justtct Pee of Jurort Pee Of W'trte , , Office Sejpphe Ripen RM M uaeeUtfteou Bond Off tee Bqttpaent Tottll JBPTER90N JVSnCt COURT CONSTABLE: Salary of Constable Travel Expense cill Travel Expense- OriaimaJ B ToiaJt faaeiuiiel Fiscal Periods July 1. 1141 July 1. 1141 to Junt 10. 141 I I.HO M ItMIM 1.I10.M 1,100 M 1,110 M 1.IM.M 1,100 M 1,1111 140 M 1,941.11 11.40 111.11 11 00 111.941 II t Miff M l! II 1.91 71,411.91 I 1,100 0 t 111 M 4.111 10 1I7.M - 111.00 3.00104 110.00 111 II '1,94. 14 1 M Mill 19.011.04 t 1.1M.0 3,400 00 1.130 00 1.041.11 1.390.M 1,110.00 1.H4.11 114.11 1.411. II rioo.M 111.44 910.81 1,917.40 941.11 14 70 1MM 1.17 I10.M 10.10 93. b 910.00 41.91 5.74 39.M 4.1I.7I Ml.ll IIS .90 . II7.M 1.40 913.71 a! tl 111. 33. -M I 1,111 40 1.111.00 1.I93.M 111 40 1.7M.I1 11.01 1,443.1ft SM.M Mill 1.131 II 741 II inn 71 4 41 90 I 1. All 17 I.S40.M It M 11B.70 1.014.41 109 11 1113 1.14 1 10.00 103.31 lo June 10. 1141 I too 00 9.140 00 1 1MM 3.040 00 1 030 00 1,340 M 1.331.00 9,300.14 no oo 1,14ft 31 JO 01 107.11 11.00 44 01 I I.OM Ot l.IMM 141 II 1M.71 371.17 I 00 1100 41 M I II IH II t 4,111 tl I t MM 111 July l 1141 to Dec. 11 1141 1 100 00 1.100 00 1.300 M 1.140 M 1.140 00 1.310 00 l.ooo no 1.900 00 hi m 41 71 II II 11.00 1 1,111.11 I l.lla.M I 411.10 1,144.71 III 01 331.71 78U.30 111 tl7.ll I 3.040 3.300 00 1.4MOO 1.003.11 2.400.00 1,440 00 1.110.00 110 00 1. 111.00 1,113.00 1.301.97 m io 114 37 38.10 10.11 met 11 30 191.11 t I35.lt I 1.140 09 7,300.00 480.00 110.00 1M.85 S4.00 131.80 1,333.43 41.09 373.77 0.t 101 M 100.70 114,191.14 t 1.134 00 1 110.00 1,130.00 1.130.00 3.001.30 118.31 1.481.11 113.14 311.41 1.117.71 139 IS 1,701.17 lll.15l.4S I 3. TOO 00 l.tOO.M 30.00 1.M 331.01 111.11 71.81 I M47.lt I 4.411 II 190 31 3,100 00 too 00 JO.OO 1.114.70 IJ3 3I 11. M 1100 1,411.14 147.11 1,300.00 ll.St 111 it 114.119.14 111 M til. 41 MM I l.tM.M I M4 40 Estlmati Appropriated July 1. 1141 to June 30. 1141 9.800 00 3.000 00 1 414 no 3.330.00 3.320 00 1.413 M 1.438 00 4.:oo.oo 300 00 1,300.00 9ft 00 l.ooo no 11.00 111 40 IIS 00 iiiii : ft 188 M 1ft 00 l.ino.oo l,?M.(t0 S9M 844.91 I M 91.81 111.30 4ll.lt Estimate of Expenditure 1 HI-MI I 1,400 OO 1 130 00 1.5M M 1 340 00 1,340 00 1.143 00 1.543 00 4.440 00 300 00 1,100 00 5 00 1,700. 