Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 21, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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    Busy Horriemakers and Business Women Take Over Presidencies
FNAL meeting of the Salem Wo
man's club for th season will be
next Saturday, May 28, a salad
"Ill 'HE May dinner meeting for the
III Salem Business and Professional
Women's club will be an event of
Tuesday evening in Nohlgren's restau
rant at 6:30 o'clock.
Dr. W. W. Baum is to be guest speak
er on the topic, "The Future of Ameri
can Medicine." Mrs. Harmon Yeary as
chairman of the health committee is
chairman for the evening. There will
be special music also, Mrs. Donald Jes
sop to sing, accompanied by Mrs. Jessie
Bush Mickelson.
Installation of new officers is slated
for the June meeting.
luncheon to be served at 1:15 o clock.
Installation of officers will take place,
Mrs. David Wright as the installing of
ficer. This is the annual meeting for
the club.
The committee for the afternoon in
cludes Mrs. Donald S. Parker as chair
man; Mrs. F. D. Kibbe, Mrs. Forrest
Pontius, Mrs. J. E. Kirk, Mrs. Glen Lav
erty, Miss Antoinette White, Mrs. W.
A. Reeves, Mrs. J. C. Perry, Mrs. I. F.
i wpy mi ii j .iwihhw w ii h .hi wmw isiTpsiwpeaassasisssasaMaasaaaaa a "p " ' mih
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The American Legion auxiliary, Unit
No. 136, is meeting next Tuesday eve
ning at the Salem Woman's club house
at 8 o'clock.
The meeting and program will fea
ture poppy sale days, to be May 27 and
28. Mrs. Sam Harbison is chairman
for the meeting and will be assisted by
Mrs. Harold Streeter, Mrs. Duane Jan
icek and Mrs. Robert Irwin.
Guest speaker is to be Miss Hattie
Bratzel, who is to show pictures and
tell of her experiences while in Europe.
At the business meeting new officers
will be elected.
Mrs. Walter L. Spauldlnr Is to be
hostess to her bridge club, Monday, In
viting members of the (roup for lunch
eon and cards.
A group of pupils of Jean Hobson
Rich will appear in recital Sunday at
4 p.m.. at the Stone Piano company The
interested public is invited. Following
are the program and those taking part:
Yellow Butterfly MacLachlan
Sharon Forres
A Birl Calls in the Woods Wagness
Susan Roberts
Chinese Lanterns Marlhom
Morris Sundale
Wood Nymphs Frolic Aaron
Bob and Betty Burnside
Gliding Carter
Carole Warren
(Second piano, Jean H. Rich)
Rondoletto Beethoven
Marilyn Reaney
Finale . Camidge
Nancy Lee Ragan
Strolling Harp Player Harding
Karlene Quistad
(Second piano, Jean H. Rich)
Shadows in the Night Podeska
Betty Burnside
From a Lighthouse Burnam
Janet Fowler
Solfeggietto C. P. E. Bach
Janice Roberts
Vale of Song Rolfa
Lou EUen Moore
(Second piano, Jean H. Rich)
Viennese Sonatina Mozart
Judy Klempel
Carnival Scenes Boykin
Eddie Syring, Jr.
Butterfly Ballatore
Vickl Bryant
Courante in F Major Handel
Margie Smith
Slumber Song Schumann
Sue Syring
Rondo In D Major Gurlitt
Margie Smith - Sue Syring
Mrs. Grant Fallin entertained Friday
at a picnic luncheon for her pre-school
kindergarten school group at her home.
Mr. Fallin assisted in entertaining the
Children present were Dickie Slew
art, Kenneth Martig, Ann Hicks, Bar
bara Todd, Philip Perlman, Vlcke Sue
Fronke, Teddy Korn, Nancy Russell,
Ronnie Wichman, Eddit Attebury, Jr.,
Mason Burnham.
"'- ' Bps!-
I .. . . j
oftOPTtMTT rt.tH'H prestoVnl fur the new year k Mrs. fllenn t. MrOrailrk,
, shown with her dsoehier. GlemU Um. ortlmlt ta a aluaUM ala tar aiilisaliasl aa4
M lift Lorena Jach. The group is a national
women. (Jesten-MIUer studio picture)
Installation Due
Installation of new officers for Chad
wick assembly, Order of Rainbow for
Girls, will take place next Tuesday
evening at ceremonies planned for 8
o'clock in the Masonic temple.
