Several Salem Women s Clubs Elect New Leaders For eOSMIS club announces lt next dance for Saturday evening, May 28, at the Mayflower hall, danc ing to be between 9 and 12 o'clock with Claude Bird's or:hestra playing. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Domogalla, chair men, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dumler, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Monismith and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sant are the committee for the evening. By Marian Lowry Fischer HONORING Mrs. David H. Cam eron, who is leaving in early June on an interesting trip, Mrs, Grant C. Rogers will entertain next Fri day at a salad lucheon and bridge party at her home, guests for five tables be ing invited. Bidden to the party are Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. George Rossman, Mrs. I. M. Doughton, Mrs. Claude H. Murphy, Mrs. Guy N. Hickok, Mrs. Howard R. Pickett, Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding,- Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde, Mrs. Carl Cham bers, Mrs. Karl B. Kugel, Mrs. Estill L. Brunk, Mrs. John C. Strickfaden, daugh ter of the honoree, and Mrs. Charles A, Cole, all of Salem; Mrs. Carl Greve, Mrs. Myron B. Feig, Mrs. H. Lawrence Lister, all of Portland; Mrs. Donald Nagel of Longview, daughter of Mrs, Cameron; Mrs. Minnie J. Bell of Mon mouth, mother of Mrs. Cameron; and Mrs. Richard Kinley of Oregon City. Mrs. Cameron Is leaving June 3 to Join a special group going from Seattle to Indianapolis for the convention of the Daughters of the Nile, June 6 to 10. Mrs. Cameron Is a member of the chorus for Nydia temple of the Nile, Portland, Following the convention at Indianap olis Mrs. Cameron will go on to New Orleans and New York City. On her return to the west coast, Mr. Cameron will Join her In Los Angeles. They will return to Salem about the first of July. From Oakland, Calif., comes word of the birth in that city on May 19 of a daughter, Anna Marguerite, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller. Grandparents of the little girl are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller ef Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boent gen of Eugene. Salem Beta Theta PI Mothers' club members has been invited to attend the annual spring luncheon of the Portland Beta mothers next Wednesday, May 25, at the home of Mrs. Howard Stearns in Portland. Local mothers planning to attend are asked to call Mrs. H. V. Compton, 35910. Arriving tomorrow for a few days' visit In Salem will be Mrs. and Mrs. Paul W. Harvey, Sr., of Tacoma to visit at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Paul W. Harvey, Jr. Members of Chapter CB of P.E.O. Sis terhood are meeting next Thursday eve ning at the horn of Mrs. Keith Reich ia Independence at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. John C. Itrickfaden has been Visiting in Portland tha past week. PRESIDENT OF THE ROJOrRNERg rluk, an organisation devoted soperlallv to pre Tiding social life for newcomers tn the city. I Mrs. Hnhirl Jarknon. noon here with her young ton, Stephen. The Jark'on famllv rrrenilv motred into a new homo on Malna ea the (.clear dlairlet. (Jesten-MlUar studio ptcturt). t. ,- NEW REGENT FOR Chemrlieta chapter, the new year Is Mrs. Ruth If'cn vi a home to look after. (Jestcn-Mlller studio AAUW Program, The annual program and social given to honor senior women of Willamette university will be staged by the Salem branch of the American Association of University Women next Friday eve ning, May 27, in Baxter hall at 8 o'clock. Featuring the program will be a panel to be presented by a group of foreign students from the political science de partment of the University of Oregon, Dr. Charles P. Schleicher of the depart ment faculty in charge. At the business session of the branch new officers are to be elected. Hostesses for the evening are mem bers of the retiring board of the branch, 1M t. f . . P Ms J I u I 1tr Vy. Daughters of the Ameririn Revolution, for tr a busy schedule with a Job and also photo) Social Friday Mrs. Vernon Wiscarson, Miss Elise Sch roeder, Miss Marjorie Chester, Miss Mil dred Christenson, Mrs. Arthur Bone, Mrs. Robert Corey, Mrs. Arthur W. Cole, Mrs. Dena Aim Davis, Mrs. Ralph Dobbs, Miss Mary Ann Foley, Mrs. Bruce Crandall, Mrs. Irvin Potter, Miss Ida Mae Smith, Mrs. Gordon Carl, Miss Constance Weinman, Mrs. Preston