Ten Card Tables Played at Benefit Lincoln Nine tabid of pin ochle and one of '500" were in play at the popular benefit card party aponsored by the Lincoln community center association, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W M Brog. The affair was the fourth in a series of benefit card parties, the first one being given at the Lincoln home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Meissner, the second at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R W. Hammer at Lincoln, the third at the Zena home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smart. Women'! high score at pin ochle was won by Mrs. Harvey McLaughlin, and men's by Mar vin Cherry: women's high core for '500' was won by Mrs I. E. Merrick and for men, by S. B. Dodge. Attending the affair were Mr and Mrs. Ben McKinney, Mr and Mrs. R. V. Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. George Hammond and son, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ber nard, Mrs. Alice Updegraff, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Cherry, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Neiger, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Camillo, Mr. and Mrs R. J. Meissner, Mr. and Mrs Lester Walling, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Walling, Mr. and Mrs Robert Yungen. Mr. and Mrs. I E. Merrick. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burns, Mr. and Mrs. H. D Burns, Mr. and Mrs. E. Guy Cooke, Mrs. Eva Purvine, Mrs Anna Hackett, S. B. Dodge, Mr and Mrs. H. D. Cortemeyer, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Love, Mr and Mrs. W. M. Brog. Four Corners Unit Brings Season to Close at Lunch Four Corners, May 21 The Four Cornera Home Extension Unit opened their final meeting of the year with a luncheon Richard E. Smith spoke on the importance of a well-balanced breakfast with special emphasis on breakfast for school children There were 34 members and four guests. Committee on tables and dec orations were Mrs. C. O. Gilm- ing assisted by Mrs. J. E. Web ster, Mrs. A. J. Olson, Mrs. Ralph King, Mrs. Lloyd Mitch ell, Mrs. William Slater, Mrs. C. C. Morris, Mrs. Rex Morris, Mrs. Pete Gossen. Yellow baskets filled with spring flowers cen tered the tables with small yel low nut cups holding a tiny spray of flowers used at the places. The Four Corners unit is one of the larger units in the county having a membership of 53. An average attendance of 26 mem bers were present at each meet ing. The unit completed all pro jects for the year with a "cot ton dress work shop of three days. Mrs. Ralph Mercer of the Four Corners unit was elected chairman of the Marion county extension committee for the coming year. At 1:30 o'clock Mrs. Willard Pederson, vice chairman, called the business meeting to order The officers for the coming year were installed by Miss Eleanor Trindle, Marion county home demonstration agent, with i candle lighting ceremony. Chair man, Mrs. Jess Mcllnay; vice chairman, Mrs. Oliver Rickman secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Morse Stewart. Following the installa tion Misa Trindle presented the topic for the day, "Conserving YOU." Chaplain and Mrs. Franklin T. Gosser and children. Marilyn and David were visiting in the I. M. Gosser home, 295 S. Elma avenue for ten days. Chaplain Gosser was in charge of the chaplains' display in the army and air force exposition held at Holliday park in Portland last week. He is stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash, with the 38th in laniry regiment. Leaving on Wednesday they returned home by way of Tillamook and As toria. for fly Order Against Fly Discussed General arrangements carrying out cherry fruit control order No. 13, effective again this year in Marion, Polk and Linn counties, were dis cussed in a series of meetings this week In three counties. A. J. Fleming, in charge of the state department of agricul- tures participation in carrying out the control area orders, re minded that all cherry trees whether commercial or "back yard" must be sprayed or dust ed under the order. Fleming said no sprays to combat the fruit fly should be applied until the fruit fly emerges. The extension service, through county agents, will broadcast this information as soon as the first cherry fruit fly appears. Only sprays or dusts stated in the control order or recom mended by the state college with approval of the department may be applied. The schedule is available through the county agent. Commercial sprayers have agreed upon a uniform price for spraying and dusting in urban areas. However, townspeople and others may do their own spraying or dusting as long as approved dosages are used and proper coverage of trees obtained. The cherry fruit fly control area has been in effect in Linn. Polk and Marion counties since 1946. It was established after public hearings following the costly lesson of the previous year when the cherry fruit fly caused cherry growers of the Willamette valley heavy casual ties because of seizures, due to presence of this worm, by the federal food and drug authori ties of shipments of cherries. Lebanon Sounds Call For Berry Pickers Lebanon, May 21 An urgent request for berry pickers has been issued by the employment office, with first