Line officers to be installed include:
Miss Gladys Boock, worthy adviser;
Miss Marilyn Power, associate adviser;
Miss Dorothy Pederson, charity; Miss
Shirley Jones, hope; Miss Norma Hamil
ton, faith.
Installing officers will include: Miss
Leah Case, adviser; Miss Allie Lou Oh
ling, marshal; Miss Thais Crandall, chap
lain; Miss Doris Jean Shafer, recorder;
Miss Virginia Benner, musician.
Appointive officers named by the
new worthy adviser include the follow
ing: Miss Alta Hadley, chaplain; Miss Mar
ilyn Lorens, flag bearer; Miss Othelene
Lee, confidential observer; Miss Betty
Walser, -outer observer; Miss Margaret
Boock, drill leader; Miss Una Mae Gray
less, associate drill leader; Miss Edna
Mae Manning, historian; Miss Betty Jo
Davenport, musician; Miss Beverly Gra
ber, love; Miss Geraldine Radcliff, na
ture; Miss Donna Phelps, religion; Miss
Dorothy Dyke, immortality; Miss Arlene,
president for the Salem Rjitana club was
serrtca club for business and professional
Kuhn, fidelity; Miss Kay Perrin, patriot
ism; Miss Ida Jo Henderson, service;
Misses Arlene Garver, Janet Kufner,
Edithanne Simpson and Eleanor Coul
aon, choir.
A reception is to follow the installa
tion. On the committee from the ad
visory group for the reception are Mr.
and Mrs. W. G. Burris, Mrs. Ray De
Sart and Mrs. Bertha Bergman.
Committees from the order for the
evening include: Ushers, Misses Clarice
and Claudia Waters; decorations, Misses
Sharon Plunkett, Pebble DeSart and
Dorothy Swigart; gifts table, Misses Bon
nie Belle Stewart and Janet Gaiser.
Theatre Arts group is to meet next
Tuesday at the home of Mrs. J. E. West
and Miss Kate Dickson, 470 North Sum
mer, dessert to be at 1 o'clock. For the
program, Mrs. Otto K. Paulus is to re
view Tennessee Williams' latest play,
"Summer and Smoke," now showing on
The Booster club of the St. Mark
Lutheran church is meeting Monday at
8 p.m. at the church. In charge of the
entertainment are the following com
mittee: Mr. and Mrs. Alt Sather, Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Sederstrnm, Mr. and
Mrs. Irwin Slegenthaler, Mr. and Mrs.
L. J. Stewart, and Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
The marriage of Miss Betty Loewen,
daughter of Mrs. Nettie Loewen. to Mar
vin J. Lowen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake
Lowen, was solemnized the evening of
May 17 at a ceremony in the Kingwood
Bible church, West Salem.
The rites took place at 8 o'clock, the
Rev. A. A. Loewen, brother of the bride,
officiating. The dedicatory prayer was
given by the Rev. Albert Fadenrecht.
The bride, given in marriage by her
brother, wore a gown of white slipper
satin, designed with yoke of net and a
train. The overface veil was fingertip
in length. For her flowers the bride
carried a bouquet of carnations and gar
denias with a white orchid in the cen
ter. Miss Shirley Loewen was maid of
honor for her aunt. She wore a laven
der taffeta gown. Miss Vioict Veer, in
yellow taffeta, was the bridesmaid.
Flower girls were nieces of the couple,
Karon Lowen and Sharol Boese both
wearing green taffeta. The attendants
carried umbrellas covered with snap
dragons in pastel colors. Candlelight- '
ers were Mrs. Menno Penner, Reedlcy,
Calif., sister of Mr. Lowen, and Mrs.
Herman Boesp, sister of the bride. They
wore pale green taffeta frocks.
C. M. Lowen, brother of the bride
groom, was best man, and Larry Fllz
water served as usher.
John Friesen of Portland was soloist
and Mrs. Harlan Ratzlaff was at the
For the wedding, the bride's mother
wore navy blue with navy and pink
accessories, and pearls, and the bride
groom's mother also wore navy with
navy acessories and strand of pearls.