Doughton, Mrs. R. C. Miller, Mrs. E. S. Oliver, Mrs. A. P. Sprague. During the tea hour, Mrs. John Bur cham, immediate past president of tha state division of the AAUW, will pour. This is the final meeting of the local branch until fall. Mrs. Robert Needham will entertain for her bridge club, Tuesday, Inviting the group for luncheon and cards. Mrs. Kenneth Wilson will be hostess for her bridge club Wednesday, enter taining the group for luncheon and cards. Mrs. Thomas B. Kenagy returned to day from San Jose where she has been visiting the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie White. For the half-hour program over KOAC for the Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs next Friday, Rev. R. D. Bulkley, president of the Federated Churches, Corvallis, is to be guest speak er on "Those We Honor." The Letter Carriers' auxiliary is to meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Arthur Brewster, 580 North 21st. ROOP-CORNELIUS WEDDING A bride Sunday afternoon will be Miss Sally Cornelius, daughter of Mrs. Evelyn Cornelius, who is to wed Clifton Roop, son of John Roop of Stayton, at a ceremony planned for 3 o'clock In tha First Christian church, the Rev. Dudley Strain officiating. Early summer flowers In pastel col ors will decorate the church for tha ceremony. Mrs. William Skewis is to be soloist and Miss Rosemary Naff will be at the organ. Richard C. Churchill la to give his granddaughter in marriage. The bride will wear a smart white summer suit with all-white acessoriea and a corsage of orchids. Miss Betty Feilen Is to be maid of honor. She will wear a light gray suit, a white hat with green trim, and corsage of white carnations. Donald Beltr Is to attend Mr. Roop. The reception following will be at the Cornelius home. Assisting with the, coffee and serving will be Mrs. O. R. Eckersley, Mrs. T. W. Leasure and Mrs. George Skaggs. Miss Gladvs Gold smith will serve the cake and Mrs. Thomas Blythe will be at the punch bowl. Miss Carolyn Eckersley is to pass the guest book. Among out-of-town guests for the wedding will be Mrs. Floyd Brewer of Portland, aunt of the bride, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Roop, uncle and aunt of Mr. Roop, who will come from Eugene. Following a trip to the beach, tha eouple will be at horn in ialem. i WEDDING of Interest to many university friends takes place next Friday evening, May 27, when Miss Barbara Robinson, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Robinson of Good ing. Idaho, will be married to Stanley Ryals, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Ryala of Salem, Members of the wedding party are being announced by Miss Robinson, who arrived here Friday. Mrs. Kenneth Thompson of Twin Falls, Idaho, will attend her sister as matron of honor. Miss Colleen White man of Hood River, Miss Shirley Am bler of Portland, Mrs. Wesley Wood ard of Boise, and Miss Betty Cummings of Palo Alto, all college friends of the bride-elect, will be bridesmaids. Oren Ryals, Jr., is to be best man for his brother. Russell Robinson, brother of the bride-to-be, Jess Jones, Ray Fedje and Stuart Compton are to be the ush ers. The ceremony will be solemnized at 8 o'clock in the First Congregational church, Dr. Daniel Schulze of Willam ette faculty officiating. Miss Dorothy Ann Hobson and Lloyd Powell are to be soloists for the wedding. The reception following will be at the Chi Omega house, sorority of the bride-elect. Mrs. Vernon Drye, Mrs. John Steel hammer and Miss Patricia Vandeneynde will be hostesses Monday evening to the Spinsters club, entertaining the group at the home of Mrs. Drye's moth er, Mrs. Charles E. Wagner, 60S North Summer, at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. M. E. Knickerbocker was hostess this afternoon at a children's party to honor of her son, Glen, who observed his seventh birthday on Friday. Assisting the hostess was her daughter, Kay. Games were played and the traditional birthday luncheon served. Guests honoring Glen were Joan Glenn, Jerelyn Hughes, Janet Griffin, Margot and Susan Wing, Jean Williams, Edwina Fitzgerald, Ann Halvorson, Douglas Halvorson, Wesley Stewart, Chester Hodgson, Gerald Beach, Jerry Swearinger, Buzz Williams, Jimmy, Johnny and Janet Davenport, Thirza Goeckner. Four couples who make up a bridge club are planning to attend the Ice Follies in Portland, May 29, the party concluding the season's card parties. In the group are Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker Lineberry, Mr. and Mrs. David H. Came ron, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Hutchison. Mrs. Gerald Fisher and Mrs. Edwin Johnston were hostesses Thursday eve ning at the home of the former for an informal bridge parly. Varied spring flowers were used in decorating. Invited for the evening were Mrs. Hal Randall, Mrs. Herman Jochimsen, Mrs. Carl Jordon, Mrs. Norris Clement, Mrs. Ralph Cale'y, Mrs. Gilbert Wyn koop, Mrs. Carroll Ford. Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of Ore gon's governor, will observe her usual at home day, Tuesday afternoon. This will be the final one for the summer, the weekly day to be resumed in the fall. MISS HALVARSON SETS DATE Among August brides will be Miss" Barbara Halvarson, who has announced August 28 as the date for her marriage to Stanley Girod. The date was revealed at an announce ment this week at the Alpha Chi Omega sorority house. The couple previously had announced their engagement. The wedding Is to be In the First Meth odist church on the August date. Miss Halvarson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Halvarson of Salem, Mr. Girod, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy O. Girod, also of Salem. Both young people are sophomores at Willamette university and plan to finish their col lege education in Portland, Line officers of the Salem chapter. Order of Eastern Star, entertained re cently with a tea at the home of Mrs. Harry M. Lucas, inviting all members of the chapter to call. Hostesses were Mrs. Claude Post, worthy matron, Mrs. Russell Beutler, Mrs. A. L. Wallace and Mrs. Lucas. A May pole and story book dolls dec orated the tea table and dining room. Pouring were Mrs. W. L. Thomas, Mrs. Ida Vaughn, Miss Juana Holmes and Mrs. Mona Yoder. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Tyler, Jr., and son, John Tyler III, left today by car for a five weeks' trip to Michigan. They will visit Mr. Tyler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Tyler, Sr., at Detroit, and Mrs. Tyler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hill at Grand Rapids. At Grand Rapids John Tyler III. four and one-half years old. will be baptised in the family church, Grace Episcopal, a family re union at the Hill home to follow. Mrs. Roy Buchanan of Astoria ts spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Pickett. Social Planned Jaycee-Ettes of Salem will be host esses next Wednesday at a party at tha Salem Woman's club building, members of the Jaycec-Ettes from SUverton, Al bany and Oregon City to be guests. The event is planned for o'clock. There will be a program followed by dessert and bridge party. Mrs. Homer Stiffler is president of the group and la assisting committee members in arranging tha social. r AY meeting for the Oregon State College Mother's club is to be Monday evening, a no-host din ner being arranged for 6:30 o'clock in the Four Corners Community hall for members and their husbands. Invited especially to attend the event are parents of prospective students at OSC. Dr. D. T. Ordeman, new registrar at the college, is to be speaker and Mrs. Ordeman also will be a guest at tha event. Special guests Invited Include Gov ernor and Mrs. Douglas McKay, Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Strand of the college and Mr. and Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers. Mrs. L. O. Arens will preside and new officers are to be installed. THE PRESIDENT for the Salem club, Dauthters of the Nile, for next year ts Mra. Charles Borer, pictured here with her children, Jo Ann and Ketth. The club cirri ei on an extensive program of philanthropic work during the year to assist the Shrine hospital for crippled children and in the care of crippled children In this area. Jesten-MUler studio picture) Evening Musicale Interesting to a large group for Tues day evening will be the evening of music sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. James C. Stone. Josephine Albert Spaulding, mezzo soprano, accompanied by Mrs. A. A. Schramm; and Doris McCann, organist, will be featured in the program arrang ed for 8 o'clock in the Stone Piano com pany building, Fairgrounds road. Program for the evening follows: Chorale Prelude Come sweet Death ..Bach Choral Fantasia In A Minor Bach The Bell Symphony Purcell Doris McCann, organist StiUe Tranen iSllent Tesrsi