picking already under way. Berriea this year, iccording to employment office sfficiali, are large and the vines heavily laden. No picking prices have yet seen set, and neither has a price been determined to be paid growers. General belief ia that pickers will receive between three and four cents a box, with half cent bonus paid to those itaylng through the entire pick Inff nprinH. Interested pickers are re guested to sign up at the Leba non employment office on See and street between Maple and Brant. Next Year Seniors Name Class Leaders Stayton Leonard Smith of Mehama was elected president f the Stayton high school stu dent body for next year. Walt 1 Van Handel will be vice presi dent; Alctha Stewart, secretary; Mona Covert, treasurer, and Dave Brown, sergeant-at-arms. Susee Teeters, junior, was se lected as the outstanding girl of the school who will represent it at the Girls state at Salem some time this summer. Marlon Ellen King David Maurice Karr Mill City Seniors Divide Highest Graduation Honor Mill City, May 21 One thing graduation will not determine this year and that is which is the brightest student, a girl or a boy. As far as school authorities here are concerned, the an swer is both. Because Marian Ellen King and David Maurice Karr, of Lyons, tied for valedictorian honors for Dallas Forum Greets Salem Delegation Dallas, May 21 A delegation of 15 Salem business and pro fessional men from the Salem Chamber of Commerce were present at the regular meeting of the Dallas Chamber of Com merce Friday, and T. M. Med ford, district manager of Safe way Stores, Inc., addressed the combined group on the subject, "In the Land of Plenty Where Are We Drifting?" Neale Povey, local president, was in charge of the meeting and Roy Harland, president of the Salem organization, intro duced the visitors. R. H. Bal- docK, state highway engineer, presented the speaker. After being developed by the adventurous and strong, our nation is now threatened by so cialism, Medford declared. The constitution is "the greatest blueprint for prosperity man kind has ever known." Capital Journal. Salem. Oregon. Saturday. May Zl. I94- Red Cross Chapter Electing Directors Dallas Annual meeting of the Polk county chapter, Ameri can Red Cross, will be Monday evening in the Chamber of Com merce room of City hall. A potluck dinner will precede the meeting, and the chapter will furnish coffee and dessert. j Reports on activities for the past year will be given, and ac tion will be considered on the failure of the county to meet Its found drive quota. Three directors from each dis trict of the county will be elect ed to the board. Paving Starts Soon Lebanon City crews remov ed dirt from north and west sides ot City hall this week, and several sections ot broken sidewalk, preparatory to paving the entire area on both sides of the building outward to the street. The over-all plan in cludes a permanent brick wall ed flower bed on the facades of the building. Four Mizpah Circle Members Honored Silverton Four members of Mizpah Circle of the Immanuel Lutheran Woman's Missionary federation, were complimented at the regular meeting at the E V. Swayze home in the nresenta- tion of gifts following the reg ular business session. Honored were Mrs. Marvin Dahl, Mrs. Lloyd Naegeli, Mrs Merl Rasmussen and Mrs. R. J VanCleave. Directing devotion als and presenting the discus sion topic was Mrs. Ole Meland Game awards went to Mrs. John Overlund, Mrs. Merl Rasmus- sen and Mrs. Aage B. Anderson during the social hour. Assisting Mrs. Swayze as en- terainment hostess wai Mrs Tom Lynch. Reports were made of the membera of the circle serving 240 convention guests at the Saturday evening banquet. The June 0 meeting is to be held at the Welch street home of the Elmer Petersons with Mrs Lloyd Larsen as co-hostess. Mrs E. V. Swayze is Mizpah Circle president. Nelson Takes Post Boy Scout District j Silverton Judge Alf. O. Nel son was appointed a few weeks ago by 13 members of the Scout executives in a Woodburn meet ing, to serve as organization and extension director for the Sil verton area, and was persuad ed upon to accept this week. Judge Nelson accepted in writ ing the honor conferred, stating that he didn't see how he could manage the work but with aid of board members and other ex-i ecutives, "I'll do the best I can for tha Silver Falls district area." Wayne Merrick, boys' adviser at the Woodburn state training school, ia the immediate past director. M. B. Ford, principal of the Eugene Field grades of tht Sil verton school faculty, ia dis trict commissioner. The dis trict coven the adea of the east ern half of Marion county. the graduation of Mill City high school class this spring, there will be no valedictorian and consequently no salutatorian Their grade average for the four years was 1.045 or a grade av erage of "A." Miss King, 18, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell King. She plans to enter Oregon State college in the fall and major in secretarial science. Last year she received the Ethel Hickey award and this year she served as yell queen, played on the girls' vollyball team and held a part time job as office secretary. She had attended Mill City schools all 12 years. Karr, 16, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Karr, Lyons. He