Both mothers wore corsages of lavender
Following the service, a reception was
given in the church parlors. Mrs. Pete
Loewen. sister of the bride, was host
ess. Miss Jacqueline Buntjer was at
the punch bowl and Mrs. David Loewen
was at the coffee urn. Mrs Clarence)
Harder cut the cake. In charge of gilts
was Mrs. C. M. Lowen.
Following ( trip to Carlsbad cavern.
New Mexico, and into Texas and old
Mexico, the couple will be at homi on
Kinfwaod xUifhta.
Opening next Wednesday will be an
interesting new exhibit in the Elfstrom
Art galleries.
It will display the work of the Salem
public school art teachers and is being
arranged through the office of Miss Mar
garet McDevitt, supervisor of art in the
local schools.
Among those exhibiting will be Misa
McDevitt, Mrs. Ruth Sitlinger of Sa
lem high school, Miss Leona Golz of
Parrish junior high, Mrs. Opal Henning
of Leslie junior high, and Robert Voigt
of Parrish junior high.
This is the first time the teachprt
have exhibited as a group in Salem, al
though individually the artists have
shown their work in other cities as well
as here.
The exhibit will feature a variety of
work, pencil sketches, water colors, oils,
pastels and tempora works.
The exhibit is to continue through
May 25 to June 11.
Social club of Chadwick chapter. Or
der of Eastern Star, is to have its final
party of the season Tuesday afternoon.
Dessert will be at 1:15 p.m., followed
by cards.
Mrs. J. S. Murray, Mrs. O. I. Paulson,
Mrs. W. G. Burris, Mrs. R. F. Stender,
Mrs. E. F. Carlton, Mrs. Robert Stutz
man, Mrs. J. H. Hann, Mrs. Ferd Zeeb,
Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. M. T. Madsen,
Mrs. James Pride, Mrs. A. H. Barker,
Mrs. William Gahlsdorf, Mrs. Arthur
Davis, Mrs. W. L. Lewis, Miss Ulva
Derby are the committee for the after
noon. 1
Alpha Epsilon chapter of Beta Sigma
Phi is meeting next Thursday evening at
Van's school of dance.
Piano pupils of Charles O. Hargrave
will be presented in recital Sunday eve
ning at 8 o'clock at the Roberts studio
on North Summer.
Children taking part in the program
include the following:
Theme - List
Bull Frog Llbby
Berna Dean Sittser
Wee Folk G&ynor
Bobbie Richardson
Sing Me To Sleep Oreen
Mike Legg
A Perfect Day Bond
Sharon Mitchell
The Faun Terry
Ronald Sittser
Rustic Chapel Rolfs
Anna Coffel
Avalanche Heller
Michel Tavner
Tarantella Thompson
Lorna Lee Perkins
China Boy Res,
Don Juan Mozart
Jim Robertson
Dark Eyes Wagness
Richard Richardson
Sailors Song Orlege
Ada, Hudson
Rondo No. I KMS Mosart
Ronald 8wanson
Waltz Op. 4 No. 1 Chopin
Shirley Doerfler
Sung Outaide Prince's Window McDowell
Consolation Mendelssohn
Max Morris
Fantasia D Minor Mosart
Golllwogg's Cakewalk Debussy
Charles Hargrave, Jr.
Chromatic Waltz Oodard
Bill Covert
Minuet Psderewskl
Francis Fox
Etude Op. 10 No. 12 Chopin
Bill Jaquith
" vA lull $ His
KoMtasssBaMSMasat4sssaBali - ajssMBHaata4siBalanM4.ia-.b. ... oVwiftl
MR. MM T. f AMrnri.l. win hud the
group being one of the rilv'l moat arllve
a homrmakrr and shews har. with bar
r .. mm
MRS. GEORGE W. A I.I ISO was elected this month to sorve tha Salem Woman
rlub for the coming year as president. Mrs. Ailing also Is Interested In several garden
organisations and h shown here beside a beautiful rhododendron In her garden. (Jes ten
Miller studio picture)
Mothers Honored
The annual Installation ceremonies
and a tea for mothers of members will
feature the meeting of the Junior Wom
an's club Monday evening at the Salem
Woman's club house at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. George Sirnio is chairman of the
committee in charge and Is being assist
ed by Mrs. Wesley Goodrich, Mrs. Roy
Mink, Mrs. Robert Copley. Mrs. Peery
Buren, Mrs. Wakefield Walker, Mrs.
