I 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, May 21, 1949 m r o (so -- -I- Tv WH wt -A. . I - JS 41 i -I If I nnn y uu nnn d a a a a iLUHlS o o - iiiiimiiiiiir Iflfllllitllll! mm mm mm uE , x fUD 4 Illllll 1 Ir'fU Til if ',, fe, , :..( ., : . -i ' 1 f is .ri Dr. H. 0. Schneider Salem Memorial Hospital Medical Staff Mr. M. B. Rudd President of Board of Trustees Salem Memorial Hospital Mr. Irwin Wedel Administrator of Salem Memorial Hospital Private Room This Is Just i sample of the 18 redecorated private rooms the Memorial Hospital has to offer. Soft-toned pastel colored walla added with new furniture and fixtures make each room into an atmosphere of peace and quiet. Be sure to sec them on your tour through the Memorial Hospital. 4 . t : .H k t 1 1 I ca sr 4kM 1 S'Ssi- ..V -4J(N.v 1 Maternity Unit Entrance Lobby The Memorial Hospital lobhy has been completely re-decorated with soft-toned colors, plus an outstanding fern garden forming one wall. The whole effect Is enhanced by two picture panels at either end. New furniture, added to the lobby, com pletes i modern and restful atmosphere throughout. The Memorial Hospital Mater nity department has also seen complete facelifting. Including three private labor rooms, new delivery room, new decorated patient rooms using paper panel ing and pleasing colors. This modern nursery is de igned to care for H new-born Infants. It incorporates many of the new techniques which have been tested and approved In the care of babies. Air conditioning units are be ing Installed, giving uniform temperature and humidity In this department at all times. 1 Mrs. Foe Lefor Superintendent of Nurses Salem Memorial Hospital Clinical Laboratory The new laboratory has been carefully planned adjacent to other specialty departments to give the maximum efficiency with the minimum of space per mitted It is complete with all the latest types of diagnostic and precision instruments, giving the doctors on our staff thoroughly modern laboratory facilities. if Y St; O YMY 22, 1949 2 to 5 P. ML The Salem Memorial Hospital is proud and pleased to hold Open House to show the improvements recently made under the Salem Hospital Development Program (which is now in progress.) Old friends and new friends are cordially invited to attend. Members of the Salem Memorial Hos pital Medical Staff,. Board of Directors and Auxiliary will be on hand to welcome and show you through the hospital. These pictures are a few of the many improvements made throughout the hospital; complete re-decoration with new and modern color schemes, new and advanced equipment. We invite your comment on this development of the Salem Hospital Development program. In the new remodeled dining room, the Salem Memorial Auxiliary will serve refreshments from 2 to 5 p.m. Salem Memorial Hospital Auxiliary . MRS. P.W.GEISER . MRS. ED. GOECKER President , Secretary . Treasurer . Treasurer MRS. M. B. RUDD Salem Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees Mai B. Rude, Mgr. J. C. Penney Co., 1 60 N. Liberty Loyal Warner, Warner Motoi Co., 430 N. Com'l Chos. H. Hellzel Heltzel & HeHzel, Pioneer 7 rust Building A. C. Haog, A. C. Haag Co., 2795 Silverton Road Emerson Teague, Teague Motor Co., 355 N. Liberty Charles Edwards Edwards & Howell, 545 N. Capitol Leo N. Childs. Realtor, 344 State St. Floyd Bower, Bowers, Davis & Hoffman Pioneer 1 rust Building Kenneth Pe-iy, Perry Drug, 129 S. Commercial W. E. Beaver Gilbert Bros., 363 N. High Thos. Dalke, Building Contractor, 1042 7th St.,' West Salem J. P. Neufeidt Retired Minister, 1 12 Miller, Dallas Salem Memorial Hospital Medical Staff President . DR. H. 6. SCHNEIDER Vice President DR. H. E. POOLE Secretary Treasurer . DR. W. H. NEEDHAM fpsnf fr It t i 6a tSgMKJ I . t .-V1tT IT t 4 "if :i x.tr Jt-iri "..' it ,- i f - ' Mrf,v Hum 2 ''V 4-' 3 X-Ray Department Our X-ray department hag also been enlarged and addition al equipment provided. Recent' ly Installed is a 4x5 Photo Roent gen Unit used to take man chest surveys. It Is also employed In other fluoroscopic diagnostic techniques. As In all other departments In the hospital the personnel is spe cially trained and qualified In each respective field. At present our X-ray depart ment is second to none In the atate In diagnostic facilities. Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon. Saturday. May 21, 194915 aiei,jMtiisMdfajaMU--HA..,i. - -,-rL- ... , l , it Dining Room Complete redecoratlon in the employes dining room and cafe teria has been carried out with new and pleasing modern color scheme throughout. Re-arranged making this dining room a convenient and workable unit. The ladies of the Memorial Hospital Auxiliary will serve refreshments in he dining room. In .51 WsMbIsWi WW,! IMMiW .i -BLIIi,J!il.l..ill. j 1 1 - ; t I Physical Therapy Department This is a department new not o.ily to the Salem Memorial Hospital but to the city of Salem. It has been added in keeping with our undeviatlng policy of giving the people of this commu nity the latest and be ft in modern medical care. '"' """"if tl '";iL'!l 1 ni if 3 ; 4 ? MiMr' 3 I? -5 .V. jLaiSto Surgery Group The surgical suite of the Salem Memorial Hospital has ust been completely remodeled, new Instruments, equipment and fix tures have been added greatly Improving the working arrange ments for both the doctors and nurses. Two new Castle -urgery lights have been Installed, giving the safest and best type of surgical lighting available to date. Other modern equipment includes a urology room complete with new urology table attached; X-ray unit, new short wave nd cautery apparatus