will enter Oregon College of Educa tion at Monmouth in the fall and will major in mathematics. He attended Stayton high school during his freshman year where he received the award as most outstanding first-year student. His last three years were spent here, and this year he served as student body treasurer. Karr received perfect attendance awards for two years in high school. Graduation exercises will be held in the theater Thursday night with Dr. Chester Hamblin, pastor of the Salem First Pres byterian church, speaking. Rev. Morton Boothe, pastor of the Albany Presbyterian church, gives the baccalaureate address at the Mill City Christian church Sunday night. No flowering plants occur within the Antarctic circle. Farm Bureau Elects Woodburn Officers of the Marion County Farm Bureau re cently re-elected are: Robert Miller, president: John Hooper, vice president; Bert Feibrandt, secretary-treasurer; Tom De Armond, state delegate and Ray Stampley, public relations man. The group passed a resolution opposing the proposed Brandon farm program. 2-Day Amateur RODEO May 21 and 22 Show Starts 1:30 TURNER TRAIL RIDERS Grounds m Miles SW of Turner Stock furnished bv Ellery De Lachmutt. Books closed at 12:00 noon. Adults $1.00 Inc. Tax. Children, 50c Inc Tax. nnouncina a the appointment of Salem Supper Club's new chef, di rect from New York . . . Nick Marino his tempting . delicious veal famous for pizza pies , . scalappini . For a complete, happy eve ning's entertainment, comt to the Salem Supper Club tonight . . . relax and enjoy the lilting melodies of Evangeline Shelton currently featured singer and entertainer. Salem Supper (Hub 2 Miles from West Salem Bridge on Dallas Highway TONITE! Sloper Hall INDEPENDENCE JOE LANE ft WESTERN DANCE GANG Willamette Valley's Top Western Band" DANCING 9 to 1 a.m. Sponsored by AMERICAN LEGION POST 33 DANCE TONITE CRYSTAL GARDENS .ID FN Old Time and Modern Music by Pop Edwards Admission 60s Including tax Fires Need Permits Lebanon Permit! are now required for trash or any other autslde fires within the city limits, Fire Chief Elmer Fitz gerald announces. Permit! may be secured from him or Assist ant Chief Vern Reeves, or at the ire hall. CASH TALKS and you save at Woodrow'i when you pay CASH for Willard Batteries Selber Ung tirei "with full road hazard guarantee " Naioo paints auto glass and un painted furniture R. D. Woodrow Co. 45( Center St Phone Hilt $$ MONEY $$ 4H Real Estate Loam Farm er City Personal and Auto Loam State Finance Co. IS B. High St. Lie. 821 J-52Jt DANCING TONITE to Wayne Strachan's Music VFW HALL Hood and Church Sti. OLD TIME DANCE Every Saturday Night Over Western Auto tit Court St Join the crowd and have a good time. Music By (EN'S ORCHESTRA PUBLIC DANCE Admission foe, Inc. Tax X BROWN'S? y f I7 REE WATCH REGULATING Enjoy the Best Dance Floor in Salem Cottonwoods ; 7 PRESENTS XfT SAT., MAY 21 1 D4.NCINQ Adm. 1.11 I I te 1 Inc tax I This One Ain't Funny Wish you could see me as I write thia ad. I'm wrapped up in a bath robe that should have gone to the cleaners month! ago and I ache in every joint. I've taken every thing from castor oil to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable compound, and still I don't feel good. However, the show must go on. I owe it to MY PUBLIC to bring this weekly message of the finest dish ever served Salem, STEVENSON'S ROYAL FISH N CHIPS My girls at the restaurant criticize me because I don't say more about our FRIED OYSTERS AND CHICKEN FRIED STEAKS (cut from beef tenderloin). I will add thii tho, and tell you a lot of people are coming out at noon to eat our MERCHANTS LUNCH and the way the plates are cleaned up they must be good. Don't forget we want your patronage. Yes, doggone it, we need it. So come out and eat with us. Open every Monday from 10 a.m. 'til 1:30 a.m. I wlah lorn good friend would come In right now with a bulging hip pocket. I'd take a big inort and go to bed. So long until next Saturday CLAUDE STEVENSON P. S. We thould have television in about 2 weeks. Stevenson's Restaurant 2535 Portland Road Phone 2-9004 " ZD r cmde milk homjoen:?.-, jf A NAVAL VETERAN DELIVERS CURLY'S GRADE A MILK ... Folks sometimes ask drivers for Curly's home-owned and friendly dairy for favors in addition to performing their usual service. If you leave a note, Veteran James McCormack will place Curly'g dairy products in your refrigerator and lock the back door. Adv. SEE THE g ROYAL PORTABLE with PINOIR FORM KIYSI Newt The mmt wnutional hrMwnMf inprcrvcfiKftt in y FINGER FORM KEYS de signed to cradle jour finger And only the New ROYAL PORTABLE the world i truly modern typewriter this revolutionary feature! And THnul "Z J I u hps! y I SPECIAL TERMS For 10 Days Only 500 500 jLlii..,.Jilifel crasMf KS5 I Ike Pneciium. Watch CRCEN: .utd GRADUATION 9mf"t& Only esar ft www 6T)67) 75 For her . . . the dainty Veri-Thin Mode, for him . . . the handsome Veri-Thin Scepter. Each of theee smart new models by Gruen offer the utmoit in value, quality and style. Gift! to be long remembered and for ever cherished. '55.00 VERI-THIN VENICE 67.50 AUT0WIN0 AIRMAN VERI-T 71.50 - AOMfRATTM EASY 'PAYMENTS DOWN MONTHLY No Carrying Charge Price Low at tho Lowest Roen Typewriter Exchange 456 COURT ST. f