Schumann When I Bring to You Colour'd Tos s Carpenter The Sleep That Flits on Baby's Eyes Carpenter Spring 8ons of the Robin Woman (from the Indian opera Shanewist ....Cadmsn Josephine Albert spaulding, mezzo soprano Lucile Schramm, accompanist Andante Grande Piece Symphonlque In F Minor Franck Wind in the Pine Trees Clokey Meditation 8turges Clouds Celga Doris McCsnn Intreat Me Not to Leave Thee (book of Ruth) Watte Transformation Watts May-Dav Carol .' Taylor My Parting Gift Warren Jonrphlne Albert Spaulding Toccata Suite Gothique Boellmann Clair de Lune DeBussy Doris McCann Following the program refreshments will be served. Mrs. David Eason is to preside at the coffee urn and Miss Alice Crary Brown will be at the punch bowl. Assisting in serving will be Mrs. Frank Fisher, Mrs. Stuart Lancefield, Mrs. Wheeler English, Mrs. Kenneth Mann ing, Mrs. George Scales, Mrs. Glenn Stevens, Mrs. A. C. Gerlinger, Mrs. Har. old Busick, Mrs. George Hill. The program is an invitational one. Salem Lions auxiliary elected new officers this week as follows: Mrs. Wayne Doughton, president, succeeding Mrs. Jacob Fuhrer; Mrs. John Ramage, vice president; Mrs. R. O. Lewis, secre tary; Mrs. Robert Davidson, treasurer. Installation will be a Joint event with the Lions club late in June. Delegates named from the auxiliary to the state convention to be In Astoria are Mrs. L. J. Stewart, Mra. Harry W. Scott, Mra. Merrill D. Ohling, Mrs. Stanley S. Smith, Mrs. Fred G. Starrett, Mra. R. W. Land. Mrs. Walter Dry and Mrs. Jacob Fuhrer. On June 9 the auxiliary members will meet for a picnic at the home of Mrs. Ramage on Croisan creek. Chapter BC of the P E O. Sisterhood ts to be entertained Tuesday evening by Mrs. Clare Lee and Mrs. George H. Swift at the Lee home. 2463 South Com mercial at 7:15 o'clock. Next Year OMEN of Rotary plan their final meeting of the spring for Monday, a buffet luncheon to be served at 1 p.m. in the Golden Pheas ant. A surprise program is planned, Mrs. Charles Fowler in charge. Mrs Floyd Bressler and Mrs. Clay Cochran will be on the reception com mittee. Mrs. Abner K. Kline, president, will be in charge of the business ses- Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Bryant and two ' children of Dighton, Kansas, are visit ing here at the home of Mrs. Bryant's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hyames. T OJOURNERS club ia planning a dessert bridge party for next Thus- day at 1:15 o'clock in the Salem Woman's club building. Mrs. A. J. Becker, Mrs. Stuart Thede, Mrs. Howard Post, Mrs. O. A. Olsen, Mrs. Earl Parsons, Mrs. Richard Rey nolds are the committee for the meet ing. Chapter AB of PEO Sisterhood ia meeting Monday evening at 7:45 o'clock. Mrs. Clara Trotter and Mrs. Florence Hutchinson to entertain the group at the home of the former. Dr. and Mrs. S. D. Wiles and daugh ter, Nancy, leave Wednesday by plane for Detroit, and later will visit at Chi cago and go on td New York City. They plan to be gone about three and one-half weeks. Regular golf day for the Salem Wo men's Golf association will be Wednes day, play at 9 a.m., luncheon at 1:30 p.m. Play will be held in the third round of the tournament. Among club hostesses next week will be Mrs. Richard Chambers who Is to en- icrimn ivr ner Driace group OTCunesuav at dessert and cards. Mrs. Glen L. Weaver and Mrs. H. S Boomer will be hostesses at the home of the former Monday evening at 7:45 o'clock for the meeting of Chapter BQ of P.E.O. Sisterhood. USY WEEK FOR McKAYS Governor and Mrs. Douglas McKay are in Medford over Sunday, the gov ernor to give the dedicatory address for the new YMCA building there. Follow ing the dedication there will be an in formal reception, the McKays to be in the receiving line. State Representative Frank Van Dyke, speaker of the house, is chairman of the arrangements for the dedication. The McKays will return Monday. On Tuesday evening, Governor and Mrs. McKay will be in Portland to at tend the dinner being given for tha Portland consular corps, James McDon ald, British consul, being in charge. To Oakridge on Thursday the McKays go for a luncheon and a tour planned by civic groups there to show the Oak ridge industries. Governor and Mra. McKay leave next Friday for La Grande. The new Delia Mayfield school, named for a teacher on the school staff since 191)7, ia to be dedicated Saturday afternoon at Elgin, Governor McKay taking part in the program.