Calvin Kent, Mrs. Frank Ward, Miss Lu
cille Satter.
Mrs. Cedric T. Reaney, retiring presi
dent, will officiate at the installation.
Zonta club's meeting is scheduled for
next Thursday evening, dessert to be
served at 7:30 o'clock with Mrs. Saul
.Tanz as hostess at her new home in the
Turner district.
In Portland today attending a district
council of presidents of Zonta clubs in
Oregon and Washington were Miss Gene
vieve Morgan, district vice chairman;
Mrs. I. N. Bacon, president of the Salem
club; Mrs. Robert M. Fischer, Jr., president-elect
of the local club. They will
remain to attend a dinner and installa
tion of officers for the Portland club
this evening.
Jnntar Woman's rloh for the new v"r. the
women's rluos. Mrs. CamnhHI alwi I hutv as
tw ahlMrta, faUy ao4 Bokby. UssUn-Mlllw
INVITATIONS are out for the recep
tion to be given by the Willamette,
university faculty to honor seniors,
their parents, university alumni and
friends Saturday, June 11.
The reception will be given in Lau
sanne hall between the hours of 8:30
and 10:30 o'clock, and is one of the tra
ditional events in connection with Wil
lamette's commencement.
Mrs. Marion Looney, Jefferson, has
Invited the Dabblers group to meet with
her next Thursday evening for dessert.
Members are asked to meet at the
YWCA by 7 p.m. so transportation may
be arranged.
Students of Miss Margaret Hogg will
present two recitals Sunday afternoon
at 3 and 4 o'clock In the Roberts' studio.
Friends of the young pianists are in
vited to attend either or both programs.
Assisting soloists will be vocalists, Bar
bara Senter and Mary Evelyn Parke.
At 3 o'clock the following student!
will play: Loree King, Glenn Llvesay,
Dennis McClaughry, Jon Nelson, Peter
and Kathryn Smith, Robert Leth, Val
Leta- Hay, Mary Linda Doerfler, Carol
Ann Livesay, Harriet Hooper, Carolyn
Madsen, Lynne Higginbotham, and Sally
The 4 o'clock program will be given
by James Hart, DeAnn McClaughry, Sa
mara Ramp, Sandra Harwond, Suzanne
De Armond. Gordon June, Nancy Rust,
David Lnuthan, Loree Sliffe. Jane Mc
CrGalh, Alice Rowland. Joan Fitts, Nor
eene Wells and Barbara Owens.
. -
Home from an interesting trip in the
south and east is Mrs. Cedric T. Reaney.
As president of the Salem Junior
Woman's club she went as a dele
gate to the convention of the General
Federation of Women's clubs at tha
Hollywood Beach hotel near Miami.
Km route the Orruun delegation stopped
at Houston. Texas, and had dinner at
thr new Shamrock hotel there, and
slopped in New Orleans, taking in tha
French quarters while there.
More lhan 1500 delegates attended the
coiivc-ntion of the federation. Twenty
two slale were represented in the roll
call for the Junior Woman's clubs' divi
sion. Following the convention, Mrs.
Reaney went with a group of the dele
gates to Key West, then to Miami Beach
fm a week. While at Miami Beach, the
group went for a day to Havana.
After leaving Florida. Mrs. Reaney
went to Westfield, N.J., to visit friends
and while there went into New York
City to see the play, ' Where's Charley?"
a'so the Cavalcade of America broad
cast and a performance at Radio City
Music hall. Later, she attended the
New Jersey state convention for Junior
Woman's clubs. 635 being registered for
the event. Mrs. Reaney was an honor
guet for the Saturday luncheon of the
convention. She flew home, returning
the first of the week.
Dr. Waller Dyke, professor of physics,
I. Infield college, is to be speaker for
the state American Association of Uni
versity Women program over KOAC,
Tuesday, his topic to be "The Wise Use
of Our Scientific Development."
Nebraska auxiliary is meeting on
Wednesday at Ihe home of Mrs. Mar
garet Wiliis, R65 North Fifth street, a
no-host luncheon to be served at 12 30