00 1ft. oo I l.ooo no 250.00 I 000 00 3.SO0.O0 I 1.300 00 10,100 00 1.2D0.M 311 00 1.300.00 1 1.930.00 I 3.140.00 1 130 00 2.40.00 1 JiP 00 3.700 00 l.sin.oo i.Toooo 1,135 10 3.580.00 1.300.00 3.110 00 1,110.00 2.340.00 58000 1.300.00 1.110 00 1.340.00 140.00 1,340.00 134.83 1,01ft. 00 300 00 300.00 9.030.11 3.000.00 134.01 215.00 100 00 40.00 310.00 43150 1.500 00 1.500 00 111.411. U 131.045 00 I 380 00 t 100 no 91.10 100.00 is.io io.no 160.00 600.00 91.80 50.00 IS 00 IS 01 Ml 00 10.34 MOO I t0t.lt 1.115 00 I 1.130 00 t 3.140 00 3.A00.00 1.300.00 310.00 140.00 534 14 1,030.00 171.14 1.000. 00 18.00 71.11 150.00 658.71 1,310,00 1.91 38.00 397.17 398 00 31 10 76.00 M 00 M M -1I0.M ' 205.00 17.71 3M.M M1S.47 115.171.00 I 1,111 M I 1,144 M 1.030 00 3,00 00 1.030.00 1.040 00 1.030.00 1.180 00 1.030.00 1.310.00 143.38 188. M 1. 100. 00 411.58 800 00 118.51 MO.OO 100.00 MJ.3I 1.400 M 131 41 800 00 11-04 710.00 4M.lt 1WM 9 I.411 04 111.36 00 1 1.410 00 3.830.M 960.00 1,130.00 36 88 40.00 1ft 00 1ft. 00 13 1 91 400 00 1.067. 44 600.00 11.81 335 00 10000 lift M too M 000 I 4.013.19 I 1.180 00 1 3.150 00 1.500 00 900 00 800.00 1.110 90 3.30 00 410 00 1.080.00 1 00 300 00 441.50 3.300 00 in so ftoono 1.00 IB oo 1100 10.M 340. M IM 00 114 31 178 M MOM 1.300 00 I 1,000 OS 1,010-M 10 00 1O0.M 00 00 100.00 11 00 MM M0S Nt I 1.140 t I 9M.4 I 34M1 I 1MM 411 M I 1.371 M I IM M I, e M 71 M II M 34. M MM MM II M 1.49 M I MM 1,119 M 111 M tl M IM M not 91 M MM MM W M 1.130 M 350 00 I t.soo oo I 9.400.00 1 .300.00 10.5oo.r,0 1.900.00 4 .300 00 4.300 00 100.60 3 lft .00 1.100. 00 450.00 1 33. 363. 00 1.140 00 "T' 1.530 00 ' 2.830.00 2.820 00 2.100 00 ,100 00 3.400.00 1.330.00 2.460.OO 1,460 00 1,080 00 600 00 . 4.000.00 11500 00 109 10 11 w 1.100 00 600 0l in. oo 15.00 1.010.00 100.00 35 00 ISO .00 1.500 .00 31.00 218.00 11.00 MM 185 00 900 00 115.115 00 I 1.364 00 3. ISO 00 3.180 00 2.10 00 2.4&0.M 1, son 00 700 00 100.00 l.tnn.M aoooo 160.00 I 1 10 00 3,040. M 40.00 350.00 000 00 100.00 I 7,050 09 I 1,000 M 800 00 3.460 00 3.100 00 100.00 1.100 00 00 00 .00 30.00 toooo 116.00 1,100.00 le.ot IM.tB 114,40109 I I.OM M 00 3,110.00 90 00 300 00 000.00 toooo 1ft. 00 3M.M I t.MO M I MM M MM MM 3 M I l.IM M I l.MOM I l.MOM II M Tt 0 MM r m II M IftM MM ttY I mi mT